1 | /*
2 | * QtObservedInstanceBoard.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 17, 2015
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 |
11 |
12 | // include config.h
13 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
14 | #include <config.h>
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #include <QtGui/QWidget>
18 |
19 | #include "UIElements/Qt4/InstanceBoard/QtObservedAtom.hpp"
20 | #include "UIElements/Qt4/InstanceBoard/QtObservedMolecule.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include <map>
23 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
24 |
25 | #include "CodePatterns/Observer/Observer.hpp"
26 |
27 | #include "UIElements/Qt4/InstanceBoard/ObservedValue_types.hpp"
28 | #include "UIElements/Qt4/InstanceBoard/ObservedValuesContainer.hpp"
29 | #include "types.hpp"
30 |
31 | class GLWorldScene;
32 | class GLMoleculeObject_bond;
33 | class GLMoleculeObject_molecule;
34 |
35 | /** The QtObservedInstanceBoard is the central class for communicating instance
36 | * creation and destruction from MoleCuilder into the QtGui realm. It should be
37 | * thought of as an interface to allow for safe multi-threaded computing.
38 | *
39 | * The idea is as follows: As soon as a molecule is instantiated, all the QtGui
40 | * needs to access the instance (for displaying it) is wrapped up in a
41 | * ObservedValue. This ObservedValue separates the lifetime of the molecule object
42 | * from the information contained therein and thus makes the visual representation
43 | * independent of the life time. The Observer/Observable signal from the World,
44 | * i.e. World::MoleculeInserted, is caught (directly within the same thread) by
45 | * the QtObservedInstanceBoard. Here, we instantiate all ObservedValue's needed
46 | * for this specific molecule and store them in an internal map. Next, we emit
47 | * a Qt signal informing the QtGui part about the new molecule.
48 | * At some later stage, the QtGui will (probably in a different thread)
49 | * instantiate a GLMoleculeObject_molecule as a visual representation of the
50 | * molecule. It requests the ObservedValues from the QtObservedInstanceBoard
51 | * and uses these directly.
52 | * The QtObservedInstanceBoard also records all subjectKilled() signals from
53 | * each ObservedValue. Additionally, each class using the ObservedValues
54 | * additionally informs the QtObservedInstanceBoard when subjectKilled() was
55 | * called. If subjectKilled() for each ObservedValue of a molecule and from the
56 | * visual representation have been received, a removal Qt signal is emitted.
57 | *
58 | * The same holds for the atom
59 | */
60 | class QtObservedInstanceBoard : public QWidget, public Observer
61 | {
63 |
64 | public:
65 | /** Cstor of QtObservedInstanceBoard.
66 | *
67 | * \param _parent Qt parent to automatically destroy when parent is destroyed
68 | */
69 | QtObservedInstanceBoard(QWidget * _parent=0);
70 |
71 | /** Dstor of QtObservedInstanceBoard.
72 | *
73 | */
74 | ~QtObservedInstanceBoard();
75 |
76 | // Observer functions
77 | void update(Observable *publisher);
78 | void subjectKilled(Observable *publisher);
79 | void recieveNotification(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification);
80 |
81 | QtObservedAtom::ptr getObservedAtom(const atomId_t _id);
82 | QtObservedMolecule::ptr getObservedMolecule(const moleculeId_t _id);
83 | void markObservedAtomAsConnected(const atomId_t _id);
84 | void markObservedAtomAsDisconnected(const atomId_t _id);
85 | void markObservedAtomForErase(const atomId_t _id);
86 | void markObservedMoleculeAsConnected(const moleculeId_t _id);
87 | void markObservedMoleculeAsDisconnected(const moleculeId_t _id);
88 | void markObservedMoleculeForErase(const moleculeId_t _id);
89 |
90 | signals:
91 | void atomInserted(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid);
92 | void atomRemoved(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid);
93 | void atomIndexChanged(const atomId_t _oldid, const atomId_t _newid);
94 | void moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t _molid);
95 | void moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t _molid);
96 | void moleculeIndexChanged(const moleculeId_t _oldid, const moleculeId_t _newid);
97 |
98 | private:
99 | friend class GLWorldScene;
100 | friend class GLMoleculeObject_bond;
101 | friend class QtObservedAtom;
102 | friend class QtObservedMolecule;
103 |
104 | //!> indicating whether we are still signedOn to World or not
105 | bool WorldSignedOn;
106 |
107 | typedef std::multiset<Observable *> SignedOn_t;
108 | //!> map indicating to which atom we are currently signed on
109 | SignedOn_t AtomSignedOn;
110 | //!> map indicating to which molecule we are currently signed on
111 | SignedOn_t MoleculeSignedOn;
112 |
113 | /** Counts how many atom's ObservedValues got subjectKilled.
114 | *
115 | * This is used to give removal signal only when each and every
116 | * ObservedValue (and the instance itself) has been subjectKilled by the
117 | * monitored Observable. Only then can we safely remove the instance.
118 | *
119 | * \param _atomid id of the atom
120 | */
121 | void atomcountsubjectKilled(const atomId_t _atomid);
122 |
123 | /** Counts how many molecule's ObservedValues got subjectKilled.
124 | *
125 | * This is used to give removal signal only when each and every
126 | * ObservedValue (and the instance itself) has been subjectKilled by the
127 | * monitored Observable. Only then can we safely remove the instance.
128 | *
129 | * \param _molid id of the molecule
130 | */
131 | void moleculecountsubjectKilled(const moleculeId_t _molid);
132 |
133 | //!> container with all ObservedValues for each atom, associated by id
134 | ObservedValuesContainer<QtObservedAtom, atomId_t> atomObservedValues;
135 | //!> container with all ObservedValues for each molecule, associated by id
136 | ObservedValuesContainer<QtObservedMolecule, moleculeId_t> moleculeObservedValues;
137 |
138 | //!> stored callback function for notifying QtObservedInstanceBoard about subjectKilled in atom
139 | boost::function<void (const atomId_t)> atomSubjectKilled;
140 | //!> stored callback function for notifying QtObservedInstanceBoard about subjectKilled in molecule
141 | boost::function<void (const moleculeId_t)> moleculeSubjectKilled;
142 | //!> note down atom id of last removed atom to drop its ObservedValues
143 | atomId_t lastremovedatom;
144 |
145 | //!> note down atom id of last removed atom to drop its ObservedValues
146 | std::pair<moleculeId_t, atomId_t> lastremovedatomsmolecule;
147 |
148 | //!> note down molecule id of last removed molecule to drop its ObservedValues
149 | moleculeId_t lastremovedmolecule;
150 |
151 | };
152 |