1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | *
6 | *
7 | * This file is part of MoleCuilder.
8 | *
9 | * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
12 | * (at your option) any later version.
13 | *
14 | * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | *
19 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | */
22 |
23 | /*
24 | * tesselation.cpp
25 | *
26 | * Created on: Aug 3, 2009
27 | * Author: heber
28 | */
29 |
30 | // include config.h
31 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
32 | #include <config.h>
33 | #endif
34 |
35 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
36 |
37 | #include <algorithm>
38 | #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
39 | #include <fstream>
40 | #include <iomanip>
41 | #include <iterator>
42 | #include <sstream>
43 |
44 | #include "tesselation.hpp"
45 |
46 | #include "BoundaryPointSet.hpp"
47 | #include "BoundaryLineSet.hpp"
48 | #include "BoundaryTriangleSet.hpp"
49 | #include "BoundaryPolygonSet.hpp"
50 | #include "CandidateForTesselation.hpp"
51 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
52 | #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
53 | #include "CodePatterns/IteratorAdaptors.hpp"
54 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
55 | #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
56 | #include "Helpers/helpers.hpp"
57 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Exceptions.hpp"
58 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Line.hpp"
59 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Plane.hpp"
60 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
61 | #include "LinearAlgebra/vector_ops.hpp"
62 | #include "LinkedCell/IPointCloud.hpp"
63 | #include "LinkedCell/linkedcell.hpp"
64 | #include "LinkedCell/PointCloudAdaptor.hpp"
65 | #include "tesselationhelpers.hpp"
66 | #include "Atom/TesselPoint.hpp"
67 | #include "triangleintersectionlist.hpp"
68 |
69 | class molecule;
70 |
71 | const char *TecplotSuffix = ".dat";
72 | const char *Raster3DSuffix = ".r3d";
73 | const char *VRMLSUffix = ".wrl";
74 |
75 | const double ParallelEpsilon = 1e-3;
76 | const double Tesselation::HULLEPSILON = 1e-9;
77 |
78 | /** Constructor of class Tesselation.
79 | */
80 | Tesselation::Tesselation() :
81 | PointsOnBoundaryCount(0), LinesOnBoundaryCount(0), TrianglesOnBoundaryCount(0), LastTriangle(NULL), TriangleFilesWritten(0), InternalPointer(PointsOnBoundary.begin())
82 | {
83 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
84 | }
85 | ;
86 |
87 | /** Destructor of class Tesselation.
88 | * We have to free all points, lines and triangles.
89 | */
90 | Tesselation::~Tesselation()
91 | {
92 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
93 | LOG(2, "INFO: Free'ing TesselStruct ... ");
94 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); runner != TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); runner++) {
95 | if (runner->second != NULL) {
96 | delete (runner->second);
97 | runner->second = NULL;
98 | } else
99 | ELOG(1, "The triangle " << runner->first << " has already been free'd.");
100 | }
101 | LOG(1, "INFO: This envelope was written to file " << TriangleFilesWritten << " times(s).");
102 | }
103 |
104 | /** Performs tesselation of a given point \a cloud with rolling sphere of
105 | * \a SPHERERADIUS.
106 | *
107 | * @param cloud point cloud to tesselate
108 | * @param SPHERERADIUS radius of the rolling sphere
109 | */
110 | void Tesselation::operator()(IPointCloud & cloud, const double SPHERERADIUS)
111 | {
112 | // create linkedcell
113 | LinkedCell_deprecated *LinkedList = new LinkedCell_deprecated(cloud, 2. * SPHERERADIUS);
114 |
115 | // check for at least three points
116 | {
117 | bool ThreePointsFound = true;
118 | cloud.GoToFirst();
119 | for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i, cloud.GoToNext())
120 | ThreePointsFound &= (!cloud.IsEnd());
121 | cloud.GoToFirst();
122 | if (ThreePointsFound == false) {
123 | ELOG(2, "Less than 3 points in cloud, not enough for tesselation.");
124 | return;
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | // find a starting triangle
129 | FindStartingTriangle(SPHERERADIUS, LinkedList);
130 |
131 | CandidateForTesselation *baseline = NULL;
132 | BoundaryTriangleSet *T = NULL;
133 | bool OneLoopWithoutSuccessFlag = true;
134 | while ((!OpenLines.empty()) && (OneLoopWithoutSuccessFlag)) {
135 | // 2a. fill all new OpenLines
136 | for (CandidateMap::iterator Runner = OpenLines.begin(); Runner != OpenLines.end(); Runner++) {
137 | baseline = Runner->second;
138 | if (baseline->pointlist.empty()) {
139 | T = (((baseline->BaseLine->triangles.begin()))->second);
140 | //the line is there, so there is a triangle, but only one.
141 | #ifndef NDEBUG
142 | const bool TesselationFailFlag =
143 | #endif
144 | FindNextSuitableTriangle(*baseline, *T, SPHERERADIUS, LinkedList);
145 | ASSERT(TesselationFailFlag, "Tesselation::operator() - no suitable candidate triangle found.");
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | // 2b. search for smallest ShortestAngle among all candidates
150 | double ShortestAngle = 4. * M_PI;
151 | for (CandidateMap::iterator Runner = OpenLines.begin(); Runner != OpenLines.end(); Runner++) {
152 | if (Runner->second->ShortestAngle < ShortestAngle) {
153 | baseline = Runner->second;
154 | ShortestAngle = baseline->ShortestAngle;
155 | }
156 | }
157 | if ((ShortestAngle == 4. * M_PI) || (baseline->pointlist.empty()))
158 | OneLoopWithoutSuccessFlag = false;
159 | else {
160 | AddCandidatePolygon(*baseline, SPHERERADIUS, LinkedList);
161 | }
162 | }
163 |
164 | delete LinkedList;
165 | }
166 |
167 | /** Determines the volume of a tesselated convex envelope.
168 | *
169 | * @param IsAngstroem unit of length is angstroem or bohr radii
170 | * \return determined volume of envelope assumed being convex
171 | */
172 | double Tesselation::getVolumeOfConvexEnvelope(const bool IsAngstroem) const
173 | {
174 | // calculate center of gravity
175 | Vector center;
176 | if (!PointsOnBoundary.empty()) {
177 | for (PointMap::const_iterator iter = PointsOnBoundary.begin();
178 | iter != PointsOnBoundary.end(); ++iter)
179 | center += iter->second->node->getPosition();
180 | center *= 1./(double)PointsOnBoundary.size();
181 | }
182 |
183 | // 6a. Every triangle forms a pyramid with the center of gravity as its peak, sum up the volumes
184 | double volume = 0.;
185 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator runner = TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); runner != TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); runner++) { // go through every triangle, calculate volume of its pyramid with CoG as peak
186 | const double TetrahedronVolume = CalculateVolumeofGeneralTetraeder(
187 | runner->second->endpoints[0]->getPosition(),
188 | runner->second->endpoints[1]->getPosition(),
189 | runner->second->endpoints[2]->getPosition(),
190 | center);
191 | LOG(1, "INFO: volume of tetrahedron is " << setprecision(10) << TetrahedronVolume
192 | << " " << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3.");
193 | volume += TetrahedronVolume;
194 | }
195 | LOG(0, "RESULT: The summed volume is " << setprecision(6) << volume
196 | << " " << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3.");
197 |
198 | return volume;
199 | }
200 |
201 | /** Determines the area of a tesselated envelope.
202 | *
203 | * @param IsAngstroem unit of length is angstroem or bohr radii
204 | * \return determined surface area of the envelope
205 | */
206 | double Tesselation::getAreaOfEnvelope(const bool IsAngstroem) const
207 | {
208 | double surfacearea = 0.;
209 | Vector x;
210 | Vector y;
211 |
212 | // 6a. Every triangle forms a pyramid with the center of gravity as its peak, sum up the volumes
213 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator runner = TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); runner != TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); runner++) { // go through every triangle, calculate volume of its pyramid with CoG as peak
214 | const double area = runner->second->getArea();
215 | LOG(1, "INFO: Area of triangle is " << setprecision(10) << area << " " << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^2.");
216 | surfacearea += area;
217 | }
218 | LOG(0, "RESULT: The summed surface area is " << setprecision(6) << surfacearea << " " << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3.");
219 |
220 | return surfacearea;
221 | }
222 |
223 | /** Gueses first starting triangle of the convex envelope.
224 | * We guess the starting triangle by taking the smallest distance between two points and looking for a fitting third.
225 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
226 | * \param PointsOnBoundary set of boundary points defining the convex envelope of the cluster
227 | */
228 | void Tesselation::GuessStartingTriangle()
229 | {
230 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
231 | // 4b. create a starting triangle
232 | // 4b1. create all distances
233 | DistanceMultiMap DistanceMMap;
234 | double distance, tmp;
235 | Vector PlaneVector, TrialVector;
236 | PointMap::iterator A, B, C; // three nodes of the first triangle
237 | A = PointsOnBoundary.begin(); // the first may be chosen arbitrarily
238 |
239 | // with A chosen, take each pair B,C and sort
240 | if (A != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
241 | B = A;
242 | B++;
243 | for (; B != PointsOnBoundary.end(); B++) {
244 | C = B;
245 | C++;
246 | for (; C != PointsOnBoundary.end(); C++) {
247 | tmp = A->second->node->DistanceSquared(B->second->node->getPosition());
248 | distance = tmp * tmp;
249 | tmp = A->second->node->DistanceSquared(C->second->node->getPosition());
250 | distance += tmp * tmp;
251 | tmp = B->second->node->DistanceSquared(C->second->node->getPosition());
252 | distance += tmp * tmp;
253 | DistanceMMap.insert(DistanceMultiMapPair(distance, pair<PointMap::iterator, PointMap::iterator>(B, C)));
254 | }
255 | }
256 | }
257 | // // listing distances
258 | // if (DoLog(1)) {
259 | // std::stringstream output;
260 | // output << "Listing DistanceMMap:";
261 | // for(DistanceMultiMap::iterator runner = DistanceMMap.begin(); runner != DistanceMMap.end(); runner++) {
262 | // output << " " << runner->first << "(" << *runner->second.first->second << ", " << *runner->second.second->second << ")";
263 | // }
264 | // LOG(1, output.str());
265 | // }
266 | // 4b2. pick three baselines forming a triangle
267 | // 1. we take from the smallest sum of squared distance as the base line BC (with peak A) onward as the triangle candidate
268 | DistanceMultiMap::iterator baseline = DistanceMMap.begin();
269 | for (; baseline != DistanceMMap.end(); baseline++) {
270 | // we take from the smallest sum of squared distance as the base line BC (with peak A) onward as the triangle candidate
271 | // 2. next, we have to check whether all points reside on only one side of the triangle
272 | // 3. construct plane vector
273 | PlaneVector = Plane(A->second->node->getPosition(), baseline->second.first->second->node->getPosition(), baseline->second.second->second->node->getPosition()).getNormal();
274 | LOG(2, "Plane vector of candidate triangle is " << PlaneVector);
275 | // 4. loop over all points
276 | double sign = 0.;
277 | PointMap::iterator checker = PointsOnBoundary.begin();
278 | for (; checker != PointsOnBoundary.end(); checker++) {
279 | // (neglecting A,B,C)
280 | if ((checker == A) || (checker == baseline->second.first) || (checker == baseline->second.second))
281 | continue;
282 | // 4a. project onto plane vector
283 | TrialVector = (checker->second->node->getPosition() - A->second->node->getPosition());
284 | distance = TrialVector.ScalarProduct(PlaneVector);
285 | if (fabs(distance) < 1e-4) // we need to have a small epsilon around 0 which is still ok
286 | continue;
287 | LOG(2, "Projection of " << checker->second->node->getName() << " yields distance of " << distance << ".");
288 | tmp = distance / fabs(distance);
289 | // 4b. Any have different sign to than before? (i.e. would lie outside convex hull with this starting triangle)
290 | if ((sign != 0) && (tmp != sign)) {
291 | // 4c. If so, break 4. loop and continue with next candidate in 1. loop
292 | LOG(2, "Current candidates: " << A->second->node->getName() << "," << baseline->second.first->second->node->getName() << "," << baseline->second.second->second->node->getName() << " leaves " << checker->second->node->getName() << " outside the convex hull.");
293 | break;
294 | } else { // note the sign for later
295 | LOG(2, "Current candidates: " << A->second->node->getName() << "," << baseline->second.first->second->node->getName() << "," << baseline->second.second->second->node->getName() << " leave " << checker->second->node->getName() << " inside the convex hull.");
296 | sign = tmp;
297 | }
298 | // 4d. Check whether the point is inside the triangle (check distance to each node
299 | tmp = checker->second->node->DistanceSquared(A->second->node->getPosition());
300 | int innerpoint = 0;
301 | if ((tmp < A->second->node->DistanceSquared(baseline->second.first->second->node->getPosition())) && (tmp < A->second->node->DistanceSquared(baseline->second.second->second->node->getPosition())))
302 | innerpoint++;
303 | tmp = checker->second->node->DistanceSquared(baseline->second.first->second->node->getPosition());
304 | if ((tmp < baseline->second.first->second->node->DistanceSquared(A->second->node->getPosition())) && (tmp < baseline->second.first->second->node->DistanceSquared(baseline->second.second->second->node->getPosition())))
305 | innerpoint++;
306 | tmp = checker->second->node->DistanceSquared(baseline->second.second->second->node->getPosition());
307 | if ((tmp < baseline->second.second->second->node->DistanceSquared(baseline->second.first->second->node->getPosition())) && (tmp < baseline->second.second->second->node->DistanceSquared(A->second->node->getPosition())))
308 | innerpoint++;
309 | // 4e. If so, break 4. loop and continue with next candidate in 1. loop
310 | if (innerpoint == 3)
311 | break;
312 | }
313 | // 5. come this far, all on same side? Then break 1. loop and construct triangle
314 | if (checker == PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
315 | LOG(2, "Looks like we have a candidate!");
316 | break;
317 | }
318 | }
319 | if (baseline != DistanceMMap.end()) {
320 | BPS[0] = baseline->second.first->second;
321 | BPS[1] = baseline->second.second->second;
322 | BLS[0] = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, LinesOnBoundaryCount);
323 | BPS[0] = A->second;
324 | BPS[1] = baseline->second.second->second;
325 | BLS[1] = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, LinesOnBoundaryCount);
326 | BPS[0] = baseline->second.first->second;
327 | BPS[1] = A->second;
328 | BLS[2] = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, LinesOnBoundaryCount);
329 |
330 | // 4b3. insert created triangle
331 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
332 | TrianglesOnBoundary.insert(TrianglePair(TrianglesOnBoundaryCount, BTS));
333 | TrianglesOnBoundaryCount++;
334 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
335 | LinesOnBoundary.insert(LinePair(LinesOnBoundaryCount, BTS->lines[i]));
336 | LinesOnBoundaryCount++;
337 | }
338 |
339 | LOG(1, "Starting triangle is " << *BTS << ".");
340 | } else {
341 | ELOG(0, "No starting triangle found.");
342 | }
343 | }
344 | ;
345 |
346 | /** Tesselates the convex envelope of a cluster from a single starting triangle.
347 | * The starting triangle is made out of three baselines. Each line in the final tesselated cluster may belong to at most
348 | * 2 triangles. Hence, we go through all current lines:
349 | * -# if the lines contains to only one triangle
350 | * -# We search all points in the boundary
351 | * -# if the triangle is in forward direction of the baseline (at most 90 degrees angle between vector orthogonal to
352 | * baseline in triangle plane pointing out of the triangle and normal vector of new triangle)
353 | * -# if the triangle with the baseline and the current point has the smallest of angles (comparison between normal vectors)
354 | * -# then we have a new triangle, whose baselines we again add (or increase their TriangleCount)
355 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
356 | * \param *configuration for IsAngstroem
357 | * \param *cloud cluster of points
358 | */
359 | void Tesselation::TesselateOnBoundary(IPointCloud & cloud)
360 | {
361 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
362 | bool flag;
363 | PointMap::iterator winner;
364 | class BoundaryPointSet *peak = NULL;
365 | double SmallestAngle, TempAngle;
366 | Vector NormalVector, VirtualNormalVector, CenterVector, TempVector, helper, PropagationVector, *Center = NULL;
367 | LineMap::iterator LineChecker[2];
368 |
369 | Center = cloud.GetCenter();
370 | // create a first tesselation with the given BoundaryPoints
371 | do {
372 | flag = false;
373 | for (LineMap::iterator baseline = LinesOnBoundary.begin(); baseline != LinesOnBoundary.end(); baseline++)
374 | if (baseline->second->triangles.size() == 1) {
375 | // 5a. go through each boundary point if not _both_ edges between either endpoint of the current line and this point exist (and belong to 2 triangles)
376 | SmallestAngle = M_PI;
377 |
378 | // get peak point with respect to this base line's only triangle
379 | BTS = baseline->second->triangles.begin()->second; // there is only one triangle so far
380 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current baseline is between " << *(baseline->second) << ".");
381 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
382 | if ((BTS->endpoints[i] != baseline->second->endpoints[0]) && (BTS->endpoints[i] != baseline->second->endpoints[1]))
383 | peak = BTS->endpoints[i];
384 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: and has peak " << *peak << ".");
385 |
386 | // prepare some auxiliary vectors
387 | Vector BaseLineCenter, BaseLine;
388 | BaseLineCenter = 0.5 * ((baseline->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + (baseline->second->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()));
389 | BaseLine = (baseline->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - (baseline->second->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
390 |
391 | // offset to center of triangle
392 | CenterVector.Zero();
393 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
394 | CenterVector += BTS->getEndpoint(i);
395 | CenterVector.Scale(1. / 3.);
396 | LOG(2, "CenterVector of base triangle is " << CenterVector);
397 |
398 | // normal vector of triangle
399 | NormalVector = (*Center) - CenterVector;
400 | BTS->GetNormalVector(NormalVector);
401 | NormalVector = BTS->NormalVector;
402 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: NormalVector of base triangle is " << NormalVector);
403 |
404 | // vector in propagation direction (out of triangle)
405 | // project center vector onto triangle plane (points from intersection plane-NormalVector to plane-CenterVector intersection)
406 | PropagationVector = Plane(BaseLine, NormalVector, 0).getNormal();
407 | TempVector = CenterVector - (baseline->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()); // TempVector is vector on triangle plane pointing from one baseline egde towards center!
408 | //LOG(0, "Projection of propagation onto temp: " << PropagationVector.Projection(&TempVector) << ".");
409 | if (PropagationVector.ScalarProduct(TempVector) > 0) // make sure normal propagation vector points outward from baseline
410 | PropagationVector.Scale(-1.);
411 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: PropagationVector of base triangle is " << PropagationVector);
412 | winner = PointsOnBoundary.end();
413 |
414 | // loop over all points and calculate angle between normal vector of new and present triangle
415 | for (PointMap::iterator target = PointsOnBoundary.begin(); target != PointsOnBoundary.end(); target++) {
416 | if ((target->second != baseline->second->endpoints[0]) && (target->second != baseline->second->endpoints[1])) { // don't take the same endpoints
417 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Target point is " << *(target->second) << ":");
418 |
419 | // first check direction, so that triangles don't intersect
420 | VirtualNormalVector = (target->second->node->getPosition()) - BaseLineCenter;
421 | VirtualNormalVector.ProjectOntoPlane(NormalVector);
422 | TempAngle = VirtualNormalVector.Angle(PropagationVector);
423 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: VirtualNormalVector is " << VirtualNormalVector << " and PropagationVector is " << PropagationVector << ".");
424 | if (TempAngle > (M_PI / 2.)) { // no bends bigger than Pi/2 (90 degrees)
425 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Angle on triangle plane between propagation direction and base line to " << *(target->second) << " is " << TempAngle << ", bad direction!");
426 | continue;
427 | } else
428 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Angle on triangle plane between propagation direction and base line to " << *(target->second) << " is " << TempAngle << ", good direction!");
429 |
430 | // check first and second endpoint (if any connecting line goes to target has at least not more than 1 triangle)
431 | LineChecker[0] = baseline->second->endpoints[0]->lines.find(target->first);
432 | LineChecker[1] = baseline->second->endpoints[1]->lines.find(target->first);
433 | if (((LineChecker[0] != baseline->second->endpoints[0]->lines.end()) && (LineChecker[0]->second->triangles.size() == 2))) {
434 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: " << *(baseline->second->endpoints[0]) << " has line " << *(LineChecker[0]->second) << " to " << *(target->second) << " as endpoint with " << LineChecker[0]->second->triangles.size() << " triangles.");
435 | continue;
436 | }
437 | if (((LineChecker[1] != baseline->second->endpoints[1]->lines.end()) && (LineChecker[1]->second->triangles.size() == 2))) {
438 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: " << *(baseline->second->endpoints[1]) << " has line " << *(LineChecker[1]->second) << " to " << *(target->second) << " as endpoint with " << LineChecker[1]->second->triangles.size() << " triangles.");
439 | continue;
440 | }
441 |
442 | // check whether the envisaged triangle does not already exist (if both lines exist and have same endpoint)
443 | if ((((LineChecker[0] != baseline->second->endpoints[0]->lines.end()) && (LineChecker[1] != baseline->second->endpoints[1]->lines.end()) && (GetCommonEndpoint(LineChecker[0]->second, LineChecker[1]->second) == peak)))) {
444 | LOG(6, "DEBUG: Current target is peak!");
445 | continue;
446 | }
447 |
448 | // check for linear dependence
449 | TempVector = (baseline->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - (target->second->node->getPosition());
450 | helper = (baseline->second->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()) - (target->second->node->getPosition());
451 | helper.ProjectOntoPlane(TempVector);
452 | if (fabs(helper.NormSquared()) < MYEPSILON) {
453 | LOG(2, "Chosen set of vectors is linear dependent.");
454 | continue;
455 | }
456 |
457 | // in case NOT both were found, create virtually this triangle, get its normal vector, calculate angle
458 | flag = true;
459 | VirtualNormalVector = Plane((baseline->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()), (baseline->second->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()), (target->second->node->getPosition())).getNormal();
460 | TempVector = (1. / 3.) * ((baseline->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + (baseline->second->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()) + (target->second->node->getPosition()));
461 | TempVector -= (*Center);
462 | // make it always point outward
463 | if (VirtualNormalVector.ScalarProduct(TempVector) < 0)
464 | VirtualNormalVector.Scale(-1.);
465 | // calculate angle
466 | TempAngle = NormalVector.Angle(VirtualNormalVector);
467 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: NormalVector is " << VirtualNormalVector << " and the angle is " << TempAngle << ".");
468 | if ((SmallestAngle - TempAngle) > MYEPSILON) { // set to new possible winner
469 | SmallestAngle = TempAngle;
470 | winner = target;
471 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: New winner " << *winner->second->node << " due to smaller angle between normal vectors.");
472 | } else
473 | if (fabs(SmallestAngle - TempAngle) < MYEPSILON) { // check the angle to propagation, both possible targets are in one plane! (their normals have same angle)
474 | // hence, check the angles to some normal direction from our base line but in this common plane of both targets...
475 | helper = (target->second->node->getPosition()) - BaseLineCenter;
476 | helper.ProjectOntoPlane(BaseLine);
477 | // ...the one with the smaller angle is the better candidate
478 | TempVector = (target->second->node->getPosition()) - BaseLineCenter;
479 | TempVector.ProjectOntoPlane(VirtualNormalVector);
480 | TempAngle = TempVector.Angle(helper);
481 | TempVector = (winner->second->node->getPosition()) - BaseLineCenter;
482 | TempVector.ProjectOntoPlane(VirtualNormalVector);
483 | if (TempAngle < TempVector.Angle(helper)) {
484 | TempAngle = NormalVector.Angle(VirtualNormalVector);
485 | SmallestAngle = TempAngle;
486 | winner = target;
487 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: New winner " << *winner->second->node << " due to smaller angle " << TempAngle << " to propagation direction.");
488 | } else
489 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Keeping old winner " << *winner->second->node << " due to smaller angle to propagation direction.");
490 | } else
491 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Keeping old winner " << *winner->second->node << " due to smaller angle between normal vectors.");
492 | }
493 | } // end of loop over all boundary points
494 |
495 | // 5b. The point of the above whose triangle has the greatest angle with the triangle the current line belongs to (it only belongs to one, remember!): New triangle
496 | if (winner != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
497 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Winning target point is " << *(winner->second) << " with angle " << SmallestAngle << ".");
498 | // create the lins of not yet present
499 | BLS[0] = baseline->second;
500 | // 5c. add lines to the line set if those were new (not yet part of a triangle), delete lines that belong to two triangles)
501 | LineChecker[0] = baseline->second->endpoints[0]->lines.find(winner->first);
502 | LineChecker[1] = baseline->second->endpoints[1]->lines.find(winner->first);
503 | if (LineChecker[0] == baseline->second->endpoints[0]->lines.end()) { // create
504 | BPS[0] = baseline->second->endpoints[0];
505 | BPS[1] = winner->second;
506 | BLS[1] = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, LinesOnBoundaryCount);
507 | LinesOnBoundary.insert(LinePair(LinesOnBoundaryCount, BLS[1]));
508 | LinesOnBoundaryCount++;
509 | } else
510 | BLS[1] = LineChecker[0]->second;
511 | if (LineChecker[1] == baseline->second->endpoints[1]->lines.end()) { // create
512 | BPS[0] = baseline->second->endpoints[1];
513 | BPS[1] = winner->second;
514 | BLS[2] = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, LinesOnBoundaryCount);
515 | LinesOnBoundary.insert(LinePair(LinesOnBoundaryCount, BLS[2]));
516 | LinesOnBoundaryCount++;
517 | } else
518 | BLS[2] = LineChecker[1]->second;
519 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
520 | BTS->GetCenter(helper);
521 | helper -= (*Center);
522 | helper *= -1;
523 | BTS->GetNormalVector(helper);
524 | TrianglesOnBoundary.insert(TrianglePair(TrianglesOnBoundaryCount, BTS));
525 | TrianglesOnBoundaryCount++;
526 | } else {
527 | ELOG(2, "I could not determine a winner for this baseline " << *(baseline->second) << ".");
528 | }
529 |
530 | // 5d. If the set of lines is not yet empty, go to 5. and continue
531 | } else
532 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Baseline candidate " << *(baseline->second) << " has a triangle count of " << baseline->second->triangles.size() << ".");
533 | } while (flag);
534 |
535 | // exit
536 | delete (Center);
537 | }
538 | ;
539 |
540 | /** Inserts all points outside of the tesselated surface into it by adding new triangles.
541 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
542 | * \param *cloud cluster of points
543 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure to find nearest point quickly
544 | * \return true - all straddling points insert, false - something went wrong
545 | */
546 | bool Tesselation::InsertStraddlingPoints(IPointCloud & cloud, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC)
547 | {
548 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
549 | Vector Intersection, Normal;
550 | TesselPoint *Walker = NULL;
551 | Vector *Center = cloud.GetCenter();
552 | TriangleList *triangles = NULL;
553 | bool AddFlag = false;
554 | LinkedCell_deprecated *BoundaryPoints = NULL;
555 | bool SuccessFlag = true;
556 |
557 | cloud.GoToFirst();
558 | PointCloudAdaptor<Tesselation, MapValueIterator<Tesselation::iterator> > newcloud(this, cloud.GetName());
559 | BoundaryPoints = new LinkedCell_deprecated(newcloud, 5.);
560 | while (!cloud.IsEnd()) { // we only have to go once through all points, as boundary can become only bigger
561 | if (AddFlag) {
562 | delete (BoundaryPoints);
563 | BoundaryPoints = new LinkedCell_deprecated(newcloud, 5.);
564 | AddFlag = false;
565 | }
566 | Walker = cloud.GetPoint();
567 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current point is " << *Walker << ".");
568 | // get the next triangle
569 | triangles = FindClosestTrianglesToVector(Walker->getPosition(), BoundaryPoints);
570 | if (triangles != NULL)
571 | BTS = triangles->front();
572 | else
573 | BTS = NULL;
574 | delete triangles;
575 | if ((BTS == NULL) || (BTS->ContainsBoundaryPoint(Walker))) {
576 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: No triangles found, probably a tesselation point itself.");
577 | cloud.GoToNext();
578 | continue;
579 | } else {
580 | }
581 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Closest triangle is " << *BTS << ".");
582 | // get the intersection point
583 | if (BTS->GetIntersectionInsideTriangle(*Center, Walker->getPosition(), Intersection)) {
584 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: We have an intersection at " << Intersection << ".");
585 | // we have the intersection, check whether in- or outside of boundary
586 | if ((Center->DistanceSquared(Walker->getPosition()) - Center->DistanceSquared(Intersection)) < -MYEPSILON) {
587 | // inside, next!
588 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: " << *Walker << " is inside wrt triangle " << *BTS << ".");
589 | } else {
590 | // outside!
591 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: " << *Walker << " is outside wrt triangle " << *BTS << ".");
592 | class BoundaryLineSet *OldLines[3], *NewLines[3];
593 | class BoundaryPointSet *OldPoints[3], *NewPoint;
594 | // store the three old lines and old points
595 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
596 | OldLines[i] = BTS->lines[i];
597 | OldPoints[i] = BTS->endpoints[i];
598 | }
599 | Normal = BTS->NormalVector;
600 | // add Walker to boundary points
601 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Adding " << *Walker << " to BoundaryPoints.");
602 | AddFlag = true;
603 | if (AddBoundaryPoint(Walker, 0))
604 | NewPoint = BPS[0];
605 | else
606 | continue;
607 | // remove triangle
608 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Erasing triangle " << *BTS << ".");
609 | TrianglesOnBoundary.erase(BTS->Nr);
610 | delete (BTS);
611 | // create three new boundary lines
612 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
613 | BPS[0] = NewPoint;
614 | BPS[1] = OldPoints[i];
615 | NewLines[i] = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, LinesOnBoundaryCount);
616 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Creating new line " << *NewLines[i] << ".");
617 | LinesOnBoundary.insert(LinePair(LinesOnBoundaryCount, NewLines[i])); // no need for check for unique insertion as BPS[0] is definitely a new one
618 | LinesOnBoundaryCount++;
619 | }
620 | // create three new triangle with new point
621 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // find all baselines
622 | BLS[0] = OldLines[i];
623 | int n = 1;
624 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
625 | if (NewLines[j]->IsConnectedTo(BLS[0])) {
626 | if (n > 2) {
627 | ELOG(2, BLS[0] << " connects to all of the new lines?!");
628 | return false;
629 | } else
630 | BLS[n++] = NewLines[j];
631 | }
632 | }
633 | // create the triangle
634 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
635 | Normal.Scale(-1.);
636 | BTS->GetNormalVector(Normal);
637 | Normal.Scale(-1.);
638 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Created new triangle " << *BTS << ".");
639 | TrianglesOnBoundary.insert(TrianglePair(TrianglesOnBoundaryCount, BTS));
640 | TrianglesOnBoundaryCount++;
641 | }
642 | }
643 | } else { // something is wrong with FindClosestTriangleToPoint!
644 | ELOG(1, "The closest triangle did not produce an intersection!");
645 | SuccessFlag = false;
646 | break;
647 | }
648 | cloud.GoToNext();
649 | }
650 |
651 | // exit
652 | delete (Center);
653 | delete (BoundaryPoints);
654 | return SuccessFlag;
655 | }
656 | ;
657 |
658 | /** Adds a point to the tesselation::PointsOnBoundary list.
659 | * \param *Walker point to add
660 | * \param n TesselStruct::BPS index to put pointer into
661 | * \return true - new point was added, false - point already present
662 | */
663 | bool Tesselation::AddBoundaryPoint(TesselPoint * Walker, const int n)
664 | {
665 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
666 | PointTestPair InsertUnique;
667 | BPS[n] = new class BoundaryPointSet(Walker);
668 | InsertUnique = PointsOnBoundary.insert(PointPair(Walker->getNr(), BPS[n]));
669 | if (InsertUnique.second) { // if new point was not present before, increase counter
670 | PointsOnBoundaryCount++;
671 | return true;
672 | } else {
673 | delete (BPS[n]);
674 | BPS[n] = InsertUnique.first->second;
675 | return false;
676 | }
677 | }
678 | ;
679 |
680 | /** Adds point to Tesselation::PointsOnBoundary if not yet present.
681 | * Tesselation::TPS is set to either this new BoundaryPointSet or to the existing one of not unique.
682 | * @param Candidate point to add
683 | * @param n index for this point in Tesselation::TPS array
684 | */
685 | void Tesselation::AddTesselationPoint(TesselPoint* Candidate, const int n)
686 | {
687 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
688 | PointTestPair InsertUnique;
689 | TPS[n] = new class BoundaryPointSet(Candidate);
690 | InsertUnique = PointsOnBoundary.insert(PointPair(Candidate->getNr(), TPS[n]));
691 | if (InsertUnique.second) { // if new point was not present before, increase counter
692 | PointsOnBoundaryCount++;
693 | } else {
694 | delete TPS[n];
695 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Node " << *((InsertUnique.first)->second->node) << " is already present in PointsOnBoundary.");
696 | TPS[n] = (InsertUnique.first)->second;
697 | }
698 | }
699 | ;
700 |
701 | /** Sets point to a present Tesselation::PointsOnBoundary.
702 | * Tesselation::TPS is set to the existing one or NULL if not found.
703 | * @param Candidate point to set to
704 | * @param n index for this point in Tesselation::TPS array
705 | */
706 | void Tesselation::SetTesselationPoint(TesselPoint* Candidate, const int n) const
707 | {
708 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
709 | PointMap::const_iterator FindPoint = PointsOnBoundary.find(Candidate->getNr());
710 | if (FindPoint != PointsOnBoundary.end())
711 | TPS[n] = FindPoint->second;
712 | else
713 | TPS[n] = NULL;
714 | }
715 | ;
716 |
717 | /** Function tries to add line from current Points in BPS to BoundaryLineSet.
718 | * If successful it raises the line count and inserts the new line into the BLS,
719 | * if unsuccessful, it writes the line which had been present into the BLS, deleting the new constructed one.
720 | * @param *OptCenter desired OptCenter if there are more than one candidate line
721 | * @param *candidate third point of the triangle to be, for checking between multiple open line candidates
722 | * @param *a first endpoint
723 | * @param *b second endpoint
724 | * @param n index of Tesselation::BLS giving the line with both endpoints
725 | * @return true - inserted a new line, false - present line used
726 | */
727 | bool Tesselation::AddTesselationLine(const Vector * const OptCenter, const BoundaryPointSet * const candidate, class BoundaryPointSet *a, class BoundaryPointSet *b, const int n)
728 | {
729 | bool insertNewLine = true;
730 | LineMap::iterator FindLine = a->lines.find(b->node->getNr());
731 | BoundaryLineSet *WinningLine = NULL;
732 | if (FindLine != a->lines.end()) {
733 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: There is at least one line between " << *a << " and " << *b << ": " << *(FindLine->second) << ".");
734 |
735 | pair<LineMap::iterator, LineMap::iterator> FindPair;
736 | FindPair = a->lines.equal_range(b->node->getNr());
737 |
738 | for (FindLine = FindPair.first; (FindLine != FindPair.second) && (insertNewLine); FindLine++) {
739 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Checking line " << *(FindLine->second) << " ...");
740 | // If there is a line with less than two attached triangles, we don't need a new line.
741 | if (FindLine->second->triangles.size() == 1) {
742 | CandidateMap::iterator Finder = OpenLines.find(FindLine->second);
743 | ASSERT(Finder != OpenLines.end(), "Tesselation::AddTesselationLine() - " + toString(*FindLine->second) + " is not a new line and not in OpenLines.");
744 | if (Finder->second != NULL) {
745 | if (!Finder->second->pointlist.empty())
746 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: line " << *(FindLine->second) << " is open with candidate " << **(Finder->second->pointlist.begin()) << ".");
747 | else {
748 | LOG(4, "ACCEPT: line " << *(FindLine->second) << " is open with no candidate.");
749 | insertNewLine = false;
750 | WinningLine = FindLine->second;
751 | }
752 | // get open line
753 | for (TesselPointList::const_iterator CandidateChecker = Finder->second->pointlist.begin(); CandidateChecker != Finder->second->pointlist.end(); ++CandidateChecker) {
754 | if ((*(CandidateChecker) == candidate->node) && (OptCenter == NULL || OptCenter->DistanceSquared(Finder->second->OptCenter) < MYEPSILON)) { // stop searching if candidate matches
755 | LOG(4, "ACCEPT: Candidate " << *(*CandidateChecker) << " has the right center " << Finder->second->OptCenter << ".");
756 | insertNewLine = false;
757 | WinningLine = FindLine->second;
758 | break;
759 | } else {
760 | LOG(5, "REJECT: Candidate " << *(*CandidateChecker) << "'s center " << Finder->second->OptCenter << " does not match desired on " << *OptCenter << ".");
761 | }
762 | }
763 | } else {
764 | LOG(4, "ACCEPT: There are no candidates for present open line, use what we have.");
765 | insertNewLine = false;
766 | WinningLine = FindLine->second;
767 | }
768 | }
769 | }
770 | }
771 |
772 | if (insertNewLine) {
773 | AddNewTesselationTriangleLine(a, b, n);
774 | } else {
775 | AddExistingTesselationTriangleLine(WinningLine, n);
776 | }
777 |
778 | return insertNewLine;
779 | }
780 | ;
781 |
782 | /**
783 | * Adds lines from each of the current points in the BPS to BoundaryLineSet.
784 | * Raises the line count and inserts the new line into the BLS.
785 | *
786 | * @param *a first endpoint
787 | * @param *b second endpoint
788 | * @param n index of Tesselation::BLS giving the line with both endpoints
789 | */
790 | void Tesselation::AddNewTesselationTriangleLine(class BoundaryPointSet *a, class BoundaryPointSet *b, const int n)
791 | {
792 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
793 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Adding open line [" << LinesOnBoundaryCount << "|" << *(a->node) << " and " << *(b->node) << ".");
794 | BPS[0] = a;
795 | BPS[1] = b;
796 | BLS[n] = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, LinesOnBoundaryCount); // this also adds the line to the local maps
797 | // add line to global map
798 | LinesOnBoundary.insert(LinePair(LinesOnBoundaryCount, BLS[n]));
799 | // increase counter
800 | LinesOnBoundaryCount++;
801 | // also add to open lines
802 | CandidateForTesselation *CFT = new CandidateForTesselation(BLS[n]);
803 | OpenLines.insert(pair<BoundaryLineSet *, CandidateForTesselation *>(BLS[n], CFT));
804 | }
805 | ;
806 |
807 | /** Uses an existing line for a new triangle.
808 | * Sets Tesselation::BLS[\a n] and removes the lines from Tesselation::OpenLines.
809 | * \param *FindLine the line to add
810 | * \param n index of the line to set in Tesselation::BLS
811 | */
812 | void Tesselation::AddExistingTesselationTriangleLine(class BoundaryLineSet *Line, int n)
813 | {
814 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
815 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Using existing line " << *Line);
816 |
817 | // set endpoints and line
818 | BPS[0] = Line->endpoints[0];
819 | BPS[1] = Line->endpoints[1];
820 | BLS[n] = Line;
821 | // remove existing line from OpenLines
822 | CandidateMap::iterator CandidateLine = OpenLines.find(BLS[n]);
823 | if (CandidateLine != OpenLines.end()) {
824 | LOG(6, "DEBUG: Removing line from OpenLines.");
825 | delete (CandidateLine->second);
826 | OpenLines.erase(CandidateLine);
827 | } else {
828 | ELOG(1, "Line exists and is attached to less than two triangles, but not in OpenLines!");
829 | }
830 | }
831 | ;
832 |
833 | /** Function adds triangle to global list.
834 | * Furthermore, the triangle receives the next free id and id counter \a TrianglesOnBoundaryCount is increased.
835 | */
836 | void Tesselation::AddTesselationTriangle()
837 | {
838 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
839 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Adding triangle to global TrianglesOnBoundary map.");
840 |
841 | // add triangle to global map
842 | TrianglesOnBoundary.insert(TrianglePair(TrianglesOnBoundaryCount, BTS));
843 | TrianglesOnBoundaryCount++;
844 |
845 | // set as last new triangle
846 | LastTriangle = BTS;
847 |
848 | // NOTE: add triangle to local maps is done in constructor of BoundaryTriangleSet
849 | }
850 | ;
851 |
852 | /** Function adds triangle to global list.
853 | * Furthermore, the triangle number is set to \a Nr.
854 | * \param getNr() triangle number
855 | */
856 | void Tesselation::AddTesselationTriangle(const int nr)
857 | {
858 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
859 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Adding triangle to global TrianglesOnBoundary map.");
860 |
861 | // add triangle to global map
862 | TrianglesOnBoundary.insert(TrianglePair(nr, BTS));
863 |
864 | // set as last new triangle
865 | LastTriangle = BTS;
866 |
867 | // NOTE: add triangle to local maps is done in constructor of BoundaryTriangleSet
868 | }
869 | ;
870 |
871 | /** Removes a triangle from the tesselation.
872 | * Removes itself from the TriangleMap's of its lines, calls for them RemoveTriangleLine() if they are no more connected.
873 | * Removes itself from memory.
874 | * \param *triangle to remove
875 | */
876 | void Tesselation::RemoveTesselationTriangle(class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle)
877 | {
878 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
879 | if (triangle == NULL)
880 | return;
881 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
882 | if (triangle->lines[i] != NULL) {
883 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Removing triangle Nr." << triangle->Nr << " in line " << *triangle->lines[i] << ".");
884 | triangle->lines[i]->triangles.erase(triangle->Nr);
885 | std::stringstream output;
886 | output << *triangle->lines[i] << " is ";
887 | if (triangle->lines[i]->triangles.empty()) {
888 | output << "no more attached to any triangle, erasing.";
889 | RemoveTesselationLine(triangle->lines[i]);
890 | } else {
891 | output << "still attached to another triangle: ";
892 | for (TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner = triangle->lines[i]->triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner != triangle->lines[i]->triangles.end(); TriangleRunner++)
893 | output << "\t[" << (TriangleRunner->second)->Nr << "|" << *((TriangleRunner->second)->endpoints[0]) << ", " << *((TriangleRunner->second)->endpoints[1]) << ", " << *((TriangleRunner->second)->endpoints[2]) << "] \t";
894 | OpenLines.insert(pair<BoundaryLineSet *, CandidateForTesselation *>(triangle->lines[i], NULL));
895 | }
896 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: " << output.str());
897 | triangle->lines[i] = NULL; // free'd or not: disconnect
898 | } else
899 | ELOG(1, "This line " << i << " has already been free'd.");
900 | }
901 |
902 | if (TrianglesOnBoundary.erase(triangle->Nr))
903 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Removing triangle Nr. " << triangle->Nr << ".");
904 | delete (triangle);
905 | }
906 | ;
907 |
908 | /** Removes a line from the tesselation.
909 | * Removes itself from each endpoints' LineMap, then removes itself from global LinesOnBoundary list and free's the line.
910 | * \param *line line to remove
911 | */
912 | void Tesselation::RemoveTesselationLine(class BoundaryLineSet *line)
913 | {
914 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
915 | int Numbers[2];
916 |
917 | if (line == NULL)
918 | return;
919 | // get other endpoint number for finding copies of same line
920 | if (line->endpoints[1] != NULL)
921 | Numbers[0] = line->endpoints[1]->Nr;
922 | else
923 | Numbers[0] = -1;
924 | if (line->endpoints[0] != NULL)
925 | Numbers[1] = line->endpoints[0]->Nr;
926 | else
927 | Numbers[1] = -1;
928 |
929 | // erase from OpenLines if present
930 | {
931 | CandidateMap::iterator openlineiter = OpenLines.find(line);
932 | if (openlineiter != OpenLines.end())
933 | OpenLines.erase(openlineiter);
934 | }
935 |
936 | for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
937 | if (line->endpoints[i] != NULL) {
938 | if (Numbers[i] != -1) { // as there may be multiple lines with same endpoints, we have to go through each and find in the endpoint's line list this line set
939 | pair<LineMap::iterator, LineMap::iterator> erasor = line->endpoints[i]->lines.equal_range(Numbers[i]);
940 | for (LineMap::iterator Runner = erasor.first; Runner != erasor.second; Runner++)
941 | if ((*Runner).second == line) {
942 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Removing Line Nr. " << line->Nr << " in boundary point " << *line->endpoints[i] << ".");
943 | line->endpoints[i]->lines.erase(Runner);
944 | break;
945 | }
946 | } else { // there's just a single line left
947 | if (line->endpoints[i]->lines.erase(line->Nr))
948 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Removing Line Nr. " << line->Nr << " in boundary point " << *line->endpoints[i] << ".");
949 | }
950 | if (line->endpoints[i]->lines.empty()) {
951 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: " << *line->endpoints[i] << " has no more lines it's attached to, erasing.");
952 | RemoveTesselationPoint(line->endpoints[i]);
953 | } else
954 | if (DoLog(0)) {
955 | std::stringstream output;
956 | output << "DEBUG: " << *line->endpoints[i] << " has still lines it's attached to: ";
957 | for (LineMap::iterator LineRunner = line->endpoints[i]->lines.begin(); LineRunner != line->endpoints[i]->lines.end(); LineRunner++)
958 | output << "[" << *(LineRunner->second) << "] \t";
959 | LOG(4, output.str());
960 | }
961 | line->endpoints[i] = NULL; // free'd or not: disconnect
962 | } else
963 | ELOG(4, "DEBUG: Endpoint " << i << " has already been free'd.");
964 | }
965 | if (!line->triangles.empty())
966 | ELOG(2, "Memory Leak! I " << *line << " am still connected to some triangles.");
967 |
968 | if (LinesOnBoundary.erase(line->Nr))
969 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Removing line Nr. " << line->Nr << ".");
970 | delete (line);
971 | }
972 | ;
973 |
974 | /** Removes a point from the tesselation.
975 | * Checks whether there are still lines connected, removes from global PointsOnBoundary list, then free's the point.
976 | * \note If a point should be removed, while keep the tesselated surface intact (i.e. closed), use RemovePointFromTesselatedSurface()
977 | * \param *point point to remove
978 | */
979 | void Tesselation::RemoveTesselationPoint(class BoundaryPointSet *point)
980 | {
981 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
982 | if (point == NULL)
983 | return;
984 | if (PointsOnBoundary.erase(point->Nr))
985 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Removing point Nr. " << point->Nr << ".");
986 | delete (point);
987 | }
988 | ;
989 |
990 | /** Checks validity of a given sphere of a candidate line.
991 | * \sa CandidateForTesselation::CheckValidity(), which is more evolved.
992 | * We check CandidateForTesselation::OtherOptCenter
993 | * \param &CandidateLine contains other degenerated candidates which we have to subtract as well
994 | * \param RADIUS radius of sphere
995 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure with other atoms
996 | * \return true - candidate triangle is degenerated, false - candidate triangle is not degenerated
997 | */
998 | bool Tesselation::CheckDegeneracy(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC) const
999 | {
1000 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1001 |
1002 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Checking degeneracy by whether sphere contains no others points ...");
1003 | bool flag = true;
1004 |
1005 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Check by: draw sphere {" << CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter[0] << " " << CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter[1] << " " << CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter[2] << "} radius " << RADIUS << " resolution 30");
1006 | // get all points inside the sphere
1007 | TesselPointList *ListofPoints = LC->GetPointsInsideSphere(RADIUS, &CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter);
1008 |
1009 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: CheckDegeneracy: There are " << ListofPoints->size() << " points inside the sphere.");
1010 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: The following atoms are inside sphere at " << CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter << ":");
1011 | for (TesselPointList::const_iterator Runner = ListofPoints->begin(); Runner != ListofPoints->end(); ++Runner)
1012 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: " << *(*Runner) << " with distance " << (*Runner)->distance(CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter) << ".");
1013 |
1014 | // remove triangles's endpoints
1015 | for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1016 | ListofPoints->remove(CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[i]->node);
1017 |
1018 | // remove other candidates
1019 | for (TesselPointList::const_iterator Runner = CandidateLine.pointlist.begin(); Runner != CandidateLine.pointlist.end(); ++Runner)
1020 | ListofPoints->remove(*Runner);
1021 |
1022 | // check for other points
1023 | if (!ListofPoints->empty()) {
1024 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: CheckDegeneracy: There are still " << ListofPoints->size() << " points inside the sphere.");
1025 | flag = false;
1026 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: External atoms inside of sphere at " << CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter << ":");
1027 | for (TesselPointList::const_iterator Runner = ListofPoints->begin(); Runner != ListofPoints->end(); ++Runner)
1028 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: " << *(*Runner) << " with distance " << (*Runner)->distance(CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter) << ".");
1029 | }
1030 | delete ListofPoints;
1031 |
1032 | return flag;
1033 | }
1034 | ;
1035 |
1036 | /** Checks whether the triangle consisting of the three points is already present.
1037 | * Searches for the points in Tesselation::PointsOnBoundary and checks their
1038 | * lines. If any of the three edges already has two triangles attached, false is
1039 | * returned.
1040 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1041 | * \param *Candidates endpoints of the triangle candidate
1042 | * \return integer 0 if no triangle exists, 1 if one triangle exists, 2 if two
1043 | * triangles exist which is the maximum for three points
1044 | */
1045 | int Tesselation::CheckPresenceOfTriangle(TesselPoint *Candidates[3]) const
1046 | {
1047 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1048 | int adjacentTriangleCount = 0;
1049 | class BoundaryPointSet *Points[3];
1050 |
1051 | // builds a triangle point set (Points) of the end points
1052 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1053 | PointMap::const_iterator FindPoint = PointsOnBoundary.find(Candidates[i]->getNr());
1054 | if (FindPoint != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
1055 | Points[i] = FindPoint->second;
1056 | } else {
1057 | Points[i] = NULL;
1058 | }
1059 | }
1060 |
1061 | // checks lines between the points in the Points for their adjacent triangles
1062 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1063 | if (Points[i] != NULL) {
1064 | for (int j = i; j < 3; j++) {
1065 | if (Points[j] != NULL) {
1066 | LineMap::const_iterator FindLine = Points[i]->lines.find(Points[j]->node->getNr());
1067 | for (; (FindLine != Points[i]->lines.end()) && (FindLine->first == Points[j]->node->getNr()); FindLine++) {
1068 | TriangleMap *triangles = &FindLine->second->triangles;
1069 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Current line is " << FindLine->first << ": " << *(FindLine->second) << " with triangles " << triangles << ".");
1070 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator FindTriangle = triangles->begin(); FindTriangle != triangles->end(); FindTriangle++) {
1071 | if (FindTriangle->second->IsPresentTupel(Points)) {
1072 | adjacentTriangleCount++;
1073 | }
1074 | }
1075 | }
1076 | // Only one of the triangle lines must be considered for the triangle count.
1077 | //LOG(5, "DEBUG: Found " << adjacentTriangleCount << " adjacent triangles for the point set.");
1078 | //return adjacentTriangleCount;
1079 | }
1080 | }
1081 | }
1082 | }
1083 |
1084 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Found " << adjacentTriangleCount << " adjacent triangles for the point set.");
1085 | return adjacentTriangleCount;
1086 | }
1087 | ;
1088 |
1089 | /** Checks whether the triangle consisting of the three points is already present.
1090 | * Searches for the points in Tesselation::PointsOnBoundary and checks their
1091 | * lines. If any of the three edges already has two triangles attached, false is
1092 | * returned.
1093 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1094 | * \param *Candidates endpoints of the triangle candidate
1095 | * \return NULL - none found or pointer to triangle
1096 | */
1097 | class BoundaryTriangleSet * Tesselation::GetPresentTriangle(TesselPoint *Candidates[3])
1098 | {
1099 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1100 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL;
1101 | class BoundaryPointSet *Points[3];
1102 |
1103 | // builds a triangle point set (Points) of the end points
1104 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1105 | PointMap::iterator FindPoint = PointsOnBoundary.find(Candidates[i]->getNr());
1106 | if (FindPoint != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
1107 | Points[i] = FindPoint->second;
1108 | } else {
1109 | Points[i] = NULL;
1110 | }
1111 | }
1112 |
1113 | // checks lines between the points in the Points for their adjacent triangles
1114 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1115 | if (Points[i] != NULL) {
1116 | for (int j = i; j < 3; j++) {
1117 | if (Points[j] != NULL) {
1118 | LineMap::iterator FindLine = Points[i]->lines.find(Points[j]->node->getNr());
1119 | for (; (FindLine != Points[i]->lines.end()) && (FindLine->first == Points[j]->node->getNr()); FindLine++) {
1120 | TriangleMap *triangles = &FindLine->second->triangles;
1121 | for (TriangleMap::iterator FindTriangle = triangles->begin(); FindTriangle != triangles->end(); FindTriangle++) {
1122 | if (FindTriangle->second->IsPresentTupel(Points)) {
1123 | if ((triangle == NULL) || (triangle->Nr > FindTriangle->second->Nr))
1124 | triangle = FindTriangle->second;
1125 | }
1126 | }
1127 | }
1128 | // Only one of the triangle lines must be considered for the triangle count.
1129 | //LOG(5, "DEBUG: Found " << adjacentTriangleCount << " adjacent triangles for the point set.");
1130 | //return adjacentTriangleCount;
1131 | }
1132 | }
1133 | }
1134 | }
1135 |
1136 | return triangle;
1137 | }
1138 | ;
1139 |
1140 | /** Finds the starting triangle for FindNonConvexBorder().
1141 | * Looks at the outermost point per axis, then FindSecondPointForTesselation()
1142 | * for the second and FindNextSuitablePointViaAngleOfSphere() for the third
1143 | * point are called.
1144 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1145 | * \param RADIUS radius of virtual rolling sphere
1146 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure with neighbouring TesselPoint's
1147 | * \return true - a starting triangle has been created, false - no valid triple of points found
1148 | */
1149 | bool Tesselation::FindStartingTriangle(const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC)
1150 | {
1151 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1152 | int i = 0;
1153 | TesselPoint* MaxPoint[NDIM];
1154 | TesselPoint* Temporary;
1155 | double maxCoordinate[NDIM];
1156 | BoundaryLineSet *BaseLine = NULL;
1157 | Vector helper;
1158 | Vector Chord;
1159 | Vector SearchDirection;
1160 | Vector CircleCenter; // center of the circle, i.e. of the band of sphere's centers
1161 | Vector CirclePlaneNormal; // normal vector defining the plane this circle lives in
1162 | Vector SphereCenter;
1163 | Vector NormalVector;
1164 |
1165 | NormalVector.Zero();
1166 |
1167 | for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1168 | MaxPoint[i] = NULL;
1169 | maxCoordinate[i] = -10e30;
1170 | }
1171 |
1172 | // 1. searching topmost point with respect to each axis
1173 | LOG(2, "INFO: Searching for topmost pointer from each axis.");
1174 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) { // each axis
1175 | LC->n[i] = LC->N[i] - 1; // current axis is topmost cell
1176 | const int map[NDIM] = {i, (i + 1) % NDIM, (i + 2) % NDIM};
1177 | for (LC->n[map[1]] = 0; LC->n[map[1]] < LC->N[map[1]]; LC->n[map[1]]++)
1178 | for (LC->n[map[2]] = 0; LC->n[map[2]] < LC->N[map[2]]; LC->n[map[2]]++) {
1179 | const TesselPointSTLList *List = LC->GetCurrentCell();
1180 | //LOG(1, "Current cell is " << LC->n[0] << ", " << LC->n[1] << ", " << LC->n[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << ".");
1181 | if (List != NULL) {
1182 | for (TesselPointSTLList::const_iterator Runner = List->begin(); Runner != List->end(); Runner++) {
1183 | if ((*Runner)->at(map[0]) > maxCoordinate[map[0]]) {
1184 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: New maximal for axis " << map[0] << " node is " << *(*Runner) << " at " << (*Runner)->getPosition() << ".");
1185 | maxCoordinate[map[0]] = (*Runner)->at(map[0]);
1186 | MaxPoint[map[0]] = (*Runner);
1187 | }
1188 | }
1189 | } else {
1190 | ELOG(1, "The current cell " << LC->n[0] << "," << LC->n[1] << "," << LC->n[2] << " is invalid!");
1191 | }
1192 | }
1193 | }
1194 |
1195 | if (DoLog(3)) {
1196 | std::stringstream output;
1197 | output << "Found maximum coordinates: ";
1198 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
1199 | output << i << ": " << *MaxPoint[i] << "\t";
1200 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: " << output.str());
1201 | }
1202 |
1203 | BTS = NULL;
1204 | for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++) {
1205 | NormalVector.Zero();
1206 | NormalVector[k] = 1.;
1207 | BaseLine = new BoundaryLineSet();
1208 | BaseLine->endpoints[0] = new BoundaryPointSet(MaxPoint[k]);
1209 | LOG(2, "INFO: Coordinates of start node at " << *BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node << ".");
1210 |
1211 | double ShortestAngle;
1212 | ShortestAngle = 999999.; // This will contain the angle, which will be always positive (when looking for second point), when looking for third point this will be the quadrant.
1213 |
1214 | Temporary = NULL;
1215 | FindSecondPointForTesselation(BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node, NormalVector, Temporary, &ShortestAngle, RADIUS, LC); // we give same point as next candidate as its bonds are looked into in find_second_...
1216 | if (Temporary == NULL) {
1217 | // have we found a second point?
1218 | delete BaseLine;
1219 | continue;
1220 | }
1221 | BaseLine->endpoints[1] = new BoundaryPointSet(Temporary);
1222 | LOG(2, "INFO: Second node is at " << *Temporary << ".");
1223 |
1224 | // construct center of circle
1225 | CircleCenter = 0.5 * ((BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + (BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()));
1226 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: CircleCenter is at " << CircleCenter << ".");
1227 |
1228 | // construct normal vector of circle
1229 | CirclePlaneNormal = (BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - (BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
1230 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: CirclePlaneNormal is at " << CirclePlaneNormal << ".");
1231 |
1232 | double radius = CirclePlaneNormal.NormSquared();
1233 | double CircleRadius = sqrt(RADIUS * RADIUS - radius / 4.);
1234 |
1235 | NormalVector.ProjectOntoPlane(CirclePlaneNormal);
1236 | NormalVector.Normalize();
1237 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: NormalVector is at " << NormalVector << ".");
1238 | ShortestAngle = 2. * M_PI; // This will indicate the quadrant.
1239 |
1240 | SphereCenter = (CircleRadius * NormalVector) + CircleCenter;
1241 | // Now, NormalVector and SphereCenter are two orthonormalized vectors in the plane defined by CirclePlaneNormal (not normalized)
1242 |
1243 | // look in one direction of baseline for initial candidate
1244 | try {
1245 | SearchDirection = Plane(CirclePlaneNormal, NormalVector, 0).getNormal(); // whether we look "left" first or "right" first is not important ...
1246 | } catch (LinearAlgebraException &e) {
1247 | ELOG(1, "Vectors are linear dependent: " << CirclePlaneNormal << ", " << NormalVector << ".");
1248 | delete BaseLine;
1249 | continue;
1250 | }
1251 |
1252 | // adding point 1 and point 2 and add the line between them
1253 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Found second point is at " << *BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node << ".");
1254 |
1255 | //LOG(1, "INFO: OldSphereCenter is at " << helper << ".");
1256 | CandidateForTesselation OptCandidates(BaseLine);
1257 | FindThirdPointForTesselation(NormalVector, SearchDirection, SphereCenter, OptCandidates, NULL, RADIUS, LC);
1258 | {
1259 | std::stringstream output;
1260 | for (TesselPointList::iterator it = OptCandidates.pointlist.begin(); it != OptCandidates.pointlist.end(); it++)
1261 | output << *(*it);
1262 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: List of third Points is: " << output.str());
1263 | }
1264 | if (!OptCandidates.pointlist.empty()) {
1265 | BTS = NULL;
1266 | AddCandidatePolygon(OptCandidates, RADIUS, LC);
1267 | } else {
1268 | delete BaseLine;
1269 | continue;
1270 | }
1271 |
1272 | if (BTS != NULL) { // we have created one starting triangle
1273 | delete BaseLine;
1274 | break;
1275 | } else {
1276 | // remove all candidates from the list and then the list itself
1277 | OptCandidates.pointlist.clear();
1278 | }
1279 | delete BaseLine;
1280 | }
1281 |
1282 | return (BTS != NULL);
1283 | }
1284 | ;
1285 |
1286 | /** Checks for a given baseline and a third point candidate whether baselines of the found triangle don't have even better candidates.
1287 | * This is supposed to prevent early closing of the tesselation.
1288 | * \param CandidateLine CandidateForTesselation with baseline and shortestangle , i.e. not \a *OptCandidate
1289 | * \param *ThirdNode third point in triangle, not in BoundaryLineSet::endpoints
1290 | * \param RADIUS radius of sphere
1291 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure
1292 | * \return true - there is a better candidate (smaller angle than \a ShortestAngle), false - no better TesselPoint candidate found
1293 | */
1294 | //bool Tesselation::HasOtherBaselineBetterCandidate(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const TesselPoint * const ThirdNode, double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated * const LC) const
1295 | //{
1296 | // //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1297 | // bool result = false;
1298 | // Vector CircleCenter;
1299 | // Vector CirclePlaneNormal;
1300 | // Vector OldSphereCenter;
1301 | // Vector SearchDirection;
1302 | // Vector helper;
1303 | // TesselPoint *OtherOptCandidate = NULL;
1304 | // double OtherShortestAngle = 2.*M_PI; // This will indicate the quadrant.
1305 | // double radius, CircleRadius;
1306 | // BoundaryLineSet *Line = NULL;
1307 | // BoundaryTriangleSet *T = NULL;
1308 | //
1309 | // // check both other lines
1310 | // PointMap::const_iterator FindPoint = PointsOnBoundary.find(ThirdNode->getNr());
1311 | // if (FindPoint != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
1312 | // for (int i=0;i<2;i++) {
1313 | // LineMap::const_iterator FindLine = (FindPoint->second)->lines.find(BaseRay->endpoints[0]->node->getNr());
1314 | // if (FindLine != (FindPoint->second)->lines.end()) {
1315 | // Line = FindLine->second;
1316 | // LOG(0, "Found line " << *Line << ".");
1317 | // if (Line->triangles.size() == 1) {
1318 | // T = Line->triangles.begin()->second;
1319 | // // construct center of circle
1320 | // CircleCenter.CopyVector(Line->endpoints[0]->node->node);
1321 | // CircleCenter.AddVector(Line->endpoints[1]->node->node);
1322 | // CircleCenter.Scale(0.5);
1323 | //
1324 | // // construct normal vector of circle
1325 | // CirclePlaneNormal.CopyVector(Line->endpoints[0]->node->node);
1326 | // CirclePlaneNormal.SubtractVector(Line->endpoints[1]->node->node);
1327 | //
1328 | // // calculate squared radius of circle
1329 | // radius = CirclePlaneNormal.ScalarProduct(&CirclePlaneNormal);
1330 | // if (radius/4. < RADIUS*RADIUS) {
1331 | // CircleRadius = RADIUS*RADIUS - radius/4.;
1332 | // CirclePlaneNormal.Normalize();
1333 | // //LOG(1, "INFO: CircleCenter is at " << CircleCenter << ", CirclePlaneNormal is " << CirclePlaneNormal << " with circle radius " << sqrt(CircleRadius) << ".");
1334 | //
1335 | // // construct old center
1336 | // GetCenterofCircumcircle(&OldSphereCenter, *T->endpoints[0]->node->node, *T->endpoints[1]->node->node, *T->endpoints[2]->node->node);
1337 | // helper.CopyVector(&T->NormalVector); // normal vector ensures that this is correct center of the two possible ones
1338 | // radius = Line->endpoints[0]->node->node->DistanceSquared(&OldSphereCenter);
1339 | // helper.Scale(sqrt(RADIUS*RADIUS - radius));
1340 | // OldSphereCenter.AddVector(&helper);
1341 | // OldSphereCenter.SubtractVector(&CircleCenter);
1342 | // //LOG(1, "INFO: OldSphereCenter is at " << OldSphereCenter << ".");
1343 | //
1344 | // // construct SearchDirection
1345 | // SearchDirection.MakeNormalVector(&T->NormalVector, &CirclePlaneNormal);
1346 | // helper.CopyVector(Line->endpoints[0]->node->node);
1347 | // helper.SubtractVector(ThirdNode->node);
1348 | // if (helper.ScalarProduct(&SearchDirection) < -HULLEPSILON)// ohoh, SearchDirection points inwards!
1349 | // SearchDirection.Scale(-1.);
1350 | // SearchDirection.ProjectOntoPlane(&OldSphereCenter);
1351 | // SearchDirection.Normalize();
1352 | // LOG(1, "INFO: SearchDirection is " << SearchDirection << ".");
1353 | // if (fabs(OldSphereCenter.ScalarProduct(&SearchDirection)) > HULLEPSILON) {
1354 | // // rotated the wrong way!
1355 | // ELOG(1, "SearchDirection and RelativeOldSphereCenter are still not orthogonal!");
1356 | // }
1357 | //
1358 | // // add third point
1359 | // FindThirdPointForTesselation(T->NormalVector, SearchDirection, OldSphereCenter, OptCandidates, ThirdNode, RADIUS, LC);
1360 | // for (TesselPointList::iterator it = OptCandidates.pointlist.begin(); it != OptCandidates.pointlist.end(); ++it) {
1361 | // if (((*it) == BaseRay->endpoints[0]->node) || ((*it) == BaseRay->endpoints[1]->node)) // skip if it's the same triangle than suggested
1362 | // continue;
1363 | // LOG(1, "INFO: Third point candidate is " << (*it)
1364 | // << " with circumsphere's center at " << (*it)->OptCenter << ".");
1365 | // LOG(1, "INFO: Baseline is " << *BaseRay);
1366 | //
1367 | // // check whether all edges of the new triangle still have space for one more triangle (i.e. TriangleCount <2)
1368 | // TesselPoint *PointCandidates[3];
1369 | // PointCandidates[0] = (*it);
1370 | // PointCandidates[1] = BaseRay->endpoints[0]->node;
1371 | // PointCandidates[2] = BaseRay->endpoints[1]->node;
1372 | // bool check=false;
1373 | // int existentTrianglesCount = CheckPresenceOfTriangle(PointCandidates);
1374 | // // If there is no triangle, add it regularly.
1375 | // if (existentTrianglesCount == 0) {
1376 | // SetTesselationPoint((*it), 0);
1377 | // SetTesselationPoint(BaseRay->endpoints[0]->node, 1);
1378 | // SetTesselationPoint(BaseRay->endpoints[1]->node, 2);
1379 | //
1380 | // if (CheckLineCriteriaForDegeneratedTriangle((const BoundaryPointSet ** const )TPS)) {
1381 | // OtherOptCandidate = (*it);
1382 | // check = true;
1383 | // }
1384 | // } else if ((existentTrianglesCount >= 1) && (existentTrianglesCount <= 3)) { // If there is a planar region within the structure, we need this triangle a second time.
1385 | // SetTesselationPoint((*it), 0);
1386 | // SetTesselationPoint(BaseRay->endpoints[0]->node, 1);
1387 | // SetTesselationPoint(BaseRay->endpoints[1]->node, 2);
1388 | //
1389 | // // We demand that at most one new degenerate line is created and that this line also already exists (which has to be the case due to existentTrianglesCount == 1)
1390 | // // i.e. at least one of the three lines must be present with TriangleCount <= 1
1391 | // if (CheckLineCriteriaForDegeneratedTriangle((const BoundaryPointSet ** const)TPS)) {
1392 | // OtherOptCandidate = (*it);
1393 | // check = true;
1394 | // }
1395 | // }
1396 | //
1397 | // if (check) {
1398 | // if (ShortestAngle > OtherShortestAngle) {
1399 | // LOG(0, "There is a better candidate than " << *ThirdNode << " with " << ShortestAngle << " from baseline " << *Line << ": " << *OtherOptCandidate << " with " << OtherShortestAngle << ".");
1400 | // result = true;
1401 | // break;
1402 | // }
1403 | // }
1404 | // }
1405 | // delete(OptCandidates);
1406 | // if (result)
1407 | // break;
1408 | // } else {
1409 | // LOG(0, "Circumcircle for base line " << *Line << " and base triangle " << T << " is too big!");
1410 | // }
1411 | // } else {
1412 | // ELOG(2, "Baseline is connected to two triangles already?");
1413 | // }
1414 | // } else {
1415 | // LOG(1, "No present baseline between " << BaseRay->endpoints[0] << " and candidate " << *ThirdNode << ".");
1416 | // }
1417 | // }
1418 | // } else {
1419 | // ELOG(1, "Could not find the TesselPoint " << *ThirdNode << ".");
1420 | // }
1421 | //
1422 | // return result;
1423 | //};
1424 | /** This function finds a triangle to a line, adjacent to an existing one.
1425 | * @param out output stream for debugging
1426 | * @param CandidateLine current cadndiate baseline to search from
1427 | * @param T current triangle which \a Line is edge of
1428 | * @param RADIUS radius of the rolling ball
1429 | * @param N number of found triangles
1430 | * @param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure with neighbouring points
1431 | * @return false - no suitable candidate found
1432 | */
1433 | bool Tesselation::FindNextSuitableTriangle(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const BoundaryTriangleSet &T, const double& RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC)
1434 | {
1435 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1436 | Vector CircleCenter;
1437 | Vector CirclePlaneNormal;
1438 | Vector RelativeSphereCenter;
1439 | Vector SearchDirection;
1440 | Vector helper;
1441 | BoundaryPointSet *ThirdPoint = NULL;
1442 | LineMap::iterator testline;
1443 | double radius, CircleRadius;
1444 |
1445 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1446 | if ((T.endpoints[i] != CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]) && (T.endpoints[i] != CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1])) {
1447 | ThirdPoint = T.endpoints[i];
1448 | break;
1449 | }
1450 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current baseline is " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " with ThirdPoint " << *ThirdPoint << " of triangle " << T << ".");
1451 |
1452 | CandidateLine.T = &T;
1453 |
1454 | // construct center of circle
1455 | CircleCenter = 0.5 * ((CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + (CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()));
1456 |
1457 | // construct normal vector of circle
1458 | CirclePlaneNormal = (CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - (CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
1459 |
1460 | // calculate squared radius of circle
1461 | radius = CirclePlaneNormal.ScalarProduct(CirclePlaneNormal);
1462 | if (radius / 4. < RADIUS * RADIUS) {
1463 | // construct relative sphere center with now known CircleCenter
1464 | RelativeSphereCenter = T.SphereCenter - CircleCenter;
1465 |
1466 | CircleRadius = RADIUS * RADIUS - radius / 4.;
1467 | CirclePlaneNormal.Normalize();
1468 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: CircleCenter is at " << CircleCenter << ", CirclePlaneNormal is " << CirclePlaneNormal << " with circle radius " << sqrt(CircleRadius) << ".");
1469 |
1470 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: OldSphereCenter is at " << T.SphereCenter << ".");
1471 |
1472 | // construct SearchDirection and an "outward pointer"
1473 | SearchDirection = Plane(RelativeSphereCenter, CirclePlaneNormal, 0).getNormal();
1474 | helper = CircleCenter - (ThirdPoint->node->getPosition());
1475 | if (helper.ScalarProduct(SearchDirection) < -HULLEPSILON) // ohoh, SearchDirection points inwards!
1476 | SearchDirection.Scale(-1.);
1477 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: SearchDirection is " << SearchDirection << ".");
1478 | if (fabs(RelativeSphereCenter.ScalarProduct(SearchDirection)) > HULLEPSILON) {
1479 | // rotated the wrong way!
1480 | ELOG(3, "DEBUG: SearchDirection and RelativeOldSphereCenter are still not orthogonal!");
1481 | }
1482 |
1483 | // add third point
1484 | FindThirdPointForTesselation(T.NormalVector, SearchDirection, T.SphereCenter, CandidateLine, ThirdPoint, RADIUS, LC);
1485 |
1486 | } else {
1487 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Circumcircle for base line " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " and base triangle " << T << " is too big!");
1488 | }
1489 |
1490 | if (CandidateLine.pointlist.empty()) {
1491 | ELOG(4, "DEBUG: Could not find a suitable candidate.");
1492 | return false;
1493 | }
1494 | {
1495 | std::stringstream output;
1496 | for (TesselPointList::iterator it = CandidateLine.pointlist.begin(); it != CandidateLine.pointlist.end(); ++it)
1497 | output << " " << *(*it);
1498 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Third Points are: " << output.str());
1499 | }
1500 |
1501 | return true;
1502 | }
1503 | ;
1504 |
1505 | /** Walks through Tesselation::OpenLines() and finds candidates for newly created ones.
1506 | * \param *&LCList atoms in LinkedCell_deprecated list
1507 | * \param RADIUS radius of the virtual sphere
1508 | * \return true - for all open lines without candidates so far, a candidate has been found,
1509 | * false - at least one open line without candidate still
1510 | */
1511 | bool Tesselation::FindCandidatesforOpenLines(const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *&LCList)
1512 | {
1513 | bool TesselationFailFlag = true;
1514 | CandidateForTesselation *baseline = NULL;
1515 | BoundaryTriangleSet *T = NULL;
1516 |
1517 | for (CandidateMap::iterator Runner = OpenLines.begin(); Runner != OpenLines.end(); Runner++) {
1518 | baseline = Runner->second;
1519 | if (baseline->pointlist.empty()) {
1520 | ASSERT((baseline->BaseLine->triangles.size() == 1), "Open line without exactly one attached triangle");
1521 | T = (((baseline->BaseLine->triangles.begin()))->second);
1522 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Finding best candidate for open line " << *baseline->BaseLine << " of triangle " << *T);
1523 | TesselationFailFlag = TesselationFailFlag && FindNextSuitableTriangle(*baseline, *T, RADIUS, LCList); //the line is there, so there is a triangle, but only one.
1524 | }
1525 | }
1526 | return TesselationFailFlag;
1527 | }
1528 | ;
1529 |
1530 | /** Adds the present line and candidate point from \a &CandidateLine to the Tesselation.
1531 | * \param CandidateLine triangle to add
1532 | * \param RADIUS Radius of sphere
1533 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure
1534 | * \NOTE we need the copy operator here as the original CandidateForTesselation is removed in
1535 | * AddTesselationLine() in AddCandidateTriangle()
1536 | */
1537 | void Tesselation::AddCandidatePolygon(CandidateForTesselation CandidateLine, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC)
1538 | {
1539 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1540 | Vector Center;
1541 | TesselPoint * const TurningPoint = CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node;
1542 | TesselPointList::iterator Runner;
1543 | TesselPointList::iterator Sprinter;
1544 |
1545 | // fill the set of neighbours
1546 | TesselPointSet SetOfNeighbours;
1547 |
1548 | SetOfNeighbours.insert(CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node);
1549 | for (TesselPointList::iterator Runner = CandidateLine.pointlist.begin(); Runner != CandidateLine.pointlist.end(); Runner++)
1550 | SetOfNeighbours.insert(*Runner);
1551 | TesselPointList *connectedClosestPoints = GetCircleOfSetOfPoints(&SetOfNeighbours, TurningPoint, CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
1552 |
1553 | if (DoLog(3)) {
1554 | std::stringstream output;
1555 | for (TesselPointList::iterator TesselRunner = connectedClosestPoints->begin(); TesselRunner != connectedClosestPoints->end(); ++TesselRunner)
1556 | output << **TesselRunner;
1557 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: List of Candidates for Turning Point " << *TurningPoint << ":" << output.str());
1558 | }
1559 |
1560 | // go through all angle-sorted candidates (in degenerate n-nodes case we may have to add multiple triangles)
1561 | Runner = connectedClosestPoints->begin();
1562 | Sprinter = Runner;
1563 | Sprinter++;
1564 | while (Sprinter != connectedClosestPoints->end()) {
1565 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current Runner is " << *(*Runner) << " and sprinter is " << *(*Sprinter) << ".");
1566 |
1567 | AddTesselationPoint(TurningPoint, 0);
1568 | AddTesselationPoint(*Runner, 1);
1569 | AddTesselationPoint(*Sprinter, 2);
1570 |
1571 | AddCandidateTriangle(CandidateLine, Opt);
1572 |
1573 | Runner = Sprinter;
1574 | Sprinter++;
1575 | if (Sprinter != connectedClosestPoints->end()) {
1576 | // fill the internal open lines with its respective candidate (otherwise lines in degenerate case are not picked)
1577 | FindDegeneratedCandidatesforOpenLines(*Sprinter, &CandidateLine.OptCenter); // Assume BTS contains last triangle
1578 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: There are still more triangles to add.");
1579 | }
1580 | // pick candidates for other open lines as well
1581 | FindCandidatesforOpenLines(RADIUS, LC);
1582 |
1583 | // check whether we add a degenerate or a normal triangle
1584 | if (CheckDegeneracy(CandidateLine, RADIUS, LC)) {
1585 | // add normal and degenerate triangles
1586 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Triangle of endpoints " << *TPS[0] << "," << *TPS[1] << " and " << *TPS[2] << " is degenerated, adding both sides.");
1587 | AddCandidateTriangle(CandidateLine, OtherOpt);
1588 |
1589 | if (Sprinter != connectedClosestPoints->end()) {
1590 | // fill the internal open lines with its respective candidate (otherwise lines in degenerate case are not picked)
1591 | FindDegeneratedCandidatesforOpenLines(*Sprinter, &CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter);
1592 | }
1593 | // pick candidates for other open lines as well
1594 | FindCandidatesforOpenLines(RADIUS, LC);
1595 | }
1596 | }
1597 | delete (connectedClosestPoints);
1598 | }
1599 | ;
1600 |
1601 | /** for polygons (multiple candidates for a baseline) sets internal edges to the correct next candidate.
1602 | * \param *Sprinter next candidate to which internal open lines are set
1603 | * \param *OptCenter OptCenter for this candidate
1604 | */
1605 | void Tesselation::FindDegeneratedCandidatesforOpenLines(TesselPoint * const Sprinter, const Vector * const OptCenter)
1606 | {
1607 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1608 |
1609 | pair<LineMap::iterator, LineMap::iterator> FindPair = TPS[0]->lines.equal_range(TPS[2]->node->getNr());
1610 | for (LineMap::const_iterator FindLine = FindPair.first; FindLine != FindPair.second; FindLine++) {
1611 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Checking line " << *(FindLine->second) << " ...");
1612 | // If there is a line with less than two attached triangles, we don't need a new line.
1613 | if (FindLine->second->triangles.size() == 1) {
1614 | CandidateMap::iterator Finder = OpenLines.find(FindLine->second);
1615 | if (!Finder->second->pointlist.empty())
1616 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: line " << *(FindLine->second) << " is open with candidate " << **(Finder->second->pointlist.begin()) << ".");
1617 | else {
1618 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: line " << *(FindLine->second) << " is open with no candidate, setting to next Sprinter" << (*Sprinter));
1619 | Finder->second->T = BTS; // is last triangle
1620 | Finder->second->pointlist.push_back(Sprinter);
1621 | Finder->second->ShortestAngle = 0.;
1622 | Finder->second->OptCenter = *OptCenter;
1623 | }
1624 | }
1625 | }
1626 | }
1627 | ;
1628 |
1629 | /** If a given \a *triangle is degenerated, this adds both sides.
1630 | * i.e. the triangle with same BoundaryPointSet's but NormalVector in opposite direction.
1631 | * Note that endpoints are stored in Tesselation::TPS
1632 | * \param CandidateLine CanddiateForTesselation structure for the desired BoundaryLine
1633 | * \param RADIUS radius of sphere
1634 | * \param *LC pointer to LinkedCell_deprecated structure
1635 | */
1636 | void Tesselation::AddDegeneratedTriangle(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC)
1637 | {
1638 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1639 | Vector Center;
1640 | CandidateMap::const_iterator CandidateCheck = OpenLines.end();
1641 | BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL;
1642 |
1643 | /// 1. Create or pick the lines for the first triangle
1644 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Creating/Picking lines for first triangle ...");
1645 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1646 | BLS[i] = NULL;
1647 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current line is between " << *TPS[(i + 0) % 3] << " and " << *TPS[(i + 1) % 3] << ":");
1648 | AddTesselationLine(&CandidateLine.OptCenter, TPS[(i + 2) % 3], TPS[(i + 0) % 3], TPS[(i + 1) % 3], i);
1649 | }
1650 |
1651 | /// 2. create the first triangle and NormalVector and so on
1652 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Adding first triangle with center at " << CandidateLine.OptCenter << " ...");
1653 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
1654 | AddTesselationTriangle();
1655 |
1656 | // create normal vector
1657 | BTS->GetCenter(Center);
1658 | Center -= CandidateLine.OptCenter;
1659 | BTS->SphereCenter = CandidateLine.OptCenter;
1660 | BTS->GetNormalVector(Center);
1661 | // give some verbose output about the whole procedure
1662 | if (CandidateLine.T != NULL)
1663 | LOG(2, "INFO: --> New triangle with " << *BTS << " and normal vector " << BTS->NormalVector << ", from " << *CandidateLine.T << " and angle " << CandidateLine.ShortestAngle << ".");
1664 | else
1665 | LOG(2, "INFO: --> New starting triangle with " << *BTS << " and normal vector " << BTS->NormalVector << " and no top triangle.");
1666 | triangle = BTS;
1667 |
1668 | /// 3. Gather candidates for each new line
1669 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Adding candidates to new lines ...");
1670 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1671 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current line is between " << *TPS[(i + 0) % 3] << " and " << *TPS[(i + 1) % 3] << ":");
1672 | CandidateCheck = OpenLines.find(BLS[i]);
1673 | if ((CandidateCheck != OpenLines.end()) && (CandidateCheck->second->pointlist.empty())) {
1674 | if (CandidateCheck->second->T == NULL)
1675 | CandidateCheck->second->T = triangle;
1676 | FindNextSuitableTriangle(*(CandidateCheck->second), *CandidateCheck->second->T, RADIUS, LC);
1677 | }
1678 | }
1679 |
1680 | /// 4. Create or pick the lines for the second triangle
1681 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Creating/Picking lines for second triangle ...");
1682 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1683 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current line is between " << *TPS[(i + 0) % 3] << " and " << *TPS[(i + 1) % 3] << ":");
1684 | AddTesselationLine(&CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter, TPS[(i + 2) % 3], TPS[(i + 0) % 3], TPS[(i + 1) % 3], i);
1685 | }
1686 |
1687 | /// 5. create the second triangle and NormalVector and so on
1688 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Adding second triangle with center at " << CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter << " ...");
1689 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
1690 | AddTesselationTriangle();
1691 |
1692 | BTS->SphereCenter = CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter;
1693 | // create normal vector in other direction
1694 | BTS->GetNormalVector(triangle->NormalVector);
1695 | BTS->NormalVector.Scale(-1.);
1696 | // give some verbose output about the whole procedure
1697 | if (CandidateLine.T != NULL)
1698 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: --> New degenerate triangle with " << *BTS << " and normal vector " << BTS->NormalVector << ", from " << *CandidateLine.T << " and angle " << CandidateLine.ShortestAngle << ".");
1699 | else
1700 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: --> New degenerate starting triangle with " << *BTS << " and normal vector " << BTS->NormalVector << " and no top triangle.");
1701 |
1702 | /// 6. Adding triangle to new lines
1703 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Adding second triangles to new lines ...");
1704 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1705 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current line is between " << *TPS[(i + 0) % 3] << " and " << *TPS[(i + 1) % 3] << ":");
1706 | CandidateCheck = OpenLines.find(BLS[i]);
1707 | if ((CandidateCheck != OpenLines.end()) && (CandidateCheck->second->pointlist.empty())) {
1708 | if (CandidateCheck->second->T == NULL)
1709 | CandidateCheck->second->T = BTS;
1710 | }
1711 | }
1712 | }
1713 | ;
1714 |
1715 | /** Adds a triangle to the Tesselation structure from three given TesselPoint's.
1716 | * Note that endpoints are in Tesselation::TPS.
1717 | * \param CandidateLine CandidateForTesselation structure contains other information
1718 | * \param type which opt center to add (i.e. which side) and thus which NormalVector to take
1719 | */
1720 | void Tesselation::AddCandidateTriangle(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, enum centers type)
1721 | {
1722 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1723 | Vector Center;
1724 | Vector *OptCenter = (type == Opt) ? &CandidateLine.OptCenter : &CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter;
1725 |
1726 | // add the lines
1727 | AddTesselationLine(OptCenter, TPS[2], TPS[0], TPS[1], 0);
1728 | AddTesselationLine(OptCenter, TPS[1], TPS[0], TPS[2], 1);
1729 | AddTesselationLine(OptCenter, TPS[0], TPS[1], TPS[2], 2);
1730 |
1731 | // add the triangles
1732 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
1733 | AddTesselationTriangle();
1734 |
1735 | // create normal vector
1736 | BTS->GetCenter(Center);
1737 | Center.SubtractVector(*OptCenter);
1738 | BTS->SphereCenter = *OptCenter;
1739 | BTS->GetNormalVector(Center);
1740 |
1741 | // give some verbose output about the whole procedure
1742 | if (CandidateLine.T != NULL)
1743 | LOG(2, "INFO: --> New" << ((type == OtherOpt) ? " degenerate " : " ") << "triangle with " << *BTS << " and normal vector " << BTS->NormalVector << ", from " << *CandidateLine.T << " and angle " << CandidateLine.ShortestAngle << ".");
1744 | else
1745 | LOG(2, "INFO: --> New" << ((type == OtherOpt) ? " degenerate " : " ") << "starting triangle with " << *BTS << " and normal vector " << BTS->NormalVector << " and no top triangle.");
1746 | }
1747 | ;
1748 |
1749 | bool Tesselation::isConvex() const
1750 | {
1751 | bool status = true;
1752 | // go through all lines on boundary
1753 | for (LineMap::const_iterator lineiter = LinesOnBoundary.begin();
1754 | lineiter != LinesOnBoundary.end(); ++lineiter) {
1755 | if (!lineiter->second->CheckConvexityCriterion()) {
1756 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Line " << *lineiter->second << " is not convex.");
1757 | status = false;
1758 | }
1759 | }
1760 | return status;
1761 | }
1762 |
1763 | /** Checks whether the quadragon of the two triangles connect to \a *Base is convex.
1764 | * We look whether the closest point on \a *Base with respect to the other baseline is outside
1765 | * of the segment formed by both endpoints (concave) or not (convex).
1766 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1767 | * \param *Base line to be flipped
1768 | * \return NULL - convex, otherwise endpoint that makes it concave
1769 | */
1770 | class BoundaryPointSet *Tesselation::IsConvexRectangle(class BoundaryLineSet *Base)
1771 | {
1772 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1773 | class BoundaryPointSet *Spot = NULL;
1774 | class BoundaryLineSet *OtherBase;
1775 | Vector *ClosestPoint;
1776 |
1777 | int m = 0;
1778 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++)
1779 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // all of their endpoints and baselines
1780 | if (!Base->ContainsBoundaryPoint(runner->second->endpoints[j])) // and neither of its endpoints
1781 | BPS[m++] = runner->second->endpoints[j];
1782 | OtherBase = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, -1);
1783 |
1784 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current base line is " << *Base << ".");
1785 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Other base line is " << *OtherBase << ".");
1786 |
1787 | // get the closest point on each line to the other line
1788 | ClosestPoint = GetClosestPointBetweenLine(Base, OtherBase);
1789 |
1790 | // delete the temporary other base line
1791 | delete (OtherBase);
1792 |
1793 | // get the distance vector from Base line to OtherBase line
1794 | Vector DistanceToIntersection[2], BaseLine;
1795 | double distance[2];
1796 | BaseLine = (Base->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()) - (Base->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition());
1797 | for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
1798 | DistanceToIntersection[i] = (*ClosestPoint) - (Base->endpoints[i]->node->getPosition());
1799 | distance[i] = BaseLine.ScalarProduct(DistanceToIntersection[i]);
1800 | }
1801 | delete (ClosestPoint);
1802 | if ((distance[0] * distance[1]) > 0) { // have same sign?
1803 | LOG(4, "REJECT: Both SKPs have same sign: " << distance[0] << " and " << distance[1] << ". " << *Base << "' rectangle is concave.");
1804 | if (distance[0] < distance[1]) {
1805 | Spot = Base->endpoints[0];
1806 | } else {
1807 | Spot = Base->endpoints[1];
1808 | }
1809 | return Spot;
1810 | } else { // different sign, i.e. we are in between
1811 | LOG(3, "ACCEPT: Rectangle of triangles of base line " << *Base << " is convex.");
1812 | return NULL;
1813 | }
1814 |
1815 | }
1816 | ;
1817 |
1818 | void Tesselation::PrintAllBoundaryPoints(ofstream *out) const
1819 | {
1820 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1821 | // print all lines
1822 | std::stringstream output;
1823 | for (PointMap::const_iterator PointRunner = PointsOnBoundary.begin(); PointRunner != PointsOnBoundary.end(); PointRunner++)
1824 | output << " " << *(PointRunner->second);
1825 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Printing all boundary points for debugging:" << output.str());
1826 | }
1827 | ;
1828 |
1829 | void Tesselation::PrintAllBoundaryLines(ofstream *out) const
1830 | {
1831 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1832 | // print all lines
1833 | std::stringstream output;
1834 | for (LineMap::const_iterator LineRunner = LinesOnBoundary.begin(); LineRunner != LinesOnBoundary.end(); LineRunner++)
1835 | output << " " << *(LineRunner->second);
1836 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Printing all boundary lines for debugging:" << output.str());
1837 | }
1838 | ;
1839 |
1840 | void Tesselation::PrintAllBoundaryTriangles(ofstream *out) const
1841 | {
1842 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1843 | // print all triangles
1844 | std::stringstream output;
1845 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator TriangleRunner = TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); TriangleRunner != TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); TriangleRunner++)
1846 | output << " " << *(TriangleRunner->second);
1847 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Printing all boundary triangles for debugging:" << output.str());
1848 | }
1849 | ;
1850 |
1851 | /** For a given boundary line \a *Base and its two triangles, picks the central baseline that is "higher".
1852 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1853 | * \param *Base line to be flipped
1854 | * \return volume change due to flipping (0 - then no flipped occured)
1855 | */
1856 | double Tesselation::PickFarthestofTwoBaselines(class BoundaryLineSet *Base)
1857 | {
1858 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1859 | class BoundaryLineSet *OtherBase;
1860 | Vector *ClosestPoint[2];
1861 | double volume;
1862 |
1863 | int m = 0;
1864 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++)
1865 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // all of their endpoints and baselines
1866 | if (!Base->ContainsBoundaryPoint(runner->second->endpoints[j])) // and neither of its endpoints
1867 | BPS[m++] = runner->second->endpoints[j];
1868 | OtherBase = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, -1);
1869 |
1870 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current base line is " << *Base << ".");
1871 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Other base line is " << *OtherBase << ".");
1872 |
1873 | // get the closest point on each line to the other line
1874 | ClosestPoint[0] = GetClosestPointBetweenLine(Base, OtherBase);
1875 | ClosestPoint[1] = GetClosestPointBetweenLine(OtherBase, Base);
1876 |
1877 | // get the distance vector from Base line to OtherBase line
1878 | Vector Distance = (*ClosestPoint[1]) - (*ClosestPoint[0]);
1879 |
1880 | // calculate volume
1881 | volume = CalculateVolumeofGeneralTetraeder(Base->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition(), OtherBase->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition(), OtherBase->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition(), Base->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition());
1882 |
1883 | // delete the temporary other base line and the closest points
1884 | delete (ClosestPoint[0]);
1885 | delete (ClosestPoint[1]);
1886 | delete (OtherBase);
1887 |
1888 | if (Distance.NormSquared() < MYEPSILON) { // check for intersection
1889 | LOG(3, "REJECT: Both lines have an intersection: Nothing to do.");
1890 | return false;
1891 | } else { // check for sign against BaseLineNormal
1892 | Vector BaseLineNormal;
1893 | BaseLineNormal.Zero();
1894 | if (Base->triangles.size() < 2) {
1895 | ELOG(1, "Less than two triangles are attached to this baseline!");
1896 | return 0.;
1897 | }
1898 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++) {
1899 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Adding NormalVector " << runner->second->NormalVector << " of triangle " << *(runner->second) << ".");
1900 | BaseLineNormal += (runner->second->NormalVector);
1901 | }
1902 | BaseLineNormal.Scale(1. / 2.);
1903 |
1904 | if (Distance.ScalarProduct(BaseLineNormal) > MYEPSILON) { // Distance points outwards, hence OtherBase higher than Base -> flip
1905 | LOG(3, "ACCEPT: Other base line would be higher: Flipping baseline.");
1906 | // calculate volume summand as a general tetraeder
1907 | return volume;
1908 | } else { // Base higher than OtherBase -> do nothing
1909 | LOG(3, "REJECT: Base line is higher: Nothing to do.");
1910 | return 0.;
1911 | }
1912 | }
1913 | }
1914 | ;
1915 |
1916 | /** For a given baseline and its two connected triangles, flips the baseline.
1917 | * I.e. we create the new baseline between the other two endpoints of these four
1918 | * endpoints and reconstruct the two triangles accordingly.
1919 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1920 | * \param *Base line to be flipped
1921 | * \return pointer to allocated new baseline - flipping successful, NULL - something went awry
1922 | */
1923 | class BoundaryLineSet * Tesselation::FlipBaseline(class BoundaryLineSet *Base)
1924 | {
1925 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
1926 | class BoundaryLineSet *OldLines[4], *NewLine;
1927 | class BoundaryPointSet *OldPoints[2];
1928 | Vector BaseLineNormal[2];
1929 | Vector OtherEndpoint[2]; // fourth point to either triangle
1930 | int OldTriangleNrs[2], OldBaseLineNr;
1931 | int i, m;
1932 |
1933 | // calculate NormalVector for later use
1934 | if (Base->triangles.size() < 2) {
1935 | ELOG(1, "Less than two triangles are attached to this baseline!");
1936 | return NULL;
1937 | }
1938 | {
1939 | int i=0;
1940 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++) {
1941 | LOG(5, "INFO: Adding NormalVector " << runner->second->NormalVector << " of triangle " << *(runner->second) << ".");
1942 | OtherEndpoint[(i+1)%2] = runner->second->GetThirdEndpoint(Base)->node->getPosition();
1943 | BaseLineNormal[i++] = (runner->second->NormalVector);
1944 | ASSERT( i <= 2,
1945 | "Tesselation::FlipBaseline() - not exactly two triangles found.");
1946 | }
1947 | }
1948 |
1949 | // get the two triangles
1950 | // gather four endpoints and four lines
1951 | for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
1952 | OldLines[j] = NULL;
1953 | for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
1954 | OldPoints[j] = NULL;
1955 | i = 0;
1956 | m = 0;
1957 |
1958 | // print OldLines and OldPoints for debugging
1959 | if (DoLog(3)) {
1960 | std::stringstream output;
1961 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++)
1962 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // all of their endpoints and baselines
1963 | if (runner->second->lines[j] != Base) // pick not the central baseline
1964 | output << *runner->second->lines[j] << "\t";
1965 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: The four old lines are: " << output.str());
1966 | }
1967 | if (DoLog(3)) {
1968 | std::stringstream output;
1969 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++)
1970 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // all of their endpoints and baselines
1971 | if (!Base->ContainsBoundaryPoint(runner->second->endpoints[j])) // and neither of its endpoints
1972 | output << *runner->second->endpoints[j] << "\t";
1973 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: The two old points are: " << output.str());
1974 | }
1975 |
1976 | // index OldLines and OldPoints
1977 | // note that oldlines[0,1] belong to first triangle and hence first normal
1978 | // vector and oldlines[2,3] belong to second triangle and its normal vector
1979 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++)
1980 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // all of their endpoints and baselines
1981 | if (runner->second->lines[j] != Base) // pick not the central baseline
1982 | OldLines[i++] = runner->second->lines[j];
1983 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); runner++)
1984 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // all of their endpoints and baselines
1985 | if (!Base->ContainsBoundaryPoint(runner->second->endpoints[j])) // and neither of its endpoints
1986 | OldPoints[m++] = runner->second->endpoints[j];
1987 |
1988 | Vector BasePoints[2]; // endpoints of Base
1989 | if (OldLines[0]->ContainsBoundaryPoint(Base->endpoints[0])) {
1990 | BasePoints[0] = Base->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition();
1991 | BasePoints[1] = Base->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition();
1992 | } else {
1993 | BasePoints[0] = Base->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition();
1994 | BasePoints[1] = Base->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition();
1995 | }
1996 | // check whether everything is in place to create new lines and triangles
1997 | if (i < 4) {
1998 | ELOG(1, "We have not gathered enough baselines!");
1999 | return NULL;
2000 | }
2001 | for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
2002 | if (OldLines[j] == NULL) {
2003 | ELOG(1, "We have not gathered enough baselines!");
2004 | return NULL;
2005 | }
2006 | for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
2007 | if (OldPoints[j] == NULL) {
2008 | ELOG(1, "We have not gathered enough endpoints!");
2009 | return NULL;
2010 | }
2011 |
2012 | // construct plane of first triangle for calculating normal vectors later
2013 | const Plane triangleplane = Base->triangles.begin()->second->getPlane();
2014 | // get fourth point projected down onto this plane
2015 | const Vector Intersection = triangleplane.getClosestPoint(OtherEndpoint[0]);
2016 |
2017 | // remove triangles and baseline removes itself
2018 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Deleting baseline " << *Base << " from global list.");
2019 | OldBaseLineNr = Base->Nr;
2020 | m = 0;
2021 | // first obtain all triangle to delete ... (otherwise we pull the carpet (Base) from under the for-loop's feet)
2022 | list<BoundaryTriangleSet *> TrianglesOfBase;
2023 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = Base->triangles.begin(); runner != Base->triangles.end(); ++runner)
2024 | TrianglesOfBase.push_back(runner->second);
2025 | // .. then delete each triangle (which deletes the line as well)
2026 | for (list<BoundaryTriangleSet *>::iterator runner = TrianglesOfBase.begin(); !TrianglesOfBase.empty(); runner = TrianglesOfBase.begin()) {
2027 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Deleting triangle " << *(*runner) << ".");
2028 | OldTriangleNrs[m++] = (*runner)->Nr;
2029 | RemoveTesselationTriangle((*runner));
2030 | TrianglesOfBase.erase(runner);
2031 | }
2032 |
2033 | // construct new baseline (with same number as old one)
2034 | BPS[0] = OldPoints[0];
2035 | BPS[1] = OldPoints[1];
2036 | NewLine = new class BoundaryLineSet(BPS, OldBaseLineNr);
2037 | LinesOnBoundary.insert(LinePair(OldBaseLineNr, NewLine)); // no need for check for unique insertion as NewLine is definitely a new one
2038 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Created new baseline " << *NewLine << ".");
2039 |
2040 | // Explanation for normal vector choice:
2041 | // Decisive for the normal vector of the new triangle is whether the fourth
2042 | // endpoint is with respect to the joining boundary line on one side or on
2043 | // the other with respect to the endpoint of the plane triangle that is not
2044 | // contained in the joining boundary line.
2045 |
2046 | // construct new triangles with flipped baseline
2047 | i = -1;
2048 | if (OldLines[0]->IsConnectedTo(OldLines[2]))
2049 | i = 2;
2050 | if (OldLines[0]->IsConnectedTo(OldLines[3]))
2051 | i = 3;
2052 | if (i != -1) {
2053 | BLS[0] = OldLines[0];
2054 | BLS[1] = OldLines[i];
2055 | BLS[2] = NewLine;
2056 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, OldTriangleNrs[0]);
2057 | {
2058 | Line joiningline = makeLineThrough(
2059 | OldLines[0]->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition(),
2060 | OldLines[0]->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
2061 | // BasePoints[1] is not contained in OldLines[0], hence is third endpoint
2062 | // of plane triangle. BasePoints[0] is in the joining OldLines[0] and
2063 | // we check whether Intersection is on same side as BasePoints[1] or not.
2064 | const Vector pointinginside =
2065 | joiningline.getClosestPoint(BasePoints[1]) - BasePoints[1];
2066 | const Vector pointingtointersection =
2067 | joiningline.getClosestPoint(Intersection) - Intersection;
2068 | const double sign_of_intersection =
2069 | pointingtointersection.ScalarProduct(pointinginside);
2070 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Sign of SKP between both lines w.r.t " << *OldLines[0]
2071 | << " is " << sign_of_intersection << ".");
2072 | const double sign_of_normal = (sign_of_intersection >= 0) ? -1. : +1.;
2073 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Opposite normal direction is "
2074 | << sign_of_normal * BaseLineNormal[0] << ".");
2075 | BTS->GetNormalVector(sign_of_normal * BaseLineNormal[0]);
2076 | }
2077 | AddTesselationTriangle(OldTriangleNrs[0]);
2078 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Created new triangle " << *BTS << ".");
2079 |
2080 | BLS[0] = (i == 2 ? OldLines[3] : OldLines[2]);
2081 | BLS[1] = OldLines[1];
2082 | BLS[2] = NewLine;
2083 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, OldTriangleNrs[1]);
2084 | {
2085 | Line joiningline = makeLineThrough(
2086 | OldLines[1]->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition(),
2087 | OldLines[1]->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
2088 | // BasePoints[0] is not contained in OldLines[1], hence is third endpoint
2089 | // of plane triangle. BasePoints[1] is in th1e joining OldLines[1] and
2090 | // we check whether Intersection is on same side as BasePoints[0] or not.
2091 | const Vector pointinginside =
2092 | joiningline.getClosestPoint(BasePoints[0]) - BasePoints[0];
2093 | const Vector pointingtointersection =
2094 | joiningline.getClosestPoint(Intersection) - Intersection;
2095 | const double sign_of_intersection =
2096 | pointingtointersection.ScalarProduct(pointinginside);
2097 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Sign of SKP between both lines w.r.t " << *OldLines[1]
2098 | << " is " << sign_of_intersection << ".");
2099 | const double sign_of_normal = (sign_of_intersection >= 0) ? -1. : +1.;
2100 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Opposite normal direction is "
2101 | << sign_of_normal * BaseLineNormal[0] << ".");
2102 | BTS->GetNormalVector(sign_of_normal * BaseLineNormal[0]);
2103 | }
2104 | AddTesselationTriangle(OldTriangleNrs[1]);
2105 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Created new triangle " << *BTS << ".");
2106 | } else {
2107 | ELOG(0, "The four old lines do not connect, something's utterly wrong here!");
2108 | return NULL;
2109 | }
2110 |
2111 | return NewLine;
2112 | }
2113 | ;
2114 |
2115 | /** Finds the second point of starting triangle.
2116 | * \param *a first node
2117 | * \param Oben vector indicating the outside
2118 | * \param OptCandidate reference to recommended candidate on return
2119 | * \param Storage[3] array storing angles and other candidate information
2120 | * \param RADIUS radius of virtual sphere
2121 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure with neighbouring points
2122 | */
2123 | void Tesselation::FindSecondPointForTesselation(TesselPoint* a, Vector Oben, TesselPoint*& OptCandidate, double Storage[3], double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC)
2124 | {
2125 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2126 | Vector AngleCheck;
2127 | class TesselPoint* Candidate = NULL;
2128 | double norm = -1.;
2129 | double angle = 0.;
2130 | int N[NDIM];
2131 | int Nlower[NDIM];
2132 | int Nupper[NDIM];
2133 |
2134 | if (LC->SetIndexToNode(a)) { // get cell for the starting point
2135 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) // store indices of this cell
2136 | N[i] = LC->n[i];
2137 | } else {
2138 | ELOG(1, "Point " << *a << " is not found in cell " << LC->index << ".");
2139 | return;
2140 | }
2141 | // then go through the current and all neighbouring cells and check the contained points for possible candidates
2142 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
2143 | Nlower[i] = ((N[i] - 1) >= 0) ? N[i] - 1 : 0;
2144 | Nupper[i] = ((N[i] + 1) < LC->N[i]) ? N[i] + 1 : LC->N[i] - 1;
2145 | }
2146 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: LC Intervals from [" << N[0] << "<->" << LC->N[0] << ", " << N[1] << "<->" << LC->N[1] << ", " << N[2] << "<->" << LC->N[2] << "] :" << " [" << Nlower[0] << "," << Nupper[0] << "], " << " [" << Nlower[1] << "," << Nupper[1] << "], " << " [" << Nlower[2] << "," << Nupper[2] << "], ");
2147 |
2148 | for (LC->n[0] = Nlower[0]; LC->n[0] <= Nupper[0]; LC->n[0]++)
2149 | for (LC->n[1] = Nlower[1]; LC->n[1] <= Nupper[1]; LC->n[1]++)
2150 | for (LC->n[2] = Nlower[2]; LC->n[2] <= Nupper[2]; LC->n[2]++) {
2151 | const TesselPointSTLList *List = LC->GetCurrentCell();
2152 | //LOG(1, "Current cell is " << LC->n[0] << ", " << LC->n[1] << ", " << LC->n[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << ".");
2153 | if (List != NULL) {
2154 | for (TesselPointSTLList::const_iterator Runner = List->begin(); Runner != List->end(); Runner++) {
2155 | Candidate = (*Runner);
2156 | // check if we only have one unique point yet ...
2157 | if (a != Candidate) {
2158 | // Calculate center of the circle with radius RADIUS through points a and Candidate
2159 | Vector OrthogonalizedOben, aCandidate, Center;
2160 | double distance, scaleFactor;
2161 |
2162 | OrthogonalizedOben = Oben;
2163 | aCandidate = (a->getPosition()) - (Candidate->getPosition());
2164 | OrthogonalizedOben.ProjectOntoPlane(aCandidate);
2165 | OrthogonalizedOben.Normalize();
2166 | distance = 0.5 * aCandidate.Norm();
2167 | scaleFactor = sqrt(((RADIUS * RADIUS) - (distance * distance)));
2168 | OrthogonalizedOben.Scale(scaleFactor);
2169 |
2170 | Center = 0.5 * ((Candidate->getPosition()) + (a->getPosition()));
2171 | Center += OrthogonalizedOben;
2172 |
2173 | AngleCheck = Center - (a->getPosition());
2174 | norm = aCandidate.Norm();
2175 | // second point shall have smallest angle with respect to Oben vector
2176 | if (norm < RADIUS * 2.) {
2177 | angle = AngleCheck.Angle(Oben);
2178 | if (angle < Storage[0]) {
2179 | //LOG(1, "INFO: Old values of Storage is " << Storage[0] << ", " << Storage[1]);
2180 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current candidate is " << *Candidate << ": Is a better candidate with distance " << norm << " and angle " << angle << " to oben " << Oben << ".");
2181 | OptCandidate = Candidate;
2182 | Storage[0] = angle;
2183 | //LOG(4, "DEBUG: Changing something in Storage is " << Storage[0] << ", " << Storage[1]);
2184 | } else {
2185 | //LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current candidate is " << *Candidate << ": Looses with angle " << angle << " to a better candidate " << *OptCandidate);
2186 | }
2187 | } else {
2188 | //LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current candidate is " << *Candidate << ": Refused due to Radius " << norm);
2189 | }
2190 | } else {
2191 | //LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current candidate is " << *Candidate << ": Candidate is equal to first endpoint." << *a << ".");
2192 | }
2193 | }
2194 | } else {
2195 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Linked cell list is empty.");
2196 | }
2197 | }
2198 | }
2199 | ;
2200 |
2201 | /** This recursive function finds a third point, to form a triangle with two given ones.
2202 | * Note that this function is for the starting triangle.
2203 | * The idea is as follows: A sphere with fixed radius is (almost) uniquely defined in space by three points
2204 | * that sit on its boundary. Hence, when two points are given and we look for the (next) third point, then
2205 | * the center of the sphere is still fixed up to a single parameter. The band of possible values
2206 | * describes a circle in 3D-space. The old center of the sphere for the current base triangle gives
2207 | * us the "null" on this circle, the new center of the candidate point will be some way along this
2208 | * circle. The shorter the way the better is the candidate. Note that the direction is clearly given
2209 | * by the normal vector of the base triangle that always points outwards by construction.
2210 | * Hence, we construct a Center of this circle which sits right in the middle of the current base line.
2211 | * We construct the normal vector that defines the plane this circle lies in, it is just in the
2212 | * direction of the baseline. And finally, we need the radius of the circle, which is given by the rest
2213 | * with respect to the length of the baseline and the sphere's fixed \a RADIUS.
2214 | * Note that there is one difficulty: The circumcircle is uniquely defined, but for the circumsphere's center
2215 | * there are two possibilities which becomes clear from the construction as seen below. Hence, we must check
2216 | * both.
2217 | * Note also that the acos() function is not unique on [0, 2.*M_PI). Hence, we need an additional check
2218 | * to decide for one of the two possible angles. Therefore we need a SearchDirection and to make this check
2219 | * sensible we need OldSphereCenter to be orthogonal to it. Either we construct SearchDirection orthogonal
2220 | * right away, or -- what we do here -- we rotate the relative sphere centers such that this orthogonality
2221 | * holds. Then, the normalized projection onto the SearchDirection is either +1 or -1 and thus states whether
2222 | * the angle is uniquely in either (0,M_PI] or [M_PI, 2.*M_PI).
2223 | * @param NormalVector normal direction of the base triangle (here the unit axis vector, \sa FindStartingTriangle())
2224 | * @param SearchDirection general direction where to search for the next point, relative to center of BaseLine
2225 | * @param OldSphereCenter center of sphere for base triangle, relative to center of BaseLine, giving null angle for the parameter circle
2226 | * @param CandidateLine CandidateForTesselation with the current base line and list of candidates and ShortestAngle
2227 | * @param ThirdPoint third point to avoid in search
2228 | * @param RADIUS radius of sphere
2229 | * @param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure with neighbouring points
2230 | */
2231 | void Tesselation::FindThirdPointForTesselation(const Vector &NormalVector, const Vector &SearchDirection, const Vector &OldSphereCenter, CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const class BoundaryPointSet * const ThirdPoint, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC) const
2232 | {
2233 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2234 | Vector CircleCenter; // center of the circle, i.e. of the band of sphere's centers
2235 | Vector CirclePlaneNormal; // normal vector defining the plane this circle lives in
2236 | Vector SphereCenter;
2237 | Vector NewSphereCenter; // center of the sphere defined by the two points of BaseLine and the one of Candidate, first possibility
2238 | Vector OtherNewSphereCenter; // center of the sphere defined by the two points of BaseLine and the one of Candidate, second possibility
2239 | Vector NewNormalVector; // normal vector of the Candidate's triangle
2240 | Vector helper, OptCandidateCenter, OtherOptCandidateCenter;
2241 | Vector RelativeOldSphereCenter;
2242 | Vector NewPlaneCenter;
2243 | double CircleRadius; // radius of this circle
2244 | double radius;
2245 | double otherradius;
2246 | double alpha, Otheralpha; // angles (i.e. parameter for the circle).
2247 | int N[NDIM], Nlower[NDIM], Nupper[NDIM];
2248 | TesselPoint *Candidate = NULL;
2249 |
2250 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: NormalVector of BaseTriangle is " << NormalVector << ".");
2251 |
2252 | // copy old center
2253 | CandidateLine.OldCenter = OldSphereCenter;
2254 | CandidateLine.ThirdPoint = ThirdPoint;
2255 | CandidateLine.pointlist.clear();
2256 |
2257 | // construct center of circle
2258 | CircleCenter = 0.5 * ((CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + (CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()));
2259 |
2260 | // construct normal vector of circle
2261 | CirclePlaneNormal = (CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - (CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
2262 |
2263 | RelativeOldSphereCenter = OldSphereCenter - CircleCenter;
2264 |
2265 | // calculate squared radius TesselPoint *ThirdPoint,f circle
2266 | radius = CirclePlaneNormal.NormSquared() / 4.;
2267 | if (radius < RADIUS * RADIUS) {
2268 | CircleRadius = RADIUS * RADIUS - radius;
2269 | CirclePlaneNormal.Normalize();
2270 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: CircleCenter is at " << CircleCenter << ", CirclePlaneNormal is " << CirclePlaneNormal << " with circle radius " << sqrt(CircleRadius) << ".");
2271 |
2272 | // test whether old center is on the band's plane
2273 | if (fabs(RelativeOldSphereCenter.ScalarProduct(CirclePlaneNormal)) > HULLEPSILON) {
2274 | ELOG(1, "Something's very wrong here: RelativeOldSphereCenter is not on the band's plane as desired by " << fabs(RelativeOldSphereCenter.ScalarProduct(CirclePlaneNormal)) << "!");
2275 | RelativeOldSphereCenter.ProjectOntoPlane(CirclePlaneNormal);
2276 | }
2277 | radius = RelativeOldSphereCenter.NormSquared();
2278 | if (fabs(radius - CircleRadius) < HULLEPSILON) {
2279 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: RelativeOldSphereCenter is at " << RelativeOldSphereCenter << ".");
2280 |
2281 | // check SearchDirection
2282 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: SearchDirection is " << SearchDirection << ".");
2283 | if (fabs(RelativeOldSphereCenter.ScalarProduct(SearchDirection)) > HULLEPSILON) { // rotated the wrong way!
2284 | ELOG(1, "SearchDirection and RelativeOldSphereCenter are not orthogonal!");
2285 | }
2286 |
2287 | // get cell for the starting point
2288 | if (LC->SetIndexToVector(CircleCenter)) {
2289 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) // store indices of this cell
2290 | N[i] = LC->n[i];
2291 | //LOG(1, "INFO: Center cell is " << N[0] << ", " << N[1] << ", " << N[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << ".");
2292 | } else {
2293 | ELOG(1, "Vector " << CircleCenter << " is outside of LinkedCell's bounding box.");
2294 | return;
2295 | }
2296 | // then go through the current and all neighbouring cells and check the contained points for possible candidates
2297 | // if (DoLog(3)) {
2298 | // std::stringstream output;
2299 | // output << "LC Intervals:";
2300 | // for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
2301 | // output << " [" << Nlower[i] << "," << Nupper[i] << "] ";
2302 | // LOG(0, output.str());
2303 | // }
2304 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) {
2305 | Nlower[i] = ((N[i] - 1) >= 0) ? N[i] - 1 : 0;
2306 | Nupper[i] = ((N[i] + 1) < LC->N[i]) ? N[i] + 1 : LC->N[i] - 1;
2307 | }
2308 | for (LC->n[0] = Nlower[0]; LC->n[0] <= Nupper[0]; LC->n[0]++)
2309 | for (LC->n[1] = Nlower[1]; LC->n[1] <= Nupper[1]; LC->n[1]++)
2310 | for (LC->n[2] = Nlower[2]; LC->n[2] <= Nupper[2]; LC->n[2]++) {
2311 | const TesselPointSTLList *List = LC->GetCurrentCell();
2312 | //LOG(1, "Current cell is " << LC->n[0] << ", " << LC->n[1] << ", " << LC->n[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << ".");
2313 | if (List != NULL) {
2314 | for (TesselPointSTLList::const_iterator Runner = List->begin(); Runner != List->end(); Runner++) {
2315 | Candidate = (*Runner);
2316 |
2317 | // check for three unique points
2318 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current Candidate is " << *Candidate << " for BaseLine " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " with OldSphereCenter " << OldSphereCenter << ".");
2319 | if ((Candidate != CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node) && (Candidate != CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node)) {
2320 |
2321 | // find center on the plane
2322 | GetCenterofCircumcircle(NewPlaneCenter, CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition(), CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition(), Candidate->getPosition());
2323 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: NewPlaneCenter is " << NewPlaneCenter << ".");
2324 |
2325 | try {
2326 | NewNormalVector = Plane((CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()), (CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()), (Candidate->getPosition())).getNormal();
2327 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: NewNormalVector is " << NewNormalVector << ".");
2328 | radius = CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->DistanceSquared(NewPlaneCenter);
2329 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: CircleCenter is at " << CircleCenter << ", CirclePlaneNormal is " << CirclePlaneNormal << " with circle radius " << sqrt(CircleRadius) << ".");
2330 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: SearchDirection is " << SearchDirection << ".");
2331 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Radius of CircumCenterCircle is " << radius << ".");
2332 | if (radius < RADIUS * RADIUS) {
2333 | otherradius = CandidateLine.BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->DistanceSquared(NewPlaneCenter);
2334 | if (fabs(radius - otherradius) < HULLEPSILON) {
2335 | // construct both new centers
2336 | NewSphereCenter = NewPlaneCenter;
2337 | OtherNewSphereCenter = NewPlaneCenter;
2338 | helper = NewNormalVector;
2339 | helper.Scale(sqrt(RADIUS * RADIUS - radius));
2340 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Distance of NewPlaneCenter " << NewPlaneCenter << " to either NewSphereCenter is " << helper.Norm() << " of vector " << helper << " with sphere radius " << RADIUS << ".");
2341 | NewSphereCenter += helper;
2342 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: NewSphereCenter is at " << NewSphereCenter << ".");
2343 | // OtherNewSphereCenter is created by the same vector just in the other direction
2344 | helper.Scale(-1.);
2345 | OtherNewSphereCenter += helper;
2346 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: OtherNewSphereCenter is at " << OtherNewSphereCenter << ".");
2347 | alpha = GetPathLengthonCircumCircle(CircleCenter, CirclePlaneNormal, CircleRadius, NewSphereCenter, OldSphereCenter, NormalVector, SearchDirection, HULLEPSILON);
2348 | Otheralpha = GetPathLengthonCircumCircle(CircleCenter, CirclePlaneNormal, CircleRadius, OtherNewSphereCenter, OldSphereCenter, NormalVector, SearchDirection, HULLEPSILON);
2349 | if ((ThirdPoint != NULL) && (Candidate == ThirdPoint->node)) { // in that case only the other circlecenter is valid
2350 | if (OldSphereCenter.DistanceSquared(NewSphereCenter) < OldSphereCenter.DistanceSquared(OtherNewSphereCenter))
2351 | alpha = Otheralpha;
2352 | } else
2353 | alpha = min(alpha, Otheralpha);
2354 | // if there is a better candidate, drop the current list and add the new candidate
2355 | // otherwise ignore the new candidate and keep the list
2356 | if (CandidateLine.ShortestAngle > (alpha - HULLEPSILON)) {
2357 | if (fabs(alpha - Otheralpha) > MYEPSILON) {
2358 | CandidateLine.OptCenter = NewSphereCenter;
2359 | CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter = OtherNewSphereCenter;
2360 | } else {
2361 | CandidateLine.OptCenter = OtherNewSphereCenter;
2362 | CandidateLine.OtherOptCenter = NewSphereCenter;
2363 | }
2364 | // if there is an equal candidate, add it to the list without clearing the list
2365 | if ((CandidateLine.ShortestAngle - HULLEPSILON) < alpha) {
2366 | CandidateLine.pointlist.push_back(Candidate);
2367 | LOG(3, "ACCEPT: We have found an equally good candidate: " << *(Candidate) << " with " << alpha << " and circumsphere's center at " << CandidateLine.OptCenter << ".");
2368 | } else {
2369 | // remove all candidates from the list and then the list itself
2370 | CandidateLine.pointlist.clear();
2371 | CandidateLine.pointlist.push_back(Candidate);
2372 | LOG(3, "ACCEPT: We have found a better candidate: " << *(Candidate) << " with " << alpha << " and circumsphere's center at " << CandidateLine.OptCenter << ".");
2373 | }
2374 | CandidateLine.ShortestAngle = alpha;
2375 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: There are " << CandidateLine.pointlist.size() << " candidates in the list now.");
2376 | } else {
2377 | if ((Candidate != NULL) && (CandidateLine.pointlist.begin() != CandidateLine.pointlist.end())) {
2378 | LOG(4, "REJECT: Old candidate " << *(*CandidateLine.pointlist.begin()) << " with " << CandidateLine.ShortestAngle << " is better than new one " << *Candidate << " with " << alpha << " .");
2379 | } else {
2380 | LOG(4, "REJECT: Candidate " << *Candidate << " with " << alpha << " was rejected.");
2381 | }
2382 | }
2383 | } else {
2384 | ASSERT(0, std::string("FindThirdPointForTesselation() - ") + std::string("REJECT: Distance to center of circumcircle is not the same from each corner of the triangle: ") + toString(fabs(radius - otherradius)));
2385 | }
2386 | } else {
2387 | LOG(4, "REJECT: NewSphereCenter " << NewSphereCenter << " for " << *Candidate << " is too far away: " << radius << ".");
2388 | }
2389 | } catch (LinearDependenceException &excp) {
2390 | LOG(4, boost::diagnostic_information(excp));
2391 | LOG(4, "REJECT: Three points from " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " and Candidate " << *Candidate << " are linear-dependent.");
2392 | }
2393 | } else {
2394 | if (ThirdPoint != NULL) {
2395 | LOG(4, "REJECT: Base triangle " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " and " << *ThirdPoint << " contains Candidate " << *Candidate << ".");
2396 | } else {
2397 | LOG(4, "REJECT: Base triangle " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " contains Candidate " << *Candidate << ".");
2398 | }
2399 | }
2400 | }
2401 | }
2402 | }
2403 | } else {
2404 | ELOG(1, "The projected center of the old sphere has radius " << radius << " instead of " << CircleRadius << ".");
2405 | }
2406 | } else {
2407 | if (ThirdPoint != NULL)
2408 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Circumcircle for base line " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " and third node " << *ThirdPoint << " is too big!");
2409 | else
2410 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Circumcircle for base line " << *CandidateLine.BaseLine << " is too big!");
2411 | }
2412 |
2413 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Sorting candidate list ...");
2414 | if (CandidateLine.pointlist.size() > 1) {
2415 | CandidateLine.pointlist.unique();
2416 | CandidateLine.pointlist.sort(); //SortCandidates);
2417 | }
2418 |
2419 | ASSERT(CandidateLine.pointlist.empty() || (CandidateLine.CheckValidity(RADIUS, LC)), std::string("Tesselation::FindThirdPointForTesselation()") + std::string("There were other points contained in the rolling sphere as well!"));
2420 | }
2421 | ;
2422 |
2423 | /** Finds the endpoint two lines are sharing.
2424 | * \param *line1 first line
2425 | * \param *line2 second line
2426 | * \return point which is shared or NULL if none
2427 | */
2428 | class BoundaryPointSet *Tesselation::GetCommonEndpoint(const BoundaryLineSet * line1, const BoundaryLineSet * line2) const
2429 | {
2430 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2431 | const BoundaryLineSet * lines[2] = {line1, line2};
2432 | class BoundaryPointSet *node = NULL;
2433 | PointMap OrderMap;
2434 | PointTestPair OrderTest;
2435 | for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
2436 | // for both lines
2437 | for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { // for both endpoints
2438 | OrderTest = OrderMap.insert(pair<int, class BoundaryPointSet *>(lines[i]->endpoints[j]->Nr, lines[i]->endpoints[j]));
2439 | if (!OrderTest.second) { // if insertion fails, we have common endpoint
2440 | node = OrderTest.first->second;
2441 | LOG(1, "Common endpoint of lines " << *line1 << " and " << *line2 << " is: " << *node << ".");
2442 | j = 2;
2443 | i = 2;
2444 | break;
2445 | }
2446 | }
2447 | return node;
2448 | }
2449 | ;
2450 |
2451 | /** Finds the boundary points that are closest to a given Vector \a *x.
2452 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2453 | * \param *x Vector to look from
2454 | * \return map of BoundaryPointSet of closest points sorted by squared distance or NULL.
2455 | */
2456 | DistanceToPointMap * Tesselation::FindClosestBoundaryPointsToVector(const Vector &x, const LinkedCell_deprecated* LC) const
2457 | {
2458 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2459 | PointMap::const_iterator FindPoint;
2460 | int N[NDIM], Nlower[NDIM], Nupper[NDIM];
2461 |
2462 | if (LinesOnBoundary.empty()) {
2463 | ELOG(1, "There is no tesselation structure to compare the point with, please create one first.");
2464 | return NULL;
2465 | }
2466 |
2467 | // gather all points close to the desired one
2468 | LC->SetIndexToVector(x); // ignore status as we calculate bounds below sensibly
2469 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) // store indices of this cell
2470 | N[i] = LC->n[i];
2471 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Center cell is " << N[0] << ", " << N[1] << ", " << N[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << ".");
2472 | DistanceToPointMap * points = new DistanceToPointMap;
2473 | LC->GetNeighbourBounds(Nlower, Nupper);
2474 | for (LC->n[0] = Nlower[0]; LC->n[0] <= Nupper[0]; LC->n[0]++)
2475 | for (LC->n[1] = Nlower[1]; LC->n[1] <= Nupper[1]; LC->n[1]++)
2476 | for (LC->n[2] = Nlower[2]; LC->n[2] <= Nupper[2]; LC->n[2]++) {
2477 | const TesselPointSTLList *List = LC->GetCurrentCell();
2478 | //LOG(1, "The current cell " << LC->n[0] << "," << LC->n[1] << "," << LC->n[2]);
2479 | if (List != NULL) {
2480 | for (TesselPointSTLList::const_iterator Runner = List->begin(); Runner != List->end(); Runner++) {
2481 | FindPoint = PointsOnBoundary.find((*Runner)->getNr());
2482 | if (FindPoint != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
2483 | // when the closest point is on the edge of a triangle (and hence
2484 | // we find two closes triangles due to it having an adjacent one)
2485 | // we should make sure that both triangles end up in the same entry
2486 | // in the distance multimap. Hence, we round to 6 digit precision.
2487 | const double distance = 1e-6 * floor(FindPoint->second->node->DistanceSquared(x) * 1e+6);
2488 | points->insert(DistanceToPointPair(distance, FindPoint->second));
2489 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Putting " << *FindPoint->second << " into the list.");
2490 | }
2491 | }
2492 | } else {
2493 | ELOG(1, "The current cell " << LC->n[0] << "," << LC->n[1] << "," << LC->n[2] << " is invalid!");
2494 | }
2495 | }
2496 |
2497 | // check whether we found some points
2498 | if (points->empty()) {
2499 | ELOG(1, "There is no nearest point: too far away from the surface.");
2500 | delete (points);
2501 | return NULL;
2502 | }
2503 | return points;
2504 | }
2505 | ;
2506 |
2507 | /** Finds the boundary line that is closest to a given Vector \a *x.
2508 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2509 | * \param *x Vector to look from
2510 | * \return closest BoundaryLineSet or NULL in degenerate case.
2511 | */
2512 | BoundaryLineSet * Tesselation::FindClosestBoundaryLineToVector(const Vector &x, const LinkedCell_deprecated* LC) const
2513 | {
2514 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2515 | // get closest points
2516 | DistanceToPointMap * points = FindClosestBoundaryPointsToVector(x, LC);
2517 | if (points == NULL) {
2518 | ELOG(1, "There is no nearest point: too far away from the surface.");
2519 | return NULL;
2520 | }
2521 |
2522 | // for each point, check its lines, remember closest
2523 | LOG(1, "Finding closest BoundaryLine to " << x << " ... ");
2524 | BoundaryLineSet *ClosestLine = NULL;
2525 | double MinDistance = -1.;
2526 | Vector helper;
2527 | Vector Center;
2528 | Vector BaseLine;
2529 | for (DistanceToPointMap::iterator Runner = points->begin(); Runner != points->end(); Runner++) {
2530 | for (LineMap::iterator LineRunner = Runner->second->lines.begin(); LineRunner != Runner->second->lines.end(); LineRunner++) {
2531 | // calculate closest point on line to desired point
2532 | helper = 0.5 * (((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()));
2533 | Center = (x) - helper;
2534 | BaseLine = ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
2535 | Center.ProjectOntoPlane(BaseLine);
2536 | const double distance = Center.NormSquared();
2537 | if ((ClosestLine == NULL) || (distance < MinDistance)) {
2538 | // additionally calculate intersection on line (whether it's on the line section or not)
2539 | helper = (x) - ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - Center;
2540 | const double lengthA = helper.ScalarProduct(BaseLine);
2541 | helper = (x) - ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()) - Center;
2542 | const double lengthB = helper.ScalarProduct(BaseLine);
2543 | if (lengthB * lengthA < 0) { // if have different sign
2544 | ClosestLine = LineRunner->second;
2545 | MinDistance = distance;
2546 | LOG(1, "ACCEPT: New closest line is " << *ClosestLine << " with projected distance " << MinDistance << ".");
2547 | } else {
2548 | LOG(1, "REJECT: Intersection is outside of the line section: " << lengthA << " and " << lengthB << ".");
2549 | }
2550 | } else {
2551 | LOG(1, "REJECT: Point is too further away than present line: " << distance << " >> " << MinDistance << ".");
2552 | }
2553 | }
2554 | }
2555 | delete (points);
2556 | // check whether closest line is "too close" :), then it's inside
2557 | if (ClosestLine == NULL) {
2558 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Is the only point, no one else is closeby.");
2559 | return NULL;
2560 | }
2561 | return ClosestLine;
2562 | }
2563 | ;
2564 |
2565 | /** Finds the triangle that is closest to a given Vector \a *x.
2566 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2567 | * \param *x Vector to look from
2568 | * \return BoundaryTriangleSet of nearest triangle or NULL.
2569 | */
2570 | TriangleList * Tesselation::FindClosestTrianglesToVector(const Vector &x, const LinkedCell_deprecated* LC) const
2571 | {
2572 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2573 | // get closest points
2574 | DistanceToPointMap * points = FindClosestBoundaryPointsToVector(x, LC);
2575 | if (points == NULL) {
2576 | ELOG(1, "There is no nearest point: too far away from the surface.");
2577 | return NULL;
2578 | }
2579 |
2580 | // for each point, check its lines, remember closest
2581 | LOG(1, "Finding closest BoundaryTriangle to " << x << " ... ");
2582 | LineSet ClosestLines;
2583 | double MinDistance = 1e+16;
2584 | Vector BaseLineIntersection;
2585 | Vector Center;
2586 | Vector BaseLine;
2587 | Vector BaseLineCenter;
2588 | for (DistanceToPointMap::iterator Runner = points->begin(); Runner != points->end(); Runner++) {
2589 | for (LineMap::iterator LineRunner = Runner->second->lines.begin(); LineRunner != Runner->second->lines.end(); LineRunner++) {
2590 |
2591 | BaseLine = ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
2592 | const double lengthBase = BaseLine.NormSquared();
2593 |
2594 | BaseLineIntersection = (x) - ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition());
2595 | const double lengthEndA = BaseLineIntersection.NormSquared();
2596 |
2597 | BaseLineIntersection = (x) - ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
2598 | const double lengthEndB = BaseLineIntersection.NormSquared();
2599 |
2600 | if ((lengthEndA > lengthBase) || (lengthEndB > lengthBase) || ((lengthEndA < MYEPSILON) || (lengthEndB < MYEPSILON))) { // intersection would be outside, take closer endpoint
2601 | const double lengthEnd = std::min(lengthEndA, lengthEndB);
2602 | if (lengthEnd - MinDistance < -MYEPSILON) { // new best line
2603 | ClosestLines.clear();
2604 | ClosestLines.insert(LineRunner->second);
2605 | MinDistance = lengthEnd;
2606 | LOG(1, "ACCEPT: Line " << *LineRunner->second << " to endpoint " << *LineRunner->second->endpoints[0]->node << " is closer with " << lengthEnd << ".");
2607 | } else
2608 | if (fabs(lengthEnd - MinDistance) < MYEPSILON) { // additional best candidate
2609 | ClosestLines.insert(LineRunner->second);
2610 | LOG(1, "ACCEPT: Line " << *LineRunner->second << " to endpoint " << *LineRunner->second->endpoints[1]->node << " is equally good with " << lengthEnd << ".");
2611 | } else { // line is worse
2612 | LOG(1, "REJECT: Line " << *LineRunner->second << " to either endpoints is further away than present closest line candidate: " << lengthEndA << ", " << lengthEndB << ", and distance is longer than baseline:" << lengthBase << ".");
2613 | }
2614 | } else { // intersection is closer, calculate
2615 | // calculate closest point on line to desired point
2616 | BaseLineIntersection = (x) - ((LineRunner->second)->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
2617 | Center = BaseLineIntersection;
2618 | Center.ProjectOntoPlane(BaseLine);
2619 | BaseLineIntersection -= Center;
2620 | const double distance = BaseLineIntersection.NormSquared();
2621 | if (Center.NormSquared() > BaseLine.NormSquared()) {
2622 | ELOG(0, "Algorithmic error: In second case we have intersection outside of baseline!");
2623 | }
2624 | if ((ClosestLines.empty()) || (distance < MinDistance)) {
2625 | ClosestLines.insert(LineRunner->second);
2626 | MinDistance = distance;
2627 | LOG(1, "ACCEPT: Intersection in between endpoints, new closest line " << *LineRunner->second << " is " << *ClosestLines.begin() << " with projected distance " << MinDistance << ".");
2628 | } else {
2629 | LOG(2, "REJECT: Point is further away from line " << *LineRunner->second << " than present closest line: " << distance << " >> " << MinDistance << ".");
2630 | }
2631 | }
2632 | }
2633 | }
2634 | delete (points);
2635 |
2636 | // check whether closest line is "too close" :), then it's inside
2637 | if (ClosestLines.empty()) {
2638 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Is the only point, no one else is closeby.");
2639 | return NULL;
2640 | }
2641 | TriangleList * candidates = new TriangleList;
2642 | for (LineSet::iterator LineRunner = ClosestLines.begin(); LineRunner != ClosestLines.end(); LineRunner++)
2643 | for (TriangleMap::iterator Runner = (*LineRunner)->triangles.begin(); Runner != (*LineRunner)->triangles.end(); Runner++) {
2644 | candidates->push_back(Runner->second);
2645 | }
2646 | return candidates;
2647 | }
2648 | ;
2649 |
2650 | /** Finds closest triangle to a point.
2651 | * This basically just takes care of the degenerate case, which is not handled in FindClosestTrianglesToPoint().
2652 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2653 | * \param *x Vector to look from
2654 | * \param &distance contains found distance on return
2655 | * \return list of BoundaryTriangleSet of nearest triangles or NULL.
2656 | */
2657 | class BoundaryTriangleSet * Tesselation::FindClosestTriangleToVector(const Vector &x, const LinkedCell_deprecated* LC) const
2658 | {
2659 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2660 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *result = NULL;
2661 | TriangleList *triangles = FindClosestTrianglesToVector(x, LC);
2662 | TriangleList candidates;
2663 | Vector Center;
2664 | Vector helper;
2665 |
2666 | if ((triangles == NULL) || (triangles->empty()))
2667 | return NULL;
2668 |
2669 | // go through all and pick the one with the best alignment to x
2670 | double MinAlignment = 2. * M_PI;
2671 | for (TriangleList::iterator Runner = triangles->begin(); Runner != triangles->end(); Runner++) {
2672 | (*Runner)->GetCenter(Center);
2673 | helper = (x) - Center;
2674 | const double Alignment = helper.Angle((*Runner)->NormalVector);
2675 | if (Alignment < MinAlignment) {
2676 | result = *Runner;
2677 | MinAlignment = Alignment;
2678 | LOG(1, "ACCEPT: Triangle " << *result << " is better aligned with " << MinAlignment << ".");
2679 | } else {
2680 | LOG(1, "REJECT: Triangle " << *result << " is worse aligned with " << MinAlignment << ".");
2681 | }
2682 | }
2683 | delete (triangles);
2684 |
2685 | return result;
2686 | }
2687 | ;
2688 |
2689 | /** Checks whether the provided Vector is within the Tesselation structure.
2690 | * Basically calls Tesselation::GetDistanceToSurface() and checks the sign of the return value.
2691 | * @param point of which to check the position
2692 | * @param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure
2693 | *
2694 | * @return true if the point is inside the Tesselation structure, false otherwise
2695 | */
2696 | bool Tesselation::IsInnerPoint(const Vector &Point, const LinkedCell_deprecated* const LC) const
2697 | {
2698 | TriangleIntersectionList Intersections(Point, this, LC);
2699 | return Intersections.IsInside();
2700 | }
2701 |
2702 | Vector Tesselation::getNormal(const Vector &Point, const LinkedCell_deprecated* const LC) const
2703 | {
2704 | TriangleIntersectionList Intersections(Point, this, LC);
2705 | BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = Intersections.GetClosestTriangle();
2706 | if (triangle != NULL) {
2707 | return triangle->NormalVector;
2708 | } else
2709 | return zeroVec;
2710 | }
2711 |
2712 | /** Returns the distance to the surface given by the tesselation.
2713 | * Calls FindClosestTriangleToVector() and checks whether the resulting triangle's BoundaryTriangleSet#NormalVector points
2714 | * towards or away from the given \a &Point. Additionally, we check whether it's normal to the normal vector, i.e. on the
2715 | * closest triangle's plane. Then, we have to check whether \a Point is inside the triangle or not to determine whether it's
2716 | * an inside or outside point. This is done by calling BoundaryTriangleSet::GetIntersectionInsideTriangle().
2717 | * In the end we additionally find the point on the triangle who was smallest distance to \a Point:
2718 | * -# Separate distance from point to center in vector in NormalDirection and on the triangle plane.
2719 | * -# Check whether vector on triangle plane points inside the triangle or crosses triangle bounds.
2720 | * -# If inside, take it to calculate closest distance
2721 | * -# If not, take intersection with BoundaryLine as distance
2722 | *
2723 | * @note distance is squared despite it still contains a sign to determine in-/outside!
2724 | *
2725 | * @param point of which to check the position
2726 | * @param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure
2727 | *
2728 | * @return >0 if outside, ==0 if on surface, <0 if inside
2729 | */
2730 | double Tesselation::GetDistanceSquaredToTriangle(const Vector &Point, const BoundaryTriangleSet* const triangle) const
2731 | {
2732 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2733 | Vector Center;
2734 | Vector helper;
2735 | Vector DistanceToCenter;
2736 | Vector Intersection;
2737 | double distance = 0.;
2738 |
2739 | if (triangle == NULL) { // is boundary point or only point in point cloud?
2740 | LOG(1, "No triangle given!");
2741 | return -1.;
2742 | } else {
2743 | LOG(1, "INFO: Closest triangle found is " << *triangle << " with normal vector " << triangle->NormalVector << ".");
2744 | }
2745 |
2746 | triangle->GetCenter(Center);
2747 | LOG(2, "INFO: Central point of the triangle is " << Center << ".");
2748 | DistanceToCenter = Center - Point;
2749 | LOG(2, "INFO: Vector from point to test to center is " << DistanceToCenter << ".");
2750 |
2751 | // check whether we are on boundary
2752 | if (fabs(DistanceToCenter.ScalarProduct(triangle->NormalVector)) < MYEPSILON) {
2753 | // calculate whether inside of triangle
2754 | DistanceToCenter = Point + triangle->NormalVector; // points outside
2755 | Center = Point - triangle->NormalVector; // points towards MolCenter
2756 | LOG(1, "INFO: Calling Intersection with " << Center << " and " << DistanceToCenter << ".");
2757 | if (triangle->GetIntersectionInsideTriangle(Center, DistanceToCenter, Intersection)) {
2758 | LOG(1, Point << " is inner point: sufficiently close to boundary, " << Intersection << ".");
2759 | return 0.;
2760 | } else {
2761 | LOG(1, Point << " is NOT an inner point: on triangle plane but outside of triangle bounds.");
2762 | return false;
2763 | }
2764 | } else {
2765 | // calculate smallest distance
2766 | distance = triangle->GetClosestPointInsideTriangle(Point, Intersection);
2767 | LOG(1, "Closest point on triangle is " << Intersection << ".");
2768 |
2769 | // then check direction to boundary
2770 | if (DistanceToCenter.ScalarProduct(triangle->NormalVector) > MYEPSILON) {
2771 | LOG(1, Point << " is an inner point, " << distance << " below surface.");
2772 | return -distance;
2773 | } else {
2774 | LOG(1, Point << " is NOT an inner point, " << distance << " above surface.");
2775 | return +distance;
2776 | }
2777 | }
2778 | }
2779 | ;
2780 |
2781 | /** Calculates minimum distance from \a&Point to a tesselated surface.
2782 | * Combines \sa FindClosestTrianglesToVector() and \sa GetDistanceSquaredToTriangle().
2783 | * \param &Point point to calculate distance from
2784 | * \param *LC needed for finding closest points fast
2785 | * \return distance squared to closest point on surface
2786 | */
2787 | double Tesselation::GetDistanceToSurface(const Vector &Point, const LinkedCell_deprecated* const LC) const
2788 | {
2789 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2790 | TriangleIntersectionList Intersections(Point, this, LC);
2791 |
2792 | return Intersections.GetSmallestDistance();
2793 | }
2794 | ;
2795 |
2796 | /** Calculates minimum distance from \a&Point to a tesselated surface.
2797 | * Combines \sa FindClosestTrianglesToVector() and \sa GetDistanceSquaredToTriangle().
2798 | * \param &Point point to calculate distance from
2799 | * \param *LC needed for finding closest points fast
2800 | * \return distance squared to closest point on surface
2801 | */
2802 | BoundaryTriangleSet * Tesselation::GetClosestTriangleOnSurface(const Vector &Point, const LinkedCell_deprecated* const LC) const
2803 | {
2804 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2805 | TriangleIntersectionList Intersections(Point, this, LC);
2806 |
2807 | return Intersections.GetClosestTriangle();
2808 | }
2809 | ;
2810 |
2811 | /** Gets all points connected to the provided point by triangulation lines.
2812 | *
2813 | * @param *Point of which get all connected points
2814 | *
2815 | * @return set of the all points linked to the provided one
2816 | */
2817 | TesselPointSet * Tesselation::GetAllConnectedPoints(const TesselPoint* const Point) const
2818 | {
2819 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2820 | TesselPointSet *connectedPoints = new TesselPointSet;
2821 | class BoundaryPointSet *ReferencePoint = NULL;
2822 | TesselPoint* current;
2823 | bool takePoint = false;
2824 | // find the respective boundary point
2825 | PointMap::const_iterator PointRunner = PointsOnBoundary.find(Point->getNr());
2826 | if (PointRunner != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
2827 | ReferencePoint = PointRunner->second;
2828 | } else {
2829 | ELOG(2, "GetAllConnectedPoints() could not find the BoundaryPoint belonging to " << *Point << ".");
2830 | ReferencePoint = NULL;
2831 | }
2832 |
2833 | // little trick so that we look just through lines connect to the BoundaryPoint
2834 | // OR fall-back to look through all lines if there is no such BoundaryPoint
2835 | const LineMap *Lines;
2836 | ;
2837 | if (ReferencePoint != NULL)
2838 | Lines = &(ReferencePoint->lines);
2839 | else
2840 | Lines = &LinesOnBoundary;
2841 | LineMap::const_iterator findLines = Lines->begin();
2842 | while (findLines != Lines->end()) {
2843 | takePoint = false;
2844 |
2845 | if (findLines->second->endpoints[0]->Nr == Point->getNr()) {
2846 | takePoint = true;
2847 | current = findLines->second->endpoints[1]->node;
2848 | } else
2849 | if (findLines->second->endpoints[1]->Nr == Point->getNr()) {
2850 | takePoint = true;
2851 | current = findLines->second->endpoints[0]->node;
2852 | }
2853 |
2854 | if (takePoint) {
2855 | LOG(1, "INFO: Endpoint " << *current << " of line " << *(findLines->second) << " is enlisted.");
2856 | connectedPoints->insert(current);
2857 | }
2858 |
2859 | findLines++;
2860 | }
2861 |
2862 | if (connectedPoints->empty()) { // if have not found any points
2863 | ELOG(1, "We have not found any connected points to " << *Point << ".");
2864 | return NULL;
2865 | }
2866 |
2867 | return connectedPoints;
2868 | }
2869 | ;
2870 |
2871 | /** Gets all points connected to the provided point by triangulation lines, ordered such that we have the circle round the point.
2872 | * Maps them down onto the plane designated by the axis \a *Point and \a *Reference. The center of all points
2873 | * connected in the tesselation to \a *Point is mapped to spherical coordinates with the zero angle being given
2874 | * by the mapped down \a *Reference. Hence, the biggest and the smallest angles are those of the two shanks of the
2875 | * triangle we are looking for.
2876 | *
2877 | * @param *out output stream for debugging
2878 | * @param *SetOfNeighbours all points for which the angle should be calculated
2879 | * @param *Point of which get all connected points
2880 | * @param *Reference Reference vector for zero angle or NULL for no preference
2881 | * @return list of the all points linked to the provided one
2882 | */
2883 | TesselPointList * Tesselation::GetCircleOfConnectedTriangles(TesselPointSet *SetOfNeighbours, const TesselPoint* const Point, const Vector &Reference) const
2884 | {
2885 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2886 | map<double, TesselPoint*> anglesOfPoints;
2887 | TesselPointList *connectedCircle = new TesselPointList;
2888 | Vector PlaneNormal;
2889 | Vector AngleZero;
2890 | Vector OrthogonalVector;
2891 | Vector helper;
2892 | const TesselPoint * const TrianglePoints[3] = {Point, NULL, NULL};
2893 | TriangleList *triangles = NULL;
2894 |
2895 | if (SetOfNeighbours == NULL) {
2896 | ELOG(2, "Could not find any connected points!");
2897 | delete (connectedCircle);
2898 | return NULL;
2899 | }
2900 |
2901 | // calculate central point
2902 | triangles = FindTriangles(TrianglePoints);
2903 | ASSERT((triangles == NULL) || (triangles->empty()), std::string("Tesselation::GetCircleOfConnectedTriangles()") + std::string("Could not find any triangles for point " + toString(*Point) + "."));
2904 | for (TriangleList::iterator Runner = triangles->begin(); Runner != triangles->end(); Runner++)
2905 | PlaneNormal += (*Runner)->NormalVector;
2906 | PlaneNormal.Scale(1.0 / triangles->size());
2907 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Calculated PlaneNormal of all circle points is " << PlaneNormal << ".");
2908 | PlaneNormal.Normalize();
2909 |
2910 | // construct one orthogonal vector
2911 | AngleZero = (Reference) - (Point->getPosition());
2912 | AngleZero.ProjectOntoPlane(PlaneNormal);
2913 | if ((AngleZero.NormSquared() < MYEPSILON)) {
2914 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Using alternatively " << (*SetOfNeighbours->begin())->getPosition() << " as angle 0 referencer.");
2915 | AngleZero = ((*SetOfNeighbours->begin())->getPosition()) - (Point->getPosition());
2916 | AngleZero.ProjectOntoPlane(PlaneNormal);
2917 | ASSERT(AngleZero.NormSquared() > MYEPSILON, std::string("Tesselation::GetCircleOfConnectedTriangles() - ") + std::string("AngleZero is 0 even with alternative reference.") + std::string("The algorithm has to be changed here!"));
2918 | }
2919 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Reference vector on this plane representing angle 0 is " << AngleZero << ".");
2920 | if (AngleZero.NormSquared() > MYEPSILON)
2921 | OrthogonalVector = Plane(PlaneNormal, AngleZero, 0).getNormal();
2922 | else
2923 | OrthogonalVector.MakeNormalTo(PlaneNormal);
2924 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: OrthogonalVector on plane is " << OrthogonalVector << ".");
2925 |
2926 | // go through all connected points and calculate angle
2927 | for (TesselPointSet::iterator listRunner = SetOfNeighbours->begin(); listRunner != SetOfNeighbours->end(); listRunner++) {
2928 | helper = ((*listRunner)->getPosition()) - (Point->getPosition());
2929 | helper.ProjectOntoPlane(PlaneNormal);
2930 | double angle = GetAngle(helper, AngleZero, OrthogonalVector);
2931 | LOG(4, "DEBUG" << angle << " for point " << **listRunner << ".");
2932 | anglesOfPoints.insert(pair<double, TesselPoint*>(angle, (*listRunner)));
2933 | }
2934 |
2935 | for (map<double, TesselPoint*>::iterator AngleRunner = anglesOfPoints.begin(); AngleRunner != anglesOfPoints.end(); AngleRunner++) {
2936 | connectedCircle->push_back(AngleRunner->second);
2937 | }
2938 |
2939 | return connectedCircle;
2940 | }
2941 |
2942 | /** Gets all points connected to the provided point by triangulation lines, ordered such that we have the circle round the point.
2943 | * Maps them down onto the plane designated by the axis \a *Point and \a *Reference. The center of all points
2944 | * connected in the tesselation to \a *Point is mapped to spherical coordinates with the zero angle being given
2945 | * by the mapped down \a *Reference. Hence, the biggest and the smallest angles are those of the two shanks of the
2946 | * triangle we are looking for.
2947 | *
2948 | * @param *SetOfNeighbours all points for which the angle should be calculated
2949 | * @param *Point of which get all connected points
2950 | * @param *Reference Reference vector for zero angle or (0,0,0) for no preference
2951 | * @return list of the all points linked to the provided one
2952 | */
2953 | TesselPointList * Tesselation::GetCircleOfSetOfPoints(TesselPointSet *SetOfNeighbours, const TesselPoint* const Point, const Vector &Reference) const
2954 | {
2955 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
2956 | map<double, TesselPoint*> anglesOfPoints;
2957 | TesselPointList *connectedCircle = new TesselPointList;
2958 | Vector center;
2959 | Vector PlaneNormal;
2960 | Vector AngleZero;
2961 | Vector OrthogonalVector;
2962 | Vector helper;
2963 |
2964 | if (SetOfNeighbours == NULL) {
2965 | ELOG(2, "Could not find any connected points!");
2966 | delete (connectedCircle);
2967 | return NULL;
2968 | }
2969 |
2970 | // check whether there's something to do
2971 | if (SetOfNeighbours->size() < 3) {
2972 | for (TesselPointSet::iterator TesselRunner = SetOfNeighbours->begin(); TesselRunner != SetOfNeighbours->end(); TesselRunner++)
2973 | connectedCircle->push_back(*TesselRunner);
2974 | return connectedCircle;
2975 | }
2976 |
2977 | LOG(1, "INFO: Point is " << *Point << " and Reference is " << Reference << ".");
2978 | // calculate central point
2979 | TesselPointSet::const_iterator TesselA = SetOfNeighbours->begin();
2980 | TesselPointSet::const_iterator TesselB = SetOfNeighbours->begin();
2981 | TesselPointSet::const_iterator TesselC = SetOfNeighbours->begin();
2982 | TesselB++;
2983 | TesselC++;
2984 | TesselC++;
2985 | int counter = 0;
2986 | while (TesselC != SetOfNeighbours->end()) {
2987 | helper = Plane(((*TesselA)->getPosition()), ((*TesselB)->getPosition()), ((*TesselC)->getPosition())).getNormal();
2988 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Making normal vector out of " << *(*TesselA) << ", " << *(*TesselB) << " and " << *(*TesselC) << ":" << helper);
2989 | counter++;
2990 | TesselA++;
2991 | TesselB++;
2992 | TesselC++;
2993 | PlaneNormal += helper;
2994 | }
2995 | //LOG(0, "Summed vectors " << center << "; number of points " << connectedPoints.size() << "; scale factor " << counter);
2996 | PlaneNormal.Scale(1.0 / (double)counter);
2997 | // LOG(1, "INFO: Calculated center of all circle points is " << center << ".");
2998 | //
2999 | // // projection plane of the circle is at the closes Point and normal is pointing away from center of all circle points
3000 | // PlaneNormal.CopyVector(Point->node);
3001 | // PlaneNormal.SubtractVector(¢er);
3002 | // PlaneNormal.Normalize();
3003 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Calculated plane normal of circle is " << PlaneNormal << ".");
3004 |
3005 | // construct one orthogonal vector
3006 | if (!Reference.IsZero()) {
3007 | AngleZero = (Reference) - (Point->getPosition());
3008 | AngleZero.ProjectOntoPlane(PlaneNormal);
3009 | }
3010 | if ((Reference.IsZero()) || (AngleZero.NormSquared() < MYEPSILON)) {
3011 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Using alternatively " << (*SetOfNeighbours->begin())->getPosition() << " as angle 0 referencer.");
3012 | AngleZero = ((*SetOfNeighbours->begin())->getPosition()) - (Point->getPosition());
3013 | AngleZero.ProjectOntoPlane(PlaneNormal);
3014 | ASSERT(AngleZero.NormSquared() > MYEPSILON, std::string("Tesselation::GetCircleOfSetOfPoints() - ") + std::string("AngleZero is 0 even with alternative reference.") + std::string("The algorithm has to be changed here!"));
3015 | }
3016 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Reference vector on this plane representing angle 0 is " << AngleZero << ".");
3017 | if (AngleZero.NormSquared() > MYEPSILON) {
3018 | try {
3019 | OrthogonalVector = Plane(PlaneNormal, AngleZero, 0).getNormal();
3020 | } catch (ZeroVectorException &e) {
3021 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Constructing plane failed due to linear dependency.");
3022 | OrthogonalVector.MakeNormalTo(PlaneNormal);
3023 | }
3024 | } else
3025 | OrthogonalVector.MakeNormalTo(PlaneNormal);
3026 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: OrthogonalVector on plane is " << OrthogonalVector << ".");
3027 |
3028 | // go through all connected points and calculate angle
3029 | pair<map<double, TesselPoint*>::iterator, bool> InserterTest;
3030 | for (TesselPointSet::iterator listRunner = SetOfNeighbours->begin(); listRunner != SetOfNeighbours->end(); listRunner++) {
3031 | helper = ((*listRunner)->getPosition()) - (Point->getPosition());
3032 | helper.ProjectOntoPlane(PlaneNormal);
3033 | double angle = GetAngle(helper, AngleZero, OrthogonalVector);
3034 | if (angle > M_PI) // the correction is of no use here (and not desired)
3035 | angle = 2. * M_PI - angle;
3036 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Calculated angle between " << helper << " and " << AngleZero << " is " << angle << " for point " << **listRunner << ".");
3037 | InserterTest = anglesOfPoints.insert(pair<double, TesselPoint*>(angle, (*listRunner)));
3038 | ASSERT(InserterTest.second, std::string("Tesselation::GetCircleOfSetOfPoints() - ") + std::string("got two atoms with same angle " + toString(*((InserterTest.first)->second))) + std::string(" and " + toString((*listRunner))));
3039 | }
3040 |
3041 | for (map<double, TesselPoint*>::iterator AngleRunner = anglesOfPoints.begin(); AngleRunner != anglesOfPoints.end(); AngleRunner++) {
3042 | connectedCircle->push_back(AngleRunner->second);
3043 | }
3044 |
3045 | return connectedCircle;
3046 | }
3047 |
3048 | /** Gets all points connected to the provided point by triangulation lines, ordered such that we walk along a closed path.
3049 | *
3050 | * @param *out output stream for debugging
3051 | * @param *Point of which get all connected points
3052 | * @return list of the all points linked to the provided one
3053 | */
3054 | ListOfTesselPointList * Tesselation::GetPathsOfConnectedPoints(const TesselPoint* const Point) const
3055 | {
3056 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
3057 | map<double, TesselPoint*> anglesOfPoints;
3058 | list<TesselPointList *> *ListOfPaths = new list<TesselPointList *>;
3059 | TesselPointList *connectedPath = NULL;
3060 | Vector center;
3061 | Vector PlaneNormal;
3062 | Vector AngleZero;
3063 | Vector OrthogonalVector;
3064 | Vector helper;
3065 | class BoundaryPointSet *ReferencePoint = NULL;
3066 | class BoundaryPointSet *CurrentPoint = NULL;
3067 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL;
3068 | class BoundaryLineSet *CurrentLine = NULL;
3069 | class BoundaryLineSet *StartLine = NULL;
3070 | // find the respective boundary point
3071 | PointMap::const_iterator PointRunner = PointsOnBoundary.find(Point->getNr());
3072 | if (PointRunner != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
3073 | ReferencePoint = PointRunner->second;
3074 | } else {
3075 | ELOG(1, "GetPathOfConnectedPoints() could not find the BoundaryPoint belonging to " << *Point << ".");
3076 | return NULL;
3077 | }
3078 |
3079 | map<class BoundaryLineSet *, bool> TouchedLine;
3080 | map<class BoundaryTriangleSet *, bool> TouchedTriangle;
3081 | map<class BoundaryLineSet *, bool>::iterator LineRunner;
3082 | map<class BoundaryTriangleSet *, bool>::iterator TriangleRunner;
3083 | for (LineMap::iterator Runner = ReferencePoint->lines.begin(); Runner != ReferencePoint->lines.end(); Runner++) {
3084 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Adding " << *Runner->second << " to TouchedLine map.");
3085 | TouchedLine.insert(pair<class BoundaryLineSet *, bool>(Runner->second, false));
3086 | for (TriangleMap::iterator Sprinter = Runner->second->triangles.begin(); Sprinter != Runner->second->triangles.end(); Sprinter++) {
3087 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Adding " << *Sprinter->second << " to TouchedTriangle map.");
3088 | TouchedTriangle.insert(pair<class BoundaryTriangleSet *, bool>(Sprinter->second, false));
3089 | }
3090 | }
3091 | if (!ReferencePoint->lines.empty()) {
3092 | for (LineMap::iterator runner = ReferencePoint->lines.begin(); runner != ReferencePoint->lines.end(); runner++) {
3093 | LineRunner = TouchedLine.find(runner->second);
3094 | if (LineRunner == TouchedLine.end()) {
3095 | ELOG(1, "I could not find " << *runner->second << " in the touched list.");
3096 | } else
3097 | if (!LineRunner->second) {
3098 | LineRunner->second = true;
3099 | connectedPath = new TesselPointList;
3100 | triangle = NULL;
3101 | CurrentLine = runner->second;
3102 | StartLine = CurrentLine;
3103 | CurrentPoint = CurrentLine->GetOtherEndpoint(ReferencePoint);
3104 | LOG(3, "INFO: Beginning path retrieval at " << *CurrentPoint << " of line " << *CurrentLine << ".");
3105 | do {
3106 | // push current one
3107 | LOG(3, "INFO: Putting " << *CurrentPoint << " at end of path.");
3108 | connectedPath->push_back(CurrentPoint->node);
3109 |
3110 | // find next triangle
3111 | for (TriangleMap::iterator Runner = CurrentLine->triangles.begin(); Runner != CurrentLine->triangles.end(); Runner++) {
3112 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Inspecting triangle " << *Runner->second << ".");
3113 | if ((Runner->second != triangle)) { // look for first triangle not equal to old one
3114 | triangle = Runner->second;
3115 | TriangleRunner = TouchedTriangle.find(triangle);
3116 | if (TriangleRunner != TouchedTriangle.end()) {
3117 | if (!TriangleRunner->second) {
3118 | TriangleRunner->second = true;
3119 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Connecting triangle is " << *triangle << ".");
3120 | break;
3121 | } else {
3122 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Skipping " << *triangle << ", as we have already visited it.");
3123 | triangle = NULL;
3124 | }
3125 | } else {
3126 | ELOG(1, "I could not find " << *triangle << " in the touched list.");
3127 | triangle = NULL;
3128 | }
3129 | } else {
3130 | // as we have stumbled upon the same triangle, we don't need the check anymore
3131 | triangle = NULL;
3132 | }
3133 | }
3134 | if (triangle == NULL)
3135 | break;
3136 | // find next line
3137 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3138 | if ((triangle->lines[i] != CurrentLine) && (triangle->lines[i]->ContainsBoundaryPoint(ReferencePoint))) { // not the current line and still containing Point
3139 | CurrentLine = triangle->lines[i];
3140 | LOG(3, "INFO: Connecting line is " << *CurrentLine << ".");
3141 | break;
3142 | }
3143 | }
3144 | LineRunner = TouchedLine.find(CurrentLine);
3145 | if (LineRunner == TouchedLine.end())
3146 | ELOG(1, "I could not find " << *CurrentLine << " in the touched list.");
3147 | else
3148 | LineRunner->second = true;
3149 | // find next point
3150 | CurrentPoint = CurrentLine->GetOtherEndpoint(ReferencePoint);
3151 |
3152 | } while (CurrentLine != StartLine);
3153 | // last point is missing, as it's on start line
3154 | if (StartLine->GetOtherEndpoint(ReferencePoint)->node != connectedPath->back()) {
3155 | LOG(3, "INFO: Putting " << *CurrentPoint << " at end of path to close it.");
3156 | connectedPath->push_back(StartLine->GetOtherEndpoint(ReferencePoint)->node);
3157 | }
3158 |
3159 | ListOfPaths->push_back(connectedPath);
3160 | } else {
3161 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Skipping " << *runner->second << ", as we have already visited it.");
3162 | }
3163 | }
3164 | } else {
3165 | ELOG(1, "There are no lines attached to " << *ReferencePoint << ".");
3166 | }
3167 |
3168 | return ListOfPaths;
3169 | }
3170 |
3171 | /** Gets all closed paths on the circle of points connected to the provided point by triangulation lines, if this very point is removed.
3172 | * From GetPathsOfConnectedPoints() extracts all single loops of intracrossing paths in the list of closed paths.
3173 | * @param *out output stream for debugging
3174 | * @param *Point of which get all connected points
3175 | * @return list of the closed paths
3176 | */
3177 | ListOfTesselPointList * Tesselation::GetClosedPathsOfConnectedPoints(const TesselPoint* const Point) const
3178 | {
3179 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
3180 | list<TesselPointList *> *ListofPaths = GetPathsOfConnectedPoints(Point);
3181 | list<TesselPointList *> *ListofClosedPaths = new list<TesselPointList *>;
3182 | TesselPointList *connectedPath = NULL;
3183 | TesselPointList *newPath = NULL;
3184 | int count = 0;
3185 | TesselPointList::iterator CircleRunner;
3186 | TesselPointList::iterator CircleStart;
3187 |
3188 | for (list<TesselPointList *>::iterator ListRunner = ListofPaths->begin(); ListRunner != ListofPaths->end(); ListRunner++) {
3189 | connectedPath = *ListRunner;
3190 |
3191 | if (DoLog(2)) {
3192 | std::stringstream output;
3193 | output << "INFO: Current path is ";
3194 | BOOST_FOREACH(const TesselPoint * const item, *connectedPath) {
3195 | output << *item << " ";
3196 | }
3197 | LOG(1, output.str());
3198 | }
3199 |
3200 | // go through list, look for reappearance of starting Point and count
3201 | CircleStart = connectedPath->begin();
3202 | // go through list, look for reappearance of starting Point and create list
3203 | TesselPointList::iterator Marker = CircleStart;
3204 | for (CircleRunner = CircleStart; CircleRunner != connectedPath->end(); CircleRunner++) {
3205 | if ((*CircleRunner == *CircleStart) && (CircleRunner != CircleStart)) { // is not the very first point
3206 | // we have a closed circle from Marker to new Marker
3207 | if (DoLog(3)) {
3208 | std::stringstream output;
3209 | output << "DEBUG: " << count + 1 << ". closed path consists of: ";
3210 | for (TesselPointList::iterator CircleSprinter = Marker; CircleSprinter != CircleRunner; CircleSprinter++)
3211 | output << (**CircleSprinter) << " <-> ";
3212 | LOG(1, output.str());
3213 | }
3214 | newPath = new TesselPointList;
3215 | TesselPointList::iterator CircleSprinter = Marker;
3216 | for (; CircleSprinter != CircleRunner; CircleSprinter++)
3217 | newPath->push_back(*CircleSprinter);
3218 | count++;
3219 | Marker = CircleRunner;
3220 |
3221 | // add to list
3222 | ListofClosedPaths->push_back(newPath);
3223 | }
3224 | }
3225 | }
3226 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: " << count << " closed additional path(s) have been created.");
3227 |
3228 | // delete list of paths
3229 | while (!ListofPaths->empty()) {
3230 | connectedPath = *(ListofPaths->begin());
3231 | ListofPaths->remove(connectedPath);
3232 | delete (connectedPath);
3233 | }
3234 | delete (ListofPaths);
3235 |
3236 | // exit
3237 | return ListofClosedPaths;
3238 | }
3239 | ;
3240 |
3241 | /** Gets all belonging triangles for a given BoundaryPointSet.
3242 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3243 | * \param *Point BoundaryPoint
3244 | * \return pointer to allocated list of triangles
3245 | */
3246 | TriangleSet *Tesselation::GetAllTriangles(const BoundaryPointSet * const Point) const
3247 | {
3248 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
3249 | TriangleSet *connectedTriangles = new TriangleSet;
3250 |
3251 | if (Point == NULL) {
3252 | ELOG(1, "Point given is NULL.");
3253 | } else {
3254 | // go through its lines and insert all triangles
3255 | for (LineMap::const_iterator LineRunner = Point->lines.begin(); LineRunner != Point->lines.end(); LineRunner++)
3256 | for (TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner = (LineRunner->second)->triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner != (LineRunner->second)->triangles.end(); TriangleRunner++) {
3257 | connectedTriangles->insert(TriangleRunner->second);
3258 | }
3259 | }
3260 |
3261 | return connectedTriangles;
3262 | }
3263 | ;
3264 |
3265 | struct CloserToPiHalf
3266 | {
3267 | bool operator()(double angle, double smallestangle)
3268 | {
3269 | return (fabs(angle - M_PI / 2.) < fabs(smallestangle - M_PI / 2.));
3270 | }
3271 | };
3272 |
3273 | bool Tesselation::IsPointBelowSurroundingPolygon(const BoundaryPointSet *_point) const
3274 | {
3275 | // check for NULL
3276 | if (_point == NULL) {
3277 | return false;
3278 | }
3279 |
3280 | // get list of connected points
3281 | if (_point->lines.empty()) {
3282 | LOG(1, "INFO: point " << *_point << " is not connected to any lines.");
3283 | return false;
3284 | }
3285 | bool PointIsBelow = true;
3286 |
3287 | // create Orthogonal vector as reference for angle (pointing into [pi,2pi) interval)
3288 | Vector OrthogonalVector;
3289 | for (LineMap::const_iterator lineiter = _point->lines.begin();
3290 | lineiter != _point->lines.end(); ++lineiter)
3291 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator triangleiter = lineiter->second->triangles.begin();
3292 | triangleiter != lineiter->second->triangles.end();
3293 | ++triangleiter)
3294 | OrthogonalVector += triangleiter->second->NormalVector;
3295 | OrthogonalVector.Normalize();
3296 |
3297 | // go through all closed paths for this point
3298 | typedef list<TesselPointList *> TPL_list_t;
3299 | const TPL_list_t *ListOfClosedPaths = GetClosedPathsOfConnectedPoints(_point->node);
3300 | for (TPL_list_t::const_iterator closedpathsiter = ListOfClosedPaths->begin();
3301 | (closedpathsiter != ListOfClosedPaths->end()) && PointIsBelow;
3302 | ++closedpathsiter) {
3303 | const TesselPointList *connectedPath = *closedpathsiter;
3304 |
3305 | TesselPointList::const_iterator ListAdvance = connectedPath->begin(); // gives angle direction
3306 | TesselPointList::const_iterator ListRunner = ListAdvance++;
3307 | for (; (ListAdvance != connectedPath->end()) && PointIsBelow;
3308 | ListRunner = ListAdvance++) { // go through all closed paths
3309 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Current reference node is " << **ListRunner
3310 | << ", advanced node is " << **ListAdvance);
3311 |
3312 | // reference vector to point to check for this point of connected path
3313 | const Vector Reference =
3314 | ((*ListAdvance)->getPosition()) - ((*ListRunner)->getPosition());
3315 |
3316 | // go through all other points in this connected path
3317 | for (TesselPointList::const_iterator OtherRunner = ListAdvance;
3318 | (OtherRunner != ListRunner) && PointIsBelow;
3319 | ++OtherRunner == connectedPath->end() ?
3320 | OtherRunner = connectedPath->begin() :
3321 | OtherRunner) {
3322 | if (OtherRunner == ListAdvance)
3323 | continue;
3324 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current other node is " << **OtherRunner);
3325 |
3326 | // build the plane with normal vector
3327 | const Vector onebeam =
3328 | ((*OtherRunner)->getPosition()) - ((*ListAdvance)->getPosition());
3329 | Vector NormalVector = Reference;
3330 | NormalVector.VectorProduct(onebeam);
3331 | // needs to point in same general direction as average NormalVector of all triangles
3332 | if (NormalVector.ScalarProduct(OrthogonalVector) < 0)
3333 | NormalVector *= -1.;
3334 | try {
3335 | Plane plane(NormalVector, ((*ListRunner)->getPosition()));
3336 |
3337 | // check whether point is below
3338 | if (plane.SignedDistance(_point->node->getPosition()) > 0) {
3339 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: For plane " << plane << " point " << *_point
3340 | << " would remain above.");
3341 | PointIsBelow = false;
3342 | }
3343 | } catch (ZeroVectorException &e) {
3344 | ELOG(3, "Vectors are linear dependent, skipping.");
3345 | }
3346 | }
3347 | }
3348 | }
3349 | delete ListOfClosedPaths;
3350 |
3351 | return PointIsBelow;
3352 | }
3353 |
3354 | double Tesselation::RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon(
3355 | TesselPointList *connectedPath,
3356 | BoundaryPointSet *point)
3357 | {
3358 | double volume = 0.;
3359 | const Vector OldPoint = point->node->getPosition();
3360 |
3361 | TesselPoint *oldNode = point->node;
3362 | // remove present triangles for this connectedPath
3363 | unsigned int count = 0;
3364 | for (TesselPointList::const_iterator iter = connectedPath->begin();
3365 | iter != connectedPath->end(); ++iter)
3366 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Node in connectedPath is " << **iter);
3367 |
3368 | {
3369 | TesselPointList::iterator FirstNode, SecondNode;
3370 | SecondNode = connectedPath->begin();
3371 | FirstNode = SecondNode++;
3372 | for (;FirstNode != connectedPath->end(); ++SecondNode, ++FirstNode) {
3373 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: MiddleNode is " << **FirstNode << ".");
3374 | if (SecondNode == connectedPath->end())
3375 | SecondNode = connectedPath->begin();
3376 | TesselPoint *TriangleCandidates[3];
3377 | TriangleCandidates[0] = *FirstNode;
3378 | TriangleCandidates[1] = *SecondNode;
3379 | TriangleCandidates[2] = oldNode;
3380 | BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = GetPresentTriangle(TriangleCandidates);
3381 | ASSERT( triangle != NULL,
3382 | "Tesselation::RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon() - triangle to points "
3383 | +toString((**SecondNode))+", "+toString((**FirstNode))+" and "
3384 | +toString(*oldNode)+" does not exist.");
3385 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Removing triangle " << *triangle << ".");
3386 | RemoveTesselationTriangle(triangle);
3387 | ++count;
3388 | }
3389 | LOG(2, "INFO: " << count << " triangles were removed.");
3390 | }
3391 |
3392 | // re-create all triangles by going through connected points list
3393 | LineList NewLines;
3394 | typedef std::vector<double> angles_t;
3395 | angles_t angles;
3396 | count = 0;
3397 | for (; !connectedPath->empty();) {
3398 | // search middle node with widest angle to next neighbours
3399 | TesselPointList::iterator StartNode, MiddleNode, EndNode;
3400 | for (MiddleNode = connectedPath->begin(); MiddleNode != connectedPath->end(); MiddleNode++) {
3401 | LOG(3, "INFO: MiddleNode is " << **MiddleNode << ".");
3402 | // construct vectors to next and previous neighbour
3403 | StartNode = MiddleNode;
3404 | if (StartNode == connectedPath->begin())
3405 | StartNode = connectedPath->end();
3406 | StartNode--;
3407 | //LOG(3, "INFO: StartNode is " << **StartNode << ".");
3408 | const Vector Point = ((*StartNode)->getPosition()) - ((*MiddleNode)->getPosition());
3409 | EndNode = MiddleNode;
3410 | EndNode++;
3411 | if (EndNode == connectedPath->end())
3412 | EndNode = connectedPath->begin();
3413 | //LOG(3, "INFO: EndNode is " << **StartNode << ".");
3414 | const Vector Reference = ((*EndNode)->getPosition()) - ((*MiddleNode)->getPosition());
3415 | Vector OrthogonalVector = ((*MiddleNode)->getPosition()) - OldPoint;
3416 | OrthogonalVector.MakeNormalTo(Reference);
3417 | angles.push_back(GetAngle(Point, Reference, OrthogonalVector));
3418 | }
3419 | ASSERT( !angles.empty(),
3420 | "Tesselation::RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon() - angles empty");
3421 | const angles_t::const_iterator maxiter = std::max_element(angles.begin(), angles.end());
3422 | angles_t::const_iterator miniter = angles.begin();
3423 | // distinguish between convex and nonconvex polygon
3424 | if (*maxiter > M_PI) {
3425 | // connectedPath is not convex: The idea is to fill any kinks pointing
3426 | // inside into the connectedPath close to this concave spot first, making
3427 | // it eventually become convex.
3428 | // Hence, use adjacent (and convex) fill-in point
3429 | miniter = (maxiter == angles.begin()) ? angles.end()-1 : maxiter-1;
3430 | if (*miniter > M_PI) {
3431 | miniter = (maxiter+1 == angles.end()) ? angles.begin() : maxiter+1;
3432 | if (*miniter > M_PI) {
3433 | miniter = std::min_element(angles.begin(), angles.end());
3434 | }
3435 | }
3436 | } else {
3437 | // is convex
3438 | miniter = std::min_element(angles.begin(), angles.end(), CloserToPiHalf());
3439 | }
3440 | MiddleNode = connectedPath->begin();
3441 | std::advance(MiddleNode, std::distance(const_cast<const angles_t &>(angles).begin(), miniter));
3442 |
3443 | ASSERT(MiddleNode != connectedPath->end(),
3444 | "Tesselation::RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon() - Could not find a smallest angle!");
3445 | angles.clear();
3446 | StartNode = MiddleNode;
3447 | EndNode = MiddleNode;
3448 | if (StartNode == connectedPath->begin())
3449 | StartNode = connectedPath->end();
3450 | StartNode--;
3451 | EndNode++;
3452 | if (EndNode == connectedPath->end())
3453 | EndNode = connectedPath->begin();
3454 | LOG(2, "INFO: StartNode is " << **StartNode << ".");
3455 | LOG(2, "INFO: MiddleNode is " << **MiddleNode << ".");
3456 | LOG(2, "INFO: EndNode is " << **EndNode << ".");
3457 | LOG(1, "INFO: Attempting to create triangle " << (*StartNode)->getName() << ", " << (*MiddleNode)->getName() << " and " << (*EndNode)->getName() << ".");
3458 | TesselPoint *TriangleCandidates[3];
3459 | TriangleCandidates[0] = *StartNode;
3460 | TriangleCandidates[1] = *MiddleNode;
3461 | TriangleCandidates[2] = *EndNode;
3462 | BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = GetPresentTriangle(TriangleCandidates);
3463 | if (triangle != NULL) {
3464 | const Vector center = 1./3. * ((*StartNode)->getPosition()
3465 | + (*MiddleNode)->getPosition()
3466 | + (*EndNode)->getPosition());
3467 | const Vector NormalVector = OldPoint - center;
3468 | // check orientation of normal vector (that points inside)
3469 | ASSERT( triangle->NormalVector.ScalarProduct(NormalVector) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()*1e2,
3470 | "Tesselation::RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon() - New triangle with same orientation already present as "
3471 | +toString(*triangle)+"!");
3472 | }
3473 |
3474 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Adding new triangle points.");
3475 | AddTesselationPoint(*StartNode, 0);
3476 | AddTesselationPoint(*MiddleNode, 1);
3477 | AddTesselationPoint(*EndNode, 2);
3478 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Adding new triangle lines.");
3479 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[1], 0);
3480 | // line between start and end must be new (except for very last triangle)
3481 | if (AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[2], 1))
3482 | NewLines.push_back(BLS[1]);
3483 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[1], TPS[2], 2);
3484 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
3485 | const Vector center = 1./3. * ((*StartNode)->getPosition()
3486 | + (*MiddleNode)->getPosition()
3487 | + (*EndNode)->getPosition());
3488 | const Vector NormalVector = OldPoint - center;
3489 | BTS->GetNormalVector(NormalVector);
3490 | AddTesselationTriangle();
3491 | // calculate volume summand as a general tetraeder
3492 | volume += CalculateVolumeofGeneralTetraeder(
3493 | TPS[0]->node->getPosition(),
3494 | TPS[1]->node->getPosition(),
3495 | TPS[2]->node->getPosition(),
3496 | OldPoint);
3497 | // advance number
3498 | ++count;
3499 |
3500 | // prepare nodes for next triangle
3501 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Removing " << **MiddleNode << " from closed path.");
3502 | connectedPath->remove(*MiddleNode); // remove the middle node (it is surrounded by triangles)
3503 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Remaining points: " << connectedPath->size() << ".");
3504 | ASSERT(connectedPath->size() >= 2,
3505 | "Tesselation::RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon() - There are only two endpoints left!");
3506 | if (connectedPath->size() == 2) { // we are done
3507 | connectedPath->remove(*StartNode); // remove the start node
3508 | connectedPath->remove(*EndNode); // remove the end node
3509 | }
3510 | }
3511 | LOG(1, "INFO: " << count << " triangles were created.");
3512 |
3513 | return volume;
3514 | }
3515 |
3516 | /** Removes a boundary point from the envelope while keeping it closed.
3517 | * We remove the old triangles connected to the point and re-create new triangles to close the surface following this ansatz:
3518 | * -# a closed path(s) of boundary points surrounding the point to be removed is constructed
3519 | * -# on each closed path, we pick three adjacent points, create a triangle with them and subtract the middle point from the path
3520 | * -# we advance two points (i.e. the next triangle will start at the ending point of the last triangle) and continue as before
3521 | * -# the surface is closed, when the path is empty
3522 | * Thereby, we (hopefully) make sure that the removed points remains beneath the surface (this is checked via IsInnerPoint eventually).
3523 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3524 | * \param *point point to be removed
3525 | * \return volume added to the volume inside the tesselated surface by the removal
3526 | */
3527 | double Tesselation::RemovePointFromTesselatedSurface(class BoundaryPointSet *point)
3528 | {
3529 | double volume = 0;
3530 |
3531 | if (point == NULL) {
3532 | ELOG(1, "Cannot remove the point " << point << ", it's NULL!");
3533 | return 0.;
3534 | } else
3535 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Removing point " << *point << " from tesselated boundary ...");
3536 |
3537 | // get list of connected points
3538 | if (point->lines.empty()) {
3539 | ELOG(1, "Cannot remove the point " << *point << ", it's connected to no lines!");
3540 | return 0.;
3541 | }
3542 |
3543 | list<TesselPointList *> *ListOfClosedPaths = GetClosedPathsOfConnectedPoints(point->node);
3544 | list<TesselPointList *>::iterator ListAdvance = ListOfClosedPaths->begin();
3545 | list<TesselPointList *>::iterator ListRunner = ListAdvance;
3546 | // TriangleMap::iterator NumberRunner = Candidates.begin();
3547 | Vector Point, Reference, OrthogonalVector;
3548 | for (; ListRunner != ListOfClosedPaths->end(); ListRunner = ListAdvance) { // go through all closed paths
3549 | if (ListAdvance != ListOfClosedPaths->end())
3550 | ListAdvance++;
3551 |
3552 | TesselPointList *connectedPath = *ListRunner;
3553 |
3554 | volume += RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon(connectedPath, point);
3555 |
3556 | ListOfClosedPaths->remove(connectedPath);
3557 | delete (connectedPath);
3558 | }
3559 | delete (ListOfClosedPaths);
3560 |
3561 | LOG(1, "INFO: Removed volume is " << volume << ".");
3562 |
3563 | return volume;
3564 | }
3565 | ;
3566 |
3567 | bool Tesselation::CheckAllConcaveInPolygon(
3568 | const TesselPointList *connectedPath,
3569 | const BoundaryPointSet *point
3570 | )
3571 | {
3572 | // check whether lines in this path to point to remove are all concave
3573 | bool all_lines_concave = true;
3574 | if (connectedPath->size() >= 2) {
3575 | TesselPointList::const_iterator StartNode, MiddleNode, EndNode;
3576 | // have nearest neighbors to a middle node to know adjacent triangles
3577 | for (MiddleNode = connectedPath->begin();
3578 | all_lines_concave && (MiddleNode != connectedPath->end());
3579 | MiddleNode++) {
3580 | LOG(3, "INFO: MiddleNode is " << **MiddleNode << ".");
3581 | EndNode = MiddleNode;
3582 | if (EndNode == connectedPath->begin())
3583 | EndNode = connectedPath->end();
3584 | --EndNode;
3585 | StartNode = MiddleNode;
3586 | ++StartNode;
3587 | if (StartNode == connectedPath->end())
3588 | StartNode = connectedPath->begin();
3589 |
3590 | AddTesselationPoint(point->node, 0);
3591 | AddTesselationPoint(*MiddleNode, 1);
3592 |
3593 | ASSERT( point->lines.find((*MiddleNode)->getNr()) != point->lines.end(),
3594 | "Tesselation::CheckAllConcaveInPolygon() - MiddleNode "
3595 | +toString(**MiddleNode)+" not present in "
3596 | +toString(*point)+"'s lines.");
3597 |
3598 | // get line between Node and point and check
3599 | std::pair<LineMap::const_iterator, LineMap::const_iterator> FindPair =
3600 | point->lines.equal_range((*MiddleNode)->getNr());
3601 | LineMap::const_iterator FindLine = FindPair.first;
3602 | for (; FindLine != FindPair.second; ++FindLine) {
3603 | // line has got two triangles, check whether they resemble those
3604 | // with start and endnode
3605 | const BoundaryLineSet *currentline = FindLine->second;
3606 | unsigned int matching_triangles = 0;
3607 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator triangleiter = currentline->triangles.begin();
3608 | triangleiter != currentline->triangles.end(); ++triangleiter) {
3609 | const BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = triangleiter->second;
3610 | AddTesselationPoint(*StartNode, 2);
3611 | if (triangle->IsPresentTupel(TPS))
3612 | ++matching_triangles;
3613 | AddTesselationPoint(*EndNode, 2);
3614 | if (triangle->IsPresentTupel(TPS))
3615 | ++matching_triangles;
3616 | }
3617 | if (matching_triangles == 2)
3618 | break;
3619 | }
3620 | if (FindLine != FindPair.second) {
3621 | LOG(3, "INFO: Current line of point " << *point << " is " << *FindLine->second << ".");
3622 | all_lines_concave &= !FindLine->second->CheckConvexityCriterion();
3623 | }
3624 | }
3625 | } else {
3626 | // check the single line
3627 | if (connectedPath->empty())
3628 | return false;
3629 | LineMap::const_iterator FindLine = point->lines.find((*connectedPath->begin())->getNr());
3630 | ASSERT( FindLine != point->lines.end(),
3631 | "Tesselation::CheckAllConcaveInPolygon() - point "
3632 | +toString((*connectedPath->begin())->getNr())+" not present in "
3633 | +toString(*point)+"'s lines.");
3634 | return !FindLine->second->CheckConvexityCriterion();
3635 | }
3636 |
3637 | return all_lines_concave;
3638 | }
3639 |
3640 | /** Removes a boundary point from the envelope while keeping it closed.
3641 | * We remove the old triangles connected to the point and re-create new triangles to close the surface following this ansatz:
3642 | * -# a closed path(s) of boundary points surrounding the point to be removed is constructed
3643 | * -# on each closed path, we pick three adjacent points, create a triangle with them and subtract the middle point from the path
3644 | * -# we advance two points (i.e. the next triangle will start at the ending point of the last triangle) and continue as before
3645 | * -# the surface is closed, when the path is empty
3646 | * Thereby, we (hopefully) make sure that the removed points remains beneath the surface (this is checked via IsInnerPoint eventually).
3647 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3648 | * \param *point point to be removed
3649 | * \return volume added to the volume inside the tesselated surface by the removal
3650 | */
3651 | double Tesselation::RemoveFullConcavePointFromTesselatedSurface(class BoundaryPointSet *point)
3652 | {
3653 | double volume = 0;
3654 |
3655 | if (point == NULL) {
3656 | ELOG(1, "Cannot remove the point " << point << ", it's NULL!");
3657 | return 0.;
3658 | } else
3659 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Removing point " << *point << " from tesselated boundary ...");
3660 |
3661 | // get list of connected points
3662 | if (point->lines.empty()) {
3663 | ELOG(1, "Cannot remove the point " << *point << ", it's connected to no lines!");
3664 | return 0.;
3665 | }
3666 |
3667 | list<TesselPointList *> *ListOfClosedPaths = GetClosedPathsOfConnectedPoints(point->node);
3668 | list<TesselPointList *>::iterator ListAdvance = ListOfClosedPaths->begin();
3669 | list<TesselPointList *>::iterator ListRunner = ListAdvance;
3670 | // TriangleMap::iterator NumberRunner = Candidates.begin();
3671 | TesselPointList::iterator StartNode, MiddleNode, EndNode;
3672 | Vector Point, Reference, OrthogonalVector;
3673 | for (; ListRunner != ListOfClosedPaths->end(); ListRunner = ListAdvance) { // go through all closed paths
3674 | if (ListAdvance != ListOfClosedPaths->end())
3675 | ListAdvance++;
3676 |
3677 | TesselPointList *connectedPath = *ListRunner;
3678 |
3679 | if (CheckAllConcaveInPolygon(connectedPath, point)) {
3680 | LOG(1, "INFO: ... point " << *point << " cannot be on convex envelope, all lines concave.");
3681 | volume += RemovePointSurroundedByPolygon(connectedPath, point);
3682 | }
3683 |
3684 | ListOfClosedPaths->remove(connectedPath);
3685 | delete (connectedPath);
3686 | }
3687 | delete (ListOfClosedPaths);
3688 |
3689 | if (volume > 0.)
3690 | LOG(1, "INFO: Removed volume is " << volume << ".");
3691 |
3692 | return volume;
3693 | }
3694 | ;
3695 |
3696 | /**
3697 | * Finds triangles belonging to the three provided points.
3698 | *
3699 | * @param *Points[3] list, is expected to contain three points (NULL means wildcard)
3700 | *
3701 | * @return triangles which belong to the provided points, will be empty if there are none,
3702 | * will usually be one, in case of degeneration, there will be two
3703 | */
3704 | TriangleList *Tesselation::FindTriangles(const TesselPoint* const Points[3]) const
3705 | {
3706 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
3707 | TriangleList *result = new TriangleList;
3708 | LineMap::const_iterator FindLine;
3709 | TriangleMap::const_iterator FindTriangle;
3710 | class BoundaryPointSet *TrianglePoints[3];
3711 | size_t NoOfWildcards = 0;
3712 |
3713 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3714 | if (Points[i] == NULL) {
3715 | NoOfWildcards++;
3716 | TrianglePoints[i] = NULL;
3717 | } else {
3718 | PointMap::const_iterator FindPoint = PointsOnBoundary.find(Points[i]->getNr());
3719 | if (FindPoint != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
3720 | TrianglePoints[i] = FindPoint->second;
3721 | } else {
3722 | TrianglePoints[i] = NULL;
3723 | }
3724 | }
3725 | }
3726 |
3727 | switch (NoOfWildcards) {
3728 | case 0: // checks lines between the points in the Points for their adjacent triangles
3729 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3730 | if (TrianglePoints[i] != NULL) {
3731 | for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; j++) {
3732 | if (TrianglePoints[j] != NULL) {
3733 | for (FindLine = TrianglePoints[i]->lines.find(TrianglePoints[j]->node->getNr()); // is a multimap!
3734 | (FindLine != TrianglePoints[i]->lines.end()) && (FindLine->first == TrianglePoints[j]->node->getNr()); FindLine++) {
3735 | for (FindTriangle = FindLine->second->triangles.begin(); FindTriangle != FindLine->second->triangles.end(); FindTriangle++) {
3736 | if (FindTriangle->second->IsPresentTupel(TrianglePoints)) {
3737 | result->push_back(FindTriangle->second);
3738 | }
3739 | }
3740 | }
3741 | // Is it sufficient to consider one of the triangle lines for this.
3742 | return result;
3743 | }
3744 | }
3745 | }
3746 | }
3747 | break;
3748 | case 1: // copy all triangles of the respective line
3749 | {
3750 | int i = 0;
3751 | for (; i < 3; i++)
3752 | if (TrianglePoints[i] == NULL)
3753 | break;
3754 | for (FindLine = TrianglePoints[(i + 1) % 3]->lines.find(TrianglePoints[(i + 2) % 3]->node->getNr()); // is a multimap!
3755 | (FindLine != TrianglePoints[(i + 1) % 3]->lines.end()) && (FindLine->first == TrianglePoints[(i + 2) % 3]->node->getNr()); FindLine++) {
3756 | for (FindTriangle = FindLine->second->triangles.begin(); FindTriangle != FindLine->second->triangles.end(); FindTriangle++) {
3757 | if (FindTriangle->second->IsPresentTupel(TrianglePoints)) {
3758 | result->push_back(FindTriangle->second);
3759 | }
3760 | }
3761 | }
3762 | break;
3763 | }
3764 | case 2: // copy all triangles of the respective point
3765 | {
3766 | int i = 0;
3767 | for (; i < 3; i++)
3768 | if (TrianglePoints[i] != NULL)
3769 | break;
3770 | for (LineMap::const_iterator line = TrianglePoints[i]->lines.begin(); line != TrianglePoints[i]->lines.end(); line++)
3771 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator triangle = line->second->triangles.begin(); triangle != line->second->triangles.end(); triangle++)
3772 | result->push_back(triangle->second);
3773 | result->sort();
3774 | result->unique();
3775 | break;
3776 | }
3777 | case 3: // copy all triangles
3778 | {
3779 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator triangle = TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); triangle != TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); triangle++)
3780 | result->push_back(triangle->second);
3781 | break;
3782 | }
3783 | default:
3784 | ASSERT(0, "Tesselation::FindTriangles() - Number of wildcards is greater than 3, cannot happen!");
3785 | break;
3786 | }
3787 |
3788 | return result;
3789 | }
3790 |
3791 | struct BoundaryLineSetCompare
3792 | {
3793 | bool operator()(const BoundaryLineSet * const a, const BoundaryLineSet * const b)
3794 | {
3795 | int lowerNra = -1;
3796 | int lowerNrb = -1;
3797 |
3798 | if (a->endpoints[0] < a->endpoints[1])
3799 | lowerNra = 0;
3800 | else
3801 | lowerNra = 1;
3802 |
3803 | if (b->endpoints[0] < b->endpoints[1])
3804 | lowerNrb = 0;
3805 | else
3806 | lowerNrb = 1;
3807 |
3808 | if (a->endpoints[lowerNra] < b->endpoints[lowerNrb])
3809 | return true;
3810 | else
3811 | if (a->endpoints[lowerNra] > b->endpoints[lowerNrb])
3812 | return false;
3813 | else { // both lower-numbered endpoints are the same ...
3814 | if (a->endpoints[(lowerNra + 1) % 2] < b->endpoints[(lowerNrb + 1) % 2])
3815 | return true;
3816 | else
3817 | if (a->endpoints[(lowerNra + 1) % 2] > b->endpoints[(lowerNrb + 1) % 2])
3818 | return false;
3819 | }
3820 | return false;
3821 | }
3822 | ;
3823 | };
3824 |
3825 | #define UniqueLines set < class BoundaryLineSet *, BoundaryLineSetCompare>
3826 |
3827 | /**
3828 | * Finds all degenerated lines within the tesselation structure.
3829 | *
3830 | * @return map of keys of degenerated line pairs, each line occurs twice
3831 | * in the list, once as key and once as value
3832 | */
3833 | IndexToIndex * Tesselation::FindAllDegeneratedLines()
3834 | {
3835 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
3836 | UniqueLines AllLines;
3837 | IndexToIndex * DegeneratedLines = new IndexToIndex;
3838 |
3839 | // sanity check
3840 | if (LinesOnBoundary.empty()) {
3841 | ELOG(2, "FindAllDegeneratedTriangles() was called without any tesselation structure.");
3842 | return DegeneratedLines;
3843 | }
3844 | LineMap::iterator LineRunner1;
3845 | pair<UniqueLines::iterator, bool> tester;
3846 | for (LineRunner1 = LinesOnBoundary.begin(); LineRunner1 != LinesOnBoundary.end(); ++LineRunner1) {
3847 | tester = AllLines.insert(LineRunner1->second);
3848 | if (!tester.second) { // found degenerated line
3849 | DegeneratedLines->insert(pair<int, int> (LineRunner1->second->Nr, (*tester.first)->Nr));
3850 | DegeneratedLines->insert(pair<int, int> ((*tester.first)->Nr, LineRunner1->second->Nr));
3851 | }
3852 | }
3853 |
3854 | AllLines.clear();
3855 |
3856 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: FindAllDegeneratedLines() found " << DegeneratedLines->size() << " lines.");
3857 | IndexToIndex::iterator it;
3858 | for (it = DegeneratedLines->begin(); it != DegeneratedLines->end(); it++) {
3859 | const LineMap::const_iterator Line1 = LinesOnBoundary.find((*it).first);
3860 | const LineMap::const_iterator Line2 = LinesOnBoundary.find((*it).second);
3861 | if (Line1 != LinesOnBoundary.end() && Line2 != LinesOnBoundary.end())
3862 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: " << *Line1->second << " => " << *Line2->second);
3863 | else
3864 | ELOG(1, "Either " << (*it).first << " or " << (*it).second << " are not in LinesOnBoundary!");
3865 | }
3866 |
3867 | return DegeneratedLines;
3868 | }
3869 |
3870 | /**
3871 | * Finds all degenerated triangles within the tesselation structure.
3872 | *
3873 | * @return map of keys of degenerated triangle pairs, each triangle occurs twice
3874 | * in the list, once as key and once as value
3875 | */
3876 | IndexToIndex * Tesselation::FindAllDegeneratedTriangles()
3877 | {
3878 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
3879 | IndexToIndex * DegeneratedLines = FindAllDegeneratedLines();
3880 | IndexToIndex * DegeneratedTriangles = new IndexToIndex;
3881 | TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner1, TriangleRunner2;
3882 | LineMap::iterator Liner;
3883 | class BoundaryLineSet *line1 = NULL, *line2 = NULL;
3884 |
3885 | for (IndexToIndex::iterator LineRunner = DegeneratedLines->begin(); LineRunner != DegeneratedLines->end(); ++LineRunner) {
3886 | // run over both lines' triangles
3887 | Liner = LinesOnBoundary.find(LineRunner->first);
3888 | if (Liner != LinesOnBoundary.end())
3889 | line1 = Liner->second;
3890 | Liner = LinesOnBoundary.find(LineRunner->second);
3891 | if (Liner != LinesOnBoundary.end())
3892 | line2 = Liner->second;
3893 | for (TriangleRunner1 = line1->triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner1 != line1->triangles.end(); ++TriangleRunner1) {
3894 | for (TriangleRunner2 = line2->triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner2 != line2->triangles.end(); ++TriangleRunner2) {
3895 | if ((TriangleRunner1->second != TriangleRunner2->second) && (TriangleRunner1->second->IsPresentTupel(TriangleRunner2->second))) {
3896 | DegeneratedTriangles->insert(pair<int, int>(TriangleRunner1->second->Nr, TriangleRunner2->second->Nr));
3897 | DegeneratedTriangles->insert(pair<int, int>(TriangleRunner2->second->Nr, TriangleRunner1->second->Nr));
3898 | }
3899 | }
3900 | }
3901 | }
3902 | delete (DegeneratedLines);
3903 |
3904 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: FindAllDegeneratedTriangles() found " << DegeneratedTriangles->size() << " triangles:");
3905 | for (IndexToIndex::iterator it = DegeneratedTriangles->begin(); it != DegeneratedTriangles->end(); it++)
3906 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: " << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second);
3907 |
3908 | return DegeneratedTriangles;
3909 | }
3910 |
3911 | /**
3912 | * Purges degenerated triangles from the tesselation structure if they are not
3913 | * necessary to keep a single point within the structure.
3914 | */
3915 | void Tesselation::RemoveDegeneratedTriangles()
3916 | {
3917 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
3918 | IndexToIndex * DegeneratedTriangles = FindAllDegeneratedTriangles();
3919 | TriangleMap::iterator finder;
3920 | BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL, *partnerTriangle = NULL;
3921 | int count = 0;
3922 |
3923 | // iterate over all degenerated triangles
3924 | for (IndexToIndex::iterator TriangleKeyRunner = DegeneratedTriangles->begin();
3925 | !DegeneratedTriangles->empty();
3926 | TriangleKeyRunner = DegeneratedTriangles->begin()) {
3927 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Checking presence of triangles " << TriangleKeyRunner->first << " and " << TriangleKeyRunner->second << ".");
3928 | // both ways are stored in the map, only use one
3929 | if (TriangleKeyRunner->first > TriangleKeyRunner->second)
3930 | continue;
3931 |
3932 | // determine from the keys in the map the two _present_ triangles
3933 | finder = TrianglesOnBoundary.find(TriangleKeyRunner->first);
3934 | if (finder != TrianglesOnBoundary.end())
3935 | triangle = finder->second;
3936 | else
3937 | continue;
3938 | finder = TrianglesOnBoundary.find(TriangleKeyRunner->second);
3939 | if (finder != TrianglesOnBoundary.end())
3940 | partnerTriangle = finder->second;
3941 | else
3942 | continue;
3943 |
3944 | // determine which lines are shared by the two triangles
3945 | bool trianglesShareLine = false;
3946 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
3947 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
3948 | trianglesShareLine = trianglesShareLine || triangle->lines[i] == partnerTriangle->lines[j];
3949 |
3950 | if (trianglesShareLine && (triangle->endpoints[1]->LinesCount > 2) && (triangle->endpoints[2]->LinesCount > 2) && (triangle->endpoints[0]->LinesCount > 2)) {
3951 | // check whether we have to fix lines
3952 | BoundaryTriangleSet *Othertriangle = NULL;
3953 | // BoundaryTriangleSet *OtherpartnerTriangle = NULL;
3954 | TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner;
3955 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
3956 | for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
3957 | if (triangle->lines[i] != partnerTriangle->lines[j]) {
3958 | // get the other two triangles
3959 | for (TriangleRunner = triangle->lines[i]->triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner != triangle->lines[i]->triangles.end(); ++TriangleRunner)
3960 | if (TriangleRunner->second != triangle) {
3961 | Othertriangle = TriangleRunner->second;
3962 | }
3963 | for (TriangleRunner = partnerTriangle->lines[i]->triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner != partnerTriangle->lines[i]->triangles.end(); ++TriangleRunner)
3964 | // if (TriangleRunner->second != partnerTriangle) {
3965 | // OtherpartnerTriangle = TriangleRunner->second;
3966 | // }
3967 | /// interchanges their lines so that triangle->lines[i] == partnerTriangle->lines[j]
3968 | // the line of triangle receives the degenerated ones
3969 | triangle->lines[i]->triangles.erase(Othertriangle->Nr);
3970 | triangle->lines[i]->triangles.insert(TrianglePair(partnerTriangle->Nr, partnerTriangle));
3971 | for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
3972 | if (triangle->lines[i] == Othertriangle->lines[k]) {
3973 | Othertriangle->lines[k] = partnerTriangle->lines[j];
3974 | break;
3975 | }
3976 | // the line of partnerTriangle receives the non-degenerated ones
3977 | partnerTriangle->lines[j]->triangles.erase(partnerTriangle->Nr);
3978 | partnerTriangle->lines[j]->triangles.insert(TrianglePair(Othertriangle->Nr, Othertriangle));
3979 | partnerTriangle->lines[j] = triangle->lines[i];
3980 | }
3981 |
3982 | // erase the pair
3983 | count += (int)DegeneratedTriangles->erase(triangle->Nr);
3984 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: RemoveDegeneratedTriangles() removes triangle " << *triangle << ".");
3985 | RemoveTesselationTriangle(triangle);
3986 | count += (int)DegeneratedTriangles->erase(partnerTriangle->Nr);
3987 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: RemoveDegeneratedTriangles() removes triangle " << *partnerTriangle << ".");
3988 | RemoveTesselationTriangle(partnerTriangle);
3989 | } else {
3990 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: RemoveDegeneratedTriangles() does not remove triangle " << *triangle << " and its partner " << *partnerTriangle << " because it is essential for at" << " least one of the endpoints to be kept in the tesselation structure.");
3991 | // we need to remove them from the list nonetheless
3992 | DegeneratedTriangles->erase(triangle->Nr);
3993 | DegeneratedTriangles->erase(partnerTriangle->Nr);
3994 | }
3995 | }
3996 | delete (DegeneratedTriangles);
3997 | if (count > 0)
3998 | LastTriangle = NULL;
3999 |
4000 | LOG(2, "INFO: RemoveDegeneratedTriangles() removed " << count << " triangles:");
4001 | }
4002 |
4003 | /** Adds an outside Tesselpoint to the envelope via (two) degenerated triangles.
4004 | * We look for the closest point on the boundary, we look through its connected boundary lines and
4005 | * seek the one with the minimum angle between its center point and the new point and this base line.
4006 | * We open up the line by adding a degenerated triangle, whose other side closes the base line again.
4007 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
4008 | * \param *point point to add
4009 | * \param *LC Linked Cell structure to find nearest point
4010 | */
4011 | void Tesselation::AddBoundaryPointByDegeneratedTriangle(class TesselPoint *point, LinkedCell_deprecated *LC)
4012 | {
4013 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
4014 | // find nearest boundary point
4015 | class TesselPoint *BackupPoint = NULL;
4016 | class TesselPoint *NearestPoint = FindClosestTesselPoint(point->getPosition(), BackupPoint, LC);
4017 | class BoundaryPointSet *NearestBoundaryPoint = NULL;
4018 | PointMap::iterator PointRunner;
4019 |
4020 | if (NearestPoint == point)
4021 | NearestPoint = BackupPoint;
4022 | PointRunner = PointsOnBoundary.find(NearestPoint->getNr());
4023 | if (PointRunner != PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
4024 | NearestBoundaryPoint = PointRunner->second;
4025 | } else {
4026 | ELOG(1, "I cannot find the boundary point.");
4027 | return;
4028 | }
4029 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Nearest point on boundary is " << NearestPoint->getName() << ".");
4030 |
4031 | // go through its lines and find the best one to split
4032 | Vector CenterToPoint;
4033 | Vector BaseLine;
4034 | double angle, BestAngle = 0.;
4035 | class BoundaryLineSet *BestLine = NULL;
4036 | for (LineMap::iterator Runner = NearestBoundaryPoint->lines.begin(); Runner != NearestBoundaryPoint->lines.end(); Runner++) {
4037 | BaseLine = (Runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - (Runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition());
4038 | CenterToPoint = 0.5 * ((Runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + (Runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()));
4039 | CenterToPoint -= (point->getPosition());
4040 | angle = CenterToPoint.Angle(BaseLine);
4041 | if (fabs(angle - M_PI / 2.) < fabs(BestAngle - M_PI / 2.)) {
4042 | BestAngle = angle;
4043 | BestLine = Runner->second;
4044 | }
4045 | }
4046 |
4047 | // remove one triangle from the chosen line
4048 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *TempTriangle = (BestLine->triangles.begin())->second;
4049 | BestLine->triangles.erase(TempTriangle->Nr);
4050 | int nr = -1;
4051 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
4052 | if (TempTriangle->lines[i] == BestLine) {
4053 | nr = i;
4054 | break;
4055 | }
4056 | }
4057 |
4058 | // create new triangle to connect point (connects automatically with the missing spot of the chosen line)
4059 | LOG(2, "Adding new triangle points.");
4060 | AddTesselationPoint((BestLine->endpoints[0]->node), 0);
4061 | AddTesselationPoint((BestLine->endpoints[1]->node), 1);
4062 | AddTesselationPoint(point, 2);
4063 | LOG(2, "Adding new triangle lines.");
4064 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[1], 0);
4065 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[2], 1);
4066 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[1], TPS[2], 2);
4067 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
4068 | BTS->GetNormalVector(TempTriangle->NormalVector);
4069 | BTS->NormalVector.Scale(-1.);
4070 | LOG(1, "INFO: NormalVector of new triangle is " << BTS->NormalVector << ".");
4071 | AddTesselationTriangle();
4072 |
4073 | // create other side of this triangle and close both new sides of the first created triangle
4074 | LOG(2, "Adding new triangle points.");
4075 | AddTesselationPoint((BestLine->endpoints[0]->node), 0);
4076 | AddTesselationPoint((BestLine->endpoints[1]->node), 1);
4077 | AddTesselationPoint(point, 2);
4078 | LOG(2, "Adding new triangle lines.");
4079 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[1], 0);
4080 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[2], 1);
4081 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[1], TPS[2], 2);
4082 | BTS = new class BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TrianglesOnBoundaryCount);
4083 | BTS->GetNormalVector(TempTriangle->NormalVector);
4084 | LOG(1, "INFO: NormalVector of other new triangle is " << BTS->NormalVector << ".");
4085 | AddTesselationTriangle();
4086 |
4087 | // add removed triangle to the last open line of the second triangle
4088 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // look for the same line as BestLine (only it's its degenerated companion)
4089 | if ((BTS->lines[i]->ContainsBoundaryPoint(BestLine->endpoints[0])) && (BTS->lines[i]->ContainsBoundaryPoint(BestLine->endpoints[1]))) {
4090 | ASSERT(BestLine != BTS->lines[i], std::string("Tesselation::AddBoundaryPointByDegeneratedTriangle() - ") + std::string("BestLine is same as found line, something's wrong here!"));
4091 | BTS->lines[i]->triangles.insert(pair<int, class BoundaryTriangleSet *>(TempTriangle->Nr, TempTriangle));
4092 | TempTriangle->lines[nr] = BTS->lines[i];
4093 | break;
4094 | }
4095 | }
4096 | }
4097 | ;
4098 |
4099 | /** Writes the envelope to file.
4100 | * \param *out otuput stream for debugging
4101 | * \param *filename basename of output file
4102 | * \param *cloud IPointCloud structure with all nodes
4103 | */
4104 | void Tesselation::Output(const char *filename, IPointCloud & cloud)
4105 | {
4106 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
4107 | ofstream *tempstream = NULL;
4108 | string NameofTempFile;
4109 | string NumberName;
4110 |
4111 | if (LastTriangle != NULL) {
4112 | stringstream sstr;
4113 | sstr << "-" << TrianglesOnBoundary.size() << "-" << LastTriangle->getEndpointName(0) << "_" << LastTriangle->getEndpointName(1) << "_" << LastTriangle->getEndpointName(2);
4114 | NumberName = sstr.str();
4115 | if (DoTecplotOutput) {
4116 | string NameofTempFile(filename);
4117 | NameofTempFile.append(NumberName);
4118 | for (size_t npos = NameofTempFile.find_first_of(' '); npos != string::npos; npos = NameofTempFile.find(' ', npos))
4119 | NameofTempFile.erase(npos, 1);
4120 | NameofTempFile.append(TecplotSuffix);
4121 | LOG(1, "INFO: Writing temporary non convex hull to file " << NameofTempFile << ".");
4122 | tempstream = new ofstream(NameofTempFile.c_str(), ios::trunc);
4123 | WriteTecplotFile(tempstream, this, cloud, TriangleFilesWritten);
4124 | tempstream->close();
4125 | tempstream->flush();
4126 | delete (tempstream);
4127 | }
4128 |
4129 | if (DoRaster3DOutput) {
4130 | string NameofTempFile(filename);
4131 | NameofTempFile.append(NumberName);
4132 | for (size_t npos = NameofTempFile.find_first_of(' '); npos != string::npos; npos = NameofTempFile.find(' ', npos))
4133 | NameofTempFile.erase(npos, 1);
4134 | NameofTempFile.append(Raster3DSuffix);
4135 | LOG(1, "INFO: Writing temporary non convex hull to file " << NameofTempFile << ".");
4136 | tempstream = new ofstream(NameofTempFile.c_str(), ios::trunc);
4137 | WriteRaster3dFile(tempstream, this, cloud);
4138 | IncludeSphereinRaster3D(tempstream, this, cloud);
4139 | tempstream->close();
4140 | tempstream->flush();
4141 | delete (tempstream);
4142 | }
4143 | }
4144 | if (DoTecplotOutput || DoRaster3DOutput)
4145 | TriangleFilesWritten++;
4146 | }
4147 | ;
4148 |
4149 | struct BoundaryPolygonSetCompare
4150 | {
4151 | bool operator()(const BoundaryPolygonSet * s1, const BoundaryPolygonSet * s2) const
4152 | {
4153 | if (s1->endpoints.size() < s2->endpoints.size())
4154 | return true;
4155 | else
4156 | if (s1->endpoints.size() > s2->endpoints.size())
4157 | return false;
4158 | else { // equality of number of endpoints
4159 | PointSet::const_iterator Walker1 = s1->endpoints.begin();
4160 | PointSet::const_iterator Walker2 = s2->endpoints.begin();
4161 | while ((Walker1 != s1->endpoints.end()) || (Walker2 != s2->endpoints.end())) {
4162 | if ((*Walker1)->Nr < (*Walker2)->Nr)
4163 | return true;
4164 | else
4165 | if ((*Walker1)->Nr > (*Walker2)->Nr)
4166 | return false;
4167 | Walker1++;
4168 | Walker2++;
4169 | }
4170 | return false;
4171 | }
4172 | }
4173 | };
4174 |
4175 | #define UniquePolygonSet set < BoundaryPolygonSet *, BoundaryPolygonSetCompare>
4176 |
4177 | /** Finds all degenerated polygons and calls ReTesselateDegeneratedPolygon()/
4178 | * \return number of polygons found
4179 | */
4180 | int Tesselation::CorrectAllDegeneratedPolygons()
4181 | {
4182 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
4183 | /// 2. Go through all BoundaryPointSet's, check their triangles' NormalVector
4184 | IndexToIndex *DegeneratedTriangles = FindAllDegeneratedTriangles();
4185 | set<BoundaryPointSet *> EndpointCandidateList;
4186 | pair<set<BoundaryPointSet *>::iterator, bool> InsertionTester;
4187 | pair<map<int, Vector *>::iterator, bool> TriangleInsertionTester;
4188 | for (PointMap::const_iterator Runner = PointsOnBoundary.begin(); Runner != PointsOnBoundary.end(); Runner++) {
4189 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current point is " << *Runner->second << ".");
4190 | map<int, Vector *> TriangleVectors;
4191 | // gather all NormalVectors
4192 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Gathering triangles ...");
4193 | for (LineMap::const_iterator LineRunner = (Runner->second)->lines.begin(); LineRunner != (Runner->second)->lines.end(); LineRunner++)
4194 | for (TriangleMap::const_iterator TriangleRunner = (LineRunner->second)->triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner != (LineRunner->second)->triangles.end(); TriangleRunner++) {
4195 | if (DegeneratedTriangles->find(TriangleRunner->second->Nr) == DegeneratedTriangles->end()) {
4196 | TriangleInsertionTester = TriangleVectors.insert(pair<int, Vector *>((TriangleRunner->second)->Nr, &((TriangleRunner->second)->NormalVector)));
4197 | if (TriangleInsertionTester.second)
4198 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Adding triangle " << *(TriangleRunner->second) << " to triangles to check-list.");
4199 | } else {
4200 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: NOT adding triangle " << *(TriangleRunner->second) << " as it's a simply degenerated one.");
4201 | }
4202 | }
4203 | // check whether there are two that are parallel
4204 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Finding two parallel triangles ...");
4205 | for (map<int, Vector *>::iterator VectorWalker = TriangleVectors.begin(); VectorWalker != TriangleVectors.end(); VectorWalker++)
4206 | for (map<int, Vector *>::iterator VectorRunner = VectorWalker; VectorRunner != TriangleVectors.end(); VectorRunner++)
4207 | if (VectorWalker != VectorRunner) { // skip equals
4208 | const double SCP = VectorWalker->second->ScalarProduct(*VectorRunner->second); // ScalarProduct should result in -1. for degenerated triangles
4209 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Checking " << *(VectorWalker->second) << " against " << *(VectorRunner->second) << ": " << SCP);
4210 | if (fabs(SCP + 1.) < ParallelEpsilon) {
4211 | InsertionTester = EndpointCandidateList.insert((Runner->second));
4212 | if (InsertionTester.second)
4213 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Adding " << *Runner->second << " to endpoint candidate list.");
4214 | // and break out of both loops
4215 | VectorWalker = TriangleVectors.end();
4216 | VectorRunner = TriangleVectors.end();
4217 | break;
4218 | }
4219 | }
4220 | }
4221 | delete DegeneratedTriangles;
4222 |
4223 | /// 3. Find connected endpoint candidates and put them into a polygon
4224 | UniquePolygonSet ListofDegeneratedPolygons;
4225 | BoundaryPointSet *Walker = NULL;
4226 | BoundaryPointSet *OtherWalker = NULL;
4227 | BoundaryPolygonSet *Current = NULL;
4228 | stack<BoundaryPointSet*> ToCheckConnecteds;
4229 | while (!EndpointCandidateList.empty()) {
4230 | Walker = *(EndpointCandidateList.begin());
4231 | if (Current == NULL) { // create a new polygon with current candidate
4232 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Starting new polygon set at point " << *Walker);
4233 | Current = new BoundaryPolygonSet;
4234 | Current->endpoints.insert(Walker);
4235 | EndpointCandidateList.erase(Walker);
4236 | ToCheckConnecteds.push(Walker);
4237 | }
4238 |
4239 | // go through to-check stack
4240 | while (!ToCheckConnecteds.empty()) {
4241 | Walker = ToCheckConnecteds.top(); // fetch ...
4242 | ToCheckConnecteds.pop(); // ... and remove
4243 | for (LineMap::const_iterator LineWalker = Walker->lines.begin(); LineWalker != Walker->lines.end(); LineWalker++) {
4244 | OtherWalker = (LineWalker->second)->GetOtherEndpoint(Walker);
4245 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Checking " << *OtherWalker);
4246 | set<BoundaryPointSet *>::iterator Finder = EndpointCandidateList.find(OtherWalker);
4247 | if (Finder != EndpointCandidateList.end()) { // found a connected partner
4248 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Adding to polygon.");
4249 | Current->endpoints.insert(OtherWalker);
4250 | EndpointCandidateList.erase(Finder); // remove from candidates
4251 | ToCheckConnecteds.push(OtherWalker); // but check its partners too
4252 | } else {
4253 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: is not connected to " << *Walker);
4254 | }
4255 | }
4256 | }
4257 |
4258 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Final polygon is " << *Current);
4259 | ListofDegeneratedPolygons.insert(Current);
4260 | Current = NULL;
4261 | }
4262 |
4263 | const int counter = ListofDegeneratedPolygons.size();
4264 |
4265 | if (DoLog(0)) {
4266 | std::stringstream output;
4267 | output << "The following " << counter << " degenerated polygons have been found: ";
4268 | for (UniquePolygonSet::iterator PolygonRunner = ListofDegeneratedPolygons.begin(); PolygonRunner != ListofDegeneratedPolygons.end(); PolygonRunner++)
4269 | output << " " << **PolygonRunner;
4270 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: " << output.str());
4271 | }
4272 |
4273 | /// 4. Go through all these degenerated polygons
4274 | for (UniquePolygonSet::iterator PolygonRunner = ListofDegeneratedPolygons.begin(); PolygonRunner != ListofDegeneratedPolygons.end(); PolygonRunner++) {
4275 | stack<int> TriangleNrs;
4276 | Vector NormalVector;
4277 | /// 4a. Gather all triangles of this polygon
4278 | TriangleSet *T = (*PolygonRunner)->GetAllContainedTrianglesFromEndpoints();
4279 |
4280 | // check whether number is bigger than 2, otherwise it's just a simply degenerated one and nothing to do.
4281 | if (T->size() == 2) {
4282 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Skipping degenerated polygon, is just a (already simply degenerated) triangle.");
4283 | delete (T);
4284 | continue;
4285 | }
4286 |
4287 | // check whether number is even
4288 | // If this case occurs, we have to think about it!
4289 | // The Problem is probably due to two degenerated polygons being connected by a bridging, non-degenerated polygon, as somehow one node has
4290 | // connections to either polygon ...
4291 | ASSERT(T->size() % 2 == 0, std::string("Tesselation::CorrectAllDegeneratedPolygons() - ") + std::string(" degenerated polygon contains an odd number of triangles,") + std::string(" probably contains bridging non-degenerated ones, too!"));
4292 | TriangleSet::iterator TriangleWalker = T->begin(); // is the inner iterator
4293 | /// 4a. Get NormalVector for one side (this is "front")
4294 | NormalVector = (*TriangleWalker)->NormalVector;
4295 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: \"front\" defining triangle is " << **TriangleWalker << " and Normal vector of \"front\" side is " << NormalVector);
4296 | TriangleWalker++;
4297 | TriangleSet::iterator TriangleSprinter = TriangleWalker; // is the inner advanced iterator
4298 | /// 4b. Remove all triangles whose NormalVector is in opposite direction (i.e. "back")
4299 | BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL;
4300 | while (TriangleSprinter != T->end()) {
4301 | TriangleWalker = TriangleSprinter;
4302 | triangle = *TriangleWalker;
4303 | TriangleSprinter++;
4304 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Current triangle to test for removal: " << *triangle);
4305 | if (triangle->NormalVector.ScalarProduct(NormalVector) < 0) { // if from other side, then delete and remove from list
4306 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Removing ... ");
4307 | TriangleNrs.push(triangle->Nr);
4308 | T->erase(TriangleWalker);
4309 | RemoveTesselationTriangle(triangle);
4310 | } else
4311 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: Keeping ... ");
4312 | }
4313 | /// 4c. Copy all "front" triangles but with inverse NormalVector
4314 | TriangleWalker = T->begin();
4315 | while (TriangleWalker != T->end()) { // go through all front triangles
4316 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Re-creating triangle " << **TriangleWalker << " with NormalVector " << (*TriangleWalker)->NormalVector);
4317 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
4318 | AddTesselationPoint((*TriangleWalker)->endpoints[i]->node, i);
4319 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[1], 0);
4320 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[0], TPS[2], 1);
4321 | AddTesselationLine(NULL, NULL, TPS[1], TPS[2], 2);
4322 | if (TriangleNrs.empty())
4323 | ELOG(0, "No more free triangle numbers!");
4324 | BTS = new BoundaryTriangleSet(BLS, TriangleNrs.top()); // copy triangle ...
4325 | AddTesselationTriangle(); // ... and add
4326 | TriangleNrs.pop();
4327 | BTS->NormalVector = -1 * (*TriangleWalker)->NormalVector;
4328 | TriangleWalker++;
4329 | }
4330 | if (!TriangleNrs.empty()) {
4331 | ELOG(0, "There have been less triangles created than removed!");
4332 | }
4333 | delete (T); // remove the triangleset
4334 | }
4335 | IndexToIndex * SimplyDegeneratedTriangles = FindAllDegeneratedTriangles();
4336 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Final list of simply degenerated triangles found, containing " << SimplyDegeneratedTriangles->size() << " triangles:");
4337 | IndexToIndex::iterator it;
4338 | for (it = SimplyDegeneratedTriangles->begin(); it != SimplyDegeneratedTriangles->end(); it++)
4339 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: " << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second);
4340 | delete (SimplyDegeneratedTriangles);
4341 | /// 5. exit
4342 | UniquePolygonSet::iterator PolygonRunner;
4343 | while (!ListofDegeneratedPolygons.empty()) {
4344 | PolygonRunner = ListofDegeneratedPolygons.begin();
4345 | delete (*PolygonRunner);
4346 | ListofDegeneratedPolygons.erase(PolygonRunner);
4347 | }
4348 |
4349 | return counter;
4350 | }
4351 | ;