1 | /*
2 | * Singleton_impl.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Mar 10, 2010
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
10 |
11 | #include "Patterns/Singleton.hpp"
12 |
13 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
14 | Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t::ptr_t() :
15 | content(0){};
16 |
17 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
18 | Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t::ptr_t(T* _content) :
19 | content(_content){};
20 |
21 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
22 | Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t:: ~ptr_t()
23 | {delete content;};
24 |
25 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
26 | T& Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t::operator*()
27 | {return *content;};
28 |
29 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
30 | T* Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t::get()
31 | {return content;};
32 |
33 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
34 | void Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t::reset(T* _content){
35 | delete content;
36 | content = _content;
37 | }
38 |
39 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
40 | void Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t::reset()
41 | {reset(0);}
42 |
43 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
44 | typename Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t& Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t::operator=(typename Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t& rhs){
45 | if(&rhs!=this){
46 | delete content;
47 | content = rhs.content;
48 | rhs.content = 0;
49 | }
50 | return *this;
51 | }
52 |
53 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
54 | typename Singleton<T,_may_create>::ptr_t Singleton<T,_may_create>::theInstance(0);
55 |
56 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
57 | boost::mutex Singleton<T,_may_create>::instanceLock;
58 |
59 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
60 | T& Singleton<T,_may_create>::getInstance(){
61 | // boost supports RAII-Style locking, so we don't need to unlock
62 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(instanceLock);
63 | if(!theInstance.get()) {
64 | theInstance.reset(creator::make());
65 | }
66 | return *theInstance;
67 | }
68 |
69 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
70 | T* Singleton<T,_may_create>::getPointer(){
71 | // boost supports RAII-Style locking, so we don't need to unlock
72 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(instanceLock);
73 | if(!theInstance.get()) {
74 | theInstance.reset(creator::make());
75 | }
76 | return theInstance.get();
77 |
78 | }
79 |
80 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
81 | void Singleton<T,_may_create>::purgeInstance(){
82 | // boost supports RAII-Style locking, so we don't need to unlock
83 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(instanceLock);
84 | theInstance.reset();
85 | }
86 |
87 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
88 | T& Singleton<T,_may_create>::resetInstance(){
89 | ptr_t oldInstance;
90 | {
91 | // boost supports RAII-Style locking, so we don't need to unlock
92 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(instanceLock);
93 |
94 | oldInstance = theInstance;
95 | theInstance.reset(creator::make());
96 | // oldworld does not need protection any more,
97 | // since we should have the only reference
98 |
99 | // worldLock handles access to the pointer,
100 | // not to the object
101 | } // scope-end releases the lock
102 |
103 | // oldInstance goes out of scope at the End of this function. The carried object will then be destroyed by the auto_ptr
104 | return *theInstance;
105 | }
106 |
107 |
108 | template <class T,bool _may_create>
109 | void Singleton<T,_may_create>::setInstance(T* newInstance){
110 | assert(!theInstance.get() && "Trying to set the instance of an already created singleton");
111 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(instanceLock);
112 | theInstance.reset(newInstance);
113 | }
114 |
115 | #define CONSTRUCT_SINGLETON(name) \
116 | template name& Singleton< name , name::may_create >::getInstance(); \
117 | template name* Singleton< name , name::may_create >::getPointer(); \
118 | template void Singleton< name , name::may_create >::purgeInstance(); \
119 | template name& Singleton< name , name::may_create >::resetInstance(); \
120 | template void Singleton< name , name::may_create >::setInstance( name* );
121 |
122 | #endif /* SINGLETON_IMPL_HPP_ */