1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | *
6 | *
7 | * This file is part of MoleCuilder.
8 | *
9 | * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
12 | * (at your option) any later version.
13 | *
14 | * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | *
19 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | */
22 |
23 | /*
24 | * InterfaceVMGJob.cpp
25 | *
26 | * Created on: 10.06.2012
27 | * Author: Frederik Heber
28 | */
29 |
30 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
31 | #include <config.h>
32 | #endif
33 |
34 | #ifdef HAVE_MPI
35 | #include "mpi.h"
36 | #endif
37 |
38 | #include "base/vector.hpp"
39 | #include "base/math.hpp"
40 | #include "comm/comm.hpp"
41 | #include "grid/grid.hpp"
42 | #include "grid/multigrid.hpp"
43 | #include "units/particle/comm_mpi_particle.hpp"
44 | #include "units/particle/interpolation.hpp"
45 | #include "units/particle/linked_cell_list.hpp"
46 | #include "mg.hpp"
47 |
48 | #include "InterfaceVMGJob.hpp"
49 |
50 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
51 |
52 | #include <cmath>
53 | #include <iostream>
54 | #include <limits>
55 |
56 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
57 |
58 | #include "Jobs/WindowGrid_converter.hpp"
59 |
60 | using namespace VMG;
61 | using VMGInterfaces::InterfaceVMGJob;
62 |
63 | InterfaceVMGJob::InterfaceVMGJob(const SamplingGrid &_sampled_input,
64 | VMGData &_returndata,
65 | const std::vector< std::vector<double> > &_particle_positions,
66 | const std::vector< double > &_particle_charges,
67 | VMG::Boundary boundary,
68 | int levelMin,
69 | int levelMax,
70 | const VMG::Vector &_box_begin,
71 | vmg_float _box_end,
72 | const int& near_field_cells,
73 | const ImportParticles_t _ImportParticles,
74 | const bool _DoPrintDebug,
75 | int coarseningSteps,
76 | double alpha) :
77 | VMG::Interface(boundary, levelMin, levelMax,
78 | _box_begin, _box_end, coarseningSteps, alpha),
79 | spl(near_field_cells, Extent(MaxLevel()).MeshWidth().Max()),
80 | sampled_input(_sampled_input),
81 | returndata(_returndata),
82 | level(levelMax),
83 | ImportParticles(_ImportParticles),
84 | DoPrintDebug(_DoPrintDebug)
85 | {
86 | for (size_t i=0;i<3;++i) {
87 | box_begin[i] = _box_begin[i];
88 | box_end[i] = _box_end;
89 | }
90 | std::vector< std::vector<double> >::const_iterator positer = _particle_positions.begin();
91 | std::vector<double>::const_iterator chargeiter = _particle_charges.begin();
92 | double pos[3];
93 | for (; positer != _particle_positions.end(); ++positer, ++chargeiter) {
94 | ASSERT( (*positer).size() == 3,
95 | "InterfaceVMGJob::InterfaceVMGJob() - particle "
96 | +toString(distance(_particle_positions.begin(), positer))+" has not exactly 3 coordinates.");
97 | for (size_t i=0;i<3;++i)
98 | pos[i] = (*positer)[i];
99 | particles.push_back(Particle::Particle(pos, *chargeiter));
100 | }
101 | }
102 |
103 | void InterfaceVMGJob::ImportRightHandSide(Multigrid& multigrid)
104 | {
105 | Index i;
106 | Vector pos;
107 | // VMG::TempGrid *temp_grid = new VMG::TempGrid(129, 0, 0., 1.);
108 |
109 | Grid& grid = multigrid(multigrid.MaxLevel());
110 | grid.Clear();
111 | //grid.ClearBoundary(); // we don't have a boundary under periodic boundary conditions
112 |
113 | // print debugging info on grid size
114 | LOG(1, "INFO: Mesh has extent " << grid.Extent().MeshWidth() << ".");
115 | const int gridpoints = pow(2, level);
116 | LOG(1, "INFO: gridpoints on finest level are " << gridpoints << ".");
117 | LOG(1, "INFO: "
118 | << "X in [" << grid.Local().Begin().X() << "," << grid.Local().End().X() << "],"
119 | << "Y in [" << grid.Local().Begin().Y() << "," << grid.Local().End().Y() << "],"
120 | << "Z in [" << grid.Local().Begin().Z() << "," << grid.Local().End().Z() << "].");
121 |
122 | /// 1. assign nuclei as smeared-out charges to the grid
123 |
124 | /*
125 | * Charge assignment on the grid
126 | */
127 | Particle::CommMPI& comm = *dynamic_cast<Particle::CommMPI*>(MG::GetComm());
128 | Grid& particle_grid = comm.GetParticleGrid();
129 | particle_grid.Clear();
130 |
131 | // distribute particles
132 | particles.clear();
133 | comm.CommParticles(grid, particles);
134 |
135 | assert(particle_grid.Global().LocalSize().IsComponentwiseGreater(
136 | VMG::MG::GetFactory().GetObjectStorageVal<int>("PARTICLE_NEAR_FIELD_CELLS")));
137 |
138 | if (ImportParticles == DoImportParticles) {
139 | // create smeared-out particle charges on particle_grid via splines
140 | LOG(1, "INFO: Creating particle grid for " << particles.size() << " particles.");
141 | for (std::list<Particle::Particle>::iterator iter = particles.begin();
142 | iter != particles.end(); ++iter) {
143 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Current particle is at " << (*iter).Pos()
144 | << " with charge " << (*iter).Charge() << ".");
145 | spl.SetSpline(particle_grid, *iter);
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | // Communicate charges over halo
150 | comm.CommFromGhosts(particle_grid);
151 |
152 | if (DoPrintDebug) {
153 | // print nuclei grid to vtk
154 | comm.PrintGrid(particle_grid, "Sampled Nuclei Density");
155 | }
156 |
157 | // add sampled electron charge density onto grid
158 | WindowGrid_converter::addWindowOntoGrid(
159 | grid,
160 | sampled_input,
161 | 1.);
162 |
163 | if (DoPrintDebug) {
164 | // print electron grid to vtk
165 | comm.PrintGrid(grid, "Sampled Electron Density");
166 | }
167 |
168 | // add particle_grid onto grid
169 | for (int i=0; i<grid.Local().Size().X(); ++i)
170 | for (int j=0; j<grid.Local().Size().Y(); ++j)
171 | for (int k=0; k<grid.Local().Size().Z(); ++k)
172 | grid(grid.Local().Begin().X() + i,
173 | grid.Local().Begin().Y() + j,
174 | grid.Local().Begin().Z() + k) = 4.0 * VMG::Math::pi * (
175 | grid(grid.Local().Begin().X() + i,
176 | grid.Local().Begin().Y() + j,
177 | grid.Local().Begin().Z() + k) +
178 | particle_grid.GetVal(particle_grid.Local().Begin().X() + i,
179 | particle_grid.Local().Begin().Y() + j,
180 | particle_grid.Local().Begin().Z() + k));
181 |
182 | // calculate sum over grid times h^3 as check, should be roughly zero
183 | const double element_volume = grid.Extent().MeshWidth().Product();
184 | double charge_sum = 0.0;
185 | for (Grid::iterator grid_iter = grid.Iterators().Local().Begin();
186 | grid_iter != grid.Iterators().Local().End();
187 | ++grid_iter)
188 | charge_sum += grid.GetVal(*grid_iter);
189 | charge_sum = element_volume * comm.GlobalSum(charge_sum);
190 | comm.PrintStringOnce("Grid charge integral: %e", charge_sum/(4.0 * VMG::Math::pi));
191 |
192 | if (DoPrintDebug) {
193 | // print total grid to vtk
194 | comm.PrintGrid(grid, "Total Charge Density");
195 | }
196 |
197 | // delete temp_grid;
198 | }
199 |
200 | void InterfaceVMGJob::ExportSolution(Grid& grid)
201 | {
202 | /// sample the obtained potential to evaluate with the electron charge density
203 |
204 | // grid now contains the sough-for potential
205 | //Comm& comm = *MG::GetComm();
206 | Particle::CommMPI& comm = *dynamic_cast<Particle::CommMPI*>(MG::GetComm());
207 |
208 | const Index begin_local = grid.Global().LocalBegin() - grid.Local().HaloSize1();
209 | Index i;
210 |
211 | if (DoPrintDebug) {
212 | // print output grid to vtk
213 | comm.PrintGrid(grid, "Potential Solution");
214 | }
215 |
216 | // obtain sampled potential from grid
217 | returndata.sampled_potential.setWindow(
218 | box_begin,
219 | box_end
220 | );
221 | WindowGrid_converter::addGridOntoWindow(
222 | grid,
223 | returndata.sampled_potential,
224 | +1.
225 | );
226 |
227 | // calculate integral over potential as long-range energy contribution
228 | const double element_volume =
229 | grid.Extent().MeshWidth().X() * grid.Extent().MeshWidth().Y() * grid.Extent().MeshWidth().Z();
230 | Grid::iterator grid_iter;
231 | double potential_sum = 0.0;
232 | for (grid_iter=grid.Iterators().Local().Begin(); grid_iter!=grid.Iterators().Local().End(); ++grid_iter)
233 | potential_sum += grid.GetVal(*grid_iter);
234 | potential_sum = element_volume * comm.GlobalSum(potential_sum);
235 | comm.PrintStringOnce("Grid potential sum: %e", potential_sum);
236 |
237 | {
238 | Grid::iterator grid_iter = grid.Iterators().Local().Begin();
239 | comm.PrintStringOnce("Grid potential at (0,0,0): %e", grid.GetVal(*grid_iter));
240 | }
241 |
242 | //Particle::CommMPI& comm = *dynamic_cast<Particle::CommMPI*>(MG::GetComm()); returndata.e_long = potential_sum;
243 |
244 | /// Calculate potential energy of nuclei
245 |
246 | vmg_float e = 0.0;
247 | vmg_float e_long = 0.0;
248 | vmg_float e_self = 0.0;
249 | vmg_float e_short_peak = 0.0;
250 | vmg_float e_short_spline = 0.0;
251 |
252 | Factory& factory = MG::GetFactory();
253 |
254 | /*
255 | * Get parameters and arrays
256 | */
257 | const vmg_int& near_field_cells = factory.GetObjectStorageVal<int>("PARTICLE_NEAR_FIELD_CELLS");
258 | const vmg_int& interpolation_degree = factory.GetObjectStorageVal<int>("PARTICLE_INTERPOLATION_DEGREE");
259 |
260 | Particle::Interpolation ip(interpolation_degree);
261 |
262 | const vmg_float r_cut = near_field_cells * grid.Extent().MeshWidth().Max();
263 |
264 | /*
265 | * Copy potential values to a grid with sufficiently large halo size.
266 | * This may be optimized in future.
267 | * The parameters of this grid have been set in the import step.
268 | */
269 | Grid& particle_grid = comm.GetParticleGrid();
270 |
271 | for (i.X()=0; i.X()<grid.Local().Size().X(); ++i.X())
272 | for (i.Y()=0; i.Y()<grid.Local().Size().Y(); ++i.Y())
273 | for (i.Z()=0; i.Z()<grid.Local().Size().Z(); ++i.Z())
274 | particle_grid(i + particle_grid.Local().Begin()) = grid.GetVal(i + grid.Local().Begin());
275 |
276 | comm.CommToGhosts(particle_grid);
277 |
278 | /*
279 | * Compute potentials
280 | */
281 | Particle::LinkedCellList lc(particles, near_field_cells, grid);
282 | Particle::LinkedCellList::iterator p1, p2;
283 | Grid::iterator iter;
284 |
285 | comm.CommLCListToGhosts(lc);
286 |
287 | for (int i=lc.Local().Begin().X(); i<lc.Local().End().X(); ++i)
288 | for (int j=lc.Local().Begin().Y(); j<lc.Local().End().Y(); ++j)
289 | for (int k=lc.Local().Begin().Z(); k<lc.Local().End().Z(); ++k) {
290 |
291 | if (lc(i,j,k).size() > 0)
292 | ip.ComputeCoefficients(particle_grid, Index(i,j,k) - lc.Local().Begin() + particle_grid.Local().Begin());
293 |
294 | for (p1=lc(i,j,k).begin(); p1!=lc(i,j,k).end(); ++p1) {
295 |
296 | // Interpolate long-range part of potential and electric field
297 | ip.Evaluate(**p1);
298 |
299 | // Subtract self-induced potential
300 | (*p1)->Pot() -= (*p1)->Charge() * spl.GetAntiDerivativeAtZero();
301 |
302 | e_long += 0.5 * (*p1)->Charge() * ip.EvaluatePotentialLR(**p1);
303 | e_self += 0.5 * (*p1)->Charge() * (*p1)->Charge() * spl.GetAntiDerivativeAtZero();
304 |
305 | for (int dx=-1*near_field_cells; dx<=near_field_cells; ++dx)
306 | for (int dy=-1*near_field_cells; dy<=near_field_cells; ++dy)
307 | for (int dz=-1*near_field_cells; dz<=near_field_cells; ++dz) {
308 |
309 | for (p2=lc(i+dx,j+dy,k+dz).begin(); p2!=lc(i+dx,j+dy,k+dz).end(); ++p2)
310 |
311 | if (*p1 != *p2) {
312 |
313 | const Vector dir = (*p1)->Pos() - (*p2)->Pos();
314 | const vmg_float length = dir.Length();
315 |
316 | if (length < r_cut) {
317 |
318 | (*p1)->Pot() += (*p2)->Charge() / length * (1.0 + spl.EvaluatePotential(length));
319 | (*p1)->Field() += (*p2)->Charge() * dir * spl.EvaluateField(length);
320 |
321 | e_short_peak += 0.5 * (*p1)->Charge() * (*p2)->Charge() / length;
322 | e_short_spline += 0.5 * (*p1)->Charge() * (*p2)->Charge() / length * spl.EvaluatePotential(length);
323 | }
324 | }
325 | }
326 | }
327 | }
328 |
329 | /* Remove average force term */
330 | if (!particles.empty()) {
331 | Vector average_force = 0.0;
332 | for (std::list<Particle::Particle>::const_iterator iter=particles.begin(); iter!=particles.end(); ++iter)
333 | average_force += iter->Charge() * iter->Field();
334 | const vmg_int& npl = MG::GetFactory().GetObjectStorageVal<vmg_int>("PARTICLE_NUM_LOCAL");
335 | const vmg_int num_particles_global = comm.GlobalSum(npl);
336 | average_force /= num_particles_global;
337 | comm.GlobalSumArray(average_force.vec(), 3);
338 | for (std::list<Particle::Particle>::iterator iter=particles.begin(); iter!=particles.end(); ++iter)
339 | iter->Field() -= average_force / iter->Charge();
340 | }
341 |
342 | comm.CommParticlesBack(particles);
343 |
344 | vmg_float* q = factory.GetObjectStorageArray<vmg_float>("PARTICLE_CHARGE_ARRAY");
345 | const vmg_int& num_particles_local = factory.GetObjectStorageVal<vmg_int>("PARTICLE_NUM_LOCAL");
346 | const vmg_float* p = factory.GetObjectStorageArray<vmg_float>("PARTICLE_POTENTIAL_ARRAY");
347 | // const vmg_float* f = factory.GetObjectStorageArray<vmg_float>("PARTICLE_FIELD_ARRAY");
348 |
349 |
350 | e_long = comm.GlobalSumRoot(e_long);
351 | e_short_peak = comm.GlobalSumRoot(e_short_peak);
352 | e_short_spline = comm.GlobalSumRoot(e_short_spline);
353 | e_self = comm.GlobalSumRoot(e_self);
354 |
355 | for (int j=0; j<num_particles_local; ++j)
356 | e += 0.5 * p[j] * q[j];
357 | e = comm.GlobalSumRoot(e);
358 |
359 | comm.PrintStringOnce("E_long: %e", e_long);
360 | comm.PrintStringOnce("E_short_peak: %e", e_short_peak);
361 | comm.PrintStringOnce("E_short_spline: %e", e_short_spline);
362 | comm.PrintStringOnce("E_self: %e", e_self);
363 | comm.PrintStringOnce("E_total: %e", e);
364 | comm.PrintStringOnce("E_total*: %e", e_long + e_short_peak + e_short_spline - e_self);
365 |
366 | returndata.nuclei_long = e_long;
367 | returndata.electron_long = e_long;
368 | }