1 | /*
2 | * SamplingGrid.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: 25.07.2012
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
10 |
11 | // include config.h
12 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 | #include <config.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #include <iosfwd>
17 | #include <vector>
18 |
19 | #include "boost/serialization/export.hpp"
20 | #include "boost/serialization/vector.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include "Jobs/Grid/SamplingGridProperties.hpp"
23 |
24 | class MPQCData;
25 | class SamplingGridTest;
26 |
27 | /** This class stores a sample function on a three-dimensional grid.
28 | *
29 | * \note We do not use boost::multi_array because it is not trivial to serialize.
30 | *
31 | */
32 | class SamplingGrid : public SamplingGridProperties
33 | {
34 | //!> grant unit test access to private parts
35 | friend class SamplingGridTest;
36 | //!> grant output operator access
37 | friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const SamplingGrid& other);
38 | public:
39 | //!> typedef for sampled values
40 | typedef std::vector< double > sampledvalues_t;
41 |
42 | /** Constructor for class SamplingGrid for full window.
43 | *
44 | * Here, the window of sampled values spans the given domain.
45 | *
46 | * \param _begin offset for grid per axis
47 | * \param _end edge length of grid per axis
48 | * \param _level number of grid points in \f$2^{\mathrm{level}}\f$
49 | * \param _sampled_grid sample points
50 | */
51 | SamplingGrid(const double _begin[3],
52 | const double _end[3],
53 | const int _level,
54 | const sampledvalues_t &_sampled_grid);
55 |
56 | /** Constructor for class SamplingGrid for empty window.
57 | *
58 | * Here, the window is initially of size zero.
59 | *
60 | * \param _begin offset for grid per axis
61 | * \param _end edge length of grid per axis
62 | * \param _level number of grid points in \f$2^{\text{level}}\f$
63 | */
64 | SamplingGrid(const double _begin[3],
65 | const double _end[3],
66 | const int _level);
67 |
68 | /** Copy constructor for class SamplingGrid with full window from SamplingGridProperties.
69 | *
70 | * Here, the window is initially empty.
71 | *
72 | * \param _props properties to copy
73 | */
74 | SamplingGrid(const SamplingGridProperties &_props);
75 |
76 | /** Copy constructor for class SamplingGrid with empty window from SamplingGridProperties.
77 | *
78 | * Here, the window must span the whole domain
79 | *
80 | * \param _props properties to copy
81 | * \param _sampled_grid sample points
82 | */
83 | SamplingGrid(
84 | const SamplingGridProperties &_props,
85 | const sampledvalues_t &_sampled_grid);
86 |
87 | /** Copy constructor for class SamplingGrid.
88 | *
89 | * The window of sampled values corresponds to the one on \a _grid.
90 | *
91 | * \param _grid grid to copy
92 | */
93 | SamplingGrid(const SamplingGrid &_grid);
94 |
95 | /** default cstor.
96 | */
97 | SamplingGrid();
98 |
99 | virtual ~SamplingGrid();
100 |
101 | /** Assignment operator.
102 | *
103 | * \param other other instance to assign ourselves to
104 | */
105 | SamplingGrid& operator=(const SamplingGrid& other);
106 |
107 | /** Addition operator with another SamplingGrid instance \a other.
108 | *
109 | * \param other other instance to sum onto this one.
110 | * \return ref to this instance
111 | */
112 | SamplingGrid& operator+=(const SamplingGrid& other)
113 | {
114 | superposeOtherGrids(other, +1.);
115 | return *this;
116 | }
117 |
118 | /** Element-wise multiplication operator with another SamplingGrid instance \a other.
119 | *
120 | * \param other other instance to sum onto this one.
121 | * \return ref to this instance
122 | */
123 | SamplingGrid& operator*=(const SamplingGrid& other);
124 |
125 | /** Subtraction operator with another SamplingGrid instance \a other.
126 | *
127 | * \param other other instance to subtract from this one.
128 | * \return ref to this instance
129 | */
130 | SamplingGrid& operator-=(const SamplingGrid& other)
131 | {
132 | superposeOtherGrids(other, -1.);
133 | return *this;
134 | }
135 |
136 | /** Returns the numeric integral over the grid.
137 | *
138 | * @return sum of grid values times volume element
139 | */
140 | double integral() const;
141 |
142 | /** Returns the numeric integral over the grid where the grid is element-wise multiplied with \a weight.
143 | *
144 | * @param weight grid of weights
145 | * @return sum of grid values weighted by respective element in weight times volume element
146 | */
147 | double integral(const SamplingGrid &weight) const;
148 |
149 | /** Returns the volume of the domain for this sampled function.
150 | *
151 | * @return volume
152 | */
153 | const double getVolume() const;
154 |
155 | /** Returns the total number of gridpoints of the discrete mesh covering the (window) volume.
156 | *
157 | * @return number of gridpoints sampled_values should have
158 | */
159 | const size_t getWindowGridPoints() const;
160 |
161 | /** Returns the number of gridpoints of the discrete mesh for the current
162 | * window size for given axis \axis.
163 | *
164 | * \param axis axis to calculate number of gridpoints for
165 | * \return number of gridpoints along this axis
166 | */
167 | const size_t getWindowGridPointsPerAxis(const size_t axis) const;
168 |
169 | /** Returns the total number of gridpoints of the discrete mesh covering the volume.
170 | *
171 | * @return number of gridpoints sampled_values should have
172 | */
173 | const size_t getTotalGridPoints() const;
174 |
175 | /** Returns the number of grid points per axis.
176 | *
177 | * @return number of grid points per unit length
178 | */
179 | const size_t getGridPointsPerAxis() const;
180 |
181 | /** Returns the length of the domain for the given \a axis.
182 | *
183 | * \param axis axis for which to get step length
184 | * \return domain length for the given axis, i.e. end - begin
185 | */
186 | const double getTotalLengthPerAxis(const size_t axis) const;
187 |
188 | /** Returns the length of the window for the given \a axis.
189 | *
190 | * \param axis axis for which to get step length
191 | * \return window length for the given axis, i.e. end - begin
192 | */
193 | const double getWindowLengthPerAxis(const size_t axis) const;
194 |
195 | /** Returns the real step length from one discrete grid point to the next.
196 | *
197 | * \param axis axis for which to get step length
198 | * \return step length for the given axis, as domain length over getGridPointsPerAxis()
199 | */
200 | const double getDeltaPerAxis(const size_t axis) const;
201 |
202 | /** Returns the volume of the domain covered by the current window.
203 | *
204 | * @return volume of window
205 | */
206 | const double getWindowVolume() const;
207 |
208 | /** Sets the size of the window.
209 | *
210 | * \note also resets the sampled points so far.
211 | *
212 | * \param _begin_window start of new window
213 | * \param _end_window end of window
214 | */
215 | void setWindow(const double _begin_window[3], const double _end_window[3]);
216 |
217 | private:
218 | /** Sets the size of the domain.
219 | *
220 | * \note also resets the sampled points so far and the window.
221 | *
222 | * \param _begin start of new window
223 | * \param _end end of window
224 | */
225 | void setDomain(const double _begin[3], const double _end[3]);
226 |
227 | /** Sets the size of the domain.
228 | *
229 | * \note this is just internally used for easing the array setting.
230 | *
231 | * \param _begin start of domain
232 | * \param _end end of domain
233 | */
234 | void setDomainSize(const double _begin[3], const double _end[3]);
235 |
236 | /** Extends the window while keeping the values.
237 | *
238 | * \param _begin_window new start of window
239 | * \param _end_window new end of window
240 | */
241 | void extendWindow(const double _begin_window[3], const double _end_window[3]);
242 |
243 | /** Adds another window onto the one in this instance.
244 | *
245 | * \note We assume here that the given window fits on the this one.
246 | *
247 | * \param _begin_window start of other window
248 | * \param _end_window end of other window
249 | * \param _sampled_grid other set of sampled values
250 | * @param prefactor +1. is then addition, -1. is subtraction.
251 | */
252 | void addOntoWindow(
253 | const double _begin_window[3],
254 | const double _end_window[3],
255 | const sampledvalues_t &_sampled_grid,
256 | const double prefactor);
257 |
258 | /** Helper function that contains all the logic of how to superpose two
259 | * grids.
260 | *
261 | * Is called by SamplingGrid::operator+=() and SamplingGrid::operator-=()
262 | *
263 | * @param other other histogram
264 | * @param prefactor +1. is then addition, -1. is subtraction.
265 | */
266 | void superposeOtherGrids(const SamplingGrid &other, const double prefactor);
267 |
268 | /** Sets the size of the window.
269 | *
270 | * \note also resets the sampled points so far.
271 | *
272 | * \param _begin_window start of new window
273 | * \param _end_window end of window
274 | */
275 | void setWindowSize(const double _begin_window[3], const double _end_window[3]);
276 |
277 | /** Helper function to get point at grid point for given \a axis and less than value.
278 | *
279 | * @param value value to find nearest grid point to
280 | * @param axis axis of the value
281 | * @return nearest lower grid point
282 | */
283 | double getNearestLowerGridPoint(
284 | const double value, const size_t axis) const;
285 |
286 | /** Helper function to get point at grid point for given \a axis and greater than value.
287 | *
288 | * @param value value to find nearest grid point to
289 | * @param axis axis of the value
290 | * @return nearest lower grid point
291 | */
292 | double getNearestHigherGridPoint(
293 | const double value, const size_t axis) const;
294 |
295 | public:
296 | /// We do not store the whole grid if many entries are actually zero
297 | /// but only a window wherein the sampled function is non-zero.
298 |
299 | //!> sample points of the window
300 | sampledvalues_t sampled_grid;
301 |
302 | //!> start of the window relative to SamplingGridProperties::begin and SamplingGridProperties::size
303 | double begin_window[3];
304 | //!> end of the window relative to SamplingGridProperties::begin and SamplingGridProperties::size
305 | double end_window[3];
306 |
307 | private:
308 | friend class MPQCData;
309 |
310 | friend class boost::serialization::access;
311 | // serialization
312 | template <typename Archive>
313 | void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
314 | {
315 | ar & boost::serialization::base_object<SamplingGridProperties>(*this);
316 | ar & const_cast< sampledvalues_t &>(sampled_grid);
317 | for(size_t i=0;i<3;++i) {
318 | ar & begin_window[i];
319 | ar & end_window[i];
320 | }
321 | }
322 |
323 | //!> static typedef to use in cstor when no initial values are given
324 | static const double zeroOffset[3];
325 | };
326 |
327 | /** Output operator for class SamplingGrid.
328 | *
329 | * \param ost output stream to print to
330 | * \param other instance to print
331 | * \return ref to stream for concatenation
332 | */
333 | std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const SamplingGrid& other);
334 |
335 | template<typename T> T ZeroInstance();
336 | template<> SamplingGrid ZeroInstance<SamplingGrid>();
337 |
338 | // we need to give this class a unique key for serialization
339 | // its is only serialized through its base class FragmentJob
340 | BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY(SamplingGrid)
341 |
342 | // define inline functions
343 | #include "SamplingGrid_inline.hpp"
344 |
345 | #endif /* SAMPLINGGRID_HPP_ */