1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * FillSphericalSurfaceAction.cpp
10 | *
11 | * Created on: Mar 29, 2012
12 | * Author: heber, bollerhe
13 | */
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include "Actions/UndoRedoHelpers.hpp"
23 | #include "Atom/atom.hpp"
24 | #include "Atom/AtomicInfo.hpp"
25 | #include "Atom/CopyAtoms/CopyAtoms_withBonds.hpp"
26 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
27 | #include "Filling/Cluster.hpp"
28 | #include "Filling/Filler.hpp"
29 | #include "Filling/Inserter/Inserter.hpp"
30 | #include "Filling/Inserter/SurfaceInserter.hpp"
31 | #include "Filling/Mesh/MeshAdaptor.hpp"
32 | #include "Filling/Predicates/IsVoidNode_FillPredicate.hpp"
33 | #include "molecule.hpp"
34 | #include "Shapes/BaseShapes.hpp"
35 | #include "World.hpp"
36 |
37 |
38 | #include <algorithm>
39 | #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
40 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
41 | #include <iostream>
42 | #include <string>
43 | #include <vector>
44 |
45 | #include "Actions/FillAction/FillSphericalSurfaceAction.hpp"
46 |
47 | using namespace MoleCuilder;
48 |
49 | // and construct the stuff
50 | #include "FillSphericalSurfaceAction.def"
51 | #include "Action_impl_pre.hpp"
52 | /** =========== define the function ====================== */
53 | Action::state_ptr FillSphericalSurfaceAction::performCall() {
54 | // get the filler molecule
55 | const std::vector< molecule *> molecules = World::getInstance().getSelectedMolecules();
56 | std::vector<AtomicInfo> movedatoms;
57 | if (molecules.size() != 1) {
58 | ELOG(1, "No exactly one molecule selected, aborting,");
59 | return Action::failure;
60 | }
61 | molecule *filler = *(molecules.begin());
62 | for(molecule::const_iterator iter = filler->begin(); iter != filler->end(); ++iter)
63 | movedatoms.push_back( AtomicInfo(*(*iter)) );
64 | LOG(1, "INFO: Chosen molecule has " << filler->size() << " atoms.");
65 |
66 | // center filler's tip at origin
67 | Vector max;
68 | filler->CenterEdge(&max);
69 |
70 | // determine center with respect to alignment axis
71 | Vector sum = zeroVec;
72 | for (molecule::iterator it2=filler->begin();it2 !=filler->end();++it2) {
73 | const Vector helper = (**it2).getPosition().partition(params.AlignedAxis.get()).second;
74 | sum += helper;
75 | }
76 | sum *= 1./filler->size();
77 |
78 | // translate molecule's closest atom to origin (such that is resides on the filler spot)
79 | LOG(1, "DEBUG: molecule is off Alignment axis by " << sum << ", shifting ...");
80 | {
81 | Vector translater = -1.*sum;
82 | filler->Translate(&translater);
83 | }
84 |
85 | // create predicate, mesh, and filler
86 | FillSphericalSurfaceState *UndoState = NULL;
87 | bool successflag = false;
88 | {
89 | FillPredicate *voidnode_predicate = new FillPredicate(
90 | IsVoidNode_FillPredicate(
91 | Sphere(zeroVec, params.mindistance.get())
92 | )
93 | );
94 | Shape s = Sphere(params.center.get(), params.radius.get());
95 | boost::function<const NodeSet ()> func =
96 | boost::bind(&Shape::getHomogeneousPointsOnSurface, boost::ref(s), params.N.get());
97 | Mesh *mesh = new MeshAdaptor(func);
98 | Inserter *inserter = new Inserter(
99 | Inserter::impl_ptr(new SurfaceInserter(s, params.AlignedAxis.get())));
100 |
101 | // fill
102 | {
103 | Filler *fillerFunction = new Filler(*mesh, *voidnode_predicate, *inserter);
104 | ClusterInterface::Cluster_impl cluster( new Cluster( filler->getAtomIds(), filler->getBoundingShape() ) );
105 | CopyAtoms_withBonds copyMethod;
106 | Filler::ClusterVector_t ClonedClusters;
107 | successflag = (*fillerFunction)(copyMethod, cluster, ClonedClusters);
108 | delete fillerFunction;
109 |
110 | // append each cluster's atoms to clonedatoms (however not selected ones)
111 | std::vector<const atom *> clonedatoms;
112 | std::vector<AtomicInfo> clonedatominfos;
113 | for (Filler::ClusterVector_t::const_iterator iter = ClonedClusters.begin();
114 | iter != ClonedClusters.end(); ++iter) {
115 | const AtomIdSet &atoms = (*iter)->getAtomIds();
116 | clonedatoms.reserve(clonedatoms.size()+atoms.size());
117 | for (AtomIdSet::const_iterator atomiter = atoms.begin(); atomiter != atoms.end(); ++atomiter)
118 | if (!filler->containsAtom(*atomiter)) {
119 | clonedatoms.push_back( *atomiter );
120 | clonedatominfos.push_back( AtomicInfo(*(*atomiter)) );
121 | }
122 | }
123 | std::vector< BondInfo > clonedbonds;
124 | StoreBondInformationFromAtoms(clonedatoms, clonedbonds);
125 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: There are " << clonedatominfos.size() << " newly created atoms with "
126 | << clonedbonds.size()/2 << " bonds.");
127 |
128 | if (!successflag) {
129 | ELOG(1, "Insertion failed, removing inserted clusters, translating original one back");
130 | RemoveAtomsFromAtomicInfo(clonedatominfos);
131 | clonedatoms.clear();
132 | SetAtomsFromAtomicInfo(movedatoms);
133 | } else {
134 | std::vector<Vector> MovedToVector(filler->size(), zeroVec);
135 | std::transform(filler->begin(), filler->end(), MovedToVector.begin(),
136 | boost::bind(&AtomInfo::getPosition, _1) );
137 | UndoState = new FillSphericalSurfaceState(clonedatominfos,clonedbonds,movedatoms,MovedToVector,params);
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | // remove
142 | delete mesh;
143 | delete inserter;
144 | delete voidnode_predicate;
145 | }
146 |
147 | if (successflag)
148 | return Action::state_ptr(UndoState);
149 | else
150 | return Action::failure;
151 | }
152 |
153 | Action::state_ptr FillSphericalSurfaceAction::performUndo(Action::state_ptr _state) {
154 | FillSphericalSurfaceState *state = assert_cast<FillSphericalSurfaceState*>(_state.get());
155 |
156 | // remove all created atoms
157 | RemoveAtomsFromAtomicInfo(state->clonedatoms);
158 | // add the original cluster
159 | SetAtomsFromAtomicInfo(state->movedatoms);
160 |
161 | return Action::state_ptr(_state);
162 | }
163 |
164 | Action::state_ptr FillSphericalSurfaceAction::performRedo(Action::state_ptr _state){
165 | FillSphericalSurfaceState *state = assert_cast<FillSphericalSurfaceState*>(_state.get());
166 |
167 | // place filler cluster again at new spot
168 | ResetAtomPosition(state->movedatoms, state->MovedToVector);
169 |
170 | // re-create all clusters
171 | bool statusflag = AddAtomsFromAtomicInfo(state->clonedatoms);
172 |
173 | // re-create the bonds
174 | statusflag = statusflag && AddBondsFromBondInfo(state->clonedbonds);
175 | if (statusflag)
176 | return Action::state_ptr(_state);
177 | else
178 | return Action::failure;
179 | }
180 |
181 | bool FillSphericalSurfaceAction::canUndo() {
182 | return true;
183 | }
184 |
185 | bool FillSphericalSurfaceAction::shouldUndo() {
186 | return true;
187 | }
188 | /** =========== end of function ====================== */