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A Starter's tutorial
In this tutorial we will build a hydrogen molecule atom by atom, load another hydrogen molecule from file. We will recognize the bond structure and dissect the system into two separate molecules. We will tesselate one molecule. And eventually, we will do a correlation analysis. Note that this tutorial will not go into the details of the code, it will just explain what to do and what happens using molecuilder on the command line.
We assume throughout this tutorial that your main folder is molecuilder, that you have created a subfolder called build wherein the compilation took place and the executable's path is then molecuilder/build/src/molecuilder. We assume that you have entered the build directory before starting this tutorial, hence molecuilder can be launched by entering ./src/molecuilder.
It is helpful to visually inspect the outputs of molecuilder at each step, Jmol or vmd may be helpful for this purpose.
Building hydrogen
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o pcp xyz -a 6 --position 0 0 0
This will add an "oxygen" atom (atomic number is actually 8 but we correct the error further below) at (0,0,0). Note that we have called the input file test, which will also be the root of all output files (besides the suffix). We create pcp and xyz output files. The former can store information about the domain, too, the latter is a very common format with many molecule viewers such as listed exemplarily above. Furtheron, we don't have to specify pcp anymore, as test.conf that we parse and add stuff on top is of pcp format and will get updated automatically.
Note that two files have been created: test.conf and Both contain information about the added atom, the former a lot of other information, too.
Instead of -a we could have written --add-atom as well. Almost all actions have this kind of short-form, options such as --position however never have a short-form. This makes them distinguishable from the actions.
Let's continue and define the simulation box:
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz -B 10 0 10 0 0 10
Note that the BoxLength entry in test.conf has changed, while the file has not changed at all.
We add the two remaining hydrogen atoms:
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz -a 1 --position 0.758602 0. 0.504284 ./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz -a 1 --position 0.758602 0. -0.504284
As of now, "equal" actions cannot be stacked but this will come very soon. Different actions can however be sequenced on the command line. This is also the reason, why -o has to be placed in front of -a as otherwise the output files will be present but empty.
Let's briefly fix atom 0's element, i.e. convert it from carbon to oxygen.
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz -e 8 --atom-by-id 0
This will change the element of atom with index 0 to 8, i.e. make it an oxygen.
Regarding the positions and our domain box, we have set the water molecule a bit right on the corner. Let's shift the molecule a bit
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz -t -5 0 0 --molecule-by-id 0 --periodic 1
Note that we explicitely stated here to have periodic boundary conditions active. Hence, the coordinates get wrapped around. If we parse in a config file, all atoms are automatically put into a single moleculde, here referenced by its index 0.
Tedious of entering -i test.conf -o xyz all the time? If you don't want to check the xyz file, you may also just say test.conf in its place, which will store information to this pcp config file only.
A better approach for making sure all atoms are inside the domain is to use the bound-in-box action:
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz --bound-in-box
Note that this action has no parameter. It has used the box size specified above. As we have already translated the water molecule, nothing should have happened.
Parsing in another water molecule
Adding atoms singly is now very tedious. Often one already has an xyz description of the molecule. Let's parse in another water molecule from the file [].
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz -p
If we would like to place it right-away somewhere else, we would use this call:
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -o xyz -p -t 5 0 0 --molecule-by-id 1 --periodic 1
which would translate the newly parsed-in molecule, getting index 1, bey (5,0,0), adhering to periodic boundary conditions.
Use the bond structure
If we parse in the config files again, we will not have two separate molecules, addressable by indices 0 and 1, but a single one. This is bad. Let's do a graph analysis of the system
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -v 3 -D 2.
Note that we have specified here a verbosity level (-v) of 3 such that one sees a bit of what's going on.
Now lets fix it by
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -I
Tesselate the second molecule
The last step is especially needed for the following tesselation of the second molecule only:
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -I -N 3. --nonconvex-file NonConvexEnvelope --molecule-by-id 2
This will write a TecPlot conforming file NonConvexEnvelope.dat that contains two triangles right on top of each other. Simply because the water molecule is quite flat and has exactly three atoms, i.e. nodes for the boundary graph.
Pair correlation analysis
We will end this tutorial by doing some analysis on these two water molecules, namely a pair correlation
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -v 3 -C E --elements 1 8 --output-file output-point.csv --bin-output-file bin_output-point.csv --bin-start 0 --bin-end 20
and a surface correlation analysis.
./src/molecuilder -i test.conf -v 3 -I -C S --elements 1 --output-file output-surface.csv --bin-output-file bin_output-surface.csv --bin-start 0 --bin-width 1. --bin-end 20 --molecule-by-id 2
In the respective bin_output...csv files you find the binned distances between elements hydrogen and oxygen on the one hand and between all hydrogen atoms and the surface of the second water molecule on the other hand.
This ends this tutorial. I hope you have got an idea of how molecuilder is put into action and what can be done.
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) - added by 15 years ago.
water molecule in xyz format
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