#!@PYTHON@ # Boxmaker 1.0 # Creates tremolo-datafiles with arbitrary size and specific density from a single input molecule, # supporting numerous pre- and postprocessing features such as unit conversion. # Gregor Bollerhey - bollerhe@ins.uni-bonn.de import re, os, os.path, sys, operator import pyMoleCuilder as mol avogadro = 6.022143e23 class c_opt(): basename = None tremofiledir = './' potentialsfiledir = './' outfilename = 'out' source = None molarmass = None density = None temp = None number = '1000' cubicdomain = 'on' cubiccell = 'off' autorotate = 'off' autodim = 'on' postprocess = 'on' automass = 'on' def update(self, name, value): shortcuts = {'tf': 'temofiledir', 'pf': 'potentialsfiledir', 'o': 'outfilename', 'i': 'source', 'm': 'molarmass', 'rho': 'density', 't': 'temp', 'n': 'number', 'cd': 'cubicdomain', 'cc': 'cubiccell', 'ar': 'autorotate', 'ad': 'autodim', 'pp': 'postprocess', 'am': 'automass'} if name in shortcuts: name = shortcuts[name] if name in dir(self): exec('self.%s = "%s"' % (name, value)) else: print 'Warning: Unknown option:', name def ReadSettings(opt): # Obtain basename if len(sys.argv) >= 2: opt.basename = sys.argv[1] else: print 'Usage: boxmaker.py [options]' exit() # Read settings file try: with open('boxmaker.' + opt.basename) as f: for line in f: if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#': L, S, R = line.partition('=') opt.update(L.strip(), R.strip()) except IOError: print 'Warning: Configuration file not readable, CLI only' # Parse parameters i = 2 while i < len(sys.argv): L = sys.argv[i] if L[0] in '+-': LN = L[1:] if L[0] == '+': R = 'on' else: R = 'off' else: LN = L i += 1 R = sys.argv[i] opt.update(LN, R) i += 1 def ReadUnits(opt): lines = [] # The file needs to be processed twice, so we save the lines in the first run with open(opt.tremofiledir + opt.basename + '.tremolo') as f: for line in f: if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#': line = line.strip() lines.append(line) if 'systemofunits' in line: L, S, SOU = line.partition('=') SOU = SOU.strip()[:-1] # Remove semicolon if SOU == 'custom': units = {} quantities = ['length', 'mass', 'temperature'] for quantity in quantities: units[quantity] = [None, None] # Init with scaling factor and unit 'None'. for line in lines: for quantity in quantities: if quantity in line: L, S, R = line.partition('=') R = R.strip()[:-1] # Remove semicolon if 'scalingfactor' in line: units[quantity][0] = float(R) else: units[quantity][1] = R elif SOU == 'kcalpermole': units = {'length': [1.0, 'angstrom'], 'mass': [1.0, 'u'], 'temperature': [503.556, 'K']} elif SOU == 'evolt': units = {'length': [1.0, 'angstrom'], 'mass': [1.0, 'u'], 'temperature': [11604.0, 'K']} else: # SI units = {'length': [1.0, 'm'], 'mass': [1.0, 'kg'], 'temperature': [1.0, 'K']} return units def ConvertUnits(have, want): if have[0] == '!': return float(have[1:]) # Redo with pipes? #sys.stdout.write("units '%s' '%s'\n" % (have, want)) ret = os.system("units '%s' '%s' > temp_units_output" % (have, want)) if ret == 0: with open('temp_units_output') as f: line = f.readline() os.system('rm temp_units_output') return float(line[3:-1]) else: raise NameError('UnitError') def GetSourceMolareMass(opt, units): mol.SelectionAllAtoms() mass_sum = mol.AnalysisCalculateMolarMass() have = ("%f atomicmassunit" % mass_sum) want = ("%f*%s" % tuple(units['mass'])) return ConvertUnits(have, want)*avogadro def UpdateSettingsAndSource(opt): # Map boolean values boolmap = {'on': True, 'off': False} for name in ['cubicdomain', 'cubiccell', 'autorotate', 'autodim', 'postprocess', 'automass']: value = eval('opt.' + name) if value in boolmap: value = boolmap[value] else: print 'Not a boolean value:', value exit() exec('opt.' + name + '= value') # Convert dimensions if opt.autodim: units = ReadUnits(opt) if not opt.automass: have = opt.molarmass want = '%f*%s / mol' % tuple(units['mass']) opt.molarmass = ConvertUnits(have, want) have = opt.density want = '(%f*%s) ' % tuple(units['mass']) + '/ (%f*%s)**3' % tuple(units['length']) opt.density = ConvertUnits(have, want) if opt.temp: have = opt.temp want = '%f*%s' % tuple(units['temperature']) opt.temp = ConvertUnits(have, want) else: if not opt.automass: opt.molarmass = float(opt.molarmass) opt.density = float(opt.density) if opt.temp: opt.temp = float(opt.temp) # Number might be an integer or a 3-vector nvec = opt.number.split() if len(nvec) == 3: opt.number = [0]*3 for i in range(3): opt.number[i] = int(nvec[i]) else: opt.number = int(opt.number) InitialiseSource(opt) # Automatic source mass if opt.automass: opt.molarmass = GetSourceMolareMass(opt, units) print '======== MOLAR MASS:', opt.molarmass def FindBestCube(opt): newroot = int( round(opt.number**(1./3)) ) newnumber = newroot**3 if newnumber != opt.number: print 'Warning: Number changed to %d.' % newnumber return [newroot] * 3 def FindBestCuboid(opt): n = opt.number # Prime factors of n factors = [] for i in [2, 3]: while n % i == 0: factors.append(i) n /= 2 t = 5 diff = 2 while t*t <= n: while n % t == 0: factors.append(t) n /= t t = t + diff diff = 6 - diff if n > 1: factors.append(n) # Even distribution of current biggest prime to each vector -> similar sizes if len(factors) < 3: print 'Warning: Not enough prime factors - falling back to cubic placement' return FindBestCube(opt) factors.sort() distri = [[],[],[]] current = 0 for factor in factors: distri[current].append(factor) current += 1 if current == 3: current = 0 result = [0]*3 print '======== CUBOID USED:', for i in range(3): result[i] = int( reduce(operator.mul, distri[i]) ) print result return result def GetSourceBBabs(opt): mol.WorldCenterOnEdge() bb = mol.AnalysisCalculateBoundingBox() bbmin = [bb[0], bb[2], bb[4]] bbmax = [bb[1], bb[3], bb[5]] bb = [0.0]*3 for i in range(3): bb[i] = abs(bbmax[i] - bbmin[i]) return bb def InitialiseSource(opt): potfilepath = opt.potentialsfiledir + opt.basename + '.potentials' mol.ParserParseTremoloPotentials(potfilepath) mol.MoleculeLoad(opt.source) if opt.autorotate: mol.SelectAllAtoms() mol.RotateToPrincipalAxisSystem("0 1 0") # Global options with sensible default parameters opt = c_opt() ReadSettings(opt) UpdateSettingsAndSource(opt) if type(opt.number) == type([]): # Number is a vector - use it without any modification nbox = opt.number else: if opt.cubicdomain: nbox = FindBestCube(opt) else: nbox = FindBestCuboid(opt) VolumePerMolecule = opt.molarmass / (avogadro * opt.density) cell = [VolumePerMolecule**(1./3)] * 3 if not opt.cubiccell: try: bb = GetSourceBBabs(opt) print '======== BBOX:', bb # Scaling factor - the molecules bounding box is scaled to fit the volume suiting the density s = (VolumePerMolecule / (bb[0]*bb[1]*bb[2])) ** (1./3) if s < 1: print 'Warning: Molecular cells will overlap.' for i in range(3): cell[i] = bb[i]*s except ZeroDivisionError: print 'Warning: Singularity in bounding box, falling back to cubic cell.' print '======== CELL: ', cell mol.CommandVerbose('0') mol.WorldCenterInBox('%f 0 0 %f 0 %f' % tuple(cell)) mol.WorldRepeatBox('%d %d %d' % tuple(nbox)) mol.WorldOutput(opt.outfilename + '.data') mol.WorldOutput(opt.outfilename + '.xyz') domain = [0.0]*3 for i in range(3): domain[i] = cell[i]*nbox[i] print '======== DOMAIN: ', domain # Postprocessing if opt.postprocess: with open(opt.outfilename + '.data') as f: ofile = f.read() with open(opt.outfilename + '.data', 'w') as f: f.write('# INPUTCONV shift center\n') if opt.temp: f.write('# INPUTCONV temp %.4f\n' % opt.temp) f.write(ofile) os.system('rm temp_source.data temp_source.xyz')