### test stand-in mpqc program # first check that out stand-in mpqc does what it should do AT_SETUP([Fragmentation - Automation: Stand-in mpqc]) AT_KEYWORDS([fragmentation automation mpqcstub ]) # check failure when no file is given AT_CHECK([../../mpqc], 134, [ignore], [ignore]) # Create Job00.in AT_CHECK([echo "${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Fragmentation/Automation/pre/BondFragment00.out" >Job00.in], 0) # check prints the output file when given input file AT_CHECK([../../mpqc Job00.in], 0, [stdout], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([diff stdout ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Fragmentation/Automation/pre/BondFragment00.out], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CLEANUP