// Uncomment the following line to change the fontsize:
// fontsize=14
// Welcome to UMLet!
// Double-click on UML elements to add them to the diagram, or to copy them
// Edit elements by modifying the text in this panel
// Hold Ctrl to select multiple elements
// Use Ctrl+mouse to select via lasso
// Use ± or Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom
// Drag a whole relation at its central square icon
// Press Ctrl+C to copy the whole diagram to the system clipboard (then just paste it to, eg, Word)
// Edit the files in the "palettes" directory to create your own element palettes
// Select "Custom Elements > New..." to create new element types
// This text will be stored with each diagram; use it for notes.7com.umlet.element.base.Class185529414770AtomInfo
-x,v,F: Vector
element *type; //!< pointing to element
mass: double
CovalentRadius: double
VanDerWaalsRadius: double
Z: int
name: char[64]
symbol: char[3]
period: char[8]
group: char[8]
block: char[8]
sort: int *
No: int
Valence: double
NoValenceOrbitals: int
HBondDistance: double[NDIM]
HBondAngle: double[NDIM]
#Output(ofstream * const out) const: bool
#Checkout(ofstream * const out, const int No, const int NoOfAtoms) const: boolcom.umlet.element.base.Class1960532280161BondedParticle
#Operation(i: int): int
/+virtual ~BondedParticle()/
#RegisterBond(bond *Binder): bool
#UnregisterBond(bond *Binder): bool
#IsBondedTo(BondedParticle * const BondPartner): bool
#CountBonds() const: int
#CorrectBondDegree(): int
#OutputBondOfAtom() const
#OutputAdjacency(ofstream *AdjacencyFile) const
#OutputOrder(ofstream *file) constcom.umlet.element.base.Relation2184343258202lt=<<-245;21;245;154;21;154;21;189com.umlet.element.base.Relation1925343293202lt=<<-
AdaptiveOrder: unsigned char
MaxOrder: bool
nr: int
Name: char *
#ostream & operator << (ostream &ost) const
{Some Properties}
-id: Long
_-ClassAttribute: Long_
#Operation(i: int): int
-- Resp1
*-- Resp2*com.umlet.element.base.Class1372427147105GraphNodeInfo
GraphNr: int
ComponentNr: int *
LowpointNr: int
SeparationVertex: bool
IsCyclic: bool
#OutputGraphInfo() const
#OutputComponentNumber() const
sort: int*
#atom(class atom *pointer)
#OutputIndexed(ofstream * const out, const int ElementNo, const int AtomNo, const char *comment = NULL) const: bool
#OutputArrayIndexed(ofstream * const out, const int *ElementNo, int *AtomNo, const char *comment = NULL) const: bool
#OutputXYZLine(ofstream *out) const: bool
#OutputTrajectory(ofstream * const out, const int *ElementNo, int *AtomNo, const int step) const: bool
#OutputTrajectoryXYZ(ofstream * const out, const int step) const: bool
#OutputMPQCLine(ofstream * const out, const Vector *center, int *AtomNo) const
#EqualsFather ( const atom *ptr, const atom **res ) const
#GetTrueFather(): atom *
#Compare(const atom &ptr) const: bool
#DistanceToVector(const Vector &origin) const: double
#DistanceSquaredToVector(const Vector &origin) const: double
#IsInParallelepiped(const Vector offset, const double *parallelepiped) const: boolcom.umlet.element.base.Relation137951183258lt=<<<<-21;21;21;182;70;182;70;245com.umlet.element.base.Class2226749504210TrajectoryParticle
#AddKineticToTemperature(double *temperature, int step) const
#EvaluateConstrainedForce(int startstep, int endstep, atom **PermutationMap, ForceMatrix *Force) const
#CorrectVelocity(double *ActualTemp, int Step, Vector *CoGVelocity)
#ResizeTrajectory(int MaxSteps)
#CopyStepOnStep(int dest, int src)
#VelocityVerletUpdate(int MDSteps, config *configuration, ForceMatrix *Force)
#SumUpKineticEnergy( int Step, double *TotalMass, Vector *TotalVelocity ) const
#Thermostat_Woodcock(double ScaleTempFactor, int Step, double *ekin)
#Thermostat_Gaussian_init(int Step, double *G, double *E)
#Thermostat_Gaussian_least_constraint(int Step, double G_over_E, double *ekin, config *configuration)
#Thermostat_Langevin(int Step, gsl_rng * r, double *ekin, config *configuration)
#Thermostat_Berendsen(int Step, double ScaleTempFactor, double *ekin, config *configuration)
#Thermostat_NoseHoover_init(int Step, double *delta_alpha)
#Thermostat_NoseHoover_scale(int Step, double *ekin, config *configuration)com.umlet.element.base.Relation2149343209419lt=<<-21;21;21;112;196;112;196;406com.umlet.element.base.Relation1967343391419lt=<<-21;21;21;112;378;112;378;406com.umlet.element.base.Class161757420370TrajectoryParticleInfo
Trajectory: struct {vector<Vector> R,U,V}
FixedIon: int
-id: Long
_-ClassAttribute: Long_
#Operation(i: int): int
-- Resp1
*-- Resp2*com.umlet.element.base.Relation1729539146230lt=<<-133;21;133;175;21;175;21;217com.umlet.element.base.Relation172967239897lt=<<-385;21;385;42;21;42;21;84com.umlet.element.base.Relation1729343398426lt=<<-385;21;385;168;196;168;196;371;21;371;21;413com.umlet.element.base.Relation1729343209426lt=<<-196;21;196;371;21;371;21;413com.umlet.element.base.Class833854357224Bond
HydrogenBond: int
BondDegree: int
nr: int
Cyclic: bool
Type: enum EdgeType
Used: enum Shading
#GetOtherAtom(const ParticleInfo * const Atom) const: atom *
#MarkUsed(const enum Shading color): bool
#IsUsed(): enum Shading
#Contains(const ParticleInfo * const ptr): bool
#Contains(const int nr): bool
#GetDistance() const: double
#GetDistanceSquared() const: double
#bond(atom *left, atom *right, const int degree=1, const int number=0)
max_distance: double
IsAngstroem: bool
#BondGraph(bool IsA);
#LoadBondLengthTable(const string &filename): bool
#ConstructBondGraph(molecule * const mol): bool
#GetBondLength(int firstelement, int secondelement): double
#SetMaxDistanceToMaxOfCovalentRadii(const molecule * const mol): double
#BondLengthMatrixMinMaxDistance(BondedParticle * const Walker, BondedParticle * const OtherWalker,
double &MinDistance, double &MaxDistance, bool IsAngstroem)
#CovalentMinMaxDistance(BondedParticle * const Walker, BondedParticle * const OtherWalker,
double &MinDistance, double &MaxDistance, bool IsAngstroem)com.umlet.element.base.Relation1596140716734lt=<<<<-21;21;154;21com.umlet.element.base.Class17501365147133MatrixContainer
-id: Long
_-ClassAttribute: Long_
#Operation(i: int): int
-- Resp1
*-- Resp2*com.umlet.element.base.Class05395111050config
PsiType: int
MaxPsiDouble: int
PsiMaxNoUp: int
PsiMaxNoDown: int
MaxMinStopStep: int
InitMaxMinStopStep: int
ProcPEGamma: int
ProcPEPsi: int
configpath: char *
configname: char *
FastParsing: bool
Deltat: double
basis: string
databasepath: char *
DoConstrainedMD: int
MaxOuterStep: int
Thermostat: int
ThermostatImplemented: int *
ThermostatNames: char **
TempFrequency: double
alpha: double
HooverMass: double
TargetTemp: double
ScaleTempStep: int
mainname: char *
defaultpath: char *
pseudopotpath: char *
DoOutVis: int
DoOutMes: int
DoOutNICS: int
DoOutOrbitals: int
DoOutCurrent: int
DoFullCurrent: int
DoPerturbation: int
DoWannier: int
CommonWannier: int
SawtoothStart: double
VectorPlane: int
VectorCut: double
UseAddGramSch: int
Seed: int
OutVisStep: int
OutSrcStep: int
MaxPsiStep: int
EpsWannier: double
MaxMinStep: int
RelEpsTotalEnergy: double
RelEpsKineticEnergy: double
MaxMinGapStopStep: int
MaxInitMinStep: int
InitRelEpsTotalEnergy: double
InitRelEpsKineticEnergy: double
InitMaxMinGapStopStep: int
ECut: double
MaxLevel: int
RiemannTensor: int
LevRFactor: int
RiemannLevel: int
Lev0Factor: int
RTActualUse: int
AddPsis: int
RCut: double
StructOpt: int
IsAngstroem: int
RelativeCoord: int
MaxTypes: int
#TestSyntax(const char * const filename, const periodentafel * const periode) const: int
#Load(const char * const filename, const string &BondGraphFileName,
const periodentafel * const periode, MoleculeListClass * const &MolList);
#LoadOld(const char * const filename, const string &BondGraphFileName,
const periodentafel * const periode, MoleculeListClass * const &MolList);
#RetrieveConfigPathAndName(const string filename);
#Save(const char * const filename, const periodentafel * const periode, molecule * const mol) const: bool
#SaveMPQC(const char * const filename, const molecule * const mol) const: bool
#SavePDB(const char * const filename, const MoleculeListClass * const MolList) const: bool
#SavePDB(const char * const filename, const molecule * const mol) const: bool
#SaveTREMOLO(const char * const filename, const molecule * const mol) const: bool
#SaveTREMOLO(const char * const filename, const MoleculeListClass * const MolList) const: bool
#GetIsAngstroem() const: bool
#GetDefaultPath() const: char *
#SetDefaultPath(const char * const path);
#ParseThermostats(class ConfigFileBuffer * const fb);com.umlet.element.base.Relation490142863634lt=<<<<-21;21;623;21com.umlet.element.base.Relation159684121139lt=<<<<-
static ostream *nix;
static int verbosity;
static errorLogger* instance;
#static getInstance(): errorLogger*
#static purgeInstance()
#static DoOutput(): bool
#static setVerbosity(int verbosityLevel);
#protected errorLogger()
#protected ~errorLogger()com.umlet.element.base.Class2093106436435KeyCompare
#operator() (const KeySet SubgraphA, const KeySet SubgraphB) const: bool
ANOVAOrder: int
FragmentCounter: int
CurrentIndex: int
TEFactor: double
ShortestPathList: int *
UsedList: bool **
BondsPerSPCount: int *com.umlet.element.base.Relation490125369234lt=<<<<-679;21;21;21com.umlet.element.base.Relation1120980251307lt=<<<<-49;294;21;294;21;224;238;224;238;21com.umlet.element.base.Class840112724528Graph
{map <KeySet, NumberValuePair, KeyCompare>}
0...N X 0...N84;217;56;217;56;112;21;112;21;21com.umlet.element.base.Class1736228214742LSQ_params
vectors: const Vector **
num: int
x: gsl_vector *com.umlet.element.base.Relation116926611834lt=<<<<-21;21;105;21