# Process with autom4te to create an -*- Autotest -*- test suite. AT_INIT([Molecular Builder]) # Checking if command line options are parsed correctly AT_BANNER([MoleCuilder - standard options]) AT_SETUP([Standard Options]) AT_CHECK([pwd],[ignore],[ignore]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -v], 0, [stdout], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep molecuilder stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -h], 0, [stdout], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Give this help screen" stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -e], 0, [ignore], [stderr]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Not enough or invalid arguments" stderr], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder test.conf], 0, [stdout], [stderr]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Element list loading failed" stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CLEANUP AT_BANNER([MoleCuilder - molecular config creation from xyz file and atom adding]) AT_SETUP([Simple configuration]) # 1. create a fake element database with the only element we need AT_DATA([elements.db],[# Covalent radius of each element in Angstroem from CSD (binding is: [Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)-t,Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)+t] with t = 0.4A #Element Name Symbol Period Group Block Atomic Number AtomicWeight Covalent Radius vdW Radius Hydrogen H 1 1 s 1 1.008 0.23 1.09 ]) # 2. create some simplest molecular geometry AT_DATA([test.xyz], [[1 # test configuration, created by molecuilder test suite H 10. 10. 10. ]]) # 3. make sure config is empty and not remnant from last test with broken dirs AT_DATA([test.conf], []) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder test.conf -e ./ -p test.xyz], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Ion_Type1_1" test.conf], 0, [Ion_Type1_1 10.000000000 10.000000000 10.000000000 0 # molecule nr 0 ], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([mv test.conf main_pcp_linux], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_DATA([input], [maa 10. 10. 10. 1 s q ]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder test.conf -e ./