1 edited


  • TabularUnified src/documentation/constructs/filling.dox

    rcae614 rcaece4  
    7474 * the specific implementations of the class \ref Inserter.
    7575 *
    76  * \section filling-preparators Filling Preparators
    7776 *
    78  * The filling function depends on quite a number of other instances. In order
    79  * to make this a little easier to use, there are so called FillerPreparators
    80  * for various purposes:
    81  * -# BoxFillerPreparator - fills the simulation domain
    82  * -# ShapeSurfaceFillerPreparator - fills on the surface of a selected shape
    83  * -# ShapeVolumeFillerPreparator - fills the volume of a selected shape
    84  *
    85  * These offer various functions to easily install an Inserter, a Mesh, and
    86  * necessary FillPredicates. See the Filling Actions such as
    87  * MoleCuilder::FillVolumeAction as example.
    88  *
    89  * \date 2014-09-04
     77 * \date 2014-03-10
    9078 */
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