Changeset a2d653
- Timestamp:
- Jul 2, 2012, 7:54:12 AM (13 years ago)
- Branches:
- Action_Thermostats, Add_AtomRandomPerturbation, Add_FitFragmentPartialChargesAction, Add_RotateAroundBondAction, Add_SelectAtomByNameAction, Added_ParseSaveFragmentResults, AddingActions_SaveParseParticleParameters, Adding_Graph_to_ChangeBondActions, Adding_MD_integration_tests, Adding_ParticleName_to_Atom, Adding_StructOpt_integration_tests, AtomFragments, Automaking_mpqc_open, AutomationFragmentation_failures, Candidate_v1.5.4, Candidate_v1.6.0, Candidate_v1.6.1, ChangeBugEmailaddress, ChangingTestPorts, ChemicalSpaceEvaluator, CombiningParticlePotentialParsing, Combining_Subpackages, Debian_Package_split, Debian_package_split_molecuildergui_only, Disabling_MemDebug, Docu_Python_wait, EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph, EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph_documentation, Enable_parallel_make_install, Enhance_userguide, Enhanced_StructuralOptimization, Enhanced_StructuralOptimization_continued, Example_ManyWaysToTranslateAtom, Exclude_Hydrogens_annealWithBondGraph, FitPartialCharges_GlobalError, Fix_BoundInBox_CenterInBox_MoleculeActions, Fix_ChargeSampling_PBC, Fix_ChronosMutex, Fix_FitPartialCharges, Fix_FitPotential_needs_atomicnumbers, Fix_ForceAnnealing, Fix_IndependentFragmentGrids, Fix_ParseParticles, Fix_ParseParticles_split_forward_backward_Actions, Fix_PopActions, Fix_QtFragmentList_sorted_selection, Fix_Restrictedkeyset_FragmentMolecule, Fix_StatusMsg, Fix_StepWorldTime_single_argument, Fix_Verbose_Codepatterns, Fix_fitting_potentials, Fixes, ForceAnnealing_goodresults, ForceAnnealing_oldresults, ForceAnnealing_tocheck, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued_betteresults, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_contraction-expansion, FragmentAction_writes_AtomFragments, FragmentMolecule_checks_bonddegrees, GeometryObjects, Gui_Fixes, Gui_displays_atomic_force_velocity, ImplicitCharges, IndependentFragmentGrids, IndependentFragmentGrids_IndividualZeroInstances, IndependentFragmentGrids_IntegrationTest, IndependentFragmentGrids_Sole_NN_Calculation, JobMarket_RobustOnKillsSegFaults, JobMarket_StableWorkerPool, JobMarket_unresolvable_hostname_fix, MoreRobust_FragmentAutomation, ODR_violation_mpqc_open, PartialCharges_OrthogonalSummation, PdbParser_setsAtomName, PythonUI_with_named_parameters, QtGui_reactivate_TimeChanged_changes, Recreated_GuiChecks, Rewrite_FitPartialCharges, RotateToPrincipalAxisSystem_UndoRedo, SaturateAtoms_findBestMatching, SaturateAtoms_singleDegree, StoppableMakroAction, Subpackage_CodePatterns, Subpackage_JobMarket, Subpackage_LinearAlgebra, Subpackage_levmar, Subpackage_mpqc_open, Subpackage_vmg, Switchable_LogView, ThirdParty_MPQC_rebuilt_buildsystem, TrajectoryDependenant_MaxOrder, TremoloParser_IncreasedPrecision, TremoloParser_MultipleTimesteps, TremoloParser_setsAtomName, Ubuntu_1604_changes, stable
- Children:
- e11611
- Parents:
- d7bb9b1
- git-author:
- Frederik Heber <heber@…> (04/19/12 18:22:48)
- git-committer:
- Frederik Heber <heber@…> (07/02/12 07:54:12)
- Location:
- src/Fragmentation
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
rd7bb9b1 ra2d653 88 88 * -# scan header lines for number of columns 89 89 * -# scan lines for number of rows 90 * -# allocate matrix90 * -# allocate a temporary matrix 91 91 * -# loop over found column and row counts and parse in each entry 92 * -# use MatrixContainer::AddMatrix() to add the parsed matrix to the internal 92 93 * \param &input input stream 93 94 * \param skiplines number of inital lines to skip … … 109 110 110 111 // parse header 111 if (Header.size() <= MatrixNr) 112 Header.resize(MatrixNr); 113 Header[MatrixNr] = std::string(""); 112 std::string header; 114 113 char dummy[1024]; 115 114 for (int m=skiplines+1;m--;) … … 117 116 line.str(dummy); 118 117 for(int k=skipcolumns;k--;) 119 line >> Header[MatrixNr];118 line >> header; 120 119 LOG(3, "INFO: Header of Matrix " << MatrixNr << " :" << line.str()); 121 120 122 121 // scan header for number of columns 123 if (ColumnCounter.size() <= MatrixNr) 124 ColumnCounter.resize(MatrixNr); 125 ColumnCounter[MatrixNr]=0; 122 size_t ColumnCounter = 0; 126 123 while ( getline(line,token, '\t') ) { 127 124 if (token.length() > 0) 128 ColumnCounter [MatrixNr]++;125 ColumnCounter++; 129 126 } 130 127 LOG(3, "INFO: "+line.str()); 131 LOG(4, "INFO: ColumnCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << ".");132 if (ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] == 0) {133 ELOG(0, "ColumnCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << " from ostream.");134 performCriticalExit();135 }136 128 137 129 // scan rest for number of rows/lines 138 if (RowCounter.size() <= MatrixNr) 139 RowCounter.resize(MatrixNr); 140 RowCounter[MatrixNr]=-1; // counts one line too much 130 size_t RowCounter = -1; 141 131 while (!input.eof()) { 142 132 input.getline(filename, 1023); 143 133 LOG(3, "INFO: Comparing: " << strncmp(filename,"MeanForce",9)); 144 RowCounter [MatrixNr]++; // then line was not last MeanForce134 RowCounter++; // then line was not last MeanForce 145 135 if (strncmp(filename,"MeanForce", 9) == 0) { 146 136 break; 147 137 } 148 138 } 149 LOG(4, "INFO: RowCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << " from input stream."); 150 if (RowCounter[MatrixNr] == 0) { 151 ELOG(0, "INFO: RowCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << " from input stream."); 152 performCriticalExit(); 153 } 154 155 // allocate matrix if it's not zero dimension in one direction 156 if (Matrix.size() <= MatrixNr) 157 Matrix.resize(MatrixNr+1); 158 if ((Matrix[MatrixNr].size() <= (size_t)RowCounter[MatrixNr] + 1) && (RowCounter[MatrixNr] > -1)) { 159 Matrix[MatrixNr].resize(RowCounter[MatrixNr] + 2); 160 for(int j=0;j<=RowCounter[MatrixNr];j++) { 161 if ((Matrix[MatrixNr][j].size() <= (size_t)ColumnCounter[MatrixNr]) && (ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] > -1)) 162 Matrix[MatrixNr][j].resize(ColumnCounter[MatrixNr]+1); 163 // clear 164 for(int k=0;k<=ColumnCounter[MatrixNr];k++) 165 Matrix[MatrixNr][j][k] = 0; 166 } 167 } else { 168 ELOG(1, "Matrix nr. " << MatrixNr << " has column and row count of (" << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << "," << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << "), could not allocate nor parse!"); 169 return false; 170 } 139 140 // allocate temporary matrix 141 MatrixArray temp_matrix; 142 temp_matrix.resize(RowCounter); 143 for(MatrixArray::iterator iter = temp_matrix.begin(); iter != temp_matrix.end(); ++iter) 144 (*iter).resize(ColumnCounter); 171 145 172 146 // parse in each entry for this matrix … … 179 153 for(int k=skipcolumns;k--;) // skip columns in header too 180 154 line >> filename; 181 Header[MatrixNr]= line.str();182 for( int j=0;j<RowCounter[MatrixNr];j++) {155 header = line.str(); 156 for(size_t j=0;j<RowCounter;j++) { 183 157 input.getline(filename, 1023); 184 158 std::stringstream lines(filename); … … 187 161 for(int k=skipcolumns;k--;) 188 162 lines >> filename; 189 for( int k=0;(k<ColumnCounter[MatrixNr]) && (!lines.eof());k++) {190 lines >> Matrix[MatrixNr][j][k];191 output << " " << std::setprecision(2) << Matrix[MatrixNr][j][k] << endl;163 for(size_t k=0;(k<ColumnCounter) && (!lines.eof());k++) { 164 lines >> temp_matrix[j][k]; 165 output << " " << std::setprecision(2) << temp_matrix[j][k] << endl; 192 166 } 193 167 LOG(3, output.str()); 194 168 } 195 169 196 return true; 197 }; 170 // finally add the matrix 171 return AddMatrix(header, temp_matrix, MatrixNr); 172 } 173 174 /** Adds a matrix at position \a MatrixNr to MatrixContainer::Matrix. 175 * 176 * @param header header to add for this matrix 177 * @param matrix to add 178 * @param MatrixNr position in MatrixContainer::Matrix. 179 * @return true - insertion ok, false - invalid matrix 180 */ 181 bool MatrixContainer::AddMatrix(const std::string &header, const MatrixArray &matrix, size_t MatrixNr) 182 { 183 // make some pre-checks 184 if (header.size() == 0) 185 ELOG(2, "The given header of the matrix to add is empty."); 186 if (matrix.size() == 0) { 187 ELOG(1, "RowCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << " from input stream."); 188 return false; 189 } 190 if (matrix[0].size() == 0) { 191 ELOG(1, "ColumnCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << " from ostream."); 192 return false; 193 } 194 195 // add header 196 if (Header.size() <= MatrixNr) 197 Header.resize(MatrixNr+1); 198 Header[MatrixNr] = header; 199 200 // row count 201 if (RowCounter.size() <= MatrixNr) 202 RowCounter.resize(MatrixNr+1); 203 RowCounter[MatrixNr] = matrix.size(); 204 LOG(4, "INFO: RowCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << " from input stream."); 205 206 // column count 207 if (ColumnCounter.size() <= MatrixNr) 208 ColumnCounter.resize(MatrixNr+1); 209 ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] = matrix[0].size(); 210 LOG(4, "INFO: ColumnCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << "."); 211 212 // allocate matrix ... 213 if (Matrix.size() <= MatrixNr) 214 Matrix.resize(MatrixNr+1); 215 MatrixCounter = Matrix.size()-1; 216 Matrix[MatrixNr].resize(RowCounter[MatrixNr] + 1); 217 for(int j=0;j<=RowCounter[MatrixNr];++j) 218 Matrix[MatrixNr][j].resize(ColumnCounter[MatrixNr]+1); 219 220 // .. and copy values 221 for(int j=0;j<RowCounter[MatrixNr];++j) 222 for(int k=0;k<ColumnCounter[MatrixNr];++k) 223 Matrix[MatrixNr][j][k] = matrix[j][k]; 224 // reset last column 225 for(int j=0;j<RowCounter[MatrixNr];++j) 226 Matrix[MatrixNr][j][ ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] ] = 0.; 227 // reset last row 228 for(int k=0;k<=ColumnCounter[MatrixNr];++k) 229 Matrix[MatrixNr][ RowCounter[MatrixNr] ][ k ] = 0.; 230 231 return true; 232 } 198 233 199 234 /** Parsing a number of matrices. -
rd7bb9b1 ra2d653 41 41 bool InitialiseIndices(class MatrixContainer *Matrix = NULL); 42 42 bool ParseMatrix(std::istream &input, int skiplines, int skipcolumns, size_t MatrixNr); 43 bool AddMatrix(const std::string &header, const MatrixArray &matrix, size_t MatrixNr); 43 44 virtual bool ParseFragmentMatrix(const std::string name, const std::string prefix, std::string suffix, int skiplines, int skipcolumns); 44 45 bool AllocateMatrix(StringVector GivenHeader, int MCounter, IntVector RCounter, IntVector CCounter);
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