Jul 25, 2015, 1:01:20 PM (10 years ago)
Frederik Heber <heber@…>
Action_Thermostats, Add_AtomRandomPerturbation, Add_FitFragmentPartialChargesAction, Add_RotateAroundBondAction, Add_SelectAtomByNameAction, Added_ParseSaveFragmentResults, AddingActions_SaveParseParticleParameters, Adding_Graph_to_ChangeBondActions, Adding_MD_integration_tests, Adding_ParticleName_to_Atom, Adding_StructOpt_integration_tests, AtomFragments, Automaking_mpqc_open, AutomationFragmentation_failures, Candidate_v1.5.4, Candidate_v1.6.0, Candidate_v1.6.1, ChangeBugEmailaddress, ChangingTestPorts, ChemicalSpaceEvaluator, CombiningParticlePotentialParsing, Combining_Subpackages, Debian_Package_split, Debian_package_split_molecuildergui_only, Disabling_MemDebug, Docu_Python_wait, EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph, EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph_documentation, Enable_parallel_make_install, Enhance_userguide, Enhanced_StructuralOptimization, Enhanced_StructuralOptimization_continued, Example_ManyWaysToTranslateAtom, Exclude_Hydrogens_annealWithBondGraph, FitPartialCharges_GlobalError, Fix_BoundInBox_CenterInBox_MoleculeActions, Fix_ChargeSampling_PBC, Fix_ChronosMutex, Fix_FitPartialCharges, Fix_FitPotential_needs_atomicnumbers, Fix_ForceAnnealing, Fix_IndependentFragmentGrids, Fix_ParseParticles, Fix_ParseParticles_split_forward_backward_Actions, Fix_PopActions, Fix_QtFragmentList_sorted_selection, Fix_Restrictedkeyset_FragmentMolecule, Fix_StatusMsg, Fix_StepWorldTime_single_argument, Fix_Verbose_Codepatterns, Fix_fitting_potentials, Fixes, ForceAnnealing_goodresults, ForceAnnealing_oldresults, ForceAnnealing_tocheck, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued_betteresults, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_contraction-expansion, FragmentAction_writes_AtomFragments, FragmentMolecule_checks_bonddegrees, GeometryObjects, Gui_Fixes, Gui_displays_atomic_force_velocity, ImplicitCharges, IndependentFragmentGrids, IndependentFragmentGrids_IndividualZeroInstances, IndependentFragmentGrids_IntegrationTest, IndependentFragmentGrids_Sole_NN_Calculation, JobMarket_RobustOnKillsSegFaults, JobMarket_StableWorkerPool, JobMarket_unresolvable_hostname_fix, MoreRobust_FragmentAutomation, ODR_violation_mpqc_open, PartialCharges_OrthogonalSummation, PdbParser_setsAtomName, PythonUI_with_named_parameters, QtGui_reactivate_TimeChanged_changes, Recreated_GuiChecks, Rewrite_FitPartialCharges, RotateToPrincipalAxisSystem_UndoRedo, SaturateAtoms_findBestMatching, SaturateAtoms_singleDegree, StoppableMakroAction, Subpackage_CodePatterns, Subpackage_JobMarket, Subpackage_LinearAlgebra, Subpackage_levmar, Subpackage_mpqc_open, Subpackage_vmg, Switchable_LogView, ThirdParty_MPQC_rebuilt_buildsystem, TrajectoryDependenant_MaxOrder, TremoloParser_IncreasedPrecision, TremoloParser_MultipleTimesteps, TremoloParser_setsAtomName, Ubuntu_1604_changes, stable
Frederik Heber <heber@…> (06/11/15 07:33:58)
Frederik Heber <heber@…> (07/25/15 13:01:20)

FIX: GLWorldScene/View capture all missed signals for each GLMoleculeObject_molecule.

  • Taking note of subscribed molecules to sign Off on GLWorldView's destruct.
  • GLWorldView::recieveNotification() is checking for whether molecule actually exists still.
5 edited


  • src/UIElements/Views/Qt4/Qt3D/GLMoleculeObject_molecule.cpp

    r8923ad8 r9c259e  
    329329        observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Observer " << observerLog().getName(static_cast<Observer *>(this)) << " received notification that atom "+toString(_id)+" has been inserted.";
    330330  #endif
    331         TesselationHullUptodate = false;
    332         isBoundingBoxUptodate = false;
    333         atomInserted(_id);
     331        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this,        // pointer to a QObject
     332                                  "atomInserted",       // member name (no parameters here)
     333                                  Qt::QueuedConnection,     // connection type
     334                                  Q_ARG(atomId_t, _id));     // parameters
    334335        break;
    335336      }
    340341        observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Observer " << observerLog().getName(static_cast<Observer *>(this)) << " received notification that atom "+toString(_id)+" has been removed.";
    341342  #endif
    342         TesselationHullUptodate = false;
    343         isBoundingBoxUptodate = false;
    344         atomRemoved(_id);
     343        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this,        // pointer to a QObject
     344                                  "atomRemoved",       // member name (no parameters here)
     345                                  Qt::QueuedConnection,     // connection type
     346                                  Q_ARG(atomId_t, _id));     // parameters
    345347        break;
    346348      }
    472474void GLMoleculeObject_molecule::atomInserted(const atomicNumber_t _id)
    474   LOG(3, "INFO: GLWorldScene: Received signal atomInserted for atom "+toString(_id)+".");
     476  LOG(3, "INFO: GLMoleculeObject_molecule: Received signal atomInserted for atom "+toString(_id)+".");
     478  TesselationHullUptodate = false;
     479  isBoundingBoxUptodate = false;
    475481  GLMoleculeObject_atom *atomObject = new GLMoleculeObject_atom(GLMoleculeObject::meshSphere, this, _id);
    476482  ASSERT( atomObject != NULL,
    516522void GLMoleculeObject_molecule::atomRemoved(const atomicNumber_t _id)
    518   LOG(3, "INFO: GLWorldScene: Received signal atomRemoved for atom "+toString(_id)+".");
     524  LOG(3, "INFO: GLMoleculeObject_molecule: Received signal atomRemoved for atom "+toString(_id)+".");
    519525  // bonds are removed by signal coming from ~bond
     527  TesselationHullUptodate = false;
     528  isBoundingBoxUptodate = false;
    521530  if ((unsigned int)m_objectId == _id)
  • src/UIElements/Views/Qt4/Qt3D/GLWorldScene.cpp

    r8923ad8 r9c259e  
     221/** Inserts an atom into the scene before molecule is present.
     222 *
     223 * @param _molid molecule to insert atom for
     224 * @param _atomid atom to insert
     225 */
     226void GLWorldScene::atomInserted(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid)
     228  LOG(3, "INFO: GLWorldScene: Received signal atomInserted for atom "+toString(_atomid)+".");
     230  // check of molecule is already present
     231  if (MoleculesinSceneMap.count(_molid) != 0) {
     232    // pass signal through
     233  } else {
     234    // store signal for when it is instantiated
     235    if (MoleculeMissedStateMap.count(_molid) == 0)
     236      MoleculeMissedStateMap.insert( std::make_pair(_molid ,StateChangeMap_t()) );
     237    MoleculeMissedStateMap[_molid].insert( std::make_pair(_atomid, atomInsertedState) );
     238  }
     241/** Removes an atom into the scene before molecule is present.
     242 *
     243 * @param _molid molecule to insert atom for
     244 * @param _atomid atom to insert
     245 */
     246void GLWorldScene::atomRemoved(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid)
     248  LOG(3, "INFO: GLWorldScene: Received signal atomRemoved for atom "+toString(_atomid)+".");
     250  // check of molecule is already present
     251  if (MoleculesinSceneMap.count(_molid) != 0) {
     252    // pass signal through
     253  } else {
     254    // store signal for when it is instantiated
     255    if (MoleculeMissedStateMap.count(_molid) == 0)
     256      MoleculeMissedStateMap.insert( std::make_pair(_molid ,StateChangeMap_t()) );
     257    MoleculeMissedStateMap[_molid].insert( std::make_pair(_atomid, atomRemovedState) );
     258  }
    221261/** Inserts a molecule into the scene.
    222262 *
    235275      "GLWorldScene::moleculeInserted - could not create molecule object for "+toString(_id));
    236276  MoleculesinSceneMap.insert( make_pair(_id, molObject) );
     278  // now handle all state changes that came up before the instantiation
     279  if (MoleculeMissedStateMap.count(_id) != 0) {
     280    ASSERT( !MoleculeMissedStateMap[_id].empty(),
     281        "GLWorldScene::moleculeInserted() - we have an empty state change map for molecule with id "
     282        +toString(_id));
     283    for (StateChangeMap_t::iterator iter = MoleculeMissedStateMap[_id].begin();
     284        !MoleculeMissedStateMap[_id].empty();
     285        iter = MoleculeMissedStateMap[_id].begin()) {
     286      std::pair<StateChangeMap_t::iterator, StateChangeMap_t::iterator> rangeiter =
     287          MoleculeMissedStateMap[_id].equal_range(iter->first);
     288      const size_t StateCounts = std::distance(rangeiter.first, rangeiter.second);
     289      if (StateCounts > 1) {
     290        // more than one state change, have to combine
     291        typedef std::map<StateChangeType, size_t> StateChangeAmounts_t;
     292        StateChangeAmounts_t StateChangeAmounts;
     293        for (StateChangeMap_t::const_iterator stateiter = rangeiter.first;
     294            stateiter != rangeiter.second; ++stateiter)
     295          ++StateChangeAmounts[stateiter->second];
     296        ASSERT( StateChangeAmounts[atomInsertedState] >= StateChangeAmounts[atomRemovedState],
     297            "GLWorldScene::moleculeInserted() - more atomRemoved states than atomInserted for atom "
     298            +toString(iter->first));
     299        if (StateChangeAmounts[atomInsertedState] > StateChangeAmounts[atomRemovedState])
     300          QMetaObject::invokeMethod(molObject,        // pointer to a QObject
     301                                    "atomInserted",       // member name (no parameters here)
     302                                    Qt::DirectConnection,     // connection type
     303                                    Q_ARG(const atomId_t, iter->first));     // parameters
     304      } else {
     305        // can only be an insertion
     306        switch (rangeiter.first->second) {
     307          case atomRemovedState:
     308            ASSERT( 0,
     309                "GLWorldScene::moleculeInserted() - atomRemoved state without atomInserted for atom "
     310                +toString(iter->first));
     311            break;
     312          case atomInsertedState:
     313            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(molObject,        // pointer to a QObject
     314                                      "atomInserted",       // member name (no parameters here)
     315                                      Qt::DirectConnection,     // connection type
     316                                      Q_ARG(const atomId_t, iter->first));     // parameters
     317            break;
     318          default:
     319            ASSERT( 0,
     320                "GLWorldScene::moleculeInserted() - there are unknown change states.");
     321            break;
     322        }
     323      }
     324      // removed state changes for this atom
     325      MoleculeMissedStateMap[_id].erase(iter);
     326    }
     327    // remove state change map for the molecule
     328    MoleculeMissedStateMap.erase(_id);
     329  }
    237331  connect (molObject, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
    238332  connect (molObject, SIGNAL(changeOccured()), this, SIGNAL(changeOccured()));
    243337  connect (molObject, SIGNAL(hoverChanged(const atomId_t)), this, SIGNAL(hoverChanged(const atomId_t)));
    244338  connect (molObject, SIGNAL(hoverChanged(const moleculeId_t, int)), this, SIGNAL(hoverChanged(const moleculeId_t, int)));
    245340  emit changed();
    246341  emit changeOccured();
    262357  MoleculesinSceneMap.erase(iter);
    263358  delete molObject;
     360  // remove any possible state changes left
     361  MoleculeMissedStateMap.erase(_id);
    264363  emit changed();
    265364  emit changeOccured();
  • src/UIElements/Views/Qt4/Qt3D/GLWorldScene.hpp

    r8923ad8 r9c259e  
    8383  void moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t _id);
    8484  void moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t _id);
     85  void atomRemoved(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid);
     86  void atomInserted(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid);
    8587  void worldSelectionChanged();
    8688  void setSelectionModeAtom();
    104106  ShapeNodeMap ShapesinSceneMap;
     108  //!> enumeration of all possible changes molecule might have missed before instantiation
     109  enum StateChangeType {
     110    atomInsertedState,
     111    atomRemovedState,
     112    MAX_StateChangeType
     113  };
     114  typedef std::multimap< atomId_t, StateChangeType> StateChangeMap_t;
     115  typedef std::map< moleculeId_t, StateChangeMap_t> MoleculeMissedStateMap_t;
     116  //!> map of all missed state changes
     117  MoleculeMissedStateMap_t MoleculeMissedStateMap;
    106119  SelectionModeType selectionMode;
  • src/UIElements/Views/Qt4/Qt3D/GLWorldView.cpp

    r8923ad8 r9c259e  
    5959#include "CodePatterns/Observer/Notification.hpp"
    6060#include "CodePatterns/Observer/ObserverLog.hpp"
     61#include "Descriptors/MoleculeIdDescriptor.hpp"
    6162#include "molecule.hpp"
    6263#include "Shapes/ShapeRegistry.hpp"
    9091  connect(worldscene, SIGNAL(hoverChanged(const moleculeId_t, int)), this, SLOT(sceneHoverSignalled(const moleculeId_t, int)));
    9192  connect(this, SIGNAL(worldSelectionChanged()), worldscene, SLOT(worldSelectionChanged()));
    92   connect(this, SIGNAL(moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t)), worldscene, SLOT(moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t)));
    93   connect(this, SIGNAL(moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t)), worldscene, SLOT(moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t)));
     93  connect(this, SIGNAL(atomRemoved(const moleculeId_t, const atomId_t)), worldscene, SLOT(atomRemoved(const moleculeId_t, const atomId_t)), Qt::DirectConnection);
     94  connect(this, SIGNAL(atomInserted(const moleculeId_t, const atomId_t)), worldscene, SLOT(atomInserted(const moleculeId_t, const atomId_t)), Qt::DirectConnection);
     95  connect(this, SIGNAL(moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t)), worldscene, SLOT(moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t)), Qt::DirectConnection);
     96  connect(this, SIGNAL(moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t)), worldscene, SLOT(moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t)), Qt::DirectConnection);
    9497  //connect(this, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(updateGL()));
    9598  connect(this, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(sceneChangeSignalled()));
     119  // remove me from all observed molecules
     120  for (ObservedMolecules_t::iterator iter = ObservedMolecules.begin();
     121      !ObservedMolecules.empty();
     122      iter = ObservedMolecules.begin())
     123    signOffFromMolecule(*iter);
    116125  QSettings settings;
    117126  settings.beginGroup("WorldView");
     335void GLWorldView::signOnToMolecule(const molecule *_mol)
     337  ASSERT( _mol != NULL,
     338      "GLWorldView::signOnToMolecule() - molecule ref is NULL.");
     339  _mol->signOn(this, molecule::AtomInserted);
     340  _mol->signOn(this, molecule::AtomRemoved);
     342  ObservedMolecules.insert(const_cast<molecule *>(_mol));
     345void GLWorldView::signOffFromMolecule(const molecule *_mol)
     347  ObservedMolecules_t::const_iterator iter = ObservedMolecules.find(
     348      const_cast<molecule *>(_mol));
     349  ASSERT( iter != ObservedMolecules.end(),
     350      "GLWorldView::signOffFromMolecule() - molecule "+toString(_mol)
     351      +" gave subjectKilled we are not signed on.");
     352//    LOG(1, "INFO: Erasing " << mol << " from ObservedMolecules.");
     353  ObservedMolecules.erase(iter);
     355  ASSERT( _mol != NULL,
     356      "GLWorldView::signOffFromMolecule() - molecule ref is NULL.");
     357  _mol->signOff(this, molecule::AtomInserted);
     358  _mol->signOff(this, molecule::AtomRemoved);
    327362 * The observable can tell when it dies.
    328363 */
    329 void GLWorldView::subjectKilled(Observable *publisher) {}
     364void GLWorldView::subjectKilled(Observable *publisher)
     366  molecule * mol = static_cast<molecule *>(publisher);
     368//  std::copy(ObservedMolecules.begin(), ObservedMolecules.end(),
     369//      std::ostream_iterator<molecule *>(std::cout, "\n"));
     371  if (mol != NULL) {
     373    // sign off
     374    signOffFromMolecule(mol);
     376    // emit removed signal
     377    const moleculeId_t _id = World::getInstance().lastChanged<molecule>()->getId();
     378    emit moleculeRemoved(_id);
     379  }
    331382/** Listen to specific changes to the world.
    352403        observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Observer " << observerLog().getName(static_cast<Observer *>(this)) << " received notification that molecule "+toString(_id)+" has been inserted.";
    353404  #endif
    354         emit moleculeInserted(_id);
     405        const molecule * const _molecule = const_cast<const World &>(World::getInstance()).
     406            getMolecule(MoleculeById(_id));
     407        if (_molecule != NULL) {
     408          signOnToMolecule(_molecule);
     410          emit moleculeInserted(_id);
     411        }
    355412        break;
    356413      }
    361418        observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Observer " << observerLog().getName(static_cast<Observer *>(this)) << " received notification that molecule "+toString(_id)+" has been removed.";
    362419  #endif
     420        // removed from ObservedMolecules via subjectKilled
    363421        emit moleculeRemoved(_id);
    364422        break;
    383441        break;
    384442    }
    385 } else if (dynamic_cast<AtomObservable *>(publisher) != NULL) {
     443  } else if (dynamic_cast<molecule *>(publisher) != NULL) {
     444    const molecule * mol = const_cast<const molecule * const>(dynamic_cast<molecule *>(publisher));
     445    const atomId_t atomid = mol->lastChanged()->getId();
     446    const moleculeId_t molid = mol->getId();
     447    switch (notification->getChannelNo()) {
     448      case molecule::AtomInserted:
     449      {
     450#ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
     451        observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Observer " << observerLog().getName(static_cast<Observer *>(this))
     452            << " received notification that atom "+toString(atomid)+" has been inserted into molecule "+toString(molid)+".";
     454        emit atomInserted(molid, atomid);
     455        break;
     456      }
     457      case World::AtomRemoved:
     458      {
     459#ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
     460        observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Observer " << observerLog().getName(static_cast<Observer *>(this))
     461            << " received notification that atom "+toString(atomid)+" has been removed from molecule "+toString(molid)+".";
     463        emit atomRemoved(molid, atomid);
     464        break;
     465      }
     466      default:
     467        ASSERT(0, "GLWorldView::recieveNotification() - we cannot get here for molecule.");
     468        break;
     469    }
     470  } else if (dynamic_cast<AtomObservable *>(publisher) != NULL) {
    386471    switch (notification->getChannelNo()) {
    387472      case AtomObservable::PositionChanged:
  • src/UIElements/Views/Qt4/Qt3D/GLWorldView.hpp

    r8923ad8 r9c259e  
    5959  void changed();
    6060  void TimeChanged();
     61  void atomInserted(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid);
     62  void atomRemoved(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid);
    6163  void moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t _id);
    6264  void moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t _id);
    107109  void setDomainStatus(const bool status);
     111  void signOnToMolecule(const molecule *_mol);
     112  void signOffFromMolecule(const molecule *_mol);
    127132  double defaultEyeSeparation;
     134  typedef std::multiset<molecule *> ObservedMolecules_t;
     135  //!> sorted list of molecules we are sign on to
     136  ObservedMolecules_t ObservedMolecules;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.