Changeset 9346af

Jul 17, 2017, 12:28:50 PM (8 years ago)
Frederik Heber <frederik.heber@…>
Action_Thermostats, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued_betteresults
Frederik Heber <frederik.heber@…> (07/17/17 12:17:22)
Frederik Heber <frederik.heber@…> (07/17/17 12:28:50)

TESTFIX: Convex Tesselation did not specify nonconvex-file which they have to.

16 edited


  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/1_2-dimethoxyethane/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/1_2-dimethylbenzene/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    3131for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3232        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    33         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     33        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3434        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3535        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/2-methylcyclohexanone/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/N_N-dimethylacetamide/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/amylose/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/benzene/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    3131for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3232        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    33         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     33        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3434        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3535        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/cholesterol/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/cycloheptane/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/dimethyl_bromomalonate/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/glucose/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/heptan/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/isoleucine/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/neohexane/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/proline/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/putrescine/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    2929for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3030        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    31         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     31        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3232        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3333        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
  • TabularUnified tests/Tesselations/Convex/tartaric_acid/

    r780f25 r9346af  
    3131for RADIUS in  2.5 5 25; do
    3232        output=ConvexEnvelope-${mol}-${RADIUS}.dat
    33         AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
     33        AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i $file --select-molecule-by-id 0 --verbose 1 --convex-envelope ${RADIUS} --convex-file $output --nonconvex-file non_$output], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
    3434        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/Tesselations/Convex/${mol}/post/$output | sort -n >reference-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
    3535        AT_CHECK([grep -E "^[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*$" $output | sort -n >new-triangles.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.