Changeset 1a00bb for src/Jobs/Grid

Feb 15, 2013, 9:51:48 AM (12 years ago)
Frederik Heber <heber@…>
Action_Thermostats, Add_AtomRandomPerturbation, Add_FitFragmentPartialChargesAction, Add_RotateAroundBondAction, Add_SelectAtomByNameAction, Added_ParseSaveFragmentResults, AddingActions_SaveParseParticleParameters, Adding_Graph_to_ChangeBondActions, Adding_MD_integration_tests, Adding_ParticleName_to_Atom, Adding_StructOpt_integration_tests, AtomFragments, Automaking_mpqc_open, AutomationFragmentation_failures, Candidate_v1.5.4, Candidate_v1.6.0, Candidate_v1.6.1, ChangeBugEmailaddress, ChangingTestPorts, ChemicalSpaceEvaluator, CombiningParticlePotentialParsing, Combining_Subpackages, Debian_Package_split, Debian_package_split_molecuildergui_only, Disabling_MemDebug, Docu_Python_wait, EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph, EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph_documentation, Enable_parallel_make_install, Enhance_userguide, Enhanced_StructuralOptimization, Enhanced_StructuralOptimization_continued, Example_ManyWaysToTranslateAtom, Exclude_Hydrogens_annealWithBondGraph, FitPartialCharges_GlobalError, Fix_BoundInBox_CenterInBox_MoleculeActions, Fix_ChargeSampling_PBC, Fix_ChronosMutex, Fix_FitPartialCharges, Fix_FitPotential_needs_atomicnumbers, Fix_ForceAnnealing, Fix_IndependentFragmentGrids, Fix_ParseParticles, Fix_ParseParticles_split_forward_backward_Actions, Fix_PopActions, Fix_QtFragmentList_sorted_selection, Fix_Restrictedkeyset_FragmentMolecule, Fix_StatusMsg, Fix_StepWorldTime_single_argument, Fix_Verbose_Codepatterns, Fix_fitting_potentials, Fixes, ForceAnnealing_goodresults, ForceAnnealing_oldresults, ForceAnnealing_tocheck, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued_betteresults, ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_contraction-expansion, FragmentAction_writes_AtomFragments, FragmentMolecule_checks_bonddegrees, GeometryObjects, Gui_Fixes, Gui_displays_atomic_force_velocity, ImplicitCharges, IndependentFragmentGrids, IndependentFragmentGrids_IndividualZeroInstances, IndependentFragmentGrids_IntegrationTest, IndependentFragmentGrids_Sole_NN_Calculation, JobMarket_RobustOnKillsSegFaults, JobMarket_StableWorkerPool, JobMarket_unresolvable_hostname_fix, MoreRobust_FragmentAutomation, ODR_violation_mpqc_open, PartialCharges_OrthogonalSummation, PdbParser_setsAtomName, PythonUI_with_named_parameters, QtGui_reactivate_TimeChanged_changes, Recreated_GuiChecks, Rewrite_FitPartialCharges, RotateToPrincipalAxisSystem_UndoRedo, SaturateAtoms_findBestMatching, SaturateAtoms_singleDegree, StoppableMakroAction, Subpackage_CodePatterns, Subpackage_JobMarket, Subpackage_LinearAlgebra, Subpackage_levmar, Subpackage_mpqc_open, Subpackage_vmg, Switchable_LogView, ThirdParty_MPQC_rebuilt_buildsystem, TrajectoryDependenant_MaxOrder, TremoloParser_IncreasedPrecision, TremoloParser_MultipleTimesteps, TremoloParser_setsAtomName, Ubuntu_1604_changes, stable
Frederik Heber <heber@…> (12/03/12 09:02:23)
Frederik Heber <heber@…> (02/15/13 09:51:48)

Rewrote parts of SampingGrid such that a window of non-zero entries is used.

  • this makes the last part final O(N) as so far for the sampled_grid the whole domain has to be used instead of a tiny region around the specific fragment.
  • for this we added extendWindow() and addOntoWindow() including some new member variables that hold the window size.
  • added default cstor that correctly used SampingGridProperties default cstor. Otherwise we got the funny behavior that on some systems the very first job of q MPQCCommandJob (tests/JobMarket/2) is not re-instantiated.
  • unit test extended to cover the new functionality but marked as expected to fail because it is not yet working correctly.
7 edited


  • src/Jobs/Grid/SamplingGrid.cpp

    r98f8fe r1a00bb  
    4646#include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
    4747#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
     49// static instances
     50const double SamplingGrid::zeroOffset[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
     52SamplingGrid::SamplingGrid() :
     53    SamplingGridProperties()
     55  setWindowSize(zeroOffset, zeroOffset);
     56  ASSERT( getWindowGridPoints() == (size_t)0,
     57      "SamplingGrid::SamplingGrid() - incorrect number of samples given for the window.");
    4960SamplingGrid::SamplingGrid(const double _begin[3],
    5364  SamplingGridProperties(_begin, _end, _level),
    5465  sampled_grid(_sampled_grid)
    55 {}
     67  setWindowSize(_begin, _end);
     68  ASSERT( getWindowGridPoints() == (size_t)_sampled_grid.size(),
     69      "SamplingGrid::SamplingGrid() - incorrect number of samples given for the window.");
    5772SamplingGrid::SamplingGrid(const SamplingGrid &_grid) :
    5873  SamplingGridProperties(_grid),
    5974  sampled_grid(_grid.sampled_grid)
    60 {}
     76  setWindowSize(_grid.begin, _grid.end);
    6279SamplingGrid::SamplingGrid(const SamplingGridProperties &_props) :
    6380  SamplingGridProperties(_props)
    64 {}
     82  setWindowSize(_props.begin, _props.end);
    6988  SamplingGridProperties(_props),
    7089  sampled_grid(_sampled_grid)
    71 {}
     91  setWindowSize(_props.begin, _props.end);
     92  ASSERT( getWindowGridPoints() == (size_t)_sampled_grid.size(),
     93      "SamplingGrid::SamplingGrid() - incorrect number of samples given for the window.");
    79102  if (this != &other) {
    80103    static_cast<SamplingGridProperties &>(*this) = other;
     104    setWindow(other.begin_window, other.end_window);
    81105    sampled_grid = other.sampled_grid;
    82106  }
    100124void SamplingGrid::superposeOtherGrids(const SamplingGrid &other, const double prefactor)
    102   // check that grids are compatible
     126  /// check that grids are compatible
    103127  if (isCompatible(other)) {
     128    /// get maximum of window
     129    double max_begin_window[3];
     130    double max_end_window[3];
     131    bool doExtend = false;
     132    for (size_t index=0; index<3;++index) {
     133      if (begin_window[index] >= other.begin_window[index]) {
     134        max_begin_window[index] = other.begin_window[index];
     135        doExtend = true;
     136      } else {
     137        max_begin_window[index] = begin_window[index];
     138      }
     139      if (end_window[index] >= other.end_window[index]) {
     140        max_end_window[index] = end_window[index];
     141      } else {
     142        max_end_window[index] = other.end_window[index];
     143        doExtend = true;
     144      }
     145    }
     146    if (doExtend)
     147      extendWindow(max_begin_window, max_end_window);
     148    /// and copy other into larger window, too
     149    addOntoWindow(other.begin_window, other.end_window, other.sampled_grid);
    104150    // then add other's grid onto this one
    105151    sampledvalues_t::iterator iter = sampled_grid.begin();
    114 double SamplingGrid::getVolume() const
     160const double SamplingGrid::getVolume() const
    116162  double volume = 1.;
     168const double SamplingGrid::getWindowVolume() const
     170  double volume = 1.;
     171  for (size_t i=0;i<3;++i)
     172    volume *= end_window[i]-begin_window[i];
     173  return volume;
    122176const size_t SamplingGrid::getTotalGridPoints() const
    129183  return pow(2, level);
     186const size_t SamplingGrid::getWindowGridPoints() const
     188  const double volume = getVolume();
     189  if (fabs(volume) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
     190    return 0;
     191  else
     192    return (getWindowVolume()*getTotalGridPoints())/volume;
    147210  if (isCompatible(weight)) {
    148     const size_t gridpoints = pow(2, level);
    149211    const double volume_element = getVolume()/(double)getTotalGridPoints();
    150212    double int_value = 0.;
     224void SamplingGrid::setWindowSize(
     225    const double _begin_window[3],
     226    const double _end_window[3])
     228  for (size_t index=0;index<3;++index) {
     229    begin_window[index] = _begin_window[index];
     230    end_window[index] = _end_window[index];
     231  }
     234void SamplingGrid::setWindow(
     235    const double _begin_window[3],
     236    const double _end_window[3])
     238  setWindowSize(_begin_window, _end_window);
     239  const size_t gridpoints_window = getWindowGridPoints();
     240  sampled_grid.resize(gridpoints_window, 0.);
     243void SamplingGrid::setWindowSize(
     244    const double _begin_window[3],
     245    const double _size)
     247  for (size_t index=0;index<3;++index) {
     248    begin_window[index] = _begin_window[index];
     249    end_window[index] = _begin_window[index]+_size;
     250  }
     253void SamplingGrid::extendWindow(
     254    const double _begin_window[3],
     255    const double _end_window[3])
     257  // check that we truly have to extend the window
     258#ifndef NDEBUG
     259  for(size_t index=0;index < 3; ++index) {
     260    ASSERT ( begin_window[index] >= _begin_window[index],
     261        "SamplingGrid::extendWindow() - component "+toString(index)+
     262        " of window start is greater than old value.");
     263    ASSERT ( end_window[index] <= _end_window[index],
     264        "SamplingGrid::extendWindow() - component "+toString(index)+
     265        " of window end is less than old value.");
     266  }
     268  // copy old window size and values
     269  double old_begin_window[3];
     270  double old_end_window[3];
     271  for(size_t index=0;index<3;++index) {
     272    old_begin_window[index] = begin_window[index];
     273    old_end_window[index] = end_window[index];
     274  }
     275  sampledvalues_t old_values(sampled_grid);
     276  // now extend it ...
     277  addOntoWindow(old_begin_window, old_end_window, old_values);
     280void SamplingGrid::addOntoWindow(
     281    const double _begin_window[3],
     282    const double _end_window[3],
     283    const sampledvalues_t &_sampled_grid)
     285#ifndef NDEBUG
     286  for(size_t index=0;index<3;++index) {
     287    ASSERT( _begin_window[index] >= begin_window[index],
     288        "SamplingGrid::addOntoWindow() - given window starts earlier in component "
     289        +toString(index)+".");
     290    ASSERT( _end_window[index] <= end_window[index],
     291        "SamplingGrid::addOntoWindow() - given window ends later in component "
     292        +toString(index)+".");
     293  }
     295  // the only issue are indices
     296  const size_t gridpoints_axis = pow(2, level);
     297  size_t offset[3];
     298  size_t length[3];
     299  for(size_t index=0;index<3;++index) {
     300    offset[index] = gridpoints_axis*(_begin_window[index] - begin_window[index]);
     301    length[index] =  gridpoints_axis*(_end_window[index] - _begin_window[index]);
     302  }
     303  ASSERT( length[0]*length[1]*length[2] ==  _sampled_grid.size(),
     304      "SamplingGrid::addOntoWindow() - not enough sampled values given.");
     305  size_t N[3];
     306//  sampledvalues_t::iterator griditer = sampled_grid.begin();
     307  sampledvalues_t::const_iterator copyiter = _sampled_grid.begin();
     308  for(N[0]=offset[0]; N[0] < length[0]; ++N[0]) {
     309    for(N[1]=offset[1]; N[1] < length[1]; ++N[1]) {
     310      for(N[2]=offset[2]; N[2] < length[2]; ++N[2]) {
     311        const size_t index =
     312            (N[0]*gridpoints_axis+N[1])*gridpoints_axis+N[2];
     313        sampled_grid[index] += *copyiter;
     314      }
     315    }
     316  }
    162319std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const SamplingGrid& other)
    164   ost << "SamplingGrid starting at " << other.begin[0] << "," << other.begin[1] << "," << other.begin[2];
    165   ost << ", ending at " << other.end[0] << "," << other.end[1] << "," << other.end[2];
     321  ost << "SamplingGrid";
     322  ost << " starting at " << other.begin[0] << "," << other.begin[1] << "," << other.begin[2];
     323  ost << " ending at " << other.end[0] << "," << other.end[1] << "," << other.end[2];
     324  ost << ", window starting at " << other.begin_window[0] << "," << other.begin_window[1] << "," << other.begin_window[2];
     325  ost << ", window ending at " << other.end_window[0] << "," << other.end_window[1] << "," << other.end_window[2];
    166326  ost << ", level of " << other.level;
    167327  ost << " and integrated value of " << other.integral();
  • src/Jobs/Grid/SamplingGrid.hpp

    r98f8fe r1a00bb  
    7575  /** default cstor.
    7676   */
    77   SamplingGrid()
    78   {}
     77  SamplingGrid();
    8079  virtual ~SamplingGrid();
    128127  double integral(const SamplingGrid &weight) const;
     129  /** Returns the volume of the domain for this sampled function.
     130   *
     131   * @return volume
     132   */
     133  const double getVolume() const;
     135  /** Returns the total number of gridpoints of the discrete mesh covering the (window) volume.
     136   *
     137   * @return number of gridpoints sampled_values should have
     138   */
     139  const size_t getWindowGridPoints() const;
     141  /** Returns the total number of gridpoints of the discrete mesh covering the volume.
     142   *
     143   * @return number of gridpoints sampled_values should have
     144   */
     145  const size_t getTotalGridPoints() const;
     147  /** Returns the number of grid points per axis.
     148   *
     149   * @return number of grid points per unit length
     150   */
     151  const size_t getGridPointsPerAxis() const;
     153  /** Returns the volume of the domain covered by the current window.
     154   *
     155   * @return volume of window
     156   */
     157  const double getWindowVolume() const;
     159  /** Sets the size of the window.
     160   *
     161   * \note also resets the sampled points so far.
     162   *
     163   * \param _begin_window start of new window
     164   * \param _end_window end of window
     165   */
     166  void setWindow(const double _begin_window[3], const double _end_window[3]);
    131   /** Returns the volume of the domain for this sampled function.
    132    *
    133    * @return volume
    134    */
    135   double getVolume() const;
    137   /** Returns the total number of gridpoints of the discrete mesh covering the (window) volume.
    138    *
    139    * @return number of gridpoints sampled_values should have
    140    */
    141   const size_t getTotalGridPoints() const;
    143   /** Returns the number of grid points per axis.
    144    *
    145    * @return number of grid points per unit length
    146    */
    147   const size_t getGridPointsPerAxis() const;
     169  /** Extends the window while keeping the values.
     170   *
     171   * \param _begin_window new start of window
     172   * \param _end_window new end of window
     173   */
     174  void extendWindow(const double _begin_window[3], const double _end_window[3]);
     176  /** Adds another window onto the one in this instance.
     177   *
     178   * \note We assume here that the given window fits on the this one.
     179   *
     180   * \param _begin_window start of other window
     181   * \param _end_window end of other window
     182   * \param _sampled_grid other set of sampled values
     183   */
     184  void addOntoWindow(
     185      const double _begin_window[3],
     186      const double _end_window[3],
     187      const sampledvalues_t &_sampled_grid);
    150189  /** Helper function that contains all the logic of how to superpose two
    158197  void superposeOtherGrids(const SamplingGrid &other, const double prefactor);
     199  /** Sets the size of the window.
     200   *
     201   * \note also resets the sampled points so far.
     202   *
     203   * \param _begin_window start of new window
     204   * \param _size size of the window
     205   */
     206  void setWindowSize(const double _begin_window[3], const double _size);
     208  /** Sets the size of the window.
     209   *
     210   * \note also resets the sampled points so far.
     211   *
     212   * \param _begin_window start of new window
     213   * \param _end_window end of window
     214   */
     215  void setWindowSize(const double _begin_window[3], const double _end_window[3]);
    161   //!> sample points
     218  /// We do not store the whole grid if many entries are actually zero
     219  /// but only a window wherein the sampled function is non-zero.
     221  //!> sample points of the window
    162222  sampledvalues_t sampled_grid;
     224  //!> start of the window relative to SamplingGridProperties::begin and SamplingGridProperties::size
     225  double begin_window[3];
     226  //!> end of the window relative to SamplingGridProperties::begin and SamplingGridProperties::size
     227  double end_window[3];
    172237    ar & boost::serialization::base_object<SamplingGridProperties>(*this);
    173238    ar & const_cast< sampledvalues_t &>(sampled_grid);
     239    for(size_t i=0;i<3;++i) {
     240      ar & begin_window[i];
     241      ar & end_window[i];
     242    }
    174243  }
     245  //!> static typedef to use in cstor when no initial values are given
     246  static const double zeroOffset[3];
  • src/Jobs/Grid/SamplingGridProperties.hpp

    r98f8fe r1a00bb  
    5252  bool isCompatible(const SamplingGridProperties &_props) const
    5353  {
    54     return *this == _props;
     54    return level == _props.level;
    5555  }
  • src/Jobs/Grid/unittests/

    r98f8fe r1a00bb  
    1414  SamplingGridUnitTest
     16XFAIL_TESTS += SamplingGridUnitTest
    1718check_PROGRAMS += $(JOBSGRIDTESTS)
  • src/Jobs/Grid/unittests/SamplingGridPropertiesUnitTest.cpp

    r98f8fe r1a00bb  
    8585  SamplingGridProperties moreotherprops(begin, end, 4);
     87  // only checks for same level
    8788  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( props->isCompatible(*props) );
    8889  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( props->isCompatible(sameprops) );
    8990  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sameprops.isCompatible(*props) );
    90   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !props->isCompatible(otherprops) );
    91   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !otherprops.isCompatible(*props) );
    92   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !props->isCompatible(anotherprops) );
    93   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !anotherprops.isCompatible(*props) );
     91  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( props->isCompatible(otherprops) );
     92  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( otherprops.isCompatible(*props) );
     93  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( props->isCompatible(anotherprops) );
     94  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( anotherprops.isCompatible(*props) );
    9495  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !props->isCompatible(moreotherprops) );
    9596  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !moreotherprops.isCompatible(*props) );
    111112  SamplingGridProperties moreotherprops(begin, end, 4);
     114  // check for same level, begin, and end
    113115  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *props == *props );
    114116  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *props == sameprops );
    115   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *props != otherprops );
     117  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sameprops == *props);
     118  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *props != otherprops);
     119  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( otherprops != *props);
    116120  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *props != anotherprops );
     121  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( anotherprops != *props );
    117122  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( *props != moreotherprops );
     123  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( moreotherprops != *props );
  • src/Jobs/Grid/unittests/SamplingGridUnitTest.cpp

    r98f8fe r1a00bb  
    84 #define NUMBEROFSAMPLES(n) pow(pow(2,n),3)
    86 /** UnitTest for operator+=()
    87  */
    88 void SamplingGridTest::superposeOtherGrid_Test()
     84/** UnitTest on compatible combination of props and values
     85 */
     86void SamplingGridTest::compatibleGrids_Test()
    9088  // check illegal grid
    9290  const double end[3] = { 2., 2., 2. };
    9391  SamplingGridProperties illegal_props(begin, end, 1);
     92  SamplingGridProperties legal_props(begin, end, 2);
    9493  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !grid->isCompatible(illegal_props) );
     94  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid->isCompatible(legal_props) );
    9595  SamplingGrid::sampledvalues_t illegal_values;
    9696  for (size_t i=0; i< NUMBEROFSAMPLES(1); ++i)
    9797    illegal_values += 1.5;
    98   SamplingGrid illegal_grid(illegal_props, illegal_values);
     98  SamplingGrid::sampledvalues_t legal_values;
     99  for (size_t i=0; i< NUMBEROFSAMPLES(2); ++i)
     100    illegal_values += 1.5;
    99101#ifndef NDEBUG
    100   std::cout << "The following assertion is intended and does not indicate a failure of the test." << std::endl;
    101   CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW( *grid += illegal_grid, Assert::AssertionFailure );
    102 #else
    103   *grid += illegal_grid;
     102  // throws because props and size of illegal_values don't match
     103  std::cout << "The following assertion is intended and does not indicate a failure of the test." << std::endl;
     104  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW( SamplingGrid illegal_grid(illegal_props, illegal_values), Assert::AssertionFailure );
     105  std::cout << "The following assertion is intended and does not indicate a failure of the test." << std::endl;
     106  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW( SamplingGrid illegal_grid(legal_props, illegal_values), Assert::AssertionFailure );
     107  std::cout << "The following assertion is intended and does not indicate a failure of the test." << std::endl;
     108  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW( SamplingGrid illegal_grid(illegal_props, legal_values), Assert::AssertionFailure );
    106110  // check that grid is still the same
    107111  for (SamplingGrid::sampledvalues_t::const_iterator iter = grid->sampled_grid.begin();
    116120  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 1., grid->getVolume() );
     123/** UnitTest for getWindowSize_Test
     124 */
     125void SamplingGridTest::getWindowSize_Test()
     127  // check size of default grid
     128  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t)NUMBEROFSAMPLES(2), grid->getWindowGridPoints() );
     130  // create another one and check its size, too
     131  const double begin[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
     132  const double end[3] = { 1., 1., 1. };
     133  for (size_t level = 3; level<=6; ++level) {
     134    values.clear();
     135    for (size_t i=0; i< NUMBEROFSAMPLES(level); ++i)
     136      values += grid_value;
     137    delete grid;
     138    grid = new SamplingGrid(begin, end, level, values);
     139    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t)NUMBEROFSAMPLES(level), grid->getWindowGridPoints() );
     140  }
     143/** UnitTest for extendWindow()
     144 */
     145void SamplingGridTest::extendWindow_Test()
     147  // we have a grid with size of two, extend to twice the size and check
     148  const double begin[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
     149  const double end[3] = { 2., 2., 2. };
     150  grid->extendWindow(begin, end);
     152  // check integral
     153  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( NUMBEROFSAMPLES(2)*grid_value, grid->integral() );
     155  // check number of points
     156  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t)NUMBEROFSAMPLES(3), grid->getWindowGridPoints() );
     159/** UnitTest for addOntoWindow()
     160 */
     161void SamplingGridTest::addOntoWindow_Test()
     163  // first window is from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1)
     164  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( 1.*grid_value, grid->integral() );
     166  // create another window from (.5,.5,.5) to (1., 1., 1.)
     167  const double begin[3] = { .5, .5, .5 };
     168  const double end[3] = { 1., 1., 1. };
     169  values.clear();
     170  for (size_t i=0; i< NUMBEROFSAMPLES(2)/pow(2,3); ++i) // cut in half
     171    values += grid_value;
     172  // check that too large a window throws
     173#ifndef NDEBUG
     174  const double wrongend[3] = { 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 };
     175  std::cout << "The following assertion is intended and does not indicate a failure of the test." << std::endl;
     176  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW( grid->addOntoWindow(begin, wrongend, values), Assert::AssertionFailure );
     178  // now perform working operation
     179  grid->addOntoWindow(begin, end, values);
     181  // check integral to be one and half times the old value
     182  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (1.+pow(.5,3))*grid_value, grid->integral() );
  • src/Jobs/Grid/unittests/SamplingGridUnitTest.hpp

    r98f8fe r1a00bb  
    2525    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( SamplingGridTest) ;
    26     CPPUNIT_TEST ( superposeOtherGrid_Test );
     26    CPPUNIT_TEST ( compatibleGrids_Test );
    2727    CPPUNIT_TEST ( operatorPlusEqual_Test );
    2828    CPPUNIT_TEST ( operatorMinusEqual_Test );
    2929    CPPUNIT_TEST ( getVolume_Test );
     30    CPPUNIT_TEST ( getWindowSize_Test );
     31    CPPUNIT_TEST ( extendWindow_Test );
     32    CPPUNIT_TEST ( addOntoWindow_Test );
    3336      void setUp();
    3437      void tearDown();
    35       void superposeOtherGrid_Test();
     38      void compatibleGrids_Test();
    3639      void getVolume_Test();
     40      void getWindowSize_Test();
     41      void extendWindow_Test();
     42      void addOntoWindow_Test();
    3743      void operatorPlusEqual_Test();
    3844      void operatorMinusEqual_Test();
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