1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | test ! -z $1 || { echo "Usage: $0 <relative destdir>"; exit 255; }
4 | DIR=$1
5 |
6 | # false
7 | exceptions=(
8 | "testsuite-options-no-elements-db.at"
9 | "testsuite-options-invalid-commands.at"
10 | "testsuite-options-empty-configs.at"
11 | "testsuite-options-store-session-cli.at"
12 | "testsuite-options-store-session-python.at"
13 | "testsuite-options-load-session-python.at"
14 | "testsuite-options-dryrun.at"
15 | "testsuite-options-no-dryrun.at"
16 | "testsuite-options-dryrun-storesession.at"
17 | )
18 |
19 | # copy Makefile.am
20 | #cp Makefile.am $DIR
21 | #cp testsuite.at $DIR
22 |
23 | # go over all testsuite files
24 | for file in `find . -name 'testsuite*.at' | grep -v "/testsuite\.at"`; do
25 | filename=`basename ${file} | sed -e "s#testsuite#session#" -e "s#\.at#.py#"`
26 | basename=`basename $file`
27 | dirname=`dirname $file`
28 | found=0
29 | for e in `seq 0 $((${#exceptions[*]}-1))`; do
30 | if test "$basename" == "${exceptions[$e]}"; then
31 | echo "${exceptions[$e]} is excluded."
32 | found=1
33 | fi
34 | done
35 | if test $found != 1; then
36 | mkdir -p $DIR/$dirname
37 | sed -e ':x; /\\$/ { N; s/\\\n//; tx }' -e "s#\(AT_CHECK(\)\[../../molecuilder \([^]]*\)\][[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)#\1[../../molecuilder --dry-run \2 --no-dry-run --store-session $filename --session-type python], 0\4\nAT_CHECK([grep -v \"Command.*DryRun\" $filename >${filename/.py/_new.py}], 0, [ignore], [ignore])\n\1[../../molecuilderguitest ${filename/.py/_new.py}], \3\4#" -e "/^AT_CHECK(\[[a-z]*grep.*stdout/d" -e "s#CommandVerbose(\".*\")#CommandVerbose(\"1\")#" $file >$DIR/$file
38 | else
39 | rm -f $DIR/$file
40 | fi
41 | done
42 |
43 | # grep and remove exceptions from all top-level testsuite files
44 | testscripts=""
45 | for file in `find . -name 'testsuite*.at' | grep -v "/testsuite\.at"`; do
46 | basename=`basename $file`
47 | found=1
48 | while test $found == 1; do
49 | found=0
50 | for e in `seq 0 $((${#exceptions[*]}-1))`; do
51 | grep -E "m4_include.*${exceptions[$e]}" $DIR/$file &>/dev/null
52 | if test $? == 0; then
53 | echo "${exceptions[$e]} is removed from $DIR/$file."
54 | found=1
55 | # remove from file
56 | mv -f $DIR/$file $DIR/${file}.bak
57 | cat <$DIR/${file}.bak | grep -v -E "m4_include.*${exceptions[$e]}" >$DIR/$file
58 | rm -f $DIR/${file}.bak
59 | fi
60 | done
61 | done
62 | removed=0
63 | for e in `seq 0 $((${#exceptions[*]}-1))`; do
64 | if test "$basename" == "${exceptions[$e]}"; then
65 | removed=1
66 | fi
67 | done
68 | if test $removed == 0; then
69 | # add to TESTSCRIPTS
70 | if test -z "$testscripts"; then
71 | testscripts="\t\$(srcdir)/${file}"
72 | else
73 | testscripts="${testscripts} \\\\\n\t\$(srcdir)/${file}"
74 | fi
75 | fi
76 | done
77 |
78 | # modify TESTSCRIPTS variable in Makefile.am
79 | startline=`grep -n "TESTSCRIPTS =" $DIR/Makefile.am | awk -F":" '{print $1}'`
80 | endline=`grep -n "DISTCLEANFILES =" $DIR/Makefile.am | awk -F":" '{print $1}'`
81 | mv $DIR/Makefile.am $DIR/Makefile.am.bak
82 | head -n $startline $DIR/Makefile.am.bak >$DIR/Makefile.am
83 | echo -e "\t\$(srcdir)/./Testlauncher/testsuite-testlauncher-works.at \\" >>$DIR/Makefile.am
84 | echo -e "${testscripts}" >>$DIR/Makefile.am
85 | echo -e -n "\n" >>$DIR/Makefile.am
86 | tail -n +${endline} $DIR/Makefile.am.bak >>$DIR/Makefile.am
87 | rm -f $DIR/Makefile.am.bak
88 |
89 | exit 0