1 | @PYTHON@
2 |
3 | # Boxmaker 1.0
4 | # Creates tremolo-datafiles with specific density from a single input molecule
5 | # Gregor Bollerhey - bollerhe@ins.uni-bonn.de
6 |
7 |
8 | import re, os, os.path, sys, operator
9 |
10 | avogadro = 6.022143e23
11 |
12 | class c_opt():
13 | basename = None
14 | tremofiledir = './'
15 | potentialsfiledir = './'
16 | outfilename = 'out'
17 |
18 | source = None
19 | molarmass = None
20 | density = None
21 | temp = None
22 |
23 | number = '1000'
24 |
25 | cubicdomain = 'on'
26 | cubiccell = 'off'
27 | autorotate = 'off'
28 | autodim = 'on'
29 | postprocess = 'on'
30 | automass = 'on'
31 |
32 | def update(self, name, value):
33 | shortcuts = {'tf': 'temofiledir', 'pf': 'potentialsfiledir', 'o': 'outfilename',
34 | 'i': 'source', 'm': 'molarmass', 'rho': 'density',
35 | 't': 'temp', 'n': 'number', 'cd': 'cubicdomain',
36 | 'cc': 'cubiccell', 'ar': 'autorotate', 'ad': 'autodim',
37 | 'pp': 'postprocess', 'am': 'automass'}
38 |
39 | if name in shortcuts:
40 | name = shortcuts[name]
41 |
42 | if name in dir(self):
43 | exec('self.%s = "%s"' % (name, value))
44 | else:
45 | print 'Warning: Unknown option:', name
46 |
47 |
48 | def ReadSettings(opt):
49 | # Obtain basename
50 | if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
51 | opt.basename = sys.argv[1]
52 | else:
53 | print 'Usage: boxmaker.py <basename> [options]'
54 | exit()
55 |
56 | # Read settings file
57 | try:
58 | with open('boxmaker.' + opt.basename) as f:
59 | for line in f:
60 | if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
61 | L, S, R = line.partition('=')
62 | opt.update(L.strip(), R.strip())
63 | except IOError:
64 | print 'Warning: Configuration file not readable, CLI only'
65 |
66 | # Parse parameters
67 | i = 2
68 | while i < len(sys.argv):
69 | L = sys.argv[i]
70 |
71 | if L[0] in '+-':
72 | LN = L[1:]
73 |
74 | if L[0] == '+':
75 | R = 'on'
76 | else:
77 | R = 'off'
78 | else:
79 | LN = L
80 | i += 1
81 | R = sys.argv[i]
82 |
83 | opt.update(LN, R)
84 | i += 1
85 |
86 |
87 | def ReadUnits(opt):
88 | lines = [] # The file needs to be processed twice, so we save the lines in the first run
89 |
90 | with open(opt.tremofiledir + opt.basename + '.tremolo') as f:
91 | for line in f:
92 | if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
93 | line = line.strip()
94 | lines.append(line)
95 |
96 | if 'systemofunits' in line:
97 | L, S, SOU = line.partition('=')
98 | SOU = SOU.strip()[:-1] # Remove semicolon
99 |
100 | if SOU == 'custom':
101 | units = {}
102 | quantities = ['length', 'mass', 'temperature']
103 |
104 | for quantity in quantities:
105 | units[quantity] = [None, None] # Init with scaling factor and unit 'None'.
106 |
107 | for line in lines:
108 | for quantity in quantities:
109 | if quantity in line:
110 | L, S, R = line.partition('=')
111 | R = R.strip()[:-1] # Remove semicolon
112 |
113 | if 'scalingfactor' in line:
114 | units[quantity][0] = float(R)
115 | else:
116 | units[quantity][1] = R
117 |
118 | elif SOU == 'kcalpermole':
119 | units = {'length': [1.0, 'angstrom'], 'mass': [1.0, 'u'], 'temperature': [503.556, 'K']}
120 |
121 | elif SOU == 'evolt':
122 | units = {'length': [1.0, 'angstrom'], 'mass': [1.0, 'u'], 'temperature': [11604.0, 'K']}
123 |
124 | else: # SI
125 | units = {'length': [1.0, 'm'], 'mass': [1.0, 'kg'], 'temperature': [1.0, 'K']}
126 |
127 | return units
128 |
129 |
130 | def ConvertUnits(have, want):
131 | if have[0] == '!':
132 | return float(have[1:])
133 |
134 | # Redo with pipes?
135 | ret = os.system("units '%s' '%s' > temp_units_output" % (have, want))
136 |
137 | if ret == 0:
138 | with open('temp_units_output') as f:
139 | line = f.readline()
140 |
141 | os.system('rm temp_units_output')
142 |
143 | return float(line[3:-1])
144 | else:
145 | raise NameError('UnitError')
146 |
147 |
148 | def GetSourceMolareMass(opt):
149 | with open(opt.potentialsfiledir+opt.basename+'.potentials') as f:
150 | potfile = f.read()
151 |
152 | elementmasses = dict(re.findall(r'element_name=(\w{1,2}).*?mass=([0-9.]*)', potfile))
153 |
154 | for key in elementmasses:
155 | elementmasses[key] = float(elementmasses[key])
156 |
157 | mass_sum = 0.0
158 |
159 | with open('temp_source.xyz') as f:
160 | N = int(f.readline())
161 | comment = f.readline()
162 |
163 | for i in range(N):
164 | elem = f.readline().split(None, 1)[0].strip()
165 | mass_sum += elementmasses[elem]
166 |
167 | return mass_sum*avogadro
168 |
169 |
170 | def UpdateSettingsAndSource(opt):
171 | # Map boolean values
172 | boolmap = {'on': True, 'off': False}
173 |
174 | for name in ['cubicdomain', 'cubiccell', 'autorotate', 'autodim', 'postprocess', 'automass']:
175 | value = eval('opt.' + name)
176 |
177 | if value in boolmap:
178 | value = boolmap[value]
179 | else:
180 | print 'Not a boolean value:', value
181 | exit()
182 |
183 | exec('opt.' + name + '= value')
184 |
185 | # Convert dimensions
186 | if opt.autodim:
187 | units = ReadUnits(opt)
188 |
189 | if not opt.automass:
190 | have = opt.molarmass
191 | want = '%f*%s / mol' % tuple(units['mass'])
192 | opt.molarmass = ConvertUnits(have, want)
193 |
194 | have = opt.density
195 | want = '(%f*%s) ' % tuple(units['mass']) + '/ (%f*%s)**3' % tuple(units['length'])
196 | opt.density = ConvertUnits(have, want)
197 |
198 | if opt.temp:
199 | have = opt.temp
200 | want = '%f*%s' % tuple(units['temperature'])
201 | opt.temp = ConvertUnits(have, want)
202 | else:
203 | if not opt.automass:
204 | opt.molarmass = float(opt.molarmass)
205 |
206 | opt.density = float(opt.density)
207 |
208 | if opt.temp:
209 | opt.temp = float(opt.temp)
210 |
211 | # Number might be an integer or a 3-vector
212 | nvec = opt.number.split()
213 | if len(nvec) == 3:
214 | opt.number = [0]*3
215 |
216 | for i in range(3):
217 | opt.number[i] = int(nvec[i])
218 | else:
219 | opt.number = int(opt.number)
220 |
221 | UpdateSource(opt)
222 |
223 | # Automatic source mass
224 | if opt.automass:
225 | opt.molarmass = GetSourceMolareMass(opt)
226 | print '======== MOLAR MASS:', opt.molarmass
227 |
228 |
229 | def FindBestCube(opt):
230 | newroot = int( round(opt.number**(1./3)) )
231 | newnumber = newroot**3
232 |
233 | if newnumber != opt.number:
234 | print 'Warning: Number changed to %d.' % newnumber
235 |
236 | return [newroot] * 3
237 |
238 |
239 | def FindBestCuboid(opt):
240 | n = opt.number
241 |
242 | # Prime factors of n
243 | factors = []
244 |
245 | for i in [2, 3]:
246 | while n % i == 0:
247 | factors.append(i)
248 | n /= 2
249 |
250 | t = 5
251 | diff = 2
252 |
253 | while t*t <= n:
254 | while n % t == 0:
255 | factors.append(t)
256 | n /= t
257 |
258 | t = t + diff
259 | diff = 6 - diff
260 |
261 | if n > 1:
262 | factors.append(n)
263 |
264 | # Even distribution of current biggest prime to each vector -> similar sizes
265 | if len(factors) < 3:
266 | print 'Warning: Not enough prime factors - falling back to cubic placement'
267 | return FindBestCube(opt)
268 |
269 | factors.sort()
270 | distri = [[],[],[]]
271 | current = 0
272 |
273 | for factor in factors:
274 | distri[current].append(factor)
275 | current += 1
276 | if current == 3:
277 | current = 0
278 |
279 | result = [0]*3
280 |
281 | print '======== CUBOID USED:',
282 |
283 | for i in range(3):
284 | result[i] = int( reduce(operator.mul, distri[i]) )
285 |
286 | print result
287 | return result
288 |
289 |
290 | def GetSourceBBabs(opt):
291 | bbmax = [0.0]*3
292 | bbmin = [float('inf')]*3
293 |
294 | s_name_ext = os.path.basename(opt.source).rsplit('.', 1)
295 | s_namepart = s_name_ext[0]
296 |
297 | if len(s_name_ext) > 1:
298 | s_ext = s_name_ext[1]
299 | else:
300 | s_ext = ''
301 |
302 | # Calculate bounding box from xyz-file
303 | with open('temp_source.xyz') as f:
304 | N = int(f.readline())
305 | comment = f.readline()
306 |
307 | for i in xrange(N):
308 | buf = f.readline()
309 | xyz = buf.split()[1:]
310 |
311 | for i in range(3):
312 | bbmax[i] = max(bbmax[i], float(xyz[i]))
313 | bbmin[i] = min(bbmin[i], float(xyz[i]))
314 |
315 | bb = [0.0]*3
316 |
317 | for i in range(3):
318 | bb[i] = abs(bbmax[i] - bbmin[i])
319 |
320 | return bb
321 |
322 |
323 | def UpdateSource(opt):
324 | potfilepath = opt.potentialsfiledir + opt.basename + '.potentials'
325 |
326 | cmd = 'molecuilder -o xyz tremolo --parse-tremolo-potentials %s -i temp_source.xyz -l %s' % (potfilepath, opt.source)
327 |
328 | if opt.autorotate:
329 | cmd += ' --select-all-atoms --rotate-to-principal-axis-system "0, 1, 0"'
330 |
331 | os.system(cmd)
332 |
333 | opt.source = 'temp_source.data'
334 |
335 |
336 | # Global options with sensible default parameters
337 | opt = c_opt()
338 |
339 | ReadSettings(opt)
340 | UpdateSettingsAndSource(opt)
341 |
342 | if type(opt.number) == type([]):
343 | # Number is a vector - use it without any modification
344 | nbox = opt.number
345 | else:
346 | if opt.cubicdomain:
347 | nbox = FindBestCube(opt)
348 | else:
349 | nbox = FindBestCuboid(opt)
350 |
351 | VolumePerMolecule = opt.molarmass / (avogadro * opt.density)
352 | cell = [VolumePerMolecule**(1./3)] * 3
353 |
354 | if not opt.cubiccell:
355 | try:
356 | bb = GetSourceBBabs(opt)
357 | print '======== BBOX:', bb
358 | # Scaling factor - the molecules bounding box is scaled to fit the volume suiting the density
359 | s = (VolumePerMolecule / (bb[0]*bb[1]*bb[2])) ** (1./3)
360 |
361 | if s < 1:
362 | print 'Warning: Molecular cells will overlap.'
363 |
364 | for i in range(3):
365 | cell[i] = bb[i]*s
366 | except ZeroDivisionError:
367 | print 'Warning: Singularity in bounding box, falling back to cubic cell.'
368 |
369 |
370 | print '======== CELL: ', cell
371 |
372 | import pyMoleCuilder as mol
373 | mol.CommandVerbose('0')
374 | mol.ParserParseTremoloPotentials(opt.potentialsfiledir + opt.basename + '.potentials')
375 | mol.WorldInput(opt.source)
376 | mol.WorldCenterInBox('%f 0 0 %f 0 %f' % tuple(cell))
377 | mol.WorldRepeatBox('%d %d %d' % tuple(nbox))
378 | mol.WorldOutput(opt.outfilename + '.data')
379 | mol.WorldOutput(opt.outfilename + '.xyz')
380 |
381 | domain = [0.0]*3
382 |
383 | for i in range(3):
384 | domain[i] = cell[i]*nbox[i]
385 |
386 | print '======== DOMAIN: ', domain
387 |
388 | # Postprocessing
389 |
390 | if opt.postprocess:
391 | with open(opt.outfilename + '.data') as f:
392 | ofile = f.read()
393 |
394 | with open(opt.outfilename + '.data', 'w') as f:
395 | f.write('# INPUTCONV shift center\n')
396 |
397 | if opt.temp:
398 | f.write('# INPUTCONV temp %.4f\n' % opt.temp)
399 |
400 | f.write(ofile)
401 |
402 | os.system('rm temp_source.data temp_source.xyz')