[9fd196] | 1 | # bash_completion for molecuilder
| 2 | #
| 3 | # gives a list of all available actions, gives list of options for the last action
| 4 |
| 5 | function _molecuilder_option()
| 6 | {
| 7 | local cmd="${1##*/}"
| 8 | local word=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
| 9 | local line=${COMP_LINE}
| 10 | option=`echo $line | awk -F"--" {'print $NF'} | tr -d \ `
| 11 | previousoption=`echo $line | awk -F"--" {'print $(NF-1)'} | tr -d \ `
| 12 | #echo "current option is '$word', line is '$line', and cmd is '$cmd', last option is '$option', and last but one is '$previousoption'."
| 13 | COMPREPLY=()
| 14 | # if current option is molecuilder, give all available actions
| 15 | if test x"$option" = x"molecuilder"; then
| 16 | # "molecuilder "
| 17 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 18 | else
| 19 | # if current argument is void, look at previous (if its not molecuilder)
| 20 | if test x"$option" = x""; then
| 21 | if test x"$previousoption" = x"molecuilder"; then
| 22 | # "molecuilder --"
| 23 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 24 | else
| 25 | # "molecuilder --some-action --"
| 26 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'$previousoption.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 27 | if test ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 0; then
| 28 | # "molecuilder --some-option --"
| 29 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 30 | else
| 31 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help --actionname "$previousoption" | grep Option\ | awk -F"'" {'print "--"$2'} | tr -d \'))
| 32 | # if action has no options, give list of actions
| 33 | if test ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 0; then
| 34 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 35 | fi
| 36 | fi
| 37 | fi
| 38 | elif test -z `echo "$word" 2>/dev/null | grep "\-\-"`; then
| 39 | # "molecuilder somefile/value"
| 40 | COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$( ls --color=n -1 ${word}*.in ${word}*.pdb ${word}*.pcp ${word}*.psi ${word}*.data ${word}*.xyz 2>/dev/null| sed -e 's/ /\\ /g' )" -- $cur ))
| 41 | else
| 42 | # "molecuilder --something"
| 43 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'$option.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 44 | # check whether its an action
| 45 | if test ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 1; then
| 46 | # check whether it's same as option
| 47 | if test x"${COMPREPLY[0]}" = x"--$option"; then
| 48 | # "molecuilder --an-action"
| 49 | #echo "Giving help for option $option"
| 50 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help --actionname "$option" | grep Option\ | awk -F"'" {'print "--"$2'} | tr -d \'))
| 51 | # if action has no options, give list of actions
| 52 | if test ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 0; then
| 53 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 54 | fi
| 55 | fi
| 56 | fi
| 57 | # if the "action" is unknown, it must be actually an option (segment), give all available options from previous action
| 58 | if test ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 0; then
| 59 | # "molecuilder --an-action --opt.."
| 60 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help --actionname "$previousoption" | grep Option\ | grep $option | awk -F"'" {'print "--"$2'} | tr -d \'))
| 61 | # if action has no options, give list of actions
| 62 | if test ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 0; then
| 63 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 64 | else
| 65 | #if we have a complete option, give again all available actions
| 66 | if test x"${COMPREPLY[0]}" = x"--$option"; then
| 67 | # "molecuilder --an-action --one-of-its-options"
| 68 | COMPREPLY=($($cmd --help | grep "^'.*'" | awk -F":" {'print "--"$1'} | tr -d \'))
| 69 | fi
| 70 | fi
| 71 | fi
| 72 | fi
| 73 | fi
| 74 | #echo "returning ${COMPREPLY[*]}."
| 75 | return 0
| 76 | }
| 77 |
| 78 | complete -F _molecuilder_option molecuilder