1 | #
2 | # MoleCuilder - creates and alters molecular systems
3 | # Copyright (C) 2008-2012 University of Bonn
4 | #
5 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 | # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 | # (at your option) any later version.
9 | #
10 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 | #
15 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 | # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 | #
18 | ### dipole angular correlation analysis
19 |
20 | AT_SETUP([Analysis - dipole angular correlation on PDBs with CONECT, zero change])
21 | AT_KEYWORDS([analysis dipole correlation pdb dipole-angular-correlation])
22 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/pre/watermulti_X.pdb .], 0)
23 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder --dry-run -v 4 -i watermulti_X.pdb -o pdb --dipole-angular-correlation H2O --bin-start -5 --bin-width 10. --bin-end 184.5 --time-step-zero 0 --output-file water_values --bin-output-file water_histogram --no-dry-run --store-session session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py --session-type python], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
24 | AT_CHECK([grep -v "Command.*DryRun" session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py >session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
25 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilderguitest session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
26 | i=0; while test $i -ne 36; do
27 | step=`printf %04d $i`
28 | AT_CHECK([diff water_histogram.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_histogram_X.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
29 | AT_CHECK([diff water_values.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_values_X.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
30 | let i=$i+1
31 | done
33 |
34 | AT_SETUP([Analysis - dipole angular correlation on PDBs with CONECT, true change])
35 | AT_KEYWORDS([analysis dipole correlation pdb dipole-angular-correlation])
36 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/pre/watermulti_Y.pdb .], 0)
37 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder --dry-run -v 4 -i watermulti_Y.pdb -o pdb --dipole-angular-correlation H2O --bin-start -5 --bin-width 10. --bin-end 184.5 --time-step-zero 0 --output-file water_values --bin-output-file water_histogram --no-dry-run --store-session session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py --session-type python], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
38 | AT_CHECK([grep -v "Command.*DryRun" session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py >session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
39 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilderguitest session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
40 | i=0; while test $i -ne 36; do
41 | step=`printf %04d $i`
42 | AT_CHECK([diff water_histogram.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_histogram_Y.$step.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
43 | AT_CHECK([diff water_values.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_values_Y.$step.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
44 | let i=$i+1
45 | done
47 |
48 | AT_SETUP([Analysis - dipole angular correlation on XYZs, zero change])
49 | AT_KEYWORDS([analysis dipole correlation xyz dipole-angular-correlation])
50 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/pre/watermulti_X.xyz .], 0)
51 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder --dry-run -v 4 -i watermulti_X.xyz -o xyz -I --dipole-angular-correlation H2O --bin-start -5 --bin-width 10. --bin-end 184.5 --time-step-zero 0 --output-file water_values --bin-output-file water_histogram --no-dry-run --store-session session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py --session-type python], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
52 | AT_CHECK([grep -v "Command.*DryRun" session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py >session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
53 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilderguitest session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
54 | i=0; while test $i -ne 36; do
55 | step=`printf %04d $i`
56 | AT_CHECK([diff water_histogram.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_histogram_X.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
57 | AT_CHECK([diff water_values.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_values_X.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
58 | let i=$i+1
59 | done
61 |
62 | AT_SETUP([Analysis - dipole angular correlation on XYZs, true change])
63 | AT_KEYWORDS([analysis dipole correlation xyz dipole-angular-correlation])
64 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/pre/watermulti_Y.xyz .], 0)
65 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder --dry-run -v 4 -i watermulti_Y.xyz -o xyz -I --dipole-angular-correlation H2O --bin-start -5 --bin-width 10. --bin-end 184.5 --time-step-zero 0 --output-file water_values --bin-output-file water_histogram --no-dry-run --store-session session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py --session-type python], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
66 | AT_CHECK([grep -v "Command.*DryRun" session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation.py >session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
67 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilderguitest session-analysis-dipole-angular-correlation_new.py], 0, [stdout], [stderr])
68 | i=0; while test $i -ne 36; do
69 | step=`printf %04d $i`
70 | AT_CHECK([diff water_histogram.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_histogram_Y.$step.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
71 | AT_CHECK([diff water_values.$step.dat ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Analysis/DipoleAngularCorrelation/post/water_values_Y.$step.dat], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
72 | let i=$i+1
73 | done
75 |