1 | #ifndef VECTOR_HPP_
2 | #define VECTOR_HPP_
3 |
4 | using namespace std;
5 |
6 | #include "helpers.hpp"
7 |
8 | #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
9 | #include <gsl/gsl_multimin.h>
10 |
11 | class Vector;
12 |
13 | /** Single vector.
14 | * basically, just a x[3] but with helpful functions
15 | */
16 | class Vector {
17 | public:
18 | double x[NDIM];
19 |
20 | Vector();
21 | Vector(double x1, double x2, double x3);
22 | ~Vector();
23 |
24 | double Distance(const Vector *y) const;
25 | double DistanceSquared(const Vector *y) const;
26 | double PeriodicDistance(const Vector *y, const double *cell_size) const;
27 | double PeriodicDistanceSquared(const Vector *y, const double *cell_size) const;
28 | double ScalarProduct(const Vector *y) const;
29 | double Norm() const;
30 | double NormSquared() const;
31 | double Angle(const Vector *y) const;
32 | bool IsZero() const;
33 | bool IsOne() const;
34 | bool IsNormalTo(const Vector *normal) const;
35 |
36 | void AddVector(const Vector *y);
37 | void SubtractVector(const Vector *y);
38 | void CopyVector(const Vector *y);
39 | void CopyVector(const Vector y);
40 | void RotateVector(const Vector *y, const double alpha);
41 | void VectorProduct(const Vector *y);
42 | void ProjectOntoPlane(const Vector *y);
43 | void ProjectIt(const Vector *y);
44 | Vector Projection(const Vector *y) const;
45 | void Zero();
46 | void One(double one);
47 | void Init(double x1, double x2, double x3);
48 | void Normalize();
49 | void Translate(const Vector *x);
50 | void Mirror(const Vector *x);
51 | void Scale(double **factor);
52 | void Scale(double *factor);
53 | void Scale(double factor);
54 | void MatrixMultiplication(double *M);
55 | double * InverseMatrix(double *A);
56 | void InverseMatrixMultiplication(double *M);
57 | void KeepPeriodic(ofstream *out, double *matrix);
58 | void LinearCombinationOfVectors(const Vector *x1, const Vector *x2, const Vector *x3, double *factors);
59 | double CutsPlaneAt(Vector *A, Vector *B, Vector *C);
60 | bool GetIntersectionWithPlane(ofstream *out, Vector *PlaneNormal, Vector *PlaneOffset, Vector *Origin, Vector *LineVector);
61 | bool GetIntersectionOfTwoLinesOnPlane(ofstream *out, Vector *Line1a, Vector *Line1b, Vector *Line2a, Vector *Line2b, const Vector *Normal = NULL);
62 | bool GetOneNormalVector(const Vector *x1);
63 | bool MakeNormalVector(const Vector *y1);
64 | bool MakeNormalVector(const Vector *y1, const Vector *y2);
65 | bool MakeNormalVector(const Vector *x1, const Vector *x2, const Vector *x3);
66 | bool SolveSystem(Vector *x1, Vector *x2, Vector *y, double alpha, double beta, double c);
67 | bool LSQdistance(Vector **vectors, int dim);
68 | void AskPosition(double *cell_size, bool check);
69 | bool Output(ofstream *out) const;
70 | };
71 |
72 | ostream & operator << (ostream& ost, const Vector &m);
73 | bool operator==(const Vector& a, const Vector& b);
74 | Vector& operator+=(Vector& a, const Vector& b);
75 | Vector& operator-=(Vector& a, const Vector& b);
76 | Vector& operator*=(Vector& a, const double m);
77 | Vector& operator*(const Vector& a, const double m);
78 | Vector& operator*(const double m, const Vector& a);
79 | Vector& operator+(const Vector& a, const Vector& b);
80 | Vector& operator-(const Vector& a, const Vector& b);
81 |
82 | // some algebraic matrix stuff
83 | #define RDET3(a) ((a)[0]*(a)[4]*(a)[8] + (a)[3]*(a)[7]*(a)[2] + (a)[6]*(a)[1]*(a)[5] - (a)[2]*(a)[4]*(a)[6] - (a)[5]*(a)[7]*(a)[0] - (a)[8]*(a)[1]*(a)[3]) //!< hard-coded determinant of a 3x3 matrix
84 | #define RDET2(a0,a1,a2,a3) ((a0)*(a3)-(a1)*(a2)) //!< hard-coded determinant of a 2x2 matrix
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 | #endif /*VECTOR_HPP_*/