/* * listofbondsunittest.cpp * * Created on: 18 Oct 2009 * Author: user */ using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include "listofbondsunittest.hpp" #include "World.hpp" #include "atom.hpp" #include "bond.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" #include "periodentafel.hpp" #include "World.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_TESTRUNNER #include "UnitTestMain.hpp" #endif /*HAVE_TESTRUNNER*/ /********************************************** Test classes **************************************/ // Registers the fixture into the 'registry' CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( ListOfBondsTest ); void ListOfBondsTest::setUp() { atom *Walker = NULL; // construct element hydrogen = World::getInstance().getPeriode()->FindElement(1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hydrogen != NULL && "could not find element hydrogen"); // construct molecule (tetraeder of hydrogens) TestMolecule = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(TestMolecule != NULL && "could not create molecule"); Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Walker != NULL && "could not create atom"); Walker->type = hydrogen; *Walker->node = Vector(1., 0., 1. ); TestMolecule->AddAtom(Walker); Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Walker != NULL && "could not create atom"); Walker->type = hydrogen; *Walker->node = Vector(0., 1., 1. ); TestMolecule->AddAtom(Walker); Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Walker != NULL && "could not create atom"); Walker->type = hydrogen; *Walker->node = Vector(1., 1., 0. ); TestMolecule->AddAtom(Walker); Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Walker != NULL && "could not create atom"); Walker->type = hydrogen; *Walker->node = Vector(0., 0., 0. ); TestMolecule->AddAtom(Walker); // check that TestMolecule was correctly constructed CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestMolecule->AtomCount, 4 ); }; void ListOfBondsTest::tearDown() { // remove World::getInstance().destroyMolecule(TestMolecule); // note that all the atoms, molecules, the tafel and the elements // are all cleaned when the world is destroyed World::purgeInstance(); MemoryUsageObserver::purgeInstance(); logger::purgeInstance(); }; /** Unit Test of molecule::AddBond() * */ void ListOfBondsTest::AddingBondTest() { bond *Binder = NULL; atom *atom1 = TestMolecule->start->next; atom *atom2 = atom1->next; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom1 != NULL ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom2 != NULL ); // add bond Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom1, atom2, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); bond *TestBond = TestMolecule->first->next; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL ( TestBond, Binder ); // check that bond contains the two atoms CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true, Binder->Contains(atom1) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true, Binder->Contains(atom2) ); // check that bond is present in both atoms bond *TestBond1 = *(atom1->ListOfBonds.begin()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestBond1, Binder ); bond *TestBond2 = *(atom2->ListOfBonds.begin()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestBond2, Binder ); }; /** Unit Test of molecule::RemoveBond() * */ void ListOfBondsTest::RemovingBondTest() { bond *Binder = NULL; atom *atom1 = TestMolecule->start->next; atom *atom2 = atom1->next; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom1 != NULL ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom2 != NULL ); // add bond Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom1, atom2, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); // remove bond TestMolecule->RemoveBond(Binder); // check if removed from atoms CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 0, atom1->ListOfBonds.size() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 0, atom2->ListOfBonds.size() ); // check if removed from molecule CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestMolecule->first->next, TestMolecule->last ); }; /** Unit Test of molecule::RemoveBonds() * */ void ListOfBondsTest::RemovingBondsTest() { bond *Binder = NULL; atom *atom1 = TestMolecule->start->next; atom *atom2 = atom1->next; atom *atom3 = atom2->next; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom1 != NULL ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom2 != NULL ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom3 != NULL ); // add bond Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom1, atom2, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom1, atom3, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom2, atom3, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); // check that all are present CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 2, atom1->ListOfBonds.size() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 2, atom2->ListOfBonds.size() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 2, atom3->ListOfBonds.size() ); // remove bond TestMolecule->RemoveBonds(atom1); // check if removed from atoms CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 0, atom1->ListOfBonds.size() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 1, atom2->ListOfBonds.size() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 1, atom3->ListOfBonds.size() ); // check if removed from molecule CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestMolecule->first->next, Binder ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( Binder->next, TestMolecule->last ); }; /** Unit Test of delete(bond *) * */ void ListOfBondsTest::DeleteBondTest() { bond *Binder = NULL; atom *atom1 = TestMolecule->start->next; atom *atom2 = atom1->next; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom1 != NULL ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom2 != NULL ); // add bond Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom1, atom2, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); // remove bond delete(Binder); // check if removed from atoms CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 0, atom1->ListOfBonds.size() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 0, atom2->ListOfBonds.size() ); // check if removed from molecule CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestMolecule->first->next, TestMolecule->last ); }; /** Unit Test of molecule::RemoveAtom() * */ void ListOfBondsTest::RemoveAtomTest() { bond *Binder = NULL; atom *atom1 = TestMolecule->start->next; atom *atom2 = atom1->next; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom1 != NULL ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom2 != NULL ); // add bond Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom1, atom2, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); // remove atom2 TestMolecule->RemoveAtom(atom2); // check bond if removed from other atom CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 0, atom1->ListOfBonds.size() ); // check if removed from molecule CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestMolecule->first->next, TestMolecule->last ); }; /** Unit Test of delete(atom *) * */ void ListOfBondsTest::DeleteAtomTest() { bond *Binder = NULL; atom *atom1 = TestMolecule->start->next; atom *atom2 = atom1->next; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom1 != NULL ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( atom2 != NULL ); // add bond Binder = TestMolecule->AddBond(atom1, atom2, 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( Binder != NULL ); // remove atom2 World::getInstance().destroyAtom(atom2); // check bond if removed from other atom CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t) 0, atom1->ListOfBonds.size() ); // check if removed from molecule CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( TestMolecule->first->next, TestMolecule->last ); };