[357fba] | 1 | /*
| 2 | * TesselationHelpers.hpp
| 3 | *
| 4 | * Auxiliary functions for the tesselation.
| 5 | *
| 6 | * Created on: Aug 3, 2009
| 7 | * Author: heber
| 8 | */
| 9 |
| 12 |
| 13 | using namespace std;
| 14 |
[f66195] | 15 | /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/
| 16 |
[357fba] | 17 | // include config.h
| 18 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
| 19 | #include <config.h>
| 20 | #endif
| 21 |
| 22 | #include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
| 23 | #include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
| 24 | #include <gsl/gsl_multimin.h>
| 25 | #include <gsl/gsl_permutation.h>
| 26 | #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
| 27 |
[f66195] | 28 | #include <iostream>
| 29 |
[91e7e4a] | 30 | #include "defs.hpp"
[f66195] | 31 |
| 32 | /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/
| 33 |
| 34 | class BoundaryPointSet;
| 35 | class BoundaryLineSet;
| 36 | class BoundaryTriangleSet;
| 37 | class LinkedCell;
| 38 | class TesselPoint;
| 39 | class PointCloud;
| 40 | class Tesselation;
| 41 | class Vector;
| 42 |
| 43 | /********************************************** definitions *********************************/
[357fba] | 44 |
[b32dbb] | 45 | #define HULLEPSILON 1e-9 //!< TODO: Get rid of HULLEPSILON, points to numerical instabilities
[91e7e4a] | 46 |
[f66195] | 47 | /********************************************** declarations *******************************/
| 48 |
[c0f6c6] | 49 | double DetGet(gsl_matrix * const A, const int inPlace);
| 50 | void GetSphere(Vector * const Center, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, const double RADIUS);
| 51 | void GetCenterOfSphere(Vector* const Center, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, Vector * const NewUmkreismittelpunkt, const Vector* const Direction, const Vector* const AlternativeDirection, const double HalfplaneIndicator, const double AlternativeIndicator, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, const double RADIUS, const double Umkreisradius);
| 52 | void GetCenterofCircumcircle(Vector * const Center, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c);
| 53 | double GetPathLengthonCircumCircle(const Vector &CircleCenter, const Vector &CirclePlaneNormal, const double CircleRadius, const Vector &NewSphereCenter, const Vector &OldSphereCenter, const Vector &NormalVector, const Vector &SearchDirection);
[357fba] | 54 | double MinIntersectDistance(const gsl_vector * x, void *params);
[c0f6c6] | 55 | bool existsIntersection(const Vector &point1, const Vector &point2, const Vector &point3, const Vector &point4);
| 56 | double CalculateVolumeofGeneralTetraeder(const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, const Vector &d);
[b32dbb] | 57 | double CalculateAreaofGeneralTriangle(const Vector &A, const Vector &B, const Vector &C);
[c0f6c6] | 58 | double GetAngle(const Vector &point, const Vector &reference, const Vector &OrthogonalVector);
[57066a] | 59 |
[c0f6c6] | 60 | bool CheckLineCriteriaForDegeneratedTriangle(const BoundaryPointSet * const nodes[3]);
| 61 | bool SortCandidates(const CandidateForTesselation* candidate1, const CandidateForTesselation *candidate2);
[71b20e] | 62 | TesselPoint* FindClosestTesselPoint(const Vector* Point, TesselPoint *&SecondPoint, const LinkedCell* const LC);
| 63 | TesselPoint* FindSecondClosestTesselPoint(const Vector*, const LinkedCell* const LC);
[e138de] | 64 | Vector * GetClosestPointBetweenLine(const BoundaryLineSet * const Base, const BoundaryLineSet * const OtherBase);
[776b64] | 65 |
[e138de] | 66 | void WriteTecplotFile(ofstream * const tecplot, const Tesselation * const TesselStruct, const PointCloud * const cloud, const int N);
| 67 | void WriteRaster3dFile(ofstream * const rasterfile, const Tesselation * const Tess, const PointCloud * const cloud);
| 68 | void IncludeSphereinRaster3D(ofstream * const rasterfile, const Tesselation *Tess, const PointCloud *cloud);
| 69 | void WriteVrmlFile(ofstream * const vrmlfile, const Tesselation * const Tess, const PointCloud * const cloud);
| 70 | void CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint(const Tesselation * const TesselStruct);
[b32dbb] | 71 | void CalculateConstrictionPerBoundaryPoint(const Tesselation * const TesselStruct, const Tesselation * const Convex);
[e138de] | 72 | double DistanceToTrianglePlane(const Vector *x, const BoundaryTriangleSet * const triangle);
[776b64] | 73 |
[e138de] | 74 | bool CheckListOfBaselines(const Tesselation * const TesselStruct);
[91e7e4a] | 75 |
[262bae] | 76 | int CountTrianglePairContainingPolygon(const BoundaryPolygonSet * const P, const TriangleSet * const T);
| 77 | bool ArePolygonsEdgeConnected(const BoundaryPolygonSet * const P1, const BoundaryPolygonSet * const P2);
| 78 | void CombinePolygons(BoundaryPolygonSet * const P1, BoundaryPolygonSet * &P2);
| 79 |
[357fba] | 80 |
| 81 | #endif /* TESSELATIONHELPERS_HPP_ */