/* * TesselationHelpers.cpp * * Created on: Aug 3, 2009 * Author: heber */ #include #include "linkedcell.hpp" #include "tesselation.hpp" #include "tesselationhelpers.hpp" #include "vector.hpp" #include "verbose.hpp" double DetGet(gsl_matrix *A, int inPlace) { /* inPlace = 1 => A is replaced with the LU decomposed copy. inPlace = 0 => A is retained, and a copy is used for LU. */ double det; int signum; gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc(A->size1); gsl_matrix *tmpA; if (inPlace) tmpA = A; else { gsl_matrix *tmpA = gsl_matrix_alloc(A->size1, A->size2); gsl_matrix_memcpy(tmpA , A); } gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(tmpA , p , &signum); det = gsl_linalg_LU_det(tmpA , signum); gsl_permutation_free(p); if (! inPlace) gsl_matrix_free(tmpA); return det; }; void GetSphere(Vector *center, Vector &a, Vector &b, Vector &c, double RADIUS) { gsl_matrix *A = gsl_matrix_calloc(3,3); double m11, m12, m13, m14; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 0, a.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 1, b.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 2, c.x[i]); } m11 = DetGet(A, 1); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 0, a.x[i]*a.x[i] + b.x[i]*b.x[i] + c.x[i]*c.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 1, b.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 2, c.x[i]); } m12 = DetGet(A, 1); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 0, a.x[i]*a.x[i] + b.x[i]*b.x[i] + c.x[i]*c.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 1, a.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 2, c.x[i]); } m13 = DetGet(A, 1); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 0, a.x[i]*a.x[i] + b.x[i]*b.x[i] + c.x[i]*c.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 1, a.x[i]); gsl_matrix_set(A, i, 2, b.x[i]); } m14 = DetGet(A, 1); if (fabs(m11) < MYEPSILON) cerr << "ERROR: three points are colinear." << endl; center->x[0] = 0.5 * m12/ m11; center->x[1] = -0.5 * m13/ m11; center->x[2] = 0.5 * m14/ m11; if (fabs(a.Distance(center) - RADIUS) > MYEPSILON) cerr << "ERROR: The given center is further way by " << fabs(a.Distance(center) - RADIUS) << " from a than RADIUS." << endl; gsl_matrix_free(A); }; /** * Function returns center of sphere with RADIUS, which rests on points a, b, c * @param Center this vector will be used for return * @param a vector first point of triangle * @param b vector second point of triangle * @param c vector third point of triangle * @param *Umkreismittelpunkt new cneter point of circumference * @param Direction vector indicates up/down * @param AlternativeDirection vecotr, needed in case the triangles have 90 deg angle * @param Halfplaneindicator double indicates whether Direction is up or down * @param AlternativeIndicator doube indicates in case of orthogonal triangles which direction of AlternativeDirection is suitable * @param alpha double angle at a * @param beta double, angle at b * @param gamma, double, angle at c * @param Radius, double * @param Umkreisradius double radius of circumscribing circle */ void GetCenterOfSphere(Vector* Center, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c, Vector *NewUmkreismittelpunkt, Vector* Direction, Vector* AlternativeDirection, double HalfplaneIndicator, double AlternativeIndicator, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double RADIUS, double Umkreisradius) { Vector TempNormal, helper; double Restradius; Vector OtherCenter; cout << Verbose(3) << "Begin of GetCenterOfSphere.\n"; Center->Zero(); helper.CopyVector(&a); helper.Scale(sin(2.*alpha)); Center->AddVector(&helper); helper.CopyVector(&b); helper.Scale(sin(2.*beta)); Center->AddVector(&helper); helper.CopyVector(&c); helper.Scale(sin(2.*gamma)); Center->AddVector(&helper); //*Center = a * sin(2.*alpha) + b * sin(2.*beta) + c * sin(2.*gamma) ; Center->Scale(1./(sin(2.*alpha) + sin(2.*beta) + sin(2.*gamma))); NewUmkreismittelpunkt->CopyVector(Center); cout << Verbose(4) << "Center of new circumference is " << *NewUmkreismittelpunkt << ".\n"; // Here we calculated center of circumscribing circle, using barycentric coordinates cout << Verbose(4) << "Center of circumference is " << *Center << " in direction " << *Direction << ".\n"; TempNormal.CopyVector(&a); TempNormal.SubtractVector(&b); helper.CopyVector(&a); helper.SubtractVector(&c); TempNormal.VectorProduct(&helper); if (fabs(HalfplaneIndicator) < MYEPSILON) { if ((TempNormal.ScalarProduct(AlternativeDirection) <0 and AlternativeIndicator >0) or (TempNormal.ScalarProduct(AlternativeDirection) >0 and AlternativeIndicator <0)) { TempNormal.Scale(-1); } } else { if (TempNormal.ScalarProduct(Direction)<0 && HalfplaneIndicator >0 || TempNormal.ScalarProduct(Direction)>0 && HalfplaneIndicator<0) { TempNormal.Scale(-1); } } TempNormal.Normalize(); Restradius = sqrt(RADIUS*RADIUS - Umkreisradius*Umkreisradius); cout << Verbose(4) << "Height of center of circumference to center of sphere is " << Restradius << ".\n"; TempNormal.Scale(Restradius); cout << Verbose(4) << "Shift vector to sphere of circumference is " << TempNormal << ".\n"; Center->AddVector(&TempNormal); cout << Verbose(0) << "Center of sphere of circumference is " << *Center << ".\n"; GetSphere(&OtherCenter, a, b, c, RADIUS); cout << Verbose(0) << "OtherCenter of sphere of circumference is " << OtherCenter << ".\n"; cout << Verbose(3) << "End of GetCenterOfSphere.\n"; }; /** Constructs the center of the circumcircle defined by three points \a *a, \a *b and \a *c. * \param *Center new center on return * \param *a first point * \param *b second point * \param *c third point */ void GetCenterofCircumcircle(Vector *Center, Vector *a, Vector *b, Vector *c) { Vector helper; double alpha, beta, gamma; Vector SideA, SideB, SideC; SideA.CopyVector(b); SideA.SubtractVector(c); SideB.CopyVector(c); SideB.SubtractVector(a); SideC.CopyVector(a); SideC.SubtractVector(b); alpha = M_PI - SideB.Angle(&SideC); beta = M_PI - SideC.Angle(&SideA); gamma = M_PI - SideA.Angle(&SideB); //cout << Verbose(3) << "INFO: alpha = " << alpha/M_PI*180. << ", beta = " << beta/M_PI*180. << ", gamma = " << gamma/M_PI*180. << "." << endl; if (fabs(M_PI - alpha - beta - gamma) > HULLEPSILON) cerr << "GetCenterofCircumcircle: Sum of angles " << (alpha+beta+gamma)/M_PI*180. << " > 180 degrees by " << fabs(M_PI - alpha - beta - gamma)/M_PI*180. << "!" << endl; Center->Zero(); helper.CopyVector(a); helper.Scale(sin(2.*alpha)); Center->AddVector(&helper); helper.CopyVector(b); helper.Scale(sin(2.*beta)); Center->AddVector(&helper); helper.CopyVector(c); helper.Scale(sin(2.*gamma)); Center->AddVector(&helper); Center->Scale(1./(sin(2.*alpha) + sin(2.*beta) + sin(2.*gamma))); }; /** Returns the parameter "path length" for a given \a NewSphereCenter relative to \a OldSphereCenter on a circle on the plane \a CirclePlaneNormal with center \a CircleCenter and radius \a CircleRadius. * Test whether the \a NewSphereCenter is really on the given plane and in distance \a CircleRadius from \a CircleCenter. * It calculates the angle, making it unique on [0,2.*M_PI) by comparing to SearchDirection. * Also the new center is invalid if it the same as the old one and does not lie right above (\a NormalVector) the base line (\a CircleCenter). * \param CircleCenter Center of the parameter circle * \param CirclePlaneNormal normal vector to plane of the parameter circle * \param CircleRadius radius of the parameter circle * \param NewSphereCenter new center of a circumcircle * \param OldSphereCenter old center of a circumcircle, defining the zero "path length" on the parameter circle * \param NormalVector normal vector * \param SearchDirection search direction to make angle unique on return. * \return Angle between \a NewSphereCenter and \a OldSphereCenter relative to \a CircleCenter, 2.*M_PI if one test fails */ double GetPathLengthonCircumCircle(Vector &CircleCenter, Vector &CirclePlaneNormal, double CircleRadius, Vector &NewSphereCenter, Vector &OldSphereCenter, Vector &NormalVector, Vector &SearchDirection) { Vector helper; double radius, alpha; helper.CopyVector(&NewSphereCenter); // test whether new center is on the parameter circle's plane if (fabs(helper.ScalarProduct(&CirclePlaneNormal)) > HULLEPSILON) { cerr << "ERROR: Something's very wrong here: NewSphereCenter is not on the band's plane as desired by " < HULLEPSILON) cerr << Verbose(1) << "ERROR: The projected center of the new sphere has radius " << radius << " instead of " << CircleRadius << "." << endl; alpha = helper.Angle(&OldSphereCenter); // make the angle unique by checking the halfplanes/search direction if (helper.ScalarProduct(&SearchDirection) < -HULLEPSILON) // acos is not unique on [0, 2.*M_PI), hence extra check to decide between two half intervals alpha = 2.*M_PI - alpha; //cout << Verbose(2) << "INFO: RelativeNewSphereCenter is " << helper << ", RelativeOldSphereCenter is " << OldSphereCenter << " and resulting angle is " << alpha << "." << endl; radius = helper.Distance(&OldSphereCenter); helper.ProjectOntoPlane(&NormalVector); // check whether new center is somewhat away or at least right over the current baseline to prevent intersecting triangles if ((radius > HULLEPSILON) || (helper.Norm() < HULLEPSILON)) { //cout << Verbose(2) << "INFO: Distance between old and new center is " << radius << " and between new center and baseline center is " << helper.Norm() << "." << endl; return alpha; } else { //cout << Verbose(1) << "INFO: NewSphereCenter " << helper << " is too close to OldSphereCenter" << OldSphereCenter << "." << endl; return 2.*M_PI; } }; struct Intersection { Vector x1; Vector x2; Vector x3; Vector x4; }; /** * Intersection calculation function. * * @param x to find the result for * @param function parameter */ double MinIntersectDistance(const gsl_vector * x, void *params) { double retval = 0; struct Intersection *I = (struct Intersection *)params; Vector intersection; Vector SideA,SideB,HeightA, HeightB; for (int i=0;ix1)); SideA.SubtractVector(&I->x2); HeightA.CopyVector(&intersection); HeightA.SubtractVector(&I->x1); HeightA.ProjectOntoPlane(&SideA); SideB.CopyVector(&I->x3); SideB.SubtractVector(&I->x4); HeightB.CopyVector(&intersection); HeightB.SubtractVector(&I->x3); HeightB.ProjectOntoPlane(&SideB); retval = HeightA.ScalarProduct(&HeightA) + HeightB.ScalarProduct(&HeightB); //cout << Verbose(2) << "MinIntersectDistance called, result: " << retval << endl; return retval; }; /** * Calculates whether there is an intersection between two lines. The first line * always goes through point 1 and point 2 and the second line is given by the * connection between point 4 and point 5. * * @param point 1 of line 1 * @param point 2 of line 1 * @param point 1 of line 2 * @param point 2 of line 2 * * @return true if there is an intersection between the given lines, false otherwise */ bool existsIntersection(Vector point1, Vector point2, Vector point3, Vector point4) { bool result; struct Intersection par; par.x1.CopyVector(&point1); par.x2.CopyVector(&point2); par.x3.CopyVector(&point3); par.x4.CopyVector(&point4); const gsl_multimin_fminimizer_type *T = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_nmsimplex; gsl_multimin_fminimizer *s = NULL; gsl_vector *ss, *x; gsl_multimin_function minexFunction; size_t iter = 0; int status; double size; /* Starting point */ x = gsl_vector_alloc(NDIM); gsl_vector_set(x, 0, point1.x[0]); gsl_vector_set(x, 1, point1.x[1]); gsl_vector_set(x, 2, point1.x[2]); /* Set initial step sizes to 1 */ ss = gsl_vector_alloc(NDIM); gsl_vector_set_all(ss, 1.0); /* Initialize method and iterate */ minexFunction.n = NDIM; minexFunction.f = &MinIntersectDistance; minexFunction.params = (void *)∥ s = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_alloc(T, NDIM); gsl_multimin_fminimizer_set(s, &minexFunction, x, ss); do { iter++; status = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_iterate(s); if (status) { break; } size = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_size(s); status = gsl_multimin_test_size(size, 1e-2); if (status == GSL_SUCCESS) { cout << Verbose(2) << "converged to minimum" << endl; } } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 100); // check whether intersection is in between or not Vector intersection, SideA, SideB, HeightA, HeightB; double t1, t2; for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++) { intersection.x[i] = gsl_vector_get(s->x, i); } SideA.CopyVector(&par.x2); SideA.SubtractVector(&par.x1); HeightA.CopyVector(&intersection); HeightA.SubtractVector(&par.x1); t1 = HeightA.ScalarProduct(&SideA)/SideA.ScalarProduct(&SideA); SideB.CopyVector(&par.x4); SideB.SubtractVector(&par.x3); HeightB.CopyVector(&intersection); HeightB.SubtractVector(&par.x3); t2 = HeightB.ScalarProduct(&SideB)/SideB.ScalarProduct(&SideB); cout << Verbose(2) << "Intersection " << intersection << " is at " << t1 << " for (" << point1 << "," << point2 << ") and at " << t2 << " for (" << point3 << "," << point4 << "): "; if (((t1 >= 0) && (t1 <= 1)) && ((t2 >= 0) && (t2 <= 1))) { cout << "true intersection." << endl; result = true; } else { cout << "intersection out of region of interest." << endl; result = false; } // free minimizer stuff gsl_vector_free(x); gsl_vector_free(ss); gsl_multimin_fminimizer_free(s); return result; }; /** Gets the angle between a point and a reference relative to the provided center. * We have two shanks point and reference between which the angle is calculated * and by scalar product with OrthogonalVector we decide the interval. * @param point to calculate the angle for * @param reference to which to calculate the angle * @param OrthogonalVector points in direction of [pi,2pi] interval * * @return angle between point and reference */ double GetAngle(const Vector &point, const Vector &reference, const Vector OrthogonalVector) { if (reference.IsZero()) return M_PI; // calculate both angles and correct with in-plane vector if (point.IsZero()) return M_PI; double phi = point.Angle(&reference); if (OrthogonalVector.ScalarProduct(&point) > 0) { phi = 2.*M_PI - phi; } cout << Verbose(4) << "INFO: " << point << " has angle " << phi << " with respect to reference " << reference << "." << endl; return phi; } /** Calculates the volume of a general tetraeder. * \param *a first vector * \param *a first vector * \param *a first vector * \param *a first vector * \return \f$ \frac{1}{6} \cdot ((a-d) \times (a-c) \cdot (a-b)) \f$ */ double CalculateVolumeofGeneralTetraeder(Vector *a, Vector *b, Vector *c, Vector *d) { Vector Point, TetraederVector[3]; double volume; TetraederVector[0].CopyVector(a); TetraederVector[1].CopyVector(b); TetraederVector[2].CopyVector(c); for (int j=0;j<3;j++) TetraederVector[j].SubtractVector(d); Point.CopyVector(&TetraederVector[0]); Point.VectorProduct(&TetraederVector[1]); volume = 1./6. * fabs(Point.ScalarProduct(&TetraederVector[2])); return volume; }; /** Checks for a new special triangle whether one of its edges is already present with one one triangle connected. * This enforces that special triangles (i.e. degenerated ones) should at last close the open-edge frontier and not * make it bigger (i.e. closing one (the baseline) and opening two new ones). * \param TPS[3] nodes of the triangle * \return true - there is such a line (i.e. creation of degenerated triangle is valid), false - no such line (don't create) */ bool CheckLineCriteriaForDegeneratedTriangle(class BoundaryPointSet *nodes[3]) { bool result = false; int counter = 0; // check all three points for (int i=0;i<3;i++) for (int j=i+1; j<3; j++) { if (nodes[i]->lines.find(nodes[j]->node->nr) != nodes[i]->lines.end()) { // there already is a line LineMap::iterator FindLine; pair FindPair; FindPair = nodes[i]->lines.equal_range(nodes[j]->node->nr); for (FindLine = FindPair.first; FindLine != FindPair.second; ++FindLine) { // If there is a line with less than two attached triangles, we don't need a new line. if (FindLine->second->triangles.size() < 2) { counter++; break; // increase counter only once per edge } } } else { // no line cout << Verbose(1) << "The line between " << *nodes[i] << " and " << *nodes[j] << " is not yet present, hence no need for a degenerate triangle." << endl; result = true; } } if ((!result) && (counter > 1)) { cout << Verbose(2) << "INFO: Degenerate triangle is ok, at least two, here " << counter << ", existing lines are used." << endl; result = true; } return result; }; /** Sort function for the candidate list. */ bool SortCandidates(CandidateForTesselation* candidate1, CandidateForTesselation* candidate2) { Vector BaseLineVector, OrthogonalVector, helper; if (candidate1->BaseLine != candidate2->BaseLine) { // sanity check cout << Verbose(0) << "ERROR: sortCandidates was called for two different baselines: " << candidate1->BaseLine << " and " << candidate2->BaseLine << "." << endl; //return false; exit(1); } // create baseline vector BaseLineVector.CopyVector(candidate1->BaseLine->endpoints[1]->node->node); BaseLineVector.SubtractVector(candidate1->BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->node); BaseLineVector.Normalize(); // create normal in-plane vector to cope with acos() non-uniqueness on [0,2pi] (note that is pointing in the "right" direction already, hence ">0" test!) helper.CopyVector(candidate1->BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->node); helper.SubtractVector(candidate1->point->node); OrthogonalVector.CopyVector(&helper); helper.VectorProduct(&BaseLineVector); OrthogonalVector.SubtractVector(&helper); OrthogonalVector.Normalize(); // calculate both angles and correct with in-plane vector helper.CopyVector(candidate1->point->node); helper.SubtractVector(candidate1->BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->node); double phi = BaseLineVector.Angle(&helper); if (OrthogonalVector.ScalarProduct(&helper) > 0) { phi = 2.*M_PI - phi; } helper.CopyVector(candidate2->point->node); helper.SubtractVector(candidate1->BaseLine->endpoints[0]->node->node); double psi = BaseLineVector.Angle(&helper); if (OrthogonalVector.ScalarProduct(&helper) > 0) { psi = 2.*M_PI - psi; } cout << Verbose(2) << *candidate1->point << " has angle " << phi << endl; cout << Verbose(2) << *candidate2->point << " has angle " << psi << endl; // return comparison return phi < psi; }; /** * Finds the point which is second closest to the provided one. * * @param Point to which to find the second closest other point * @param linked cell structure * * @return point which is second closest to the provided one */ TesselPoint* FindSecondClosestPoint(const Vector* Point, LinkedCell* LC) { LinkedNodes *List = NULL; TesselPoint* closestPoint = NULL; TesselPoint* secondClosestPoint = NULL; double distance = 1e16; double secondDistance = 1e16; Vector helper; int N[NDIM], Nlower[NDIM], Nupper[NDIM]; LC->SetIndexToVector(Point); // ignore status as we calculate bounds below sensibly for(int i=0;in[i]; cout << Verbose(2) << "INFO: Center cell is " << N[0] << ", " << N[1] << ", " << N[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << "." << endl; LC->GetNeighbourBounds(Nlower, Nupper); //cout << endl; for (LC->n[0] = Nlower[0]; LC->n[0] <= Nupper[0]; LC->n[0]++) for (LC->n[1] = Nlower[1]; LC->n[1] <= Nupper[1]; LC->n[1]++) for (LC->n[2] = Nlower[2]; LC->n[2] <= Nupper[2]; LC->n[2]++) { List = LC->GetCurrentCell(); //cout << Verbose(3) << "The current cell " << LC->n[0] << "," << LC->n[1] << "," << LC->n[2] << endl; if (List != NULL) { for (LinkedNodes::iterator Runner = List->begin(); Runner != List->end(); Runner++) { helper.CopyVector(Point); helper.SubtractVector((*Runner)->node); double currentNorm = helper. Norm(); if (currentNorm < distance) { // remember second point secondDistance = distance; secondClosestPoint = closestPoint; // mark down new closest point distance = currentNorm; closestPoint = (*Runner); //cout << Verbose(2) << "INFO: New Second Nearest Neighbour is " << *secondClosestPoint << "." << endl; } } } else { cerr << "ERROR: The current cell " << LC->n[0] << "," << LC->n[1] << "," << LC->n[2] << " is invalid!" << endl; } } return secondClosestPoint; }; /** * Finds the point which is closest to the provided one. * * @param Point to which to find the closest other point * @param SecondPoint the second closest other point on return, NULL if none found * @param linked cell structure * * @return point which is closest to the provided one, NULL if none found */ TesselPoint* FindClosestPoint(const Vector* Point, TesselPoint *&SecondPoint, LinkedCell* LC) { LinkedNodes *List = NULL; TesselPoint* closestPoint = NULL; SecondPoint = NULL; double distance = 1e16; double secondDistance = 1e16; Vector helper; int N[NDIM], Nlower[NDIM], Nupper[NDIM]; LC->SetIndexToVector(Point); // ignore status as we calculate bounds below sensibly for(int i=0;in[i]; cout << Verbose(3) << "INFO: Center cell is " << N[0] << ", " << N[1] << ", " << N[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << "." << endl; LC->GetNeighbourBounds(Nlower, Nupper); //cout << endl; for (LC->n[0] = Nlower[0]; LC->n[0] <= Nupper[0]; LC->n[0]++) for (LC->n[1] = Nlower[1]; LC->n[1] <= Nupper[1]; LC->n[1]++) for (LC->n[2] = Nlower[2]; LC->n[2] <= Nupper[2]; LC->n[2]++) { List = LC->GetCurrentCell(); //cout << Verbose(3) << "The current cell " << LC->n[0] << "," << LC->n[1] << "," << LC->n[2] << endl; if (List != NULL) { for (LinkedNodes::iterator Runner = List->begin(); Runner != List->end(); Runner++) { helper.CopyVector(Point); helper.SubtractVector((*Runner)->node); double currentNorm = helper. Norm(); if (currentNorm < distance) { secondDistance = distance; SecondPoint = closestPoint; distance = currentNorm; closestPoint = (*Runner); //cout << Verbose(2) << "INFO: New Nearest Neighbour is " << *closestPoint << "." << endl; } else if (currentNorm < secondDistance) { secondDistance = currentNorm; SecondPoint = (*Runner); //cout << Verbose(2) << "INFO: New Second Nearest Neighbour is " << *SecondPoint << "." << endl; } } } else { cerr << "ERROR: The current cell " << LC->n[0] << "," << LC->n[1] << "," << LC->n[2] << " is invalid!" << endl; } } // output if (closestPoint != NULL) { cout << Verbose(2) << "Closest point is " << *closestPoint; if (SecondPoint != NULL) cout << " and second closest is " << *SecondPoint; cout << "." << endl; } return closestPoint; }; /** Returns the closest point on \a *Base with respect to \a *OtherBase. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *Base reference line * \param *OtherBase other base line * \return Vector on reference line that has closest distance */ Vector * GetClosestPointBetweenLine(ofstream *out, class BoundaryLineSet *Base, class BoundaryLineSet *OtherBase) { // construct the plane of the two baselines (i.e. take both their directional vectors) Vector Normal; Vector Baseline, OtherBaseline; Baseline.CopyVector(Base->endpoints[1]->node->node); Baseline.SubtractVector(Base->endpoints[0]->node->node); OtherBaseline.CopyVector(OtherBase->endpoints[1]->node->node); OtherBaseline.SubtractVector(OtherBase->endpoints[0]->node->node); Normal.CopyVector(&Baseline); Normal.VectorProduct(&OtherBaseline); Normal.Normalize(); *out << Verbose(4) << "First direction is " << Baseline << ", second direction is " << OtherBaseline << ", normal of intersection plane is " << Normal << "." << endl; // project one offset point of OtherBase onto this plane (and add plane offset vector) Vector NewOffset; NewOffset.CopyVector(OtherBase->endpoints[0]->node->node); NewOffset.SubtractVector(Base->endpoints[0]->node->node); NewOffset.ProjectOntoPlane(&Normal); NewOffset.AddVector(Base->endpoints[0]->node->node); Vector NewDirection; NewDirection.CopyVector(&NewOffset); NewDirection.AddVector(&OtherBaseline); // calculate the intersection between this projected baseline and Base Vector *Intersection = new Vector; Intersection->GetIntersectionOfTwoLinesOnPlane(out, Base->endpoints[0]->node->node, Base->endpoints[1]->node->node, &NewOffset, &NewDirection, &Normal); Normal.CopyVector(Intersection); Normal.SubtractVector(Base->endpoints[0]->node->node); *out << Verbose(3) << "Found closest point on " << *Base << " at " << *Intersection << ", factor in line is " << fabs(Normal.ScalarProduct(&Baseline)/Baseline.NormSquared()) << "." << endl; return Intersection; }; /** Returns the distance to the plane defined by \a *triangle * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *x Vector to calculate distance to * \param *triangle triangle defining plane * \return distance between \a *x and plane defined by \a *triangle, -1 - if something went wrong */ double DistanceToTrianglePlane(ofstream *out, Vector *x, BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle) { double distance = 0.; if (x == NULL) { return -1; } distance = x->DistanceToPlane(out, &triangle->NormalVector, triangle->endpoints[0]->node->node); return distance; }; /** Creates the objects in a VRML file. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *vrmlfile output stream for tecplot data * \param *Tess Tesselation structure with constructed triangles * \param *mol molecule structure with atom positions */ void WriteVrmlFile(ofstream *out, ofstream *vrmlfile, class Tesselation *Tess, PointCloud *cloud) { TesselPoint *Walker = NULL; int i; Vector *center = cloud->GetCenter(out); if (vrmlfile != NULL) { //cout << Verbose(1) << "Writing Raster3D file ... "; *vrmlfile << "#VRML V2.0 utf8" << endl; *vrmlfile << "#Created by molecuilder" << endl; *vrmlfile << "#All atoms as spheres" << endl; cloud->GoToFirst(); while (!cloud->IsEnd()) { Walker = cloud->GetPoint(); *vrmlfile << "Sphere {" << endl << " "; // 2 is sphere type for (i=0;inode->x[i]-center->x[i] << " "; *vrmlfile << "\t0.1\t1. 1. 1." << endl; // radius 0.05 and white as colour cloud->GoToNext(); } *vrmlfile << "# All tesselation triangles" << endl; for (TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner = Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); TriangleRunner != Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); TriangleRunner++) { *vrmlfile << "1" << endl << " "; // 1 is triangle type for (i=0;i<3;i++) { // print each node for (int j=0;jsecond->endpoints[i]->node->node->x[j]-center->x[j] << " "; *vrmlfile << "\t"; } *vrmlfile << "1. 0. 0." << endl; // red as colour *vrmlfile << "18" << endl << " 0.5 0.5 0.5" << endl; // 18 is transparency type for previous object } } else { cerr << "ERROR: Given vrmlfile is " << vrmlfile << "." << endl; } delete(center); }; /** Writes additionally the current sphere (i.e. the last triangle to file). * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *rasterfile output stream for tecplot data * \param *Tess Tesselation structure with constructed triangles * \param *mol molecule structure with atom positions */ void IncludeSphereinRaster3D(ofstream *out, ofstream *rasterfile, class Tesselation *Tess, PointCloud *cloud) { Vector helper; // include the current position of the virtual sphere in the temporary raster3d file Vector *center = cloud->GetCenter(out); // make the circumsphere's center absolute again helper.CopyVector(Tess->LastTriangle->endpoints[0]->node->node); helper.AddVector(Tess->LastTriangle->endpoints[1]->node->node); helper.AddVector(Tess->LastTriangle->endpoints[2]->node->node); helper.Scale(1./3.); helper.SubtractVector(center); // and add to file plus translucency object *rasterfile << "# current virtual sphere\n"; *rasterfile << "8\n 25.0 0.6 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 0.2 0 0 0 0\n"; *rasterfile << "2\n " << helper.x[0] << " " << helper.x[1] << " " << helper.x[2] << "\t" << 5. << "\t1 0 0\n"; *rasterfile << "9\n terminating special property\n"; delete(center); }; /** Creates the objects in a raster3d file (renderable with a header.r3d). * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *rasterfile output stream for tecplot data * \param *Tess Tesselation structure with constructed triangles * \param *mol molecule structure with atom positions */ void WriteRaster3dFile(ofstream *out, ofstream *rasterfile, class Tesselation *Tess, PointCloud *cloud) { TesselPoint *Walker = NULL; int i; Vector *center = cloud->GetCenter(out); if (rasterfile != NULL) { //cout << Verbose(1) << "Writing Raster3D file ... "; *rasterfile << "# Raster3D object description, created by MoleCuilder" << endl; *rasterfile << "@header.r3d" << endl; *rasterfile << "# All atoms as spheres" << endl; cloud->GoToFirst(); while (!cloud->IsEnd()) { Walker = cloud->GetPoint(); *rasterfile << "2" << endl << " "; // 2 is sphere type for (i=0;inode->x[i]-center->x[i] << " "; *rasterfile << "\t0.1\t1. 1. 1." << endl; // radius 0.05 and white as colour cloud->GoToNext(); } *rasterfile << "# All tesselation triangles" << endl; *rasterfile << "8\n 25. -1. 1. 1. 1. 0.0 0 0 0 2\n SOLID 1.0 0.0 0.0\n BACKFACE 0.3 0.3 1.0 0 0\n"; for (TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner = Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); TriangleRunner != Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); TriangleRunner++) { *rasterfile << "1" << endl << " "; // 1 is triangle type for (i=0;i<3;i++) { // print each node for (int j=0;jsecond->endpoints[i]->node->node->x[j]-center->x[j] << " "; *rasterfile << "\t"; } *rasterfile << "1. 0. 0." << endl; // red as colour //*rasterfile << "18" << endl << " 0.5 0.5 0.5" << endl; // 18 is transparency type for previous object } *rasterfile << "9\n# terminating special property\n"; } else { cerr << "ERROR: Given rasterfile is " << rasterfile << "." << endl; } IncludeSphereinRaster3D(out, rasterfile, Tess, cloud); delete(center); }; /** This function creates the tecplot file, displaying the tesselation of the hull. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *tecplot output stream for tecplot data * \param N arbitrary number to differentiate various zones in the tecplot format */ void WriteTecplotFile(ofstream *out, ofstream *tecplot, class Tesselation *TesselStruct, PointCloud *cloud, int N) { if ((tecplot != NULL) && (TesselStruct != NULL)) { // write header *tecplot << "TITLE = \"3D CONVEX SHELL\"" << endl; *tecplot << "VARIABLES = \"X\" \"Y\" \"Z\" \"U\"" << endl; *tecplot << "ZONE T=\"" << N << "-"; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) *tecplot << (i==0 ? "" : "_") << TesselStruct->LastTriangle->endpoints[i]->node->Name; *tecplot << "\", N=" << TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.size() << ", E=" << TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.size() << ", DATAPACKING=POINT, ZONETYPE=FETRIANGLE" << endl; int i=0; for (cloud->GoToFirst(); !cloud->IsEnd(); cloud->GoToNext(), i++); int *LookupList = new int[i]; for (cloud->GoToFirst(), i=0; !cloud->IsEnd(); cloud->GoToNext(), i++) LookupList[i] = -1; // print atom coordinates *out << Verbose(2) << "The following triangles were created:"; int Counter = 1; TesselPoint *Walker = NULL; for (PointMap::iterator target = TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.begin(); target != TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.end(); target++) { Walker = target->second->node; LookupList[Walker->nr] = Counter++; *tecplot << Walker->node->x[0] << " " << Walker->node->x[1] << " " << Walker->node->x[2] << " " << target->second->value << endl; } *tecplot << endl; // print connectivity for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); runner != TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); runner++) { *out << " " << runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->Name << "<->" << runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->Name << "<->" << runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->Name; *tecplot << LookupList[runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->nr] << " " << LookupList[runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->nr] << " " << LookupList[runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->nr] << endl; } delete[] (LookupList); *out << endl; } }; /** Calculates the concavity for each of the BoundaryPointSet's in a Tesselation. * Sets BoundaryPointSet::value equal to the number of connected lines that are not convex. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *TesselStruct pointer to Tesselation structure */ void CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint(ofstream *out, class Tesselation *TesselStruct) { class BoundaryPointSet *point = NULL; class BoundaryLineSet *line = NULL; //*out << Verbose(2) << "Begin of CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint" << endl; // calculate remaining concavity for (PointMap::iterator PointRunner = TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.begin(); PointRunner != TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.end(); PointRunner++) { point = PointRunner->second; *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Current point is " << *point << "." << endl; point->value = 0; for (LineMap::iterator LineRunner = point->lines.begin(); LineRunner != point->lines.end(); LineRunner++) { line = LineRunner->second; //*out << Verbose(2) << "INFO: Current line of point " << *point << " is " << *line << "." << endl; if (!line->CheckConvexityCriterion(out)) point->value += 1; } } //*out << Verbose(2) << "End of CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint" << endl; }; /** Checks whether each BoundaryLineSet in the Tesselation has two triangles. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *TesselStruct * \return true - all have exactly two triangles, false - some not, list is printed to screen */ bool CheckListOfBaselines(ofstream *out, Tesselation *TesselStruct) { LineMap::iterator testline; bool result = false; int counter = 0; *out << Verbose(1) << "Check: List of Baselines with not two connected triangles:" << endl; for (testline = TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.begin(); testline != TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end(); testline++) { if (testline->second->triangles.size() != 2) { *out << Verbose(1) << *testline->second << "\t" << testline->second->triangles.size() << endl; counter++; } } if (counter == 0) { *out << Verbose(1) << "None." << endl; result = true; } return result; }