/* * tesselation.hpp * * The tesselation class is meant to contain the envelope (concave, convex or neither) of a set of Vectors. As we actually mean this stuff for atoms, we have to encapsulate it all a bit. * * Created on: Aug 3, 2009 * Author: heber */ #ifndef TESSELATION_HPP_ #define TESSELATION_HPP_ using namespace std; /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "atom_particleinfo.hpp" #include "helpers.hpp" #include "vector.hpp" /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/ class BoundaryPointSet; class BoundaryLineSet; class BoundaryTriangleSet; class LinkedCell; class TesselPoint; class PointCloud; class Tesselation; /********************************************** definitions *********************************/ #define DoTecplotOutput 1 #define DoRaster3DOutput 1 #define DoVRMLOutput 0 #define TecplotSuffix ".dat" #define Raster3DSuffix ".r3d" #define VRMLSUffix ".wrl" #define ParallelEpsilon 1e-3 // ======================================================= some template functions ========================================= #define IndexToIndex map #define PointMap map < int, class BoundaryPointSet * > #define PointSet set < class BoundaryPointSet * > #define PointList list < class BoundaryPointSet * > #define PointPair pair < int, class BoundaryPointSet * > #define PointTestPair pair < PointMap::iterator, bool > #define CandidateList list #define CandidateMap map #define LineMap multimap < int, class BoundaryLineSet * > #define LineSet set < class BoundaryLineSet * > #define LineList list < class BoundaryLineSet * > #define LinePair pair < int, class BoundaryLineSet * > #define LineTestPair pair < LineMap::iterator, bool > #define TriangleMap map < int, class BoundaryTriangleSet * > #define TriangleSet set < class BoundaryTriangleSet * > #define TriangleList list < class BoundaryTriangleSet * > #define TrianglePair pair < int, class BoundaryTriangleSet * > #define TriangleTestPair pair < TrianglePair::iterator, bool > #define PolygonMap map < int, class BoundaryPolygonSet * > #define PolygonSet set < class BoundaryPolygonSet * > #define PolygonList list < class BoundaryPolygonSet * > #define DistanceToPointMap multimap #define DistanceToPointPair pair #define DistanceMultiMap multimap > #define DistanceMultiMapPair pair > #define TesselPointList list #define TesselPointSet set #define ListOfTesselPointList list *> enum centers {Opt, OtherOpt}; /********************************************** declarations *******************************/ template void SetEndpointsOrdered(T endpoints[2], T endpoint1, T endpoint2) { if (endpoint1->Nr < endpoint2->Nr) { endpoints[0] = endpoint1; endpoints[1] = endpoint2; } else { endpoints[0] = endpoint2; endpoints[1] = endpoint1; } }; // ======================================================== class BoundaryPointSet ========================================= class BoundaryPointSet { public: BoundaryPointSet(); BoundaryPointSet(TesselPoint * const Walker); ~BoundaryPointSet(); void AddLine(BoundaryLineSet * const line); LineMap lines; int LinesCount; TesselPoint *node; double value; int Nr; }; ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, const BoundaryPointSet &a); // ======================================================== class BoundaryLineSet ========================================== class BoundaryLineSet { public: BoundaryLineSet(); BoundaryLineSet(BoundaryPointSet * const Point[2], const int number); BoundaryLineSet(BoundaryPointSet * const Point1, BoundaryPointSet * const Point2, const int number); ~BoundaryLineSet(); void AddTriangle(BoundaryTriangleSet * const triangle); bool IsConnectedTo(const BoundaryLineSet * const line) const; bool ContainsBoundaryPoint(const BoundaryPointSet * const point) const; bool CheckConvexityCriterion() const; class BoundaryPointSet *GetOtherEndpoint(const BoundaryPointSet * const point) const; class BoundaryPointSet *endpoints[2]; TriangleMap triangles; int Nr; bool skipped; }; ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, const BoundaryLineSet &a); // ======================================================== class BoundaryTriangleSet ======================================= class BoundaryTriangleSet { public: BoundaryTriangleSet(); BoundaryTriangleSet(class BoundaryLineSet * const line[3], const int number); ~BoundaryTriangleSet(); void GetNormalVector(const Vector &NormalVector); void GetCenter(Vector * const center) const; bool GetIntersectionInsideTriangle(const Vector * const MolCenter, const Vector * const x, Vector * const Intersection) const; double GetClosestPointInsideTriangle(const Vector * const x, Vector * const ClosestPoint) const; bool ContainsBoundaryLine(const BoundaryLineSet * const line) const; bool ContainsBoundaryPoint(const BoundaryPointSet * const point) const; bool ContainsBoundaryPoint(const TesselPoint * const point) const; class BoundaryPointSet *GetThirdEndpoint(const BoundaryLineSet * const line) const; bool IsPresentTupel(const BoundaryPointSet * const Points[3]) const; bool IsPresentTupel(const BoundaryTriangleSet * const T) const; class BoundaryPointSet *endpoints[3]; class BoundaryLineSet *lines[3]; Vector NormalVector; Vector SphereCenter; int Nr; }; ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, const BoundaryTriangleSet &a); // ======================================================== class BoundaryTriangleSet ======================================= /** Set of BoundaryPointSet. * This is just meant as a container for a group of endpoints, extending the node, line, triangle concept. However, this has * only marginally something to do with the tesselation. Hence, there is no incorporation into the bookkeeping of the Tesselation * class (i.e. no allocation, no deletion). * \note we assume that the set of endpoints reside (more or less) on a plane. */ class BoundaryPolygonSet { public: BoundaryPolygonSet(); ~BoundaryPolygonSet(); Vector * GetNormalVector(const Vector &NormalVector) const; void GetCenter(Vector *center) const; bool ContainsBoundaryLine(const BoundaryLineSet * const line) const; bool ContainsBoundaryPoint(const BoundaryPointSet * const point) const; bool ContainsBoundaryPoint(const TesselPoint * const point) const; bool ContainsBoundaryTriangle(const BoundaryTriangleSet * const point) const; bool ContainsPresentTupel(const BoundaryPointSet * const * Points, const int dim) const; bool ContainsPresentTupel(const BoundaryPolygonSet * const P) const; bool ContainsPresentTupel(const PointSet &endpoints) const; TriangleSet * GetAllContainedTrianglesFromEndpoints() const; bool FillPolygonFromTrianglesOfLine(const BoundaryLineSet * const line); PointSet endpoints; int Nr; }; ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, const BoundaryPolygonSet &a); // =========================================================== class TESSELPOINT =========================================== /** Is a single point of the set of Vectors, also a super-class to be inherited and and its functions to be implemented. */ class TesselPoint : virtual public ParticleInfo { public: TesselPoint(); virtual ~TesselPoint(); Vector *node; // pointer to position of the dot in space virtual ostream & operator << (ostream &ost); }; ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, const TesselPoint &a); // =========================================================== class POINTCLOUD ============================================ /** Super-class for all point clouds structures, also molecules. They have to inherit this structure and implement the virtual function to access the Vectors. * This basically encapsulates a list structure. */ class PointCloud { public: PointCloud(); virtual ~PointCloud(); virtual const char * const GetName() const { return "unknown"; }; virtual Vector *GetCenter() const { return NULL; }; virtual TesselPoint *GetPoint() const { return NULL; }; virtual TesselPoint *GetTerminalPoint() const { return NULL; }; virtual int GetMaxId() const { return 0; }; virtual void GoToNext() const {}; virtual void GoToPrevious() const {}; virtual void GoToFirst() const {}; virtual void GoToLast() const {}; virtual bool IsEmpty() const { return true; }; virtual bool IsEnd() const { return true; }; }; // ======================================================== class CandidateForTesselation ========================================= class CandidateForTesselation { public : CandidateForTesselation(BoundaryLineSet* currentBaseLine); CandidateForTesselation(TesselPoint* candidate, BoundaryLineSet* currentBaseLine, BoundaryPointSet *point, Vector OptCandidateCenter, Vector OtherOptCandidateCenter); ~CandidateForTesselation(); bool CheckValidity(const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC) const; TesselPointList pointlist; const BoundaryLineSet * BaseLine; const BoundaryPointSet * ThirdPoint; const BoundaryTriangleSet *T; Vector OldCenter; Vector OptCenter; Vector OtherOptCenter; double ShortestAngle; double OtherShortestAngle; }; ostream & operator <<(ostream &ost, const CandidateForTesselation &a); // =========================================================== class TESSELATION =========================================== /** Contains the envelope to a PointCloud. */ class Tesselation : public PointCloud { public: Tesselation(); virtual ~Tesselation(); void AddTesselationPoint(TesselPoint* Candidate, const int n); void SetTesselationPoint(TesselPoint* Candidate, const int n) const; void AddTesselationLine(const Vector * const OptCenter, const BoundaryPointSet * const candidate, class BoundaryPointSet *a, class BoundaryPointSet *b, const int n); void AddNewTesselationTriangleLine(class BoundaryPointSet *a, class BoundaryPointSet *b, const int n); void AddExistingTesselationTriangleLine(class BoundaryLineSet *FindLine, int n); void AddTesselationTriangle(); void AddTesselationTriangle(const int nr); void AddCandidateTriangle(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, enum centers type); void AddDegeneratedTriangle(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC); void AddCandidatePolygon(CandidateForTesselation CandidateLine, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC); void RemoveTesselationTriangle(class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle); void RemoveTesselationLine(class BoundaryLineSet *line); void RemoveTesselationPoint(class BoundaryPointSet *point); bool CheckDegeneracy(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC) const; // concave envelope void FindStartingTriangle(const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC); void FindSecondPointForTesselation(class TesselPoint* a, Vector Oben, class TesselPoint*& OptCandidate, double Storage[3], double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC); void FindThirdPointForTesselation(const Vector &NormalVector, const Vector &SearchDirection, const Vector &OldSphereCenter, CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const class BoundaryPointSet * const ThirdNode, const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC) const; bool FindNextSuitableTriangle(CandidateForTesselation &CandidateLine, const BoundaryTriangleSet &T, const double& RADIUS, const LinkedCell *LC); bool FindCandidatesforOpenLines(const double RADIUS, const LinkedCell *&LCList); int CheckPresenceOfTriangle(class TesselPoint *Candidates[3]) const; class BoundaryTriangleSet * GetPresentTriangle(TesselPoint *Candidates[3]); // convex envelope void TesselateOnBoundary(const PointCloud * const cloud); void GuessStartingTriangle(); bool InsertStraddlingPoints(const PointCloud *cloud, const LinkedCell *LC); double RemovePointFromTesselatedSurface(class BoundaryPointSet *point); class BoundaryLineSet * FlipBaseline(class BoundaryLineSet *Base); double PickFarthestofTwoBaselines(class BoundaryLineSet *Base); class BoundaryPointSet *IsConvexRectangle(class BoundaryLineSet *Base); IndexToIndex * FindAllDegeneratedTriangles(); IndexToIndex * FindAllDegeneratedLines(); void RemoveDegeneratedTriangles(); void AddBoundaryPointByDegeneratedTriangle(class TesselPoint *point, LinkedCell *LC); int CorrectAllDegeneratedPolygons(); TesselPointSet * GetAllConnectedPoints(const TesselPoint* const Point) const; TriangleSet * GetAllTriangles(const BoundaryPointSet * const Point) const; ListOfTesselPointList * GetPathsOfConnectedPoints(const TesselPoint* const Point) const; ListOfTesselPointList * GetClosedPathsOfConnectedPoints(const TesselPoint* const Point) const; TesselPointList * GetCircleOfSetOfPoints(TesselPointSet *SetOfNeighbours, const TesselPoint* const Point, const Vector * const Reference = NULL) const; TesselPointList * GetCircleOfConnectedTriangles(TesselPointSet *SetOfNeighbours, const TesselPoint* const Point, const Vector * const Reference) const; class BoundaryPointSet * GetCommonEndpoint(const BoundaryLineSet * line1, const BoundaryLineSet * line2) const; TriangleList * FindTriangles(const TesselPoint* const Points[3]) const; TriangleList * FindClosestTrianglesToVector(const Vector *x, const LinkedCell* LC) const; BoundaryTriangleSet * FindClosestTriangleToVector(const Vector *x, const LinkedCell* LC) const; bool IsInnerPoint(const Vector &Point, const LinkedCell* const LC) const; double GetDistanceSquaredToTriangle(const Vector &Point, const BoundaryTriangleSet* const triangle) const; double GetDistanceToSurface(const Vector &Point, const LinkedCell* const LC) const; BoundaryTriangleSet * GetClosestTriangleOnSurface(const Vector &Point, const LinkedCell* const LC) const; bool AddBoundaryPoint(TesselPoint * Walker, const int n); DistanceToPointMap * FindClosestBoundaryPointsToVector(const Vector *x, const LinkedCell* LC) const; BoundaryLineSet * FindClosestBoundaryLineToVector(const Vector *x, const LinkedCell* LC) const; // print for debugging void PrintAllBoundaryPoints(ofstream *out) const; void PrintAllBoundaryLines(ofstream *out) const; void PrintAllBoundaryTriangles(ofstream *out) const; // store envelope in file void Output(const char *filename, const PointCloud * const cloud); PointMap PointsOnBoundary; LineMap LinesOnBoundary; CandidateMap OpenLines; TriangleMap TrianglesOnBoundary; int PointsOnBoundaryCount; int LinesOnBoundaryCount; int TrianglesOnBoundaryCount; // PointCloud implementation for PointsOnBoundary virtual Vector *GetCenter(ofstream *out) const; virtual TesselPoint *GetPoint() const; virtual TesselPoint *GetTerminalPoint() const; virtual void GoToNext() const; virtual void GoToPrevious() const; virtual void GoToFirst() const; virtual void GoToLast() const; virtual bool IsEmpty() const; virtual bool IsEnd() const; class BoundaryPointSet *BPS[2]; class BoundaryLineSet *BLS[3]; class BoundaryTriangleSet *BTS; class BoundaryTriangleSet *LastTriangle; int TriangleFilesWritten; private: mutable class BoundaryPointSet *TPS[3]; //this is a Storage for pointers to triangle points, this and BPS[2] needed due to AddLine restrictions mutable PointMap::const_iterator InternalPointer; //bool HasOtherBaselineBetterCandidate(const BoundaryLineSet * const BaseRay, const TesselPoint * const OptCandidate, double ShortestAngle, double RADIUS, const LinkedCell * const LC) const; void FindDegeneratedCandidatesforOpenLines(TesselPoint * const Sprinter, const Vector * const OptCenter); }; #endif /* TESSELATION_HPP_ */