/** \file parsing.cpp * * Declarations of various class functions for the parsing of value files. * */ // ======================================= INCLUDES ========================================== #include #include "helpers.hpp" #include "memoryallocator.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif // ======================================= FUNCTIONS ========================================== /** Test if given filename can be opened. * \param filename name of file * \param test true - no error message, false - print error * \return given file exists */ bool FilePresent(const char *filename, bool test) { ifstream input; input.open(filename, ios::in); if (input == NULL) { if (!test) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl << "Unable to open " << filename << ", is the directory correct?" << endl); return false; } input.close(); return true; }; /** Test the given parameters. * \param argc argument count * \param **argv arguments array * \return given inputdir is valid */ bool TestParams(int argc, char **argv) { ifstream input; stringstream line; line << argv[1] << FRAGMENTPREFIX << KEYSETFILE; return FilePresent(line.str().c_str(), false); }; // ======================================= CLASS MatrixContainer ============================= /** Constructor of MatrixContainer class. */ MatrixContainer::MatrixContainer() { Indices = NULL; Header = Malloc(1, "MatrixContainer::MatrixContainer: **Header"); Matrix = Malloc(1, "MatrixContainer::MatrixContainer: ***Matrix"); // one more each for the total molecule RowCounter = Malloc(1, "MatrixContainer::MatrixContainer: *RowCounter"); ColumnCounter = Malloc(1, "MatrixContainer::MatrixContainer: *ColumnCounter"); Header[0] = NULL; Matrix[0] = NULL; RowCounter[0] = -1; MatrixCounter = 0; ColumnCounter[0] = -1; }; /** Destructor of MatrixContainer class. */ MatrixContainer::~MatrixContainer() { if (Matrix != NULL) { for(int i=MatrixCounter;i--;) { if ((ColumnCounter != NULL) && (RowCounter != NULL)) { for(int j=RowCounter[i]+1;j--;) Free(&Matrix[i][j]); Free(&Matrix[i]); } } if ((ColumnCounter != NULL) && (RowCounter != NULL) && (Matrix[MatrixCounter] != NULL)) for(int j=RowCounter[MatrixCounter]+1;j--;) Free(&Matrix[MatrixCounter][j]); if (MatrixCounter != 0) Free(&Matrix[MatrixCounter]); Free(&Matrix); } if (Indices != NULL) for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) { Free(&Indices[i]); } Free(&Indices); if (Header != NULL) for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) Free(&Header[i]); Free(&Header); Free(&RowCounter); Free(&ColumnCounter); }; /** Either copies index matrix from another MatrixContainer or initialises with trivial mapping if NULL. * This either copies the index matrix or just maps 1 to 1, 2 to 2 and so on for all fragments. * \param *Matrix pointer to other MatrixContainer * \return true - copy/initialisation sucessful, false - dimension false for copying */ bool MatrixContainer::InitialiseIndices(class MatrixContainer *Matrix) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Initialising indices"); if (Matrix == NULL) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " with trivial mapping." << endl); Indices = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::InitialiseIndices: **Indices"); for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) { Indices[i] = Malloc(RowCounter[i], "MatrixContainer::InitialiseIndices: *Indices[]"); for(int j=RowCounter[i];j--;) Indices[i][j] = j; } } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " from other MatrixContainer." << endl); if (MatrixCounter != Matrix->MatrixCounter) return false; Indices = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::InitialiseIndices: **Indices"); for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) { if (RowCounter[i] != Matrix->RowCounter[i]) return false; Indices[i] = Malloc(Matrix->RowCounter[i], "MatrixContainer::InitialiseIndices: *Indices[]"); for(int j=Matrix->RowCounter[i];j--;) { Indices[i][j] = Matrix->Indices[i][j]; //Log() << Verbose(0) << Indices[i][j] << "\t"; } //Log() << Verbose(0) << endl; } } return true; }; /** Parsing a number of matrices. * -# open the matrix file * -# skip some lines (\a skiplines) * -# scan header lines for number of columns * -# scan lines for number of rows * -# allocate matrix * -# loop over found column and row counts and parse in each entry * \param *name directory with files * \param skiplines number of inital lines to skip * \param skiplines number of inital columns to skip * \param MatrixNr index number in Matrix array to parse into * \return parsing successful */ bool MatrixContainer::ParseMatrix(const char *name, int skiplines, int skipcolumns, int MatrixNr) { ifstream input; stringstream line; string token; char filename[1023]; input.open(name, ios::in); //Log() << Verbose(1) << "Opening " << name << " ... " << input << endl; if (input == NULL) { DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << endl << "Unable to open " << name << ", is the directory correct?" << endl); //performCriticalExit(); return false; } // parse header Header[MatrixNr] = Malloc(1024, "MatrixContainer::ParseMatrix: *Header[]"); for (int m=skiplines+1;m--;) input.getline(Header[MatrixNr], 1023); // scan header for number of columns line.str(Header[MatrixNr]); for(int k=skipcolumns;k--;) line >> Header[MatrixNr]; //Log() << Verbose(0) << line.str() << endl; ColumnCounter[MatrixNr]=0; while ( getline(line,token, '\t') ) { if (token.length() > 0) ColumnCounter[MatrixNr]++; } //Log() << Verbose(0) << line.str() << endl; //Log() << Verbose(1) << "ColumnCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << "." << endl; if (ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] == 0) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "ColumnCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << " from file " << name << ", this is probably an error!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); } // scan rest for number of rows/lines RowCounter[MatrixNr]=-1; // counts one line too much while (!input.eof()) { input.getline(filename, 1023); //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Comparing: " << strncmp(filename,"MeanForce",9) << endl; RowCounter[MatrixNr]++; // then line was not last MeanForce if (strncmp(filename,"MeanForce", 9) == 0) { break; } } //Log() << Verbose(1) << "RowCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << " from file " << name << "." << endl; if (RowCounter[MatrixNr] == 0) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "RowCounter[" << MatrixNr << "]: " << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << " from file " << name << ", this is probably an error!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); } // allocate matrix if it's not zero dimension in one direction if ((ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] > 0) && (RowCounter[MatrixNr] > -1)) { Matrix[MatrixNr] = Malloc(RowCounter[MatrixNr] + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseMatrix: **Matrix[]"); // parse in each entry for this matrix input.clear(); input.seekg(ios::beg); for (int m=skiplines+1;m--;) input.getline(Header[MatrixNr], 1023); // skip header line.str(Header[MatrixNr]); for(int k=skipcolumns;k--;) // skip columns in header too line >> filename; strncpy(Header[MatrixNr], line.str().c_str(), 1023); for(int j=0;j(ColumnCounter[MatrixNr], "MatrixContainer::ParseMatrix: *Matrix[][]"); input.getline(filename, 1023); stringstream lines(filename); //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Matrix at level " << j << ":";// << filename << endl; for(int k=skipcolumns;k--;) lines >> filename; for(int k=0;(k> Matrix[MatrixNr][j][k]; //Log() << Verbose(1) << " " << setprecision(2) << Matrix[MatrixNr][j][k] << endl; } Matrix[MatrixNr][ RowCounter[MatrixNr] ] = Malloc(ColumnCounter[MatrixNr], "MatrixContainer::ParseMatrix: *Matrix[RowCounter[MatrixNr]][]"); for(int j=ColumnCounter[MatrixNr];j--;) Matrix[MatrixNr][ RowCounter[MatrixNr] ][j] = 0.; } } else { DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Matrix nr. " << MatrixNr << " has column and row count of (" << ColumnCounter[MatrixNr] << "," << RowCounter[MatrixNr] << "), could not allocate nor parse!" << endl); } input.close(); return true; }; /** Parsing a number of matrices. * -# First, count the number of matrices by counting lines in KEYSETFILE * -# Then, * -# construct the fragment number * -# open the matrix file * -# skip some lines (\a skiplines) * -# scan header lines for number of columns * -# scan lines for number of rows * -# allocate matrix * -# loop over found column and row counts and parse in each entry * -# Finally, allocate one additional matrix (\a MatrixCounter) containing combined or temporary values * \param *name directory with files * \param *prefix prefix of each matrix file * \param *suffix suffix of each matrix file * \param skiplines number of inital lines to skip * \param skiplines number of inital columns to skip * \return parsing successful */ bool MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix(const char *name, const char *prefix, string suffix, int skiplines, int skipcolumns) { char filename[1023]; ifstream input; char *FragmentNumber = NULL; stringstream file; string token; // count the number of matrices MatrixCounter = -1; // we count one too much file << name << FRAGMENTPREFIX << KEYSETFILE; input.open(file.str().c_str(), ios::in); if (input == NULL) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl << "Unable to open " << file.str() << ", is the directory correct?" << endl); return false; } while (!input.eof()) { input.getline(filename, 1023); stringstream zeile(filename); MatrixCounter++; } input.close(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Determined " << MatrixCounter << " fragments." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Parsing through each fragment and retrieving " << prefix << suffix << "." << endl); Header = ReAlloc(Header, MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: **Header"); // one more each for the total molecule Matrix = ReAlloc(Matrix, MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: ***Matrix"); // one more each for the total molecule RowCounter = ReAlloc(RowCounter, MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: *RowCounter"); ColumnCounter = ReAlloc(ColumnCounter, MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: *ColumnCounter"); for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) { Matrix[i] = NULL; Header[i] = NULL; RowCounter[i] = -1; ColumnCounter[i] = -1; } for(int i=0; i < MatrixCounter;i++) { // open matrix file FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(MatrixCounter, i); file.str(" "); file << name << FRAGMENTPREFIX << FragmentNumber << prefix << suffix; if (!ParseMatrix(file.str().c_str(), skiplines, skipcolumns, i)) return false; Free(&FragmentNumber); } return true; }; /** Allocates and resets the memory for a number \a MCounter of matrices. * \param **GivenHeader Header line for each matrix * \param MCounter number of matrices * \param *RCounter number of rows for each matrix * \param *CCounter number of columns for each matrix * \return Allocation successful */ bool MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix(char **GivenHeader, int MCounter, int *RCounter, int *CCounter) { MatrixCounter = MCounter; Header = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix: *Header"); Matrix = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix: ***Matrix"); // one more each for the total molecule RowCounter = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix: *RowCounter"); ColumnCounter = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix: *ColumnCounter"); for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) { Header[i] = Malloc(1024, "MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix: *Header[i]"); strncpy(Header[i], GivenHeader[i], 1023); RowCounter[i] = RCounter[i]; ColumnCounter[i] = CCounter[i]; Matrix[i] = Malloc(RowCounter[i] + 1, "MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix: **Matrix[]"); for(int j=RowCounter[i]+1;j--;) { Matrix[i][j] = Malloc(ColumnCounter[i], "MatrixContainer::AllocateMatrix: *Matrix[][]"); for(int k=ColumnCounter[i];k--;) Matrix[i][j][k] = 0.; } } return true; }; /** Resets all values in MatrixContainer::Matrix. * \return true if successful */ bool MatrixContainer::ResetMatrix() { for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) for(int j=RowCounter[i]+1;j--;) for(int k=ColumnCounter[i];k--;) Matrix[i][j][k] = 0.; return true; }; /** Scans all elements of MatrixContainer::Matrix for greatest absolute value. * \return greatest value of MatrixContainer::Matrix */ double MatrixContainer::FindMaxValue() { double max = Matrix[0][0][0]; for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) for(int j=RowCounter[i]+1;j--;) for(int k=ColumnCounter[i];k--;) if (fabs(Matrix[i][j][k]) > max) max = fabs(Matrix[i][j][k]); if (fabs(max) < MYEPSILON) max += MYEPSILON; return max; }; /** Scans all elements of MatrixContainer::Matrix for smallest absolute value. * \return smallest value of MatrixContainer::Matrix */ double MatrixContainer::FindMinValue() { double min = Matrix[0][0][0]; for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) for(int j=RowCounter[i]+1;j--;) for(int k=ColumnCounter[i];k--;) if (fabs(Matrix[i][j][k]) < min) min = fabs(Matrix[i][j][k]); if (fabs(min) < MYEPSILON) min += MYEPSILON; return min; }; /** Sets all values in the last of MatrixContainer::Matrix to \a value. * \param value reset value * \param skipcolumns skip initial columns * \return true if successful */ bool MatrixContainer::SetLastMatrix(double value, int skipcolumns) { for(int j=RowCounter[MatrixCounter]+1;j--;) for(int k=skipcolumns;k RowCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ]) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "In fragment No. " << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << " current force index " << m << " is greater than " << RowCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ] << "!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); return false; } if (Order == SubOrder) { // equal order is always copy from Energies for(int l=ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ];l--;) // then adds/subtract each column Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][m][l] += MatrixValues.Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ][k][l]; } else { for(int l=ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ];l--;) Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][m][l] -= Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ][k][l]; } } //if ((ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ]>1) && (RowCounter[0]-1 >= 1)) //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragments[ KeySets.OrderSet[" << Order << "][" << CurrentFragment << "]=" << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << " ][" << RowCounter[0]-1 << "][" << 1 << "] = " << Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][RowCounter[0]-1][1] << endl; } } else { //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragment " << KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] << " is not contained in fragment " << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << "." << endl; } } } //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Final Fragments[ KeySets.OrderSet[" << Order << "][" << CurrentFragment << "]=" << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << " ][" << KeySets.AtomCounter[0]-1 << "][" << 1 << "] = " << Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][KeySets.AtomCounter[0]-1][1] << endl; } return true; }; /** Writes the summed total fragment terms \f$F_{ij}\f$ to file. * \param *name inputdir * \param *prefix prefix before \a EnergySuffix * \return file was written */ bool MatrixContainer::WriteTotalFragments(const char *name, const char *prefix) { ofstream output; char *FragmentNumber = NULL; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Writing fragment files." << endl); for(int i=0;i(MatrixCounter + 1, "EnergyMatrix::ParseIndices: **Indices"); for(int i=MatrixCounter+1;i--;) { Indices[i] = Malloc(RowCounter[i], "EnergyMatrix::ParseIndices: *Indices[]"); for(int j=RowCounter[i];j--;) Indices[i][j] = j; } return true; }; /** Sums the energy with each factor and put into last element of \a EnergyMatrix::Matrix. * Sums over the "F"-terms in ANOVA decomposition. * \param Matrix MatrixContainer with matrices (LevelCounter by *ColumnCounter) with all the energies. * \param CorrectionFragments MatrixContainer with hydrogen saturation correction per fragments * \param KeySets KeySetContainer with bond Order and association mapping of each fragment to an order * \param Order bond order * \parsm sign +1 or -1 * \return true if summing was successful */ bool EnergyMatrix::SumSubEnergy(class EnergyMatrix &Fragments, class EnergyMatrix *CorrectionFragments, class KeySetsContainer &KeySets, int Order, double sign) { // sum energy if (CorrectionFragments == NULL) for(int i=KeySets.FragmentsPerOrder[Order];i--;) for(int j=RowCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][i] ];j--;) for(int k=ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][i] ];k--;) Matrix[MatrixCounter][j][k] += sign*Fragments.Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][i] ][j][k]; else for(int i=KeySets.FragmentsPerOrder[Order];i--;) for(int j=RowCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][i] ];j--;) for(int k=ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][i] ];k--;) Matrix[MatrixCounter][j][k] += sign*(Fragments.Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][i] ][j][k] + CorrectionFragments->Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][i] ][j][k]); return true; }; /** Calls MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix() and additionally allocates last plus one matrix. * \param *name directory with files * \param *prefix prefix of each matrix file * \param *suffix suffix of each matrix file * \param skiplines number of inital lines to skip * \param skiplines number of inital columns to skip * \return parsing successful */ bool EnergyMatrix::ParseFragmentMatrix(const char *name, const char *prefix, string suffix, int skiplines, int skipcolumns) { char filename[1024]; bool status = MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix(name, prefix, suffix, skiplines, skipcolumns); if (status) { // count maximum of columns RowCounter[MatrixCounter] = 0; ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] = 0; for(int j=0; j < MatrixCounter;j++) { // (energy matrix might be bigger than number of atoms in terms of rows) if (RowCounter[j] > RowCounter[MatrixCounter]) RowCounter[MatrixCounter] = RowCounter[j]; if (ColumnCounter[j] > ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter]) // take maximum of all for last matrix ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] = ColumnCounter[j]; } // allocate last plus one matrix DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Allocating last plus one matrix with " << (RowCounter[MatrixCounter]+1) << " rows and " << ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] << " columns." << endl); Matrix[MatrixCounter] = Malloc(RowCounter[MatrixCounter] + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: **Matrix[]"); for(int j=0;j<=RowCounter[MatrixCounter];j++) Matrix[MatrixCounter][j] = Malloc(ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter], "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: *Matrix[][]"); // try independently to parse global energysuffix file if present strncpy(filename, name, 1023); strncat(filename, prefix, 1023-strlen(filename)); strncat(filename, suffix.c_str(), 1023-strlen(filename)); ParseMatrix(filename, skiplines, skipcolumns, MatrixCounter); } return status; }; // ======================================= CLASS ForceMatrix ============================= /** Parsing force Indices of each fragment * \param *name directory with \a ForcesFile * \return parsing successful */ bool ForceMatrix::ParseIndices(const char *name) { ifstream input; char *FragmentNumber = NULL; char filename[1023]; stringstream line; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Parsing force indices for " << MatrixCounter << " matrices." << endl); Indices = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "ForceMatrix::ParseIndices: **Indices"); line << name << FRAGMENTPREFIX << FORCESFILE; input.open(line.str().c_str(), ios::in); //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Opening " << line.str() << " ... " << input << endl; if (input == NULL) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl << "Unable to open " << line.str() << ", is the directory correct?" << endl); return false; } for (int i=0;(i(RowCounter[i], "ForceMatrix::ParseIndices: *Indices[]"); FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(MatrixCounter, i); //Log() << Verbose(0) << FRAGMENTPREFIX << FragmentNumber << "[" << RowCounter[i] << "]:"; Free(&FragmentNumber); for(int j=0;(j> Indices[i][j]; //Log() << Verbose(0) << " " << Indices[i][j]; } //Log() << Verbose(0) << endl; } Indices[MatrixCounter] = Malloc(RowCounter[MatrixCounter], "ForceMatrix::ParseIndices: *Indices[]"); for(int j=RowCounter[MatrixCounter];j--;) { Indices[MatrixCounter][j] = j; } input.close(); return true; }; /** Sums the forces and puts into last element of \a ForceMatrix::Matrix. * \param Matrix MatrixContainer with matrices (LevelCounter by *ColumnCounter) with all the energies. * \param KeySets KeySetContainer with bond Order and association mapping of each fragment to an order * \param Order bond order * \param sign +1 or -1 * \return true if summing was successful */ bool ForceMatrix::SumSubForces(class ForceMatrix &Fragments, class KeySetsContainer &KeySets, int Order, double sign) { int FragmentNr; // sum forces for(int i=0;i RowCounter[MatrixCounter]) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Current force index " << j << " is greater than " << RowCounter[MatrixCounter] << "!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); return false; } if (j != -1) { //if (j == 0) Log() << Verbose(0) << "Summing onto ion 0, type 0 from fragment " << FragmentNr << ", ion " << l << "." << endl; for(int k=2;k> nr; //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current index: " << nr << "." << endl; if (nr > RowCounter[MatrixCounter]) RowCounter[MatrixCounter] = nr; } } RowCounter[MatrixCounter]++; // nr start at 0, count starts at 1 input.close(); ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] = 0; for(int j=0; j < MatrixCounter;j++) { // (energy matrix might be bigger than number of atoms in terms of rows) if (ColumnCounter[j] > ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter]) // take maximum of all for last matrix ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] = ColumnCounter[j]; } // allocate last plus one matrix DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Allocating last plus one matrix with " << (RowCounter[MatrixCounter]+1) << " rows and " << ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] << " columns." << endl); Matrix[MatrixCounter] = Malloc(RowCounter[MatrixCounter] + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: **Matrix[]"); for(int j=0;j<=RowCounter[MatrixCounter];j++) Matrix[MatrixCounter][j] = Malloc(ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter], "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: *Matrix[][]"); // try independently to parse global forcesuffix file if present strncpy(filename, name, 1023); strncat(filename, prefix, 1023-strlen(filename)); strncat(filename, suffix.c_str(), 1023-strlen(filename)); ParseMatrix(filename, skiplines, skipcolumns, MatrixCounter); } return status; }; // ======================================= CLASS HessianMatrix ============================= /** Parsing force Indices of each fragment * \param *name directory with \a ForcesFile * \return parsing successful */ bool HessianMatrix::ParseIndices(char *name) { ifstream input; char *FragmentNumber = NULL; char filename[1023]; stringstream line; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Parsing hessian indices for " << MatrixCounter << " matrices." << endl); Indices = Malloc(MatrixCounter + 1, "HessianMatrix::ParseIndices: **Indices"); line << name << FRAGMENTPREFIX << FORCESFILE; input.open(line.str().c_str(), ios::in); //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Opening " << line.str() << " ... " << input << endl; if (input == NULL) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl << "Unable to open " << line.str() << ", is the directory correct?" << endl); return false; } for (int i=0;(i(RowCounter[i], "HessianMatrix::ParseIndices: *Indices[]"); FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(MatrixCounter, i); //Log() << Verbose(0) << FRAGMENTPREFIX << FragmentNumber << "[" << RowCounter[i] << "]:"; Free(&FragmentNumber); for(int j=0;(j> Indices[i][j]; //Log() << Verbose(0) << " " << Indices[i][j]; } //Log() << Verbose(0) << endl; } Indices[MatrixCounter] = Malloc(RowCounter[MatrixCounter], "HessianMatrix::ParseIndices: *Indices[]"); for(int j=RowCounter[MatrixCounter];j--;) { Indices[MatrixCounter][j] = j; } input.close(); return true; }; /** Sums the hessian entries and puts into last element of \a HessianMatrix::Matrix. * \param Matrix MatrixContainer with matrices (LevelCounter by *ColumnCounter) with all the energies. * \param KeySets KeySetContainer with bond Order and association mapping of each fragment to an order * \param Order bond order * \param sign +1 or -1 * \return true if summing was successful */ bool HessianMatrix::SumSubHessians(class HessianMatrix &Fragments, class KeySetsContainer &KeySets, int Order, double sign) { int FragmentNr; // sum forces for(int i=0;i RowCounter[MatrixCounter]) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Current hessian index " << j << " is greater than " << RowCounter[MatrixCounter] << ", where i=" << i << ", Order=" << Order << ", l=" << l << " and FragmentNr=" << FragmentNr << "!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); return false; } if (j != -1) { for(int m=0;m ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter]) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Current hessian index " << k << " is greater than " << ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] << ", where m=" << m << ", j=" << j << ", i=" << i << ", Order=" << Order << ", l=" << l << " and FragmentNr=" << FragmentNr << "!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); return false; } if (k != -1) { //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Adding " << sign*Fragments.Matrix[ FragmentNr ][l][m] << " from [" << l << "][" << m << "] onto [" << j << "][" << k << "]." << endl; Matrix[MatrixCounter][j][k] += sign*Fragments.Matrix[ FragmentNr ][l][m]; } } } } } return true; }; /** Constructor for class HessianMatrix. */ HessianMatrix::HessianMatrix() : MatrixContainer() { IsSymmetric = true; } /** Sums the hessian entries with each factor and put into last element of \a ***Matrix. * Sums over "E"-terms to create the "F"-terms * \param Matrix MatrixContainer with matrices (LevelCounter by *ColumnCounter) with all the energies. * \param KeySets KeySetContainer with bond Order and association mapping of each fragment to an order * \param Order bond order * \return true if summing was successful */ bool HessianMatrix::SumSubManyBodyTerms(class MatrixContainer &MatrixValues, class KeySetsContainer &KeySets, int Order) { // go through each order for (int CurrentFragment=0;CurrentFragment RowCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ]) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "In fragment No. " << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << " current row index " << m << " is greater than " << RowCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ] << "!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); return false; } for(int l=0;l ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ]) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "In fragment No. " << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << " current column index " << n << " is greater than " << ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ] << "!" << endl); performCriticalExit(); return false; } if (Order == SubOrder) { // equal order is always copy from Energies //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Adding " << MatrixValues.Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ][k][l] << " from [" << k << "][" << l << "] onto [" << m << "][" << n << "]." << endl; Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][m][n] += MatrixValues.Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ][k][l]; } else { //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Subtracting " << Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ][k][l] << " from [" << k << "][" << l << "] onto [" << m << "][" << n << "]." << endl; Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][m][n] -= Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ][k][l]; } } } } //if ((ColumnCounter[ KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] ]>1) && (RowCounter[0]-1 >= 1)) //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragments[ KeySets.OrderSet[" << Order << "][" << CurrentFragment << "]=" << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << " ][" << RowCounter[0]-1 << "][" << 1 << "] = " << Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][RowCounter[0]-1][1] << endl; } } else { //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragment " << KeySets.OrderSet[SubOrder][j] << " is not contained in fragment " << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << "." << endl; } } } //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Final Fragments[ KeySets.OrderSet[" << Order << "][" << CurrentFragment << "]=" << KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] << " ][" << KeySets.AtomCounter[0]-1 << "][" << 1 << "] = " << Matrix[ KeySets.OrderSet[Order][CurrentFragment] ][KeySets.AtomCounter[0]-1][1] << endl; } return true; }; /** Calls MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix() and additionally allocates last plus one matrix. * \param *name directory with files * \param *prefix prefix of each matrix file * \param *suffix suffix of each matrix file * \param skiplines number of inital lines to skip * \param skiplines number of inital columns to skip * \return parsing successful */ bool HessianMatrix::ParseFragmentMatrix(const char *name, const char *prefix, string suffix, int skiplines, int skipcolumns) { char filename[1023]; ifstream input; stringstream file; int nr; bool status = MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix(name, prefix, suffix, skiplines, skipcolumns); if (status) { // count number of atoms for last plus one matrix file << name << FRAGMENTPREFIX << KEYSETFILE; input.open(file.str().c_str(), ios::in); if (input == NULL) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl << "Unable to open " << file.str() << ", is the directory correct?" << endl); return false; } RowCounter[MatrixCounter] = 0; ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] = 0; while (!input.eof()) { input.getline(filename, 1023); stringstream zeile(filename); while (!zeile.eof()) { zeile >> nr; //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current index: " << nr << "." << endl; if (nr > RowCounter[MatrixCounter]) { RowCounter[MatrixCounter] = nr; ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] = nr; } } } RowCounter[MatrixCounter]++; // nr start at 0, count starts at 1 ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter]++; // nr start at 0, count starts at 1 input.close(); // allocate last plus one matrix DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Allocating last plus one matrix with " << (RowCounter[MatrixCounter]+1) << " rows and " << ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter] << " columns." << endl); Matrix[MatrixCounter] = Malloc(RowCounter[MatrixCounter] + 1, "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: **Matrix[]"); for(int j=0;j<=RowCounter[MatrixCounter];j++) Matrix[MatrixCounter][j] = Malloc(ColumnCounter[MatrixCounter], "MatrixContainer::ParseFragmentMatrix: *Matrix[][]"); // try independently to parse global forcesuffix file if present strncpy(filename, name, 1023); strncat(filename, prefix, 1023-strlen(filename)); strncat(filename, suffix.c_str(), 1023-strlen(filename)); ParseMatrix(filename, skiplines, skipcolumns, MatrixCounter); } return status; }; // ======================================= CLASS KeySetsContainer ============================= /** Constructor of KeySetsContainer class. */ KeySetsContainer::KeySetsContainer() { KeySets = NULL; AtomCounter = NULL; FragmentCounter = 0; Order = 0; FragmentsPerOrder = 0; OrderSet = NULL; }; /** Destructor of KeySetsContainer class. */ KeySetsContainer::~KeySetsContainer() { for(int i=FragmentCounter;i--;) Free(&KeySets[i]); for(int i=Order;i--;) Free(&OrderSet[i]); Free(&KeySets); Free(&OrderSet); Free(&AtomCounter); Free(&FragmentsPerOrder); }; /** Parsing KeySets into array. * \param *name directory with keyset file * \param *ACounter number of atoms per fragment * \param FCounter number of fragments * \return parsing succesful */ bool KeySetsContainer::ParseKeySets(const char *name, const int *ACounter, const int FCounter) { ifstream input; char *FragmentNumber = NULL; stringstream file; char filename[1023]; FragmentCounter = FCounter; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Parsing key sets." << endl); KeySets = Malloc(FragmentCounter, "KeySetsContainer::ParseKeySets: **KeySets"); for(int i=FragmentCounter;i--;) KeySets[i] = NULL; file << name << FRAGMENTPREFIX << KEYSETFILE; input.open(file.str().c_str(), ios::in); if (input == NULL) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl << "Unable to open " << file.str() << ", is the directory correct?" << endl); return false; } AtomCounter = Malloc(FragmentCounter, "KeySetsContainer::ParseKeySets: *RowCounter"); for(int i=0;(i(AtomCounter[i], "KeySetsContainer::ParseKeySets: *KeySets[]"); for(int j=AtomCounter[i];j--;) KeySets[i][j] = -1; FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(FragmentCounter, i); //Log() << Verbose(0) << FRAGMENTPREFIX << FragmentNumber << "[" << AtomCounter[i] << "]:"; Free(&FragmentNumber); input.getline(filename, 1023); line.str(filename); for(int j=0;(j> KeySets[i][j]; //Log() << Verbose(0) << " " << KeySets[i][j]; } //Log() << Verbose(0) << endl; } input.close(); return true; }; /** Parse many body terms, associating each fragment to a certain bond order. * \return parsing succesful */ bool KeySetsContainer::ParseManyBodyTerms() { int Counter; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Creating Fragment terms." << endl); // scan through all to determine maximum order Order=0; for(int i=FragmentCounter;i--;) { Counter=0; for(int j=AtomCounter[i];j--;) if (KeySets[i][j] != -1) Counter++; if (Counter > Order) Order = Counter; } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Found Order is " << Order << "." << endl); // scan through all to determine fragments per order FragmentsPerOrder = Malloc(Order, "KeySetsContainer::ParseManyBodyTerms: *FragmentsPerOrder"); for(int i=Order;i--;) FragmentsPerOrder[i] = 0; for(int i=FragmentCounter;i--;) { Counter=0; for(int j=AtomCounter[i];j--;) if (KeySets[i][j] != -1) Counter++; FragmentsPerOrder[Counter-1]++; } for(int i=0;i(Order, "KeySetsContainer::ParseManyBodyTerms: **OrderSet"); for(int i=Order;i--;) OrderSet[i] = Malloc(FragmentsPerOrder[i], "KeySetsContainer::ParseManyBodyTermsKeySetsContainer::ParseManyBodyTerms: *OrderSet[]"); for(int i=Order;i--;) FragmentsPerOrder[i] = 0; for(int i=FragmentCounter;i--;) { Counter=0; for(int j=AtomCounter[i];j--;) if (KeySets[i][j] != -1) Counter++; OrderSet[Counter-1][FragmentsPerOrder[Counter-1]] = i; FragmentsPerOrder[Counter-1]++; } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Printing OrderSet." << endl); for(int i=0;i FragmentCounter) || (SmallerSet > FragmentCounter)) // index out of bounds return false; for(int i=AtomCounter[SmallerSet];i--;) { intermediate = false; for (int j=AtomCounter[GreaterSet];j--;) intermediate = (intermediate || ((KeySets[SmallerSet][i] == KeySets[GreaterSet][j]) || (KeySets[SmallerSet][i] == -1))); result = result && intermediate; } return result; }; // ======================================= END =============================================