/* * molecule_graph.cpp * * Created on: Oct 5, 2009 * Author: heber */ #include "atom.hpp" #include "bond.hpp" #include "config.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "helpers.hpp" #include "linkedcell.hpp" #include "lists.hpp" #include "memoryallocator.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" /************************************* Functions for class molecule *********************************/ /** Creates an adjacency list of the molecule. * We obtain an outside file with the indices of atoms which are bondmembers. */ void molecule::CreateAdjacencyListFromDbondFile(ofstream *out, ifstream *input) { // 1 We will parse bonds out of the dbond file created by tremolo. int atom1, atom2; atom *Walker, *OtherWalker; if (!input) { cout << Verbose(1) << "Opening silica failed \n"; }; *input >> ws >> atom1; *input >> ws >> atom2; cout << Verbose(1) << "Scanning file\n"; while (!input->eof()) // Check whether we read everything already { *input >> ws >> atom1; *input >> ws >> atom2; if(atom2double->triple bond) * -# finally print the bond list to \a *out if desired * \param *out out stream for printing the matrix, NULL if no output * \param bonddistance length of linked cells (i.e. maximum minimal length checked) * \param IsAngstroem whether coordinate system is gauged to Angstroem or Bohr radii */ void molecule::CreateAdjacencyList(ofstream *out, double bonddistance, bool IsAngstroem) { atom *Walker = NULL; atom *OtherWalker = NULL; atom **AtomMap = NULL; int n[NDIM]; double distance, MinDistance, MaxDistance; LinkedCell *LC = NULL; LinkedNodes *List = NULL; LinkedNodes *OtherList = NULL; BondDistance = bonddistance; // * ((IsAngstroem) ? 1. : 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem); *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of CreateAdjacencyList." << endl; // remove every bond from the list if ((first->next != last) && (last->previous != first)) { // there are bonds present cleanup(first,last); } // count atoms in molecule = dimension of matrix (also give each unique name and continuous numbering) CountAtoms(out); *out << Verbose(1) << "AtomCount " << AtomCount << "." << endl; if (AtomCount != 0) { LC = new LinkedCell(this, bonddistance); // create a list to map Tesselpoint::nr to atom * AtomMap = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::CreateAdjacencyList - **AtomCount"); Walker = start; while (Walker->next != end) { Walker = Walker->next; AtomMap[Walker->nr] = Walker; } // 3a. go through every cell for (LC->n[0] = 0; LC->n[0] < LC->N[0]; LC->n[0]++) for (LC->n[1] = 0; LC->n[1] < LC->N[1]; LC->n[1]++) for (LC->n[2] = 0; LC->n[2] < LC->N[2]; LC->n[2]++) { List = LC->GetCurrentCell(); //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current cell is " << LC->n[0] << ", " << LC->n[1] << ", " << LC->n[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << " containing " << List->size() << " points." << endl; if (List != NULL) { for (LinkedNodes::iterator Runner = List->begin(); Runner != List->end(); Runner++) { Walker = AtomMap[(*Runner)->nr]; //*out << Verbose(0) << "Current Atom is " << *Walker << "." << endl; // 3c. check for possible bond between each atom in this and every one in the 27 cells for (n[0]=-1;n[0]<=1;n[0]++) for (n[1]=-1;n[1]<=1;n[1]++) for (n[2]=-1;n[2]<=1;n[2]++) { OtherList = LC->GetRelativeToCurrentCell(n); //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current relative cell is " << LC->n[0] << ", " << LC->n[1] << ", " << LC->n[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << " containing " << List->size() << " points." << endl; if (OtherList != NULL) { for (LinkedNodes::iterator OtherRunner = OtherList->begin(); OtherRunner != OtherList->end(); OtherRunner++) { if ((*OtherRunner)->nr > Walker->nr) { OtherWalker = AtomMap[(*OtherRunner)->nr]; //*out << Verbose(1) << "Checking distance " << OtherWalker->x.PeriodicDistanceSquared(&(Walker->x), cell_size) << " against typical bond length of " << bonddistance*bonddistance << "." << endl; MinDistance = OtherWalker->type->CovalentRadius + Walker->type->CovalentRadius; MinDistance *= (IsAngstroem) ? 1. : 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem; MaxDistance = MinDistance + BONDTHRESHOLD; MinDistance -= BONDTHRESHOLD; distance = OtherWalker->x.PeriodicDistanceSquared(&(Walker->x), cell_size); if ((OtherWalker->father->nr > Walker->father->nr) && (distance <= MaxDistance*MaxDistance) && (distance >= MinDistance*MinDistance)) { // create bond if distance is smaller //*out << Verbose(1) << "Adding Bond between " << *Walker << " and " << *OtherWalker << " in distance " << sqrt(distance) << "." << endl; AddBond(Walker->father, OtherWalker->father, 1); // also increases molecule::BondCount } else { //*out << Verbose(1) << "Not Adding: Wrong label order or distance too great." << endl; } } } } } } } } Free(&AtomMap); delete(LC); *out << Verbose(1) << "I detected " << BondCount << " bonds in the molecule with distance " << BondDistance << "." << endl; // correct bond degree by comparing valence and bond degree CorrectBondDegree(out); // output bonds for debugging (if bond chain list was correctly installed) ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::OutputBondOfAtom, out ); } else *out << Verbose(1) << "AtomCount is " << AtomCount << ", thus no bonds, no connections!." << endl; *out << Verbose(0) << "End of CreateAdjacencyList." << endl; }; /** Prints a list of all bonds to \a *out. * \param output stream */ void molecule::OutputBondsList(ofstream *out) { *out << Verbose(1) << endl << "From contents of bond chain list:"; bond *Binder = first; while(Binder->next != last) { Binder = Binder->next; *out << *Binder << "\t" << endl; } *out << endl; }; /** correct bond degree by comparing valence and bond degree. * correct Bond degree of each bond by checking both bond partners for a mismatch between valence and current sum of bond degrees, * iteratively increase the one first where the other bond partner has the fewest number of bonds (i.e. in general bonds oxygene * preferred over carbon bonds). Beforehand, we had picked the first mismatching partner, which lead to oxygenes with single instead of * double bonds as was expected. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \return number of bonds that could not be corrected */ int molecule::CorrectBondDegree(ofstream *out) { int No = 0; if (BondCount != 0) { *out << Verbose(1) << "Correcting Bond degree of each bond ... " << endl; do { No = SumPerAtom( &atom::CorrectBondDegree, out ); } while (No); *out << " done." << endl; } else { *out << Verbose(1) << "BondCount is " << BondCount << ", no bonds between any of the " << AtomCount << " atoms." << endl; } *out << No << " bonds could not be corrected." << endl; return (No); }; /** Counts all cyclic bonds and returns their number. * \note Hydrogen bonds can never by cyclic, thus no check for that * \param *out output stream for debugging * \return number opf cyclic bonds */ int molecule::CountCyclicBonds(ofstream *out) { NoCyclicBonds = 0; int *MinimumRingSize = NULL; MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = NULL; class StackClass *BackEdgeStack = NULL; bond *Binder = first; if ((Binder->next != last) && (Binder->next->Type == Undetermined)) { *out << Verbose(0) << "No Depth-First-Search analysis performed so far, calling ..." << endl; Subgraphs = DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(out, BackEdgeStack); while (Subgraphs->next != NULL) { Subgraphs = Subgraphs->next; delete(Subgraphs->previous); } delete(Subgraphs); delete[](MinimumRingSize); } while(Binder->next != last) { Binder = Binder->next; if (Binder->Cyclic) NoCyclicBonds++; } delete(BackEdgeStack); return NoCyclicBonds; }; /** Returns Shading as a char string. * \param color the Shading * \return string of the flag */ string molecule::GetColor(enum Shading color) { switch(color) { case white: return "white"; break; case lightgray: return "lightgray"; break; case darkgray: return "darkgray"; break; case black: return "black"; break; default: return "uncolored"; break; }; }; void SetWalkersGraphNr(ofstream *out, bool &BackStepping, atom *&Walker, int &CurrentGraphNr, class StackClass *&AtomStack) { if (!BackStepping) { // if we don't just return from (8) Walker->GraphNr = CurrentGraphNr; Walker->LowpointNr = CurrentGraphNr; *out << Verbose(1) << "Setting Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s number to " << Walker->GraphNr << " with Lowpoint " << Walker->LowpointNr << "." << endl; AtomStack->Push(Walker); CurrentGraphNr++; } }; void ProbeAlongUnusedBond(ofstream *out, molecule *mol, bond *&Binder, bool &BackStepping, atom *&Walker, class StackClass *&BackEdgeStack) { atom *OtherAtom = NULL; do { // (3) if Walker has no unused egdes, go to (5) BackStepping = false; // reset backstepping flag for (8) if (Binder == NULL) // if we don't just return from (11), Binder is already set to next unused Binder = mol->FindNextUnused(Walker); if (Binder == NULL) break; *out << Verbose(2) << "Current Unused Bond is " << *Binder << "." << endl; // (4) Mark Binder used, ... Binder->MarkUsed(black); OtherAtom = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker); *out << Verbose(2) << "(4) OtherAtom is " << OtherAtom->Name << "." << endl; if (OtherAtom->GraphNr != -1) { // (4a) ... if "other" atom has been visited (GraphNr != 0), set lowpoint to minimum of both, go to (3) Binder->Type = BackEdge; BackEdgeStack->Push(Binder); Walker->LowpointNr = ( Walker->LowpointNr < OtherAtom->GraphNr ) ? Walker->LowpointNr : OtherAtom->GraphNr; *out << Verbose(3) << "(4a) Visited: Setting Lowpoint of Walker[" << Walker->Name << "] to " << Walker->LowpointNr << "." << endl; } else { // (4b) ... otherwise set OtherAtom as Ancestor of Walker and Walker as OtherAtom, go to (2) Binder->Type = TreeEdge; OtherAtom->Ancestor = Walker; Walker = OtherAtom; *out << Verbose(3) << "(4b) Not Visited: OtherAtom[" << OtherAtom->Name << "]'s Ancestor is now " << OtherAtom->Ancestor->Name << ", Walker is OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << "." << endl; break; } Binder = NULL; } while (1); // (3) }; void CheckForaNewComponent(ofstream *out, molecule *mol, bool &BackStepping, atom *&Walker, atom *&Root, int &ComponentNumber, class StackClass *&AtomStack, MoleculeLeafClass *&LeafWalker ) { atom *OtherAtom = NULL; // (5) if Ancestor of Walker is ... *out << Verbose(1) << "(5) Number of Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->Name << "] is " << Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr << "." << endl; if (Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr != Root->GraphNr) { // (6) (Ancestor of Walker is not Root) if (Walker->LowpointNr < Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr) { // (6a) set Ancestor's Lowpoint number to minimum of of its Ancestor and itself, go to Step(8) Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr = (Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr < Walker->LowpointNr) ? Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr : Walker->LowpointNr; *out << Verbose(2) << "(6) Setting Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->Name << "]'s Lowpoint to " << Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr << "." << endl; } else { // (7) (Ancestor of Walker is a separating vertex, remove all from stack till Walker (including), these and Ancestor form a component Walker->Ancestor->SeparationVertex = true; *out << Verbose(2) << "(7) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->Name << "]'s is a separating vertex, creating component." << endl; mol->SetNextComponentNumber(Walker->Ancestor, ComponentNumber); *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor's Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl; mol->SetNextComponentNumber(Walker, ComponentNumber); *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl; do { OtherAtom = AtomStack->PopLast(); LeafWalker->Leaf->AddCopyAtom(OtherAtom); mol->SetNextComponentNumber(OtherAtom, ComponentNumber); *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Other[" << OtherAtom->Name << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl; } while (OtherAtom != Walker); ComponentNumber++; } // (8) Walker becomes its Ancestor, go to (3) *out << Verbose(2) << "(8) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "] is now its Ancestor " << Walker->Ancestor->Name << ", backstepping. " << endl; Walker = Walker->Ancestor; BackStepping = true; } }; void CleanRootStackDownTillWalker(ofstream *out, molecule *mol, bool &BackStepping, atom *&Root, atom *&Walker, bond *&Binder, int &ComponentNumber, class StackClass *&AtomStack, MoleculeLeafClass *&LeafWalker) { atom *OtherAtom = NULL; if (!BackStepping) { // coming from (8) want to go to (3) // (9) remove all from stack till Walker (including), these and Root form a component AtomStack->Output(out); mol->SetNextComponentNumber(Root, ComponentNumber); *out << Verbose(3) << "(9) Root[" << Root->Name << "]'s Component is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl; mol->SetNextComponentNumber(Walker, ComponentNumber); *out << Verbose(3) << "(9) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Component is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl; do { OtherAtom = AtomStack->PopLast(); LeafWalker->Leaf->AddCopyAtom(OtherAtom); mol->SetNextComponentNumber(OtherAtom, ComponentNumber); *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Other[" << OtherAtom->Name << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl; } while (OtherAtom != Walker); ComponentNumber++; // (11) Root is separation vertex, set Walker to Root and go to (4) Walker = Root; Binder = mol->FindNextUnused(Walker); *out << Verbose(1) << "(10) Walker is Root[" << Root->Name << "], next Unused Bond is " << Binder << "." << endl; if (Binder != NULL) { // Root is separation vertex *out << Verbose(1) << "(11) Root is a separation vertex." << endl; Walker->SeparationVertex = true; } } }; /** Performs a Depth-First search on this molecule. * Marks bonds in molecule as cyclic, bridge, ... and atoms as * articulations points, ... * We use the algorithm from [Even, Graph Algorithms, p.62]. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *&BackEdgeStack NULL pointer to StackClass with all the found back edges, allocated and filled on return * \return list of each disconnected subgraph as an individual molecule class structure */ MoleculeLeafClass * molecule::DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(ofstream *out, class StackClass *&BackEdgeStack) { class StackClass *AtomStack = new StackClass(AtomCount); BackEdgeStack = new StackClass (BondCount); MoleculeLeafClass *SubGraphs = new MoleculeLeafClass(NULL); MoleculeLeafClass *LeafWalker = SubGraphs; int CurrentGraphNr = 0, OldGraphNr; int ComponentNumber = 0; atom *Walker = NULL; atom *Root = start->next; bond *Binder = NULL; bool BackStepping = false; *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of DepthFirstSearchAnalysis" << endl; ResetAllBondsToUnused(); SetAtomValueToValue( -1, &atom::GraphNr ); ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::InitComponentNr ); BackEdgeStack->ClearStack(); while (Root != end) { // if there any atoms at all // (1) mark all edges unused, empty stack, set atom->GraphNr = 0 for all AtomStack->ClearStack(); // put into new subgraph molecule and add this to list of subgraphs LeafWalker = new MoleculeLeafClass(LeafWalker); LeafWalker->Leaf = new molecule(elemente); LeafWalker->Leaf->AddCopyAtom(Root); OldGraphNr = CurrentGraphNr; Walker = Root; do { // (10) do { // (2) set number and Lowpoint of Atom to i, increase i, push current atom SetWalkersGraphNr(out, BackStepping, Walker, CurrentGraphNr, AtomStack); ProbeAlongUnusedBond(out, this, Binder, BackStepping, Walker, BackEdgeStack); if (Binder == NULL) { *out << Verbose(2) << "No more Unused Bonds." << endl; break; } else Binder = NULL; } while (1); // (2) // if we came from backstepping, yet there were no more unused bonds, we end up here with no Ancestor, because Walker is Root! Then we are finished! if ((Walker == Root) && (Binder == NULL)) break; CheckForaNewComponent(out, this, BackStepping, Walker, Root,ComponentNumber, AtomStack, LeafWalker ); CleanRootStackDownTillWalker(out, this, BackStepping, Root, Walker, Binder, ComponentNumber, AtomStack, LeafWalker); } while ((BackStepping) || (Binder != NULL)); // (10) halt only if Root has no unused edges // From OldGraphNr to CurrentGraphNr ranges an disconnected subgraph *out << Verbose(0) << "Disconnected subgraph ranges from " << OldGraphNr << " to " << CurrentGraphNr << "." << endl; LeafWalker->Leaf->Output(out); *out << endl; // step on to next root while ((Root != end) && (Root->GraphNr != -1)) { //*out << Verbose(1) << "Current next subgraph root candidate is " << Root->Name << "." << endl; if (Root->GraphNr != -1) // if already discovered, step on Root = Root->next; } } // set cyclic bond criterium on "same LP" basis CyclicBondAnalysis(); OutputGraphInfoPerAtom(out); OutputGraphInfoPerBond(out); // free all and exit delete(AtomStack); *out << Verbose(0) << "End of DepthFirstSearchAnalysis" << endl; return SubGraphs; }; /** Scans through all bonds and set bond::Cyclic to true where atom::LowpointNr of both ends is equal: LP criterion. */ void molecule::CyclicBondAnalysis() { NoCyclicBonds = 0; bond *Binder = first; while(Binder->next != last) { Binder = Binder->next; if (Binder->rightatom->LowpointNr == Binder->leftatom->LowpointNr) { // cyclic ?? Binder->Cyclic = true; NoCyclicBonds++; } } }; /** Output graph information per atom. * \param *out output stream */ void molecule::OutputGraphInfoPerAtom(ofstream *out) { *out << Verbose(1) << "Final graph info for each atom is:" << endl; ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::OutputGraphInfo, out ); }; /** Output graph information per bond. * \param *out output stream */ void molecule::OutputGraphInfoPerBond(ofstream *out) { *out << Verbose(1) << "Final graph info for each bond is:" << endl; bond *Binder = first; while(Binder->next != last) { Binder = Binder->next; *out << Verbose(2) << ((Binder->Type == TreeEdge) ? "TreeEdge " : "BackEdge ") << *Binder << ": <"; *out << ((Binder->leftatom->SeparationVertex) ? "SP," : "") << "L" << Binder->leftatom->LowpointNr << " G" << Binder->leftatom->GraphNr << " Comp."; Binder->leftatom->OutputComponentNumber(out); *out << " === "; *out << ((Binder->rightatom->SeparationVertex) ? "SP," : "") << "L" << Binder->rightatom->LowpointNr << " G" << Binder->rightatom->GraphNr << " Comp."; Binder->rightatom->OutputComponentNumber(out); *out << ">." << endl; if (Binder->Cyclic) // cyclic ?? *out << Verbose(3) << "Lowpoint at each side are equal: CYCLIC!" << endl; } }; /** initialise each vertex as white with no predecessor, empty queue, color Root lightgray. * */ void InitializeAccounting(atom **&PredecessorList, int *&ShortestPathList, enum Shading *&ColorList, int AtomCount) { for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) { PredecessorList[i] = NULL; ShortestPathList[i] = -1; ColorList[i] = white; } }; void ResetAccounting(atom *&Walker, class StackClass *&TouchedStack, int *&ShortestPathList, class StackClass *&BFSStack) { ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = 0; BFSStack->ClearStack(); // start with empty BFS stack BFSStack->Push(Walker); TouchedStack->Push(Walker); }; void CyclicBFSFromRootToRoot(ofstream *out, atom *&Root, bond *&BackEdge, class StackClass *&TouchedStack, int *&ShortestPathList, atom **&PredecessorList, class StackClass *&BFSStack, enum Shading *&ColorList) { atom *Walker = NULL; atom *OtherAtom = NULL; do { // look for Root Walker = BFSStack->PopFirst(); *out << Verbose(2) << "Current Walker is " << *Walker << ", we look for SP to Root " << *Root << "." << endl; for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) { if ((*Runner) != BackEdge) { // only walk along DFS spanning tree (otherwise we always find SP of one being backedge Binder) OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker); #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN if (OtherAtom->type->Z != 1) { #endif *out << Verbose(2) << "Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->Name << " for bond " << *(*Runner) << "." << endl; if (ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) { TouchedStack->Push(OtherAtom); ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = lightgray; PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] = ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1; *out << Verbose(2) << "Coloring OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << " lightgray, its predecessor is " << Walker->Name << " and its Shortest Path is " << ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] << " egde(s) long." << endl; //if (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr]) { // Check for maximum distance *out << Verbose(3) << "Putting OtherAtom into queue." << endl; BFSStack->Push(OtherAtom); //} } else { *out << Verbose(3) << "Not Adding, has already been visited." << endl; } if (OtherAtom == Root) break; #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN } else { *out << Verbose(2) << "Skipping hydrogen atom " << *OtherAtom << "." << endl; ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = black; } #endif } else { *out << Verbose(2) << "Bond " << *(*Runner) << " not Visiting, is the back edge." << endl; } } ColorList[Walker->nr] = black; *out << Verbose(1) << "Coloring Walker " << Walker->Name << " black." << endl; if (OtherAtom == Root) { // if we have found the root, check whether this cycle wasn't already found beforehand // step through predecessor list while (OtherAtom != BackEdge->rightatom) { if (!OtherAtom->GetTrueFather()->IsCyclic) // if one bond in the loop is not marked as cyclic, we haven't found this cycle yet break; else OtherAtom = PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr]; } if (OtherAtom == BackEdge->rightatom) { // if each atom in found cycle is cyclic, loop's been found before already *out << Verbose(3) << "This cycle was already found before, skipping and removing seeker from search." << endl;\ do { OtherAtom = TouchedStack->PopLast(); if (PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] == Walker) { *out << Verbose(4) << "Removing " << *OtherAtom << " from lists and stacks." << endl; PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = NULL; ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] = -1; ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = white; BFSStack->RemoveItem(OtherAtom); } } while ((!TouchedStack->IsEmpty()) && (PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] == NULL)); TouchedStack->Push(OtherAtom); // last was wrongly popped OtherAtom = BackEdge->rightatom; // set to not Root } else OtherAtom = Root; } } while ((!BFSStack->IsEmpty()) && (OtherAtom != Root) && (OtherAtom != NULL)); // || (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr]))); }; void RetrieveCycleMembers(ofstream *out, atom *&Root, atom *&OtherAtom, bond *&BackEdge, atom **&PredecessorList, int *&MinimumRingSize, int &MinRingSize) { atom *Walker = NULL; int NumCycles = 0; int RingSize = -1; if (OtherAtom == Root) { // now climb back the predecessor list and thus find the cycle members NumCycles++; RingSize = 1; Root->GetTrueFather()->IsCyclic = true; *out << Verbose(1) << "Found ring contains: "; Walker = Root; while (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) { *out << Walker->Name << " <-> "; Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->nr]; Walker->GetTrueFather()->IsCyclic = true; RingSize++; } *out << Walker->Name << " with a length of " << RingSize << "." << endl << endl; // walk through all and set MinimumRingSize Walker = Root; MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] = RingSize; while (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) { Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->nr]; if (RingSize < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr]) MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] = RingSize; } if ((RingSize < MinRingSize) || (MinRingSize == -1)) MinRingSize = RingSize; } else { *out << Verbose(1) << "No ring containing " << *Root << " with length equal to or smaller than " << MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] << " found." << endl; } }; void CleanAccounting(class StackClass *&TouchedStack, atom **&PredecessorList, int *&ShortestPathList, enum Shading *&ColorList) { atom *Walker = NULL; while (!TouchedStack->IsEmpty()){ Walker = TouchedStack->PopFirst(); PredecessorList[Walker->nr] = NULL; ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = -1; ColorList[Walker->nr] = white; } }; void BFSToNextCycle(ofstream *out, atom *&Root, atom *&Walker, bond *&BackEdge, int *&MinimumRingSize, int AtomCount) { atom **PredecessorList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: **PredecessorList"); int *ShortestPathList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: *ShortestPathList"); enum Shading *ColorList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: *ColorList"); class StackClass *BFSStack = new StackClass (AtomCount); // will hold the current ring class StackClass *TouchedStack = new StackClass (AtomCount); // contains all "touched" atoms (that need to be reset after BFS loop) atom *OtherAtom = Walker; InitializeAccounting(PredecessorList, ShortestPathList, ColorList, AtomCount); ResetAccounting(Walker, TouchedStack, ShortestPathList, BFSStack); while (OtherAtom != NULL) { // look for Root Walker = BFSStack->PopFirst(); //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current Walker is " << *Walker << ", we look for SP to Root " << *Root << "." << endl; for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) { if (((*Runner) != BackEdge) || (Walker->ListOfBonds.size() == 1)) { // only walk along DFS spanning tree (otherwise we always find SP of 1 being backedge Binder), but terminal hydrogens may be connected via backedge, hence extra check OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker); //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->Name << " for bond " << *Binder << "." << endl; if (ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) { TouchedStack->Push(OtherAtom); ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = lightgray; PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] = ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1; //*out << Verbose(2) << "Coloring OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << " lightgray, its predecessor is " << Walker->Name << " and its Shortest Path is " << ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] << " egde(s) long." << endl; if (OtherAtom->GetTrueFather()->IsCyclic) { // if the other atom is connected to a ring MinimumRingSize[Root->GetTrueFather()->nr] = ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr]+MinimumRingSize[OtherAtom->GetTrueFather()->nr]; OtherAtom = NULL; //break; break; } else BFSStack->Push(OtherAtom); } else { //*out << Verbose(3) << "Not Adding, has already been visited." << endl; } } else { //*out << Verbose(3) << "Not Visiting, is a back edge." << endl; } } ColorList[Walker->nr] = black; //*out << Verbose(1) << "Coloring Walker " << Walker->Name << " black." << endl; } //CleanAccountingLists(TouchedStack, PredecessorList, ShortestPathList, ColorList); Free(&PredecessorList); Free(&ShortestPathList); Free(&ColorList); delete(BFSStack); }; void AssignRingSizetoNonCycleMembers(ofstream *out, int *&MinimumRingSize, int &MinRingSize, int &NumCycles, molecule *mol, bond *&BackEdge) { atom *Root= NULL; atom *Walker = NULL; if (MinRingSize != -1) { // if rings are present // go over all atoms Root = mol->start; while(Root->next != mol->end) { Root = Root->next; if (MinimumRingSize[Root->GetTrueFather()->nr] == mol->AtomCount) { // check whether MinimumRingSize is set, if not BFS to next where it is Walker = Root; //*out << Verbose(1) << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; BFSToNextCycle(out, Root, Walker, BackEdge, MinimumRingSize, mol->AtomCount); } *out << Verbose(1) << "Minimum ring size of " << *Root << " is " << MinimumRingSize[Root->GetTrueFather()->nr] << "." << endl; } *out << Verbose(1) << "Minimum ring size is " << MinRingSize << ", over " << NumCycles << " cycles total." << endl; } else *out << Verbose(1) << "No rings were detected in the molecular structure." << endl; }; /** Analyses the cycles found and returns minimum of all cycle lengths. * We begin with a list of Back edges found during DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(). We go through this list - one end is the Root, * the other our initial Walker - and do a Breadth First Search for the Root. We mark down each Predecessor and as soon as * we have found the Root via BFS, we may climb back the closed cycle via the Predecessors. Thereby we mark atoms and bonds * as cyclic and print out the cycles. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *BackEdgeStack stack with all back edges found during DFS scan. Beware: This stack contains the bonds from the total molecule, not from the subgraph! * \param *&MinimumRingSize contains smallest ring size in molecular structure on return or -1 if no rings were found, if set is maximum search distance * \todo BFS from the not-same-LP to find back to starting point of tributary cycle over more than one bond */ void molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis(ofstream *out, class StackClass * BackEdgeStack, int *&MinimumRingSize) { atom **PredecessorList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: **PredecessorList"); int *ShortestPathList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: *ShortestPathList"); enum Shading *ColorList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: *ColorList"); class StackClass *BFSStack = new StackClass (AtomCount); // will hold the current ring class StackClass *TouchedStack = new StackClass (AtomCount); // contains all "touched" atoms (that need to be reset after BFS loop) atom *Walker = NULL; atom *OtherAtom = NULL; atom *Root = NULL; bond *BackEdge = NULL; int NumCycles = 0; int MinRingSize = -1; InitializeAccounting(PredecessorList, ShortestPathList, ColorList, AtomCount); *out << Verbose(1) << "Back edge list - "; BackEdgeStack->Output(out); *out << Verbose(1) << "Analysing cycles ... " << endl; NumCycles = 0; while (!BackEdgeStack->IsEmpty()) { BackEdge = BackEdgeStack->PopFirst(); // this is the target Root = BackEdge->leftatom; // this is the source point Walker = BackEdge->rightatom; ResetAccounting(Walker, TouchedStack, ShortestPathList, BFSStack); *out << Verbose(1) << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; OtherAtom = NULL; CyclicBFSFromRootToRoot(out, Root, BackEdge, TouchedStack, ShortestPathList, PredecessorList, BFSStack, ColorList); RetrieveCycleMembers(out, Root, OtherAtom, BackEdge, PredecessorList, MinimumRingSize, MinRingSize); CleanAccounting(TouchedStack, PredecessorList, ShortestPathList, ColorList); } Free(&PredecessorList); Free(&ShortestPathList); Free(&ColorList); delete(BFSStack); AssignRingSizetoNonCycleMembers(out, MinimumRingSize, MinRingSize, NumCycles, this, BackEdge); }; /** Sets the next component number. * This is O(N) as the number of bonds per atom is bound. * \param *vertex atom whose next atom::*ComponentNr is to be set * \param nr number to use */ void molecule::SetNextComponentNumber(atom *vertex, int nr) { size_t i=0; if (vertex != NULL) { for(;iListOfBonds.size();i++) { if (vertex->ComponentNr[i] == -1) { // check if not yet used vertex->ComponentNr[i] = nr; break; } else if (vertex->ComponentNr[i] == nr) // if number is already present, don't add another time break; // breaking here will not cause error! } if (i == vertex->ListOfBonds.size()) cerr << "Error: All Component entries are already occupied!" << endl; } else cerr << "Error: Given vertex is NULL!" << endl; }; /** Returns next unused bond for this atom \a *vertex or NULL of none exists. * \param *vertex atom to regard * \return bond class or NULL */ bond * molecule::FindNextUnused(atom *vertex) { for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = vertex->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != vertex->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) if ((*Runner)->IsUsed() == white) return((*Runner)); return NULL; }; /** Resets bond::Used flag of all bonds in this molecule. * \return true - success, false - -failure */ void molecule::ResetAllBondsToUnused() { bond *Binder = first; while (Binder->next != last) { Binder = Binder->next; Binder->ResetUsed(); } }; /** Output a list of flags, stating whether the bond was visited or not. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *list */ void OutputAlreadyVisited(ofstream *out, int *list) { *out << Verbose(4) << "Already Visited Bonds:\t"; for(int i=1;i<=list[0];i++) *out << Verbose(0) << list[i] << " "; *out << endl; }; /** Storing the bond structure of a molecule to file. * Simply stores Atom::nr and then the Atom::nr of all bond partners per line. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *path path to file * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed */ bool molecule::StoreAdjacencyToFile(ofstream *out, char *path) { ofstream AdjacencyFile; stringstream line; bool status = true; line << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ADJACENCYFILE; AdjacencyFile.open(line.str().c_str(), ios::out); *out << Verbose(1) << "Saving adjacency list ... "; if (AdjacencyFile != NULL) { ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::OutputAdjacency, &AdjacencyFile ); AdjacencyFile.close(); *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl; } else { *out << Verbose(1) << "failed to open file " << line.str() << "." << endl; status = false; } return status; }; bool CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule_Init(ofstream *out, char *path, ifstream &File, int *&CurrentBonds) { stringstream filename; filename << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ADJACENCYFILE; File.open(filename.str().c_str(), ios::out); *out << Verbose(1) << "Looking at bond structure stored in adjacency file and comparing to present one ... "; if (File == NULL) return false; // allocate storage structure CurrentBonds = Malloc(8, "molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule - CurrentBonds"); // contains parsed bonds of current atom return true; }; void CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule_Finalize(ofstream *out, ifstream &File, int *&CurrentBonds) { File.close(); File.clear(); Free(&CurrentBonds); }; void CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule_CompareBonds(ofstream *out, bool &status, int &NonMatchNumber, atom *&Walker, size_t &CurrentBondsOfAtom, int AtomNr, int *&CurrentBonds, atom **ListOfAtoms) { size_t j = 0; int id = -1; //*out << Verbose(2) << "Walker is " << *Walker << ", bond partners: "; if (CurrentBondsOfAtom == Walker->ListOfBonds.size()) { for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) { id = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker)->nr; j = 0; for (;(jListOfBonds.size() << "." << endl; status = false; } }; /** Checks contents of adjacency file against bond structure in structure molecule. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *path path to file * \param **ListOfAtoms allocated (molecule::AtomCount) and filled lookup table for ids (Atom::nr) to *Atom * \return true - structure is equal, false - not equivalence */ bool molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule(ofstream *out, char *path, atom **ListOfAtoms) { ifstream File; bool status = true; atom *Walker = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; int *CurrentBonds = NULL; int NonMatchNumber = 0; // will number of atoms with differing bond structure size_t CurrentBondsOfAtom = -1; if (!CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule_Init(out, path, File, CurrentBonds)) { *out << Verbose(1) << "Adjacency file not found." << endl; return true; } buffer = Malloc(MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule: *buffer"); // Parse the file line by line and count the bonds while (!File.eof()) { File.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE); stringstream line; line.str(buffer); int AtomNr = -1; line >> AtomNr; CurrentBondsOfAtom = -1; // we count one too far due to line end // parse into structure if ((AtomNr >= 0) && (AtomNr < AtomCount)) { Walker = ListOfAtoms[AtomNr]; while (!line.eof()) line >> CurrentBonds[ ++CurrentBondsOfAtom ]; // compare against present bonds CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule_CompareBonds(out, status, NonMatchNumber, Walker, CurrentBondsOfAtom, AtomNr, CurrentBonds, ListOfAtoms); } } Free(&buffer); CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule_Finalize(out, File, CurrentBonds); if (status) { // if equal we parse the KeySetFile *out << Verbose(1) << "done: Equal." << endl; } else *out << Verbose(1) << "done: Not equal by " << NonMatchNumber << " atoms." << endl; return status; }; /** Picks from a global stack with all back edges the ones in the fragment. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param **ListOfLocalAtoms array of father atom::nr to local atom::nr (reverse of atom::father) * \param *ReferenceStack stack with all the back egdes * \param *LocalStack stack to be filled * \return true - everything ok, false - ReferenceStack was empty */ bool molecule::PickLocalBackEdges(ofstream *out, atom **ListOfLocalAtoms, class StackClass *&ReferenceStack, class StackClass *&LocalStack) { bool status = true; if (ReferenceStack->IsEmpty()) { cerr << "ReferenceStack is empty!" << endl; return false; } bond *Binder = ReferenceStack->PopFirst(); bond *FirstBond = Binder; // mark the first bond, so that we don't loop through the stack indefinitely atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL; ReferenceStack->Push(Binder); do { // go through all bonds and push local ones Walker = ListOfLocalAtoms[Binder->leftatom->nr]; // get one atom in the reference molecule if (Walker != NULL) // if this Walker exists in the subgraph ... for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) { OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker); if (OtherAtom == ListOfLocalAtoms[(*Runner)->rightatom->nr]) { // found the bond LocalStack->Push((*Runner)); *out << Verbose(3) << "Found local edge " << *(*Runner) << "." << endl; break; } } Binder = ReferenceStack->PopFirst(); // loop the stack for next item *out << Verbose(3) << "Current candidate edge " << Binder << "." << endl; ReferenceStack->Push(Binder); } while (FirstBond != Binder); return status; }; /** Adds atoms up to \a BondCount distance from \a *Root and notes them down in \a **AddedAtomList. * Gray vertices are always enqueued in an StackClass FIFO queue, the rest is usual BFS with adding vertices found was * white and putting into queue. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *Mol Molecule class to add atoms to * \param **AddedAtomList list with added atom pointers, index is atom father's number * \param **AddedBondList list with added bond pointers, index is bond father's number * \param *Root root vertex for BFS * \param *Bond bond not to look beyond * \param BondOrder maximum distance for vertices to add * \param IsAngstroem lengths are in angstroem or bohrradii */ void molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd(ofstream *out, molecule *Mol, atom **&AddedAtomList, bond **&AddedBondList, atom *Root, bond *Bond, int BondOrder, bool IsAngstroem) { atom **PredecessorList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: **PredecessorList"); int *ShortestPathList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: *ShortestPathList"); enum Shading *ColorList = Malloc(AtomCount, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: *ColorList"); class StackClass *AtomStack = new StackClass(AtomCount); atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL; // add Root if not done yet AtomStack->ClearStack(); if (AddedAtomList[Root->nr] == NULL) // add Root if not yet present AddedAtomList[Root->nr] = Mol->AddCopyAtom(Root); AtomStack->Push(Root); // initialise each vertex as white with no predecessor, empty queue, color Root lightgray for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) { PredecessorList[i] = NULL; ShortestPathList[i] = -1; if (AddedAtomList[i] != NULL) // mark already present atoms (i.e. Root and maybe others) as visited ColorList[i] = lightgray; else ColorList[i] = white; } ShortestPathList[Root->nr] = 0; // and go on ... Queue always contains all lightgray vertices while (!AtomStack->IsEmpty()) { // we have to pop the oldest atom from stack. This keeps the atoms on the stack always of the same ShortestPath distance. // e.g. if current atom is 2, push to end of stack are of length 3, but first all of length 2 would be popped. They again // append length of 3 (their neighbours). Thus on stack we have always atoms of a certain length n at bottom of stack and // followed by n+1 till top of stack. Walker = AtomStack->PopFirst(); // pop oldest added *out << Verbose(1) << "Current Walker is: " << Walker->Name << ", and has " << Walker->ListOfBonds.size() << " bonds." << endl; for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) { if ((*Runner) != NULL) { // don't look at bond equal NULL OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker); *out << Verbose(2) << "Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->Name << " for bond " << *(*Runner) << "." << endl; if (ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) { if ((*Runner) != Bond) // let other atom white if it's via Root bond. In case it's cyclic it has to be reached again (yet Root is from OtherAtom already black, thus no problem) ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = lightgray; PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] = ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1; *out << Verbose(2) << "Coloring OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << " " << ((ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) ? "white" : "lightgray") << ", its predecessor is " << Walker->Name << " and its Shortest Path is " << ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] << " egde(s) long." << endl; if ((((ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] < BondOrder) && ((*Runner) != Bond))) ) { // Check for maximum distance *out << Verbose(3); if (AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] == NULL) { // add if it's not been so far AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] = Mol->AddCopyAtom(OtherAtom); *out << "Added OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name; AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr] = Mol->CopyBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], (*Runner)); *out << " and bond " << *(AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr]) << ", "; } else { // this code should actually never come into play (all white atoms are not yet present in BondMolecule, that's why they are white in the first place) *out << "Not adding OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name; if (AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr] == NULL) { AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr] = Mol->CopyBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], (*Runner)); *out << ", added Bond " << *(AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr]); } else *out << ", not added Bond "; } *out << ", putting OtherAtom into queue." << endl; AtomStack->Push(OtherAtom); } else { // out of bond order, then replace if ((AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] == NULL) && ((*Runner)->Cyclic)) ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = white; // unmark if it has not been queued/added, to make it available via its other bonds (cyclic) if ((*Runner) == Bond) *out << Verbose(3) << "Not Queueing, is the Root bond"; else if (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] >= BondOrder) *out << Verbose(3) << "Not Queueing, is out of Bond Count of " << BondOrder; if (!(*Runner)->Cyclic) *out << ", is not part of a cyclic bond, saturating bond with Hydrogen." << endl; if (AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr] == NULL) { if ((AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] != NULL)) { // .. whether we add or saturate AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr] = Mol->CopyBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], (*Runner)); } else { #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN if (!Mol->AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(out, (*Runner), AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], Walker, OtherAtom, IsAngstroem)) exit(1); #endif } } } } else { *out << Verbose(3) << "Not Adding, has already been visited." << endl; // This has to be a cyclic bond, check whether it's present ... if (AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr] == NULL) { if (((*Runner) != Bond) && ((*Runner)->Cyclic) && (((ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1) < BondOrder))) { AddedBondList[(*Runner)->nr] = Mol->CopyBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], (*Runner)); } else { // if it's root bond it has to broken (otherwise we would not create the fragments) #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN if(!Mol->AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(out, (*Runner), AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], Walker, OtherAtom, IsAngstroem)) exit(1); #endif } } } } } ColorList[Walker->nr] = black; *out << Verbose(1) << "Coloring Walker " << Walker->Name << " black." << endl; } Free(&PredecessorList); Free(&ShortestPathList); Free(&ColorList); delete(AtomStack); }; /** Adds a bond as a copy to a given one * \param *left leftatom of new bond * \param *right rightatom of new bond * \param *CopyBond rest of fields in bond are copied from this * \return pointer to new bond */ bond * molecule::CopyBond(atom *left, atom *right, bond *CopyBond) { bond *Binder = AddBond(left, right, CopyBond->BondDegree); Binder->Cyclic = CopyBond->Cyclic; Binder->Type = CopyBond->Type; return Binder; }; /** Adds bond structure to this molecule from \a Father molecule. * This basically causes this molecule to become an induced subgraph of the \a Father, i.e. for every bond in Father * with end points present in this molecule, bond is created in this molecule. * Special care was taken to ensure that this is of complexity O(N), where N is the \a Father's molecule::AtomCount. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *Father father molecule * \return true - is induced subgraph, false - there are atoms with fathers not in \a Father * \todo not checked, not fully working probably */ bool molecule::BuildInducedSubgraph(ofstream *out, const molecule *Father) { atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL; bool status = true; atom **ParentList = Malloc(Father->AtomCount, "molecule::BuildInducedSubgraph: **ParentList"); *out << Verbose(2) << "Begin of BuildInducedSubgraph." << endl; // reset parent list *out << Verbose(3) << "Resetting ParentList." << endl; for (int i=Father->AtomCount;i--;) ParentList[i] = NULL; // fill parent list with sons *out << Verbose(3) << "Filling Parent List." << endl; Walker = start; while (Walker->next != end) { Walker = Walker->next; ParentList[Walker->father->nr] = Walker; // Outputting List for debugging *out << Verbose(4) << "Son["<< Walker->father->nr <<"] of " << Walker->father << " is " << ParentList[Walker->father->nr] << "." << endl; } // check each entry of parent list and if ok (one-to-and-onto matching) create bonds *out << Verbose(3) << "Creating bonds." << endl; Walker = Father->start; while (Walker->next != Father->end) { Walker = Walker->next; if (ParentList[Walker->nr] != NULL) { if (ParentList[Walker->nr]->father != Walker) { status = false; } else { for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) { OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker); if (ParentList[OtherAtom->nr] != NULL) { // if otheratom is also a father of an atom on this molecule, create the bond *out << Verbose(4) << "Endpoints of Bond " << (*Runner) << " are both present: " << ParentList[Walker->nr]->Name << " and " << ParentList[OtherAtom->nr]->Name << "." << endl; AddBond(ParentList[Walker->nr], ParentList[OtherAtom->nr], (*Runner)->BondDegree); } } } } } Free(&ParentList); *out << Verbose(2) << "End of BuildInducedSubgraph." << endl; return status; }; /** For a given keyset \a *Fragment, checks whether it is connected in the current molecule. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \param *Fragment Keyset of fragment's vertices * \return true - connected, false - disconnected * \note this is O(n^2) for it's just a bug checker not meant for permanent use! */ bool molecule::CheckForConnectedSubgraph(ofstream *out, KeySet *Fragment) { atom *Walker = NULL, *Walker2 = NULL; bool BondStatus = false; int size; *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of CheckForConnectedSubgraph" << endl; *out << Verbose(2) << "Disconnected atom: "; // count number of atoms in graph size = 0; for(KeySet::iterator runner = Fragment->begin(); runner != Fragment->end(); runner++) size++; if (size > 1) for(KeySet::iterator runner = Fragment->begin(); runner != Fragment->end(); runner++) { Walker = FindAtom(*runner); BondStatus = false; for(KeySet::iterator runners = Fragment->begin(); runners != Fragment->end(); runners++) { Walker2 = FindAtom(*runners); for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) { if ((*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker) == Walker2) { BondStatus = true; break; } if (BondStatus) break; } } if (!BondStatus) { *out << (*Walker) << endl; return false; } } else { *out << "none." << endl; return true; } *out << "none." << endl; *out << Verbose(1) << "End of CheckForConnectedSubgraph" << endl; return true; }