1 | /*
2 | * molecule_fragmentation.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 5, 2009
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include <cstring>
9 |
10 | #include "World.hpp"
11 | #include "atom.hpp"
12 | #include "bond.hpp"
13 | #include "config.hpp"
14 | #include "element.hpp"
15 | #include "helpers.hpp"
16 | #include "lists.hpp"
17 | #include "log.hpp"
18 | #include "memoryallocator.hpp"
19 | #include "molecule.hpp"
20 | #include "periodentafel.hpp"
21 |
22 | /************************************* Functions for class molecule *********************************/
23 |
24 |
25 | /** Estimates by educated guessing (using upper limit) the expected number of fragments.
26 | * The upper limit is
27 | * \f[
28 | * n = N \cdot C^k
29 | * \f]
30 | * where \f$C=2^c\f$ and c is the maximum bond degree over N number of atoms.
31 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
32 | * \param order bond order k
33 | * \return number n of fragments
34 | */
35 | int molecule::GuesstimateFragmentCount(int order)
36 | {
37 | size_t c = 0;
38 | int FragmentCount;
39 | // get maximum bond degree
40 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) {
41 | c = ((*iter)->ListOfBonds.size() > c) ? (*iter)->ListOfBonds.size() : c;
42 | }
43 | FragmentCount = NoNonHydrogen*(1 << (c*order));
44 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Upper limit for this subgraph is " << FragmentCount << " for " << NoNonHydrogen << " non-H atoms with maximum bond degree of " << c << "." << endl;
45 | return FragmentCount;
46 | };
47 |
48 | /** Scans a single line for number and puts them into \a KeySet.
49 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
50 | * \param *buffer buffer to scan
51 | * \param &CurrentSet filled KeySet on return
52 | * \return true - at least one valid atom id parsed, false - CurrentSet is empty
53 | */
54 | bool ScanBufferIntoKeySet(char *buffer, KeySet &CurrentSet)
55 | {
56 | stringstream line;
57 | int AtomNr;
58 | int status = 0;
59 |
60 | line.str(buffer);
61 | while (!line.eof()) {
62 | line >> AtomNr;
63 | if (AtomNr >= 0) {
64 | CurrentSet.insert(AtomNr); // insert at end, hence in same order as in file!
65 | status++;
66 | } // else it's "-1" or else and thus must not be added
67 | }
68 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "The scanned KeySet is ";
69 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = CurrentSet.begin(); runner != CurrentSet.end(); runner++) {
70 | Log() << Verbose(0) << (*runner) << "\t";
71 | }
72 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
73 | return (status != 0);
74 | };
75 |
76 | /** Parses the KeySet file and fills \a *FragmentList from the known molecule structure.
77 | * Does two-pass scanning:
78 | * -# Scans the keyset file and initialises a temporary graph
79 | * -# Scans TEFactors file and sets the TEFactor of each key set in the temporary graph accordingly
80 | * Finally, the temporary graph is inserted into the given \a FragmentList for return.
81 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
82 | * \param *path path to file
83 | * \param *FragmentList empty, filled on return
84 | * \return true - parsing successfully, false - failure on parsing (FragmentList will be NULL)
85 | */
86 | bool ParseKeySetFile(char *path, Graph *&FragmentList)
87 | {
88 | bool status = true;
89 | ifstream InputFile;
90 | stringstream line;
91 | GraphTestPair testGraphInsert;
92 | int NumberOfFragments = 0;
93 | char *filename = Malloc<char>(MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::ParseKeySetFile - filename");
94 |
95 | if (FragmentList == NULL) { // check list pointer
96 | FragmentList = new Graph;
97 | }
98 |
99 | // 1st pass: open file and read
100 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Parsing the KeySet file ... " << endl;
101 | sprintf(filename, "%s/%s%s", path, FRAGMENTPREFIX, KEYSETFILE);
102 | InputFile.open(filename);
103 | if (InputFile != NULL) {
104 | // each line represents a new fragment
105 | char *buffer = Malloc<char>(MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::ParseKeySetFile - *buffer");
106 | // 1. parse keysets and insert into temp. graph
107 | while (!InputFile.eof()) {
108 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
109 | KeySet CurrentSet;
110 | if ((strlen(buffer) > 0) && (ScanBufferIntoKeySet(buffer, CurrentSet))) { // if at least one valid atom was added, write config
111 | testGraphInsert = FragmentList->insert(GraphPair (CurrentSet,pair<int,double>(NumberOfFragments++,1))); // store fragment number and current factor
112 | if (!testGraphInsert.second) {
113 | eLog() << Verbose(0) << "KeySet file must be corrupt as there are two equal key sets therein!" << endl;
114 | performCriticalExit();
115 | }
116 | }
117 | }
118 | // 2. Free and done
119 | InputFile.close();
120 | InputFile.clear();
121 | Free(&buffer);
122 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
123 | } else {
124 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "File " << filename << " not found." << endl;
125 | status = false;
126 | }
127 |
128 | Free(&filename);
129 | return status;
130 | };
131 |
132 | /** Parses the TE factors file and fills \a *FragmentList from the known molecule structure.
133 | * -# Scans TEFactors file and sets the TEFactor of each key set in the temporary graph accordingly
134 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
135 | * \param *path path to file
136 | * \param *FragmentList graph whose nodes's TE factors are set on return
137 | * \return true - parsing successfully, false - failure on parsing
138 | */
139 | bool ParseTEFactorsFile(char *path, Graph *FragmentList)
140 | {
141 | bool status = true;
142 | ifstream InputFile;
143 | stringstream line;
144 | GraphTestPair testGraphInsert;
145 | int NumberOfFragments = 0;
146 | double TEFactor;
147 | char *filename = Malloc<char>(MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::ParseTEFactorsFile - filename");
148 |
149 | if (FragmentList == NULL) { // check list pointer
150 | FragmentList = new Graph;
151 | }
152 |
153 | // 2nd pass: open TEFactors file and read
154 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Parsing the TEFactors file ... " << endl;
155 | sprintf(filename, "%s/%s%s", path, FRAGMENTPREFIX, TEFACTORSFILE);
156 | InputFile.open(filename);
157 | if (InputFile != NULL) {
158 | // 3. add found TEFactors to each keyset
159 | NumberOfFragments = 0;
160 | for(Graph::iterator runner = FragmentList->begin();runner != FragmentList->end(); runner++) {
161 | if (!InputFile.eof()) {
162 | InputFile >> TEFactor;
163 | (*runner).second.second = TEFactor;
164 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Setting " << ++NumberOfFragments << " fragment's TEFactor to " << (*runner).second.second << "." << endl;
165 | } else {
166 | status = false;
167 | break;
168 | }
169 | }
170 | // 4. Free and done
171 | InputFile.close();
172 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
173 | } else {
174 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "File " << filename << " not found." << endl;
175 | status = false;
176 | }
177 |
178 | // free memory
179 | Free(&filename);
180 |
181 | return status;
182 | };
183 |
184 | /** Stores key sets to file.
185 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
186 | * \param KeySetList Graph with Keysets
187 | * \param *path path to file
188 | * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
189 | */
190 | bool StoreKeySetFile(Graph &KeySetList, char *path)
191 | {
192 | ofstream output;
193 | bool status = true;
194 | string line;
195 |
196 | // open KeySet file
197 | line = path;
198 | line.append("/");
199 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
200 | line += KEYSETFILE;
201 | output.open(line.c_str(), ios::out);
202 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Saving key sets of the total graph ... ";
203 | if(output != NULL) {
204 | for(Graph::iterator runner = KeySetList.begin(); runner != KeySetList.end(); runner++) {
205 | for (KeySet::iterator sprinter = (*runner).first.begin();sprinter != (*runner).first.end(); sprinter++) {
206 | if (sprinter != (*runner).first.begin())
207 | output << "\t";
208 | output << *sprinter;
209 | }
210 | output << endl;
211 | }
212 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "done." << endl;
213 | } else {
214 | eLog() << Verbose(0) << "Unable to open " << line << " for writing keysets!" << endl;
215 | performCriticalExit();
216 | status = false;
217 | }
218 | output.close();
219 | output.clear();
220 |
221 | return status;
222 | };
223 |
224 |
225 | /** Stores TEFactors to file.
226 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
227 | * \param KeySetList Graph with factors
228 | * \param *path path to file
229 | * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
230 | */
231 | bool StoreTEFactorsFile(Graph &KeySetList, char *path)
232 | {
233 | ofstream output;
234 | bool status = true;
235 | string line;
236 |
237 | // open TEFactors file
238 | line = path;
239 | line.append("/");
240 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
241 | line += TEFACTORSFILE;
242 | output.open(line.c_str(), ios::out);
243 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Saving TEFactors of the total graph ... ";
244 | if(output != NULL) {
245 | for(Graph::iterator runner = KeySetList.begin(); runner != KeySetList.end(); runner++)
246 | output << (*runner).second.second << endl;
247 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
248 | } else {
249 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "failed to open " << line << "." << endl;
250 | status = false;
251 | }
252 | output.close();
253 |
254 | return status;
255 | };
256 |
257 | /** For a given graph, sorts KeySets into a (index, keyset) map.
258 | * \param *GlobalKeySetList list of keysets with global ids (valid in "this" molecule) needed for adaptive increase
259 | * \return map from index to keyset
260 | */
261 | map<int,KeySet> * GraphToIndexedKeySet(Graph *GlobalKeySetList)
262 | {
263 | map<int,KeySet> *IndexKeySetList = new map<int,KeySet>;
264 | for(Graph::iterator runner = GlobalKeySetList->begin(); runner != GlobalKeySetList->end(); runner++) {
265 | IndexKeySetList->insert( pair<int,KeySet>(runner->second.first,runner->first) );
266 | }
267 | return IndexKeySetList;
268 | };
269 |
270 | /** Inserts a (\a No, \a value) pair into the list, overwriting present one.
271 | * Note if values are equal, No will decided on which is first
272 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
273 | * \param &AdaptiveCriteriaList list to insert into
274 | * \param &IndexedKeySetList list to find key set for a given index \a No
275 | * \param FragOrder current bond order of fragment
276 | * \param No index of keyset
277 | * \param value energy value
278 | */
279 | void InsertIntoAdaptiveCriteriaList(map<int, pair<double,int> > *AdaptiveCriteriaList, map<int,KeySet> &IndexKeySetList, int FragOrder, int No, double Value)
280 | {
281 | map<int,KeySet>::iterator marker = IndexKeySetList.find(No); // find keyset to Frag No.
282 | if (marker != IndexKeySetList.end()) { // if found
283 | Value *= 1 + MYEPSILON*(*((*marker).second.begin())); // in case of equal energies this makes them not equal without changing anything actually
284 | // as the smallest number in each set has always been the root (we use global id to keep the doubles away), seek smallest and insert into AtomMask
285 | pair <map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator, bool> InsertedElement = AdaptiveCriteriaList->insert( make_pair(*((*marker).second.begin()), pair<double,int>( fabs(Value), FragOrder) ));
286 | map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator PresentItem = InsertedElement.first;
287 | if (!InsertedElement.second) { // this root is already present
288 | if ((*PresentItem).second.second < FragOrder) // if order there is lower, update entry with higher-order term
289 | //if ((*PresentItem).second.first < (*runner).first) // as higher-order terms are not always better, we skip this part (which would always include this site into adaptive increase)
290 | { // if value is smaller, update value and order
291 | (*PresentItem).second.first = fabs(Value);
292 | (*PresentItem).second.second = FragOrder;
293 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Updated element (" << (*PresentItem).first << ",[" << (*PresentItem).second.first << "," << (*PresentItem).second.second << "])." << endl;
294 | } else {
295 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Did not update element " << (*PresentItem).first << " as " << FragOrder << " is less than or equal to " << (*PresentItem).second.second << "." << endl;
296 | }
297 | } else {
298 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Inserted element (" << (*PresentItem).first << ",[" << (*PresentItem).second.first << "," << (*PresentItem).second.second << "])." << endl;
299 | }
300 | } else {
301 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "No Fragment under No. " << No << "found." << endl;
302 | }
303 | };
304 |
305 | /** Scans the adaptive order file and insert (index, value) into map.
306 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
307 | * \param *path path to ENERGYPERFRAGMENT file (may be NULL if Order is non-negative)
308 | * \param &IndexedKeySetList list to find key set for a given index \a No
309 | * \return adaptive criteria list from file
310 | */
311 | map<int, pair<double,int> > * ScanAdaptiveFileIntoMap(char *path, map<int,KeySet> &IndexKeySetList)
312 | {
313 | map<int, pair<double,int> > *AdaptiveCriteriaList = new map<int, pair<double,int> >;
314 | int No = 0, FragOrder = 0;
315 | double Value = 0.;
316 | char *buffer = Malloc<char>(MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::CheckOrderAtSite: *buffer");
317 | sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s%s.dat", path, FRAGMENTPREFIX, ENERGYPERFRAGMENT);
318 | ifstream InputFile(buffer, ios::in);
319 |
320 | if (CountLinesinFile(InputFile) > 0) {
321 | // each line represents a fragment root (Atom::nr) id and its energy contribution
322 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE); // skip comment lines
323 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
324 | while(!InputFile.eof()) {
325 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
326 | if (strlen(buffer) > 2) {
327 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Scanning: " << buffer << endl;
328 | stringstream line(buffer);
329 | line >> FragOrder;
330 | line >> ws >> No;
331 | line >> ws >> Value; // skip time entry
332 | line >> ws >> Value;
333 | No -= 1; // indices start at 1 in file, not 0
334 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << " - yields (" << No << "," << Value << ", " << FragOrder << ")" << endl;
335 |
336 | // clean the list of those entries that have been superceded by higher order terms already
337 | InsertIntoAdaptiveCriteriaList(AdaptiveCriteriaList, IndexKeySetList, FragOrder, No, Value);
338 | }
339 | }
340 | // close and done
341 | InputFile.close();
342 | InputFile.clear();
343 | }
344 | Free(&buffer);
345 |
346 | return AdaptiveCriteriaList;
347 | };
348 |
349 | /** Maps adaptive criteria list back onto (Value, (Root Nr., Order))
350 | * (i.e. sorted by value to pick the highest ones)
351 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
352 | * \param &AdaptiveCriteriaList list to insert into
353 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms
354 | * \return remapped list
355 | */
356 | map<double, pair<int,int> > * ReMapAdaptiveCriteriaListToValue(map<int, pair<double,int> > *AdaptiveCriteriaList, molecule *mol)
357 | {
358 | atom *Walker = NULL;
359 | map<double, pair<int,int> > *FinalRootCandidates = new map<double, pair<int,int> > ;
360 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Root candidate list is: " << endl;
361 | for(map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator runner = AdaptiveCriteriaList->begin(); runner != AdaptiveCriteriaList->end(); runner++) {
362 | Walker = mol->FindAtom((*runner).first);
363 | if (Walker != NULL) {
364 | //if ((*runner).second.second >= Walker->AdaptiveOrder) { // only insert if this is an "active" root site for the current order
365 | if (!Walker->MaxOrder) {
366 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "(" << (*runner).first << ",[" << (*runner).second.first << "," << (*runner).second.second << "])" << endl;
367 | FinalRootCandidates->insert( make_pair( (*runner).second.first, pair<int,int>((*runner).first, (*runner).second.second) ) );
368 | } else {
369 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Excluding (" << *Walker << ", " << (*runner).first << ",[" << (*runner).second.first << "," << (*runner).second.second << "]), as it has reached its maximum order." << endl;
370 | }
371 | } else {
372 | eLog() << Verbose(0) << "Atom No. " << (*runner).second.first << " was not found in this molecule." << endl;
373 | performCriticalExit();
374 | }
375 | }
376 | return FinalRootCandidates;
377 | };
378 |
379 | /** Marks all candidate sites for update if below adaptive threshold.
380 | * Picks a given number of highest values and set *AtomMask to true.
381 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
382 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::nr to mask in/out each nuclear site, used to activate given number of site to increment order adaptively
383 | * \param FinalRootCandidates list candidates to check
384 | * \param Order desired order
385 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms
386 | * \return true - if update is necessary, false - not
387 | */
388 | bool MarkUpdateCandidates(bool *AtomMask, map<double, pair<int,int> > &FinalRootCandidates, int Order, molecule *mol)
389 | {
390 | atom *Walker = NULL;
391 | int No = -1;
392 | bool status = false;
393 | for(map<double, pair<int,int> >::iterator runner = FinalRootCandidates.upper_bound(pow(10.,Order)); runner != FinalRootCandidates.end(); runner++) {
394 | No = (*runner).second.first;
395 | Walker = mol->FindAtom(No);
396 | //if (Walker->AdaptiveOrder < MinimumRingSize[Walker->nr]) {
397 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Root " << No << " is still above threshold (10^{" << Order <<"}: " << runner->first << ", setting entry " << No << " of Atom mask to true." << endl;
398 | AtomMask[No] = true;
399 | status = true;
400 | //} else
401 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Root " << No << " is still above threshold (10^{" << Order <<"}: " << runner->first << ", however MinimumRingSize of " << MinimumRingSize[Walker->nr] << " does not allow further adaptive increase." << endl;
402 | }
403 | return status;
404 | };
405 |
406 | /** print atom mask for debugging.
407 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
408 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::nr to mask in/out each nuclear site, used to activate given number of site to increment order adaptively
409 | * \param AtomCount number of entries in \a *AtomMask
410 | */
411 | void PrintAtomMask(bool *AtomMask, int AtomCount)
412 | {
413 | Log() << Verbose(2) << " ";
414 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
415 | Log() << Verbose(0) << (i % 10);
416 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
417 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Atom mask is: ";
418 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
419 | Log() << Verbose(0) << (AtomMask[i] ? "t" : "f");
420 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
421 | };
422 |
423 | /** Checks whether the OrderAtSite is still below \a Order at some site.
424 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
425 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::nr to mask in/out each nuclear site, used to activate given number of site to increment order adaptively
426 | * \param *GlobalKeySetList list of keysets with global ids (valid in "this" molecule) needed for adaptive increase
427 | * \param Order desired Order if positive, desired exponent in threshold criteria if negative (0 is single-step)
428 | * \param *MinimumRingSize array of max. possible order to avoid loops
429 | * \param *path path to ENERGYPERFRAGMENT file (may be NULL if Order is non-negative)
430 | * \return true - needs further fragmentation, false - does not need fragmentation
431 | */
432 | bool molecule::CheckOrderAtSite(bool *AtomMask, Graph *GlobalKeySetList, int Order, int *MinimumRingSize, char *path)
433 | {
434 | bool status = false;
435 |
436 | // initialize mask list
437 | for(int i=getAtomCount();i--;)
438 | AtomMask[i] = false;
439 |
440 | if (Order < 0) { // adaptive increase of BondOrder per site
441 | if (AtomMask[getAtomCount()] == true) // break after one step
442 | return false;
443 |
444 | // transmorph graph keyset list into indexed KeySetList
445 | if (GlobalKeySetList == NULL) {
446 | eLog() << Verbose(1) << "Given global key set list (graph) is NULL!" << endl;
447 | return false;
448 | }
449 | map<int,KeySet> *IndexKeySetList = GraphToIndexedKeySet(GlobalKeySetList);
450 |
451 | // parse the EnergyPerFragment file
452 | map<int, pair<double,int> > *AdaptiveCriteriaList = ScanAdaptiveFileIntoMap(path, *IndexKeySetList); // (Root No., (Value, Order)) !
453 | if (AdaptiveCriteriaList->empty()) {
454 | eLog() << Verbose(2) << "Unable to parse file, incrementing all." << endl;
455 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) {
456 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
457 | if ((*iter)->type->Z != 1) // skip hydrogen
458 | #endif
459 | {
460 | AtomMask[(*iter)->nr] = true; // include all (non-hydrogen) atoms
461 | status = true;
462 | }
463 | }
464 | }
465 | // then map back onto (Value, (Root Nr., Order)) (i.e. sorted by value to pick the highest ones)
466 | map<double, pair<int,int> > *FinalRootCandidates = ReMapAdaptiveCriteriaListToValue(AdaptiveCriteriaList, this);
467 |
468 | // pick the ones still below threshold and mark as to be adaptively updated
469 | MarkUpdateCandidates(AtomMask, *FinalRootCandidates, Order, this);
470 |
471 | Free(&IndexKeySetList);
472 | Free(&AdaptiveCriteriaList);
473 | Free(&FinalRootCandidates);
474 | } else { // global increase of Bond Order
475 | for(molecule::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) {
476 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
477 | if ((*iter)->type->Z != 1) // skip hydrogen
478 | #endif
479 | {
480 | AtomMask[(*iter)->nr] = true; // include all (non-hydrogen) atoms
481 | if ((Order != 0) && ((*iter)->AdaptiveOrder < Order)) // && ((*iter)->AdaptiveOrder < MinimumRingSize[(*iter)->nr]))
482 | status = true;
483 | }
484 | }
485 | if ((!Order) && (!AtomMask[getAtomCount()])) // single stepping, just check
486 | status = true;
487 |
488 | if (!status) {
489 | if (Order == 0)
490 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Single stepping done." << endl;
491 | else
492 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Order at every site is already equal or above desired order " << Order << "." << endl;
493 | }
494 | }
495 |
496 | PrintAtomMask(AtomMask, getAtomCount()); // for debugging
497 |
498 | return status;
499 | };
500 |
501 | /** Create a SortIndex to map from atomic labels to the sequence in which the atoms are given in the config file.
502 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
503 | * \param *&SortIndex Mapping array of size molecule::AtomCount
504 | * \return true - success, false - failure of SortIndex alloc
505 | */
506 | bool molecule::CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence(int *&SortIndex)
507 | {
508 | if (SortIndex != NULL) {
509 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "SortIndex is " << SortIndex << " and not NULL as expected." << endl;
510 | return false;
511 | }
512 | SortIndex = Malloc<int>(getAtomCount(), "molecule::CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence: *SortIndex");
513 | for(int i=getAtomCount();i--;)
514 | SortIndex[i] = -1;
515 |
516 | int AtomNo = 0;
517 | SetIndexedArrayForEachAtomTo( SortIndex, &atom::nr, &IncrementalAbsoluteValue, AtomNo );
518 |
519 | return true;
520 | };
521 |
522 |
523 |
524 | /** Creates a lookup table for true father's Atom::Nr -> atom ptr.
525 | * \param *start begin of list (STL iterator, i.e. first item)
526 | * \paran *end end of list (STL iterator, i.e. one past last item)
527 | * \param **Lookuptable pointer to return allocated lookup table (should be NULL on start)
528 | * \param count optional predetermined size for table (otherwise we set the count to highest true father id)
529 | * \return true - success, false - failure
530 | */
531 | bool molecule::CreateFatherLookupTable(atom **&LookupTable, int count)
532 | {
533 | bool status = true;
534 | int AtomNo;
535 |
536 | if (LookupTable != NULL) {
537 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Pointer for Lookup table is not NULL! Aborting ..." <<endl;
538 | return false;
539 | }
540 |
541 | // count them
542 | if (count == 0) {
543 | for (molecule::iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { // create a lookup table (Atom::nr -> atom) used as a marker table lateron
544 | count = (count < (*iter)->GetTrueFather()->nr) ? (*iter)->GetTrueFather()->nr : count;
545 | }
546 | }
547 | if (count <= 0) {
548 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Count of lookup list is 0 or less." << endl;
549 | return false;
550 | }
551 |
552 | // allocate and fill
553 | LookupTable = Calloc<atom *>(count, "CreateFatherLookupTable - **LookupTable");
554 | if (LookupTable == NULL) {
555 | eLog() << Verbose(0) << "LookupTable memory allocation failed!" << endl;
556 | performCriticalExit();
557 | status = false;
558 | } else {
559 | for (molecule::iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) {
560 | AtomNo = (*iter)->GetTrueFather()->nr;
561 | if ((AtomNo >= 0) && (AtomNo < count)) {
562 | //*out << "Setting LookupTable[" << AtomNo << "] to " << *(*iter) << endl;
563 | LookupTable[AtomNo] = (*iter);
564 | } else {
565 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Walker " << *(*iter) << " exceeded range of nuclear ids [0, " << count << ")." << endl;
566 | status = false;
567 | break;
568 | }
569 | }
570 | }
571 |
572 | return status;
573 | };
574 |
575 | /** Performs a many-body bond order analysis for a given bond order.
576 | * -# parses adjacency, keysets and orderatsite files
577 | * -# performs DFS to find connected subgraphs (to leave this in was a design decision: might be useful later)
578 | * -# RootStack is created for every subgraph (here, later we implement the "update 10 sites with highest energ
579 | y contribution", and that's why this consciously not done in the following loop)
580 | * -# in a loop over all subgraphs
581 | * -# calls FragmentBOSSANOVA with this RootStack and within the subgraph molecule structure
582 | * -# creates molecule (fragment)s from the returned keysets (StoreFragmentFromKeySet)
583 | * -# combines the generated molecule lists from all subgraphs
584 | * -# saves to disk: fragment configs, adjacency, orderatsite, keyset files
585 | * Note that as we split "this" molecule up into a list of subgraphs, i.e. a MoleculeListClass, we have two sets
586 | * of vertex indices: Global always means the index in "this" molecule, whereas local refers to the molecule or
587 | * subgraph in the MoleculeListClass.
588 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
589 | * \param Order up to how many neighbouring bonds a fragment contains in BondOrderScheme::BottumUp scheme
590 | * \param *configuration configuration for writing config files for each fragment
591 | * \return 1 - continue, 2 - stop (no fragmentation occured)
592 | */
593 | int molecule::FragmentMolecule(int Order, config *configuration)
594 | {
595 | MoleculeListClass *BondFragments = NULL;
596 | int *SortIndex = NULL;
597 | int *MinimumRingSize = new int[getAtomCount()];
598 | int FragmentCounter;
599 | MoleculeLeafClass *MolecularWalker = NULL;
600 | MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = NULL; // list of subgraphs from DFS analysis
601 | fstream File;
602 | bool FragmentationToDo = true;
603 | class StackClass<bond *> *BackEdgeStack = NULL, *LocalBackEdgeStack = NULL;
604 | bool CheckOrder = false;
605 | Graph **FragmentList = NULL;
606 | Graph *ParsedFragmentList = NULL;
607 | Graph TotalGraph; // graph with all keysets however local numbers
608 | int TotalNumberOfKeySets = 0;
609 | atom **ListOfAtoms = NULL;
610 | atom ***ListOfLocalAtoms = NULL;
611 | bool *AtomMask = NULL;
612 |
613 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
614 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
615 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "I will treat hydrogen special and saturate dangling bonds with it." << endl;
616 | #else
617 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Hydrogen is treated just like the rest of the lot." << endl;
618 | #endif
619 |
620 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INITIAL STUFF: Bond structure analysis, file parsing, ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
621 |
622 | // ===== 1. Check whether bond structure is same as stored in files ====
623 |
624 | // create lookup table for Atom::nr
625 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && CreateFatherLookupTable(ListOfAtoms, getAtomCount());
626 |
627 | // === compare it with adjacency file ===
628 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule(configuration->configpath, ListOfAtoms);
629 | Free(&ListOfAtoms);
630 |
631 | // ===== 2. perform a DFS analysis to gather info on cyclic structure and a list of disconnected subgraphs =====
632 | Subgraphs = DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(BackEdgeStack);
633 |
634 | // analysis of the cycles (print rings, get minimum cycle length) for each subgraph
635 | for(int i=getAtomCount();i--;)
636 | MinimumRingSize[i] = getAtomCount();
637 | MolecularWalker = Subgraphs;
638 | FragmentCounter = 0;
639 | while (MolecularWalker->next != NULL) {
640 | MolecularWalker = MolecularWalker->next;
641 | // fill the bond structure of the individually stored subgraphs
642 | MolecularWalker->FillBondStructureFromReference(this, FragmentCounter, ListOfLocalAtoms, false); // we want to keep the created ListOfLocalAtoms
643 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Analysing the cycles of subgraph " << MolecularWalker->Leaf << " with nr. " << FragmentCounter << "." << endl;
644 | LocalBackEdgeStack = new StackClass<bond *> (MolecularWalker->Leaf->BondCount);
645 | // // check the list of local atoms for debugging
646 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "ListOfLocalAtoms for this subgraph is:" << endl;
647 | // for (int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
648 | // if (ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter][i] == NULL)
649 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "\tNULL";
650 | // else
651 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "\t" << ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter][i]->Name;
652 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Gathering local back edges for subgraph " << MolecularWalker->Leaf << " with nr. " << FragmentCounter << "." << endl;
653 | MolecularWalker->Leaf->PickLocalBackEdges(ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter++], BackEdgeStack, LocalBackEdgeStack);
654 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Analysing the cycles of subgraph " << MolecularWalker->Leaf << " with nr. " << FragmentCounter << "." << endl;
655 | MolecularWalker->Leaf->CyclicStructureAnalysis(LocalBackEdgeStack, MinimumRingSize);
656 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Done with Analysing the cycles of subgraph " << MolecularWalker->Leaf << " with nr. " << FragmentCounter << "." << endl;
657 | delete(LocalBackEdgeStack);
658 | }
659 | delete(BackEdgeStack);
660 |
661 | // ===== 3. if structure still valid, parse key set file and others =====
662 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && ParseKeySetFile(configuration->configpath, ParsedFragmentList);
663 |
664 | // ===== 4. check globally whether there's something to do actually (first adaptivity check)
665 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(configuration->configpath);
666 |
667 | // =================================== Begin of FRAGMENTATION ===============================
668 | // ===== 6a. assign each keyset to its respective subgraph =====
669 | Subgraphs->next->AssignKeySetsToFragment(this, ParsedFragmentList, ListOfLocalAtoms, FragmentList, (FragmentCounter = 0), true);
670 |
671 | // ===== 6b. prepare and go into the adaptive (Order<0), single-step (Order==0) or incremental (Order>0) cycle
672 | KeyStack *RootStack = new KeyStack[Subgraphs->next->Count()];
673 | AtomMask = new bool[getAtomCount()+1];
674 | AtomMask[getAtomCount()] = false;
675 | FragmentationToDo = false; // if CheckOrderAtSite just ones recommends fragmentation, we will save fragments afterwards
676 | while ((CheckOrder = CheckOrderAtSite(AtomMask, ParsedFragmentList, Order, MinimumRingSize, configuration->configpath))) {
677 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo || CheckOrder;
678 | AtomMask[getAtomCount()] = true; // last plus one entry is used as marker that we have been through this loop once already in CheckOrderAtSite()
679 | // ===== 6b. fill RootStack for each subgraph (second adaptivity check) =====
680 | Subgraphs->next->FillRootStackForSubgraphs(RootStack, AtomMask, (FragmentCounter = 0));
681 |
682 | // ===== 7. fill the bond fragment list =====
683 | FragmentCounter = 0;
684 | MolecularWalker = Subgraphs;
685 | while (MolecularWalker->next != NULL) {
686 | MolecularWalker = MolecularWalker->next;
687 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Fragmenting subgraph " << MolecularWalker << "." << endl;
688 | //MolecularWalker->Leaf->OutputListOfBonds(out); // output atom::ListOfBonds for debugging
689 | if (MolecularWalker->Leaf->first->next != MolecularWalker->Leaf->last) {
690 | // call BOSSANOVA method
691 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl << " ========== BOND ENERGY of subgraph " << FragmentCounter << " ========================= " << endl;
692 | MolecularWalker->Leaf->FragmentBOSSANOVA(FragmentList[FragmentCounter], RootStack[FragmentCounter], MinimumRingSize);
693 | } else {
694 | eLog() << Verbose(1) << "Subgraph " << MolecularWalker << " has no atoms!" << endl;
695 | }
696 | FragmentCounter++; // next fragment list
697 | }
698 | }
699 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "CheckOrder is " << CheckOrder << "." << endl;
700 | delete[](RootStack);
701 | delete[](AtomMask);
702 | delete(ParsedFragmentList);
703 | delete[](MinimumRingSize);
704 |
705 |
706 | // ==================================== End of FRAGMENTATION ============================================
707 |
708 | // ===== 8a. translate list into global numbers (i.e. ones that are valid in "this" molecule, not in MolecularWalker->Leaf)
709 | Subgraphs->next->TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs(FragmentList, (FragmentCounter = 0), TotalNumberOfKeySets, TotalGraph);
710 |
711 | // free subgraph memory again
712 | FragmentCounter = 0;
713 | if (Subgraphs != NULL) {
714 | while (Subgraphs->next != NULL) {
715 | Subgraphs = Subgraphs->next;
716 | delete(FragmentList[FragmentCounter++]);
717 | delete(Subgraphs->previous);
718 | }
719 | delete(Subgraphs);
720 | }
721 | Free(&FragmentList);
722 |
723 | // ===== 8b. gather keyset lists (graphs) from all subgraphs and transform into MoleculeListClass =====
724 | //if (FragmentationToDo) { // we should always store the fragments again as coordination might have changed slightly without changing bond structure
725 | // allocate memory for the pointer array and transmorph graphs into full molecular fragments
726 | BondFragments = new MoleculeListClass(World::get());
727 | int k=0;
728 | for(Graph::iterator runner = TotalGraph.begin(); runner != TotalGraph.end(); runner++) {
729 | KeySet test = (*runner).first;
730 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragment No." << (*runner).second.first << " with TEFactor " << (*runner).second.second << "." << endl;
731 | BondFragments->insert(StoreFragmentFromKeySet(test, configuration));
732 | k++;
733 | }
734 | Log() << Verbose(0) << k << "/" << BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.size() << " fragments generated from the keysets." << endl;
735 |
736 | // ===== 9. Save fragments' configuration and keyset files et al to disk ===
737 | if (BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.size() != 0) {
738 | // create the SortIndex from BFS labels to order in the config file
739 | CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence(SortIndex);
740 |
741 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Writing " << BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.size() << " possible bond fragmentation configs" << endl;
742 | if (BondFragments->OutputConfigForListOfFragments(configuration, SortIndex))
743 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "All configs written." << endl;
744 | else
745 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Some config writing failed." << endl;
746 |
747 | // store force index reference file
748 | BondFragments->StoreForcesFile(configuration->configpath, SortIndex);
749 |
750 | // store keysets file
751 | StoreKeySetFile(TotalGraph, configuration->configpath);
752 |
753 | // store Adjacency file
754 | StoreAdjacencyToFile(configuration->configpath);
755 |
756 | // store Hydrogen saturation correction file
757 | BondFragments->AddHydrogenCorrection(configuration->configpath);
758 |
759 | // store adaptive orders into file
760 | StoreOrderAtSiteFile(configuration->configpath);
761 |
762 | // restore orbital and Stop values
763 | CalculateOrbitals(*configuration);
764 |
765 | // free memory for bond part
766 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Freeing bond memory" << endl;
767 | delete(FragmentList); // remove bond molecule from memory
768 | Free(&SortIndex);
769 | } else {
770 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "FragmentList is zero on return, splitting failed." << endl;
771 | }
772 | delete(BondFragments);
773 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "End of bond fragmentation." << endl;
774 |
775 | return ((int)(!FragmentationToDo)+1); // 1 - continue, 2 - stop (no fragmentation occured)
776 | };
777 |
778 |
779 | /** Stores pairs (Atom::nr, Atom::AdaptiveOrder) into file.
780 | * Atoms not present in the file get "-1".
781 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
782 | * \param *path path to file ORDERATSITEFILE
783 | * \return true - file writable, false - not writable
784 | */
785 | bool molecule::StoreOrderAtSiteFile(char *path)
786 | {
787 | stringstream line;
788 | ofstream file;
789 |
790 | line << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ORDERATSITEFILE;
791 | file.open(line.str().c_str());
792 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Writing OrderAtSite " << ORDERATSITEFILE << " ... " << endl;
793 | if (file != NULL) {
794 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::OutputOrder, &file );
795 | file.close();
796 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
797 | return true;
798 | } else {
799 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "failed to open file " << line.str() << "." << endl;
800 | return false;
801 | }
802 | };
803 |
804 | /** Parses pairs(Atom::nr, Atom::AdaptiveOrder) from file and stores in molecule's Atom's.
805 | * Atoms not present in the file get "0".
806 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
807 | * \param *path path to file ORDERATSITEFILEe
808 | * \return true - file found and scanned, false - file not found
809 | * \sa ParseKeySetFile() and CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule() as this is meant to be used in conjunction with the two
810 | */
811 | bool molecule::ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(char *path)
812 | {
813 | unsigned char *OrderArray = Calloc<unsigned char>(getAtomCount(), "molecule::ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile - *OrderArray");
814 | bool *MaxArray = Calloc<bool>(getAtomCount(), "molecule::ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile - *MaxArray");
815 | bool status;
816 | int AtomNr, value;
817 | stringstream line;
818 | ifstream file;
819 |
820 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Begin of ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile" << endl;
821 | line << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ORDERATSITEFILE;
822 | file.open(line.str().c_str());
823 | if (file != NULL) {
824 | while (!file.eof()) { // parse from file
825 | AtomNr = -1;
826 | file >> AtomNr;
827 | if (AtomNr != -1) { // test whether we really parsed something (this is necessary, otherwise last atom is set twice and to 0 on second time)
828 | file >> value;
829 | OrderArray[AtomNr] = value;
830 | file >> value;
831 | MaxArray[AtomNr] = value;
832 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "AtomNr " << AtomNr << " with order " << (int)OrderArray[AtomNr] << " and max order set to " << (int)MaxArray[AtomNr] << "." << endl;
833 | }
834 | }
835 | file.close();
836 |
837 | // set atom values
838 | SetAtomValueToIndexedArray( OrderArray, &atom::nr, &atom::AdaptiveOrder );
839 | SetAtomValueToIndexedArray( MaxArray, &atom::nr, &atom::MaxOrder );
840 |
841 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
842 | status = true;
843 | } else {
844 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "failed to open file " << line.str() << "." << endl;
845 | status = false;
846 | }
847 | Free(&OrderArray);
848 | Free(&MaxArray);
849 |
850 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "End of ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile" << endl;
851 | return status;
852 | };
853 |
854 |
855 |
856 | /** Looks through a StackClass<atom *> and returns the likeliest removal candiate.
857 | * \param *out output stream for debugging messages
858 | * \param *&Leaf KeySet to look through
859 | * \param *&ShortestPathList list of the shortest path to decide which atom to suggest as removal candidate in the end
860 | * \param index of the atom suggested for removal
861 | */
862 | int molecule::LookForRemovalCandidate(KeySet *&Leaf, int *&ShortestPathList)
863 | {
864 | atom *Runner = NULL;
865 | int SP, Removal;
866 |
867 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Looking for removal candidate." << endl;
868 | SP = -1; //0; // not -1, so that Root is never removed
869 | Removal = -1;
870 | for (KeySet::iterator runner = Leaf->begin(); runner != Leaf->end(); runner++) {
871 | Runner = FindAtom((*runner));
872 | if (Runner->type->Z != 1) { // skip all those added hydrogens when re-filling snake stack
873 | if (ShortestPathList[(*runner)] > SP) { // remove the oldest one with longest shortest path
874 | SP = ShortestPathList[(*runner)];
875 | Removal = (*runner);
876 | }
877 | }
878 | }
879 | return Removal;
880 | };
881 |
882 | /** Initializes some value for putting fragment of \a *mol into \a *Leaf.
883 | * \param *mol total molecule
884 | * \param *Leaf fragment molecule
885 | * \param &Leaflet pointer to KeySet structure
886 | * \param **SonList calloc'd list which atom of \a *Leaf is a son of which atom in \a *mol
887 | * \return number of atoms in fragment
888 | */
889 | int StoreFragmentFromKeySet_Init(molecule *mol, molecule *Leaf, KeySet &Leaflet, atom **SonList)
890 | {
891 | atom *FatherOfRunner = NULL;
892 |
893 | Leaf->BondDistance = mol->BondDistance;
894 | for(int i=NDIM*2;i--;)
895 | Leaf->cell_size[i] = mol->cell_size[i];
896 |
897 | // first create the minimal set of atoms from the KeySet
898 | int size = 0;
899 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = Leaflet.begin(); runner != Leaflet.end(); runner++) {
900 | FatherOfRunner = mol->FindAtom((*runner)); // find the id
901 | SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] = Leaf->AddCopyAtom(FatherOfRunner);
902 | size++;
903 | }
904 | return size;
905 | };
906 |
907 | /** Creates an induced subgraph out of a fragmental key set, adding bonds and hydrogens (if treated specially).
908 | * \param *out output stream for debugging messages
909 | * \param *mol total molecule
910 | * \param *Leaf fragment molecule
911 | * \param IsAngstroem whether we have Ansgtroem or bohrradius
912 | * \param **SonList list which atom of \a *Leaf is a son of which atom in \a *mol
913 | */
914 | void CreateInducedSubgraphOfFragment(molecule *mol, molecule *Leaf, atom **SonList, bool IsAngstroem)
915 | {
916 | bool LonelyFlag = false;
917 | atom *OtherFather = NULL;
918 | atom *FatherOfRunner = NULL;
919 |
920 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
921 | molecule::const_iterator runner;
922 | #endif
923 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = Leaf->begin(); iter != Leaf->end(); ) {
924 | LonelyFlag = true;
925 | FatherOfRunner = (*iter)->father;
926 | if (SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] != NULL) { // check if this, our father, is present in list
927 | // create all bonds
928 | for (BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = FatherOfRunner->ListOfBonds.begin(); BondRunner != FatherOfRunner->ListOfBonds.end(); (++BondRunner)) {
929 | OtherFather = (*BondRunner)->GetOtherAtom(FatherOfRunner);
930 | // Log() << Verbose(2) << "Father " << *FatherOfRunner << " of son " << *SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] << " is bound to " << *OtherFather;
931 | if (SonList[OtherFather->nr] != NULL) {
932 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << ", whose son is " << *SonList[OtherFather->nr] << "." << endl;
933 | if (OtherFather->nr > FatherOfRunner->nr) { // add bond (nr check is for adding only one of both variants: ab, ba)
934 | // Log() << Verbose(3) << "Adding Bond: ";
935 | // Log() << Verbose(0) <<
936 | Leaf->AddBond((*iter), SonList[OtherFather->nr], (*BondRunner)->BondDegree);
937 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "." << endl;
938 | //NumBonds[(*iter)->nr]++;
939 | } else {
940 | // Log() << Verbose(3) << "Not adding bond, labels in wrong order." << endl;
941 | }
942 | LonelyFlag = false;
943 | } else {
944 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << ", who has no son in this fragment molecule." << endl;
945 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
946 | //Log() << Verbose(3) << "Adding Hydrogen to " << (*iter)->Name << " and a bond in between." << endl;
947 | if(!Leaf->AddHydrogenReplacementAtom((*BondRunner), (*iter), FatherOfRunner, OtherFather, IsAngstroem))
948 | exit(1);
949 | #endif
950 | //NumBonds[(*iter)->nr] += Binder->BondDegree;
951 | }
952 | }
953 | } else {
954 | eLog() << Verbose(1) << "Son " << (*iter)->Name << " has father " << FatherOfRunner->Name << " but its entry in SonList is " << SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] << "!" << endl;
955 | }
956 | if ((LonelyFlag) && (Leaf->getAtomCount() > 1)) {
957 | Log() << Verbose(0) << *(*iter) << "has got bonds only to hydrogens!" << endl;
958 | }
959 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
960 | while ((iter != Leaf->end()) && ((*iter)->type->Z == 1)) // skip added hydrogen
961 | iter++;
962 | #endif
963 | }
964 | };
965 |
966 | /** Stores a fragment from \a KeySet into \a molecule.
967 | * First creates the minimal set of atoms from the KeySet, then creates the bond structure from the complete
968 | * molecule and adds missing hydrogen where bonds were cut.
969 | * \param *out output stream for debugging messages
970 | * \param &Leaflet pointer to KeySet structure
971 | * \param IsAngstroem whether we have Ansgtroem or bohrradius
972 | * \return pointer to constructed molecule
973 | */
974 | molecule * molecule::StoreFragmentFromKeySet(KeySet &Leaflet, bool IsAngstroem)
975 | {
976 | atom **SonList = Calloc<atom*>(getAtomCount(), "molecule::StoreFragmentFromStack: **SonList");
977 | molecule *Leaf = World::get()->createMolecule();
978 |
979 | // Log() << Verbose(1) << "Begin of StoreFragmentFromKeyset." << endl;
980 | StoreFragmentFromKeySet_Init(this, Leaf, Leaflet, SonList);
981 | // create the bonds between all: Make it an induced subgraph and add hydrogen
982 | // Log() << Verbose(2) << "Creating bonds from father graph (i.e. induced subgraph creation)." << endl;
983 | CreateInducedSubgraphOfFragment(this, Leaf, SonList, IsAngstroem);
984 |
985 | //Leaflet->Leaf->ScanForPeriodicCorrection(out);
986 | Free(&SonList);
987 | // Log() << Verbose(1) << "End of StoreFragmentFromKeyset." << endl;
988 | return Leaf;
989 | };
990 |
991 |
992 | /** Clears the touched list
993 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
994 | * \param verbosity verbosity level
995 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
996 | * \param SubOrder current suborder
997 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
998 | */
999 | void SPFragmentGenerator_ClearingTouched(int verbosity, int *&TouchedList, int SubOrder, int &TouchedIndex)
1000 | {
1001 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Clearing touched list." << endl;
1002 | for (TouchedIndex=SubOrder+1;TouchedIndex--;) // empty touched list
1003 | TouchedList[TouchedIndex] = -1;
1004 | TouchedIndex = 0;
1005 |
1006 | }
1007 |
1008 | /** Adds the current combination of the power set to the snake stack.
1009 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1010 | * \param verbosity verbosity level
1011 | * \param CurrentCombination
1012 | * \param SetDimension maximum number of bits in power set
1013 | * \param *FragmentSet snake stack to remove from
1014 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
1015 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
1016 | * \return number of set bits
1017 | */
1018 | int AddPowersetToSnakeStack(int verbosity, int CurrentCombination, int SetDimension, KeySet *FragmentSet, bond **BondsSet, int *&TouchedList, int &TouchedIndex)
1019 | {
1020 | atom *OtherWalker = NULL;
1021 | bool bit = false;
1022 | KeySetTestPair TestKeySetInsert;
1023 |
1024 | int Added = 0;
1025 | for (int j=0;j<SetDimension;j++) { // pull out every bit by shifting
1026 | bit = ((CurrentCombination & (1 << j)) != 0); // mask the bit for the j-th bond
1027 | if (bit) { // if bit is set, we add this bond partner
1028 | OtherWalker = BondsSet[j]->rightatom; // rightatom is always the one more distant, i.e. the one to add
1029 | //Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Current Bond is " << BondsSet[j] << ", checking on " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
1030 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Adding " << *OtherWalker << " with nr " << OtherWalker->nr << "." << endl;
1031 | TestKeySetInsert = FragmentSet->insert(OtherWalker->nr);
1032 | if (TestKeySetInsert.second) {
1033 | TouchedList[TouchedIndex++] = OtherWalker->nr; // note as added
1034 | Added++;
1035 | } else {
1036 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "This was item was already present in the keyset." << endl;
1037 | }
1038 | } else {
1039 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Not adding." << endl;
1040 | }
1041 | }
1042 | return Added;
1043 | };
1044 |
1045 | /** Counts the number of elements in a power set.
1046 | * \param *SetFirst
1047 | * \param *SetLast
1048 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
1049 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
1050 | * \return number of elements
1051 | */
1052 | int CountSetMembers(bond *SetFirst, bond *SetLast, int *&TouchedList, int TouchedIndex)
1053 | {
1054 | int SetDimension = 0;
1055 | bond *Binder = SetFirst; // start node for this level
1056 | while (Binder->next != SetLast) { // compare to end node of this level
1057 | Binder = Binder->next;
1058 | for (int k=TouchedIndex;k--;) {
1059 | if (Binder->Contains(TouchedList[k])) // if we added this very endpiece
1060 | SetDimension++;
1061 | }
1062 | }
1063 | return SetDimension;
1064 | };
1065 |
1066 | /** Counts the number of elements in a power set.
1067 | * \param *BondsList bonds list to fill
1068 | * \param *SetFirst
1069 | * \param *SetLast
1070 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
1071 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
1072 | * \return number of elements
1073 | */
1074 | int FillBondsList(bond **BondsList, bond *SetFirst, bond *SetLast, int *&TouchedList, int TouchedIndex)
1075 | {
1076 | int SetDimension = 0;
1077 | bond *Binder = SetFirst; // start node for this level
1078 | while (Binder->next != SetLast) { // compare to end node of this level
1079 | Binder = Binder->next;
1080 | for (int k=0;k<TouchedIndex;k++) {
1081 | if (Binder->leftatom->nr == TouchedList[k]) // leftatom is always the close one
1082 | BondsList[SetDimension++] = Binder;
1083 | }
1084 | }
1085 | return SetDimension;
1086 | };
1087 |
1088 | /** Remove all items that were added on this SP level.
1089 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1090 | * \param verbosity verbosity level
1091 | * \param *FragmentSet snake stack to remove from
1092 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
1093 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
1094 | */
1095 | void RemoveAllTouchedFromSnakeStack(int verbosity, KeySet *FragmentSet, int *&TouchedList, int &TouchedIndex)
1096 | {
1097 | int Removal = 0;
1098 | for(int j=0;j<TouchedIndex;j++) {
1099 | Removal = TouchedList[j];
1100 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Removing item nr. " << Removal << " from snake stack." << endl;
1101 | FragmentSet->erase(Removal);
1102 | TouchedList[j] = -1;
1103 | }
1104 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Remaining local nr.s on snake stack are: ";
1105 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSet->end(); runner++)
1106 | Log() << Verbose(0) << (*runner) << " ";
1107 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
1108 | TouchedIndex = 0; // set Index to 0 for list of atoms added on this level
1109 | };
1110 |
1111 | /** From a given set of Bond sorted by Shortest Path distance, create all possible fragments of size \a SetDimension.
1112 | * -# loops over every possible combination (2^dimension of edge set)
1113 | * -# inserts current set, if there's still space left
1114 | * -# yes: calls SPFragmentGenerator with structure, created new edge list and size respective to root dist
1115 | ance+1
1116 | * -# no: stores fragment into keyset list by calling InsertFragmentIntoGraph
1117 | * -# removes all items added into the snake stack (in UniqueFragments structure) added during level (root
1118 | distance) and current set
1119 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1120 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments structure with all values needed
1121 | * \param RootDistance current shortest path level, whose set of edges is represented by **BondsSet
1122 | * \param SetDimension Number of possible bonds on this level (i.e. size of the array BondsSet[])
1123 | * \param SubOrder remaining number of allowed vertices to add
1124 | */
1125 | void molecule::SPFragmentGenerator(struct UniqueFragments *FragmentSearch, int RootDistance, bond **BondsSet, int SetDimension, int SubOrder)
1126 | {
1127 | int verbosity = 0; //FragmentSearch->ANOVAOrder-SubOrder;
1128 | int NumCombinations;
1129 | int bits, TouchedIndex, SubSetDimension, SP, Added;
1130 | int SpaceLeft;
1131 | int *TouchedList = Malloc<int>(SubOrder + 1, "molecule::SPFragmentGenerator: *TouchedList");
1132 | bond **BondsList = NULL;
1133 | KeySetTestPair TestKeySetInsert;
1134 |
1135 | NumCombinations = 1 << SetDimension;
1136 |
1137 | // here for all bonds of Walker all combinations of end pieces (from the bonds)
1138 | // have to be added and for the remaining ANOVA order GraphCrawler be called
1139 | // recursively for the next level
1140 |
1141 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Begin of SPFragmentGenerator." << endl;
1142 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "We are " << RootDistance << " away from Root, which is " << *FragmentSearch->Root << ", SubOrder is " << SubOrder << ", SetDimension is " << SetDimension << " and this means " << NumCombinations-1 << " combination(s)." << endl;
1143 |
1144 | // initialised touched list (stores added atoms on this level)
1145 | SPFragmentGenerator_ClearingTouched(verbosity, TouchedList, SubOrder, TouchedIndex);
1146 |
1147 | // create every possible combination of the endpieces
1148 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Going through all combinations of the power set." << endl;
1149 | for (int i=1;i<NumCombinations;i++) { // sweep through all power set combinations (skip empty set!)
1150 | // count the set bit of i
1151 | bits = 0;
1152 | for (int j=SetDimension;j--;)
1153 | bits += (i & (1 << j)) >> j;
1154 |
1155 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Current set is " << Binary(i | (1 << SetDimension)) << ", number of bits is " << bits << "." << endl;
1156 | if (bits <= SubOrder) { // if not greater than additional atoms allowed on stack, continue
1157 | // --1-- add this set of the power set of bond partners to the snake stack
1158 | Added = AddPowersetToSnakeStack(verbosity, i, SetDimension, FragmentSearch->FragmentSet, BondsSet, TouchedList, TouchedIndex);
1159 |
1160 | SpaceLeft = SubOrder - Added ;// SubOrder - bits; // due to item's maybe being already present, this does not work anymore
1161 | if (SpaceLeft > 0) {
1162 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "There's still some space left on stack: " << SpaceLeft << "." << endl;
1163 | if (SubOrder > 1) { // Due to Added above we have to check extra whether we're not already reaching beyond the desired Order
1164 | // --2-- look at all added end pieces of this combination, construct bond subsets and sweep through a power set of these by recursion
1165 | SP = RootDistance+1; // this is the next level
1166 |
1167 | // first count the members in the subset
1168 | SubSetDimension = CountSetMembers(FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP], FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP+1], TouchedList, TouchedIndex);
1169 |
1170 | // then allocate and fill the list
1171 | BondsList = Malloc<bond*>(SubSetDimension, "molecule::SPFragmentGenerator: **BondsList");
1172 | SubSetDimension = FillBondsList(BondsList, FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP], FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP+1], TouchedList, TouchedIndex);
1173 |
1174 | // then iterate
1175 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Calling subset generator " << SP << " away from root " << *FragmentSearch->Root << " with sub set dimension " << SubSetDimension << "." << endl;
1176 | SPFragmentGenerator(FragmentSearch, SP, BondsList, SubSetDimension, SubOrder-bits);
1177 |
1178 | Free(&BondsList);
1179 | }
1180 | } else {
1181 | // --2-- otherwise store the complete fragment
1182 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Enough items on stack for a fragment!" << endl;
1183 | // store fragment as a KeySet
1184 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Found a new fragment[" << FragmentSearch->FragmentCounter << "], local nr.s are: ";
1185 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->end(); runner++)
1186 | Log() << Verbose(0) << (*runner) << " ";
1187 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
1188 | //if (!CheckForConnectedSubgraph(FragmentSearch->FragmentSet))
1189 | //eLog() << Verbose(1) << "The found fragment is not a connected subgraph!" << endl;
1190 | InsertFragmentIntoGraph(FragmentSearch);
1191 | }
1192 |
1193 | // --3-- remove all added items in this level from snake stack
1194 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Removing all items that were added on this SP level " << RootDistance << "." << endl;
1195 | RemoveAllTouchedFromSnakeStack(verbosity, FragmentSearch->FragmentSet, TouchedList, TouchedIndex);
1196 | } else {
1197 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "More atoms to add for this set (" << bits << ") than space left on stack " << SubOrder << ", skipping this set." << endl;
1198 | }
1199 | }
1200 | Free(&TouchedList);
1201 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "End of SPFragmentGenerator, " << RootDistance << " away from Root " << *FragmentSearch->Root << " and SubOrder is " << SubOrder << "." << endl;
1202 | };
1203 |
1204 | /** Allocates memory for UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList.
1205 | * \param *out output stream
1206 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1207 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
1208 | * \sa FreeSPList()
1209 | */
1210 | void InitialiseSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
1211 | {
1212 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList = Malloc<bond*>(Order * 2, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: ***BondsPerSPList");
1213 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount = Malloc<int>(Order, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *BondsPerSPCount");
1214 | for (int i=Order;i--;) {
1215 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i] = new bond(); // start node
1216 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1] = new bond(); // end node
1217 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i]->next = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]; // intertwine these two
1218 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]->previous = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
1219 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[i] = 0;
1220 | }
1221 | };
1222 |
1223 | /** Free's memory for for UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList.
1224 | * \param *out output stream
1225 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1226 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments\
1227 | * \sa InitialiseSPList()
1228 | */
1229 | void FreeSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
1230 | {
1231 | Free(&FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount);
1232 | for (int i=Order;i--;) {
1233 | delete(FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i]);
1234 | delete(FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]);
1235 | }
1236 | Free(&FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList);
1237 | };
1238 |
1239 | /** Sets FragmenSearch to initial value.
1240 | * Sets UniqueFragments::ShortestPathList entries to zero, UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPCount to zero (except zero level to 1) and
1241 | * adds initial bond UniqueFragments::Root to UniqueFragments::Root to UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList
1242 | * \param *out output stream
1243 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1244 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
1245 | * \sa FreeSPList()
1246 | */
1247 | void SetSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
1248 | {
1249 | // prepare Label and SP arrays of the BFS search
1250 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[FragmentSearch.Root->nr] = 0;
1251 |
1252 | // prepare root level (SP = 0) and a loop bond denoting Root
1253 | for (int i=Order;i--;)
1254 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[i] = 0;
1255 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[0] = 1;
1256 | bond *Binder = new bond(FragmentSearch.Root, FragmentSearch.Root);
1257 | add(Binder, FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[1]);
1258 | };
1259 |
1260 | /** Resets UniqueFragments::ShortestPathList and cleans bonds from UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList.
1261 | * \param *out output stream
1262 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1263 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
1264 | * \sa InitialiseSPList()
1265 | */
1266 | void ResetSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
1267 | {
1268 | bond *Binder = NULL;
1269 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Free'ing all found lists. and resetting index lists" << endl;
1270 | for(int i=Order;i--;) {
1271 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Current SP level is " << i << ": ";
1272 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
1273 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]) {
1274 | Binder = Binder->next;
1275 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "Removing atom " << Binder->leftatom->nr << " and " << Binder->rightatom->nr << "." << endl; // make sure numbers are local
1276 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[Binder->leftatom->nr] = -1;
1277 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[Binder->rightatom->nr] = -1;
1278 | }
1279 | // delete added bonds
1280 | cleanup(FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i], FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]);
1281 | // also start and end node
1282 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "cleaned." << endl;
1283 | }
1284 | };
1285 |
1286 |
1287 | /** Fills the Bonds per Shortest Path List and set the vertex labels.
1288 | * \param *out output stream
1289 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1290 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
1291 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms and bonds
1292 | * \param RestrictedKeySet Restricted vertex set to use in context of molecule
1293 | */
1294 | void FillSPListandLabelVertices(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch, molecule *mol, KeySet RestrictedKeySet)
1295 | {
1296 | // Actually, we should construct a spanning tree vom the root atom and select all edges therefrom and put them into
1297 | // according shortest path lists. However, we don't. Rather we fill these lists right away, as they do form a spanning
1298 | // tree already sorted into various SP levels. That's why we just do loops over the depth (CurrentSP) and breadth
1299 | // (EdgeinSPLevel) of this tree ...
1300 | // In another picture, the bonds always contain a direction by rightatom being the one more distant from root and hence
1301 | // naturally leftatom forming its predecessor, preventing the BFS"seeker" from continuing in the wrong direction.
1302 | int AtomKeyNr = -1;
1303 | atom *Walker = NULL;
1304 | atom *OtherWalker = NULL;
1305 | atom *Predecessor = NULL;
1306 | bond *CurrentEdge = NULL;
1307 | bond *Binder = NULL;
1308 | int RootKeyNr = FragmentSearch.Root->GetTrueFather()->nr;
1309 | int RemainingWalkers = -1;
1310 | int SP = -1;
1311 |
1312 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Starting BFS analysis ..." << endl;
1313 | for (SP = 0; SP < (Order-1); SP++) {
1314 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "New SP level reached: " << SP << ", creating new SP list with " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP] << " item(s)";
1315 | if (SP > 0) {
1316 | Log() << Verbose(0) << ", old level closed with " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP-1] << " item(s)." << endl;
1317 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP] = 0;
1318 | } else
1319 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "." << endl;
1320 |
1321 | RemainingWalkers = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP];
1322 | CurrentEdge = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*SP]; /// start of this SP level's list
1323 | while (CurrentEdge->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*SP+1]) { /// end of this SP level's list
1324 | CurrentEdge = CurrentEdge->next;
1325 | RemainingWalkers--;
1326 | Walker = CurrentEdge->rightatom; // rightatom is always the one more distant
1327 | Predecessor = CurrentEdge->leftatom; // ... and leftatom is predecessor
1328 | AtomKeyNr = Walker->nr;
1329 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current Walker is: " << *Walker << " with nr " << Walker->nr << " and SP of " << SP << ", with " << RemainingWalkers << " remaining walkers on this level." << endl;
1330 | // check for new sp level
1331 | // go through all its bonds
1332 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Going through all bonds of Walker." << endl;
1333 | for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) {
1334 | OtherWalker = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
1335 | if ((RestrictedKeySet.find(OtherWalker->nr) != RestrictedKeySet.end())
1336 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
1337 | && (OtherWalker->type->Z != 1)
1338 | #endif
1339 | ) { // skip hydrogens and restrict to fragment
1340 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Current partner is " << *OtherWalker << " with nr " << OtherWalker->nr << " in bond " << *(*Runner) << "." << endl;
1341 | // set the label if not set (and push on root stack as well)
1342 | if ((OtherWalker != Predecessor) && (OtherWalker->GetTrueFather()->nr > RootKeyNr)) { // only pass through those with label bigger than Root's
1343 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr] = SP+1;
1344 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "Set Shortest Path to " << FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr] << "." << endl;
1345 | // add the bond in between to the SP list
1346 | Binder = new bond(Walker, OtherWalker); // create a new bond in such a manner, that bond::rightatom is always the one more distant
1347 | add(Binder, FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*(SP+1)+1]);
1348 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP+1]++;
1349 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "Added its bond to SP list, having now " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP+1] << " item(s)." << endl;
1350 | } else {
1351 | if (OtherWalker != Predecessor)
1352 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "Not passing on, as index of " << *OtherWalker << " " << OtherWalker->GetTrueFather()->nr << " is smaller than that of Root " << RootKeyNr << "." << endl;
1353 | else
1354 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "This is my predecessor " << *Predecessor << "." << endl;
1355 | }
1356 | } else Log() << Verbose(2) << "Is not in the restricted keyset or skipping hydrogen " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
1357 | }
1358 | }
1359 | }
1360 | };
1361 |
1362 | /** prints the Bonds per Shortest Path list in UniqueFragments.
1363 | * \param *out output stream
1364 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1365 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
1366 | */
1367 | void OutputSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
1368 | {
1369 | bond *Binder = NULL;
1370 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Printing all found lists." << endl;
1371 | for(int i=1;i<Order;i++) { // skip the root edge in the printing
1372 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
1373 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Current SP level is " << i << "." << endl;
1374 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]) {
1375 | Binder = Binder->next;
1376 | Log() << Verbose(2) << *Binder << endl;
1377 | }
1378 | }
1379 | };
1380 |
1381 | /** Simply counts all bonds in all UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList lists.
1382 | * \param *out output stream
1383 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1384 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
1385 | */
1386 | int CountNumbersInBondsList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
1387 | {
1388 | bond *Binder = NULL;
1389 | int SP = -1; // the Root <-> Root edge must be subtracted!
1390 | for(int i=Order;i--;) { // sum up all found edges
1391 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
1392 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]) {
1393 | Binder = Binder->next;
1394 | SP++;
1395 | }
1396 | }
1397 | return SP;
1398 | };
1399 |
1400 | /** Creates a list of all unique fragments of certain vertex size from a given graph \a Fragment for a given root vertex in the context of \a this molecule.
1401 | * -# initialises UniqueFragments structure
1402 | * -# fills edge list via BFS
1403 | * -# creates the fragment by calling recursive function SPFragmentGenerator with UniqueFragments structure, 0 as
1404 | root distance, the edge set, its dimension and the current suborder
1405 | * -# Free'ing structure
1406 | * Note that we may use the fact that the atoms are SP-ordered on the atomstack. I.e. when popping always the last, we first get all
1407 | * with SP of 2, then those with SP of 3, then those with SP of 4 and so on.
1408 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1409 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
1410 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments structure containing TEFactor, root atom and so on
1411 | * \param RestrictedKeySet Restricted vertex set to use in context of molecule
1412 | * \return number of inserted fragments
1413 | * \note ShortestPathList in FragmentSearch structure is probably due to NumberOfAtomsSPLevel and SP not needed anymore
1414 | */
1415 | int molecule::PowerSetGenerator(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch, KeySet RestrictedKeySet)
1416 | {
1417 | bond **BondsList = NULL;
1418 | int Counter = FragmentSearch.FragmentCounter; // mark current value of counter
1419 |
1420 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
1421 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Begin of PowerSetGenerator with order " << Order << " at Root " << *FragmentSearch.Root << "." << endl;
1422 |
1423 | SetSPList(Order, FragmentSearch);
1424 |
1425 | // do a BFS search to fill the SP lists and label the found vertices
1426 | FillSPListandLabelVertices(Order, FragmentSearch, this, RestrictedKeySet);
1427 |
1428 | // outputting all list for debugging
1429 | OutputSPList(Order, FragmentSearch);
1430 |
1431 | // creating fragments with the found edge sets (may be done in reverse order, faster)
1432 | int SP = CountNumbersInBondsList(Order, FragmentSearch);
1433 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Total number of edges is " << SP << "." << endl;
1434 | if (SP >= (Order-1)) {
1435 | // start with root (push on fragment stack)
1436 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Starting fragment generation with " << *FragmentSearch.Root << ", local nr is " << FragmentSearch.Root->nr << "." << endl;
1437 | FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->clear();
1438 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Preparing subset for this root and calling generator." << endl;
1439 |
1440 | // prepare the subset and call the generator
1441 | BondsList = Calloc<bond*>(FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[0], "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: **BondsList");
1442 | BondsList[0] = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[0]->next; // on SP level 0 there's only the root bond
1443 |
1444 | SPFragmentGenerator(&FragmentSearch, 0, BondsList, FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[0], Order);
1445 |
1446 | Free(&BondsList);
1447 | } else {
1448 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Not enough total number of edges to build " << Order << "-body fragments." << endl;
1449 | }
1450 |
1451 | // as FragmentSearch structure is used only once, we don't have to clean it anymore
1452 | // remove root from stack
1453 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Removing root again from stack." << endl;
1454 | FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->erase(FragmentSearch.Root->nr);
1455 |
1456 | // free'ing the bonds lists
1457 | ResetSPList(Order, FragmentSearch);
1458 |
1459 | // return list
1460 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "End of PowerSetGenerator." << endl;
1461 | return (FragmentSearch.FragmentCounter - Counter);
1462 | };
1463 |
1464 | bool KeyCompare::operator() (const KeySet SubgraphA, const KeySet SubgraphB) const
1465 | {
1466 | //Log() << Verbose(0) << "my check is used." << endl;
1467 | if (SubgraphA.size() < SubgraphB.size()) {
1468 | return true;
1469 | } else {
1470 | if (SubgraphA.size() > SubgraphB.size()) {
1471 | return false;
1472 | } else {
1473 | KeySet::iterator IteratorA = SubgraphA.begin();
1474 | KeySet::iterator IteratorB = SubgraphB.begin();
1475 | while ((IteratorA != SubgraphA.end()) && (IteratorB != SubgraphB.end())) {
1476 | if ((*IteratorA) < (*IteratorB))
1477 | return true;
1478 | else if ((*IteratorA) > (*IteratorB)) {
1479 | return false;
1480 | } // else, go on to next index
1481 | IteratorA++;
1482 | IteratorB++;
1483 | } // end of while loop
1484 | }// end of check in case of equal sizes
1485 | }
1486 | return false; // if we reach this point, they are equal
1487 | };
1488 |
1489 |
1490 | /** Combines all KeySets from all orders into single ones (with just unique entries).
1491 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1492 | * \param *&FragmentList list to fill
1493 | * \param ***FragmentLowerOrdersList
1494 | * \param &RootStack stack with all root candidates (unequal to each atom in complete molecule if adaptive scheme is applied)
1495 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms and bonds
1496 | */
1497 | int CombineAllOrderListIntoOne(Graph *&FragmentList, Graph ***FragmentLowerOrdersList, KeyStack &RootStack, molecule *mol)
1498 | {
1499 | int RootNr = 0;
1500 | int RootKeyNr = 0;
1501 | int StartNr = 0;
1502 | int counter = 0;
1503 | int NumLevels = 0;
1504 | atom *Walker = NULL;
1505 |
1506 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Combining the lists of all orders per order and finally into a single one." << endl;
1507 | if (FragmentList == NULL) {
1508 | FragmentList = new Graph;
1509 | counter = 0;
1510 | } else {
1511 | counter = FragmentList->size();
1512 | }
1513 |
1514 | StartNr = RootStack.back();
1515 | do {
1516 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
1517 | RootStack.pop_front();
1518 | Walker = mol->FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
1519 | NumLevels = 1 << (Walker->AdaptiveOrder - 1);
1520 | for(int i=0;i<NumLevels;i++) {
1521 | if (FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i] != NULL) {
1522 | InsertGraphIntoGraph(*FragmentList, (*FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i]), &counter);
1523 | }
1524 | }
1525 | RootStack.push_back(Walker->nr);
1526 | RootNr++;
1527 | } while (RootKeyNr != StartNr);
1528 | return counter;
1529 | };
1530 |
1531 | /** Free's memory allocated for all KeySets from all orders.
1532 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1533 | * \param ***FragmentLowerOrdersList
1534 | * \param &RootStack stack with all root candidates (unequal to each atom in complete molecule if adaptive scheme is applied)
1535 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms and bonds
1536 | */
1537 | void FreeAllOrdersList(Graph ***FragmentLowerOrdersList, KeyStack &RootStack, molecule *mol)
1538 | {
1539 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Free'ing the lists of all orders per order." << endl;
1540 | int RootNr = 0;
1541 | int RootKeyNr = 0;
1542 | int NumLevels = 0;
1543 | atom *Walker = NULL;
1544 | while (!RootStack.empty()) {
1545 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
1546 | RootStack.pop_front();
1547 | Walker = mol->FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
1548 | NumLevels = 1 << (Walker->AdaptiveOrder - 1);
1549 | for(int i=0;i<NumLevels;i++) {
1550 | if (FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i] != NULL) {
1551 | delete(FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i]);
1552 | }
1553 | }
1554 | Free(&FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr]);
1555 | RootNr++;
1556 | }
1557 | Free(&FragmentLowerOrdersList);
1558 | };
1559 |
1560 |
1561 | /** Performs BOSSANOVA decomposition at selected sites, increasing the cutoff by one at these sites.
1562 | * -# constructs a complete keyset of the molecule
1563 | * -# In a loop over all possible roots from the given rootstack
1564 | * -# increases order of root site
1565 | * -# calls PowerSetGenerator with this order, the complete keyset and the rootkeynr
1566 | * -# for all consecutive lower levels PowerSetGenerator is called with the suborder, the higher order keyset
1567 | as the restricted one and each site in the set as the root)
1568 | * -# these are merged into a fragment list of keysets
1569 | * -# All fragment lists (for all orders, i.e. from all destination fields) are merged into one list for return
1570 | * Important only is that we create all fragments, it is not important if we create them more than once
1571 | * as these copies are filtered out via use of the hash table (KeySet).
1572 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1573 | * \param Fragment&*List list of already present keystacks (adaptive scheme) or empty list
1574 | * \param &RootStack stack with all root candidates (unequal to each atom in complete molecule if adaptive scheme is applied)
1575 | * \param *MinimumRingSize minimum ring size for each atom (molecule::Atomcount)
1576 | * \return pointer to Graph list
1577 | */
1578 | void molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA(Graph *&FragmentList, KeyStack &RootStack, int *MinimumRingSize)
1579 | {
1580 | Graph ***FragmentLowerOrdersList = NULL;
1581 | int NumLevels = 0;
1582 | int NumMolecules = 0;
1583 | int TotalNumMolecules = 0;
1584 | int *NumMoleculesOfOrder = NULL;
1585 | int Order = 0;
1586 | int UpgradeCount = RootStack.size();
1587 | KeyStack FragmentRootStack;
1588 | int RootKeyNr = 0;
1589 | int RootNr = 0;
1590 | struct UniqueFragments FragmentSearch;
1591 |
1592 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Begin of FragmentBOSSANOVA." << endl;
1593 |
1594 | // FragmentLowerOrdersList is a 2D-array of pointer to MoleculeListClass objects, one dimension represents the ANOVA expansion of a single order (i.e. 5)
1595 | // with all needed lower orders that are subtracted, the other dimension is the BondOrder (i.e. from 1 to 5)
1596 | NumMoleculesOfOrder = Calloc<int>(UpgradeCount, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: *NumMoleculesOfOrder");
1597 | FragmentLowerOrdersList = Calloc<Graph**>(UpgradeCount, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: ***FragmentLowerOrdersList");
1598 |
1599 | // initialise the fragments structure
1600 | FragmentSearch.FragmentCounter = 0;
1601 | FragmentSearch.FragmentSet = new KeySet;
1602 | FragmentSearch.Root = FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
1603 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList = Malloc<int>(getAtomCount(), "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *ShortestPathList");
1604 | for (int i=getAtomCount();i--;) {
1605 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[i] = -1;
1606 | }
1607 |
1608 | // Construct the complete KeySet which we need for topmost level only (but for all Roots)
1609 | KeySet CompleteMolecule;
1610 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) {
1611 | CompleteMolecule.insert((*iter)->GetTrueFather()->nr);
1612 | }
1613 |
1614 | // this can easily be seen: if Order is 5, then the number of levels for each lower order is the total sum of the number of levels above, as
1615 | // each has to be split up. E.g. for the second level we have one from 5th, one from 4th, two from 3th (which in turn is one from 5th, one from 4th),
1616 | // hence we have overall four 2th order levels for splitting. This also allows for putting all into a single array (FragmentLowerOrdersList[])
1617 | // with the order along the cells as this: 5433222211111111 for BondOrder 5 needing 16=pow(2,5-1) cells (only we use bit-shifting which is faster)
1618 | RootNr = 0; // counts through the roots in RootStack
1619 | while ((RootNr < UpgradeCount) && (!RootStack.empty())) {
1620 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
1621 | RootStack.pop_front();
1622 | atom *Walker = FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
1623 | // check cyclic lengths
1624 | //if ((MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] != -1) && (Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder+1 > MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr])) {
1625 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "Bond order " << Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder << " of Root " << *Walker << " greater than or equal to Minimum Ring size of " << MinimumRingSize << " found is not allowed." << endl;
1626 | //} else
1627 | {
1628 | // increase adaptive order by one
1629 | Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder++;
1630 | Order = Walker->AdaptiveOrder = Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder;
1631 |
1632 | // initialise Order-dependent entries of UniqueFragments structure
1633 | InitialiseSPList(Order, FragmentSearch);
1634 |
1635 | // allocate memory for all lower level orders in this 1D-array of ptrs
1636 | NumLevels = 1 << (Order-1); // (int)pow(2,Order);
1637 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr] = Calloc<Graph*>(NumLevels, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: **FragmentLowerOrdersList[]");
1638 |
1639 | // create top order where nothing is reduced
1640 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "==============================================================================================================" << endl;
1641 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Creating KeySets of Bond Order " << Order << " for " << *Walker << ", " << (RootStack.size()-RootNr) << " Roots remaining." << endl; // , NumLevels is " << NumLevels << "
1642 |
1643 | // Create list of Graphs of current Bond Order (i.e. F_{ij})
1644 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][0] = new Graph;
1645 | FragmentSearch.TEFactor = 1.;
1646 | FragmentSearch.Leaflet = FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][0]; // set to insertion graph
1647 | FragmentSearch.Root = Walker;
1648 | NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] = PowerSetGenerator(Walker->AdaptiveOrder, FragmentSearch, CompleteMolecule);
1649 |
1650 | // output resulting number
1651 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Number of resulting KeySets is: " << NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] << "." << endl;
1652 | if (NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] != 0) {
1653 | NumMolecules = 0;
1654 | } else {
1655 | Walker->GetTrueFather()->MaxOrder = true;
1656 | }
1657 | // now, we have completely filled each cell of FragmentLowerOrdersList[] for the current Walker->AdaptiveOrder
1658 | //NumMoleculesOfOrder[Walker->AdaptiveOrder-1] = NumMolecules;
1659 | TotalNumMolecules += NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr];
1660 | // Log() << Verbose(1) << "Number of resulting molecules for Order " << (int)Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder << " is: " << NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] << "." << endl;
1661 | RootStack.push_back(RootKeyNr); // put back on stack
1662 | RootNr++;
1663 |
1664 | // free Order-dependent entries of UniqueFragments structure for next loop cycle
1665 | FreeSPList(Order, FragmentSearch);
1666 | }
1667 | }
1668 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "==============================================================================================================" << endl;
1669 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Total number of resulting molecules is: " << TotalNumMolecules << "." << endl;
1670 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "==============================================================================================================" << endl;
1671 |
1672 | // cleanup FragmentSearch structure
1673 | Free(&FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList);
1674 | delete(FragmentSearch.FragmentSet);
1675 |
1676 | // now, FragmentLowerOrdersList is complete, it looks - for BondOrder 5 - as this (number is the ANOVA Order of the terms therein)
1677 | // 5433222211111111
1678 | // 43221111
1679 | // 3211
1680 | // 21
1681 | // 1
1682 |
1683 | // Subsequently, we combine all into a single list (FragmentList)
1684 | CombineAllOrderListIntoOne(FragmentList, FragmentLowerOrdersList, RootStack, this);
1685 | FreeAllOrdersList(FragmentLowerOrdersList, RootStack, this);
1686 | Free(&NumMoleculesOfOrder);
1687 |
1688 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "End of FragmentBOSSANOVA." << endl;
1689 | };
1690 |
1691 | /** Corrects the nuclei position if the fragment was created over the cell borders.
1692 | * Scans all bonds, checks the distance, if greater than typical, we have a candidate for the correction.
1693 | * We remove the bond whereafter the graph probably separates. Then, we translate the one component periodically
1694 | * and re-add the bond. Looping on the distance check.
1695 | * \param *out ofstream for debugging messages
1696 | */
1697 | void molecule::ScanForPeriodicCorrection()
1698 | {
1699 | bond *Binder = NULL;
1700 | bond *OtherBinder = NULL;
1701 | atom *Walker = NULL;
1702 | atom *OtherWalker = NULL;
1703 | double *matrix = ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(cell_size);
1704 | enum Shading *ColorList = NULL;
1705 | double tmp;
1706 | Vector Translationvector;
1707 | //class StackClass<atom *> *CompStack = NULL;
1708 | class StackClass<atom *> *AtomStack = new StackClass<atom *>(getAtomCount());
1709 | bool flag = true;
1710 |
1711 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Begin of ScanForPeriodicCorrection." << endl;
1712 |
1713 | ColorList = Calloc<enum Shading>(getAtomCount(), "molecule::ScanForPeriodicCorrection: *ColorList");
1714 | while (flag) {
1715 | // remove bonds that are beyond bonddistance
1716 | for(int i=NDIM;i--;)
1717 | Translationvector.x[i] = 0.;
1718 | // scan all bonds
1719 | Binder = first;
1720 | flag = false;
1721 | while ((!flag) && (Binder->next != last)) {
1722 | Binder = Binder->next;
1723 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
1724 | tmp = fabs(Binder->leftatom->x.x[i] - Binder->rightatom->x.x[i]);
1725 | //Log() << Verbose(3) << "Checking " << i << "th distance of " << *Binder->leftatom << " to " << *Binder->rightatom << ": " << tmp << "." << endl;
1726 | if (tmp > BondDistance) {
1727 | OtherBinder = Binder->next; // note down binding partner for later re-insertion
1728 | unlink(Binder); // unlink bond
1729 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Correcting at bond " << *Binder << "." << endl;
1730 | flag = true;
1731 | break;
1732 | }
1733 | }
1734 | }
1735 | if (flag) {
1736 | // create translation vector from their periodically modified distance
1737 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
1738 | tmp = Binder->leftatom->x.x[i] - Binder->rightatom->x.x[i];
1739 | if (fabs(tmp) > BondDistance)
1740 | Translationvector.x[i] = (tmp < 0) ? +1. : -1.;
1741 | }
1742 | Translationvector.MatrixMultiplication(matrix);
1743 | //Log() << Verbose(3) << "Translation vector is ";
1744 | Translationvector.Output();
1745 | Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
1746 | // apply to all atoms of first component via BFS
1747 | for (int i=getAtomCount();i--;)
1748 | ColorList[i] = white;
1749 | AtomStack->Push(Binder->leftatom);
1750 | while (!AtomStack->IsEmpty()) {
1751 | Walker = AtomStack->PopFirst();
1752 | //Log() << Verbose (3) << "Current Walker is: " << *Walker << "." << endl;
1753 | ColorList[Walker->nr] = black; // mark as explored
1754 | Walker->x.AddVector(&Translationvector); // translate
1755 | for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = Walker->ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != Walker->ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner)) {
1756 | if ((*Runner) != Binder) {
1757 | OtherWalker = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
1758 | if (ColorList[OtherWalker->nr] == white) {
1759 | AtomStack->Push(OtherWalker); // push if yet unexplored
1760 | }
1761 | }
1762 | }
1763 | }
1764 | // re-add bond
1765 | link(Binder, OtherBinder);
1766 | } else {
1767 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "No corrections for this fragment." << endl;
1768 | }
1769 | //delete(CompStack);
1770 | }
1771 |
1772 | // free allocated space from ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric()
1773 | delete(AtomStack);
1774 | Free(&ColorList);
1775 | Free(&matrix);
1776 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "End of ScanForPeriodicCorrection." << endl;
1777 | };