1 | /*
2 | * molecule_dynamics.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 5, 2009
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "World.hpp"
9 | #include "atom.hpp"
10 | #include "config.hpp"
11 | #include "element.hpp"
12 | #include "log.hpp"
13 | #include "memoryallocator.hpp"
14 | #include "molecule.hpp"
15 | #include "parser.hpp"
16 |
17 | /************************************* Functions for class molecule *********************************/
18 |
19 | /** Penalizes long trajectories.
20 | * \param *Walker atom to check against others
21 | * \param *mol molecule with other atoms
22 | * \param &Params constraint potential parameters
23 | * \return penalty times each distance
24 | */
25 | double SumDistanceOfTrajectories(atom *Walker, molecule *mol, struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
26 | {
27 | gsl_matrix *A = gsl_matrix_alloc(NDIM,NDIM);
28 | gsl_vector *x = gsl_vector_alloc(NDIM);
29 | atom * Runner = mol->start;
30 | atom *Sprinter = NULL;
31 | Vector trajectory1, trajectory2, normal, TestVector;
32 | double Norm1, Norm2, tmp, result = 0.;
33 |
34 | while (Runner->next != mol->end) {
35 | Runner = Runner->next;
36 | if (Runner == Walker) // hence, we only go up to the Walker, not beyond (similar to i=0; i<j; i++)
37 | break;
38 | // determine normalized trajectories direction vector (n1, n2)
39 | Sprinter = Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr]; // find first target point
40 | trajectory1.CopyVector(&Sprinter->Trajectory.R.at(Params.endstep));
41 | trajectory1.SubtractVector(&Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep));
42 | trajectory1.Normalize();
43 | Norm1 = trajectory1.Norm();
44 | Sprinter = Params.PermutationMap[Runner->nr]; // find second target point
45 | trajectory2.CopyVector(&Sprinter->Trajectory.R.at(Params.endstep));
46 | trajectory2.SubtractVector(&Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep));
47 | trajectory2.Normalize();
48 | Norm2 = trajectory1.Norm();
49 | // check whether either is zero()
50 | if ((Norm1 < MYEPSILON) && (Norm2 < MYEPSILON)) {
51 | tmp = Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep).Distance(&Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep));
52 | } else if (Norm1 < MYEPSILON) {
53 | Sprinter = Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr]; // find first target point
54 | trajectory1.CopyVector(&Sprinter->Trajectory.R.at(Params.endstep)); // copy first offset
55 | trajectory1.SubtractVector(&Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep)); // subtract second offset
56 | trajectory2.Scale( trajectory1.ScalarProduct(&trajectory2) ); // trajectory2 is scaled to unity, hence we don't need to divide by anything
57 | trajectory1.SubtractVector(&trajectory2); // project the part in norm direction away
58 | tmp = trajectory1.Norm(); // remaining norm is distance
59 | } else if (Norm2 < MYEPSILON) {
60 | Sprinter = Params.PermutationMap[Runner->nr]; // find second target point
61 | trajectory2.CopyVector(&Sprinter->Trajectory.R.at(Params.endstep)); // copy second offset
62 | trajectory2.SubtractVector(&Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep)); // subtract first offset
63 | trajectory1.Scale( trajectory2.ScalarProduct(&trajectory1) ); // trajectory1 is scaled to unity, hence we don't need to divide by anything
64 | trajectory2.SubtractVector(&trajectory1); // project the part in norm direction away
65 | tmp = trajectory2.Norm(); // remaining norm is distance
66 | } else if ((fabs(trajectory1.ScalarProduct(&trajectory2)/Norm1/Norm2) - 1.) < MYEPSILON) { // check whether they're linear dependent
67 | // Log() << Verbose(3) << "Both trajectories of " << *Walker << " and " << *Runner << " are linear dependent: ";
68 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << trajectory1;
69 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << " and ";
70 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << trajectory2;
71 | tmp = Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep).Distance(&Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep));
72 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << " with distance " << tmp << "." << endl;
73 | } else { // determine distance by finding minimum distance
74 | // Log() << Verbose(3) << "Both trajectories of " << *Walker << " and " << *Runner << " are linear independent ";
75 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
76 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "First Trajectory: ";
77 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << trajectory1 << endl;
78 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "Second Trajectory: ";
79 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << trajectory2 << endl;
80 | // determine normal vector for both
81 | normal.MakeNormalVector(&trajectory1, &trajectory2);
82 | // print all vectors for debugging
83 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "Normal vector in between: ";
84 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << normal << endl;
85 | // setup matrix
86 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
87 | gsl_matrix_set(A, 0, i, trajectory1.x[i]);
88 | gsl_matrix_set(A, 1, i, trajectory2.x[i]);
89 | gsl_matrix_set(A, 2, i, normal.x[i]);
90 | gsl_vector_set(x,i, (Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep).x[i] - Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep).x[i]));
91 | }
92 | // solve the linear system by Householder transformations
93 | gsl_linalg_HH_svx(A, x);
94 | // distance from last component
95 | tmp = gsl_vector_get(x,2);
96 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << " with distance " << tmp << "." << endl;
97 | // test whether we really have the intersection (by checking on c_1 and c_2)
98 | TestVector.CopyVector(&Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep));
99 | trajectory2.Scale(gsl_vector_get(x,1));
100 | TestVector.AddVector(&trajectory2);
101 | normal.Scale(gsl_vector_get(x,2));
102 | TestVector.AddVector(&normal);
103 | TestVector.SubtractVector(&Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep));
104 | trajectory1.Scale(gsl_vector_get(x,0));
105 | TestVector.SubtractVector(&trajectory1);
106 | if (TestVector.Norm() < MYEPSILON) {
107 | // Log() << Verbose(2) << "Test: ok.\tDistance of " << tmp << " is correct." << endl;
108 | } else {
109 | // Log() << Verbose(2) << "Test: failed.\tIntersection is off by ";
110 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << TestVector;
111 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "." << endl;
112 | }
113 | }
114 | // add up
115 | tmp *= Params.IsAngstroem ? 1. : 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem;
116 | if (fabs(tmp) > MYEPSILON) {
117 | result += Params.PenaltyConstants[1] * 1./tmp;
118 | //Log() << Verbose(4) << "Adding " << 1./tmp*constants[1] << "." << endl;
119 | }
120 | }
121 | return result;
122 | };
123 |
124 | /** Penalizes atoms heading to same target.
125 | * \param *Walker atom to check against others
126 | * \param *mol molecule with other atoms
127 | * \param &Params constrained potential parameters
128 | * \return \a penalty times the number of equal targets
129 | */
130 | double PenalizeEqualTargets(atom *Walker, molecule *mol, struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
131 | {
132 | double result = 0.;
133 | atom * Runner = mol->start;
134 | while (Runner->next != mol->end) {
135 | Runner = Runner->next;
136 | if ((Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr] == Params.PermutationMap[Runner->nr]) && (Walker->nr < Runner->nr)) {
137 | // atom *Sprinter = PermutationMap[Walker->nr];
138 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << *Walker << " and " << *Runner << " are heading to the same target at ";
139 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << Sprinter->Trajectory.R.at(endstep);
140 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << ", penalting." << endl;
141 | result += Params.PenaltyConstants[2];
142 | //Log() << Verbose(4) << "Adding " << constants[2] << "." << endl;
143 | }
144 | }
145 | return result;
146 | };
147 |
148 | /** Evaluates the potential energy used for constrained molecular dynamics.
149 | * \f$V_i^{con} = c^{bond} \cdot | r_{P(i)} - R_i | + sum_{i \neq j} C^{min} \cdot \frac{1}{C_{ij}} + C^{inj} \Bigl (1 - \theta \bigl (\prod_{i \neq j} (P(i) - P(j)) \bigr ) \Bigr )\f$
150 | * where the first term points to the target in minimum distance, the second is a penalty for trajectories lying too close to each other (\f$C_{ij}\f$ is minimum distance between
151 | * trajectories i and j) and the third term is a penalty for two atoms trying to each the same target point.
152 | * Note that for the second term we have to solve the following linear system:
153 | * \f$-c_1 \cdot n_1 + c_2 \cdot n_2 + C \cdot n_3 = - p_2 + p_1\f$, where \f$c_1\f$, \f$c_2\f$ and \f$C\f$ are constants,
154 | * offset vector \f$p_1\f$ in direction \f$n_1\f$, offset vector \f$p_2\f$ in direction \f$n_2\f$,
155 | * \f$n_3\f$ is the normal vector to both directions. \f$C\f$ would be the minimum distance between the two lines.
156 | * \sa molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential(), molecule::VerletForceIntegration()
157 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
158 | * \param &Params constrained potential parameters
159 | * \return potential energy
160 | * \note This routine is scaling quadratically which is not optimal.
161 | * \todo There's a bit double counting going on for the first time, bu nothing to worry really about.
162 | */
163 | double molecule::ConstrainedPotential(struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
164 | {
165 | double tmp = 0.;
166 | double result = 0.;
167 | // go through every atom
168 | atom *Runner = NULL;
169 | atom *Walker = start;
170 | while (Walker->next != end) {
171 | Walker = Walker->next;
172 | // first term: distance to target
173 | Runner = Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr]; // find target point
174 | tmp = (Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep).Distance(&Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.endstep)));
175 | tmp *= Params.IsAngstroem ? 1. : 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem;
176 | result += Params.PenaltyConstants[0] * tmp;
177 | //Log() << Verbose(4) << "Adding " << tmp*constants[0] << "." << endl;
178 |
179 | // second term: sum of distances to other trajectories
180 | result += SumDistanceOfTrajectories(Walker, this, Params);
181 |
182 | // third term: penalty for equal targets
183 | result += PenalizeEqualTargets(Walker, this, Params);
184 | }
185 |
186 | return result;
187 | };
188 |
189 | /** print the current permutation map.
190 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
191 | * \param &Params constrained potential parameters
192 | * \param AtomCount number of atoms
193 | */
194 | void PrintPermutationMap(int AtomCount, struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
195 | {
196 | stringstream zeile1, zeile2;
197 | int *DoubleList = Calloc<int>(AtomCount, "PrintPermutationMap: *DoubleList");
198 | int doubles = 0;
199 | zeile1 << "PermutationMap: ";
200 | zeile2 << " ";
201 | for (int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++) {
202 | Params.DoubleList[Params.PermutationMap[i]->nr]++;
203 | zeile1 << i << " ";
204 | zeile2 << Params.PermutationMap[i]->nr << " ";
205 | }
206 | for (int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
207 | if (Params.DoubleList[i] > 1)
208 | doubles++;
209 | if (doubles >0)
210 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Found " << doubles << " Doubles." << endl;
211 | Free(&DoubleList);
212 | // Log() << Verbose(2) << zeile1.str() << endl << zeile2.str() << endl;
213 | };
214 |
215 | /** \f$O(N^2)\f$ operation of calculation distance between each atom pair and putting into DistanceList.
216 | * \param *mol molecule to scan distances in
217 | * \param &Params constrained potential parameters
218 | */
219 | void FillDistanceList(molecule *mol, struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
220 | {
221 | for (int i=mol->AtomCount; i--;) {
222 | Params.DistanceList[i] = new DistanceMap; // is the distance sorted target list per atom
223 | Params.DistanceList[i]->clear();
224 | }
225 |
226 | atom *Runner = NULL;
227 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
228 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
229 | Walker = Walker->next;
230 | Runner = mol->start;
231 | while(Runner->next != mol->end) {
232 | Runner = Runner->next;
233 | Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->insert( DistancePair(Walker->Trajectory.R.at(Params.startstep).Distance(&Runner->Trajectory.R.at(Params.endstep)), Runner) );
234 | }
235 | }
236 | };
237 |
238 | /** initialize lists.
239 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
240 | * \param *mol molecule to scan distances in
241 | * \param &Params constrained potential parameters
242 | */
243 | void CreateInitialLists(molecule *mol, struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
244 | {
245 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
246 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
247 | Walker = Walker->next;
248 | Params.StepList[Walker->nr] = Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->begin(); // stores the step to the next iterator that could be a possible next target
249 | Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr] = Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->begin()->second; // always pick target with the smallest distance
250 | Params.DoubleList[Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->begin()->second->nr]++; // increase this target's source count (>1? not injective)
251 | Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr] = Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->begin(); // and remember which one we picked
252 | Log() << Verbose(2) << *Walker << " starts with distance " << Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->begin()->first << "." << endl;
253 | }
254 | };
255 |
256 | /** Try the next nearest neighbour in order to make the permutation map injective.
257 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
258 | * \param *mol molecule
259 | * \param *Walker atom to change its target
260 | * \param &OldPotential old value of constraint potential to see if we do better with new target
261 | * \param &Params constrained potential parameters
262 | */
263 | double TryNextNearestNeighbourForInjectivePermutation(molecule *mol, atom *Walker, double &OldPotential, struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
264 | {
265 | double Potential = 0;
266 | DistanceMap::iterator NewBase = Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]; // store old base
267 | do {
268 | NewBase++; // take next further distance in distance to targets list that's a target of no one
269 | } while ((Params.DoubleList[NewBase->second->nr] != 0) && (NewBase != Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->end()));
270 | if (NewBase != Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->end()) {
271 | Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr] = NewBase->second;
272 | Potential = fabs(mol->ConstrainedPotential(Params));
273 | if (Potential > OldPotential) { // undo
274 | Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr] = Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second;
275 | } else { // do
276 | Params.DoubleList[Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second->nr]--; // decrease the old entry in the doubles list
277 | Params.DoubleList[NewBase->second->nr]++; // increase the old entry in the doubles list
278 | Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr] = NewBase;
279 | OldPotential = Potential;
280 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "Found a new permutation, new potential is " << OldPotential << "." << endl;
281 | }
282 | }
283 | return Potential;
284 | };
285 |
286 | /** Permutes \a **&PermutationMap until the penalty is below constants[2].
287 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
288 | * \param *mol molecule to scan distances in
289 | * \param &Params constrained potential parameters
290 | */
291 | void MakeInjectivePermutation(molecule *mol, struct EvaluatePotential &Params)
292 | {
293 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
294 | DistanceMap::iterator NewBase;
295 | double Potential = fabs(mol->ConstrainedPotential(Params));
296 |
297 | while ((Potential) > Params.PenaltyConstants[2]) {
298 | PrintPermutationMap(mol->AtomCount, Params);
299 | Walker = Walker->next;
300 | if (Walker == mol->end) // round-robin at the end
301 | Walker = mol->start->next;
302 | if (Params.DoubleList[Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second->nr] <= 1) // no need to make those injective that aren't
303 | continue;
304 | // now, try finding a new one
305 | Potential = TryNextNearestNeighbourForInjectivePermutation(mol, Walker, Potential, Params);
306 | }
307 | for (int i=mol->AtomCount; i--;) // now each single entry in the DoubleList should be <=1
308 | if (Params.DoubleList[i] > 1) {
309 | eLog() << Verbose(0) << "Failed to create an injective PermutationMap!" << endl;
310 | performCriticalExit();
311 | }
312 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
313 | };
314 |
315 | /** Minimises the extra potential for constrained molecular dynamics and gives forces and the constrained potential energy.
316 | * We do the following:
317 | * -# Generate a distance list from all source to all target points
318 | * -# Sort this per source point
319 | * -# Take for each source point the target point with minimum distance, use this as initial permutation
320 | * -# check whether molecule::ConstrainedPotential() is greater than injective penalty
321 | * -# If so, we go through each source point, stepping down in the sorted target point distance list and re-checking potential.
322 | * -# Next, we only apply transformations that keep the injectivity of the permutations list.
323 | * -# Hence, for one source point we step down the ladder and seek the corresponding owner of this new target
324 | * point and try to change it for one with lesser distance, or for the next one with greater distance, but only
325 | * if this decreases the conditional potential.
326 | * -# finished.
327 | * -# Then, we calculate the forces by taking the spatial derivative, where we scale the potential to such a degree,
328 | * that the total force is always pointing in direction of the constraint force (ensuring that we move in the
329 | * right direction).
330 | * -# Finally, we calculate the potential energy and return.
331 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
332 | * \param **PermutationMap on return: mapping between the atom label of the initial and the final configuration
333 | * \param startstep current MD step giving initial position between which and \a endstep we perform the constrained MD (as further steps are always concatenated)
334 | * \param endstep step giving final position in constrained MD
335 | * \param IsAngstroem whether coordinates are in angstroem (true) or bohrradius (false)
336 | * \sa molecule::VerletForceIntegration()
337 | * \return potential energy (and allocated **PermutationMap (array of molecule::AtomCount ^2)
338 | * \todo The constrained potential's constants are set to fixed values right now, but they should scale based on checks of the system in order
339 | * to ensure they're properties (e.g. constants[2] always greater than the energy of the system).
340 | * \bug this all is not O(N log N) but O(N^2)
341 | */
342 | double molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential(atom **&PermutationMap, int startstep, int endstep, bool IsAngstroem)
343 | {
344 | double Potential, OldPotential, OlderPotential;
345 | struct EvaluatePotential Params;
346 | Params.PermutationMap = Calloc<atom*>(AtomCount, "molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential: Params.**PermutationMap");
347 | Params.DistanceList = Malloc<DistanceMap*>(AtomCount, "molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential: Params.**DistanceList");
348 | Params.DistanceIterators = Malloc<DistanceMap::iterator>(AtomCount, "molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential: Params.*DistanceIterators");
349 | Params.DoubleList = Calloc<int>(AtomCount, "molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential: Params.*DoubleList");
350 | Params.StepList = Malloc<DistanceMap::iterator>(AtomCount, "molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential: Params.*StepList");
351 | int round;
352 | atom *Walker = NULL, *Runner = NULL, *Sprinter = NULL;
353 | DistanceMap::iterator Rider, Strider;
354 |
355 | /// Minimise the potential
356 | // set Lagrange multiplier constants
357 | Params.PenaltyConstants[0] = 10.;
358 | Params.PenaltyConstants[1] = 1.;
359 | Params.PenaltyConstants[2] = 1e+7; // just a huge penalty
360 | // generate the distance list
361 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Allocating, initializting and filling the distance list ... " << endl;
362 | FillDistanceList(this, Params);
363 |
364 | // create the initial PermutationMap (source -> target)
365 | CreateInitialLists(this, Params);
366 |
367 | // make the PermutationMap injective by checking whether we have a non-zero constants[2] term in it
368 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Making the PermutationMap injective ... " << endl;
369 | MakeInjectivePermutation(this, Params);
370 | Free(&Params.DoubleList);
371 |
372 | // argument minimise the constrained potential in this injective PermutationMap
373 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Argument minimising the PermutationMap." << endl;
374 | OldPotential = 1e+10;
375 | round = 0;
376 | do {
377 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Starting round " << ++round << ", at current potential " << OldPotential << " ... " << endl;
378 | OlderPotential = OldPotential;
379 | do {
380 | Walker = start;
381 | while (Walker->next != end) { // pick one
382 | Walker = Walker->next;
383 | PrintPermutationMap(AtomCount, Params);
384 | Sprinter = Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second; // store initial partner
385 | Strider = Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]; //remember old iterator
386 | Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr] = Params.StepList[Walker->nr];
387 | if (Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr] == Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->end()) {// stop, before we run through the list and still on
388 | Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr] == Params.DistanceList[Walker->nr]->begin();
389 | break;
390 | }
391 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Current Walker: " << *Walker << " with old/next candidate " << *Sprinter << "/" << *DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second << "." << endl;
392 | // find source of the new target
393 | Runner = start->next;
394 | while(Runner != end) { // find the source whose toes we might be stepping on (Walker's new target should be in use by another already)
395 | if (Params.PermutationMap[Runner->nr] == Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second) {
396 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Found the corresponding owner " << *Runner << " to " << *PermutationMap[Runner->nr] << "." << endl;
397 | break;
398 | }
399 | Runner = Runner->next;
400 | }
401 | if (Runner != end) { // we found the other source
402 | // then look in its distance list for Sprinter
403 | Rider = Params.DistanceList[Runner->nr]->begin();
404 | for (; Rider != Params.DistanceList[Runner->nr]->end(); Rider++)
405 | if (Rider->second == Sprinter)
406 | break;
407 | if (Rider != Params.DistanceList[Runner->nr]->end()) { // if we have found one
408 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Current Other: " << *Runner << " with old/next candidate " << *PermutationMap[Runner->nr] << "/" << *Rider->second << "." << endl;
409 | // exchange both
410 | Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr] = Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second; // put next farther distance into PermutationMap
411 | Params.PermutationMap[Runner->nr] = Sprinter; // and hand the old target to its respective owner
412 | PrintPermutationMap(AtomCount, Params);
413 | // calculate the new potential
414 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Checking new potential ..." << endl;
415 | Potential = ConstrainedPotential(Params);
416 | if (Potential > OldPotential) { // we made everything worse! Undo ...
417 | //Log() << Verbose(3) << "Nay, made the potential worse: " << Potential << " vs. " << OldPotential << "!" << endl;
418 | //Log() << Verbose(3) << "Setting " << *Runner << "'s source to " << *Params.DistanceIterators[Runner->nr]->second << "." << endl;
419 | // Undo for Runner (note, we haven't moved the iteration yet, we may use this)
420 | Params.PermutationMap[Runner->nr] = Params.DistanceIterators[Runner->nr]->second;
421 | // Undo for Walker
422 | Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr] = Strider; // take next farther distance target
423 | //Log() << Verbose(3) << "Setting " << *Walker << "'s source to " << *Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second << "." << endl;
424 | Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr] = Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second;
425 | } else {
426 | Params.DistanceIterators[Runner->nr] = Rider; // if successful also move the pointer in the iterator list
427 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "Found a better permutation, new potential is " << Potential << " vs." << OldPotential << "." << endl;
428 | OldPotential = Potential;
429 | }
430 | if (Potential > Params.PenaltyConstants[2]) {
431 | eLog() << Verbose(1) << "The two-step permutation procedure did not maintain injectivity!" << endl;
432 | exit(255);
433 | }
434 | //Log() << Verbose(0) << endl;
435 | } else {
436 | eLog() << Verbose(1) << *Runner << " was not the owner of " << *Sprinter << "!" << endl;
437 | exit(255);
438 | }
439 | } else {
440 | Params.PermutationMap[Walker->nr] = Params.DistanceIterators[Walker->nr]->second; // new target has no source!
441 | }
442 | Params.StepList[Walker->nr]++; // take next farther distance target
443 | }
444 | } while (Walker->next != end);
445 | } while ((OlderPotential - OldPotential) > 1e-3);
446 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
447 |
448 |
449 | /// free memory and return with evaluated potential
450 | for (int i=AtomCount; i--;)
451 | Params.DistanceList[i]->clear();
452 | Free(&Params.DistanceList);
453 | Free(&Params.DistanceIterators);
454 | return ConstrainedPotential(Params);
455 | };
456 |
457 |
458 | /** Evaluates the (distance-related part) of the constrained potential for the constrained forces.
459 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
460 | * \param startstep current MD step giving initial position between which and \a endstep we perform the constrained MD (as further steps are always concatenated)
461 | * \param endstep step giving final position in constrained MD
462 | * \param **PermutationMap mapping between the atom label of the initial and the final configuration
463 | * \param *Force ForceMatrix containing force vectors from the external energy functional minimisation.
464 | * \todo the constant for the constrained potential distance part is hard-coded independently of the hard-coded value in MinimiseConstrainedPotential()
465 | */
466 | void molecule::EvaluateConstrainedForces(int startstep, int endstep, atom **PermutationMap, ForceMatrix *Force)
467 | {
468 | /// evaluate forces (only the distance to target dependent part) with the final PermutationMap
469 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Calculating forces and adding onto ForceMatrix ... " << endl;
470 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::EvaluateConstrainedForce, startstep, endstep, PermutationMap, Force );
471 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
472 | };
473 |
474 | /** Performs a linear interpolation between two desired atomic configurations with a given number of steps.
475 | * Note, step number is config::MaxOuterStep
476 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
477 | * \param startstep stating initial configuration in molecule::Trajectories
478 | * \param endstep stating final configuration in molecule::Trajectories
479 | * \param &config configuration structure
480 | * \param MapByIdentity if true we just use the identity to map atoms in start config to end config, if not we find mapping by \sa MinimiseConstrainedPotential()
481 | * \return true - success in writing step files, false - error writing files or only one step in molecule::Trajectories
482 | */
483 | bool molecule::LinearInterpolationBetweenConfiguration(int startstep, int endstep, const char *prefix, config &configuration, bool MapByIdentity)
484 | {
485 | molecule *mol = NULL;
486 | bool status = true;
487 | int MaxSteps = configuration.MaxOuterStep;
488 | MoleculeListClass *MoleculePerStep = new MoleculeListClass(World::getPointer());
489 | // Get the Permutation Map by MinimiseConstrainedPotential
490 | atom **PermutationMap = NULL;
491 | atom *Walker = NULL, *Sprinter = NULL;
492 | if (!MapByIdentity)
493 | MinimiseConstrainedPotential(PermutationMap, startstep, endstep, configuration.GetIsAngstroem());
494 | else {
495 | PermutationMap = Malloc<atom *>(AtomCount, "molecule::LinearInterpolationBetweenConfiguration: **PermutationMap");
496 | SetIndexedArrayForEachAtomTo( PermutationMap, &atom::nr );
497 | }
498 |
499 | // check whether we have sufficient space in Trajectories for each atom
500 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::ResizeTrajectory, MaxSteps );
501 | // push endstep to last one
502 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::CopyStepOnStep, MaxSteps, endstep );
503 | endstep = MaxSteps;
504 |
505 | // go through all steps and add the molecular configuration to the list and to the Trajectories of \a this molecule
506 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Filling intermediate " << MaxSteps << " steps with MDSteps of " << MDSteps << "." << endl;
507 | for (int step = 0; step <= MaxSteps; step++) {
508 | mol = World::getInstance().createMolecule();
509 | MoleculePerStep->insert(mol);
510 | Walker = start;
511 | while (Walker->next != end) {
512 | Walker = Walker->next;
513 | // add to molecule list
514 | Sprinter = mol->AddCopyAtom(Walker);
515 | for (int n=NDIM;n--;) {
516 | Sprinter->x.x[n] = Walker->Trajectory.R.at(startstep).x[n] + (PermutationMap[Walker->nr]->Trajectory.R.at(endstep).x[n] - Walker->Trajectory.R.at(startstep).x[n])*((double)step/(double)MaxSteps);
517 | // add to Trajectories
518 | //Log() << Verbose(3) << step << ">=" << MDSteps-1 << endl;
519 | if (step < MaxSteps) {
520 | Walker->Trajectory.R.at(step).x[n] = Walker->Trajectory.R.at(startstep).x[n] + (PermutationMap[Walker->nr]->Trajectory.R.at(endstep).x[n] - Walker->Trajectory.R.at(startstep).x[n])*((double)step/(double)MaxSteps);
521 | Walker->Trajectory.U.at(step).x[n] = 0.;
522 | Walker->Trajectory.F.at(step).x[n] = 0.;
523 | }
524 | }
525 | }
526 | }
527 | MDSteps = MaxSteps+1; // otherwise new Trajectories' points aren't stored on save&exit
528 |
529 | // store the list to single step files
530 | int *SortIndex = Malloc<int>(AtomCount, "molecule::LinearInterpolationBetweenConfiguration: *SortIndex");
531 | for (int i=AtomCount; i--; )
532 | SortIndex[i] = i;
533 | status = MoleculePerStep->OutputConfigForListOfFragments(&configuration, SortIndex);
534 |
535 | // free and return
536 | Free(&PermutationMap);
537 | delete(MoleculePerStep);
538 | return status;
539 | };
540 |
541 | /** Parses nuclear forces from file and performs Verlet integration.
542 | * Note that we assume the parsed forces to be in atomic units (hence, if coordinates are in angstroem, we
543 | * have to transform them).
544 | * This adds a new MD step to the config file.
545 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
546 | * \param *file filename
547 | * \param config structure with config::Deltat, config::IsAngstroem, config::DoConstrained
548 | * \param delta_t time step width in atomic units
549 | * \param IsAngstroem whether coordinates are in angstroem (true) or bohrradius (false)
550 | * \param DoConstrained whether we perform a constrained (>0, target step in molecule::trajectories) or unconstrained (0) molecular dynamics, \sa molecule::MinimiseConstrainedPotential()
551 | * \return true - file found and parsed, false - file not found or imparsable
552 | * \todo This is not yet checked if it is correctly working with DoConstrained set to true.
553 | */
554 | bool molecule::VerletForceIntegration(char *file, config &configuration)
555 | {
556 | ifstream input(file);
557 | string token;
558 | stringstream item;
559 | double IonMass, ConstrainedPotentialEnergy, ActualTemp;
560 | Vector Velocity;
561 | ForceMatrix Force;
562 |
563 | CountElements(); // make sure ElementsInMolecule is up to date
564 |
565 | // check file
566 | if (input == NULL) {
567 | return false;
568 | } else {
569 | // parse file into ForceMatrix
570 | if (!Force.ParseMatrix(file, 0,0,0)) {
571 | eLog() << Verbose(0) << "Could not parse Force Matrix file " << file << "." << endl;
572 | performCriticalExit();
573 | return false;
574 | }
575 | if (Force.RowCounter[0] != AtomCount) {
576 | eLog() << Verbose(0) << "Mismatch between number of atoms in file " << Force.RowCounter[0] << " and in molecule " << AtomCount << "." << endl;
577 | performCriticalExit();
578 | return false;
579 | }
580 | // correct Forces
581 | Velocity.Zero();
582 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
583 | for(int d=0;d<NDIM;d++) {
584 | Velocity.x[d] += Force.Matrix[0][i][d+5];
585 | }
586 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
587 | for(int d=0;d<NDIM;d++) {
588 | Force.Matrix[0][i][d+5] -= Velocity.x[d]/(double)AtomCount;
589 | }
590 | // solve a constrained potential if we are meant to
591 | if (configuration.DoConstrainedMD) {
592 | // calculate forces and potential
593 | atom **PermutationMap = NULL;
594 | ConstrainedPotentialEnergy = MinimiseConstrainedPotential(PermutationMap,configuration.DoConstrainedMD, 0, configuration.GetIsAngstroem());
595 | EvaluateConstrainedForces(configuration.DoConstrainedMD, 0, PermutationMap, &Force);
596 | Free(&PermutationMap);
597 | }
598 |
599 | // and perform Verlet integration for each atom with position, velocity and force vector
600 | // check size of vectors
601 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::ResizeTrajectory, MDSteps+10 );
602 |
603 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::VelocityVerletUpdate, MDSteps, &configuration, &Force);
604 | }
605 | // correct velocities (rather momenta) so that center of mass remains motionless
606 | Velocity.Zero();
607 | IonMass = 0.;
608 | ActOnAllAtoms ( &atom::SumUpKineticEnergy, MDSteps, &IonMass, &Velocity );
609 |
610 | // correct velocities (rather momenta) so that center of mass remains motionless
611 | Velocity.Scale(1./IonMass);
612 | ActualTemp = 0.;
613 | ActOnAllAtoms ( &atom::CorrectVelocity, &ActualTemp, MDSteps, &Velocity );
614 | Thermostats(configuration, ActualTemp, Berendsen);
615 | MDSteps++;
616 |
617 | // exit
618 | return true;
619 | };
620 |
621 | /** Implementation of various thermostats.
622 | * All these thermostats apply an additional force which has the following forms:
623 | * -# Woodcock
624 | * \f$p_i \rightarrow \sqrt{\frac{T_0}{T}} \cdot p_i\f$
625 | * -# Gaussian
626 | * \f$ \frac{ \sum_i \frac{p_i}{m_i} \frac{\partial V}{\partial q_i}} {\sum_i \frac{p^2_i}{m_i}} \cdot p_i\f$
627 | * -# Langevin
628 | * \f$p_{i,n} \rightarrow \sqrt{1-\alpha^2} p_{i,0} + \alpha p_r\f$
629 | * -# Berendsen
630 | * \f$p_i \rightarrow \left [ 1+ \frac{\delta t}{\tau_T} \left ( \frac{T_0}{T} \right ) \right ]^{\frac{1}{2}} \cdot p_i\f$
631 | * -# Nose-Hoover
632 | * \f$\zeta p_i \f$ with \f$\frac{\partial \zeta}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{M_s} \left ( \sum^N_{i=1} \frac{p_i^2}{m_i} - g k_B T \right )\f$
633 | * These Thermostats either simply rescale the velocities, thus this function should be called after ion velocities have been updated, and/or
634 | * have a constraint force acting additionally on the ions. In the latter case, the ion speeds have to be modified
635 | * belatedly and the constraint force set.
636 | * \param *P Problem at hand
637 | * \param i which of the thermostats to take: 0 - none, 1 - Woodcock, 2 - Gaussian, 3 - Langevin, 4 - Berendsen, 5 - Nose-Hoover
638 | * \sa InitThermostat()
639 | */
640 | void molecule::Thermostats(config &configuration, double ActualTemp, int Thermostat)
641 | {
642 | double ekin = 0.;
643 | double E = 0., G = 0.;
644 | double delta_alpha = 0.;
645 | double ScaleTempFactor;
646 | gsl_rng * r;
647 | const gsl_rng_type * T;
648 |
649 | // calculate scale configuration
650 | ScaleTempFactor = configuration.TargetTemp/ActualTemp;
651 |
652 | // differentating between the various thermostats
653 | switch(Thermostat) {
654 | case None:
655 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Applying no thermostat..." << endl;
656 | break;
657 | case Woodcock:
658 | if ((configuration.ScaleTempStep > 0) && ((MDSteps-1) % configuration.ScaleTempStep == 0)) {
659 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Applying Woodcock thermostat..." << endl;
660 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::Thermostat_Woodcock, sqrt(ScaleTempFactor), MDSteps, &ekin );
661 | }
662 | break;
663 | case Gaussian:
664 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Applying Gaussian thermostat..." << endl;
665 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::Thermostat_Gaussian_init, MDSteps, &G, &E );
666 |
667 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Gaussian Least Constraint constant is " << G/E << "." << endl;
668 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::Thermostat_Gaussian_least_constraint, MDSteps, G/E, &ekin, &configuration);
669 |
670 | break;
671 | case Langevin:
672 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Applying Langevin thermostat..." << endl;
673 | // init random number generator
674 | gsl_rng_env_setup();
675 | T = gsl_rng_default;
676 | r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
677 | // Go through each ion
678 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::Thermostat_Langevin, MDSteps, r, &ekin, &configuration );
679 | break;
680 |
681 | case Berendsen:
682 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Applying Berendsen-VanGunsteren thermostat..." << endl;
683 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::Thermostat_Berendsen, MDSteps, ScaleTempFactor, &ekin, &configuration );
684 | break;
685 |
686 | case NoseHoover:
687 | Log() << Verbose(2) << "Applying Nose-Hoover thermostat..." << endl;
688 | // dynamically evolve alpha (the additional degree of freedom)
689 | delta_alpha = 0.;
690 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::Thermostat_NoseHoover_init, MDSteps, &delta_alpha );
691 | delta_alpha = (delta_alpha - (3.*AtomCount+1.) * configuration.TargetTemp)/(configuration.HooverMass*Units2Electronmass);
692 | configuration.alpha += delta_alpha*configuration.Deltat;
693 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "alpha = " << delta_alpha << " * " << configuration.Deltat << " = " << configuration.alpha << "." << endl;
694 | // apply updated alpha as additional force
695 | ActOnAllAtoms( &atom::Thermostat_NoseHoover_scale, MDSteps, &ekin, &configuration );
696 | break;
697 | }
698 | Log() << Verbose(1) << "Kinetic energy is " << ekin << "." << endl;
699 | };