1 | /*
2 | * linkedcell.hpp
3 | *
4 | * If the linked cell should be usable, the class has to inherit LCNodeSet and the nodes (containing the Vectors) have to inherit LCNode. This works well
5 | * for molecule and atom classes.
6 | *
7 | * Created on: Aug 3, 2009
8 | * Author: heber
9 | */
10 |
11 | #ifndef LINKEDCELL_HPP_
12 | #define LINKEDCELL_HPP_
13 |
14 | using namespace std;
15 |
16 | /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/
17 |
18 | // include config.h
19 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
20 | #include <config.h>
21 | #endif
22 |
23 | #include <list>
24 |
25 | #include "defs.hpp"
26 | #include "vector.hpp"
27 |
28 | /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/
29 |
30 | class PointCloud;
31 | class TesselPoint;
32 |
33 | /********************************************** definitions *********************************/
34 |
35 |
36 | /********************************************** declarations *******************************/
37 |
38 | /** Linked Cell class for containing Vectors in real space efficiently.
39 | */
40 | class LinkedCell {
41 | private:
42 |
43 | public:
44 | typedef list<TesselPoint *> LinkedNodes;
45 |
46 |
47 | Vector max; // upper boundary
48 | Vector min; // lower boundary
49 | LinkedNodes *LC; // linked cell list
50 | double RADIUS; // cell edge length
51 | int N[NDIM]; // number of cells per axis
52 | mutable int n[NDIM]; // temporary variable for current cell per axis
53 | mutable int index; // temporary index variable , access by index = n[0] * N[1] * N[2] + n[1] * N[2] + n[2];
54 |
55 | LinkedCell();
56 | LinkedCell(const PointCloud * const set, const double RADIUS);
57 | LinkedCell(LinkedNodes *set, const double radius);
58 | ~LinkedCell();
59 | const LinkedCell::LinkedNodes* GetCurrentCell()const ;
60 | const LinkedCell::LinkedNodes* GetRelativeToCurrentCell(const int relative[NDIM])const ;
61 | bool SetIndexToNode(const TesselPoint * const Walker)const ;
62 | bool SetIndexToVector(const Vector * const x)const ;
63 | bool CheckBounds()const ;
64 | bool CheckBounds(const int relative[NDIM])const ;
65 | void GetNeighbourBounds(int lower[NDIM], int upper[NDIM], int step = 1)const ;
66 |
67 | LinkedCell::LinkedNodes* GetallNeighbours(const double distance = 0) const;
68 | LinkedCell::LinkedNodes* GetPointsInsideSphere(const double radius, const Vector * const center) const;
69 |
70 | // not implemented yet
71 | bool AddNode(Vector *Walker);
72 | bool DeleteNode(Vector *Walker);
73 | bool MoveNode(Vector *Walker);
74 | };
75 |
76 | #endif /*LINKEDCELL_HPP_*/