/* * linearsystemofequations.cpp * * Created on: Jan 8, 2010 * Author: heber */ #include "defs.hpp" #include "gslmatrix.hpp" #include "gslvector.hpp" #include "linearsystemofequations.hpp" #include "logger.hpp" #include "vector.hpp" #include #include /** Constructor for class LinearSystemOfEquations. * Allocates Vector and Matrix classes. * \param m column dimension * \param n row dimension */ LinearSystemOfEquations::LinearSystemOfEquations(int m, int n) : rows(m), columns(n), IsSymmetric(false) { A = new GSLMatrix(m, n); b = new GSLVector(m); x = new GSLVector(n); }; /** Destructor for class LinearSystemOfEquations. * Destructs Vector and Matrix classes. */ LinearSystemOfEquations::~LinearSystemOfEquations() { delete(A); delete(b); delete(x); }; /** Sets whether matrix is to be regarded as symmetric. * Note that we do not check whether it really is, just take upper diagonal. * \param symmetric true or false */ bool LinearSystemOfEquations::SetSymmetric(bool symmetric) { assert (rows == columns && "Rows and columns don't have equal size! Setting symmetric not possible."); return (IsSymmetric = symmetric); }; /** Initializes vector b to the components of the given vector. * \param *x Vector with equal dimension (no check!) */ void LinearSystemOfEquations::Setb(Vector *x) { assert ( columns == NDIM && "Vector class is always three-dimensional, unlike this LEqS!"); b->SetFromDoubleArray(x->get()); }; /** Initializes vector b to the components of the given vector. * \param *x array with equal dimension (no check!) */ void LinearSystemOfEquations::Setb(double *x) { b->SetFromDoubleArray(x); }; /** Initializes matrix a to the components of the given array. * note that sort order should be * \param *x array with equal dimension (no check!) */ void LinearSystemOfEquations::SetA(double *x) { A->SetFromDoubleArray(x); }; /** Returns the solution vector x \f$A \cdot x = b\f$ as an array of doubles. * \param *array pointer allocated array for solution on return (no bounds check, dimension must match) * \return true - solving possible, false - some error occured. */ bool LinearSystemOfEquations::GetSolutionAsArray(double *&array) { bool status = Solve(); // copy solution for (size_t i=0;idimension;i++) { array[i] = x->Get(i); } return status; }; /** Returns the solution vector x \f$A \cdot x = b\f$ as an array of doubles. * \param &x solution vector on return (must be 3-dimensional) * \return true - solving possible, false - some error occured. */ bool LinearSystemOfEquations::GetSolutionAsVector(Vector &v) { assert(rows == NDIM && "Solution can only be returned as vector if number of columns is NDIM."); bool status = Solve(); // copy solution for (size_t i=0;idimension;i++) v[i] = x->Get(i); return status; }; /** Solves the given system of \f$A \cdot x = b\f$. * Use either LU or Householder decomposition. * Solution is stored in LinearSystemOfEquations::x * \return true - solving possible, false - some error occured. */ bool LinearSystemOfEquations::Solve() { // calculate solution int s; if (IsSymmetric) { // use LU gsl_permutation * p = gsl_permutation_alloc (x->dimension); gsl_linalg_LU_decomp (A->matrix, p, &s); gsl_linalg_LU_solve (A->matrix, p, b->vector, x->vector); gsl_permutation_free (p); } else { // use Householder //GSLMatrix *backup = new GSLMatrix(rows,columns); //*backup = *A; gsl_linalg_HH_solve (A->matrix, b->vector, x->vector); //*A = *backup; //delete(backup); } return true; };