/** \file helpers.hpp * * Declaration of some auxiliary functions for memory dis-/allocation and so on */ #ifndef HELPERS_HPP_ #define HELPERS_HPP_ using namespace std; /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "defs.hpp" #include "log.hpp" #include "memoryallocator.hpp" /********************************************** definitions *********************************/ // some algebraic matrix stuff double RDET3(const double a[NDIM*NDIM]); double RDET2(const double a[4]); double RDET2(const double a0, const double a1, const double a2, const double a3); /********************************************** helpful functions *********************************/ // taken out of TREMOLO /*@-namechecks@*/ #ifndef __GNUC__ # undef __attribute__ # define __attribute__(x) #endif /*@=namechecks@*/ /* Behandelt aufgetretene Fehler. error ist der Fehlertyp(enum Errors) void *SpecialData ist ein untypisierter Zeiger auf Spezielle Daten zur Fehlerbehandlung. Man koennte auch noch einen Zeiger auf eine Funktion uebergeben */ extern void /*@exits@*/ debug(const char *output); //__attribute__ ((__return__)); #define debug(data) debug_in((data), __FILE__, __LINE__) extern void /*@exits@*/ debug_in(const char *output, const char *file, const int line); //__attribute__ ((__return__)); double ask_value(const char *text); bool check_bounds(double *x, double *cell_size); void bound(double *b, double lower_bound, double upper_bound); int pot(int base, int n); int CountLinesinFile(ifstream &InputFile); char *FixedDigitNumber(const int FragmentNumber, const int digits); bool IsValidNumber( const char *string); int CompareDoubles (const void * a, const void * b); double * ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(const double * const cell_size); double * InverseMatrix(const double * const A); void performCriticalExit(); /********************************************** helpful template functions *********************************/ /** Flips two values. * \param x first value * \param y second value */ template void flip(T &x, T &y) { T tmp; tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; }; /** returns greater of the two values. * \param x first value * \param y second value * \return greater of the two (by operator>()) */ template T Max(T &x, T &y) { if (x > y) return x; else return y; }; /** returns smaller of the two values. * \param x first value * \param y second value * \return smaller of the two (by operator<()) */ template T Min(T &x, T &y) { if (x < y) return x; else return y; }; /** Creates a lookup table for true father's Atom::Nr -> atom ptr. * \param *start begin of chain list * \paran *end end of chain list * \param **Lookuptable pointer to return allocated lookup table (should be NULL on start) * \param count optional predetermined size for table (otherwise we set the count to highest true father id) * \return true - success, false - failure */ template bool CreateFatherLookupTable(T *start, T *end, T **&LookupTable, int count = 0) { bool status = true; T *Walker = NULL; int AtomNo; if (LookupTable != NULL) { Log() << Verbose(0) << "Pointer for Lookup table is not NULL! Aborting ..." <next != end) { // create a lookup table (Atom::nr -> atom) used as a marker table lateron Walker = Walker->next; count = (count < Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr) ? Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr : count; } } if (count <= 0) { Log() << Verbose(0) << "Count of lookup list is 0 or less." << endl; return false; } // allocate and fill LookupTable = Calloc(count, "CreateFatherLookupTable - **LookupTable"); if (LookupTable == NULL) { eLog() << Verbose(0) << "LookupTable memory allocation failed!" << endl; performCriticalExit(); status = false; } else { Walker = start; while (Walker->next != end) { // create a lookup table (Atom::nr -> atom) used as a marker table lateron Walker = Walker->next; AtomNo = Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr; if ((AtomNo >= 0) && (AtomNo < count)) { //*out << "Setting LookupTable[" << AtomNo << "] to " << *Walker << endl; LookupTable[AtomNo] = Walker; } else { Log() << Verbose(0) << "Walker " << *Walker << " exceeded range of nuclear ids [0, " << count << ")." << endl; status = false; break; } } } return status; }; /** Frees a two-dimensional array. * \param *ptr pointer to array * \param dim first dim of array */ template void Free2DArray(X **ptr, int dim) { int i; if (ptr != NULL) { for(i=dim;i--;) if (ptr[i] != NULL) free(ptr[i]); free(ptr); } }; template void Increment(T *value, T *inc) { *value += *inc; }; template void AbsoluteValue(T *value, T *abs) { *value = *abs; }; template void IncrementalAbsoluteValue(T *value, T *abs) { *value = *abs; (*abs) += 1; }; #endif /*HELPERS_HPP_*/