1 | /** \file helpers.cpp
2 | *
3 | * Implementation of some auxiliary functions for memory dis-/allocation and so on
4 | */
5 |
6 | #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp"
7 |
8 | #include "helpers.hpp"
9 | #include "Helpers/fast_functions.hpp"
10 | #include "verbose.hpp"
11 | #include "log.hpp"
12 |
13 | /********************************************** helpful functions *********************************/
14 |
15 |
16 | /** Asks for a double value and checks input
17 | * \param *text question
18 | */
19 | double ask_value(const char *text)
20 | {
21 | double test = 0.1439851348959832147598734598273456723948652983045928346598365;
22 | do {
23 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << text);
24 | cin >> test;
25 | } while (test == 0.1439851348959832147598734598273456723948652983045928346598365);
26 | return test;
27 | };
28 |
29 | /** Output of a debug message to stderr.
30 | * \param *P Problem at hand, points to ParallelSimulationData#me
31 | * \param output output string
32 | */
33 | #ifdef HAVE_DEBUG
34 | void debug_in(const char *output, const char *file, const int line) {
35 | if (output) fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: in %s at line %i: %s\n", file, line, output);
36 | }
37 | #else
38 | void debug_in(const char *output, const char *file, const int line) {} // print nothing
39 | #endif
40 |
41 | /** modulo operator for doubles.
42 | * \param *b pointer to double
43 | * \param lower_bound lower bound
44 | * \param upper_bound upper bound
45 | */
46 | void bound(double *b, double lower_bound, double upper_bound)
47 | {
48 | double step = (upper_bound - lower_bound);
49 | while (*b >= upper_bound)
50 | *b -= step;
51 | while (*b < lower_bound)
52 | *b += step;
53 | };
54 |
55 | /** Counts lines in file.
56 | * Note we are scanning lines from current position, not from beginning.
57 | * \param InputFile file to be scanned.
58 | */
59 | int CountLinesinFile(ifstream &InputFile)
60 | {
61 | char *buffer = new char[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
62 | int lines=0;
63 |
64 | int PositionMarker = InputFile.tellg(); // not needed as Inputfile is copied, given by value, not by ref
65 | // count the number of lines, i.e. the number of fragments
66 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE); // skip comment lines
67 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
68 | while(!InputFile.eof()) {
69 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
70 | lines++;
71 | }
72 | InputFile.seekg(PositionMarker, ios::beg);
73 | delete[](buffer);
74 | return lines;
75 | };
76 |
77 | /** Returns a string with \a i prefixed with 0s to match order of total number of molecules in digits.
78 | * \param FragmentNumber total number of fragments to determine necessary number of digits
79 | * \param digits number to create with 0 prefixed
80 | * \return allocated(!) char array with number in digits, ten base.
81 | */
82 | char *FixedDigitNumber(const int FragmentNumber, const int digits)
83 | {
84 | char *returnstring;
85 | int number = FragmentNumber;
86 | int order = 0;
87 | while (number != 0) { // determine number of digits needed
88 | number = (int)floor(((double)number / 10.));
89 | order++;
90 | //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Number is " << number << ", order is " << order << "." << endl;
91 | }
92 | // allocate string
93 | returnstring = new char[order + 2];
94 | // terminate and fill string array from end backward
95 | returnstring[order] = '\0';
96 | number = digits;
97 | for (int i=order;i--;) {
98 | returnstring[i] = '0' + (char)(number % 10);
99 | number = (int)floor(((double)number / 10.));
100 | }
101 | //Log() << Verbose(0) << returnstring << endl;
102 | return returnstring;
103 | };
104 |
105 | /** Tests whether a given string contains a valid number or not.
106 | * \param *string
107 | * \return true - is a number, false - is not a valid number
108 | */
109 | bool IsValidNumber( const char *string)
110 | {
111 | int ptr = 0;
112 | if ((string[ptr] == '.') || (string[ptr] == '-')) // number may be negative or start with dot
113 | ptr++;
114 | if ((string[ptr] >= '0') && (string[ptr] <= '9'))
115 | return true;
116 | return false;
117 | };
118 |
119 | /** Comparison function for GSL heapsort on distances in two molecules.
120 | * \param *a
121 | * \param *b
122 | * \return <0, \a *a less than \a *b, ==0 if equal, >0 \a *a greater than \a *b
123 | */
124 | int CompareDoubles (const void * a, const void * b)
125 | {
126 | if (*(double *)a > *(double *)b)
127 | return -1;
128 | else if (*(double *)a < *(double *)b)
129 | return 1;
130 | else
131 | return 0;
132 | };
133 |
134 |
135 | /**
136 | * Calls exit(255).
137 | */
138 | void performCriticalExit() {
139 | exit(255);
140 | }