1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /**
9 | * \file install.dox
10 | *
11 | * Created on: Oct 28, 2011
12 | * Author: heber
13 | */
14 |
15 | /**
16 | * \page install Installation
17 | *
18 | * \section install-prerequisites Prerequisites
19 | *
20 | * Several packages are required or advised for compilation of the code.
21 | * The code has been developed under ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04, so in the
22 | * following we concentrate on these systems.
23 | *
24 | * A specific section will be added when (cross-)compilation for Windows
25 | * has succeeded. Note that compiling without Qt under GNU/Cygwin is
26 | * relatively straight-forward along the lines of the required packages
27 | * for Ubuntu.
28 | *
29 | * \subsection install-prerequisites-ubuntu ... for Ubuntu
30 | *
31 | * Under Ubuntu 12.04 the following packages are required:
32 | * -# C++ compiler: e.g. g++
33 | * -# LAPACK: liblapack-dev
34 | * -# GSL: libgsl0-dev
35 | * -# BLAS: e.g. libopenblas-dev or libatlas-base-dev
36 | * -# Many Boost Libraries: libboost1.48-all-dev
37 | * -# gawk: gawk
38 | * -# pkg-config: pkg-config
39 | * -# CodePatterns: see below for instructions
40 | *
41 | * The following packages are optional. Note however that certain features
42 | * are not available when these packages are missing:
43 | * -# MoleCuilder scripting and start scripts
44 | * -# Python: python, python-dev
45 | * -# Documentation generated from source code:
46 | * -# doxygen: doxygen
47 | * -# GraphViz: dot
48 | * -# Unit tests
49 | * -# CppUnit: libcppunit-dev
50 | * -# Graphical User Interface
51 | * -# Qt: qt4-dev-tools libqt4-core qt4-qmake
52 | * -# Qt3D: see below for instructions
53 | * -# BOSSANOVA scheme
54 | * -# JobMarket: see below for instructions
55 | * -# MPQC: see below for instructions
56 | * -# ScaFaCoS: see below for instructions
57 | *
58 | * If you are programming with or for MoleCuilder, the following packages are
59 | * advised to use:
60 | * -# ccache: ccache
61 | * -# git: git
62 | * -# autotools: autoconf automake autoheader autoconf libtool
63 | *
64 | * \subsection install-prerequisites-other Other packages
65 | *
66 | * Here, we want to give some advice on how we managed to compile packages that
67 | * don't come as a Debian/Ubuntu package:
68 | *
69 | * \subsubsection install-prerequisites-other-codepatterns CodePatterns
70 | *
71 | * CodePatterns are some general object oriented patterns implemented in C++
72 | * which are a sort of novice attempt to what some of the boost libraries can
73 | * do. E.g. a thread-safe singleton pattern.
74 | *
75 | * Refer to the project's webpage for further instructions.
76 | *
77 | * \subsubsection install-prerequisites-other-qt3d Qt3D
78 | *
79 | * The graphical user interface heavily relies on Qt3D to display atoms and
80 | * their bonds and to allow for selections. As the GUI has been developed with
81 | * Qt4.8 where Qt3D is not yet implemented - this has been done with Qt5 --
82 | * Qt3D has to be compiled and installed manually. Required for compilation
83 | * are the complete dev-tools of Qt4. Then, obtain the code from the repository
84 | * as described here: http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt3d-1.0/qt3d-building.html
85 | * Make sure that the branch \b qt4 is checked out.
86 | * Afterwards, create the Makefiles (check that qt4's qmake is used!), compile, and
87 | * install via
88 | * \code
89 | * qmake-qt4 quick3d.pro
90 | * sudo make
91 | * sudo make install
92 | * \endcode
93 | * Note that I had to manually create \b /usr/include/qt4/Qt3D to pass
94 | * compilation and installation with error.
95 | *
96 | * Furthermore, we require a Qt3D pkg-config file, which is sadly not created.
97 | * This can be easily created by copying e.g. QtOpenGl.pc and search&replacing
98 | * OpenGl to Qt3D (check for double QtQt appearances).
99 | *
100 | * \subsubsection install-prerequisites-other-jobmarket JobMarket
101 | *
102 | * JobMarket is a package for allowing a server to give wrapped-up jobs to
103 | * clients which work on the given job and return some wrapped-up results.
104 | * This has been implemented with boost::asio.
105 | *
106 | * The package is private property of Frederik Heber. Contact the author for
107 | * further information on how to obtain the code and installation instructions.
108 | *
109 | * \subsubsection install-prerequisites-other-scafacos ScaFaCoS
110 | *
111 | * ScaFaCoS is a library of fast Coulomb solvers, created by the same-named BMBF
112 | * funded project. The library contains Versatile MultiGrid (vmg) as one of its
113 | * solvers which is used in the BOSSANOVA scheme for the calculation of
114 | * long-range forces.
115 | *
116 | * ScaFaCoS requires the following packages to compile:
117 | * -# MPI: mpi-default-dev libopenmpi-dev
118 | * -# F2C: libf2c2-dev
119 | * -# Fortran compiler: gfortan
120 | * Compilation additionally required use of
121 | * \code CPPFLAGS="-fPIC" \endcode
122 | * to generate position-independent code. This is because ScaFaCoS so far does
123 | * not use libtool which would otherwise take care of this and created shared
124 | * libraries. Note that VMG is the only required solver, others are not used, e.g.
125 | * for a debug compile you might want to use:
126 | * \code
127 | * ../configure -C --prefix=<path> --enable-shared BSPLINE_DEG=3 MPICC=mpicc.openmpi
128 | * MPICXX=mpicxx.openmpi MPIEXEC=mpirun.openmpi CPPFLAGS="-Wall -g3 -O0 -ggdb -fPIC"
129 | * --enable-mpi --with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib --with-boost=/usr --enable-fcs-solvers=vmg
130 | * \endcode
131 | *
132 | * \subsubsection install-prerequisites-other-mpqc MPQC
133 | *
134 | * Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry (http://www.mpqc.org/) is a Hartree-Fock
135 | * solver with emphasis on concurrency. We, however, require only the solver part.
136 | * The code base has been adapted a bit to allow use within JobMarket.
137 | * Also, it uses the ScaFaCoS package to calculate long-range forces.
138 | *
139 | * \section install-compiling Compiling the Code
140 | *
141 | * After you obtained the code, you do the following:
142 | *
143 | * \code
144 | * ./bootstrap
145 | * \endcode
146 | *
147 | * This creates the necessary autoconf and automake files.
148 | *
149 | * After this,
150 | *
151 | * \code
152 | * mkdir build
153 | * cd build
154 | * ../configure --prefix=`pwd`
155 | * \endcode
156 | *
157 | * which will run the configure script that checks whether you meet all the
158 | * requirements. Note that you may supply system-specific paths as follows:
159 | * -# GNU Scientific Library (specify via LDFLAGS, ...)
160 | * -# Qt4 framework (--with-Qt=<dir> or --with-Qt-include-dir, --with-Qt-bin-dir,
161 | * --with-Qt-lib-dir and --with-Qt-lib)
162 | * -# Boost library 1.40 or newer with program_options and threads (--with-boost=<dir>,
163 | * --with-boost-lib=<path>)
164 | * -# CPPUnit framework (--with-cppunit-prefix=<dir>)
165 | * -# CodePatterns (--with-codepatterns=<dir>)
166 | *
167 | * The following packages are optional (code parts/features are disabled if not
168 | * found:
169 | * -# JobMarket (--enable-jobmarket --with-jobmarket=<dir>
170 | * -# VMG library of ScaFaCoS (--enable-vmg --with-vmg-mpi MPICXX=mpicxx PKGCONFIG=<path to ScaFaCoS pkdir>)
171 | * -# levmar (--with-levmar=<dir>)
172 | *
173 | * \a --prefix is the argument to tell configure where all program code should go
174 | * to (pwd is the unix command for the current working directory). There are
175 | * others, see
176 | *
177 | * \code
178 | * ../configure --help
179 | * \endcode
180 | *
181 | * and some enable/disable switches you should check out:
182 | *
183 | * - \a --enable-ecut - says that the TestRunner, comprising all unit tests in one
184 | * exectuable, shall make use of the Eclipse CppUnitTest (ECUT). If this is
185 | * started within eclipse with this plugin installed, a shiny interface will tell
186 | * you what failed and what not.
187 | * - \a --enable-debug - activates many internal asserts, memory debugger and more
188 | * (makes code a lot slower but gives information in case something fails)
189 | * - \a --enable-python - activates python scripting. For one you can control
190 | * molecuilder within your python code by simply calling its actions. For another
191 | * it automatically executes a script \b molecuilder.py in the current folder
192 | * prior to launching the respective UI.
193 | * - \a --disable-cache - disables caching of certain variables (see CodePatterns).
194 | * - \a --enable-valgrind - each test of the testsuite is launched by wrapping
195 | * the call through valgrind checking on correct handling of memory.
196 | * - \a --with-levmar=<path> - if levmar package is found under given path and
197 | * LAPACK is installed, then FunctionApproximation can be used to fit potentials.
198 | *
199 | * \note A note about configure: If one library is found only under some specific path, you
200 | * can add CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, ... to the configure call, like this
201 | * \code
202 | * ../configure --prefix=`pwd` --enable-hydrogen CFLAGS="-Wall -g3" CXXFLAGS="-Wall -g3"
203 | * \endcode
204 | * which enables all compiler warnings and full debugging of the code without any
205 | * optimization. configure saves these variables, too, such that when it is called
206 | * to re-configure it will still make use of them from its cache file.
207 | *
208 | * There are several flags that change the way molecuilder is compiled and probably
209 | * make it run faster, more unsafe, ...
210 | * -# \a -DLOG_OBSERVER, What the Observers do is logged, the log is printed on exit
211 | * -# \a -DNO_MEMDEBUG, MemDebug (memory debugger) is disabled
212 | * -# \a -DNO_CACHING, Cachable are short-wired, i.e. always recalculate, this slows
213 | * down the code a lot
214 | * -# \a -DNDEBUG, include NO_MEMDEBUG, also ASSERTs are not checked, this speeds up
215 | * the code by a factor of 5
216 | *
217 | * \subsection install-difficulties Difficulties
218 | *
219 | * You might encounter some problems along the way, which we list up here:
220 | * -# Switching from Lucid Lynx to Precise Pangolin, libtool has been patched to
221 | * \b link_all_deplibs=no which causes linking to fail. A temporary way around it
222 | * is to seek&replace all instances in your build directory (replace no with
223 | * unknown). The more general way is to replace packaged and patched libtool
224 | * with an unpatched version you have to compile yourself.
225 | *
226 | * \section install-install Installing
227 | *
228 | * Now, we are ready to compile and install.
229 | *
230 | * \code
231 | * make
232 | * make install
233 | * \endcode
234 | *
235 | * \attention If you have a multi-core system, it is highly recommended to use the
236 | * \a -j option of make to allow for multiple threads to work on compiling or
237 | * checking the codfe simultaneously.
238 | *
239 | * And if everything went well, you should launch the unit tests and the testsuite
240 | * by (see section \ref tests on how to launch the tests individually)
241 | *
242 | * \code
243 | * make check
244 | * \endcode
245 | *
246 | * If everything is OK, you have a working version of MoleCuilder in form of the
247 | * executables \b bin/molecuilder and \b bin/molecuildergui.
248 | *
249 | * If you have to delete all compiled stuff, enter
250 | *
251 | * \code
252 | * make clean
253 | * \endcode
254 | *
255 | * or
256 | *
257 | * \code
258 | * make distclean
259 | * \endcode
260 | *
261 | * which will also delete all autoconf stuff for configure.
262 | *
263 | * distclean is at times necessary when stuff does not compile and there's
264 | * seemingly no logic behind it, i.e. especially when paths of modules have
265 | * changed. To recover your configure options, either look at \b config.log in
266 | * the build directory or enter
267 | *
268 | * \code
269 | * ./config.status --version
270 | * \endcode
271 | *
272 | * Further useful commands are
273 | * -# make clean uninstall: deletes .o-files and removes executable from the given
274 | * binary directory
275 | * -# make doc: Creates these html pages out of the documented source
276 | * -# make distcheck: Checks whether the code compiles and all tests runs without
277 | * from a distributed archive. This is checked for each release version.
278 | *
279 | * \date 2012-12-20
280 | */