/** \file builder.cpp * * By stating absolute positions or binding angles and distances atomic positions of a molecule can be constructed. * The output is the complete configuration file for PCP for direct use. * Features: * -# Atomic data is retrieved from a file, if not found requested and stored there for later re-use * -# step-by-step construction of the molecule beginning either at a centre of with a certain atom * */ /*! \mainpage Molecuilder - a molecular set builder * * This introductory shall briefly make aquainted with the program, helping in installing and a first run. * * \section about About the Program * * Molecuilder is a short program, written in C++, that enables the construction of a coordinate set for the * atoms making up an molecule by the successive statement of binding angles and distances and referencing to * already constructed atoms. * * A configuration file may be written that is compatible to the format used by PCP - a parallel Car-Parrinello * molecular dynamics implementation. * * \section install Installation * * Installation should without problems succeed as follows: * -# ./configure (or: mkdir build;mkdir run;cd build; ../configure --bindir=../run) * -# make * -# make install * * Further useful commands are * -# make clean uninstall: deletes .o-files and removes executable from the given binary directory\n * -# make doxygen-doc: Creates these html pages out of the documented source * * \section run Running * * The program can be executed by running: ./molecuilder * * Note, that it uses a database, called "elements.db", in the executable's directory. If the file is not found, * it is created and any given data on elements of the periodic table will be stored therein and re-used on * later re-execution. * * \section ref References * * For the special configuration file format, see the documentation of pcp. * */ #include using namespace std; #include #include "analysis_bonds.hpp" #include "analysis_correlation.hpp" #include "atom.hpp" #include "bond.hpp" #include "bondgraph.hpp" #include "boundary.hpp" #include "CommandLineParser.hpp" #include "config.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "ellipsoid.hpp" #include "helpers.hpp" #include "leastsquaremin.hpp" #include "linkedcell.hpp" #include "log.hpp" #include "memoryusageobserver.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" #include "periodentafel.hpp" #include "UIElements/UIFactory.hpp" #include "UIElements/MainWindow.hpp" #include "UIElements/Dialog.hpp" #include "Menu/ActionMenuItem.hpp" #include "Actions/ActionRegistry.hpp" #include "Actions/ActionHistory.hpp" #include "Actions/MapOfActions.hpp" #include "Actions/MethodAction.hpp" #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/ChangeNameAction.hpp" #include "World.hpp" #include "version.h" #include "World.hpp" #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp" /********************************************* Subsubmenu routine ************************************/ #if 0 /** Submenu for adding atoms to the molecule. * \param *periode periodentafel * \param *molecule molecules with atoms */ static void AddAtoms(periodentafel *periode, molecule *mol) { atom *first, *second, *third, *fourth; Vector **atoms; Vector x,y,z,n; // coordinates for absolute point in cell volume double a,b,c; char choice; // menu choice char bool valid; cout << Verbose(0) << "===========ADD ATOM============================" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " a - state absolute coordinates of atom" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " b - state relative coordinates of atom wrt to reference point" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " c - state relative coordinates of atom wrt to already placed atom" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " d - state two atoms, two angles and a distance" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " e - least square distance position to a set of atoms" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "Note: Specifiy angles in degrees not multiples of Pi!" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "Not a valid choice." << endl); break; case 'a': // absolute coordinates of atom cout << Verbose(0) << "Enter absolute coordinates." << endl; first = new atom; first->x.AskPosition(World::getInstance().getDomain(), false); first->type = periode->AskElement(); // give type mol->AddAtom(first); // add to molecule break; case 'b': // relative coordinates of atom wrt to reference point first = new atom; valid = true; do { if (!valid) DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "Resulting position out of cell." << endl); cout << Verbose(0) << "Enter reference coordinates." << endl; x.AskPosition(World::getInstance().getDomain(), true); cout << Verbose(0) << "Enter relative coordinates." << endl; first->x.AskPosition(World::getInstance().getDomain(), false); first->x.AddVector((const Vector *)&x); cout << Verbose(0) << "\n"; } while (!(valid = mol->CheckBounds((const Vector *)&first->x))); first->type = periode->AskElement(); // give type mol->AddAtom(first); // add to molecule break; case 'c': // relative coordinates of atom wrt to already placed atom first = new atom; valid = true; do { if (!valid) DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "Resulting position out of cell." << endl); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter atom number: "); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter relative coordinates." << endl); first->x.AskPosition(World::getInstance().getDomain(), false); for (int i=NDIM;i--;) { first->x.x[i] += second->x.x[i]; } } while (!(valid = mol->CheckBounds((const Vector *)&first->x))); first->type = periode->AskElement(); // give type mol->AddAtom(first); // add to molecule break; case 'd': // two atoms, two angles and a distance first = new atom; valid = true; do { if (!valid) { DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "Resulting coordinates out of cell - " << first->x << endl); } cout << Verbose(0) << "First, we need two atoms, the first atom is the central, while the second is the outer one." << endl; second = mol->AskAtom("Enter central atom: "); third = mol->AskAtom("Enter second atom (specifying the axis for first angle): "); fourth = mol->AskAtom("Enter third atom (specifying a plane for second angle): "); a = ask_value("Enter distance between central (first) and new atom: "); b = ask_value("Enter angle between new, first and second atom (degrees): "); b *= M_PI/180.; bound(&b, 0., 2.*M_PI); c = ask_value("Enter second angle between new and normal vector of plane defined by first, second and third atom (degrees): "); c *= M_PI/180.; bound(&c, -M_PI, M_PI); cout << Verbose(0) << "radius: " << a << "\t phi: " << b*180./M_PI << "\t theta: " << c*180./M_PI << endl; /* second->Output(1,1,(ofstream *)&cout); third->Output(1,2,(ofstream *)&cout); fourth->Output(1,3,(ofstream *)&cout); n.MakeNormalvector((const vector *)&second->x, (const vector *)&third->x, (const vector *)&fourth->x); x.Copyvector(&second->x); x.SubtractVector(&third->x); x.Copyvector(&fourth->x); x.SubtractVector(&third->x); if (!z.SolveSystem(&x,&y,&n, b, c, a)) { coutg() << Verbose(0) << "Failure solving self-dependent linear system!" << endl; continue; } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "resulting relative coordinates: "); z.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); */ // calc axis vector x.CopyVector(&second->x); x.SubtractVector(&third->x); x.Normalize(); Log() << Verbose(0) << "x: ", x.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); z.MakeNormalVector(&second->x,&third->x,&fourth->x); Log() << Verbose(0) << "z: ", z.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); y.MakeNormalVector(&x,&z); Log() << Verbose(0) << "y: ", y.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); // rotate vector around first angle first->x.CopyVector(&x); first->x.RotateVector(&z,b - M_PI); Log() << Verbose(0) << "Rotated vector: ", first->x.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); // remove the projection onto the rotation plane of the second angle n.CopyVector(&y); n.Scale(first->x.ScalarProduct(&y)); Log() << Verbose(0) << "N1: ", n.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); first->x.SubtractVector(&n); Log() << Verbose(0) << "Subtracted vector: ", first->x.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); n.CopyVector(&z); n.Scale(first->x.ScalarProduct(&z)); Log() << Verbose(0) << "N2: ", n.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); first->x.SubtractVector(&n); Log() << Verbose(0) << "2nd subtracted vector: ", first->x.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); // rotate another vector around second angle n.CopyVector(&y); n.RotateVector(&x,c - M_PI); Log() << Verbose(0) << "2nd Rotated vector: ", n.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); // add the two linear independent vectors first->x.AddVector(&n); first->x.Normalize(); first->x.Scale(a); first->x.AddVector(&second->x); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "resulting coordinates: "); first->x.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); } while (!(valid = mol->CheckBounds((const Vector *)&first->x))); first->type = periode->AskElement(); // give type mol->AddAtom(first); // add to molecule break; case 'e': // least square distance position to a set of atoms first = new atom; atoms = new (Vector*[128]); valid = true; for(int i=128;i--;) atoms[i] = NULL; int i=0, j=0; cout << Verbose(0) << "Now we need at least three molecules.\n"; do { cout << Verbose(0) << "Enter " << i+1 << "th atom: "; cin >> j; if (j != -1) { second = mol->FindAtom(j); atoms[i++] = &(second->x); } } while ((j != -1) && (i<128)); if (i >= 2) { first->x.LSQdistance((const Vector **)atoms, i); first->x.Output(); first->type = periode->AskElement(); // give type mol->AddAtom(first); // add to molecule } else { delete first; cout << Verbose(0) << "Please enter at least two vectors!\n"; } break; }; }; /** Submenu for centering the atoms in the molecule. * \param *mol molecule with all the atoms */ static void CenterAtoms(molecule *mol) { Vector x, y, helper; char choice; // menu choice char cout << Verbose(0) << "===========CENTER ATOMS=========================" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " a - on origin" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " b - on center of gravity" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " c - within box with additional boundary" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " d - within given simulation box" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: cout << Verbose(0) << "Not a valid choice." << endl; break; case 'a': cout << Verbose(0) << "Centering atoms in config file on origin." << endl; mol->CenterOrigin(); break; case 'b': cout << Verbose(0) << "Centering atoms in config file on center of gravity." << endl; mol->CenterPeriodic(); break; case 'c': cout << Verbose(0) << "Centering atoms in config file within given additional boundary." << endl; for (int i=0;i> y.x[i]; } mol->CenterEdge(&x); // make every coordinate positive mol->Center.AddVector(&y); // translate by boundary helper.CopyVector(&y); helper.Scale(2.); helper.AddVector(&x); mol->SetBoxDimension(&helper); // update Box of atoms by boundary break; case 'd': cout << Verbose(1) << "Centering atoms in config file within given simulation box." << endl; for (int i=0;i> x.x[i]; } // update Box of atoms by boundary mol->SetBoxDimension(&x); // center mol->CenterInBox(); break; } }; /** Submenu for aligning the atoms in the molecule. * \param *periode periodentafel * \param *mol molecule with all the atoms */ static void AlignAtoms(periodentafel *periode, molecule *mol) { atom *first, *second, *third; Vector x,n; char choice; // menu choice char cout << Verbose(0) << "===========ALIGN ATOMS=========================" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " a - state three atoms defining align plane" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " b - state alignment vector" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " c - state two atoms in alignment direction" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << " d - align automatically by least square fit" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl; cout << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: case 'a': // three atoms defining mirror plane first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter second atom: "); third = mol->AskAtom("Enter third atom: "); n.MakeNormalVector((const Vector *)&first->x,(const Vector *)&second->x,(const Vector *)&third->x); break; case 'b': // normal vector of mirror plane cout << Verbose(0) << "Enter normal vector of mirror plane." << endl; n.AskPosition(World::getInstance().getDomain(),0); n.Normalize(); break; case 'c': // three atoms defining mirror plane first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter second atom: "); n.CopyVector((const Vector *)&first->x); n.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); n.Normalize(); break; case 'd': char shorthand[4]; Vector a; struct lsq_params param; do { fprintf(stdout, "Enter the element of atoms to be chosen: "); fscanf(stdin, "%3s", shorthand); } while ((param.type = periode->FindElement(shorthand)) == NULL); cout << Verbose(0) << "Element is " << param.type->name << endl; mol->GetAlignvector(¶m); for (int i=NDIM;i--;) { x.x[i] = gsl_vector_get(param.x,i); n.x[i] = gsl_vector_get(param.x,i+NDIM); } gsl_vector_free(param.x); cout << Verbose(0) << "Offset vector: "; x.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); n.Normalize(); break; }; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Alignment vector: "); n.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); mol->Align(&n); }; /** Submenu for mirroring the atoms in the molecule. * \param *mol molecule with all the atoms */ static void MirrorAtoms(molecule *mol) { atom *first, *second, *third; Vector n; char choice; // menu choice char DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===========MIRROR ATOMS=========================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " a - state three atoms defining mirror plane" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " b - state normal vector of mirror plane" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " c - state two atoms in normal direction" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: case 'a': // three atoms defining mirror plane first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter second atom: "); third = mol->AskAtom("Enter third atom: "); n.MakeNormalVector((const Vector *)&first->x,(const Vector *)&second->x,(const Vector *)&third->x); break; case 'b': // normal vector of mirror plane DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter normal vector of mirror plane." << endl); n.AskPosition(World::getInstance().getDomain(),0); n.Normalize(); break; case 'c': // three atoms defining mirror plane first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter second atom: "); n.CopyVector((const Vector *)&first->x); n.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); n.Normalize(); break; }; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Normal vector: "); n.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); mol->Mirror((const Vector *)&n); }; /** Submenu for removing the atoms from the molecule. * \param *mol molecule with all the atoms */ static void RemoveAtoms(molecule *mol) { atom *first, *second; int axis; double tmp1, tmp2; char choice; // menu choice char DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===========REMOVE ATOMS=========================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " a - state atom for removal by number" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " b - keep only in radius around atom" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " c - remove this with one axis greater value" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: case 'a': if (mol->RemoveAtom(mol->AskAtom("Enter number of atom within molecule: "))) DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Atom removed." << endl); else DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Atom not found." << endl); break; case 'b': second = mol->AskAtom("Enter number of atom as reference point: "); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter radius: "); cin >> tmp1; first = mol->start; second = first->next; while(second != mol->end) { first = second; second = first->next; if (first->x.DistanceSquared((const Vector *)&second->x) > tmp1*tmp1) // distance to first above radius ... mol->RemoveAtom(first); } break; case 'c': DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Which axis is it: "); cin >> axis; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Lower boundary: "); cin >> tmp1; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Upper boundary: "); cin >> tmp2; first = mol->start; second = first->next; while(second != mol->end) { first = second; second = first->next; if ((first->x.x[axis] < tmp1) || (first->x.x[axis] > tmp2)) {// out of boundary ... //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Atom " << *first << " with " << first->x.x[axis] << " on axis " << axis << " is out of bounds [" << tmp1 << "," << tmp2 << "]." << endl; mol->RemoveAtom(first); } } break; }; //mol->Output(); choice = 'r'; }; /** Submenu for measuring out the atoms in the molecule. * \param *periode periodentafel * \param *mol molecule with all the atoms */ static void MeasureAtoms(periodentafel *periode, molecule *mol, config *configuration) { atom *first, *second, *third; Vector x,y; double min[256], tmp1, tmp2, tmp3; int Z; char choice; // menu choice char DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===========MEASURE ATOMS=========================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " a - calculate bond length between one atom and all others" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " b - calculate bond length between two atoms" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " c - calculate bond angle" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " d - calculate principal axis of the system" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " e - calculate volume of the convex envelope" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " f - calculate temperature from current velocity" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " g - output all temperatures per step from velocities" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "); cin >> choice; switch(choice) { default: DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Not a valid choice." << endl); break; case 'a': first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first atom: "); for (int i=MAX_ELEMENTS;i--;) min[i] = 0.; second = mol->start; while ((second->next != mol->end)) { second = second->next; // advance Z = second->type->Z; tmp1 = 0.; if (first != second) { x.CopyVector((const Vector *)&first->x); x.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); tmp1 = x.Norm(); } if ((tmp1 != 0.) && ((min[Z] == 0.) || (tmp1 < min[Z]))) min[Z] = tmp1; //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Bond length between Atom " << first->nr << " and " << second->nr << ": " << tmp1 << " a.u." << endl; } for (int i=MAX_ELEMENTS;i--;) if (min[i] != 0.) Log() << Verbose(0) << "Minimum Bond length between " << first->type->name << " Atom " << first->nr << " and next Ion of type " << (periode->FindElement(i))->name << ": " << min[i] << " a.u." << endl; break; case 'b': first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter second atom: "); for (int i=NDIM;i--;) min[i] = 0.; x.CopyVector((const Vector *)&first->x); x.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); tmp1 = x.Norm(); DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Distance vector is "); x.Output(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "." << endl << "Norm of distance is " << tmp1 << "." << endl); break; case 'c': DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Evaluating bond angle between three - first, central, last - atoms." << endl); first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter central atom: "); third = mol->AskAtom("Enter last atom: "); tmp1 = tmp2 = tmp3 = 0.; x.CopyVector((const Vector *)&first->x); x.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); y.CopyVector((const Vector *)&third->x); y.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Bond angle between first atom Nr." << first->nr << ", central atom Nr." << second->nr << " and last atom Nr." << third->nr << ": "); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (acos(x.ScalarProduct((const Vector *)&y)/(y.Norm()*x.Norm()))/M_PI*180.) << " degrees" << endl); break; case 'd': DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Evaluating prinicipal axis." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Shall we rotate? [0/1]: "); cin >> Z; if ((Z >=0) && (Z <=1)) mol->PrincipalAxisSystem((bool)Z); else mol->PrincipalAxisSystem(false); break; case 'e': { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Evaluating volume of the convex envelope."); class Tesselation *TesselStruct = NULL; const LinkedCell *LCList = NULL; LCList = new LinkedCell(mol, 10.); FindConvexBorder(mol, TesselStruct, LCList, NULL); double clustervolume = VolumeOfConvexEnvelope(TesselStruct, configuration); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "The tesselated surface area is " << clustervolume << "." << endl);\ delete(LCList); delete(TesselStruct); } break; case 'f': mol->OutputTemperatureFromTrajectories((ofstream *)&cout, mol->MDSteps-1, mol->MDSteps); break; case 'g': { char filename[255]; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Please enter filename: " << endl); cin >> filename; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Storing temperatures in " << filename << "." << endl); ofstream *output = new ofstream(filename, ios::trunc); if (!mol->OutputTemperatureFromTrajectories(output, 0, mol->MDSteps)) DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File could not be written." << endl); else DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File stored." << endl); output->close(); delete(output); } break; } }; /** Submenu for measuring out the atoms in the molecule. * \param *mol molecule with all the atoms * \param *configuration configuration structure for the to be written config files of all fragments */ static void FragmentAtoms(molecule *mol, config *configuration) { int Order1; clock_t start, end; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragmenting molecule with current connection matrix ..." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "What's the desired bond order: "); cin >> Order1; if (mol->first->next != mol->last) { // there are bonds start = clock(); mol->FragmentMolecule(Order1, configuration); end = clock(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Clocks for this operation: " << (end-start) << ", time: " << ((double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s." << endl); } else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Connection matrix has not yet been generated!" << endl); }; /********************************************** Submenu routine **************************************/ /** Submenu for manipulating atoms. * \param *periode periodentafel * \param *molecules list of molecules whose atoms are to be manipulated */ static void ManipulateAtoms(periodentafel *periode, MoleculeListClass *molecules, config *configuration) { atom *first, *second, *third; molecule *mol = NULL; Vector x,y,z,n; // coordinates for absolute point in cell volume double *factor; // unit factor if desired double bond, minBond; char choice; // menu choice char bool valid; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "=========MANIPULATE ATOMS======================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "a - add an atom" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "r - remove an atom" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "b - scale a bond between atoms" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "t - turn an atom round another bond" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "u - change an atoms element" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "l - measure lengths, angles, ... for an atom" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl); if (molecules->NumberOfActiveMolecules() > 1) DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "There is more than one molecule active! Atoms will be added to each." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Not a valid choice." << endl); break; case 'a': // add atom for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); AddAtoms(periode, mol); } break; case 'b': // scale a bond for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Scaling bond length between two atoms." << endl); first = mol->AskAtom("Enter first (fixed) atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter second (shifting) atom: "); minBond = 0.; for (int i=NDIM;i--;) minBond += (first->x.x[i]-second->x.x[i])*(first->x.x[i] - second->x.x[i]); minBond = sqrt(minBond); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current Bond length between " << first->type->name << " Atom " << first->nr << " and " << second->type->name << " Atom " << second->nr << ": " << minBond << " a.u." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter new bond length [a.u.]: "); cin >> bond; for (int i=NDIM;i--;) { second->x.x[i] -= (second->x.x[i]-first->x.x[i])/minBond*(minBond-bond); } //Log() << Verbose(0) << "New coordinates of Atom " << second->nr << " are: "; //second->Output(second->type->No, 1); } break; case 'c': // unit scaling of the metric for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Angstroem -> Bohrradius: 1.8897261\t\tBohrradius -> Angstroem: 0.52917721" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter three factors: "); factor = new double[NDIM]; cin >> factor[0]; cin >> factor[1]; cin >> factor[2]; valid = true; mol->Scale((const double ** const)&factor); delete[](factor); } break; case 'l': // measure distances or angles for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); MeasureAtoms(periode, mol, configuration); } break; case 'r': // remove atom for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); RemoveAtoms(mol); } break; case 't': // turn/rotate atom for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Turning atom around another bond - first is atom to turn, second (central) and third specify bond" << endl); first = mol->AskAtom("Enter turning atom: "); second = mol->AskAtom("Enter central atom: "); third = mol->AskAtom("Enter bond atom: "); cout << Verbose(0) << "Enter new angle in degrees: "; double tmp = 0.; cin >> tmp; // calculate old angle x.CopyVector((const Vector *)&first->x); x.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); y.CopyVector((const Vector *)&third->x); y.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); double alpha = (acos(x.ScalarProduct((const Vector *)&y)/(y.Norm()*x.Norm()))/M_PI*180.); cout << Verbose(0) << "Bond angle between first atom Nr." << first->nr << ", central atom Nr." << second->nr << " and last atom Nr." << third->nr << ": "; cout << Verbose(0) << alpha << " degrees" << endl; // rotate z.MakeNormalVector(&x,&y); x.RotateVector(&z,(alpha-tmp)*M_PI/180.); x.AddVector(&second->x); first->x.CopyVector(&x); // check new angle x.CopyVector((const Vector *)&first->x); x.SubtractVector((const Vector *)&second->x); alpha = (acos(x.ScalarProduct((const Vector *)&y)/(y.Norm()*x.Norm()))/M_PI*180.); cout << Verbose(0) << "new Bond angle between first atom Nr." << first->nr << ", central atom Nr." << second->nr << " and last atom Nr." << third->nr << ": "; cout << Verbose(0) << alpha << " degrees" << endl; } break; case 'u': // change an atom's element for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { int Z; mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); first = NULL; do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Change the element of which atom: "); cin >> Z; } while ((first = mol->FindAtom(Z)) == NULL); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "New element by atomic number Z: "); cin >> Z; first->type = periode->FindElement(Z); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Atom " << first->nr << "'s element is " << first->type->name << "." << endl); } break; } }; /** Submenu for manipulating molecules. * \param *periode periodentafel * \param *molecules list of molecule to manipulate */ static void ManipulateMolecules(periodentafel *periode, MoleculeListClass *molecules, config *configuration) { atom *first = NULL; Vector x,y,z,n; // coordinates for absolute point in cell volume int j, axis, count, faktor; char choice; // menu choice char molecule *mol = NULL; element **Elements; Vector **vectors; MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = NULL; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "=========MANIPULATE GLOBALLY===================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "c - scale by unit transformation" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "d - duplicate molecule/periodic cell" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "f - fragment molecule many-body bond order style" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "g - center atoms in box" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "i - realign molecule" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "m - mirror all molecules" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "o - create connection matrix" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "t - translate molecule by vector" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl); if (molecules->NumberOfActiveMolecules() > 1) DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "There is more than one molecule active! Atoms will be added to each." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Not a valid choice." << endl); break; case 'd': // duplicate the periodic cell along a given axis, given times for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "State the axis [(+-)123]: "); cin >> axis; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "State the factor: "); cin >> faktor; mol->CountAtoms(); // recount atoms if (mol->AtomCount != 0) { // if there is more than none count = mol->AtomCount; // is changed becausing of adding, thus has to be stored away beforehand Elements = new element *[count]; vectors = new Vector *[count]; j = 0; first = mol->start; while (first->next != mol->end) { // make a list of all atoms with coordinates and element first = first->next; Elements[j] = first->type; vectors[j] = &first->x; j++; } if (count != j) DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "AtomCount " << count << " is not equal to number of atoms in molecule " << j << "!" << endl); x.Zero(); y.Zero(); y.x[abs(axis)-1] = World::getInstance().getDomain()[(abs(axis) == 2) ? 2 : ((abs(axis) == 3) ? 5 : 0)] * abs(axis)/axis; // last term is for sign, first is for magnitude for (int i=1;ix.CopyVector(vectors[k]); // use coordinate of original atom first->x.AddVector(&x); // translate the coordinates first->type = Elements[k]; // insert original element mol->AddAtom(first); // and add to the molecule (which increments ElementsInMolecule, AtomCount, ...) } } if (mol->first->next != mol->last) // if connect matrix is present already, redo it mol->CreateAdjacencyList(mol->BondDistance, configuration->GetIsAngstroem(), &BondGraph::CovalentMinMaxDistance, NULL); // free memory delete[](Elements); delete[](vectors); // correct cell size if (axis < 0) { // if sign was negative, we have to translate everything x.Zero(); x.AddVector(&y); x.Scale(-(faktor-1)); mol->Translate(&x); } World::getInstance().getDomain()[(abs(axis) == 2) ? 2 : ((abs(axis) == 3) ? 5 : 0)] *= faktor; } } break; case 'f': FragmentAtoms(mol, configuration); break; case 'g': // center the atoms for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); CenterAtoms(mol); } break; case 'i': // align all atoms for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); AlignAtoms(periode, mol); } break; case 'm': // mirror atoms along a given axis for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); MirrorAtoms(mol); } break; case 'o': // create the connection matrix for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; double bonddistance; clock_t start,end; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "What's the maximum bond distance: "); cin >> bonddistance; start = clock(); mol->CreateAdjacencyList(bonddistance, configuration->GetIsAngstroem(), &BondGraph::CovalentMinMaxDistance, NULL); end = clock(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Clocks for this operation: " << (end-start) << ", time: " << ((double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s." << endl); } break; case 't': // translate all atoms for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current molecule is: " << mol->IndexNr << "\t" << mol->name << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter translation vector." << endl); x.AskPosition(World::getInstance().getDomain(),0); mol->Center.AddVector((const Vector *)&x); } break; } // Free all if (Subgraphs != NULL) { // free disconnected subgraph list of DFS analysis was performed while (Subgraphs->next != NULL) { Subgraphs = Subgraphs->next; delete(Subgraphs->previous); } delete(Subgraphs); } }; /** Submenu for creating new molecules. * \param *periode periodentafel * \param *molecules list of molecules to add to */ static void EditMolecules(periodentafel *periode, MoleculeListClass *molecules) { char choice; // menu choice char Vector center; int nr, count; molecule *mol = NULL; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "==========EDIT MOLECULES=====================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "c - create new molecule" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "l - load molecule from xyz file" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "n - change molecule's name" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "N - give molecules filename" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "p - parse atoms in xyz file into molecule" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "r - remove a molecule" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Not a valid choice." << endl); break; case 'c': mol = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); molecules->insert(mol); break; case 'l': // load from XYZ file { char filename[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Format should be XYZ with: ShorthandOfElement\tX\tY\tZ" << endl); mol = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter file name: "); cin >> filename; } while (!mol->AddXYZFile(filename)); mol->SetNameFromFilename(filename); // center at set box dimensions mol->CenterEdge(¢er); double * const cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain(); cell_size[0] = center.x[0]; cell_size[1] = 0; cell_size[2] = center.x[1]; cell_size[3] = 0; cell_size[4] = 0; cell_size[5] = center.x[2]; molecules->insert(mol); } break; case 'n': { char filename[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of molecule: "); cin >> nr; mol = molecules->ReturnIndex(nr); } while (mol == NULL); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter name: "); cin >> filename; strcpy(mol->name, filename); } break; case 'N': { char filename[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of molecule: "); cin >> nr; mol = molecules->ReturnIndex(nr); } while (mol == NULL); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter name: "); cin >> filename; mol->SetNameFromFilename(filename); } break; case 'p': // parse XYZ file { char filename[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; mol = NULL; do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of molecule: "); cin >> nr; mol = molecules->ReturnIndex(nr); } while (mol == NULL); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Format should be XYZ with: ShorthandOfElement\tX\tY\tZ" << endl); do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter file name: "); cin >> filename; } while (!mol->AddXYZFile(filename)); mol->SetNameFromFilename(filename); } break; case 'r': DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of molecule: "); cin >> nr; count = 1; for(MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if (nr == (*ListRunner)->IndexNr) { mol = *ListRunner; molecules->ListOfMolecules.erase(ListRunner); delete(mol); break; } break; } }; /** Submenu for merging molecules. * \param *periode periodentafel * \param *molecules list of molecules to add to */ static void MergeMolecules(periodentafel *periode, MoleculeListClass *molecules) { char choice; // menu choice char DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===========MERGE MOLECULES=====================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "a - simple add of one molecule to another" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "b - count the number of bonds of two elements" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "B - count the number of bonds of three elements " << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "e - embedding merge of two molecules" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "h - count the number of hydrogen bonds" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "b - count the number of hydrogen bonds" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "m - multi-merge of all molecules" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "s - scatter merge of two molecules" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "t - simple merge of two molecules" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "all else - go back" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "INPUT: "); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { default: DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Not a valid choice." << endl); break; case 'a': { int src, dest; molecule *srcmol = NULL, *destmol = NULL; { do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of destination molecule: "); cin >> dest; destmol = molecules->ReturnIndex(dest); } while ((destmol == NULL) && (dest != -1)); do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of source molecule to add from: "); cin >> src; srcmol = molecules->ReturnIndex(src); } while ((srcmol == NULL) && (src != -1)); if ((src != -1) && (dest != -1)) molecules->SimpleAdd(srcmol, destmol); } } break; case 'b': { const int nr = 2; char *names[nr] = {"first", "second"}; int Z[nr]; element *elements[nr]; for (int i=0;i> Z[i]; } while ((Z[i] <= 0) && (Z[i] > MAX_ELEMENTS)); elements[i] = periode->FindElement(Z[i]); } const int count = CountBondsOfTwo(molecules, elements[0], elements[1]); cout << endl << "There are " << count << " "; for (int i=0;isymbol; else cout << "-" << elements[i]->symbol; } cout << " bonds." << endl; } break; case 'B': { const int nr = 3; char *names[nr] = {"first", "second", "third"}; int Z[nr]; element *elements[nr]; for (int i=0;i> Z[i]; } while ((Z[i] <= 0) && (Z[i] > MAX_ELEMENTS)); elements[i] = periode->FindElement(Z[i]); } const int count = CountBondsOfThree(molecules, elements[0], elements[1], elements[2]); cout << endl << "There are " << count << " "; for (int i=0;isymbol; else cout << "-" << elements[i]->symbol; } cout << " bonds." << endl; } break; case 'e': { int src, dest; molecule *srcmol = NULL, *destmol = NULL; do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of matrix molecule (the variable one): "); cin >> src; srcmol = molecules->ReturnIndex(src); } while ((srcmol == NULL) && (src != -1)); do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of molecule to merge into (the fixed one): "); cin >> dest; destmol = molecules->ReturnIndex(dest); } while ((destmol == NULL) && (dest != -1)); if ((src != -1) && (dest != -1)) molecules->EmbedMerge(destmol, srcmol); } break; case 'h': { int Z; cout << "Please enter interface element: "; cin >> Z; element * const InterfaceElement = periode->FindElement(Z); cout << endl << "There are " << CountHydrogenBridgeBonds(molecules, InterfaceElement) << " hydrogen bridges with connections to " << (InterfaceElement != 0 ? InterfaceElement->name : "None") << "." << endl; } break; case 'm': { int nr; molecule *mol = NULL; do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of molecule to merge into: "); cin >> nr; mol = molecules->ReturnIndex(nr); } while ((mol == NULL) && (nr != -1)); if (nr != -1) { int N = molecules->ListOfMolecules.size()-1; int *src = new int(N); for(MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->IndexNr != nr) src[N++] = (*ListRunner)->IndexNr; molecules->SimpleMultiMerge(mol, src, N); delete[](src); } } break; case 's': DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Not implemented yet." << endl); break; case 't': { int src, dest; molecule *srcmol = NULL, *destmol = NULL; { do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of destination molecule: "); cin >> dest; destmol = molecules->ReturnIndex(dest); } while ((destmol == NULL) && (dest != -1)); do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Enter index of source molecule to merge into: "); cin >> src; srcmol = molecules->ReturnIndex(src); } while ((srcmol == NULL) && (src != -1)); if ((src != -1) && (dest != -1)) molecules->SimpleMerge(srcmol, destmol); } } break; } }; /********************************************** Test routine **************************************/ /** Is called always as option 'T' in the menu. * \param *molecules list of molecules */ static void testroutine(MoleculeListClass *molecules) { // the current test routine checks the functionality of the KeySet&Graph concept: // We want to have a multiindex (the KeySet) describing a unique subgraph int i, comp, counter=0; // create a clone molecule *mol = NULL; if (molecules->ListOfMolecules.size() != 0) // clone mol = (molecules->ListOfMolecules.front())->CopyMolecule(); else { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "I don't have anything to test on ... "); performCriticalExit(); return; } atom *Walker = mol->start; // generate some KeySets DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Generating KeySets." << endl); KeySet TestSets[mol->AtomCount+1]; i=1; while (Walker->next != mol->end) { Walker = Walker->next; for (int j=0;jnr); } i++; } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Testing insertion of already present item in KeySets." << endl); KeySetTestPair test; test = TestSets[mol->AtomCount-1].insert(Walker->nr); if (test.second) { DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Insertion worked?!" << endl); } else { DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Insertion rejected: Present object is " << (*test.first) << "." << endl); } TestSets[mol->AtomCount].insert(mol->end->previous->nr); TestSets[mol->AtomCount].insert(mol->end->previous->previous->previous->nr); // constructing Graph structure DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Generating Subgraph class." << endl); Graph Subgraphs; // insert KeySets into Subgraphs DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Inserting KeySets into Subgraph class." << endl); for (int j=0;jAtomCount;j++) { Subgraphs.insert(GraphPair (TestSets[j],pair(counter++, 1.))); } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Testing insertion of already present item in Subgraph." << endl); GraphTestPair test2; test2 = Subgraphs.insert(GraphPair (TestSets[mol->AtomCount],pair(counter++, 1.))); if (test2.second) { DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Insertion worked?!" << endl); } else { DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Insertion rejected: Present object is " << (*(test2.first)).second.first << "." << endl); } // show graphs DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Showing Subgraph's contents, checking that it's sorted." << endl); Graph::iterator A = Subgraphs.begin(); while (A != Subgraphs.end()) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (*A).second.first << ": "); KeySet::iterator key = (*A).first.begin(); comp = -1; while (key != (*A).first.end()) { if ((*key) > comp) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (*key) << " "); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (*key) << "! "); comp = (*key); key++; } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl); A++; } delete(mol); }; #endif /** Tries given filename or standard on saving the config file. * \param *ConfigFileName name of file * \param *configuration pointer to configuration structure with all the values * \param *periode pointer to periodentafel structure with all the elements * \param *molecules list of molecules structure with all the atoms and coordinates */ static void SaveConfig(char *ConfigFileName, config *configuration, periodentafel *periode, MoleculeListClass *molecules) { char filename[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; ofstream output; molecule *mol = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); mol->SetNameFromFilename(ConfigFileName); if (!strcmp(configuration->configpath, configuration->GetDefaultPath())) { DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "config is found under different path then stated in config file::defaultpath!" << endl); } // first save as PDB data if (ConfigFileName != NULL) strcpy(filename, ConfigFileName); if (output == NULL) strcpy(filename,"main_pcp_linux"); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving as pdb input "); if (configuration->SavePDB(filename, molecules)) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "done." << endl); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "failed." << endl); // then save as tremolo data file if (ConfigFileName != NULL) strcpy(filename, ConfigFileName); if (output == NULL) strcpy(filename,"main_pcp_linux"); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving as tremolo data input "); if (configuration->SaveTREMOLO(filename, molecules)) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "done." << endl); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "failed." << endl); // translate each to its center and merge all molecules in MoleculeListClass into this molecule int N = molecules->ListOfMolecules.size(); int *src = new int[N]; N=0; for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) { src[N++] = (*ListRunner)->IndexNr; (*ListRunner)->Translate(&(*ListRunner)->Center); } molecules->SimpleMultiAdd(mol, src, N); delete[](src); // ... and translate back for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) { (*ListRunner)->Center.Scale(-1.); (*ListRunner)->Translate(&(*ListRunner)->Center); (*ListRunner)->Center.Scale(-1.); } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Storing configuration ... " << endl); // get correct valence orbitals mol->CalculateOrbitals(*configuration); configuration->InitMaxMinStopStep = configuration->MaxMinStopStep = configuration->MaxPsiDouble; if (ConfigFileName != NULL) { // test the file name strcpy(filename, ConfigFileName); output.open(filename, ios::trunc); } else if (strlen(configuration->configname) != 0) { strcpy(filename, configuration->configname); output.open(configuration->configname, ios::trunc); } else { strcpy(filename, DEFAULTCONFIG); output.open(DEFAULTCONFIG, ios::trunc); } output.close(); output.clear(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving of config file "); if (configuration->Save(filename, periode, mol)) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "successful." << endl); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "failed." << endl); // and save to xyz file if (ConfigFileName != NULL) { strcpy(filename, ConfigFileName); strcat(filename, ".xyz"); output.open(filename, ios::trunc); } if (output == NULL) { strcpy(filename,"main_pcp_linux"); strcat(filename, ".xyz"); output.open(filename, ios::trunc); } DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving of XYZ file "); if (mol->MDSteps <= 1) { if (mol->OutputXYZ(&output)) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "successful." << endl); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "failed." << endl); } else { if (mol->OutputTrajectoriesXYZ(&output)) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "successful." << endl); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "failed." << endl); } output.close(); output.clear(); // and save as MPQC configuration if (ConfigFileName != NULL) strcpy(filename, ConfigFileName); if (output == NULL) strcpy(filename,"main_pcp_linux"); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving as mpqc input "); if (configuration->SaveMPQC(filename, mol)) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "done." << endl); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "failed." << endl); if (!strcmp(configuration->configpath, configuration->GetDefaultPath())) { DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "config is found under different path then stated in config file::defaultpath!" << endl); } World::getInstance().destroyMolecule(mol); }; /** Parses the command line options. * Note that this function is from now on transitional. All commands that are not passed * here are handled by CommandLineParser and the actions of CommandLineUIFactory. * \param argc argument count * \param **argv arguments array * \param *molecules list of molecules structure * \param *periode elements structure * \param configuration config file structure * \param *ConfigFileName pointer to config file name in **argv * \param *PathToDatabases pointer to db's path in **argv * \param &ArgcList list of arguments that we do not parse here * \return exit code (0 - successful, all else - something's wrong) */ static int ParseCommandLineOptions(int argc, char **argv, MoleculeListClass *&molecules, periodentafel *&periode, config& configuration, char *&ConfigFileName, set &ArgcList) { Vector x,y,z,n; // coordinates for absolute point in cell volume double *factor; // unit factor if desired ifstream test; ofstream output; string line; atom *first; bool SaveFlag = false; int ExitFlag = 0; int j; double volume = 0.; enum ConfigStatus configPresent = absent; clock_t start,end; double MaxDistance = -1; int argptr; molecule *mol = NULL; string BondGraphFileName("\n"); strncpy(configuration.databasepath, LocalPath, MAXSTRINGSIZE-1); if (argc > 1) { // config file specified as option // 1. : Parse options that just set variables or print help argptr = 1; do { if (argv[argptr][0] == '-') { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Recognized command line argument: " << argv[argptr][1] << ".\n"); argptr++; switch(argv[argptr-1][1]) { case 'h': case 'H': case '?': ArgcList.insert(argptr-1); return(1); break; case 'v': ArgcList.insert(argptr-1); return(1); break; case 'V': ArgcList.insert(argptr-1); ArgcList.insert(argptr); argptr++; break; case 'B': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+5 >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+3])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+4])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+5])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for bounding in box: -B " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; j = -1; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Centering atoms in config file within given simulation box." << endl); double * const cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain(); for (int i=0;i<6;i++) { cell_size[i] = atof(argv[argptr+i]); } argptr+=6; } break; case 'e': if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments for specifying element db: -e " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Using " << argv[argptr] << " as elements database." << endl); strncpy (configuration.databasepath, argv[argptr], MAXSTRINGSIZE-1); argptr+=1; } break; case 'g': if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments for specifying bond length table: -g " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { BondGraphFileName = argv[argptr]; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Using " << BondGraphFileName << " as bond length table." << endl); argptr+=1; } break; case 'n': DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "I won't parse trajectories." << endl); configuration.FastParsing = true; break; case 'X': { World::getInstance().setDefaultName(argv[argptr]); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Default name of new molecules set to " << *World::getInstance().getDefaultName() << "." << endl); } break; default: // no match? Step on argptr++; break; } } else argptr++; } while (argptr < argc); // 3a. Parse the element database if (periode->LoadPeriodentafel(configuration.databasepath)) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Element list loaded successfully." << endl); //periode->Output(); } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Element list loading failed." << endl); return 1; } // 3b. Find config file name and parse if possible, also BondGraphFileName if (argv[1][0] != '-') { // simply create a new molecule, wherein the config file is loaded and the manipulation takes place DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Config file given." << endl); test.open(argv[1], ios::in); if (test == NULL) { //return (1); output.open(argv[1], ios::out); if (output == NULL) { DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Specified config file " << argv[1] << " not found." << endl); configPresent = absent; } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Empty configuration file." << endl); ConfigFileName = argv[1]; configPresent = empty; output.close(); } } else { test.close(); ConfigFileName = argv[1]; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Specified config file found, parsing ... "); switch (configuration.TestSyntax(ConfigFileName, periode)) { case 1: DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "new syntax." << endl); configuration.Load(ConfigFileName, BondGraphFileName, periode, molecules); configPresent = present; break; case 0: DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "old syntax." << endl); configuration.LoadOld(ConfigFileName, BondGraphFileName, periode, molecules); configPresent = present; break; default: DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Unknown syntax or empty, yet present file." << endl); configPresent = empty; } } } else configPresent = absent; // set mol to first active molecule if (molecules->ListOfMolecules.size() != 0) { for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; break; } } if (mol == NULL) { mol = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); mol->ActiveFlag = true; if (ConfigFileName != NULL) mol->SetNameFromFilename(ConfigFileName); molecules->insert(mol); } if (configuration.BG == NULL) { configuration.BG = new BondGraph(configuration.GetIsAngstroem()); if ((!BondGraphFileName.empty()) && (configuration.BG->LoadBondLengthTable(BondGraphFileName))) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Bond length table loaded successfully." << endl); } else { DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Bond length table loading failed." << endl); } } // 4. parse again through options, now for those depending on elements db and config presence argptr = 1; do { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current Command line argument: " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); if (argv[argptr][0] == '-') { argptr++; if ((configPresent == present) || (configPresent == empty)) { switch(argv[argptr-1][1]) { case 'p': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough arguments for parsing: -p " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Parsing xyz file for new atoms." << endl); if (!mol->AddXYZFile(argv[argptr])) DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File not found." << endl); else { DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File found and parsed." << endl); configPresent = present; } } break; case 'a': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+3]))) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments for adding atom: -a " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; Log() << Verbose(1) << "Adding new atom with element " << argv[argptr] << " at (" << argv[argptr+1] << "," << argv[argptr+2] << "," << argv[argptr+3] << "), "; first = World::getInstance().createAtom(); first->type = periode->FindElement(atoi(argv[argptr])); if (first->type != NULL) DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "found element " << first->type->name << endl); for (int i=NDIM;i--;) first->x[i] = atof(argv[argptr+1+i]); if (first->type != NULL) { mol->AddAtom(first); // add to molecule if ((configPresent == empty) && (mol->AtomCount != 0)) configPresent = present; } else DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Could not find the specified element." << endl); argptr+=4; } break; default: // no match? Don't step on (this is done in next switch's default) break; } } if (configPresent == present) { switch(argv[argptr-1][1]) { case 'M': if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for setting MPQC basis: -B " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { configuration.basis = argv[argptr]; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Setting MPQC basis to " << configuration.basis << "." << endl); argptr+=1; } break; case 'D': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; { DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Depth-First-Search Analysis." << endl); MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = NULL; // list of subgraphs from DFS analysis int *MinimumRingSize = new int[mol->AtomCount]; atom ***ListOfLocalAtoms = NULL; class StackClass *BackEdgeStack = NULL; class StackClass *LocalBackEdgeStack = NULL; mol->CreateAdjacencyList(atof(argv[argptr]), configuration.GetIsAngstroem(), &BondGraph::CovalentMinMaxDistance, NULL); Subgraphs = mol->DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(BackEdgeStack); if (Subgraphs != NULL) { int FragmentCounter = 0; while (Subgraphs->next != NULL) { Subgraphs = Subgraphs->next; Subgraphs->FillBondStructureFromReference(mol, FragmentCounter, ListOfLocalAtoms, false); // we want to keep the created ListOfLocalAtoms LocalBackEdgeStack = new StackClass (Subgraphs->Leaf->BondCount); Subgraphs->Leaf->PickLocalBackEdges(ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter], BackEdgeStack, LocalBackEdgeStack); Subgraphs->Leaf->CyclicStructureAnalysis(LocalBackEdgeStack, MinimumRingSize); delete(LocalBackEdgeStack); delete(Subgraphs->previous); FragmentCounter++; } delete(Subgraphs); for (int i=0;iDissectMoleculeIntoConnectedSubgraphs(periode, &configuration); mol = NULL; if (molecules->ListOfMolecules.size() != 0) { for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) if ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag) { mol = *ListRunner; break; } } if ((mol == NULL) && (!molecules->ListOfMolecules.empty())) { mol = *(molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin()); if (mol != NULL) mol->ActiveFlag = true; } break; case 'C': { int ranges[3] = {1, 1, 1}; bool periodic = (argv[argptr-1][2] =='p'); if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc)) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for pair correlation analysis: -C[p] [more params] " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { switch(argv[argptr][0]) { case 'E': { if ((argptr+6 >= argc) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+5])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+6])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) || (argv[argptr+1][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+2][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+3][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+4][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for pair correlation analysis: -C E " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { ofstream output(argv[argptr+3]); ofstream binoutput(argv[argptr+4]); const double BinStart = atof(argv[argptr+5]); const double BinEnd = atof(argv[argptr+6]); const element *elemental = periode->FindElement((const int) atoi(argv[argptr+1])); const element *elemental2 = periode->FindElement((const int) atoi(argv[argptr+2])); PairCorrelationMap *correlationmap = NULL; if (periodic) correlationmap = PeriodicPairCorrelation(molecules, elemental, elemental2, ranges); else correlationmap = PairCorrelation(molecules, elemental, elemental2); //OutputCorrelationToSurface(&output, correlationmap); BinPairMap *binmap = BinData( correlationmap, 0.5, BinStart, BinEnd ); OutputCorrelation ( &binoutput, binmap ); output.close(); binoutput.close(); delete(binmap); delete(correlationmap); argptr+=7; } } break; case 'P': { if ((argptr+8 >= argc) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+3])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+4])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+7])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+8])) || (argv[argptr+1][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+2][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+3][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+4][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+5][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+6][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for pair correlation analysis: -C P " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { ofstream output(argv[argptr+5]); ofstream binoutput(argv[argptr+6]); const double BinStart = atof(argv[argptr+7]); const double BinEnd = atof(argv[argptr+8]); const element *elemental = periode->FindElement((const int) atoi(argv[argptr+1])); Vector *Point = new Vector((const double) atof(argv[argptr+1]),(const double) atof(argv[argptr+2]),(const double) atof(argv[argptr+3])); CorrelationToPointMap *correlationmap = NULL; if (periodic) correlationmap = PeriodicCorrelationToPoint(molecules, elemental, Point, ranges); else correlationmap = CorrelationToPoint(molecules, elemental, Point); //OutputCorrelationToSurface(&output, correlationmap); BinPairMap *binmap = BinData( correlationmap, 0.5, BinStart, BinEnd ); OutputCorrelation ( &binoutput, binmap ); output.close(); binoutput.close(); delete(Point); delete(binmap); delete(correlationmap); argptr+=9; } } break; case 'S': { if ((argptr+6 >= argc) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+4])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+5])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+6])) || (argv[argptr+1][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+2][0] == '-') || (argv[argptr+3][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for pair correlation analysis: -C S " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { ofstream output(argv[argptr+2]); ofstream binoutput(argv[argptr+3]); const double radius = 4.; const double BinWidth = atof(argv[argptr+4]); const double BinStart = atof(argv[argptr+5]); const double BinEnd = atof(argv[argptr+6]); double LCWidth = 20.; if (BinEnd > 0) { if (BinEnd > 2.*radius) LCWidth = BinEnd; else LCWidth = 2.*radius; } // get the boundary class molecule *Boundary = NULL; class Tesselation *TesselStruct = NULL; const LinkedCell *LCList = NULL; // find biggest molecule int counter = 0; for (MoleculeList::iterator BigFinder = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); BigFinder != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); BigFinder++) { if ((Boundary == NULL) || (Boundary->AtomCount < (*BigFinder)->AtomCount)) { Boundary = *BigFinder; } counter++; } bool *Actives = Malloc(counter, "ParseCommandLineOptions() - case C -- *Actives"); counter = 0; for (MoleculeList::iterator BigFinder = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); BigFinder != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); BigFinder++) { Actives[counter++] = (*BigFinder)->ActiveFlag; (*BigFinder)->ActiveFlag = (*BigFinder == Boundary) ? false : true; } LCList = new LinkedCell(Boundary, LCWidth); const element *elemental = periode->FindElement((const int) atoi(argv[argptr+1])); FindNonConvexBorder(Boundary, TesselStruct, LCList, radius, NULL); CorrelationToSurfaceMap *surfacemap = NULL; if (periodic) surfacemap = PeriodicCorrelationToSurface( molecules, elemental, TesselStruct, LCList, ranges); else surfacemap = CorrelationToSurface( molecules, elemental, TesselStruct, LCList); OutputCorrelationToSurface(&output, surfacemap); // check whether radius was appropriate { double start; double end; GetMinMax( surfacemap, start, end); if (LCWidth < end) DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Linked Cell width is smaller than the found range of values! Bins can only be correct up to: " << radius << "." << endl); } BinPairMap *binmap = BinData( surfacemap, BinWidth, BinStart, BinEnd ); OutputCorrelation ( &binoutput, binmap ); output.close(); binoutput.close(); for (MoleculeList::iterator BigFinder = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); BigFinder != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); BigFinder++) (*BigFinder)->ActiveFlag = Actives[counter++]; Free(&Actives); delete(LCList); delete(TesselStruct); delete(binmap); delete(surfacemap); argptr+=7; } } break; default: ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Invalid type given for pair correlation analysis: -C [more params] " << endl); performCriticalExit(); break; } } break; } case 'E': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+1 >= argc) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (argv[argptr+1][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for changing element: -E " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Changing atom " << argv[argptr] << " to element " << argv[argptr+1] << "." << endl); first = mol->FindAtom(atoi(argv[argptr])); first->type = periode->FindElement(atoi(argv[argptr+1])); argptr+=2; } break; case 'F': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; MaxDistance = -1; if (argv[argptr-1][2] == 'F') { // option is -FF? // fetch first argument as max distance to surface MaxDistance = atof(argv[argptr++]); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Filling with maximum layer distance of " << MaxDistance << "." << endl); } if ((argptr+7 >=argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+3])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+4])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+5])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+6])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+7]))) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for filling box with water: -F " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Filling Box with water molecules." << endl); // construct water molecule molecule *filler = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); if (!filler->AddXYZFile(argv[argptr])) { DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Could not parse filler molecule from " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); } filler->SetNameFromFilename(argv[argptr]); configuration.BG->ConstructBondGraph(filler); molecule *Filling = NULL; atom *second = NULL, *third = NULL; first = World::getInstance().createAtom(); first->type = periode->FindElement(1); first->x = Vector(0.441, -0.143, 0.); filler->AddAtom(first); second = World::getInstance().createAtom(); second->type = periode->FindElement(1); second->x = Vector(-0.464, 1.137, 0.0); filler->AddAtom(second); third = World::getInstance().createAtom(); third->type = periode->FindElement(8); third->x = Vector(-0.464, 0.177, 0.); filler->AddAtom(third); filler->AddBond(first, third, 1); filler->AddBond(second, third, 1); // call routine double distance[NDIM]; for (int i=0;iActiveFlag = false; molecules->insert(Filling); } World::getInstance().destroyMolecule(filler); argptr+=6; } break; case 'A': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag =255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Missing source file for bonds in molecule: -A " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Parsing bonds from " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); ifstream *input = new ifstream(argv[argptr]); mol->CreateAdjacencyListFromDbondFile(input); input->close(); argptr+=1; } break; case 'J': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag =255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Missing path of adjacency file: -j " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Storing adjacency to path " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); configuration.BG->ConstructBondGraph(mol); mol->StoreAdjacencyToFile(NULL, argv[argptr]); argptr+=1; } break; case 'j': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag =255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Missing path of bonds file: -j " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Storing bonds to path " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); configuration.BG->ConstructBondGraph(mol); mol->StoreBondsToFile(NULL, argv[argptr]); argptr+=1; } break; case 'N': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+1 >= argc) || (argv[argptr+1][0] == '-')){ ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for non-convex envelope: -o " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { class Tesselation *T = NULL; const LinkedCell *LCList = NULL; molecule * Boundary = NULL; //string filename(argv[argptr+1]); //filename.append(".csv"); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Evaluating non-convex envelope of biggest molecule."); DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Using rolling ball of radius " << atof(argv[argptr]) << " and storing tecplot data in " << argv[argptr+1] << "." << endl); // find biggest molecule int counter = 0; for (MoleculeList::iterator BigFinder = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin(); BigFinder != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); BigFinder++) { (*BigFinder)->CountAtoms(); if ((Boundary == NULL) || (Boundary->AtomCount < (*BigFinder)->AtomCount)) { Boundary = *BigFinder; } counter++; } DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Biggest molecule has " << Boundary->AtomCount << " atoms." << endl); start = clock(); LCList = new LinkedCell(Boundary, atof(argv[argptr])*2.); if (!FindNonConvexBorder(Boundary, T, LCList, atof(argv[argptr]), argv[argptr+1])) ExitFlag = 255; //FindDistributionOfEllipsoids(T, &LCList, N, number, filename.c_str()); end = clock(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Clocks for this operation: " << (end-start) << ", time: " << ((double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s." << endl); delete(LCList); delete(T); argptr+=2; } break; case 'S': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for storing tempature: -S " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Storing temperatures in " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); ofstream *output = new ofstream(argv[argptr], ios::trunc); if (!mol->OutputTemperatureFromTrajectories(output, 0, mol->MDSteps)) DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File could not be written." << endl); else DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File stored." << endl); output->close(); delete(output); argptr+=1; } break; case 'L': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for storing tempature: -L " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Linear interpolation between configuration " << argv[argptr] << " and " << argv[argptr+1] << "." << endl); if (atoi(argv[argptr+3]) == 1) DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Using Identity for the permutation map." << endl); if (!mol->LinearInterpolationBetweenConfiguration(atoi(argv[argptr]), atoi(argv[argptr+1]), argv[argptr+2], configuration, atoi(argv[argptr+3])) == 1 ? true : false) DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Could not store " << argv[argptr+2] << " files." << endl); else DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Steps created and " << argv[argptr+2] << " files stored." << endl); argptr+=4; } break; case 'P': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for parsing and integrating forces: -P " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Parsing forces file and Verlet integrating." << endl); if (!mol->VerletForceIntegration(argv[argptr], configuration)) DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File not found." << endl); else DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "File found and parsed." << endl); argptr+=1; } break; case 'R': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+1 >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1]))) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for removing atoms: -R " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Removing atoms around " << argv[argptr] << " with radius " << argv[argptr+1] << "." << endl); double tmp1 = atof(argv[argptr+1]); atom *third = mol->FindAtom(atoi(argv[argptr])); atom *first = mol->start; if ((third != NULL) && (first != mol->end)) { atom *second = first->next; while(second != mol->end) { first = second; second = first->next; if (first->x.DistanceSquared(third->x) > tmp1*tmp1) // distance to first above radius ... mol->RemoveAtom(first); } } else { DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Removal failed due to missing atoms on molecule or wrong id." << endl); } argptr+=2; } break; case 't': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+2 >= argc) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for translation: -t " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Translating all ions by given vector." << endl); for (int i=NDIM;i--;) x[i] = atof(argv[argptr+i]); mol->Translate((const Vector *)&x); argptr+=3; } break; case 'T': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+2 >= argc) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for periodic translation: -T " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Translating all ions periodically by given vector." << endl); for (int i=NDIM;i--;) x[i] = atof(argv[argptr+i]); mol->TranslatePeriodically((const Vector *)&x); argptr+=3; } break; case 's': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for scaling: -s [factor_y] [factor_z]" << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; j = -1; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Scaling all ion positions by factor." << endl); factor = new double[NDIM]; factor[0] = atof(argv[argptr]); factor[1] = atof(argv[argptr+1]); factor[2] = atof(argv[argptr+2]); mol->Scale((const double ** const)&factor); double * const cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain(); for (int i=0;i= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+3])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+4])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+5])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for centering in box: -b " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; j = -1; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Centering atoms in config file within given simulation box." << endl); double * const cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain(); for (int i=0;i<6;i++) { cell_size[i] = atof(argv[argptr+i]); } // center mol->CenterInBox(); argptr+=6; } break; case 'B': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+5 >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+3])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+4])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+5])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for bounding in box: -B " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; j = -1; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Centering atoms in config file within given simulation box." << endl); double * const cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain(); for (int i=0;i<6;i++) { cell_size[i] = atof(argv[argptr+i]); } // center mol->BoundInBox(); argptr+=6; } break; case 'c': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+2 >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for centering with boundary: -c " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; j = -1; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Centering atoms in config file within given additional boundary." << endl); // make every coordinate positive mol->CenterEdge(&x); // update Box of atoms by boundary mol->SetBoxDimension(&x); // translate each coordinate by boundary double * const cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain(); j=-1; for (int i=0;iTranslate((const Vector *)&x); argptr+=3; } break; case 'O': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Centering atoms on edge and setting box dimensions." << endl); x.Zero(); mol->CenterEdge(&x); mol->SetBoxDimension(&x); argptr+=0; break; case 'r': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr]))) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for removing atoms: -r " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Removing atom " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); atom *first = mol->FindAtom(atoi(argv[argptr])); mol->RemoveAtom(first); argptr+=1; } break; case 'f': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+1 >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1]))) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments for fragmentation: -f " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragmenting molecule with bond distance " << argv[argptr] << " angstroem, order of " << argv[argptr+1] << "." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Creating connection matrix..." << endl); start = clock(); mol->CreateAdjacencyList(atof(argv[argptr]), configuration.GetIsAngstroem(), &BondGraph::CovalentMinMaxDistance, NULL); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Fragmenting molecule with current connection matrix ..." << endl); if (mol->first->next != mol->last) { ExitFlag = mol->FragmentMolecule(atoi(argv[argptr+1]), &configuration); } end = clock(); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Clocks for this operation: " << (end-start) << ", time: " << ((double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "s." << endl); argptr+=2; } break; case 'm': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; j = atoi(argv[argptr++]); if ((j<0) || (j>1)) { DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Argument of '-m' should be either 0 for no-rotate or 1 for rotate." << endl); j = 0; } if (j) { SaveFlag = true; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Converting to prinicipal axis system." << endl); } else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Evaluating prinicipal axis." << endl); mol->PrincipalAxisSystem((bool)j); break; case 'o': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+1 >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-')){ ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for convex envelope: -o " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { class Tesselation *TesselStruct = NULL; const LinkedCell *LCList = NULL; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Evaluating volume of the convex envelope."); DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Storing tecplot convex data in " << argv[argptr] << "." << endl); DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Storing tecplot non-convex data in " << argv[argptr+1] << "." << endl); LCList = new LinkedCell(mol, 10.); //FindConvexBorder(mol, LCList, argv[argptr]); FindNonConvexBorder(mol, TesselStruct, LCList, 5., argv[argptr+1]); // RemoveAllBoundaryPoints(TesselStruct, mol, argv[argptr]); double volumedifference = ConvexizeNonconvexEnvelope(TesselStruct, mol, argv[argptr]); double clustervolume = VolumeOfConvexEnvelope(TesselStruct, &configuration); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "The tesselated volume area is " << clustervolume << " " << (configuration.GetIsAngstroem() ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3." << endl); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "The non-convex tesselated volume area is " << clustervolume-volumedifference << " " << (configuration.GetIsAngstroem() ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3." << endl); delete(TesselStruct); delete(LCList); argptr+=2; } break; case 'U': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr+1 >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for suspension with specified volume: -U " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { volume = atof(argv[argptr++]); DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Using " << volume << " angstrom^3 as the volume instead of convex envelope one's." << endl); } case 'u': if (ExitFlag == 0) ExitFlag = 1; if ((argptr >= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) ) { if (volume != -1) ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for suspension: -u " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { double density; SaveFlag = true; DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Evaluating necessary cell volume for a cluster suspended in water."); density = atof(argv[argptr++]); if (density < 1.0) { DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Density must be greater than 1.0g/cm^3 !" << endl); density = 1.3; } // for(int i=0;i= argc) || (argv[argptr][0] == '-') || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+1])) || (!IsValidNumber(argv[argptr+2])) ) { ExitFlag = 255; DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Not enough or invalid arguments given for repeating cells: -d " << endl); performCriticalExit(); } else { SaveFlag = true; double * const cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain(); for (int axis = 1; axis <= NDIM; axis++) { int faktor = atoi(argv[argptr++]); int count; const element ** Elements; Vector ** vectors; if (faktor < 1) { DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Repetition factor mus be greater than 1!" << endl); faktor = 1; } mol->CountAtoms(); // recount atoms if (mol->AtomCount != 0) { // if there is more than none count = mol->AtomCount; // is changed becausing of adding, thus has to be stored away beforehand Elements = new const element *[count]; vectors = new Vector *[count]; j = 0; first = mol->start; while (first->next != mol->end) { // make a list of all atoms with coordinates and element first = first->next; Elements[j] = first->type; vectors[j] = &first->x; j++; } if (count != j) DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "AtomCount " << count << " is not equal to number of atoms in molecule " << j << "!" << endl); x.Zero(); y.Zero(); y[abs(axis)-1] = cell_size[(abs(axis) == 2) ? 2 : ((abs(axis) == 3) ? 5 : 0)] * abs(axis)/axis; // last term is for sign, first is for magnitude for (int i=1;ix = (*vectors[k]) + x; first->type = Elements[k]; // insert original element mol->AddAtom(first); // and add to the molecule (which increments ElementsInMolecule, AtomCount, ...) } } // free memory delete[](Elements); delete[](vectors); // correct cell size if (axis < 0) { // if sign was negative, we have to translate everything x =(-(faktor-1)) * y; mol->Translate(&x); } cell_size[(abs(axis) == 2) ? 2 : ((abs(axis) == 3) ? 5 : 0)] *= faktor; } } } break; default: // no match? Step on if ((argptr < argc) && (argv[argptr][0] != '-')) // if it started with a '-' we've already made a step! argptr++; break; } } } else argptr++; } while (argptr < argc); if (SaveFlag) configuration.SaveAll(ConfigFileName, periode, molecules); } else { // no arguments, hence scan the elements db if (periode->LoadPeriodentafel(configuration.databasepath)) DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Element list loaded successfully." << endl); else DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Element list loading failed." << endl); configuration.RetrieveConfigPathAndName("main_pcp_linux"); } return(ExitFlag); }; /********************************************** Main routine **************************************/ void cleanUp(){ World::purgeInstance(); Log() << Verbose(0) << "Maximum of allocated memory: " << MemoryUsageObserver::getInstance()->getMaximumUsedMemory() << endl; Log() << Verbose(0) << "Remaining non-freed memory: " << MemoryUsageObserver::getInstance()->getUsedMemorySize() << endl; MemoryUsageObserver::purgeInstance(); logger::purgeInstance(); errorLogger::purgeInstance(); UIFactory::purgeInstance(); MapOfActions::purgeInstance(); CommandLineParser::purgeInstance(); ActionRegistry::purgeInstance(); ActionHistory::purgeInstance(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { config *configuration = World::getInstance().getConfig(); Vector x, y, z, n; ifstream test; ofstream output; string line; char **Arguments = NULL; int ArgcSize = 0; bool ArgumentsCopied = false; // print version check whether arguments are present at all cout << ESPACKVersion << endl; if (argc < 2) { cout << "Obtain help with " << argv[0] << " -h." << endl; return(1); } setVerbosity(0); // need to init the history before any action is created ActionHistory::init(); // Parse command line options and if present create respective UI { set ArgcList; ArgcList.insert(0); // push back program! ArgcList.insert(1); // push back config file name char ConfigFileName[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; // handle arguments by ParseCommandLineOptions() ParseCommandLineOptions(argc,argv,World::getInstance().getMolecules(),World::getInstance().getPeriode(),*World::getInstance().getConfig(), (char *&)ConfigFileName, ArgcList); // copy all remaining arguments to a new argv Arguments = Malloc(ArgcList.size(), "main - **Arguments"); cout << "The following arguments are handled by CommandLineParser: "; for (set::iterator ArgcRunner = ArgcList.begin(); ArgcRunner != ArgcList.end(); ++ArgcRunner) { Arguments[ArgcSize] = Malloc(strlen(argv[*ArgcRunner])+2, "main - *Arguments[]"); strcpy(Arguments[ArgcSize], argv[*ArgcRunner]); cout << " " << argv[*ArgcRunner]; ArgcSize++; } cout << endl; ArgumentsCopied = true; // handle remaining arguments by CommandLineParser MapOfActions::getInstance().AddOptionsToParser(); CommandLineParser::getInstance().Run(ArgcSize,Arguments); if (!CommandLineParser::getInstance().isEmpty()) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Setting UI to CommandLine." << endl); UIFactory::makeUserInterface(UIFactory::CommandLine); } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Setting UI to Text." << endl); UIFactory::makeUserInterface(UIFactory::Text); } } { MainWindow *mainWindow = UIFactory::getInstance().makeMainWindow(); mainWindow->display(); delete mainWindow; } if(World::getInstance().getPeriode()->StorePeriodentafel(configuration->databasepath)) Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving of elements.db successful." << endl; else Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving of elements.db failed." << endl; // free the new argv if (ArgumentsCopied) { for (int i=0; i