1 | /** \file boundary.hpp
2 | *
3 | * Implementations and super-function for envelopes
4 | */
5 |
6 |
7 | #include "boundary.hpp"
8 |
9 | #include<gsl/gsl_poly.h>
10 |
11 | // ========================================== F U N C T I O N S =================================
12 |
13 |
14 | /** Determines greatest diameters of a cluster defined by its convex envelope.
15 | * Looks at lines parallel to one axis and where they intersect on the projected planes
16 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
17 | * \param *BoundaryPoints NDIM set of boundary points defining the convex envelope on each projected plane
18 | * \param *mol molecule structure representing the cluster
19 | * \param IsAngstroem whether we have angstroem or atomic units
20 | * \return NDIM array of the diameters
21 | */
22 | double *
23 | GetDiametersOfCluster(ofstream *out, Boundaries *BoundaryPtr, molecule *mol,
24 | bool IsAngstroem)
25 | {
26 | // get points on boundary of NULL was given as parameter
27 | bool BoundaryFreeFlag = false;
28 | Boundaries *BoundaryPoints = BoundaryPtr;
29 | if (BoundaryPoints == NULL) {
30 | BoundaryFreeFlag = true;
31 | BoundaryPoints = GetBoundaryPoints(out, mol);
32 | } else {
33 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Using given boundary points set." << endl;
34 | }
35 | // determine biggest "diameter" of cluster for each axis
36 | Boundaries::iterator Neighbour, OtherNeighbour;
37 | double *GreatestDiameter = new double[NDIM];
38 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
39 | GreatestDiameter[i] = 0.;
40 | double OldComponent, tmp, w1, w2;
41 | Vector DistanceVector, OtherVector;
42 | int component, Othercomponent;
43 | for (int axis = 0; axis < NDIM; axis++)
44 | { // regard each projected plane
45 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Current axis is " << axis << "." << endl;
46 | for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
47 | { // and for both axis on the current plane
48 | component = (axis + j + 1) % NDIM;
49 | Othercomponent = (axis + 1 + ((j + 1) & 1)) % NDIM;
50 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Current component is " << component << ", Othercomponent is " << Othercomponent << "." << endl;
51 | for (Boundaries::iterator runner = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin(); runner
52 | != BoundaryPoints[axis].end(); runner++)
53 | {
54 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current runner is " << *(runner->second.second) << "." << endl;
55 | // seek for the neighbours pair where the Othercomponent sign flips
56 | Neighbour = runner;
57 | Neighbour++;
58 | if (Neighbour == BoundaryPoints[axis].end()) // make it wrap around
59 | Neighbour = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin();
60 | DistanceVector.CopyVector(&runner->second.second->x);
61 | DistanceVector.SubtractVector(&Neighbour->second.second->x);
62 | do
63 | { // seek for neighbour pair where it flips
64 | OldComponent = DistanceVector.x[Othercomponent];
65 | Neighbour++;
66 | if (Neighbour == BoundaryPoints[axis].end()) // make it wrap around
67 | Neighbour = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin();
68 | DistanceVector.CopyVector(&runner->second.second->x);
69 | DistanceVector.SubtractVector(&Neighbour->second.second->x);
70 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "OldComponent is " << OldComponent << ", new one is " << DistanceVector.x[Othercomponent] << "." << endl;
71 | }
72 | while ((runner != Neighbour) && (fabs(OldComponent / fabs(
73 | OldComponent) - DistanceVector.x[Othercomponent] / fabs(
74 | DistanceVector.x[Othercomponent])) < MYEPSILON)); // as long as sign does not flip
75 | if (runner != Neighbour)
76 | {
77 | OtherNeighbour = Neighbour;
78 | if (OtherNeighbour == BoundaryPoints[axis].begin()) // make it wrap around
79 | OtherNeighbour = BoundaryPoints[axis].end();
80 | OtherNeighbour--;
81 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "The pair, where the sign of OtherComponent flips, is: " << *(Neighbour->second.second) << " and " << *(OtherNeighbour->second.second) << "." << endl;
82 | // now we have found the pair: Neighbour and OtherNeighbour
83 | OtherVector.CopyVector(&runner->second.second->x);
84 | OtherVector.SubtractVector(&OtherNeighbour->second.second->x);
85 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Distances to Neighbour and OtherNeighbour are " << DistanceVector.x[component] << " and " << OtherVector.x[component] << "." << endl;
86 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "OtherComponents to Neighbour and OtherNeighbour are " << DistanceVector.x[Othercomponent] << " and " << OtherVector.x[Othercomponent] << "." << endl;
87 | // do linear interpolation between points (is exact) to extract exact intersection between Neighbour and OtherNeighbour
88 | w1 = fabs(OtherVector.x[Othercomponent]);
89 | w2 = fabs(DistanceVector.x[Othercomponent]);
90 | tmp = fabs((w1 * DistanceVector.x[component] + w2
91 | * OtherVector.x[component]) / (w1 + w2));
92 | // mark if it has greater diameter
93 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Comparing current greatest " << GreatestDiameter[component] << " to new " << tmp << "." << endl;
94 | GreatestDiameter[component] = (GreatestDiameter[component]
95 | > tmp) ? GreatestDiameter[component] : tmp;
96 | } //else
97 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Saw no sign flip, probably top or bottom node." << endl;
98 | }
99 | }
100 | }
101 | *out << Verbose(0) << "RESULT: The biggest diameters are "
102 | << GreatestDiameter[0] << " and " << GreatestDiameter[1] << " and "
103 | << GreatestDiameter[2] << " " << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom"
104 | : "atomiclength") << "." << endl;
105 |
106 | // free reference lists
107 | if (BoundaryFreeFlag)
108 | delete[] (BoundaryPoints);
109 |
110 | return GreatestDiameter;
111 | }
112 | ;
113 |
114 | /** Creates the objects in a VRML file.
115 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
116 | * \param *vrmlfile output stream for tecplot data
117 | * \param *Tess Tesselation structure with constructed triangles
118 | * \param *mol molecule structure with atom positions
119 | */
120 | void write_vrml_file(ofstream *out, ofstream *vrmlfile, class Tesselation *Tess, class molecule *mol)
121 | {
122 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
123 | bond *Binder = mol->first;
124 | int i;
125 | Vector *center = mol->DetermineCenterOfAll(out);
126 | if (vrmlfile != NULL) {
127 | //cout << Verbose(1) << "Writing Raster3D file ... ";
128 | *vrmlfile << "#VRML V2.0 utf8" << endl;
129 | *vrmlfile << "#Created by molecuilder" << endl;
130 | *vrmlfile << "#All atoms as spheres" << endl;
131 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
132 | Walker = Walker->next;
133 | *vrmlfile << "Sphere {" << endl << " "; // 2 is sphere type
134 | for (i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
135 | *vrmlfile << Walker->x.x[i]-center->x[i] << " ";
136 | *vrmlfile << "\t0.1\t1. 1. 1." << endl; // radius 0.05 and white as colour
137 | }
138 |
139 | *vrmlfile << "# All bonds as vertices" << endl;
140 | while (Binder->next != mol->last) {
141 | Binder = Binder->next;
142 | *vrmlfile << "3" << endl << " "; // 2 is round-ended cylinder type
143 | for (i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
144 | *vrmlfile << Binder->leftatom->x.x[i]-center->x[i] << " ";
145 | *vrmlfile << "\t0.03\t";
146 | for (i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
147 | *vrmlfile << Binder->rightatom->x.x[i]-center->x[i] << " ";
148 | *vrmlfile << "\t0.03\t0. 0. 1." << endl; // radius 0.05 and blue as colour
149 | }
150 |
151 | *vrmlfile << "# All tesselation triangles" << endl;
152 | for (TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner = Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); TriangleRunner != Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); TriangleRunner++) {
153 | *vrmlfile << "1" << endl << " "; // 1 is triangle type
154 | for (i=0;i<3;i++) { // print each node
155 | for (int j=0;j<NDIM;j++) // and for each node all NDIM coordinates
156 | *vrmlfile << TriangleRunner->second->endpoints[i]->node->node->x[j]-center->x[j] << " ";
157 | *vrmlfile << "\t";
158 | }
159 | *vrmlfile << "1. 0. 0." << endl; // red as colour
160 | *vrmlfile << "18" << endl << " 0.5 0.5 0.5" << endl; // 18 is transparency type for previous object
161 | }
162 | } else {
163 | cerr << "ERROR: Given vrmlfile is " << vrmlfile << "." << endl;
164 | }
165 | delete(center);
166 | };
167 |
168 | /** Creates the objects in a raster3d file (renderable with a header.r3d).
169 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
170 | * \param *rasterfile output stream for tecplot data
171 | * \param *Tess Tesselation structure with constructed triangles
172 | * \param *mol molecule structure with atom positions
173 | */
174 | void write_raster3d_file(ofstream *out, ofstream *rasterfile, class Tesselation *Tess, class molecule *mol)
175 | {
176 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
177 | bond *Binder = mol->first;
178 | int i;
179 | Vector *center = mol->DetermineCenterOfAll(out);
180 | if (rasterfile != NULL) {
181 | //cout << Verbose(1) << "Writing Raster3D file ... ";
182 | *rasterfile << "# Raster3D object description, created by MoleCuilder" << endl;
183 | *rasterfile << "@header.r3d" << endl;
184 | *rasterfile << "# All atoms as spheres" << endl;
185 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
186 | Walker = Walker->next;
187 | *rasterfile << "2" << endl << " "; // 2 is sphere type
188 | for (i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
189 | *rasterfile << Walker->x.x[i]-center->x[i] << " ";
190 | *rasterfile << "\t0.1\t1. 1. 1." << endl; // radius 0.05 and white as colour
191 | }
192 |
193 | *rasterfile << "# All bonds as vertices" << endl;
194 | while (Binder->next != mol->last) {
195 | Binder = Binder->next;
196 | *rasterfile << "3" << endl << " "; // 2 is round-ended cylinder type
197 | for (i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
198 | *rasterfile << Binder->leftatom->x.x[i]-center->x[i] << " ";
199 | *rasterfile << "\t0.03\t";
200 | for (i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
201 | *rasterfile << Binder->rightatom->x.x[i]-center->x[i] << " ";
202 | *rasterfile << "\t0.03\t0. 0. 1." << endl; // radius 0.05 and blue as colour
203 | }
204 |
205 | *rasterfile << "# All tesselation triangles" << endl;
206 | *rasterfile << "8\n 25. -1. 1. 1. 1. 0.0 0 0 0 2\n SOLID 1.0 0.0 0.0\n BACKFACE 0.3 0.3 1.0 0 0\n";
207 | for (TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner = Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); TriangleRunner != Tess->TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); TriangleRunner++) {
208 | *rasterfile << "1" << endl << " "; // 1 is triangle type
209 | for (i=0;i<3;i++) { // print each node
210 | for (int j=0;j<NDIM;j++) // and for each node all NDIM coordinates
211 | *rasterfile << TriangleRunner->second->endpoints[i]->node->node->x[j]-center->x[j] << " ";
212 | *rasterfile << "\t";
213 | }
214 | *rasterfile << "1. 0. 0." << endl; // red as colour
215 | //*rasterfile << "18" << endl << " 0.5 0.5 0.5" << endl; // 18 is transparency type for previous object
216 | }
217 | *rasterfile << "9\n# terminating special property\n";
218 | } else {
219 | cerr << "ERROR: Given rasterfile is " << rasterfile << "." << endl;
220 | }
221 | delete(center);
222 | };
223 |
224 | /** This function creates the tecplot file, displaying the tesselation of the hull.
225 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
226 | * \param *tecplot output stream for tecplot data
227 | * \param N arbitrary number to differentiate various zones in the tecplot format
228 | */
229 | void write_tecplot_file(ofstream *out, ofstream *tecplot, class Tesselation *TesselStruct, class molecule *mol, int N)
230 | {
231 | if ((tecplot != NULL) && (TesselStruct != NULL)) {
232 | // write header
233 | *tecplot << "TITLE = \"3D CONVEX SHELL\"" << endl;
234 | *tecplot << "VARIABLES = \"X\" \"Y\" \"Z\" \"U\"" << endl;
235 | *tecplot << "ZONE T=\"TRIANGLES" << N << "\", N=" << TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.size() << ", E=" << TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.size() << ", DATAPACKING=POINT, ZONETYPE=FETRIANGLE" << endl;
236 | int *LookupList = new int[mol->AtomCount];
237 | for (int i = 0; i < mol->AtomCount; i++)
238 | LookupList[i] = -1;
239 |
240 | // print atom coordinates
241 | *out << Verbose(2) << "The following triangles were created:";
242 | int Counter = 1;
243 | TesselPoint *Walker = NULL;
244 | for (PointMap::iterator target = TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.begin(); target != TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.end(); target++) {
245 | Walker = target->second->node;
246 | LookupList[Walker->nr] = Counter++;
247 | *tecplot << Walker->node->x[0] << " " << Walker->node->x[1] << " " << Walker->node->x[2] << " " << target->second->value << endl;
248 | }
249 | *tecplot << endl;
250 | // print connectivity
251 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); runner != TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); runner++) {
252 | *out << " " << runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->Name << "<->" << runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->Name << "<->" << runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->Name;
253 | *tecplot << LookupList[runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->nr] << " " << LookupList[runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->nr] << " " << LookupList[runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->nr] << endl;
254 | }
255 | delete[] (LookupList);
256 | *out << endl;
257 | }
258 | }
259 |
260 |
261 | /** Determines the boundary points of a cluster.
262 | * Does a projection per axis onto the orthogonal plane, transforms into spherical coordinates, sorts them by the angle
263 | * and looks at triples: if the middle has less a distance than the allowed maximum height of the triangle formed by the plane's
264 | * center and first and last point in the triple, it is thrown out.
265 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
266 | * \param *mol molecule structure representing the cluster
267 | */
268 | Boundaries *GetBoundaryPoints(ofstream *out, molecule *mol)
269 | {
270 | atom *Walker = NULL;
271 | PointMap PointsOnBoundary;
272 | LineMap LinesOnBoundary;
273 | TriangleMap TrianglesOnBoundary;
274 | Vector *MolCenter = mol->DetermineCenterOfAll(out);
275 | Vector helper;
276 |
277 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Finding all boundary points." << endl;
278 | Boundaries *BoundaryPoints = new Boundaries[NDIM]; // first is alpha, second is (r, nr)
279 | BoundariesTestPair BoundaryTestPair;
280 | Vector AxisVector, AngleReferenceVector, AngleReferenceNormalVector;
281 | double radius, angle;
282 | // 3a. Go through every axis
283 | for (int axis = 0; axis < NDIM; axis++) {
284 | AxisVector.Zero();
285 | AngleReferenceVector.Zero();
286 | AngleReferenceNormalVector.Zero();
287 | AxisVector.x[axis] = 1.;
288 | AngleReferenceVector.x[(axis + 1) % NDIM] = 1.;
289 | AngleReferenceNormalVector.x[(axis + 2) % NDIM] = 1.;
290 |
291 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Axisvector is " << AxisVector << " and AngleReferenceVector is " << AngleReferenceVector << ", and AngleReferenceNormalVector is " << AngleReferenceNormalVector << "." << endl;
292 |
293 | // 3b. construct set of all points, transformed into cylindrical system and with left and right neighbours
294 | Walker = mol->start;
295 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
296 | Walker = Walker->next;
297 | Vector ProjectedVector;
298 | ProjectedVector.CopyVector(&Walker->x);
299 | ProjectedVector.SubtractVector(MolCenter);
300 | ProjectedVector.ProjectOntoPlane(&AxisVector);
301 |
302 | // correct for negative side
303 | radius = ProjectedVector.NormSquared();
304 | if (fabs(radius) > MYEPSILON)
305 | angle = ProjectedVector.Angle(&AngleReferenceVector);
306 | else
307 | angle = 0.; // otherwise it's a vector in Axis Direction and unimportant for boundary issues
308 |
309 | //*out << "Checking sign in quadrant : " << ProjectedVector.Projection(&AngleReferenceNormalVector) << "." << endl;
310 | if (ProjectedVector.ScalarProduct(&AngleReferenceNormalVector) > 0) {
311 | angle = 2. * M_PI - angle;
312 | }
313 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Inserting " << *Walker << ": (r, alpha) = (" << radius << "," << angle << "): " << ProjectedVector << endl;
314 | BoundaryTestPair = BoundaryPoints[axis].insert(BoundariesPair(angle, DistancePair (radius, Walker)));
315 | if (!BoundaryTestPair.second) { // same point exists, check first r, then distance of original vectors to center of gravity
316 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Encountered two vectors whose projection onto axis " << axis << " is equal: " << endl;
317 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Present vector: " << *BoundaryTestPair.first->second.second << endl;
318 | *out << Verbose(2) << "New vector: " << *Walker << endl;
319 | double tmp = ProjectedVector.NormSquared();
320 | if ((tmp - BoundaryTestPair.first->second.first) > MYEPSILON) {
321 | BoundaryTestPair.first->second.first = tmp;
322 | BoundaryTestPair.first->second.second = Walker;
323 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Keeping new vector due to larger projected distance " << tmp << "." << endl;
324 | } else if (fabs(tmp - BoundaryTestPair.first->second.first) < MYEPSILON) {
325 | helper.CopyVector(&Walker->x);
326 | helper.SubtractVector(MolCenter);
327 | tmp = helper.NormSquared();
328 | helper.CopyVector(&BoundaryTestPair.first->second.second->x);
329 | helper.SubtractVector(MolCenter);
330 | if (helper.NormSquared() < tmp) {
331 | BoundaryTestPair.first->second.second = Walker;
332 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Keeping new vector due to larger distance to molecule center " << helper.NormSquared() << "." << endl;
333 | } else {
334 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Keeping present vector due to larger distance to molecule center " << tmp << "." << endl;
335 | }
336 | } else {
337 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Keeping present vector due to larger projected distance " << tmp << "." << endl;
338 | }
339 | }
340 | }
341 | // printing all inserted for debugging
342 | // {
343 | // *out << Verbose(2) << "Printing list of candidates for axis " << axis << " which we have inserted so far." << endl;
344 | // int i=0;
345 | // for(Boundaries::iterator runner = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin(); runner != BoundaryPoints[axis].end(); runner++) {
346 | // if (runner != BoundaryPoints[axis].begin())
347 | // *out << ", " << i << ": " << *runner->second.second;
348 | // else
349 | // *out << i << ": " << *runner->second.second;
350 | // i++;
351 | // }
352 | // *out << endl;
353 | // }
354 | // 3c. throw out points whose distance is less than the mean of left and right neighbours
355 | bool flag = false;
356 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Looking for candidates to kick out by convex condition ... " << endl;
357 | do { // do as long as we still throw one out per round
358 | flag = false;
359 | Boundaries::iterator left = BoundaryPoints[axis].end();
360 | Boundaries::iterator right = BoundaryPoints[axis].end();
361 | for (Boundaries::iterator runner = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin(); runner != BoundaryPoints[axis].end(); runner++) {
362 | // set neighbours correctly
363 | if (runner == BoundaryPoints[axis].begin()) {
364 | left = BoundaryPoints[axis].end();
365 | } else {
366 | left = runner;
367 | }
368 | left--;
369 | right = runner;
370 | right++;
371 | if (right == BoundaryPoints[axis].end()) {
372 | right = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin();
373 | }
374 | // check distance
375 |
376 | // construct the vector of each side of the triangle on the projected plane (defined by normal vector AxisVector)
377 | {
378 | Vector SideA, SideB, SideC, SideH;
379 | SideA.CopyVector(&left->second.second->x);
380 | SideA.SubtractVector(MolCenter);
381 | SideA.ProjectOntoPlane(&AxisVector);
382 | // *out << "SideA: ";
383 | // SideA.Output(out);
384 | // *out << endl;
385 |
386 | SideB.CopyVector(&right->second.second->x);
387 | SideB.SubtractVector(MolCenter);
388 | SideB.ProjectOntoPlane(&AxisVector);
389 | // *out << "SideB: ";
390 | // SideB.Output(out);
391 | // *out << endl;
392 |
393 | SideC.CopyVector(&left->second.second->x);
394 | SideC.SubtractVector(&right->second.second->x);
395 | SideC.ProjectOntoPlane(&AxisVector);
396 | // *out << "SideC: ";
397 | // SideC.Output(out);
398 | // *out << endl;
399 |
400 | SideH.CopyVector(&runner->second.second->x);
401 | SideH.SubtractVector(MolCenter);
402 | SideH.ProjectOntoPlane(&AxisVector);
403 | // *out << "SideH: ";
404 | // SideH.Output(out);
405 | // *out << endl;
406 |
407 | // calculate each length
408 | double a = SideA.Norm();
409 | //double b = SideB.Norm();
410 | //double c = SideC.Norm();
411 | double h = SideH.Norm();
412 | // calculate the angles
413 | double alpha = SideA.Angle(&SideH);
414 | double beta = SideA.Angle(&SideC);
415 | double gamma = SideB.Angle(&SideH);
416 | double delta = SideC.Angle(&SideH);
417 | double MinDistance = a * sin(beta) / (sin(delta)) * (((alpha < M_PI / 2.) || (gamma < M_PI / 2.)) ? 1. : -1.);
418 | //*out << Verbose(2) << " I calculated: a = " << a << ", h = " << h << ", beta(" << left->second.second->Name << "," << left->second.second->Name << "-" << right->second.second->Name << ") = " << beta << ", delta(" << left->second.second->Name << "," << runner->second.second->Name << ") = " << delta << ", Min = " << MinDistance << "." << endl;
419 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Checking CoG distance of runner " << *runner->second.second << " " << h << " against triangle's side length spanned by (" << *left->second.second << "," << *right->second.second << ") of " << MinDistance << "." << endl;
420 | if ((fabs(h / fabs(h) - MinDistance / fabs(MinDistance)) < MYEPSILON) && ((h - MinDistance)) < -MYEPSILON) {
421 | // throw out point
422 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Throwing out " << *runner->second.second << "." << endl;
423 | BoundaryPoints[axis].erase(runner);
424 | flag = true;
425 | }
426 | }
427 | }
428 | } while (flag);
429 | }
430 | delete(MolCenter);
431 | return BoundaryPoints;
432 | };
433 |
434 | /** Tesselates the convex boundary by finding all boundary points.
435 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
436 | * \param *mol molecule structure with Atom's and Bond's
437 | * \param *TesselStruct Tesselation filled with points, lines and triangles on boundary on return
438 | * \param *LCList atoms in LinkedCell list
439 | * \param *filename filename prefix for output of vertex data
440 | * \return *TesselStruct is filled with convex boundary and tesselation is stored under \a *filename.
441 | */
442 | void Find_convex_border(ofstream *out, molecule* mol, class LinkedCell *LCList, const char *filename)
443 | {
444 | bool BoundaryFreeFlag = false;
445 | Boundaries *BoundaryPoints = NULL;
446 |
447 | cout << Verbose(1) << "Begin of find_convex_border" << endl;
448 |
449 | if (mol->TesselStruct != NULL) // free if allocated
450 | delete(mol->TesselStruct);
451 | mol->TesselStruct = new class Tesselation;
452 |
453 | // 1. Find all points on the boundary
454 | if (BoundaryPoints == NULL) {
455 | BoundaryFreeFlag = true;
456 | BoundaryPoints = GetBoundaryPoints(out, mol);
457 | } else {
458 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Using given boundary points set." << endl;
459 | }
460 |
461 | // printing all inserted for debugging
462 | for (int axis=0; axis < NDIM; axis++)
463 | {
464 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Printing list of candidates for axis " << axis << " which we have inserted so far." << endl;
465 | int i=0;
466 | for(Boundaries::iterator runner = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin(); runner != BoundaryPoints[axis].end(); runner++) {
467 | if (runner != BoundaryPoints[axis].begin())
468 | *out << ", " << i << ": " << *runner->second.second;
469 | else
470 | *out << i << ": " << *runner->second.second;
471 | i++;
472 | }
473 | *out << endl;
474 | }
475 |
476 | // 2. fill the boundary point list
477 | for (int axis = 0; axis < NDIM; axis++)
478 | for (Boundaries::iterator runner = BoundaryPoints[axis].begin(); runner != BoundaryPoints[axis].end(); runner++)
479 | if (!mol->TesselStruct->AddBoundaryPoint(runner->second.second, 0))
480 | *out << Verbose(3) << "WARNING: Point " << *(runner->second.second) << " is already present!" << endl;
481 |
482 | *out << Verbose(2) << "I found " << mol->TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundaryCount << " points on the convex boundary." << endl;
483 | // now we have the whole set of edge points in the BoundaryList
484 |
485 | // listing for debugging
486 | // *out << Verbose(1) << "Listing PointsOnBoundary:";
487 | // for(PointMap::iterator runner = PointsOnBoundary.begin(); runner != PointsOnBoundary.end(); runner++) {
488 | // *out << " " << *runner->second;
489 | // }
490 | // *out << endl;
491 |
492 | // 3a. guess starting triangle
493 | mol->TesselStruct->GuessStartingTriangle(out);
494 |
495 | // 3b. go through all lines, that are not yet part of two triangles (only of one so far)
496 | mol->TesselStruct->TesselateOnBoundary(out, mol);
497 |
498 | // 3c. check whether all atoms lay inside the boundary, if not, add to boundary points, segment triangle into three with the new point
499 | if (!mol->TesselStruct->InsertStraddlingPoints(out, mol, LCList))
500 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Insertion of straddling points failed!" << endl;
501 |
502 | *out << Verbose(2) << "I created " << mol->TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.size() << " intermediate triangles with " << mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.size() << " lines and " << mol->TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.size() << " points." << endl;
503 |
504 | // 4. Store triangles in tecplot file
505 | if (filename != NULL) {
506 | if (DoTecplotOutput) {
507 | string OutputName(filename);
508 | OutputName.append("_intermed");
509 | OutputName.append(TecplotSuffix);
510 | ofstream *tecplot = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
511 | write_tecplot_file(out, tecplot, mol->TesselStruct, mol, 0);
512 | tecplot->close();
513 | delete(tecplot);
514 | }
515 | if (DoRaster3DOutput) {
516 | string OutputName(filename);
517 | OutputName.append("_intermed");
518 | OutputName.append(Raster3DSuffix);
519 | ofstream *rasterplot = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
520 | write_raster3d_file(out, rasterplot, mol->TesselStruct, mol);
521 | rasterplot->close();
522 | delete(rasterplot);
523 | }
524 | }
525 |
526 | // 3d. check all baselines whether the peaks of the two adjacent triangles with respect to center of baseline are convex, if not, make the baseline between the two peaks and baseline endpoints become the new peaks
527 | bool AllConvex;
528 | class BoundaryLineSet *line = NULL;
529 | do {
530 | AllConvex = true;
531 | for (LineMap::iterator LineRunner = mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.begin(); LineRunner != mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end(); LineRunner++) {
532 | line = LineRunner->second;
533 | *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Current line is " << *line << "." << endl;
534 | if (!line->CheckConvexityCriterion(out)) {
535 | *out << Verbose(1) << "... line " << *line << " is concave, flipping it." << endl;
536 |
537 | // flip the line
538 | if (!mol->TesselStruct->PickFarthestofTwoBaselines(out, line))
539 | *out << Verbose(1) << "ERROR: Correction of concave baselines failed!" << endl;
540 | else
541 | *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Correction of concave baselines worked." << endl;
542 | }
543 | }
544 | } while (!AllConvex);
545 |
546 | // 3e. we need another correction here, for TesselPoints that are below the surface (i.e. have an odd number of concave triangles surrounding it)
547 | // if (!mol->TesselStruct->CorrectConcaveTesselPoints(out))
548 | // *out << Verbose(1) << "Correction of concave tesselpoints failed!" << endl;
549 |
550 | *out << Verbose(2) << "I created " << mol->TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.size() << " triangles with " << mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.size() << " lines and " << mol->TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.size() << " points." << endl;
551 |
552 | // 4. Store triangles in tecplot file
553 | if (filename != NULL) {
554 | if (DoTecplotOutput) {
555 | string OutputName(filename);
556 | OutputName.append(TecplotSuffix);
557 | ofstream *tecplot = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
558 | write_tecplot_file(out, tecplot, mol->TesselStruct, mol, 0);
559 | tecplot->close();
560 | delete(tecplot);
561 | }
562 | if (DoRaster3DOutput) {
563 | string OutputName(filename);
564 | OutputName.append(Raster3DSuffix);
565 | ofstream *rasterplot = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
566 | write_raster3d_file(out, rasterplot, mol->TesselStruct, mol);
567 | rasterplot->close();
568 | delete(rasterplot);
569 | }
570 | }
571 |
572 |
573 | // free reference lists
574 | if (BoundaryFreeFlag)
575 | delete[] (BoundaryPoints);
576 |
577 | cout << Verbose(1) << "End of find_convex_border" << endl;
578 | };
579 |
580 | /** Creates a convex envelope from a given non-convex one.
581 | * -# First step, remove concave spots, i.e. singular "dents"
582 | * -# We go through all PointsOnBoundary.
583 | * -# We CheckConvexityCriterion() for all its lines.
584 | * -# If all its lines are concave, it cannot be on the convex envelope.
585 | * -# Hence, we remove it and re-create all its triangles from its getCircleOfConnectedPoints()
586 | * -# We calculate the additional volume.
587 | * -# We go over all lines until none yields a concavity anymore.
588 | * -# Second step, remove concave lines, i.e. line-shape "dents"
589 | * -# We go through all LinesOnBoundary
590 | * -# We CheckConvexityCriterion()
591 | * -# If it returns concave, we flip the line in this quadrupel of points (abusing the degeneracy of the tesselation)
592 | * -# We CheckConvexityCriterion(),
593 | * -# if it's concave, we continue
594 | * -# if not, we mark an error and stop
595 | * Note: This routine - for free - calculates the difference in volume between convex and
596 | * non-convex envelope, as the former is easy to calculate - VolumeOfConvexEnvelope() - it
597 | * can be used to compute volumes of arbitrary shapes.
598 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
599 | * \param *TesselStruct non-convex envelope, is changed in return!
600 | * \param *mol molecule
601 | * \param *filename name of file
602 | * \return volume difference between the non- and the created convex envelope
603 | */
604 | double ConvexizeNonconvexEnvelope(ofstream *out, class Tesselation *TesselStruct, molecule *mol, char *filename)
605 | {
606 | double volume = 0;
607 | class BoundaryPointSet *point = NULL;
608 | class BoundaryLineSet *line = NULL;
609 | bool Concavity;
610 | PointMap::iterator PointRunner, PointAdvance;
611 | LineMap::iterator LineRunner, LineAdvance;
612 | TriangleMap::iterator TriangleRunner, TriangleAdvance;
613 |
614 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of ConvexizeNonconvexEnvelope" << endl;
615 |
616 | // check whether there is something to work on
617 | if (TesselStruct == NULL) {
618 | *out << Verbose(1) << "ERROR: TesselStruct is empty!" << endl;
619 | return volume;
620 | }
621 |
622 | //CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint(out, TesselStruct);
623 | StoreTrianglesinFile(out, mol, filename, "-first");
624 |
625 | // First step: RemovePointFromTesselatedSurface
626 | do {
627 | Concavity = false;
628 | PointRunner = TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.begin();
629 | PointAdvance = PointRunner; // we need an advanced point, as the PointRunner might get removed
630 | while (PointRunner != TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
631 | PointAdvance++;
632 | point = PointRunner->second;
633 | *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Current point is " << *point << "." << endl;
634 | for (LineMap::iterator LineRunner = point->lines.begin(); LineRunner != point->lines.end(); LineRunner++) {
635 | line = LineRunner->second;
636 | *out << Verbose(2) << "INFO: Current line of point " << *point << " is " << *line << "." << endl;
637 | }
638 | if (!line->CheckConvexityCriterion(out)) {
639 | *out << Verbose(1) << "... point " << *point << " cannot be on convex envelope." << endl;
640 | // remove the point
641 | Concavity = true;
642 | TesselStruct->RemovePointFromTesselatedSurface(out, point);
643 | }
644 | PointRunner = PointAdvance;
645 | }
646 |
647 | //CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint(out, TesselStruct);
648 | //StoreTrianglesinFile(out, mol, filename, "-second");
649 |
650 | // second step: PickFarthestofTwoBaselines
651 | LineRunner = TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.begin();
652 | LineAdvance = LineRunner; // we need an advanced line, as the LineRunner might get removed
653 | while (LineRunner != TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end()) {
654 | LineAdvance++;
655 | line = LineRunner->second;
656 | *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Picking farthest baseline for line is " << *line << "." << endl;
657 | // take highest of both lines
658 | if (TesselStruct->IsConvexRectangle(out, line) == NULL) {
659 | TesselStruct->PickFarthestofTwoBaselines(out, line);
660 | Concavity = true;
661 | }
662 | LineRunner = LineAdvance;
663 | }
664 | } while (Concavity);
665 | CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint(out, TesselStruct);
666 | StoreTrianglesinFile(out, mol, filename, "-third");
667 |
668 | // third step: IsConvexRectangle
669 | LineRunner = TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.begin();
670 | LineAdvance = LineRunner; // we need an advanced line, as the LineRunner might get removed
671 | while (LineRunner != TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end()) {
672 | LineAdvance++;
673 | line = LineRunner->second;
674 | *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Current line is " << *line << "." << endl;
675 | //if (LineAdvance != TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end())
676 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Next line will be " << *(LineAdvance->second) << "." << endl;
677 | if (!line->CheckConvexityCriterion(out)) {
678 | *out << Verbose(1) << "... line " << *line << " is concave, flipping it." << endl;
679 |
680 | // take highest of both lines
681 | point = TesselStruct->IsConvexRectangle(out, line);
682 | if (point != NULL)
683 | TesselStruct->RemovePointFromTesselatedSurface(out, point);
684 | }
685 | LineRunner = LineAdvance;
686 | }
687 |
688 | CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint(out, TesselStruct);
689 | StoreTrianglesinFile(out, mol, filename, "-fourth");
690 |
691 | // end
692 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of ConvexizeNonconvexEnvelope" << endl;
693 | return volume;
694 | };
695 |
696 | /** Calculates the concavity for each of the BoundaryPointSet's in a Tesselation.
697 | * Sets BoundaryPointSet::value equal to the number of connected lines that are not convex.
698 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
699 | * \param *TesselStruct pointer to Tesselation structure
700 | */
701 | void CalculateConcavityPerBoundaryPoint(ofstream *out, class Tesselation *TesselStruct)
702 | {
703 | class BoundaryPointSet *point = NULL;
704 | class BoundaryLineSet *line = NULL;
705 | // calculate remaining concavity
706 | for (PointMap::iterator PointRunner = TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.begin(); PointRunner != TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.end(); PointRunner++) {
707 | point = PointRunner->second;
708 | *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Current point is " << *point << "." << endl;
709 | point->value = 0;
710 | for (LineMap::iterator LineRunner = point->lines.begin(); LineRunner != point->lines.end(); LineRunner++) {
711 | line = LineRunner->second;
712 | *out << Verbose(2) << "INFO: Current line of point " << *point << " is " << *line << "." << endl;
713 | if (!line->CheckConvexityCriterion(out))
714 | point->value += 1;
715 | }
716 | }
717 | };
718 |
719 | /** Stores triangles to file.
720 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
721 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms and bonds
722 | * \param *filename prefix of filename
723 | * \param *extraSuffix intermediate suffix
724 | */
725 | void StoreTrianglesinFile(ofstream *out, molecule *mol, const char *filename, const char *extraSuffix)
726 | {
727 | // 4. Store triangles in tecplot file
728 | if (filename != NULL) {
729 | if (DoTecplotOutput) {
730 | string OutputName(filename);
731 | OutputName.append(extraSuffix);
732 | OutputName.append(TecplotSuffix);
733 | ofstream *tecplot = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
734 | write_tecplot_file(out, tecplot, mol->TesselStruct, mol, 0);
735 | tecplot->close();
736 | delete(tecplot);
737 | }
738 | if (DoRaster3DOutput) {
739 | string OutputName(filename);
740 | OutputName.append(extraSuffix);
741 | OutputName.append(Raster3DSuffix);
742 | ofstream *rasterplot = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
743 | write_raster3d_file(out, rasterplot, mol->TesselStruct, mol);
744 | rasterplot->close();
745 | delete(rasterplot);
746 | }
747 | }
748 | };
749 |
750 | /** Determines the volume of a cluster.
751 | * Determines first the convex envelope, then tesselates it and calculates its volume.
752 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
753 | * \param *TesselStruct Tesselation filled with points, lines and triangles on boundary on return
754 | * \param *configuration needed for path to store convex envelope file
755 | * \return determined volume of the cluster in cubed config:GetIsAngstroem()
756 | */
757 | double VolumeOfConvexEnvelope(ofstream *out, class Tesselation *TesselStruct, class config *configuration)
758 | {
759 | bool IsAngstroem = configuration->GetIsAngstroem();
760 | double volume = 0.;
761 | double PyramidVolume = 0.;
762 | double G, h;
763 | Vector x, y;
764 | double a, b, c;
765 |
766 | // 6a. Every triangle forms a pyramid with the center of gravity as its peak, sum up the volumes
767 | *out << Verbose(1)
768 | << "Calculating the volume of the pyramids formed out of triangles and center of gravity."
769 | << endl;
770 | for (TriangleMap::iterator runner = TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.begin(); runner != TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.end(); runner++)
771 | { // go through every triangle, calculate volume of its pyramid with CoG as peak
772 | x.CopyVector(runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->node);
773 | x.SubtractVector(runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->node);
774 | y.CopyVector(runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->node);
775 | y.SubtractVector(runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->node);
776 | a = sqrt(runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->node->DistanceSquared(runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->node));
777 | b = sqrt(runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->node->DistanceSquared(runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->node));
778 | c = sqrt(runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->node->DistanceSquared(runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->node));
779 | G = sqrt(((a + b + c) * (a + b + c) - 2 * (a * a + b * b + c * c)) / 16.); // area of tesselated triangle
780 | x.MakeNormalVector(runner->second->endpoints[0]->node->node, runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->node, runner->second->endpoints[2]->node->node);
781 | x.Scale(runner->second->endpoints[1]->node->node->ScalarProduct(&x));
782 | h = x.Norm(); // distance of CoG to triangle
783 | PyramidVolume = (1. / 3.) * G * h; // this formula holds for _all_ pyramids (independent of n-edge base or (not) centered peak)
784 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Area of triangle is " << G << " "
785 | << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^2, height is "
786 | << h << " and the volume is " << PyramidVolume << " "
787 | << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3." << endl;
788 | volume += PyramidVolume;
789 | }
790 | *out << Verbose(0) << "RESULT: The summed volume is " << setprecision(10)
791 | << volume << " " << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3."
792 | << endl;
793 |
794 | return volume;
795 | }
796 | ;
797 |
798 | /** Creates multiples of the by \a *mol given cluster and suspends them in water with a given final density.
799 | * We get cluster volume by VolumeOfConvexEnvelope() and its diameters by GetDiametersOfCluster()
800 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
801 | * \param *configuration needed for path to store convex envelope file
802 | * \param *mol molecule structure representing the cluster
803 | * \param ClusterVolume guesstimated cluster volume, if equal 0 we used VolumeOfConvexEnvelope() instead.
804 | * \param celldensity desired average density in final cell
805 | */
806 | void
807 | PrepareClustersinWater(ofstream *out, config *configuration, molecule *mol,
808 | double ClusterVolume, double celldensity)
809 | {
810 | // transform to PAS
811 | mol->PrincipalAxisSystem(out, true);
812 |
813 | // some preparations beforehand
814 | bool IsAngstroem = configuration->GetIsAngstroem();
815 | Boundaries *BoundaryPoints = GetBoundaryPoints(out, mol);
816 | class Tesselation *TesselStruct = NULL;
817 | LinkedCell LCList(mol, 10.);
818 | Find_convex_border(out, mol, &LCList, NULL);
819 | double clustervolume;
820 | if (ClusterVolume == 0)
821 | clustervolume = VolumeOfConvexEnvelope(out, TesselStruct, configuration);
822 | else
823 | clustervolume = ClusterVolume;
824 | double *GreatestDiameter = GetDiametersOfCluster(out, BoundaryPoints, mol, IsAngstroem);
825 | Vector BoxLengths;
826 | int repetition[NDIM] =
827 | { 1, 1, 1 };
828 | int TotalNoClusters = 1;
829 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
830 | TotalNoClusters *= repetition[i];
831 |
832 | // sum up the atomic masses
833 | double totalmass = 0.;
834 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
835 | while (Walker->next != mol->end)
836 | {
837 | Walker = Walker->next;
838 | totalmass += Walker->type->mass;
839 | }
840 | *out << Verbose(0) << "RESULT: The summed mass is " << setprecision(10)
841 | << totalmass << " atomicmassunit." << endl;
842 |
843 | *out << Verbose(0) << "RESULT: The average density is " << setprecision(10)
844 | << totalmass / clustervolume << " atomicmassunit/"
845 | << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3." << endl;
846 |
847 | // solve cubic polynomial
848 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Solving equidistant suspension in water problem ..."
849 | << endl;
850 | double cellvolume;
851 | if (IsAngstroem)
852 | cellvolume = (TotalNoClusters * totalmass / SOLVENTDENSITY_A - (totalmass
853 | / clustervolume)) / (celldensity - 1);
854 | else
855 | cellvolume = (TotalNoClusters * totalmass / SOLVENTDENSITY_a0 - (totalmass
856 | / clustervolume)) / (celldensity - 1);
857 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Cellvolume needed for a density of " << celldensity
858 | << " g/cm^3 is " << cellvolume << " " << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom"
859 | : "atomiclength") << "^3." << endl;
860 |
861 | double minimumvolume = TotalNoClusters * (GreatestDiameter[0]
862 | * GreatestDiameter[1] * GreatestDiameter[2]);
863 | *out << Verbose(1)
864 | << "Minimum volume of the convex envelope contained in a rectangular box is "
865 | << minimumvolume << " atomicmassunit/" << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom"
866 | : "atomiclength") << "^3." << endl;
867 | if (minimumvolume > cellvolume)
868 | {
869 | cerr << Verbose(0)
870 | << "ERROR: the containing box already has a greater volume than the envisaged cell volume!"
871 | << endl;
872 | cout << Verbose(0)
873 | << "Setting Box dimensions to minimum possible, the greatest diameters."
874 | << endl;
875 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
876 | BoxLengths.x[i] = GreatestDiameter[i];
877 | mol->CenterEdge(out, &BoxLengths);
878 | }
879 | else
880 | {
881 | BoxLengths.x[0] = (repetition[0] * GreatestDiameter[0] + repetition[1]
882 | * GreatestDiameter[1] + repetition[2] * GreatestDiameter[2]);
883 | BoxLengths.x[1] = (repetition[0] * repetition[1] * GreatestDiameter[0]
884 | * GreatestDiameter[1] + repetition[0] * repetition[2]
885 | * GreatestDiameter[0] * GreatestDiameter[2] + repetition[1]
886 | * repetition[2] * GreatestDiameter[1] * GreatestDiameter[2]);
887 | BoxLengths.x[2] = minimumvolume - cellvolume;
888 | double x0 = 0., x1 = 0., x2 = 0.;
889 | if (gsl_poly_solve_cubic(BoxLengths.x[0], BoxLengths.x[1],
890 | BoxLengths.x[2], &x0, &x1, &x2) == 1) // either 1 or 3 on return
891 | *out << Verbose(0) << "RESULT: The resulting spacing is: " << x0
892 | << " ." << endl;
893 | else
894 | {
895 | *out << Verbose(0) << "RESULT: The resulting spacings are: " << x0
896 | << " and " << x1 << " and " << x2 << " ." << endl;
897 | x0 = x2; // sorted in ascending order
898 | }
899 |
900 | cellvolume = 1;
901 | for (int i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
902 | {
903 | BoxLengths.x[i] = repetition[i] * (x0 + GreatestDiameter[i]);
904 | cellvolume *= BoxLengths.x[i];
905 | }
906 |
907 | // set new box dimensions
908 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Translating to box with these boundaries." << endl;
909 | mol->SetBoxDimension(&BoxLengths);
910 | mol->CenterInBox((ofstream *) &cout);
911 | }
912 | // update Box of atoms by boundary
913 | mol->SetBoxDimension(&BoxLengths);
914 | *out << Verbose(0) << "RESULT: The resulting cell dimensions are: "
915 | << BoxLengths.x[0] << " and " << BoxLengths.x[1] << " and "
916 | << BoxLengths.x[2] << " with total volume of " << cellvolume << " "
917 | << (IsAngstroem ? "angstrom" : "atomiclength") << "^3." << endl;
918 | }
919 | ;
920 |
921 |
922 | /** Fills the empty space of the simulation box with water/
923 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
924 | * \param *List list of molecules already present in box
925 | * \param *TesselStruct contains tesselated surface
926 | * \param *filler molecule which the box is to be filled with
927 | * \param configuration contains box dimensions
928 | * \param distance[NDIM] distance between filling molecules in each direction
929 | * \param RandAtomDisplacement maximum distance for random displacement per atom
930 | * \param RandMolDisplacement maximum distance for random displacement per filler molecule
931 | * \param DoRandomRotation true - do random rotiations, false - don't
932 | * \return *mol pointer to new molecule with filled atoms
933 | */
934 | molecule * FillBoxWithMolecule(ofstream *out, MoleculeListClass *List, molecule *filler, config &configuration, double distance[NDIM], double RandomAtomDisplacement, double RandomMolDisplacement, bool DoRandomRotation)
935 | {
936 | molecule *Filling = new molecule(filler->elemente);
937 | Vector CurrentPosition;
938 | int N[NDIM];
939 | int n[NDIM];
940 | double *M = filler->ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(filler->cell_size);
941 | double Rotations[NDIM*NDIM];
942 | Vector AtomTranslations;
943 | Vector FillerTranslations;
944 | Vector FillerDistance;
945 | double FillIt = false;
946 | atom *Walker = NULL;
947 | bond *Binder = NULL;
948 | int i;
949 | LinkedCell *LCList[List->ListOfMolecules.size()];
950 |
951 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of FillBoxWithMolecule" << endl;
952 |
953 | i=0;
954 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = List->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != List->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
955 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Pre-creating linked cell lists for molecule " << *ListRunner << "." << endl;
956 | LCList[i] = new LinkedCell((*ListRunner), 5.); // get linked cell list
957 | if ((*ListRunner)->TesselStruct == NULL) {
958 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Pre-creating tesselation for molecule " << *ListRunner << "." << endl;
959 | Find_non_convex_border((ofstream *)&cout, (*ListRunner), LCList[i], NULL, 5.);
960 | }
961 | i++;
962 | }
963 |
964 | // Center filler at origin
965 | filler->CenterOrigin(out);
966 | filler->Center.Zero();
967 |
968 | filler->CountAtoms(out);
969 | atom * CopyAtoms[filler->AtomCount];
970 | int nr = 0;
971 |
972 | // calculate filler grid in [0,1]^3
973 | FillerDistance.Init(distance[0], distance[1], distance[2]);
974 | FillerDistance.InverseMatrixMultiplication(M);
975 | *out << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Grid steps are ";
976 | for(int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
977 | N[i] = (int) ceil(1./FillerDistance.x[i]);
978 | *out << N[i];
979 | if (i != NDIM-1)
980 | *out<< ", ";
981 | else
982 | *out << "." << endl;
983 | }
984 |
985 | // go over [0,1]^3 filler grid
986 | for (n[0] = 0; n[0] < N[0]; n[0]++)
987 | for (n[1] = 0; n[1] < N[1]; n[1]++)
988 | for (n[2] = 0; n[2] < N[2]; n[2]++) {
989 | // calculate position of current grid vector in untransformed box
990 | CurrentPosition.Init((double)n[0]/(double)N[0], (double)n[1]/(double)N[1], (double)n[2]/(double)N[2]);
991 | CurrentPosition.MatrixMultiplication(M);
992 | *out << Verbose(2) << "INFO: Current Position is " << CurrentPosition << "." << endl;
993 | // Check whether point is in- or outside
994 | FillIt = true;
995 | i=0;
996 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = List->ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != List->ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
997 | // get linked cell list
998 | if ((*ListRunner)->TesselStruct == NULL) {
999 | *out << Verbose(1) << "ERROR: TesselStruct of " << (*ListRunner) << " is NULL. Didn't we pre-create it?" << endl;
1000 | FillIt = false;
1001 | } else
1002 | FillIt = FillIt && (!(*ListRunner)->TesselStruct->IsInnerPoint(out, CurrentPosition, LCList[i++]));
1003 | }
1004 |
1005 | if (FillIt) {
1006 | // fill in Filler
1007 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Space at " << CurrentPosition << " is unoccupied by any molecule, filling in." << endl;
1008 |
1009 | // create molecule random translation vector ...
1010 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
1011 | FillerTranslations.x[i] = RandomMolDisplacement*(rand()/(RAND_MAX/2.) - 1.);
1012 | *out << Verbose(3) << "INFO: Translating this filler by " << FillerTranslations << "." << endl;
1013 |
1014 | // go through all atoms
1015 | nr=0;
1016 | Walker = filler->start;
1017 | while (Walker->next != filler->end) {
1018 | Walker = Walker->next;
1019 | // copy atom ...
1020 | CopyAtoms[Walker->nr] = new atom(Walker);
1021 |
1022 | // create atomic random translation vector ...
1023 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
1024 | AtomTranslations.x[i] = RandomAtomDisplacement*(rand()/(RAND_MAX/2.) - 1.);
1025 |
1026 | // ... and rotation matrix
1027 | if (DoRandomRotation) {
1028 | double phi[NDIM];
1029 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
1030 | phi[i] = rand()/(RAND_MAX/(2.*M_PI));
1031 | }
1032 |
1033 | Rotations[0] = cos(phi[0]) *cos(phi[2]) + (sin(phi[0])*sin(phi[1])*sin(phi[2]));
1034 | Rotations[3] = sin(phi[0]) *cos(phi[2]) - (cos(phi[0])*sin(phi[1])*sin(phi[2]));
1035 | Rotations[6] = cos(phi[1])*sin(phi[2]) ;
1036 | Rotations[1] = - sin(phi[0])*cos(phi[1]) ;
1037 | Rotations[4] = cos(phi[0])*cos(phi[1]) ;
1038 | Rotations[7] = sin(phi[1]) ;
1039 | Rotations[3] = - cos(phi[0]) *sin(phi[2]) + (sin(phi[0])*sin(phi[1])*cos(phi[2]));
1040 | Rotations[5] = - sin(phi[0]) *sin(phi[2]) - (cos(phi[0])*sin(phi[1])*cos(phi[2]));
1041 | Rotations[8] = cos(phi[1])*cos(phi[2]) ;
1042 | }
1043 |
1044 | // ... and put at new position
1045 | if (DoRandomRotation)
1046 | CopyAtoms[Walker->nr]->x.MatrixMultiplication(Rotations);
1047 | CopyAtoms[Walker->nr]->x.AddVector(&AtomTranslations);
1048 | CopyAtoms[Walker->nr]->x.AddVector(&FillerTranslations);
1049 | CopyAtoms[Walker->nr]->x.AddVector(&CurrentPosition);
1050 |
1051 | // insert into Filling
1052 |
1053 | // FIXME: gives completely different results if CopyAtoms[..] used instead of Walker, why???
1054 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Filling atom " << *Walker << ", translated to " << AtomTranslations << ", at final position is " << (CopyAtoms[Walker->nr]->x) << "." << endl;
1055 | Filling->AddAtom(CopyAtoms[Walker->nr]);
1056 | }
1057 |
1058 | // go through all bonds and add as well
1059 | Binder = filler->first;
1060 | while(Binder->next != filler->last) {
1061 | Binder = Binder->next;
1062 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Adding Bond between " << *CopyAtoms[Binder->leftatom->nr] << " and " << *CopyAtoms[Binder->rightatom->nr]<< "." << endl;
1063 | Filling->AddBond(CopyAtoms[Binder->leftatom->nr], CopyAtoms[Binder->rightatom->nr], Binder->BondDegree);
1064 | }
1065 | } else {
1066 | // leave empty
1067 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Space at " << CurrentPosition << " is occupied." << endl;
1068 | }
1069 | }
1070 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of FillBoxWithMolecule" << endl;
1071 |
1072 | return Filling;
1073 | };
1074 |
1075 |
1076 | /** Tesselates the non convex boundary by rolling a virtual sphere along the surface of the molecule.
1077 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1078 | * \param *mol molecule structure with Atom's and Bond's
1079 | * \param *Tess Tesselation filled with points, lines and triangles on boundary on return
1080 | * \param *LCList atoms in LinkedCell list
1081 | * \param *filename filename prefix for output of vertex data
1082 | * \para RADIUS radius of the virtual sphere
1083 | */
1084 | void Find_non_convex_border(ofstream *out, molecule* mol, class LinkedCell *LCList, const char *filename, const double RADIUS)
1085 | {
1086 | int N = 0;
1087 | bool freeLC = false;
1088 | ofstream *tempstream = NULL;
1089 | char NumberName[255];
1090 | int TriangleFilesWritten = 0;
1091 |
1092 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Entering search for non convex hull. " << endl;
1093 | if (mol->TesselStruct == NULL) {
1094 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Allocating Tesselation struct ..." << endl;
1095 | mol->TesselStruct = new Tesselation;
1096 | } else {
1097 | delete(mol->TesselStruct);
1098 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Re-Allocating Tesselation struct ..." << endl;
1099 | mol->TesselStruct = new Tesselation;
1100 | }
1101 | LineMap::iterator baseline;
1102 | LineMap::iterator testline;
1103 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of Find_non_convex_border\n";
1104 | bool flag = false; // marks whether we went once through all baselines without finding any without two triangles
1105 | bool failflag = false;
1106 |
1107 | if (LCList == NULL) {
1108 | LCList = new LinkedCell(mol, 2.*RADIUS);
1109 | freeLC = true;
1110 | }
1111 |
1112 | mol->TesselStruct->Find_starting_triangle(out, RADIUS, LCList);
1113 |
1114 | baseline = mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.begin();
1115 | // the outward most line is dangerous, as we may end up with wrapping up the starting triangle, hence
1116 | // terminating the algorithm too early.
1117 | if (baseline != mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end()) // skip first line as it its the outwardmost!
1118 | baseline++;
1119 | while ((baseline != mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end()) || (flag)) {
1120 | if (baseline->second->triangles.size() == 1) {
1121 | failflag = mol->TesselStruct->Find_next_suitable_triangle(out, *(baseline->second), *(((baseline->second->triangles.begin()))->second), RADIUS, N, LCList); //the line is there, so there is a triangle, but only one.
1122 | flag = flag || failflag;
1123 | if (!failflag)
1124 | cerr << "WARNING: Find_next_suitable_triangle failed." << endl;
1125 | // write temporary envelope
1126 | if ((DoSingleStepOutput && (mol->TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundaryCount % SingleStepWidth == 0))) { // if we have a new triangle and want to output each new triangle configuration
1127 | TriangleMap::iterator runner = mol->TesselStruct->TrianglesOnBoundary.end();
1128 | runner--;
1129 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = runner->second;
1130 | if (triangle != NULL) {
1131 | sprintf(NumberName, "-%04d-%s_%s_%s", TriangleFilesWritten, triangle->endpoints[0]->node->Name, triangle->endpoints[1]->node->Name, triangle->endpoints[2]->node->Name);
1132 | if (DoTecplotOutput) {
1133 | string NameofTempFile(filename);
1134 | NameofTempFile.append(NumberName);
1135 | for(size_t npos = NameofTempFile.find_first_of(' '); npos != string::npos; npos = NameofTempFile.find(' ', npos))
1136 | NameofTempFile.erase(npos, 1);
1137 | NameofTempFile.append(TecplotSuffix);
1138 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Writing temporary non convex hull to file " << NameofTempFile << ".\n";
1139 | tempstream = new ofstream(NameofTempFile.c_str(), ios::trunc);
1140 | write_tecplot_file(out, tempstream, mol->TesselStruct, mol, TriangleFilesWritten);
1141 | tempstream->close();
1142 | tempstream->flush();
1143 | delete(tempstream);
1144 | }
1145 |
1146 | if (DoRaster3DOutput) {
1147 | string NameofTempFile(filename);
1148 | NameofTempFile.append(NumberName);
1149 | for(size_t npos = NameofTempFile.find_first_of(' '); npos != string::npos; npos = NameofTempFile.find(' ', npos))
1150 | NameofTempFile.erase(npos, 1);
1151 | NameofTempFile.append(Raster3DSuffix);
1152 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Writing temporary non convex hull to file " << NameofTempFile << ".\n";
1153 | tempstream = new ofstream(NameofTempFile.c_str(), ios::trunc);
1154 | write_raster3d_file(out, tempstream, mol->TesselStruct, mol);
1155 | // // include the current position of the virtual sphere in the temporary raster3d file
1156 | // // make the circumsphere's center absolute again
1157 | // helper.CopyVector(BaseRay->endpoints[0]->node->node);
1158 | // helper.AddVector(BaseRay->endpoints[1]->node->node);
1159 | // helper.Scale(0.5);
1160 | // (*it)->OptCenter.AddVector(&helper);
1161 | // Vector *center = mol->DetermineCenterOfAll(out);
1162 | // (*it)->OptCenter.SubtractVector(center);
1163 | // delete(center);
1164 | // // and add to file plus translucency object
1165 | // *tempstream << "# current virtual sphere\n";
1166 | // *tempstream << "8\n 25.0 0.6 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 0.2 0 0 0 0\n";
1167 | // *tempstream << "2\n " << (*it)->OptCenter.x[0] << " "
1168 | // << (*it)->OptCenter.x[1] << " " << (*it)->OptCenter.x[2]
1169 | // << "\t" << RADIUS << "\t1 0 0\n";
1170 | // *tempstream << "9\n terminating special property\n";
1171 | tempstream->close();
1172 | tempstream->flush();
1173 | delete(tempstream);
1174 | }
1175 | }
1176 | if (DoTecplotOutput || DoRaster3DOutput)
1177 | TriangleFilesWritten++;
1178 | }
1179 | } else {
1180 | //cout << Verbose(1) << "Line " << *baseline->second << " has " << baseline->second->triangles.size() << " triangles adjacent" << endl;
1181 | if (baseline->second->triangles.size() != 2)
1183 | }
1184 |
1185 | N++;
1186 | baseline++;
1187 | if ((baseline == mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end()) && (flag)) {
1188 | baseline = mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.begin(); // restart if we reach end due to newly inserted lines
1189 | flag = false;
1190 | }
1191 | }
1192 |
1193 | // write final envelope
1194 | if (filename != 0) {
1195 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Writing final tecplot file\n";
1196 | if (DoTecplotOutput) {
1197 | string OutputName(filename);
1198 | OutputName.append(TecplotSuffix);
1199 | ofstream *tecplot = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
1200 | write_tecplot_file(out, tecplot, mol->TesselStruct, mol, -1);
1201 | tecplot->close();
1202 | delete(tecplot);
1203 | }
1204 | if (DoRaster3DOutput) {
1205 | string OutputName(filename);
1206 | OutputName.append(Raster3DSuffix);
1207 | ofstream *raster = new ofstream(OutputName.c_str());
1208 | write_raster3d_file(out, raster, mol->TesselStruct, mol);
1209 | raster->close();
1210 | delete(raster);
1211 | }
1212 | } else {
1213 | cerr << "ERROR: Could definitively not find all necessary triangles!" << endl;
1214 | }
1215 |
1216 | cout << Verbose(2) << "Check: List of Baselines with not two connected triangles:" << endl;
1217 | int counter = 0;
1218 | for (testline = mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.begin(); testline != mol->TesselStruct->LinesOnBoundary.end(); testline++) {
1219 | if (testline->second->triangles.size() != 2) {
1220 | cout << Verbose(2) << *testline->second << "\t" << testline->second->triangles.size() << endl;
1221 | counter++;
1222 | }
1223 | }
1224 | if (counter == 0)
1225 | *out << Verbose(2) << "None." << endl;
1226 |
1227 | // // Tests the IsInnerAtom() function.
1228 | // Vector x (0, 0, 0);
1229 | // *out << Verbose(0) << "Point to check: " << x << endl;
1230 | // *out << Verbose(0) << "Check: IsInnerPoint() returns " << mol->TesselStruct->IsInnerPoint(out, x, LCList)
1231 | // << "for vector " << x << "." << endl;
1232 | // TesselPoint* a = mol->TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.begin()->second->node;
1233 | // *out << Verbose(0) << "Point to check: " << *a << " (on boundary)." << endl;
1234 | // *out << Verbose(0) << "Check: IsInnerAtom() returns " << mol->TesselStruct->IsInnerPoint(out, a, LCList)
1235 | // << "for atom " << a << " (on boundary)." << endl;
1236 | // LinkedNodes *List = NULL;
1237 | // for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) { // each axis
1238 | // LCList->n[i] = LCList->N[i]-1; // current axis is topmost cell
1239 | // for (LCList->n[(i+1)%NDIM]=0;LCList->n[(i+1)%NDIM]<LCList->N[(i+1)%NDIM];LCList->n[(i+1)%NDIM]++)
1240 | // for (LCList->n[(i+2)%NDIM]=0;LCList->n[(i+2)%NDIM]<LCList->N[(i+2)%NDIM];LCList->n[(i+2)%NDIM]++) {
1241 | // List = LCList->GetCurrentCell();
1242 | // //cout << Verbose(2) << "Current cell is " << LC->n[0] << ", " << LC->n[1] << ", " << LC->n[2] << " with No. " << LC->index << "." << endl;
1243 | // if (List != NULL) {
1244 | // for (LinkedNodes::iterator Runner = List->begin();Runner != List->end();Runner++) {
1245 | // if (mol->TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.find((*Runner)->nr) == mol->TesselStruct->PointsOnBoundary.end()) {
1246 | // a = *Runner;
1247 | // i=3;
1248 | // for (int j=0;j<NDIM;j++)
1249 | // LCList->n[j] = LCList->N[j];
1250 | // break;
1251 | // }
1252 | // }
1253 | // }
1254 | // }
1255 | // }
1256 | // *out << Verbose(0) << "Check: IsInnerPoint() returns " << mol->TesselStruct->IsInnerPoint(out, a, LCList)
1257 | // << "for atom " << a << " (inside)." << endl;
1258 |
1259 |
1260 | if (freeLC)
1261 | delete(LCList);
1262 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of Find_non_convex_border\n";
1263 | };
1264 |
1265 | /** Finds a hole of sufficient size in \a this molecule to embed \a *srcmol into it.
1266 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1267 | * \param *srcmol molecule to embed into
1268 | * \return *Vector new center of \a *srcmol for embedding relative to \a this
1269 | */
1270 | Vector* molecule::FindEmbeddingHole(ofstream *out, molecule *srcmol)
1271 | {
1272 | Vector *Center = new Vector;
1273 | Center->Zero();
1274 | // calculate volume/shape of \a *srcmol
1275 |
1276 | // find embedding holes
1277 |
1278 | // if more than one, let user choose
1279 |
1280 | // return embedding center
1281 | return Center;
1282 | };
1283 |