1 | /*
2 | * atom_trajectoryparticle.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 19, 2009
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "atom.hpp"
9 | #include "atom_trajectoryparticle.hpp"
10 | #include "config.hpp"
11 | #include "element.hpp"
12 | #include "log.hpp"
13 | #include "parser.hpp"
14 | #include "verbose.hpp"
15 |
16 | /** Constructor of class TrajectoryParticle.
17 | */
18 | TrajectoryParticle::TrajectoryParticle()
19 | {
20 | };
21 |
22 | /** Destructor of class TrajectoryParticle.
23 | */
24 | TrajectoryParticle::~TrajectoryParticle()
25 | {
26 | };
27 |
28 |
29 | /** Adds kinetic energy of this atom to given temperature value.
30 | * \param *temperature add on this value
31 | * \param step given step of trajectory to add
32 | */
33 | void TrajectoryParticle::AddKineticToTemperature(double *temperature, int step) const
34 | {
35 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;)
36 | *temperature += type->mass * Trajectory.U.at(step).x[i]* Trajectory.U.at(step).x[i];
37 | };
38 |
39 | /** Evaluates some constraint potential if atom moves from \a startstep at once to \endstep in trajectory.
40 | * \param startstep trajectory begins at
41 | * \param endstep trajectory ends at
42 | * \param **PermutationMap if atom switches places with some other atom, there is no translation but a permutaton noted here (not in the trajectories of ea
43 | * \param *Force Force matrix to store result in
44 | */
45 | void TrajectoryParticle::EvaluateConstrainedForce(int startstep, int endstep, atom **PermutationMap, ForceMatrix *Force) const
46 | {
47 | double constant = 10.;
48 | TrajectoryParticle *Sprinter = PermutationMap[nr];
49 | // set forces
50 | for (int i=NDIM;i++;)
51 | Force->Matrix[0][nr][5+i] += 2.*constant*sqrt(Trajectory.R.at(startstep).Distance(&Sprinter->Trajectory.R.at(endstep)));
52 | };
53 |
54 | /** Correct velocity against the summed \a CoGVelocity for \a step.
55 | * \param *ActualTemp sum up actual temperature meanwhile
56 | * \param Step MD step in atom::Tracjetory
57 | * \param *CoGVelocity remnant velocity (i.e. vector sum of all atom velocities)
58 | */
59 | void TrajectoryParticle::CorrectVelocity(double *ActualTemp, int Step, Vector *CoGVelocity)
60 | {
61 | for(int d=0;d<NDIM;d++) {
62 | Trajectory.U.at(Step).x[d] -= CoGVelocity->x[d];
63 | *ActualTemp += 0.5 * type->mass * Trajectory.U.at(Step).x[d] * Trajectory.U.at(Step).x[d];
64 | }
65 | };
66 |
67 | /** Extends the trajectory STL vector to the new size.
68 | * Does nothing if \a MaxSteps is smaller than current size.
69 | * \param MaxSteps
70 | */
71 | void TrajectoryParticle::ResizeTrajectory(int MaxSteps)
72 | {
73 | if (Trajectory.R.size() <= (unsigned int)(MaxSteps)) {
74 | //Log() << Verbose(0) << "Increasing size for trajectory array of " << keyword << " to " << (MaxSteps+1) << "." << endl;
75 | Trajectory.R.resize(MaxSteps+1);
76 | Trajectory.U.resize(MaxSteps+1);
77 | Trajectory.F.resize(MaxSteps+1);
78 | }
79 | };
80 |
81 | /** Copies a given trajectory step \a src onto another \a dest
82 | * \param dest index of destination step
83 | * \param src index of source step
84 | */
85 | void TrajectoryParticle::CopyStepOnStep(int dest, int src)
86 | {
87 | if (dest == src) // self assignment check
88 | return;
89 |
90 | for (int n=NDIM;n--;) {
91 | Trajectory.R.at(dest).x[n] = Trajectory.R.at(src).x[n];
92 | Trajectory.U.at(dest).x[n] = Trajectory.U.at(src).x[n];
93 | Trajectory.F.at(dest).x[n] = Trajectory.F.at(src).x[n];
94 | }
95 | };
96 |
97 | /** Performs a velocity verlet update of the trajectory.
98 | * Parameters are according to those in configuration class.
99 | * \param NextStep index of sequential step to set
100 | * \param *configuration pointer to configuration with parameters
101 | * \param *Force matrix with forces
102 | */
103 | void TrajectoryParticle::VelocityVerletUpdate(int NextStep, config *configuration, ForceMatrix *Force)
104 | {
105 | //a = configuration.Deltat*0.5/walker->type->mass; // (F+F_old)/2m = a and thus: v = (F+F_old)/2m * t = (F + F_old) * a
106 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
107 | Trajectory.F.at(NextStep).x[d] = -Force->Matrix[0][nr][d+5]*(configuration->GetIsAngstroem() ? AtomicLengthToAngstroem : 1.);
108 | Trajectory.R.at(NextStep).x[d] = Trajectory.R.at(NextStep-1).x[d];
109 | Trajectory.R.at(NextStep).x[d] += configuration->Deltat*(Trajectory.U.at(NextStep-1).x[d]); // s(t) = s(0) + v * deltat + 1/2 a * deltat^2
110 | Trajectory.R.at(NextStep).x[d] += 0.5*configuration->Deltat*configuration->Deltat*(Trajectory.F.at(NextStep).x[d]/type->mass); // F = m * a and s =
111 | }
112 | // Update U
113 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
114 | Trajectory.U.at(NextStep).x[d] = Trajectory.U.at(NextStep-1).x[d];
115 | Trajectory.U.at(NextStep).x[d] += configuration->Deltat * (Trajectory.F.at(NextStep).x[d]+Trajectory.F.at(NextStep-1).x[d]/type->mass); // v = F/m * t
116 | }
117 | // Update R (and F)
118 | // out << "Integrated position&velocity of step " << (NextStep) << ": (";
119 | // for (int d=0;d<NDIM;d++)
120 | // out << Trajectory.R.at(NextStep).x[d] << " "; // next step
121 | // out << ")\t(";
122 | // for (int d=0;d<NDIM;d++)
123 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << Trajectory.U.at(NextStep).x[d] << " "; // next step
124 | // out << ")" << endl;
125 | };
126 |
127 | /** Sums up mass and kinetics.
128 | * \param Step step to sum for
129 | * \param *TotalMass pointer to total mass sum
130 | * \param *TotalVelocity pointer to tota velocity sum
131 | */
132 | void TrajectoryParticle::SumUpKineticEnergy( int Step, double *TotalMass, Vector *TotalVelocity ) const
133 | {
134 | *TotalMass += type->mass; // sum up total mass
135 | for(int d=0;d<NDIM;d++) {
136 | TotalVelocity->x[d] += Trajectory.U.at(Step).x[d]*type->mass;
137 | }
138 | };
139 |
140 | /** Scales velocity of atom according to Woodcock thermostat.
141 | * \param ScaleTempFactor factor to scale the velocities with (i.e. sqrt of energy scale factor)
142 | * \param Step MD step to scale
143 | * \param *ekin sum of kinetic energy
144 | */
145 | void TrajectoryParticle::Thermostat_Woodcock(double ScaleTempFactor, int Step, double *ekin)
146 | {
147 | double *U = Trajectory.U.at(Step).x;
148 | if (FixedIon == 0) // even FixedIon moves, only not by other's forces
149 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
150 | U[d] *= ScaleTempFactor;
151 | *ekin += 0.5*type->mass * U[d]*U[d];
152 | }
153 | };
154 |
155 | /** Scales velocity of atom according to Gaussian thermostat.
156 | * \param Step MD step to scale
157 | * \param *G
158 | * \param *E
159 | */
160 | void TrajectoryParticle::Thermostat_Gaussian_init(int Step, double *G, double *E)
161 | {
162 | double *U = Trajectory.U.at(Step).x;
163 | double *F = Trajectory.F.at(Step).x;
164 | if (FixedIon == 0) // even FixedIon moves, only not by other's forces
165 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
166 | *G += U[d] * F[d];
167 | *E += U[d]*U[d]*type->mass;
168 | }
169 | };
170 |
171 | /** Determines scale factors according to Gaussian thermostat.
172 | * \param Step MD step to scale
173 | * \param GE G over E ratio
174 | * \param *ekin sum of kinetic energy
175 | * \param *configuration configuration class with TempFrequency and TargetTemp
176 | */
177 | void TrajectoryParticle::Thermostat_Gaussian_least_constraint(int Step, double G_over_E, double *ekin, config *configuration)
178 | {
179 | double *U = Trajectory.U.at(Step).x;
180 | if (FixedIon == 0) // even FixedIon moves, only not by other's forces
181 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
182 | U[d] += configuration->Deltat/type->mass * ( (G_over_E) * (U[d]*type->mass) );
183 | *ekin += type->mass * U[d]*U[d];
184 | }
185 | };
186 |
187 | /** Scales velocity of atom according to Langevin thermostat.
188 | * \param Step MD step to scale
189 | * \param *r random number generator
190 | * \param *ekin sum of kinetic energy
191 | * \param *configuration configuration class with TempFrequency and TargetTemp
192 | */
193 | void TrajectoryParticle::Thermostat_Langevin(int Step, gsl_rng * r, double *ekin, config *configuration)
194 | {
195 | double sigma = sqrt(configuration->TargetTemp/type->mass); // sigma = (k_b T)/m (Hartree/atomicmass = atomiclength/atomictime)
196 | double *U = Trajectory.U.at(Step).x;
197 | if (FixedIon == 0) { // even FixedIon moves, only not by other's forces
198 | // throw a dice to determine whether it gets hit by a heat bath particle
199 | if (((((rand()/(double)RAND_MAX))*configuration->TempFrequency) < 1.)) {
200 | Log() << Verbose(3) << "Particle " << *this << " was hit (sigma " << sigma << "): " << sqrt(U[0]*U[0]+U[1]*U[1]+U[2]*U[2]) << " -> ";
201 | // pick three random numbers from a Boltzmann distribution around the desired temperature T for each momenta axis
202 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
203 | U[d] = gsl_ran_gaussian (r, sigma);
204 | }
205 | Log() << Verbose(0) << sqrt(U[0]*U[0]+U[1]*U[1]+U[2]*U[2]) << endl;
206 | }
207 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++)
208 | *ekin += 0.5*type->mass * U[d]*U[d];
209 | }
210 | };
211 |
212 | /** Scales velocity of atom according to Berendsen thermostat.
213 | * \param Step MD step to scale
214 | * \param ScaleTempFactor factor to scale energy (not velocity!) with
215 | * \param *ekin sum of kinetic energy
216 | * \param *configuration configuration class with TempFrequency and Deltat
217 | */
218 | void TrajectoryParticle::Thermostat_Berendsen(int Step, double ScaleTempFactor, double *ekin, config *configuration)
219 | {
220 | double *U = Trajectory.U.at(Step).x;
221 | if (FixedIon == 0) { // even FixedIon moves, only not by other's forces
222 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
223 | U[d] *= sqrt(1+(configuration->Deltat/configuration->TempFrequency)*(ScaleTempFactor-1));
224 | *ekin += 0.5*type->mass * U[d]*U[d];
225 | }
226 | }
227 | };
228 |
229 | /** Initializes current run of NoseHoover thermostat.
230 | * \param Step MD step to scale
231 | * \param *delta_alpha additional sum of kinetic energy on return
232 | */
233 | void TrajectoryParticle::Thermostat_NoseHoover_init(int Step, double *delta_alpha)
234 | {
235 | double *U = Trajectory.U.at(Step).x;
236 | if (FixedIon == 0) { // even FixedIon moves, only not by other's forces
237 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
238 | *delta_alpha += U[d]*U[d]*type->mass;
239 | }
240 | }
241 | };
242 |
243 | /** Initializes current run of NoseHoover thermostat.
244 | * \param Step MD step to scale
245 | * \param *ekin sum of kinetic energy
246 | * \param *configuration configuration class with TempFrequency and Deltat
247 | */
248 | void TrajectoryParticle::Thermostat_NoseHoover_scale(int Step, double *ekin, config *configuration)
249 | {
250 | double *U = Trajectory.U.at(Step).x;
251 | if (FixedIon == 0) { // even FixedIon moves, only not by other's forces
252 | for (int d=0; d<NDIM; d++) {
253 | U[d] += configuration->Deltat/type->mass * (configuration->alpha * (U[d] * type->mass));
254 | *ekin += (0.5*type->mass) * U[d]*U[d];
255 | }
256 | }
257 | };