1 | /*
2 | * atom.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Aug 3, 2009
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef ATOM_HPP_
9 | #define ATOM_HPP_
10 |
11 | using namespace std;
12 |
13 | /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include <iostream>
21 | #include <vector>
22 |
23 | #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
24 |
25 | #include "tesselation.hpp"
26 |
27 | /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/
28 |
29 | class bond;
30 | class config;
31 | class element;
32 | class ForceMatrix;
33 | class Vector;
34 |
35 | /********************************************** declarations *******************************/
36 |
37 | /** Single atom.
38 | * Class incorporates position, type
39 | */
40 | class atom : public TesselPoint {
41 | public:
42 | struct
43 | {
44 | vector<Vector> R; //!< position vector
45 | vector<Vector> U; //!< velocity vector
46 | vector<Vector> F; //!< last force vector
47 | } Trajectory;
48 |
49 | Vector x; //!< coordinate vector of atom, giving last position within cell
50 | Vector v; //!< velocity vector of atom, giving last velocity within cell
51 | Vector F; //!< Force vector of atom, giving last force within cell
52 | element *type; //!< pointing to element
53 | atom *previous; //!< previous atom in molecule list
54 | atom *next; //!< next atom in molecule list
55 | atom *father; //!< In many-body bond order fragmentations points to originating atom
56 | atom *Ancestor; //!< "Father" in Depth-First-Search
57 | //char *Name; //!< unique name used during many-body bond-order fragmentation, comes from TesselPoint
58 | int FixedIon; //!< config variable that states whether forces act on the ion or not
59 | int *sort; //!< sort criteria
60 | //int nr; //!< continuous, unique number, comes from TesselPoint
61 | int GraphNr; //!< unique number, given in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
62 | int *ComponentNr;//!< belongs to this nonseparable components, given in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis() (if more than one, then is SeparationVertex)
63 | int LowpointNr; //!< needed in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis() to detect nonseparable components, is the lowest possible number of an atom to reach via tree edges only followed by at most one back edge.
64 | bool SeparationVertex; //!< whether this atom separates off subsets of atoms or not, determined in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
65 | bool IsCyclic; //!< whether atom belong to as cycle or not, determined in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
66 | unsigned char AdaptiveOrder; //!< current present bond order at site (0 means "not set")
67 | bool MaxOrder; //!< whether this atom as a root in fragmentation still creates more fragments on higher orders or not
68 |
69 | atom();
70 | atom(class atom *pointer);
71 | virtual ~atom();
72 |
73 | bool Output(ofstream *out, int ElementNo, int AtomNo, const char *comment = NULL) const;
74 | bool Output(ofstream *out, int *ElementNo, int *AtomNo, const char *comment = NULL);
75 | bool OutputXYZLine(ofstream *out) const;
76 | bool OutputTrajectory(ofstream *out, int *ElementNo, int *AtomNo, int step) const;
77 | bool OutputTrajectoryXYZ(ofstream *out, int step) const;
78 | bool OutputBondOfAtom(ofstream *out, int *NumberOfBondsPerAtom, bond ***ListOfBondsPerAtom) const;
79 |
80 | void EqualsFather ( atom *ptr, atom **res );
81 | void CorrectFather();
82 | atom *GetTrueFather();
83 | bool Compare(const atom &ptr);
84 |
85 | // trajectory stuff
86 | void ResizeTrajectory(int MaxSteps);
87 | void CopyStepOnStep(int dest, int src);
88 | void VelocityVerletUpdate(int MDSteps, config *configuration, ForceMatrix *Force);
89 | void SumUpKineticEnergy( int Step, double *TotalMass, Vector *TotalVelocity );
90 |
91 | double DistanceToVector(Vector &origin);
92 | double DistanceSquaredToVector(Vector &origin);
93 |
94 | bool IsInParallelepiped(Vector offset, double *parallelepiped);
95 |
96 | // bond order stuff
97 | void OutputOrder(ofstream *file);
98 |
99 | // constraint potential and dynamics stuff
100 | void AddKineticToTemperature(double *temperature, int step) const;
101 | void EvaluateConstrainedForce(int startstep, int endstep, atom **PermutationMap, ForceMatrix *Force);
102 | void CorrectVelocity(double *ActualTemp, int Step, Vector *CoGVelocity);
103 |
104 | // thermostats
105 | void Thermostat_Woodcock(double ScaleTempFactor, int Step, double *ekin);
106 | void Thermostat_Gaussian_init(int Step, double *G, double *E);
107 | void Thermostat_Gaussian_least_constraint(int Step, double G_over_E, double *ekin, config *configuration);
108 | void Thermostat_Langevin(int Step, gsl_rng * r, double *ekin, config *configuration);
109 | void Thermostat_Berendsen(int Step, double ScaleTempFactor, double *ekin, config *configuration);
110 | void Thermostat_NoseHoover_init(int Step, double *delta_alpha);
111 | void Thermostat_NoseHoover_scale(int Step, double *ekin, config *configuration);
112 |
113 |
114 | ostream & operator << (ostream &ost);
115 |
116 | private:
117 | };
118 |
119 | ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, const atom &a);
120 |
121 | #endif /* ATOM_HPP_ */