1 | /** \file analyzer.cpp
2 | *
3 | * Takes evaluated fragments (energy and forces) and does evaluation of how sensible the BOSSANOVA
4 | * approach was, e.g. in the decay of the many-body-contributions.
5 | *
6 | */
7 |
8 | //============================ INCLUDES ===========================
9 |
10 | #include <cstring>
11 |
12 | #include "datacreator.hpp"
13 | #include "helpers.hpp"
14 | #include "memoryallocator.hpp"
15 | #include "parser.hpp"
16 | #include "periodentafel.hpp"
17 |
18 | // include config.h
19 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
20 | #include <config.h>
21 | #endif
22 |
23 |
24 | //============================== MAIN =============================
25 |
26 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
27 | {
28 | periodentafel *periode = NULL; // and a period table of all elements
29 | EnergyMatrix Energy;
30 | EnergyMatrix EnergyFragments;
31 | ForceMatrix Force;
32 | ForceMatrix ForceFragments;
33 | HessianMatrix Hessian;
34 | HessianMatrix HessianFragments;
35 | EnergyMatrix Hcorrection;
36 | EnergyMatrix HcorrectionFragments;
37 | ForceMatrix Shielding;
38 | ForceMatrix ShieldingPAS;
39 | ForceMatrix Chi;
40 | ForceMatrix ChiPAS;
41 | EnergyMatrix Time;
42 | ForceMatrix ShieldingFragments;
43 | ForceMatrix ShieldingPASFragments;
44 | ForceMatrix ChiFragments;
45 | ForceMatrix ChiPASFragments;
46 | KeySetsContainer KeySet;
47 | ofstream output;
48 | ofstream output2;
49 | ofstream output3;
50 | ofstream output4;
51 | ifstream input;
52 | stringstream filename;
53 | time_t t = time(NULL);
54 | struct tm *ts = localtime(&t);
55 | char *datum = asctime(ts);
56 | stringstream Orderxrange;
57 | stringstream Fragmentxrange;
58 | stringstream yrange;
59 | char *dir = NULL;
60 | bool NoHessian = false;
61 | bool NoTime = false;
62 | bool NoHCorrection = true;
63 | int counter = 0;
64 |
65 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "ANOVA Analyzer" << endl;
66 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "==============" << endl;
67 |
68 | // Get the command line options
69 | if (argc < 4) {
70 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <inputdir> <prefix> <outputdir> [elementsdb]" << endl;
71 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "<inputdir>\ttherein the output of a molecuilder fragmentation is expected, each fragment with a subdir containing an energy.all and a forces.all file." << endl;
72 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "<prefix>\tprefix of energy and forces file." << endl;
73 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "<outputdir>\tcreated plotfiles and datafiles are placed into this directory " << endl;
74 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "[elementsdb]\tpath to elements database, needed for shieldings." << endl;
75 | return 1;
76 | } else {
77 | dir = Malloc<char>(strlen(argv[2]) + 2, "main: *dir");
78 | strcpy(dir, "/");
79 | strcat(dir, argv[2]);
80 | }
81 |
82 | if (argc > 4) {
83 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Loading periodentafel." << endl;
84 | periode = Malloc<periodentafel>(1, "main - periode");
85 | periode->LoadPeriodentafel(argv[4]);
86 | }
87 |
88 | // Test the given directory
89 | if (!TestParams(argc, argv))
90 | return 1;
91 |
92 | // +++++++++++++++++ PARSING +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
93 |
94 | // ------------- Parse through all Fragment subdirs --------
95 | if (!Energy.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, EnergySuffix,0,0)) return 1;
96 | if (!Hcorrection.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], "", HCORRECTIONSUFFIX,0,0)) {
97 | NoHCorrection = true;
98 | DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "No HCorrection file found, skipping these." << endl);
99 | }
100 |
101 | if (!Force.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ForcesSuffix,0,0)) return 1;
102 | if (!Hessian.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, HessianSuffix,0,0)) {
103 | NoHessian = true;
104 | DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "No Hessian file found, skipping these." << endl);
105 | }
106 | if (!Time.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, TimeSuffix, 10,1)) {
107 | NoTime = true;
108 | DoeLog(2) && (eLog()<< Verbose(2) << "No speed file found, skipping these." << endl);
109 | }
110 | if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values
111 | if (!Shielding.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
112 | if (!ShieldingPAS.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingPASSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
113 | if (!Chi.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
114 | if (!ChiPAS.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiPASSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
115 | }
116 |
117 | // ---------- Parse the TE Factors into an array -----------------
118 | if (!Energy.ParseIndices()) return 1;
119 | if (!NoHCorrection) Hcorrection.ParseIndices();
120 |
121 | // ---------- Parse the Force indices into an array ---------------
122 | if (!Force.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
123 | if (!ForceFragments.AllocateMatrix(Force.Header, Force.MatrixCounter, Force.RowCounter, Force.ColumnCounter)) return 1;
124 | if (!ForceFragments.InitialiseIndices((class MatrixContainer *)&Force)) return 1;
125 |
126 | // ---------- Parse hessian indices into an array -----------------
127 | if (!NoHessian) {
128 | if (!Hessian.InitialiseIndices((class MatrixContainer *)&Force)) return 1;
129 | if (!HessianFragments.AllocateMatrix(Hessian.Header, Hessian.MatrixCounter, Hessian.RowCounter, Hessian.ColumnCounter)) return 1;
130 | if (!HessianFragments.InitialiseIndices((class MatrixContainer *)&Force)) return 1;
131 | }
132 |
133 | // ---------- Parse the shielding indices into an array ---------------
134 | if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values
135 | if(!Shielding.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
136 | if(!ShieldingPAS.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
137 | if (!ShieldingFragments.AllocateMatrix(Shielding.Header, Shielding.MatrixCounter, Shielding.RowCounter, Shielding.ColumnCounter)) return 1;
138 | if (!ShieldingPASFragments.AllocateMatrix(ShieldingPAS.Header, ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter, ShieldingPAS.RowCounter, ShieldingPAS.ColumnCounter)) return 1;
139 | if(!ShieldingFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
140 | if(!ShieldingPASFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
141 | if(!Chi.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
142 | if(!ChiPAS.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
143 | if (!ChiFragments.AllocateMatrix(Chi.Header, Chi.MatrixCounter, Chi.RowCounter, Chi.ColumnCounter)) return 1;
144 | if (!ChiPASFragments.AllocateMatrix(ChiPAS.Header, ChiPAS.MatrixCounter, ChiPAS.RowCounter, ChiPAS.ColumnCounter)) return 1;
145 | if(!ChiFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
146 | if(!ChiPASFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1;
147 | }
148 |
149 | // ---------- Parse the KeySets into an array ---------------
150 | if (!KeySet.ParseKeySets(argv[1], Force.RowCounter, Force.MatrixCounter)) return 1;
151 | if (!KeySet.ParseManyBodyTerms()) return 1;
152 |
153 | // ---------- Parse fragment files created by 'joiner' into an array -------------
154 | if (!EnergyFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, EnergyFragmentSuffix,0,0)) return 1;
155 | if (!NoHCorrection)
156 | HcorrectionFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, HcorrectionFragmentSuffix,0,0);
157 | if (!ForceFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ForceFragmentSuffix,0,0)) return 1;
158 | if (!NoHessian)
159 | if (!HessianFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, HessianFragmentSuffix,0,0)) return 1;
160 | if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values
161 | if (!ShieldingFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
162 | if (!ShieldingPASFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingPASFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
163 | if (!ChiFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
164 | if (!ChiPASFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiPASFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1;
165 | }
166 |
167 | // +++++++++++++++ TESTING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
168 |
169 | // print energy and forces to file
170 | filename.str("");
171 | filename << argv[3] << "/" << "energy-forces.all";
172 | output.open(filename.str().c_str(), ios::out);
173 | output << endl << "Total Energy" << endl << "==============" << endl << Energy.Header[Energy.MatrixCounter] << endl;
174 | for(int j=0;j<Energy.RowCounter[Energy.MatrixCounter];j++) {
175 | for(int k=0;k<Energy.ColumnCounter[Energy.MatrixCounter];k++)
176 | output << scientific << Energy.Matrix[ Energy.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
177 | output << endl;
178 | }
179 | output << endl;
180 |
181 | output << endl << "Total Forces" << endl << "===============" << endl << Force.Header[Force.MatrixCounter] << endl;
182 | for(int j=0;j<Force.RowCounter[Force.MatrixCounter];j++) {
183 | for(int k=0;k<Force.ColumnCounter[Force.MatrixCounter];k++)
184 | output << scientific << Force.Matrix[ Force.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
185 | output << endl;
186 | }
187 | output << endl;
188 |
189 | if (!NoHessian) {
190 | output << endl << "Total Hessian" << endl << "===============" << endl << Hessian.Header[Hessian.MatrixCounter] << endl;
191 | for(int j=0;j<Hessian.RowCounter[Hessian.MatrixCounter];j++) {
192 | for(int k=0;k<Hessian.ColumnCounter[Hessian.MatrixCounter];k++)
193 | output << scientific << Hessian.Matrix[ Hessian.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
194 | output << endl;
195 | }
196 | output << endl;
197 | }
198 |
199 | if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values
200 | output << endl << "Total Shieldings" << endl << "===============" << endl << Shielding.Header[Hessian.MatrixCounter] << endl;
201 | for(int j=0;j<Shielding.RowCounter[Shielding.MatrixCounter];j++) {
202 | for(int k=0;k<Shielding.ColumnCounter[Shielding.MatrixCounter];k++)
203 | output << scientific << Shielding.Matrix[ Shielding.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
204 | output << endl;
205 | }
206 | output << endl;
207 |
208 | output << endl << "Total Shieldings PAS" << endl << "===============" << endl << ShieldingPAS.Header[ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter] << endl;
209 | for(int j=0;j<ShieldingPAS.RowCounter[ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter];j++) {
210 | for(int k=0;k<ShieldingPAS.ColumnCounter[ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter];k++)
211 | output << scientific << ShieldingPAS.Matrix[ ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
212 | output << endl;
213 | }
214 | output << endl;
215 |
216 | output << endl << "Total Chis" << endl << "===============" << endl << Chi.Header[Chi.MatrixCounter] << endl;
217 | for(int j=0;j<Chi.RowCounter[Chi.MatrixCounter];j++) {
218 | for(int k=0;k<Chi.ColumnCounter[Chi.MatrixCounter];k++)
219 | output << scientific << Chi.Matrix[ Chi.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
220 | output << endl;
221 | }
222 | output << endl;
223 |
224 | output << endl << "Total Chis PAS" << endl << "===============" << endl << ChiPAS.Header[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter] << endl;
225 | for(int j=0;j<ChiPAS.RowCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter];j++) {
226 | for(int k=0;k<ChiPAS.ColumnCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter];k++)
227 | output << scientific << ChiPAS.Matrix[ ChiPAS.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
228 | output << endl;
229 | }
230 | output << endl;
231 | }
232 |
233 | if (!NoTime) {
234 | output << endl << "Total Times" << endl << "===============" << endl << Time.Header[Time.MatrixCounter] << endl;
235 | for(int j=0;j<Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];j++) {
236 | for(int k=0;k<Time.ColumnCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];k++) {
237 | output << scientific << Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
238 | }
239 | output << endl;
240 | }
241 | output << endl;
242 | }
243 | output.close();
244 | if (!NoTime)
245 | for(int k=0;k<Time.ColumnCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];k++)
246 | Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter] ][k] = Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter]-1][k];
247 |
248 | // +++++++++++++++ ANALYZING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
249 |
250 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "Analyzing ..." << endl;
251 |
252 | // ======================================= Creating the data files ==============================================================
253 |
254 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting Simtime vs Bond Order
255 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting Delta Simtime vs Bond Order
256 | if (!NoTime) {
257 | if (!OpenOutputFile(output, argv[3], "SimTime-Order.dat" )) return false;
258 | if (!OpenOutputFile(output2, argv[3], "DeltaSimTime-Order.dat" )) return false;
259 | for(int j=Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];j--;)
260 | for(int k=Time.ColumnCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];k--;) {
261 | Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][j][k] = 0.;
262 | }
263 | counter = 0;
264 | output << "#Order\tFrag.No.\t" << Time.Header[Time.MatrixCounter] << endl;
265 | output2 << "#Order\tFrag.No.\t" << Time.Header[Time.MatrixCounter] << endl;
266 | for (int BondOrder=0;BondOrder<KeySet.Order;BondOrder++) {
267 | for(int i=KeySet.FragmentsPerOrder[BondOrder];i--;)
268 | for(int j=Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];j--;)
269 | for(int k=Time.ColumnCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];k--;) {
270 | Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][j][k] += Time.Matrix[ KeySet.OrderSet[BondOrder][i] ][j][k];
271 | }
272 | counter += KeySet.FragmentsPerOrder[BondOrder];
273 | output << BondOrder+1 << "\t" << counter;
274 | output2 << BondOrder+1 << "\t" << counter;
275 | for(int k=0;k<Time.ColumnCounter[Time.MatrixCounter];k++) {
276 | output << "\t" << scientific << Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter]-1 ][k];
277 | if (fabs(Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter] ][k]) > MYEPSILON)
278 | output2 << "\t" << scientific << Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter]-1 ][k] / Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter] ][k];
279 | else
280 | output2 << "\t" << scientific << Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter]-1 ][k];
281 | }
282 | output << endl;
283 | output2 << endl;
284 | }
285 | output.close();
286 | output2.close();
287 | }
288 |
289 | if (!NoHessian) {
290 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in hessian to full QM
291 | if (!CreateDataDeltaHessianOrderPerAtom(Hessian, HessianFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaHessian_xx-Order", "Plot of error between approximated hessian and full hessian versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
292 |
293 | if (!CreateDataDeltaFrobeniusOrderPerAtom(Hessian, HessianFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaFrobeniusHessian_xx-Order", "Plot of error between approximated hessian and full hessian in the frobenius norm versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
294 |
295 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Hessian vs. Order
296 | if (!CreateDataHessianOrderPerAtom(HessianFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Hessian_xx-Order", "Plot of approximated hessian versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
297 | if (!AppendOutputFile(output, argv[3], "Hessian_xx-Order.dat" )) return false;
298 | output << endl << "# Full" << endl;
299 | for(int j=0;j<Hessian.RowCounter[Hessian.MatrixCounter];j++) {
300 | output << j << "\t";
301 | for(int k=0;k<Hessian.ColumnCounter[Force.MatrixCounter];k++)
302 | output << scientific << Hessian.Matrix[ Hessian.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
303 | output << endl;
304 | }
305 | output.close();
306 | }
307 |
308 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting shieldings
309 | if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values
310 | if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrderPerAtom(ShieldingPAS, ShieldingPASFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaShieldingsPAS-Order", "Plot of error between approximated shieldings and full shieldings versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
311 | if (!CreateDataForcesOrderPerAtom(ShieldingPASFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "ShieldingsPAS-Order", "Plot of approximated shieldings versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
312 | if (!AppendOutputFile(output, argv[3], "ShieldingsPAS-Order.dat" )) return false;
313 | output << endl << "# Full" << endl;
314 | for(int j=0;j<ShieldingPAS.RowCounter[ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter];j++) {
315 | output << j << "\t";
316 | for(int k=0;k<ShieldingPAS.ColumnCounter[ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter];k++)
317 | output << scientific << ShieldingPAS.Matrix[ ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t"; //*(((k>1) && (k<6))? 1.e6 : 1.) << "\t";
318 | output << endl;
319 | }
320 | output.close();
321 | if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrderPerAtom(ChiPAS, ChiPASFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaChisPAS-Order", "Plot of error between approximated Chis and full Chis versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
322 | if (!CreateDataForcesOrderPerAtom(ChiPASFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "ChisPAS-Order", "Plot of approximated Chis versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
323 | if (!AppendOutputFile(output, argv[3], "ChisPAS-Order.dat" )) return false;
324 | output << endl << "# Full" << endl;
325 | for(int j=0;j<ChiPAS.RowCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter];j++) {
326 | output << j << "\t";
327 | for(int k=0;k<ChiPAS.ColumnCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter];k++)
328 | output << scientific << ChiPAS.Matrix[ ChiPAS.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t"; //*(((k>1) && (k<6))? 1.e6 : 1.) << "\t";
329 | output << endl;
330 | }
331 | output.close();
332 | }
333 |
334 |
335 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in energy to full QM
336 | if (!CreateDataDeltaEnergyOrder(Energy, EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaEnergies-Order", "Plot of error between approximated and full energies energies versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
337 |
338 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Energies vs. Order
339 | if (!CreateDataEnergyOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Energies-Order", "Plot of approximated energies versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
340 |
341 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in forces to full QM
342 | if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrderPerAtom(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaForces-Order", "Plot of error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
343 |
344 | // min force
345 | if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrder(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMinForces-Order", "Plot of min error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMinimumForce)) return 1;
346 |
347 | // mean force
348 | if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrder(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMeanForces-Order", "Plot of mean error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMeanForce)) return 1;
349 |
350 | // max force
351 | if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrder(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMaxForces-Order", "Plot of max error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMaximumForce)) return 1;
352 |
353 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Forces vs. Order
354 | if (!CreateDataForcesOrderPerAtom(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Forces-Order", "Plot of approximated forces versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1;
355 | if (!AppendOutputFile(output, argv[3], "Forces-Order.dat" )) return false;
356 | output << endl << "# Full" << endl;
357 | for(int j=0;j<Force.RowCounter[Force.MatrixCounter];j++) {
358 | output << j << "\t";
359 | for(int k=0;k<Force.ColumnCounter[Force.MatrixCounter];k++)
360 | output << scientific << Force.Matrix[ Force.MatrixCounter ][j][k] << "\t";
361 | output << endl;
362 | }
363 | output.close();
364 | // min force
365 | if (!CreateDataForcesOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MinForces-Order", "Plot of min approximated forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMinimumForce)) return 1;
366 |
367 | // mean force
368 | if (!CreateDataForcesOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MeanForces-Order", "Plot of mean approximated forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMeanForce)) return 1;
369 |
370 | // max force
371 | if (!CreateDataForcesOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxForces-Order", "Plot of max approximated forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMaximumForce)) return 1;
372 |
373 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting vector sum (should be 0) vs. bond order
374 | if (!CreateDataForcesOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "VectorSum-Order", "Plot of vector sum of the approximated forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateVectorSumForce)) return 1;
375 |
376 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting energyfragments vs. order
377 | if (!CreateDataFragment(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Energies-Fragment", "Plot of fragment energy versus the Fragment No", datum, CreateEnergy)) return 1;
378 | if (!CreateDataFragment(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Energies-FragmentOrder", "Plot of fragment energy of each Fragment No vs. Bond Order", datum, CreateEnergy)) return 1;
379 | if (!CreateDataFragmentOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxEnergies-FragmentOrder", "Plot of maximum of fragment energy vs. Bond Order", datum, CreateMaxFragmentOrder)) return 1;
380 | if (!CreateDataFragmentOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MinEnergies-FragmentOrder", "Plot of minimum of fragment energy vs. Bond Order", datum, CreateMinFragmentOrder)) return 1;
381 |
382 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Ploting min/mean/max forces for each fragment
383 | // min force
384 | if (!CreateDataFragment(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MinForces-Fragment", "Plot of min approximated forces versus the Fragment No", datum, CreateMinimumForce)) return 1;
385 |
386 | // mean force
387 | if (!CreateDataFragment(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MeanForces-Fragment", "Plot of mean approximated forces versus the Fragment No", datum, CreateMeanForce)) return 1;
388 |
389 | // max force
390 | if (!CreateDataFragment(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxForces-Fragment", "Plot of max approximated forces versus the Fragment No", datum, CreateMaximumForce)) return 1;
391 |
392 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Ploting min/mean/max forces for each fragment per order
393 | // min force
394 | if (!CreateDataFragment(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MinForces-FragmentOrder", "Plot of min approximated forces of each Fragment No vs. Bond Order", datum, CreateMinimumForce)) return 1;
395 |
396 | // mean force
397 | if (!CreateDataFragment(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MeanForces-FragmentOrder", "Plot of mean approximated forces of each Fragment No vs. Bond Order", datum, CreateMeanForce)) return 1;
398 |
399 | // max force
400 | if (!CreateDataFragment(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxForces-FragmentOrder", "Plot of max approximated forces of each Fragment No vs. Bond Order", datum, CreateMaximumForce)) return 1;
401 |
402 | // ======================================= Creating the plot files ==============================================================
403 |
404 | Orderxrange << "[1:" << KeySet.Order << "]";
405 | Fragmentxrange << "[0:" << KeySet.FragmentCounter+1 << "]";
406 | yrange.str("[1e-8:1e+1]");
407 |
408 | if (!NoTime) {
409 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting Simtime vs Bond Order
410 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Time, KeySet, argv[3], "SimTime-Order", 1, "below", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "Evaluation time [s]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), "", "1" , "with linespoints", EnergyPlotLine)) return 1;
411 | }
412 |
413 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in energy to full QM
414 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Energy, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaEnergies-Order", 1, "outside", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute error in energy [Ht]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with linespoints", AbsEnergyPlotLine)) return 1;
415 |
416 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Energies vs. Order
417 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Energy, KeySet, argv[3], "Energies-Order", 1, "outside", "", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "approximate energy [Ht]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), "", "1" , "with linespoints", EnergyPlotLine)) return 1;
418 |
419 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in forces to full QM
420 | yrange.str("[1e-8:1e+0]");
421 | // min force
422 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Force, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMinForces-Order", 2, "top right", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute error in min force [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with linespoints", ForceMagnitudePlotLine)) return 1;
423 |
424 | // mean force
425 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Force, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMeanForces-Order", 2, "top right", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute error in mean force [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with linespoints", AbsFirstForceValuePlotLine)) return 1;
426 |
427 | // max force
428 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Force, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMaxForces-Order", 2, "top right", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute error in max force [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with linespoints", ForceMagnitudePlotLine)) return 1;
429 |
430 | // min/mean/max comparison for total force
431 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output, argv[3], "DeltaMinMeanMaxTotalForce-Order.pyx")) return 1;
432 | CreatePlotHeader(output, "DeltaMinMeanMaxTotalForce-Order", 1, "bottom left", "y", NULL, 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute error in total forces [Ht/a.u.]");
433 | output << "plot " << Orderxrange.str().c_str() << " [1e-8:1e+0] \\" << endl;
434 | output << "'DeltaMinForces-Order.dat' title 'minimum' using 1:(sqrt($" << 8 << "*$" << 8 << "+$" << 8+1 << "*$" << 8+1 << "+$" << 8+2 << "*$" << 8+2 << ")) with linespoints, \\" << endl;
435 | output << "'DeltaMeanForces-Order.dat' title 'mean' using 1:(abs($" << 8 << ")) with linespoints, \\" << endl;
436 | output << "'DeltaMaxForces-Order.dat' title 'maximum' using 1:(sqrt($" << 8 << "*$" << 8 << "+$" << 8+1 << "*$" << 8+1 << "+$" << 8+2 << "*$" << 8+2 << ")) with linespoints" << endl;
437 | output.close();
438 |
439 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Forces vs. Order
440 | // min force
441 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Force, KeySet, argv[3], "MinForces-Order", 2, "bottom right", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute approximated min force [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), "", "1" , "with linespoints", ForceMagnitudePlotLine)) return 1;
442 |
443 | // mean force
444 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Force, KeySet, argv[3], "MeanForces-Order", 2, "bottom right", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute approximated mean force [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), "", "1" , "with linespoints", AbsFirstForceValuePlotLine)) return 1;
445 |
446 | // max force
447 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Force, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxForces-Order", 2, "bottom right", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute approximated max force [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), "", "1" , "with linespoints", ForceMagnitudePlotLine)) return 1;
448 |
449 | // min/mean/max comparison for total force
450 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output, argv[3],"MinMeanMaxTotalForce-Order.pyx")) return 1;
451 | CreatePlotHeader(output, "MinMeanMaxTotalForce-Order", 1, "bottom left", "y", NULL, 1, 1, "bond order k", "absolute total force [Ht/a.u.]");
452 | output << "plot "<< Orderxrange.str().c_str() << " [1e-8:1e+0] \\" << endl;
453 | output << "'MinForces-Order.dat' title 'minimum' using 1:(sqrt($" << 8 << "*$" << 8 << "+$" << 8+1 << "*$" << 8+1 << "+$" << 8+2 << "*$" << 8+2 << ")) with linespoints, \\" << endl;
454 | output << "'MeanForces-Order.dat' title 'mean' using 1:(abs($" << 8 << ")) with linespoints, \\" << endl;
455 | output << "'MaxForces-Order.dat' title 'maximum' using 1:(sqrt($" << 8 << "*$" << 8 << "+$" << 8+1 << "*$" << 8+1 << "+$" << 8+2 << "*$" << 8+2 << ")) with linespoints" << endl;
456 | output.close();
457 |
458 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting vector sum vs. Order
459 |
460 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(Force, KeySet, argv[3], "VectorSum-Order", 2, "bottom right", "y" ,"", 1, 1, "bond order k", "vector sum of approximated forces [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), "", "1" , "with linespoints", ForceMagnitudePlotLine)) return 1;
461 |
462 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting energyfragments vs. order
463 | yrange.str("");
464 | yrange << "[" << EnergyFragments.FindMinValue() << ":" << EnergyFragments.FindMaxValue() << "]";
465 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Energies-Fragment", 5, "below", "y", "", 1, 5, "fragment number", "Energies of each fragment [Ht]", Fragmentxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "2" , "with points", AbsEnergyPlotLine)) return 1;
466 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Energies-FragmentOrder", 5, "below", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order", "Energies of each fragment [Ht]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with points", AbsEnergyPlotLine)) return 1;
467 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxEnergies-FragmentOrder", 5, "below", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order", "Maximum fragment energy [Ht]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with linespoints", AbsEnergyPlotLine)) return 1;
468 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MinEnergies-FragmentOrder", 5, "below", "y", "", 1, 1, "bond order", "Minimum fragment energy [Ht]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with linespoints", AbsEnergyPlotLine)) return 1;
469 |
470 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=Ploting min/mean/max forces for each fragment
471 | yrange.str("");
472 | yrange << "[" << ForceFragments.FindMinValue() << ":" << ForceFragments.FindMaxValue()<< "]";
473 | // min
474 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MinForces-Fragment", 5, "below", "y", "set boxwidth 0.2", 1, 5, "fragment number", "minimum of approximated forces [Ht/a.u.]", Fragmentxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "2" , "with boxes fillcolor", BoxesForcePlotLine)) return 1;
475 |
476 | // mean
477 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MeanForces-Fragment", 5, "below", "y", "set boxwidth 0.2", 1, 5, "fragment number", "mean of approximated forces [Ht/a.u.]", Fragmentxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "2" , "with boxes fillcolor", BoxesFirstForceValuePlotLine)) return 1;
478 |
479 | // max
480 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxForces-Fragment", 5, "below", "y", "set boxwidth 0.2", 1, 5, "fragment number", "maximum of approximated forces [Ht/a.u.]", Fragmentxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "2" , "with boxes fillcolor", BoxesForcePlotLine)) return 1;
481 |
482 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=Ploting min/mean/max forces for each fragment per bond order
483 | // min
484 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MinForces-FragmentOrder", 5, "below", "y", "set boxwidth 0.2", 1, 1, "bond order", "minimum of approximated forces [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with boxes fillcolor", BoxesForcePlotLine)) return 1;
485 |
486 | // mean
487 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MeanForces-FragmentOrder", 5, "below", "y", "set boxwidth 0.2", 1, 1, "bond order", "mean of approximated forces [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with boxes fillcolor", BoxesFirstForceValuePlotLine)) return 1;
488 |
489 | // max
490 | if (!CreatePlotOrder(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "MaxForces-FragmentOrder", 5, "below", "y", "set boxwidth 0.2", 1, 1, "bond order", "maximum of approximated forces [Ht/a.u.]", Orderxrange.str().c_str(), yrange.str().c_str(), "1" , "with boxes fillcolor", BoxesForcePlotLine)) return 1;
491 |
492 | // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=Ploting approximated and true shielding for each atom
493 | if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values
494 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output, argv[3], "ShieldingsPAS-Order.pyx")) return 1;
495 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output2, argv[3], "DeltaShieldingsPAS-Order.pyx")) return 1;
496 | CreatePlotHeader(output, "ShieldingsPAS-Order", 1, "top right", NULL, NULL, 1, 5, "nuclei index", "iso chemical shielding value [ppm]");
497 | CreatePlotHeader(output2, "DeltaShieldingsPAS-Order", 1, "top right", NULL, NULL, 1, 5, "nuclei index", "iso chemical shielding value [ppm]");
498 | double step=0.8/KeySet.Order;
499 | output << "set boxwidth " << step << endl;
500 | output << "plot [0:" << ShieldingPAS.RowCounter[ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter]+10 << "]\\" << endl;
501 | output2 << "plot [0:" << ShieldingPAS.RowCounter[ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter]+10 << "]\\" << endl;
502 | for (int BondOrder=0;BondOrder<KeySet.Order;BondOrder++) {
503 | output << "'ShieldingsPAS-Order.dat' index " << BondOrder << " title 'Order " << BondOrder+1 << "' using ($1+" << step*(double)BondOrder << "):7 with boxes, \\" << endl;
504 | output2 << "'DeltaShieldingsPAS-Order.dat' index " << BondOrder << " title 'Order " << BondOrder+1 << "' using ($1):7 with linespoints";
505 | if (BondOrder-1 != KeySet.Order)
506 | output2 << ", \\" << endl;
507 | }
508 | output << "'ShieldingsPAS-Order.dat' index " << KeySet.Order << " title 'Full' using ($1+" << step*(double)KeySet.Order << "):7 with boxes" << endl;
509 | output2.close();
510 |
511 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output, argv[3], "ChisPAS-Order.pyx")) return 1;
512 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output2, argv[3], "DeltaChisPAS-Order.pyx")) return 1;
513 | CreatePlotHeader(output, "ChisPAS-Order", 1, "top right", NULL, NULL, 1, 5, "nuclei index", "iso chemical Chi value [ppm]");
514 | CreatePlotHeader(output2, "DeltaChisPAS-Order", 1, "top right", NULL, NULL, 1, 5, "nuclei index", "iso chemical Chi value [ppm]");
515 | output << "set boxwidth " << step << endl;
516 | output << "plot [0:" << ChiPAS.RowCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter]+10 << "]\\" << endl;
517 | output2 << "plot [0:" << ChiPAS.RowCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter]+10 << "]\\" << endl;
518 | for (int BondOrder=0;BondOrder<KeySet.Order;BondOrder++) {
519 | output << "'ChisPAS-Order.dat' index " << BondOrder << " title 'Order " << BondOrder+1 << "' using ($1+" << step*(double)BondOrder << "):7 with boxes, \\" << endl;
520 | output2 << "'DeltaChisPAS-Order.dat' index " << BondOrder << " title 'Order " << BondOrder+1 << "' using ($1):7 with linespoints";
521 | if (BondOrder-1 != KeySet.Order)
522 | output2 << ", \\" << endl;
523 | }
524 | output << "'ChisPAS-Order.dat' index " << KeySet.Order << " title 'Full' using ($1+" << step*(double)KeySet.Order << "):7 with boxes" << endl;
525 | output.close();
526 | output2.close();
527 |
528 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output, argv[3], "ChisPAS-Order.pyx")) return 1;
529 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output2, argv[3], "DeltaChisPAS-Order.pyx")) return 1;
530 | CreatePlotHeader(output, "ChisPAS-Order", 1, "top right", NULL, NULL, 1, 5, "nuclei index", "iso chemical Chi value [ppm]");
531 | CreatePlotHeader(output2, "DeltaChisPAS-Order", 1, "top right", NULL, NULL, 1, 5, "nuclei index", "iso chemical Chi value [ppm]");
532 | output << "set boxwidth " << step << endl;
533 | output << "plot [0:" << ChiPAS.RowCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter]+10 << "]\\" << endl;
534 | output2 << "plot [0:" << ChiPAS.RowCounter[ChiPAS.MatrixCounter]+10 << "]\\" << endl;
535 | for (int BondOrder=0;BondOrder<KeySet.Order;BondOrder++) {
536 | output << "'ChisPAS-Order.dat' index " << BondOrder << " title 'Order " << BondOrder+1 << "' using ($1+" << step*(double)BondOrder << "):7 with boxes, \\" << endl;
537 | output2 << "'DeltaChisPAS-Order.dat' index " << BondOrder << " title 'Order " << BondOrder+1 << "' using ($1):7 with linespoints";
538 | if (BondOrder-1 != KeySet.Order)
539 | output2 << ", \\" << endl;
540 | }
541 | output << "'ChisPAS-Order.dat' index " << KeySet.Order << " title 'Full' using ($1+" << step*(double)KeySet.Order << "):7 with boxes" << endl;
542 | output.close();
543 | output2.close();
544 | }
545 |
546 | // create Makefile
547 | if(!OpenOutputFile(output, argv[3], "Makefile")) return 1;
548 | output << "PYX = $(shell ls *.pyx)" << endl << endl;
549 | output << "EPS = $(PYX:.pyx=.eps)" << endl << endl;
550 | output << "%.eps: %.pyx" << endl;
551 | output << "\t~/build/pyxplot/pyxplot $<" << endl << endl;
552 | output << "all: $(EPS)" << endl << endl;
553 | output << ".PHONY: clean" << endl;
554 | output << "clean:" << endl;
555 | output << "\trm -rf $(EPS)" << endl;
556 | output.close();
557 |
558 | // ++++++++++++++++ exit ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
559 | delete(periode);
560 | Free(&dir);
561 | Log() << Verbose(0) << "done." << endl;
562 | return 0;
563 | };
564 |
565 | //============================ END ===========================