1 | /*
2 | * analysis.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 13, 2009
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include <iostream>
9 |
10 | #include "analysis_correlation.hpp"
11 | #include "element.hpp"
12 | #include "molecule.hpp"
13 | #include "tesselation.hpp"
14 | #include "tesselationhelpers.hpp"
15 | #include "vector.hpp"
16 |
17 |
18 | /** Calculates the pair correlation between given elements.
19 | * Note given element order is unimportant (i.e. g(Si, O) === g(O, Si))
20 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
21 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms
22 | * \param *type1 first element or NULL (if any element)
23 | * \param *type2 second element or NULL (if any element)
24 | * \return Map of doubles with values the pair of the two atoms.
25 | */
26 | PairCorrelationMap *PairCorrelation( ofstream *out, molecule *mol, element *type1, element *type2 )
27 | {
28 | PairCorrelationMap *outmap = NULL;
29 | double distance = 0.;
30 |
31 | if ((mol == NULL)) {
32 | cout << "No molecule given." << endl;
33 | return outmap;
34 | }
35 | outmap = new PairCorrelationMap;
36 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
37 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
38 | Walker = Walker->next;
39 | if ((type1 == NULL) || (Walker->type == type1)) {
40 | atom *OtherWalker = mol->start;
41 | while (OtherWalker->next != mol->end) { // only go up to Walker
42 | OtherWalker = OtherWalker->next;
43 | if (Walker->nr < OtherWalker->nr)
44 | if ((type2 == NULL) || (OtherWalker->type == type2)) {
45 | distance = Walker->node->Distance(OtherWalker->node);
46 | //cout << "Inserting " << *Walker << " and " << *OtherWalker << endl;
47 | outmap->insert ( pair<double, pair <atom *, atom*> > (distance, pair<atom *, atom*> (Walker, OtherWalker) ) );
48 | }
49 | }
50 | }
51 | }
52 |
53 | return outmap;
54 | };
55 |
56 | /** Calculates the distance (pair) correlation between a given element and a point.
57 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
58 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms
59 | * \param *type element or NULL (if any element)
60 | * \param *point vector to the correlation point
61 | * \return Map of dobules with values as pairs of atom and the vector
62 | */
63 | CorrelationToPointMap *CorrelationToPoint( ofstream *out, molecule *mol, element *type, Vector *point )
64 | {
65 | CorrelationToPointMap *outmap = NULL;
66 | double distance = 0.;
67 |
68 | if ((mol == NULL)) {
69 | cout << "No molecule given." << endl;
70 | return outmap;
71 | }
72 | outmap = new CorrelationToPointMap;
73 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
74 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
75 | Walker = Walker->next;
76 | if ((type == NULL) || (Walker->type == type)) {
77 | distance = Walker->node->Distance(point);
78 | outmap->insert ( pair<double, pair<atom *, Vector*> >(distance, pair<atom *, Vector*> (Walker, point) ) );
79 | }
80 | }
81 |
82 | return outmap;
83 | };
84 |
85 | /** Calculates the distance (pair) correlation between a given element and a surface.
86 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
87 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms
88 | * \param *type element or NULL (if any element)
89 | * \param *Surface pointer to Tesselation class surface
90 | * \param *LC LinkedCell structure to quickly find neighbouring atoms
91 | * \return Map of doubles with values as pairs of atom and the BoundaryTriangleSet that's closest
92 | */
93 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *CorrelationToSurface( ofstream *out, molecule *mol, element *type, Tesselation *Surface, LinkedCell *LC )
94 | {
95 |
96 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *outmap = NULL;
97 | double distance = 0.;
98 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL;
99 | Vector centroid;
100 |
101 | if ((Surface == NULL) || (LC == NULL) || (mol == NULL)) {
102 | cout << "No Tesselation, no LinkedCell or no molecule given." << endl;
103 | return outmap;
104 | }
105 | outmap = new CorrelationToSurfaceMap;
106 | atom *Walker = mol->start;
107 | while (Walker->next != mol->end) {
108 | Walker = Walker->next;
109 | if ((type == NULL) || (Walker->type == type)) {
110 | triangle = Surface->FindClosestTriangleToPoint(out, Walker->node, LC );
111 | if (triangle != NULL) {
112 | distance = DistanceToTrianglePlane(out, Walker->node, triangle);
113 | outmap->insert ( pair<double, pair<atom *, BoundaryTriangleSet*> >(distance, pair<atom *, BoundaryTriangleSet*> (Walker, triangle) ) );
114 | }
115 | }
116 | }
117 |
118 | return outmap;
119 | };
120 |
121 | /** Returns the start of the bin for a given value.
122 | * \param value value whose bin to look for
123 | * \param BinWidth width of bin
124 | * \param BinStart first bin
125 | */
126 | double GetBin ( double value, double BinWidth, double BinStart )
127 | {
128 | double bin =(double) (floor((value - BinStart)/BinWidth));
129 | return (bin*BinWidth+BinStart);
130 | };
131 |
132 |
133 | /** Prints correlation (double, int) pairs to file.
134 | * \param *file file to write to
135 | * \param *map map to write
136 | */
137 | void OutputCorrelation( ofstream *file, BinPairMap *map )
138 | {
139 | *file << "# BinStart\tCount" << endl;
140 | for (BinPairMap::iterator runner = map->begin(); runner != map->end(); ++runner) {
141 | *file << runner->first << "\t" << runner->second << endl;
142 | }
143 | };
144 |
145 | /** Prints correlation (double, (atom*,atom*) ) pairs to file.
146 | * \param *file file to write to
147 | * \param *map map to write
148 | */
149 | void OutputPairCorrelation( ofstream *file, PairCorrelationMap *map )
150 | {
151 | *file << "# BinStart\tAtom1\tAtom2" << endl;
152 | for (PairCorrelationMap::iterator runner = map->begin(); runner != map->end(); ++runner) {
153 | *file << runner->first << "\t" << *(runner->second.first) << "\t" << *(runner->second.second) << endl;
154 | }
155 | };
156 |
157 | /** Prints correlation (double, int) pairs to file.
158 | * \param *file file to write to
159 | * \param *map map to write
160 | */
161 | void OutputCorrelationToPoint( ofstream *file, CorrelationToPointMap *map )
162 | {
163 | *file << "# BinStart\tAtom::x[i]-point.x[i]" << endl;
164 | for (CorrelationToPointMap::iterator runner = map->begin(); runner != map->end(); ++runner) {
165 | *file << runner->first;
166 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
167 | *file << "\t" << (runner->second.first->node->x[i] - runner->second.second->x[i]);
168 | *file << endl;
169 | }
170 | };
171 |
172 | /** Prints correlation (double, int) pairs to file.
173 | * \param *file file to write to
174 | * \param *map map to write
175 | */
176 | void OutputCorrelationToSurface( ofstream *file, CorrelationToSurfaceMap *map )
177 | {
178 | *file << "# BinStart\tTriangle" << endl;
179 | for (CorrelationToSurfaceMap::iterator runner = map->begin(); runner != map->end(); ++runner) {
180 | *file << runner->first << "\t" << *(runner->second.second) << endl;
181 | }
182 | };
183 |