1 | /*
2 | * World.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Feb 3, 2010
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "World.hpp"
9 |
10 | #include "atom.hpp"
11 | #include "molecule.hpp"
12 | #include "periodentafel.hpp"
13 | #include "Descriptors/AtomDescriptor.hpp"
14 | #include "Descriptors/AtomDescriptor_impl.hpp"
15 | #include "Descriptors/MoleculeDescriptor.hpp"
16 | #include "Descriptors/MoleculeDescriptor_impl.hpp"
17 | #include "Actions/ManipulateAtomsProcess.hpp"
18 |
19 | using namespace std;
20 |
21 | /******************************* getter and setter ************************/
22 | periodentafel *&World::getPeriode(){
23 | return periode;
24 | }
25 |
26 | // Atoms
27 |
28 | atom* World::getAtom(AtomDescriptor descriptor){
29 | return descriptor.find();
30 | }
31 |
32 | vector<atom*> World::getAllAtoms(AtomDescriptor descriptor){
33 | return descriptor.findAll();
34 | }
35 |
36 | vector<atom*> World::getAllAtoms(){
37 | return getAllAtoms(AllAtoms());
38 | }
39 |
40 | int World::numAtoms(){
41 | return atoms.size();
42 | }
43 |
44 | // Molecules
45 |
46 | molecule *World::getMolecule(MoleculeDescriptor descriptor){
47 | return descriptor.find();
48 | }
49 |
50 | std::vector<molecule*> World::getAllMolecules(MoleculeDescriptor descriptor){
51 | return descriptor.findAll();
52 | }
53 |
54 | int World::numMolecules(){
55 | return molecules_deprecated->ListOfMolecules.size();
56 | }
57 |
58 | /******************** Methods to change World state *********************/
59 |
60 | molecule* World::createMolecule(){
62 | molecule *mol = NULL;
63 | mol = NewMolecule();
64 | assert(!molecules.count(currMoleculeId));
65 | mol->setId(currMoleculeId++);
66 | // store the molecule by ID
67 | molecules[mol->getId()] = mol;
68 | mol->signOn(this);
69 | return mol;
70 | }
71 |
72 | void World::destroyMolecule(molecule* mol){
74 | destroyMolecule(mol->getId());
75 | }
76 |
77 | void World::destroyMolecule(moleculeId_t id){
79 | molecule *mol = molecules[id];
80 | assert(mol);
81 | DeleteMolecule(mol);
82 | molecules.erase(id);
83 | }
84 |
85 |
86 | atom *World::createAtom(){
88 | atomId_t id = getNextAtomId();
89 | atom *res = NewAtom(id);
90 | res->setWorld(this);
91 | // store the atom by ID
92 | atoms[res->getId()] = res;
93 | return res;
94 | }
95 |
96 | int World::registerAtom(atom *atom){
98 | atomId_t id = getNextAtomId();
99 | atom->setId(id);
100 | atom->setWorld(this);
101 | atoms[atom->getId()] = atom;
102 | return atom->getId();
103 | }
104 |
105 | void World::destroyAtom(atom* atom){
106 | OBSERVE;
107 | int id = atom->getId();
108 | destroyAtom(id);
109 | }
110 |
111 | void World::destroyAtom(atomId_t id) {
112 | OBSERVE;
113 | atom *atom = atoms[id];
114 | assert(atom);
115 | DeleteAtom(atom);
116 | atoms.erase(id);
117 | releaseAtomId(id);
118 | }
119 |
120 | bool World::changeAtomId(atomId_t oldId, atomId_t newId, atom* target){
121 | OBSERVE;
122 | // in case this call did not originate from inside the atom, we redirect it,
123 | // to also let it know that it has changed
124 | if(!target){
125 | target = atoms[oldId];
126 | assert(target && "Atom with that ID not found");
127 | return target->changeId(newId);
128 | }
129 | else{
130 | if(reserveAtomId(newId)){
131 | atoms.erase(oldId);
132 | atoms.insert(pair<atomId_t,atom*>(newId,target));
133 | return true;
134 | }
135 | else{
136 | return false;
137 | }
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | ManipulateAtomsProcess* World::manipulateAtoms(boost::function<void(atom*)> op,std::string name,AtomDescriptor descr){
142 | return new ManipulateAtomsProcess(op, descr,name,true);
143 | }
144 |
145 | ManipulateAtomsProcess* World::manipulateAtoms(boost::function<void(atom*)> op,std::string name){
146 | return manipulateAtoms(op,name,AllAtoms());
147 | }
148 |
149 | /********************* Internal Change methods for double Callback and Observer mechanism ********/
150 |
151 | void World::doManipulate(ManipulateAtomsProcess *proc){
152 | proc->signOn(this);
153 | {
154 | OBSERVE;
155 | proc->doManipulate(this);
156 | }
157 | proc->signOff(this);
158 | }
159 | /******************************* IDManagement *****************************/
160 |
161 | // Atoms
162 |
163 | atomId_t World::getNextAtomId(){
164 | // see if we can reuse some Id
165 | if(atomIdPool.empty()){
166 | return currAtomId++;
167 | }
168 | else{
169 | // we give out the first ID from the pool
170 | atomId_t id = *(atomIdPool.begin());
171 | atomIdPool.erase(id);
172 | }
173 | }
174 |
175 | void World::releaseAtomId(atomId_t id){
176 | atomIdPool.insert(id);
177 | // defragmentation of the pool
178 | set<atomId_t>::reverse_iterator iter;
179 | // go through all Ids in the pool that lie immediately below the border
180 | while(!atomIdPool.empty() && *(atomIdPool.rbegin())==(currAtomId-1)){
181 | atomIdPool.erase(--currAtomId);
182 | }
183 | }
184 |
185 | bool World::reserveAtomId(atomId_t id){
186 | if(id>=currAtomId ){
187 | // add all ids between the new one and current border as available
188 | for(atomId_t pos=currAtomId; pos<id; ++pos){
189 | atomIdPool.insert(pos);
190 | }
191 | currAtomId=id+1;
192 | return true;
193 | }
194 | else if(atomIdPool.count(id)){
195 | atomIdPool.erase(id);
196 | return true;
197 | }
198 | else{
199 | // this ID could not be reserved
200 | return false;
201 | }
202 | }
203 |
204 | // Molecules
205 |
206 | /******************************* Iterators ********************************/
207 |
208 | /*
209 | * Actual Implementation of the iterators can be found in WorldIterators.cpp
210 | */
211 |
212 | World::AtomIterator World::getAtomIter(AtomDescriptor descr){
213 | return AtomIterator(descr,this);
214 | }
215 |
216 | World::AtomSet::iterator World::atomEnd(){
217 | return atoms.end();
218 | }
219 |
220 | World::MoleculeIterator World::getMoleculeIter(MoleculeDescriptor descr){
221 | return MoleculeIterator(descr,this);
222 | }
223 |
224 | World::MoleculeSet::iterator World::moleculeEnd(){
225 | return molecules.end();
226 | }
227 |
228 | /******************************* Singleton Stuff **************************/
229 |
230 | // TODO: Hide boost-thread using Autotools stuff when no threads are used
231 | World* World::theWorld = 0;
232 | boost::mutex World::worldLock;
233 |
234 | World::World() :
235 | periode(new periodentafel),
236 | atoms(),
237 | currAtomId(0),
238 | molecules(),
239 | currMoleculeId(0),
240 | molecules_deprecated(new MoleculeListClass(this))
241 | {
242 | molecules_deprecated->signOn(this);
243 | }
244 |
245 | World::~World()
246 | {
247 | molecules_deprecated->signOff(this);
248 | delete molecules_deprecated;
249 | delete periode;
250 | MoleculeSet::iterator molIter;
251 | for(molIter=molecules.begin();molIter!=molecules.end();++molIter){
252 | DeleteMolecule((*molIter).second);
253 | }
254 | molecules.clear();
255 | AtomSet::iterator atIter;
256 | for(atIter=atoms.begin();atIter!=atoms.end();++atIter){
257 | DeleteAtom((*atIter).second);
258 | }
259 | atoms.clear();
260 | }
261 |
262 | World* World::get(){
263 | // boost supports RAII-Style locking, so we don't need to unlock
264 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(worldLock);
265 | if(!theWorld) {
266 | theWorld = new World();
267 | }
268 | return theWorld;
269 | }
270 |
271 | void World::destroy(){
272 | // boost supports RAII-Style locking, so we don't need to unlock
273 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(worldLock);
274 | delete theWorld;
275 | theWorld = 0;
276 | }
277 |
278 | World* World::reset(){
279 | World* oldWorld = 0;
280 | {
281 | // boost supports RAII-Style locking, so we don't need to unlock
282 | boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(worldLock);
283 |
284 | oldWorld = theWorld;
285 | theWorld = new World();
286 | // oldworld does not need protection any more,
287 | // since we should have the only reference
288 |
289 | // worldLock handles access to the pointer,
290 | // not to the object
291 | } // scope-end releases the lock
292 |
293 | // we have to let all the observers know that the
294 | // oldWorld was destroyed. oldWorld calls subjectKilled
295 | // upon destruction. Every Observer getting that signal
296 | // should see that it gets the updated new world
297 | delete oldWorld;
298 | return theWorld;
299 | }
300 |
301 | /******************************* deprecated Legacy Stuff ***********************/
302 |
303 | MoleculeListClass *&World::getMolecules() {
304 | return molecules_deprecated;
305 | }