/* * GLWorldView.hpp * * Created on: Auf 11, 2010 * Author: heber */ #ifndef GLWORLDVIEW_HPP_ #define GLWORLDVIEW_HPP_ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "CodePatterns/Observer/Observer.hpp" #include "World.hpp" class molecule; class QKeyEvent; class GLWorldScene; class QGLPainter; class QToolBar; class QTimer; /** This class is the view on the 3D representation of the World, i.e. the whole * of all molecules (consisting of atoms). * */ class GLWorldView : public QGLView, public Observer { Q_OBJECT public: GLWorldView(QWidget *parent=0); virtual ~GLWorldView(); void addToolBarActions(QToolBar *toolbar); void createDomainBox(); void createDreiBein(); // Observer functions void update(Observable *publisher); void subjectKilled(Observable *publisher); void recieveNotification(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification); public slots: void changeSignalled(); void checkChanges(); void sceneChangeSignalled(); void sceneHoverSignalled(const atom *_atom); signals: void changed(); void atomInserted(const atom *_atom); void atomRemoved(const atom *_atom); void moleculeInserted(const molecule *_molecule); void moleculeRemoved(const molecule *_molecule); void worldSelectionChanged(); void hoverChanged(const atom *_atom); protected: void initializeGL(QGLPainter *painter); void paintGL(QGLPainter *painter); void drawDomainBox(QGLPainter *painter) const; void drawDreiBein(QGLPainter *painter); // input functions void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event); void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event); void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event); // camera functions enum CameraControlModeType{ Rotate, Translate }; void setCameraControlMode(CameraControlModeType mode); CameraControlModeType getCameraControlMode(bool inverted = false); public slots: void fitCameraToDomain(); void setCameraControlModeRotation(); void setCameraControlModeTranslation(); protected: CameraControlModeType cameraControlMode; private: GLWorldScene *worldscene; bool changesPresent; bool processingSelectionChanged; // workaround to prevent a loop in (atom_iterator <-> observer) QPointF lastMousePos; QGLSceneNode *meshDomainBox; QGLSceneNode *meshDreiBein; QGLMaterial *domainBoxMaterial; QGLMaterial *dreiBeinMaterial[3]; QTimer *redrawTimer; bool needsRedraw; }; //#include "CodePatterns/Observer/Observer.hpp" //#include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp" //#include "changetypes.hpp" // //class atom; //class element; //class molecule; // //class GLMoleculeView : public QGLWidget, public Observer //{ // Q_OBJECT // //public: // // GLMoleculeView( QWidget* parent); // ~GLMoleculeView(); // //public slots: // // void setXRotation( int degrees ); // void setYRotation( int degrees ); // void setZRotation( int degrees ); // void setScale( int distance ); // void setLightPosition( int *light ); // void setLightDiffuse( int *light ); // void setLightAmbient( int *light ); // void createDialogLight(); // void toggleMultiViewEnabled(); // // void init( QLabel *ptr ); // void initCoordinates(QLabel *ptr); // void createView(); // void hearMoleculeSelected(molecule *mol); // void hearAtomSelected(molecule *mol, atom *Walker); // void hearMoleculeChanged(molecule *mol, enum ChangesinMolecule type); // void hearAtomChanged(molecule *mol, atom *Walker, enum ChangesinAtom type); // void hearElementChanged(element *Runner, enum ChangesinElement type); // void hearMoleculeAdded(molecule *mol); // void hearAtomAdded(molecule *mol, atom *Walker); // void hearMoleculeRemoved(molecule *mol); // void hearAtomRemoved(molecule *mol, atom *Walker); // //signals: // void notifyMoleculeSelected( molecule *mol ); // void notifyAtomSelected( molecule *mol, atom *Walker ); // void notifyMoleculeChanged( molecule *mol, enum ChangesinMolecule type ); // void notifyAtomChanged( molecule *mol, atom *Walker, enum ChangesinAtom type ); // void notifyElementChanged( element *Runner, enum ChangesinElement type ); // void notifyMoleculeAdded( molecule *mol); // void notifyElementAdded( element *Runner); // void notifyAtomAdded( molecule *mol, atom *Walker ); // void notifyMoleculeRemoved( molecule *mol ); // void notifyAtomRemoved( molecule *mol, atom *Walker ); // //protected: // // void initializeGL(); // void paintGL(); // void resizeGL( int w, int h ); // void makeSphere(const Vector &x, double radius, const unsigned char color[3]); // void makeCylinder(const Vector &x, const Vector &y, double radius, double height, const unsigned char color[3]); // void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event); // void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event); // //public: // // /** Update function as we are an Observer. // * // * @param publisher ref to Observable // */ // void update(Observable *publisher); // // /** // * This method is called when a special named change // * of the Observable occured // */ // void recieveNotification(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification); // // /** // * This method is called when the observed object is destroyed. // */ // void subjectKilled(Observable *publisher); // // //private: // // typedef std::map< size_t, node > AtomNodeMap; // typedef std::map< std::pair< size_t, size_t> , node > BondNodeMap; // typedef std::map< size_t, QGLMaterial *> ElementMaterialMap; // // ElementMaterialMap ElementNoMaterialMap; // AtomNodeMap AtomsinSceneMap; // BondNodeMap BondsinSceneMap; // // QGLMaterial* getMaterial(size_t); // QGLSceneNode* getAtom(size_t); // QGLSceneNode* getBond(size_t, size_t); // // // old stuff // // GLuint object; // call list for the scene to be rendered // GLfloat xRot, yRot, zRot, scale; // rotation angles and scaling (zoom) // Vector position; //!< position of observer // Vector view; //!< point along line of view // Vector top; //!< giving upwards direction // Vector X,Y,Z; //!< vectors defining the coordinate system // int width; //!< width of window // int height; //!< height of window // // QLabel *StatusBar; //!< pointer to status bar for messages // QLabel *CoordinatesBar; //!< pointer to coordinates bar for view port // // GLfloat LightPosition[4]; //!< Light Position // GLfloat LightDiffuse[4]; //!< Diffuse Light Values // GLfloat LightAmbient[4]; //!< Ambient Light Values // // QPoint LeftButtonPos; //!< mouse position on mousePressEvent for LeftButton // QPoint MiddleButtonPos; //!< mouse position on mousePressEvent for MidButton // QPoint RightButtonPos; //!< mouse position on mousePressEvent for RightButton // // unsigned char SelectionColor[3] ; //!< highlight color // // bool isSignaller; // // bool MultiViewEnabled; //!< if true, split screen into four parts with additional xy,xz,yz views //}; #endif /* GLWORLDVIEW_HPP_ */