/* * GLWorldScene.hpp * * This is based on the Qt3D example "teaservice", specifically parts of teaservice.cpp. * * Created on: Aug 17, 2011 * Author: heber */ #ifndef GLWORLDSCENE_HPP_ #define GLWORLDSCENE_HPP_ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "Bond/bond.hpp" #include "GLMoleculeObject_bond.hpp" #include "GLMoleculeObject_molecule.hpp" #include "types.hpp" class atom; class molecule; class Shape; class QGLPainter; class QGLSceneNode; class QGLView; class GLMoleculeObject; class GLMoleculeObject_atom; class GLMoleculeObject_molecule; class GLMoleculeObject_shape; class QtSelectionChangedAgent; /** This class contains a list of all molecules in the world. * */ class GLWorldScene : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: GLWorldScene(QObject *parent=0); virtual ~GLWorldScene(); //#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_1) // PerPixelEffect *lighting; //#endif void changeMaterials(bool perPixel); QGLSceneNode* getAtom(size_t); QGLSceneNode* getMolecule(size_t); QGLSceneNode* getBond(size_t, size_t); void initialize(QGLView *view, QGLPainter *painter) const; void draw(QGLPainter *painter, const QVector4D &cameraPlane) const; enum SelectionModeType{ SelectAtom, SelectMolecule }; void setSelectionMode(SelectionModeType mode); void setSelectionChangedAgent(QtSelectionChangedAgent *agent); signals: void changed(); // void updated(); void changeOccured(); void pressed(); void released(); void clicked(); void clicked(atomId_t); void doubleClicked(); void hoverChanged(const atomId_t); void hoverChanged(const moleculeId_t, int); private slots: void atomClicked(atomId_t no); void moleculeClicked(moleculeId_t no); void moleculeRemoved(const moleculeId_t _id); void moleculeInserted(const moleculeId_t _id); void atomRemoved(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid); void atomInserted(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t _atomid); void setSelectionModeAtom(); void setSelectionModeMolecule(); void addShape(); void removeShape(); // void update(); void moleculesVisibilityChanged(const moleculeId_t _id, bool _visible); void changeMoleculeId(GLMoleculeObject_molecule *, const moleculeId_t, const moleculeId_t); void AtomSelected(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t); void AtomUnselected(const moleculeId_t _molid, const atomId_t); void MoleculeSelected(const moleculeId_t); void MoleculeUnselected(const moleculeId_t); public: void updateSelectedShapes(); private: typedef std::set RemovalMolecule_t; //!> list of molecule ids whose moleculeRemoved we have received but who have not been inserted yet RemovalMolecule_t RemovalMolecules; typedef std::map< moleculeId_t , GLMoleculeObject_molecule* > MoleculeNodeMap; typedef std::map< std::string , GLMoleculeObject_shape* > ShapeNodeMap; MoleculeNodeMap MoleculesinSceneMap; ShapeNodeMap ShapesinSceneMap; //!> enumeration of all possible changes molecule might have missed before instantiation enum StateChangeType { atomInsertedState, atomRemovedState, MAX_StateChangeType }; typedef std::multimap< atomId_t, StateChangeType> StateChangeMap_t; typedef std::map< moleculeId_t, StateChangeMap_t> MoleculeMissedStateMap_t; //!> map of all missed state changes MoleculeMissedStateMap_t MoleculeMissedStateMap; //!> flag to indicate whether state map is currently worked on boost::recursive_mutex MoleculeMissedStateMap_mutex; SelectionModeType selectionMode; }; #endif /* GLWORLDSCENE_HPP_ */