[5079a0] | 1 | # Below is all for the User Interface
| 2 |
| 3 | INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(top_srcdir)/src/UIElements
| 4 |
| 7 |
| 8 | VIEWSOURCE = \
| 9 | Views/View.cpp \
| 10 | Views/StringView.cpp \
| 11 | Views/MethodStringView.cpp \
| 12 | Views/StreamStringView.cpp
| 13 | VIEWHEADER = \
| 14 | Views/View.hpp \
| 15 | Views/StringView.hpp \
| 16 | Views/MethodStringView.hpp \
| 17 | Views/StreamStringView.hpp
| 18 |
| 19 | MENUSOURCE = \
| 20 | Menu/Menu.cpp \
[8bcf3f] | 21 | Menu/MenuDescription.cpp \
[5079a0] | 22 | Menu/TextMenu.cpp \
| 23 | Menu/MenuItem.cpp \
| 24 | Menu/SubMenuItem.cpp \
| 25 | Menu/ActionMenuItem.cpp \
| 26 | Menu/SeperatorItem.cpp \
| 27 | Menu/DisplayMenuItem.cpp
| 28 |
| 29 | MENUHEADER = \
| 30 | Menu/Menu.hpp \
[8bcf3f] | 31 | Menu/MenuDescription.hpp \
[5079a0] | 32 | Menu/TextMenu.hpp \
| 33 | Menu/MenuItem.hpp \
| 34 | Menu/SubMenuItem.hpp \
| 35 | Menu/ActionMenuItem.hpp \
| 36 | Menu/SeperatorItem.hpp \
| 37 | Menu/DisplayMenuItem.hpp
| 38 |
| 39 | UISOURCE = \
| 42 | ${MENUSOURCE} \
| 43 | ${TEXTUISOURCE} \
| 44 | ${VIEWSOURCE} \
[8df74d] | 45 | Query/AtomQuery.cpp \
| 46 | Query/AtomsQuery.cpp \
| 47 | Query/BooleanQuery.cpp \
| 48 | Query/BoxQuery.cpp \
| 49 | Query/DoubleQuery.cpp \
| 50 | Query/DoublesQuery.cpp \
| 51 | Query/ElementQuery.cpp \
| 52 | Query/ElementsQuery.cpp \
| 53 | Query/EmptyQuery.cpp \
| 54 | Query/FileQuery.cpp \
| 55 | Query/IntQuery.cpp \
| 56 | Query/IntsQuery.cpp \
| 57 | Query/MoleculeQuery.cpp \
| 58 | Query/MoleculesQuery.cpp \
| 59 | Query/Query.cpp \
| 60 | Query/StringQuery.cpp \
| 61 | Query/StringsQuery.cpp \
| 62 | Query/VectorQuery.cpp \
| 63 | Query/VectorsQuery.cpp \
[5079a0] | 64 | Dialog.cpp \
[861874] | 65 | MainWindow.cpp
[5079a0] | 66 |
| 67 | UIHEADER = \
| 70 | ${MENUHEADER} \
| 71 | ${TEXTUIHEADER} \
| 72 | ${VIEWHEADER} \
| 73 | Dialog.hpp \
[861874] | 74 | MainWindow.hpp
[5079a0] | 75 |
[8df74d] | 77 | TextUI/Query/AtomsTextQuery.cpp \
| 78 | TextUI/Query/AtomTextQuery.cpp \
| 79 | TextUI/Query/BooleanTextQuery.cpp \
| 80 | TextUI/Query/BoxTextQuery.cpp \
| 81 | TextUI/Query/DoubleTextQuery.cpp \
| 82 | TextUI/Query/DoublesTextQuery.cpp \
| 83 | TextUI/Query/ElementTextQuery.cpp \
| 84 | TextUI/Query/ElementsTextQuery.cpp \
| 85 | TextUI/Query/EmptyTextQuery.cpp \
| 86 | TextUI/Query/FileTextQuery.cpp \
| 87 | TextUI/Query/IntTextQuery.cpp \
| 88 | TextUI/Query/IntsTextQuery.cpp \
| 89 | TextUI/Query/MoleculesTextQuery.cpp \
| 90 | TextUI/Query/MoleculeTextQuery.cpp \
| 91 | TextUI/Query/StringTextQuery.cpp \
| 92 | TextUI/Query/StringsTextQuery.cpp \
| 93 | TextUI/Query/VectorTextQuery.cpp \
| 94 | TextUI/Query/VectorsTextQuery.cpp \
[5079a0] | 95 | TextUI/TextDialog.cpp \
| 96 | TextUI/TextStatusIndicator.cpp \
| 97 | TextUI/TextUIFactory.cpp \
| 98 | TextUI/TextWindow.cpp
| 100 | TextUI/TextDialog.hpp \
| 101 | TextUI/TextStatusIndicator.hpp \
| 102 | TextUI/TextUIFactory.hpp \
| 103 | TextUI/TextWindow.hpp
| 104 |
[8df74d] | 106 | CommandLineUI/Query/AtomCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 107 | CommandLineUI/Query/AtomsCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 108 | CommandLineUI/Query/BooleanCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 109 | CommandLineUI/Query/BoxCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 110 | CommandLineUI/Query/DoubleCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 111 | CommandLineUI/Query/DoublesCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 112 | CommandLineUI/Query/ElementCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 113 | CommandLineUI/Query/ElementsCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 114 | CommandLineUI/Query/EmptyCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 115 | CommandLineUI/Query/FileCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 116 | CommandLineUI/Query/IntCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 117 | CommandLineUI/Query/IntsCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 118 | CommandLineUI/Query/MoleculeCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 119 | CommandLineUI/Query/MoleculesCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 120 | CommandLineUI/Query/StringCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 121 | CommandLineUI/Query/StringsCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 122 | CommandLineUI/Query/VectorCommandLineQuery.cpp \
| 123 | CommandLineUI/Query/VectorsCommandLineQuery.cpp \
[5079a0] | 124 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineDialog.cpp \
[e4afb4] | 125 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineParser.cpp \
[5079a0] | 126 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineStatusIndicator.cpp \
| 127 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineUIFactory.cpp \
[e4afb4] | 128 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineWindow.cpp \
| 129 | CommandLineUI/TypeEnumContainer.cpp
| 130 |
[5079a0] | 131 | COMMANDLINEUIHEADER = \
| 132 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineDialog.hpp \
[e4afb4] | 133 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineParser.hpp \
[5079a0] | 134 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineStatusIndicator.hpp \
| 135 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineUIFactory.hpp \
[e4afb4] | 136 | CommandLineUI/CommandLineWindow.hpp \
| 137 | CommandLineUI/TypeEnumContainer.cpp
[5079a0] | 138 |
[b37436] | 139 | lib_LTLIBRARIES = libMolecuilderUI-@MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION@.la
| 140 | libMolecuilderUI_includedir = $(includedir)/molecuilder-$(MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION)/Actions/
| 141 | libMolecuilderUI_LIBS = \
| 142 | Actions/libMolecuilderActions-@MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION@.la
| 143 |
| 144 | nobase_libMolecuilderUI_include_HEADERS = ${UIHEADER}
| 145 |
| 146 | ## Define the source file list for the "libexample-@MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION@.la"
| 147 | ## target. Note that @MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION@ is not interpreted by Automake and
| 148 | ## will therefore be treated as if it were literally part of the target name,
| 149 | ## and the variable name derived from that.
| 150 | ## The file extension .cc is recognized by Automake, and makes it produce
| 151 | ## rules which invoke the C++ compiler to produce a libtool object file (.lo)
| 152 | ## from each source file. Note that it is not necessary to list header files
| 153 | ## which are already listed elsewhere in a _HEADERS variable assignment.
| 155 |
| 156 | ## Instruct libtool to include ABI version information in the generated shared
| 157 | ## library file (.so). The library ABI version is defined in configure.ac, so
| 158 | ## that all version information is kept in one place.
| 159 | libMolecuilderUI_@MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION@_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(MOLECUILDER_SO_VERSION)
| 160 |
| 161 | ## The generated configuration header is installed in its own subdirectory of
| 162 | ## $(libdir). The reason for this is that the configuration information put
| 163 | ## into this header file describes the target platform the installed library
| 164 | ## has been built for. Thus the file must not be installed into a location
| 165 | ## intended for architecture-independent files, as defined by the Filesystem
| 166 | ## Hierarchy Standard (FHS).
| 167 | ## The nodist_ prefix instructs Automake to not generate rules for including
| 168 | ## the listed files in the distribution on 'make dist'. Files that are listed
| 169 | ## in _HEADERS variables are normally included in the distribution, but the
| 170 | ## configuration header file is generated at configure time and should not be
| 171 | ## shipped with the source tarball.
| 172 | libMolecuilderUI_libincludedir = $(libdir)/molecuilder-$(MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION)/include
| 173 | nodist_libMolecuilderUI_libinclude_HEADERS = $(top_builddir)/libmolecuilder_config.h
| 174 |
| 175 | ## Install the generated pkg-config file (.pc) into the expected location for
| 176 | ## architecture-dependent package configuration information. Occasionally,
| 177 | ## pkg-config files are also used for architecture-independent data packages,
| 178 | ## in which case the correct install location would be $(datadir)/pkgconfig.
| 179 | pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
| 180 | pkgconfig_DATA = $(top_builddir)/molecuilder-$(MOLECUILDER_API_VERSION).pc
[5079a0] | 181 |
[796aa6] | 182 | unity.cpp:
| 183 | echo "" > unity.cpp; \
| 184 | list='$(UISOURCE)'; for file in $$list; do \
| 185 | echo "#include \"$(srcdir)/$$file\"" >> unity.cpp; \
| 186 | done;
| 187 |
| 188 | MOSTLYCLEANFILES = unity.cpp