/* * Dialog.cpp * * Created on: Jan 5, 2010 * Author: crueger */ #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp" #include "Dialog.hpp" #include "atom.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" #include "vector.hpp" using namespace std; Dialog::Dialog() { } Dialog::~Dialog() { list::iterator iter; for(iter=queries.begin();iter!=queries.end();iter++){ delete (*iter); } } void Dialog::registerQuery(Query *query){ queries.push_back(query); } bool Dialog::display(){ list::iterator iter; bool retval = true; for(iter=queries.begin(); iter!=queries.end(); iter++){ retval &= (*iter)->handle(); // if any query fails (is canceled), we can end the handling process if(!retval) { DoeLog(1) && (eLog() << Verbose(1) << "The following query failed: " << (**iter).getTitle() << "." << endl); break; } } if (retval){ // if all queries succeeded we can set the targets to appropriate values for(iter=queries.begin(); iter!=queries.end(); iter++) { (*iter)->setResult(); } } return retval; } /****************** Query types Infrastructure **************************/ // Base class Dialog::Query::Query(string _title, string _description) : title(_title), description(_description) {} Dialog::Query::~Query() {} const std::string Dialog::Query::getTitle() const{ return title; } const std::string Dialog::Query::getDescription() const{ return description; } // empty Queries Dialog::EmptyQuery::EmptyQuery(string title, std::string description) : Query(title, description) {} Dialog::EmptyQuery::~EmptyQuery() {} void Dialog::EmptyQuery::setResult() { } // Int Queries Dialog::IntQuery::IntQuery(string title,int *_target, std::string description) : Query(title, description), target(_target) {} Dialog::IntQuery::~IntQuery() {} void Dialog::IntQuery::setResult() { *target = tmp; } // Int Queries Dialog::BooleanQuery::BooleanQuery(string title,bool *_target, std::string description) : Query(title, description), target(_target) {} Dialog::BooleanQuery::~BooleanQuery() {} void Dialog::BooleanQuery::setResult() { *target = tmp; } // String Queries Dialog::StringQuery::StringQuery(string title,string *_target, std::string _description) : Query(title, _description), target(_target) {} Dialog::StringQuery::~StringQuery() {}; void Dialog::StringQuery::setResult() { *target = tmp; } // Double Queries Dialog::DoubleQuery::DoubleQuery(string title,double *_target, std::string _description) : Query(title, _description), target(_target) {} Dialog::DoubleQuery::~DoubleQuery() {}; void Dialog::DoubleQuery::setResult() { *target = tmp; } // Atom Queries Dialog::AtomQuery::AtomQuery(string title, atom **_target, std::string _description) : Query(title, _description), tmp(0), target(_target) {} Dialog::AtomQuery::~AtomQuery() {} void Dialog::AtomQuery::setResult() { *target = tmp; } // Molecule Queries Dialog::MoleculeQuery::MoleculeQuery(string title, molecule **_target, std::string _description) : Query(title, _description), tmp(0), target(_target) {} Dialog::MoleculeQuery::~MoleculeQuery() {} void Dialog::MoleculeQuery::setResult() { *target = tmp; } // Vector Queries Dialog::VectorQuery::VectorQuery(std::string title,Vector *_target,const double *const _cellSize,bool _check, std::string _description) : Query(title, _description), cellSize(_cellSize), check(_check), target(_target) { tmp = new Vector(); } Dialog::VectorQuery::~VectorQuery() { delete tmp; } void Dialog::VectorQuery::setResult() { *target = *tmp; } // Box Queries Dialog::BoxQuery::BoxQuery(std::string title, double ** const _cellSize, std::string _description) : Query(title, _description), target(_cellSize) { tmp = new double[6]; } Dialog::BoxQuery::~BoxQuery() { delete[] tmp; } void Dialog::BoxQuery::setResult() { for (int i=0;i<6;i++) { (*target)[i] = tmp[i]; } } // Element Queries Dialog::ElementQuery::ElementQuery(std::string title, std::vector *_target, std::string _description) : Query(title, _description), target(_target) {} Dialog::ElementQuery::~ElementQuery(){} void Dialog::ElementQuery::setResult(){ *target=elements; }