[a2ab15] | 1 | /*
| 2 | * CommandLineWindow.cpp
| 3 | *
| 4 | * Created on: May 8, 2010
| 5 | * Author: heber
| 6 | */
| 7 |
[112b09] | 8 | #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp"
| 9 |
[a2ab15] | 10 | #include <boost/bind.hpp>
| 11 |
[5079a0] | 12 | #include "CommandLineUI/CommandLineWindow.hpp"
| 13 | #include "CommandLineUI/CommandLineStatusIndicator.hpp"
[a2ab15] | 14 |
[4380af] | 15 | #include "Actions/ActionRegistry.hpp"
[104524] | 16 | #include "Actions/AnalysisAction/MolecularVolumeAction.hpp"
[97ebf8] | 17 | #include "Actions/AnalysisAction/PairCorrelationAction.hpp"
[104524] | 18 | #include "Actions/AnalysisAction/PrincipalAxisSystemAction.hpp"
[97ebf8] | 19 | #include "Actions/AtomAction/AddAction.hpp"
| 20 | #include "Actions/AtomAction/ChangeElementAction.hpp"
| 21 | #include "Actions/AtomAction/RemoveAction.hpp"
| 22 | #include "Actions/CmdAction/BondLengthTableAction.hpp"
| 23 | #include "Actions/CmdAction/ElementDbAction.hpp"
| 24 | #include "Actions/CmdAction/FastParsingAction.hpp"
[d893f79] | 25 | #include "Actions/CmdAction/HelpAction.hpp"
[97ebf8] | 26 | #include "Actions/CmdAction/VerboseAction.hpp"
[50dfda] | 27 | #include "Actions/CmdAction/VersionAction.hpp"
[97ebf8] | 28 | #include "Actions/FragmentationAction/DepthFirstSearchAction.hpp"
| 29 | #include "Actions/FragmentationAction/SubgraphDissectionAction.hpp"
[e4b5de] | 30 | #include "Actions/FragmentationAction/FragmentationAction.hpp"
[97ebf8] | 31 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/BondFileAction.hpp"
| 32 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/ChangeNameAction.hpp"
| 33 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/FillWithMoleculeAction.hpp"
| 34 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/LinearInterpolationofTrajectoriesAction.hpp"
| 35 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/SaveAdjacencyAction.hpp"
| 36 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/SaveBondsAction.hpp"
| 37 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/SaveTemperatureAction.hpp"
[77b2d7] | 38 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/TranslateAction.hpp"
[97ebf8] | 39 | #include "Actions/MoleculeAction/VerletIntegrationAction.hpp"
[d893f79] | 40 | #include "Actions/ParserAction/LoadXyzAction.hpp"
| 41 | #include "Actions/ParserAction/SaveXyzAction.hpp"
[97ebf8] | 42 | #include "Actions/TesselationAction/ConvexEnvelopeAction.hpp"
| 43 | #include "Actions/TesselationAction/NonConvexEnvelopeAction.hpp"
| 44 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/AddEmptyBoundaryAction.hpp"
| 45 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/BoundInBoxAction.hpp"
| 46 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/CenterInBoxAction.hpp"
| 47 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/CenterOnEdgeAction.hpp"
| 48 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/ChangeBoxAction.hpp"
| 49 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/RemoveSphereOfAtomsAction.hpp"
| 50 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/RepeatBoxAction.hpp"
| 51 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/ScaleBoxAction.hpp"
| 52 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/SetDefaultNameAction.hpp"
| 53 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/SetGaussianBasisAction.hpp"
[4380af] | 54 | #include "CommandLineParser.hpp"
[d893f79] | 55 |
[a2ab15] | 56 | #include <iostream>
| 57 |
| 58 | using namespace std;
| 59 |
| 60 | // TODO: see what code can be moved to a base class for Graphic and CommandLine Windows
[d893f79] | 61 | CommandLineWindow::CommandLineWindow()
[a2ab15] | 62 | {
[d893f79] | 63 | // create and register all command line callable actions
[97ebf8] | 64 | populateAnalysisActions();
[50dfda] | 65 | populateAtomActions();
| 66 | populateCmdActions();
| 67 | populateFragmentationActions();
| 68 | populateMoleculeActions();
[d893f79] | 69 | populateParserActions();
[50dfda] | 70 | populateTesselationActions();
[97ebf8] | 71 | populateWorldActions();
[a2ab15] | 72 |
| 73 | // Add status indicators etc...
| 74 | statusIndicator = new CommandLineStatusIndicator();
| 75 | }
| 76 |
| 77 | CommandLineWindow::~CommandLineWindow()
| 78 | {
| 79 | delete statusIndicator;
| 80 | }
| 81 |
| 82 | void CommandLineWindow::display() {
[4380af] | 83 | // go through all possible actions
[7e6b00] | 84 | for (std::list<std::string>::iterator CommandRunner = CommandLineParser::getInstance().SequenceOfActions.begin(); CommandRunner != CommandLineParser::getInstance().SequenceOfActions.end(); ++CommandRunner) {
| 85 | cout << "Checking presence of " << *CommandRunner << endl;
| 86 | if (ActionRegistry::getInstance().isActionByNamePresent(*CommandRunner))
| 87 | ActionRegistry::getInstance().getActionByName(*CommandRunner)->call();
[4380af] | 88 | }
[a2ab15] | 89 | }
[d893f79] | 90 |
[97ebf8] | 91 | void CommandLineWindow::populateAnalysisActions()
| 92 | {
[104524] | 93 | new AnalysisMolecularVolumeAction();
[97ebf8] | 94 | new AnalysisPairCorrelationAction();
[104524] | 95 | new AnalysisPrincipalAxisSystemAction();
[97ebf8] | 96 | }
| 97 |
[50dfda] | 98 | void CommandLineWindow::populateAtomActions()
| 99 | {
[97ebf8] | 100 | new AtomAddAction();
| 101 | new AtomChangeElementAction();
| 102 | new AtomRemoveAction();
[50dfda] | 103 | }
| 104 |
| 105 | void CommandLineWindow::populateCmdActions()
[d893f79] | 106 | {
[97ebf8] | 107 | new CommandLineBondLengthTableAction();
| 108 | new CommandLineElementDbAction();
| 109 | new CommandLineFastParsingAction();
[e3ecc1a] | 110 | new CommandLineHelpAction();
[97ebf8] | 111 | new CommandLineVerboseAction();
[50dfda] | 112 | new CommandLineVersionAction();
| 113 | }
| 114 |
| 115 | void CommandLineWindow::populateFragmentationActions()
| 116 | {
[97ebf8] | 117 | new FragmentationDepthFirstSearchAction();
[e4b5de] | 118 | new FragmentationFragmentationAction();
| 119 | new FragmentationSubgraphDissectionAction();
[50dfda] | 120 | }
| 121 |
| 122 | void CommandLineWindow::populateMoleculeActions()
| 123 | {
[97ebf8] | 124 | new MoleculeBondFileAction();
| 125 | new MoleculeChangeNameAction();
| 126 | new MoleculeFillWithMoleculeAction();
| 127 | new MoleculeLinearInterpolationofTrajectoriesAction();
| 128 | new MoleculeSaveAdjacencyAction();
| 129 | new MoleculeSaveBondsAction();
| 130 | new MoleculeSaveTemperatureAction();
[77b2d7] | 131 | new MoleculeTranslateAction();
[97ebf8] | 132 | new MoleculeVerletIntegrationAction();
[50dfda] | 133 | }
| 134 |
| 135 | void CommandLineWindow::populateParserActions()
| 136 | {
[d893f79] | 137 | new ParserLoadXyzAction();
| 138 | new ParserSaveXyzAction();
| 139 | }
| 140 |
[50dfda] | 141 | void CommandLineWindow::populateTesselationActions()
| 142 | {
[97ebf8] | 143 | new TesselationConvexEnvelopeAction();
| 144 | new TesselationNonConvexEnvelopeAction();
[50dfda] | 145 | }
| 146 |
[97ebf8] | 147 | void CommandLineWindow::populateWorldActions()
| 148 | {
| 149 | new WorldAddEmptyBoundaryAction();
| 150 | new WorldBoundInBoxAction();
| 151 | new WorldCenterInBoxAction();
| 152 | new WorldCenterOnEdgeAction();
| 153 | new WorldChangeBoxAction();
| 154 | new WorldRemoveSphereOfAtomsAction();
| 155 | new WorldRepeatBoxAction();
| 156 | new WorldScaleBoxAction();
| 157 | new WorldSetDefaultNameAction();
| 158 | new WorldSetGaussianBasisAction();
| 159 | }