/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * BoundaryLineSet.cpp * * Created on: Jul 29, 2010 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif //#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "BoundaryLineSet.hpp" #include #include "BoundaryPointSet.hpp" #include "BoundaryTriangleSet.hpp" #include "Atom/TesselPoint.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp" #include "tesselationhelpers.hpp" #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp" using namespace std; /** Constructor of BoundaryLineSet. */ BoundaryLineSet::BoundaryLineSet() : Nr(-1) { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) endpoints[i] = NULL; } ; /** Constructor of BoundaryLineSet with two endpoints. * Adds line automatically to each endpoints' LineMap * \param *Point[2] array of two boundary points * \param number number of the list */ BoundaryLineSet::BoundaryLineSet(BoundaryPointSet * const Point[2], const int number) { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); // set number Nr = number; // set endpoints in ascending order SetEndpointsOrdered(endpoints, Point[0], Point[1]); // add this line to the hash maps of both endpoints Point[0]->AddLine(this); //Taken out, to check whether we can avoid unwanted double adding. Point[1]->AddLine(this); // // set skipped to false skipped = false; // clear triangles list LOG(5, "DEBUG: New Line with endpoints " << *this << "."); } ; /** Constructor of BoundaryLineSet with two endpoints. * Adds line automatically to each endpoints' LineMap * \param *Point1 first boundary point * \param *Point2 second boundary point * \param number number of the list */ BoundaryLineSet::BoundaryLineSet(BoundaryPointSet * const Point1, BoundaryPointSet * const Point2, const int number) : Nr(number), skipped(false) { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); // set endpoints in ascending order SetEndpointsOrdered(endpoints, Point1, Point2); // add this line to the hash maps of both endpoints Point1->AddLine(this); //Taken out, to check whether we can avoid unwanted double adding. Point2->AddLine(this); // // clear triangles list LOG(5, "DEBUG: New Line with endpoints " << *this << "."); } ; /** Destructor for BoundaryLineSet. * Removes itself from each endpoints' LineMap, calling RemoveTrianglePoint() when point not connected anymore. * \note When removing lines from a class Tesselation, use RemoveTesselationLine() */ BoundaryLineSet::~BoundaryLineSet() { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); int Numbers[2]; // get other endpoint number of finding copies of same line if (endpoints[1] != NULL) Numbers[0] = endpoints[1]->Nr; else Numbers[0] = -1; if (endpoints[0] != NULL) Numbers[1] = endpoints[0]->Nr; else Numbers[1] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (endpoints[i] != NULL) { if (Numbers[i] != -1) { // as there may be multiple lines with same endpoints, we have to go through each and find in the endpoint's line list this line set pair erasor = endpoints[i]->lines.equal_range(Numbers[i]); for (LineMap::iterator Runner = erasor.first; Runner != erasor.second; Runner++) if ((*Runner).second == this) { //LOG(0, "Removing Line Nr. " << Nr << " in boundary point " << *endpoints[i] << "."); endpoints[i]->lines.erase(Runner); break; } } else { // there's just a single line left if (endpoints[i]->lines.erase(Nr)) { //LOG(0, "Removing Line Nr. " << Nr << " in boundary point " << *endpoints[i] << "."); } } if (endpoints[i]->lines.empty()) { //LOG(0, *endpoints[i] << " has no more lines it's attached to, erasing."); if (endpoints[i] != NULL) { delete (endpoints[i]); endpoints[i] = NULL; } } } } if (!triangles.empty()) ELOG(2, "Memory Leak! I " << *this << " am still connected to some triangles."); } ; /** Add triangle to TriangleMap of this boundary line. * \param *triangle to add */ void BoundaryLineSet::AddTriangle(BoundaryTriangleSet * const triangle) { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); LOG(5, "DEBUG: Add " << triangle->Nr << " to line " << *this << "."); triangles.insert(TrianglePair(triangle->Nr, triangle)); } ; /** Checks whether we have a common endpoint with given \a *line. * \param *line other line to test * \return true - common endpoint present, false - not connected */ bool BoundaryLineSet::IsConnectedTo(const BoundaryLineSet * const line) const { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); if ((endpoints[0] == line->endpoints[0]) || (endpoints[1] == line->endpoints[0]) || (endpoints[0] == line->endpoints[1]) || (endpoints[1] == line->endpoints[1])) return true; else return false; } ; /** Checks whether the adjacent triangles of a baseline are convex or not. * We sum the two angles of each height vector with respect to the center of the baseline. * If greater/equal M_PI than we are convex. * \param *out output stream for debugging * \return true - triangles are convex, false - concave or less than two triangles connected */ bool BoundaryLineSet::CheckConvexityCriterion() const { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); double angle = CalculateConvexity(); if (angle > -MYEPSILON) { LOG(3, "ACCEPT: Angle is greater than pi: convex."); return true; } else { LOG(3, "REJECT: Angle is less than pi: concave."); return false; } } /** Calculates the angle between two triangles with respect to their normal vector. * We sum the two angles of each height vector with respect to the center of the baseline. * \return angle > 0 then convex, if < 0 then concave */ double BoundaryLineSet::CalculateConvexity() const { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); Vector BaseLineCenter, BaseLineNormal, BaseLine, helper[2], NormalCheck; // get the two triangles if (triangles.size() != 2) { ELOG(0, "Baseline " << *this << " is connected to less than two triangles, Tesselation incomplete!"); return true; } // check normal vectors // have a normal vector on the base line pointing outwards //LOG(0, "INFO: " << *this << " has vectors at " << *(endpoints[0]->node->node) << " and at " << *(endpoints[1]->node->node) << "."); BaseLineCenter = (1./2.)*((endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) + (endpoints[1]->node->getPosition())); BaseLine = (endpoints[0]->node->getPosition()) - (endpoints[1]->node->getPosition()); //LOG(0, "INFO: Baseline is " << BaseLine << " and its center is at " << BaseLineCenter << "."); BaseLineNormal.Zero(); NormalCheck.Zero(); double sign = -1.; int i = 0; class BoundaryPointSet *node = NULL; for (TriangleMap::const_iterator runner = triangles.begin(); runner != triangles.end(); runner++) { //LOG(0, "INFO: NormalVector of " << *(runner->second) << " is " << runner->second->NormalVector << "."); NormalCheck += runner->second->NormalVector; NormalCheck *= sign; sign = -sign; if (runner->second->NormalVector.NormSquared() > MYEPSILON) BaseLineNormal = runner->second->NormalVector; // yes, copy second on top of first else { ELOG(0, "Triangle " << *runner->second << " has zero normal vector!"); } node = runner->second->GetThirdEndpoint(this); if (node != NULL) { //LOG(0, "INFO: Third node for triangle " << *(runner->second) << " is " << *node << " at " << *(node->node->node) << "."); helper[i] = (node->node->getPosition()) - BaseLineCenter; helper[i].MakeNormalTo(BaseLine); // we want to compare the triangle's heights' angles! //LOG(0, "INFO: Height vector with respect to baseline is " << helper[i] << "."); i++; } else { ELOG(1, "I cannot find third node in triangle, something's wrong."); return true; } } //LOG(0, "INFO: BaselineNormal is " << BaseLineNormal << "."); if (NormalCheck.NormSquared() < MYEPSILON) { LOG(3, "ACCEPT: Normalvectors of both triangles are the same: convex."); return true; } BaseLineNormal.Scale(-1.); double angle = GetAngle(helper[0], helper[1], BaseLineNormal); return (angle - M_PI); } /** Checks whether point is any of the two endpoints this line contains. * \param *point point to test * \return true - point is of the line, false - is not */ bool BoundaryLineSet::ContainsBoundaryPoint(const BoundaryPointSet * const point) const { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (point == endpoints[i]) return true; return false; } ; /** Returns other endpoint of the line. * \param *point other endpoint * \return NULL - if endpoint not contained in BoundaryLineSet::lines, or pointer to BoundaryPointSet otherwise */ class BoundaryPointSet *BoundaryLineSet::GetOtherEndpoint(const BoundaryPointSet * const point) const { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); if (endpoints[0] == point) return endpoints[1]; else if (endpoints[1] == point) return endpoints[0]; else return NULL; } ; /** Returns other triangle of the line. * \param *point other endpoint * \return NULL - if triangle not contained in BoundaryLineSet::triangles, or pointer to BoundaryTriangleSet otherwise */ class BoundaryTriangleSet *BoundaryLineSet::GetOtherTriangle(const BoundaryTriangleSet * const triangle) const { //Info FunctionInfo(__func__); if (triangles.size() == 2) { for (TriangleMap::const_iterator TriangleRunner = triangles.begin(); TriangleRunner != triangles.end(); ++TriangleRunner) if (TriangleRunner->second != triangle) return TriangleRunner->second; } return NULL; } ; /** output operator for BoundaryLineSet. * \param &ost output stream * \param &a boundary line */ ostream & operator <<(ostream &ost, const BoundaryLineSet &a) { ost << "[" << a.Nr << "|" << a.endpoints[0]->node->getName() << "," << a.endpoints[1]->node->getName() << "]"; //ost << "[" << a.Nr << "|" << a.endpoints[0]->node->getName() << " at " << a.endpoints[0]->node->getPosition() << "," << a.endpoints[1]->node->getName() << " at " << a.endpoints[1]->node->getPosition() << "]"; return ost; } ;