[f683fe] | 1 | #!/usr/bin/python
| 2 | #
| 3 | # Takes two pdb file and a dbond file, matches the coordinates and thus creates a mapping from old ids to new ids.
| 4 |
| 5 | import sys, random, math, re
| 6 | wrerr=sys.stderr.write
| 7 | wrout=sys.stdout.write
| 8 |
| 9 | # check arguments
| 10 | if len(sys.argv) < 5:
| 11 | print "Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" <srcPDBfile> <destXYZfile> <offsetID> <offsetXYZ> <srcDBONDfile> [destDBONDfile]"
| 12 | sys.exit(1)
| 13 |
| 14 | EPSILON=1e-3
| 15 | CUTOFF=2.
| 16 | inputsrcPDB = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
| 17 | inputdestPDB = open(sys.argv[2], "r")
| 18 | inputsrcDBOND = open(sys.argv[5], "r")
| 19 | offsetID=int(sys.argv[3])
| 20 | offsetXYZ=int(sys.argv[4])
| 21 | if len(sys.argv) > 6:
| 22 | output = open(sys.argv[6],"w")
| 23 | else:
| 24 | output = open(sys.argv[5]+".new", "w")
| 25 |
| 26 | # 1. first parse both PDB files into arrays (id, element, xyz) , therewhile scan BoundaryBoxes
| 27 | max = [ 0., 0., 0. ]
| 28 | min = [ 0., 0., 0. ]
| 29 | x = [ 0., 0., 0. ]
| 30 | print "Scanning source PDB file"+sys.argv[1]+"."
| 31 | srcAtoms = []
| 32 | for line in inputsrcPDB:
| 33 | if "#" in line:
| 34 | continue
| 35 | if "END" in line:
| 36 | break
| 37 | if "ATOM" in line:
| 38 | entries = line.split()
| 39 | for n in range(3):
| 40 | x[n] = float(entries[offsetXYZ+n])
| 41 | if x[n] > max[n]:
| 42 | max[n] = x[n]
| 43 | if x[n] < min[n]:
| 44 | min[n] = x[n]
| 45 | srcAtoms.append([int(entries[offsetID]), x[0], x[1], x[2]])
| 46 | inputsrcPDB.close()
| 47 | print "Scanning destination XYZ file"+sys.argv[2]+"."
| 48 | destAtoms = []
| 49 | index = 0
| 50 | for line in inputdestPDB:
| 51 | entries = line.split()
| 52 | if (len(entries)<1 or (entries[0]!="O" and entries[0]!="Si" and entries[0]!="Ca")):
| 53 | continue
| 54 | for n in range(3):
| 55 | x[n] = float(entries[1+n])
| 56 | if x[n] > max[n]:
| 57 | x[n]-=max[n]
| 58 | if x[n] < min[n]:
| 59 | x[n]+=max[n]
| 60 | destAtoms.append([index, x[0], x[1], x[2]])
| 61 | index+=1
| 62 | inputdestPDB.close()
| 63 |
| 64 | # 2. create Linked Cell with minimum distance box length
| 65 | print "Found Box bounds [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]." % (min[0],max[0],min[1],max[1],min[2],max[2])
| 66 | for i in range(3): # shift by minimum if below zero
| 67 | if min[i] < 0:
| 68 | max[i]-=min[i]
| 69 | else:
| 70 | min[i]=0
| 71 | cells_x=int(math.ceil(float(max[0])/CUTOFF))
| 72 | cells_y=int(math.ceil(float(max[1])/CUTOFF))
| 73 | cells_z=int(math.ceil(float(max[2])/CUTOFF))
| 74 | print "Number of cells in each axis direction (%f,%f,%f)." % (cells_x, cells_y, cells_z)
| 75 |
| 76 | # 3. put each atom into its cell, lists may contain multiple atoms, mark src(0) or dest (1)
| 77 | cell=[]
| 78 | for i in range(cells_x):
| 79 | cell.append([])
| 80 | for j in range(cells_y):
| 81 | cell[i].append([])
| 82 | for k in range(cells_z):
| 83 | cell[i][j].append([0])
| 84 | for i in range(len(srcAtoms)):
| 85 | atom = srcAtoms[i]
| 86 | print atom
| 87 | for n in range(3):
| 88 | x[n] = int(math.floor(float(atom[1+n])/CUTOFF))
| 89 | if cells_x ==x[0]:
| 90 | x[0]-=1
| 91 | if cells_y ==x[1]:
| 92 | x[1]-=1
| 93 | if cells_z ==x[2]:
| 94 | x[2]-=1
| 95 | print x
| 96 | cell[x[0]][x[1]][x[2]][0]+=1
| 97 | cell[x[0]][x[1]][x[2]].append([0,i]) # 0 means src
| 98 | print "Source atom "+str(i)+" goes to cell "+str(x[0])+","+str(x[1])+","+str(x[2])+"."
| 99 | for i in range(len(destAtoms)):
| 100 | atom = destAtoms[i]
| 101 | for n in range(3):
| 102 | x[n] = int(math.floor(float(atom[1+n])/CUTOFF))
| 103 | cell[x[0]][x[1]][x[2]][0]+=1
| 104 | cell[x[0]][x[1]][x[2]].append([1,i]) # 1 means dest
| 105 | print "Destination atom "+str(i)+" goes to cell "+str(x[0])+","+str(x[1])+","+str(x[2])+"."
| 106 |
| 107 | # 4. go through each cell and match (src, dest)-pairs by closest distance, warn if greater than EPSILON
| 108 | srcMatches=0
| 109 | destMatches=0
| 110 | Map = {}
| 111 | i=-1
| 112 | j=-1
| 113 | k=-1
| 114 | l=-1
| 115 | e=-1
| 116 | r=-1
| 117 | t=-1
| 118 | m=-1
| 119 | for i in range(cells_x):
| 120 | for j in range(cells_y):
| 121 | for k in range(cells_z):
| 122 |
| 123 | #go through every atom in cell
| 124 | try:
| 125 | for l in range(1, cell[i][j][k][0]+1):
| 126 | if cell[i][j][k][l][0] != 0: # skip if it's not a src atom
| 127 | continue
| 128 | atom1=cell[i][j][k][l][1]
| 129 | print "Current source atom is "+str(srcAtoms[atom1][0])+"."
| 130 | currentPair=[atom1,-1]
| 131 | oldDist=0.
| 132 | # go through cell and all lower neighbours
| 133 | for e in range(i-1,i+2):
| 134 | #if on boarder continue periodic
| 135 | #if e>cells_x-1:
| 136 | # e=e-cells_x
| 137 | if (e < 0) or (e >= cells_x):
| 138 | continue
| 139 | for r in range(j-1,j+2):
| 140 | #if on boarder continue periodic
| 141 | #if r>cells_y-1:
| 142 | # r=r-cells_y
| 143 | if (r < 0) or (r >= cells_y):
| 144 | continue
| 145 | for t in range(k-1,k+2):
| 146 | #if on boarder continue periodic
| 147 | #if t>cells_z-1:
| 148 | # t=t-cells_z
| 149 | if (t < 0) or (t >= cells_z):
| 150 | continue
| 151 | #go through all atoms in cell
| 152 | for m in range(1, cell[e][r][t][0]+1):
| 153 | if cell[e][r][t][m][0] != 1: # skip if it's not a dest atom
| 154 | continue
| 155 | atom2=cell[e][r][t][m][1]
| 156 | print "Current destination atom is "+str(destAtoms[atom2][0])+"."
| 157 | dist=0
| 158 | tmp=0
| 159 | for n in range(3):
| 160 | tmp = srcAtoms[atom1][1+n] - destAtoms[atom2][1+n]
| 161 | dist += tmp*tmp
| 162 | print "Squared distance between the two is "+str(dist)+"."
| 163 | if ((oldDist > dist) or ((currentPair[1] == -1) and (dist<EPSILON))):
| 164 | currentPair[1] = atom2
| 165 | oldDist = dist
| 166 | if currentPair[1] == -1:
| 167 | print"Could not find a suitable partner for srcAtom (%d,%d)!\n" % (srcAtoms[currentPair[0]][0],currentPair[1])
| 168 | Map[ srcAtoms[currentPair[0]][0] ] = currentPair[1]
| 169 | else:
| 170 | print "Found a suitable partner for srcAtom "+str(srcAtoms[currentPair[0]][0])+","+str(destAtoms[currentPair[1]][0])+"."
| 171 | srcMatches+=1
| 172 | destMatches+=1
| 173 | Map[ srcAtoms[currentPair[0]][0] ] = destAtoms[currentPair[1]][0]
| 174 | except IndexError:
| 175 | wrerr("Index Error: (%d,%d,%d)[%d] and (%d,%d,%d)[%d]\n" % (i,j,k,l,e,r,t,m))
| 176 | break
| 177 |
| 178 | # 5. print the listing
| 179 | print "We have "+str(srcMatches)+" matching atoms."
| 180 | print "Mapping is:"
| 181 | for key in Map:
| 182 | print str(key)+" -> "+str(Map[key])
| 183 | #print Map # work also
| 184 |
| 185 | # 6. use the listing to rewrite the dbond file, store under given filename
| 186 | for line in inputsrcDBOND:
| 187 | if "#" in line:
| 188 | continue
| 189 | entries=line.split()
| 190 | flag=0
| 191 | for n in range(len(entries)):
| 192 | if int(entries[n]) == 0 or Map[ int(entries[n]) ] == -1:
| 193 | flag=1
| 194 | if flag==1:
| 195 | continue
| 196 | for n in range(len(entries)):
| 197 | output.write("%d\t" % (Map[ int(entries[n]) ]))
| 198 | output.write("\n")
| 199 | output.close()
| 200 | print "We have "+str(srcMatches)+" matching atoms."
| 201 | # exit