1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | *
6 | *
7 | * This file is part of MoleCuilder.
8 | *
9 | * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
12 | * (at your option) any later version.
13 | *
14 | * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | *
19 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | */
22 |
23 | /*
24 | * ManyBodyPotential_TersoffUnitTest.cpp
25 | *
26 | * Created on: Oct 04, 2012
27 | * Author: heber
28 | */
29 |
30 | // include config.h
31 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
32 | #include <config.h>
33 | #endif
34 |
35 | using namespace std;
36 |
37 | #include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
38 | #include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
39 | #include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
40 |
41 | #include "ManyBodyPotential_TersoffUnitTest.hpp"
42 |
43 | #include <boost/assign.hpp>
44 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
45 |
46 | #include <limits>
47 |
48 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
49 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
50 |
51 | #include "FunctionApproximation/FunctionArgument.hpp"
52 | #include "Potentials/Specifics/ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff.hpp"
53 | #include "Potentials/helpers.hpp"
54 |
55 | using namespace boost::assign;
56 |
58 | #include "UnitTestMain.hpp"
59 | #endif /*HAVE_TESTRUNNER*/
60 |
61 | /********************************************** Test classes **************************************/
62 |
63 | // Registers the fixture into the 'registry'
64 | CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest );
65 |
66 | ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::configurations_t ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::configurations;
67 |
68 | /** This function looks up all distances ik and jk to a given ij and
69 | * returns a vector of pairs.
70 | */
71 | std::vector<FunctionModel::arguments_t>
72 | triplefunction(const argument_t &arguments, const double cutoff)
73 | {
74 | const ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::configuration_t &CurrentConfiguration =
75 | ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::configurations[arguments.globalid];
76 | std::vector<FunctionModel::arguments_t> result;
77 | // go through current configuration and gather all other distances
78 | ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::configuration_t::const_iterator firstiter =
79 | CurrentConfiguration.begin();
80 | std::advance(firstiter, arguments.indices.first);
81 | ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::configuration_t::const_iterator seconditer =
82 | CurrentConfiguration.begin();
83 | std::advance(seconditer, arguments.indices.second);
84 | for (ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::configuration_t::const_iterator iter =
85 | CurrentConfiguration.begin();
86 | iter != CurrentConfiguration.end();
87 | ++iter) {
88 | // skip k==i and k==j
89 | if ((iter == firstiter) || (iter == seconditer))
90 | continue;
91 | FunctionModel::arguments_t args(2);
92 | // ik
93 | args[0].distance = firstiter->distance(*iter);
94 | args[0].indices = std::make_pair(
95 | std::distance(CurrentConfiguration.begin(), firstiter),
96 | std::distance(CurrentConfiguration.begin(), iter)
97 | );
98 | args[0].globalid = arguments.globalid;
99 | // jk
100 | args[1].distance = seconditer->distance(*iter);
101 | args[1].indices = std::make_pair(
102 | std::distance(CurrentConfiguration.begin(), seconditer),
103 | std::distance(CurrentConfiguration.begin(), iter)
104 | );
105 | args[1].globalid = arguments.globalid;
106 | result.push_back(args);
107 | }
108 | return result;
109 | }
110 |
111 | void ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::setUp()
112 | {
113 | // failing asserts should be thrown
114 | ASSERT_DO(Assert::Throw);
115 |
116 | setVerbosity(10);
117 |
118 | // we use parameters from tremolo/defaults/tersoff/tersoff.potentials
119 | // [Tersoff, '89]
120 | params.resize(ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::MAXPARAMS,0.);
121 | // params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::R] = 1.800000e+00;
122 | // params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::S] = 2.100000e+00;
123 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::A] = 1.393600e+03;
124 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::B] = 3.467000e+02;
125 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::lambda] = 3.487900e+00;
126 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::mu] = 2.211900e+00;
127 | // params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::lambda3] = 0.;
128 | // params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::alpha] = 0.;
129 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::beta] = 1.572400e-07;
130 | // params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::chi] = 1.;
131 | // params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::omega] = 1.;
132 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::n] = 7.275100e-01;
133 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::c] = 3.804900e+04;
134 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::d] = 4.384000e+00;
135 | params[ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::h] = -5.705800e-01;
136 |
137 | // initial configuration as in tremolo/default/tersoff/tersoff.data with
138 | // Si renamed to C.
139 | // create test configurations of 5 C atoms, constructed via:
140 | // for file in tersoff.vis.00?0.xyz; do
141 | // echo -e "\t{\n\t\tconfiguration_t positions;\n\t\tpositions +="
142 | // tail -n 5 $file | awk -F " " {'print "\t\t\t\tVector("$2","$3","$4")"(NR!=5 ? "," : ";")'}
143 | // echo -e -n "\t}\n"
144 | // done
145 | {
146 | configuration_t positions;
147 | positions +=
148 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.100000e+01,1.100000e+01),
149 | Vector(1.120000e+01,1.000000e+01,1.000000e+01),
150 | Vector(8.800000e+00,1.000000e+01,1.000000e+01),
151 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.200000e+01,1.000000e+01),
152 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.100000e+01,1.240000e+01);
153 | configurations.push_back(positions);
154 | }
155 | {
156 | configuration_t positions;
157 | positions +=
158 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.099315e+01,1.099482e+01),
159 | Vector(1.119779e+01,1.000179e+01,1.000235e+01),
160 | Vector(8.802208e+00,1.000179e+01,1.000235e+01),
161 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.200262e+01,9.999421e+00),
162 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.100066e+01,1.240107e+01);
163 | configurations.push_back(positions);
164 | }
165 | {
166 | configuration_t positions;
167 | positions +=
168 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.097354e+01,1.098018e+01),
169 | Vector(1.119164e+01,1.000675e+01,1.000902e+01),
170 | Vector(8.808358e+00,1.000675e+01,1.000902e+01),
171 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.201036e+01,9.997816e+00),
172 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.100260e+01,1.240397e+01);
173 | configurations.push_back(positions);
174 | }
175 | {
176 | configuration_t positions;
177 | positions +=
178 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.094419e+01,1.095884e+01),
179 | Vector(1.118308e+01,1.001364e+01,1.001884e+01),
180 | Vector(8.816924e+00,1.001364e+01,1.001884e+01),
181 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.202283e+01,9.995566e+00),
182 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.100570e+01,1.240790e+01);
183 | configurations.push_back(positions);
184 | }
185 | {
186 | configuration_t positions;
187 | positions +=
188 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.090791e+01,1.093293e+01),
189 | Vector(1.117318e+01,1.002158e+01,1.003102e+01),
190 | Vector(8.826818e+00,1.002158e+01,1.003102e+01),
191 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.203924e+01,9.993210e+00),
192 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.100969e+01,1.241182e+01);
193 | configurations.push_back(positions);
194 | }
195 | {
196 | configuration_t positions;
197 | positions +=
198 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.086664e+01,1.090321e+01),
199 | Vector(1.116216e+01,1.003043e+01,1.004546e+01),
200 | Vector(8.837839e+00,1.003043e+01,1.004546e+01),
201 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.205848e+01,9.991167e+00),
202 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.101403e+01,1.241470e+01);
203 | configurations.push_back(positions);
204 | }
205 | {
206 | configuration_t positions;
207 | positions +=
208 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.082297e+01,1.087033e+01),
209 | Vector(1.115036e+01,1.003997e+01,1.006213e+01),
210 | Vector(8.849644e+00,1.003997e+01,1.006213e+01),
211 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.207923e+01,9.989652e+00),
212 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.101786e+01,1.241577e+01);
213 | configurations.push_back(positions);
214 | }
215 | {
216 | configuration_t positions;
217 | positions +=
218 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.077905e+01,1.083482e+01),
219 | Vector(1.113831e+01,1.004988e+01,1.008085e+01),
220 | Vector(8.861694e+00,1.004988e+01,1.008085e+01),
221 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.210048e+01,9.989022e+00),
222 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.102071e+01,1.241446e+01);
223 | configurations.push_back(positions);
224 | }
225 | {
226 | configuration_t positions;
227 | positions +=
228 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.073683e+01,1.079745e+01),
229 | Vector(1.112678e+01,1.005973e+01,1.010129e+01),
230 | Vector(8.873218e+00,1.005973e+01,1.010129e+01),
231 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.212139e+01,9.989594e+00),
232 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.102232e+01,1.241038e+01);
233 | configurations.push_back(positions);
234 | }
235 | {
236 | configuration_t positions;
237 | positions +=
238 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.069834e+01,1.075920e+01),
239 | Vector(1.111685e+01,1.006891e+01,1.012296e+01),
240 | Vector(8.883151e+00,1.006891e+01,1.012296e+01),
241 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.214131e+01,9.991602e+00),
242 | Vector(1.000000e+01,1.102252e+01,1.240327e+01);
243 | configurations.push_back(positions);
244 | }
245 |
246 | // cut from tersoff.etot via:
247 | // for i in `seq 0 1 9`; do
248 | // grep $i.000000e-01 tersoff.etot | awk -F" " {'print "\t\t\t\t"$2","'}
249 | // done
250 | // (though timestep 0 is missing and is added manually)
251 | output +=
252 | -1.333927e+01,
253 | -1.359628e+01,
254 | -1.420701e+01,
255 | -1.479974e+01,
256 | -1.537942e+01,
257 | -1.584603e+01,
258 | -1.615832e+01,
259 | -1.630598e+01,
260 | -1.626654e+01,
261 | -1.603360e+01;
262 |
263 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( output.size(), configurations.size() );
264 | }
265 |
266 | void ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::tearDown()
267 | {
268 | configurations.clear();
269 | }
270 |
271 | /** UnitTest for operator()
272 | */
273 | void ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::operatorTest()
274 | {
275 | boost::function<
276 | std::vector<FunctionModel::arguments_t>(const argument_t &, const double)
277 | > fct =
278 | triplefunction;
279 | ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::ParticleTypes_t types =
280 | boost::assign::list_of<ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::ParticleType_t>
281 | (0)(1)
282 | ;
283 | ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff tersoff(types);
284 | tersoff.setTriplefunction(fct);
285 | tersoff.setParameters(params);
286 | const_cast<double &>(tersoff.R) = 1.8;
287 | const_cast<double &>(tersoff.S) = 2.1;
288 | for (size_t index = 0; index < configurations.size(); ++index) {
289 | const configuration_t &CurrentConfiguration = configurations[index];
290 | double temp = 0.;
291 | for (size_t i=0; i < CurrentConfiguration.size(); ++i)
292 | for (size_t j=0; j < CurrentConfiguration.size(); ++j) {
293 | if (i == j)
294 | continue;
295 | argument_t arg;
296 | arg.indices = std::make_pair(i,j);
297 | arg.types = std::make_pair(0,1);
298 | arg.distance = CurrentConfiguration[i].distance(CurrentConfiguration[j]);
299 | arg.globalid = index; // this is needed for the triplefunction to the configuration
300 | FunctionModel::arguments_t args(1,arg);
301 | const ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::results_t res = tersoff(args);
302 | temp += res[0];
303 | }
304 | // this little precision is because tremolo does seem to handle coordinates
305 | // a little differently than we do, the precise difference in the x coordinate
306 | // of the first and second position for the second configuration is easy to
307 | // see as 1.119779. However, tremolo obtains 1.1197792 for unknown reasons.
308 | // Maybe, there is some float floating around in the code ... see strtod() bugs
309 | // LOG(2, "Comparing " << output[index] << " and " << .5*temp);
311 | Helpers::isEqual(
312 | output[index],
313 | .5*temp,
314 | 1.e-4/std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
315 | )
316 | );
317 | }
318 | }
319 |
320 | /** UnitTest for derivative()
321 | */
322 | void ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::derivativeTest()
323 | {
324 | // boost::function<
325 | // std::vector<FunctionModel::arguments_t>(const argument_t &, const double)
326 | // > fct =
327 | // triplefunction;
328 | // ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::ParticleTypes_t types =
329 | // boost::assign::list_of<ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::ParticleType_t>
330 | // (0)(1)
331 | // ;
332 | // ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff tersoff(types, fct);
333 | // tersoff.setParameters(params);
335 | // Helpers::isEqual(
336 | // 0.,
337 | // tersoff.derivative(
338 | // FunctionModel::arguments_t(1,argument_t(1.))
339 | // )[0]
340 | // )
341 | // );
342 | }
343 |
344 |
345 | /** UnitTest for parameter_derivative()
346 | */
347 | void ManyBodyPotential_TersoffTest::parameter_derivativeTest()
348 | {
349 | // boost::function<
350 | // std::vector<FunctionModel::arguments_t>(const argument_t &, const double)
351 | // > fct =
352 | // triplefunction;
353 | // ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::ParticleTypes_t types =
354 | // boost::assign::list_of<ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff::ParticleType_t>
355 | // (0)(1)
356 | // ;
357 | // ManyBodyPotential_Tersoff tersoff(types, fct);
358 | // tersoff.setParameters(params);
360 | // Helpers::isEqual(
361 | // 0.,
362 | // tersoff.parameter_derivative(
363 | // FunctionModel::arguments_t(1,argument_t(1.)),
364 | // 0
365 | // )[0]
366 | // )
367 | // );
369 | // Helpers::isEqual(
370 | // 0.,
371 | // tersoff.parameter_derivative(
372 | // FunctionModel::arguments_t(1,argument_t(1.)),
373 | // 1
374 | // )[0]
375 | // )
376 | // );
378 | // Helpers::isEqual(
379 | // 1.,
380 | // tersoff.parameter_derivative(
381 | // FunctionModel::arguments_t(1,argument_t(1.)),
382 | // 2
383 | // )[0]
384 | // )
385 | // );
386 | }