1 | /*
2 | * Observer.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Jan 19, 2010
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef OBSERVER_HPP_
9 | #define OBSERVER_HPP_
10 |
11 | #include <map>
12 | #include <set>
13 | #include <string>
14 | #include <sstream>
15 |
16 | /**
17 | * Basic structure for the observer pattern
18 | *
19 | * Observers register themselves with the observables to be notified when something changes.
20 | * In the Observable code that changes, attributes should be started with OBSERVE;. This macro
21 | * locks the observer mechanism while changes are done. At the end of the scope in which the
22 | * macro was placed the lock is released. When the last lock is released all changes are
23 | * propagated to the observers.
24 | *
25 | * Each observerable can have sub-observables. When one of these sub-observables changes and
26 | * notifies its observers the observable that contains them will also notify its observers.
27 | * This passing on of updates is blocked, when the main-observable is in the process of
28 | * updating many of its internal sub-observables. This means the update is not passed, if
29 | * it is produced while the main-observable itself is within any Observation block.
30 | */
31 |
32 | // Deactivate any logging when we are not in debug mode
33 | #ifdef NDEBUG
34 | #undef LOG_OBSERVER
35 | #endif
36 |
37 | class Observable;
38 | class Notification;
39 |
40 | // Pointers to notifications are used for unique identification
41 | // using this typedef makes it hard for others to mess up this
42 | // identification process
43 | typedef Notification *const Notification_ptr;
44 |
45 | template<class _Set>
46 | class ObservedIterator;
47 |
48 | /**
49 | * An Observer is notified by all Observed objects, when anything changes.
50 | *
51 | * If a simple change is done to an Object the Obervable will call the update() method
52 | * of all signed on observers, passing itself as a parameter for identification. The
53 | * Observers should then react to the changes and update themselves accordingly.
54 | *
55 | * If an observed Object is destroyed it will call the subjectKilled() method
56 | * of all signed on Observers, again passing itself as a parameter for identification.
57 | * The Observers should handle the destruction of an observed Object gracefully, i.e.
58 | * set themselves inactive, display something else, etc. There is no need
59 | * to sign of from the dying object, since this will be handled by the Observable destructor.
60 | */
61 | class Observer
62 | {
63 | friend class Observable;
64 | friend class Notification;
65 | template<class> friend class ObservedIterator;
66 |
67 | // indicates the constructor called from Observables
68 | struct BaseConstructor{};
69 |
70 | public:
71 | Observer(BaseConstructor);
72 | Observer(std::string);
73 | virtual ~Observer();
74 |
75 | protected:
76 | /**
77 | * This method is called upon changes of the Observable
78 | */
79 | virtual void update(Observable *publisher)=0;
80 |
81 | /**
82 | * This method is called when a special named change
83 | * of the Observable occured
84 | */
85 | virtual void recieveNotification(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification);
86 |
87 | /**
88 | * This method is called when the observed object is destroyed.
89 | */
90 | virtual void subjectKilled(Observable *publisher)=0;
91 | };
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * An Observable implements all neccessary method for being observed.
95 | *
96 | * That is, it provides methods for signing on and of from an
97 | * Observable that can be used by any observer. The actual
98 | * observer-mechanism is handled at a central static place
99 | * to avoid memory issues when many observable are around but only few
100 | * are actually observed.
101 | */
102 | class Observable : public Observer {
103 | public:
104 | Observable(std::string _name);
105 | virtual ~Observable();
106 |
107 | /**
108 | * Sign an Observer on to this Observable. The Observer will be notified
109 | * whenever something inside the Observable changes. The Observer can
110 | * assign itself a priority for the changes in the range of -20:+20.
111 | * The Observer with lower priority will be called before the others,
112 | * same as with Unix nice-levels. This can be used when an Object
113 | * contains other objects that observe it (derived values), and these objects have
114 | * to recalculate their states before the changes should be propageted to the
115 | * UI. A default priority of 0 should be fine in most cases, since there is
116 | * ussually no need to order the update sequence.
117 | */
118 | virtual void signOn(Observer *target, int priority=0);
119 |
120 | /**
121 | * Sign of a previously signed on Observer. After this no more
122 | * updates will be recieved from that observer.
123 | */
124 | virtual void signOff(Observer *target);
125 |
126 | /**
127 | * Sign on for specialized notifications
128 | */
129 | virtual void signOn(Observer *target, Notification_ptr notification);
130 |
131 | /**
132 | * Stop receiving a specialized notification
133 | */
134 | virtual void signOff(Observer *target, Notification_ptr notification);
135 |
136 | /**
137 | * Ask an Observer if it is currently in a blocked state, i.e. if
138 | * Changes are in Progress, that are not yet published.
139 | */
140 | virtual bool isBlocked();
141 |
142 | protected:
143 | virtual void update(Observable *publisher);
144 | virtual void subjectKilled(Observable *publisher);
145 |
146 | virtual void notifyAll();
147 | protected:
148 | // Observer mechanism is done from a static central place
149 | /**
150 | * Internal method.
151 | * Do not call directly. Use OBSERVE macro instead
152 | */
153 | static void start_observer_internal(Observable *publisher);
154 | /**
155 | * Internal method.
156 | * Do not call directly. Use OBSERVE macro instead
157 | */
158 | static void finish_observer_internal(Observable *publisher);
159 |
160 | static void enque_notification_internal(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification);
161 |
162 | private:
163 | typedef std::multimap<int,Observer*> callees_t;
164 | typedef std::set<Notification*> notificationSet;
165 | static std::map<Observable*, int> depth;
166 | static std::map<Observable*,callees_t> callTable;
167 | static std::map<Observable*,notificationSet> notifications;
168 | static std::set<Observable*> busyObservables;
169 |
170 | //! @cond
171 | // Structure for RAII-Style notification
172 | protected:
173 | /**
174 | * This structure implements the Observer-mechanism RAII-Idiom.
175 | * It triggers certain functions on creation and destruction so that
176 | * Observer mechanisms can be linked to scope block.
177 | */
178 | class _Observable_protector {
179 | public:
180 | _Observable_protector(Observable *);
181 | _Observable_protector(const _Observable_protector&);
182 | ~_Observable_protector();
183 | private:
184 | Observable *protege;
185 | };
186 | //! @endcond
187 | };
188 |
189 | class Notification {
190 | friend class Observable;
191 | public:
192 | Notification(Observable *_owner);
193 | virtual ~Notification();
194 | protected:
195 |
196 | void addObserver(Observer *target);
197 | void removeObserver(Observer *target);
198 |
199 | void notifyAll();
200 | private:
201 | Observable * const owner;
202 | std::set<Observer*> targets;
203 | };
204 |
205 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
206 |
207 | /**
208 | * This class is used to log the working of the observer mechanism
209 | *
210 | * TODO: make this conditional dependent on compiler Flag.
211 | */
212 | class ObserverLog{
213 | friend class Observable;
214 | friend class Observer;
215 | template <typename> friend class Cacheable;
216 | public:
217 | ObserverLog();
218 | ~ObserverLog();
219 | std::string getLog(); // get everything that has been logged
220 | std::string getName(void*); // get the name of an actor
221 | bool isObservable(void*);
222 | private:
223 | int count; // number to reference each actor in this framework
224 | std::map<void*,std::string> names; // List of names assigned to actors
225 | std::set<void*> observables; // List of pointers to Observables. Needed to distinguish Observers and Observables
226 | void addName(void*, std::string); // Assign a name to an Actor
227 | void addObservable(void*);
228 | void deleteName(void*); // delete the name of an Actor
229 | void deleteObservable(void*);
230 | std::stringstream &addMessage(int depth=0); // Add a Message to the logging
231 | std::stringstream log; // The internal log object
232 | };
233 |
234 | ObserverLog &observerLog();
235 |
236 | #endif
237 |
238 | // extra macro is necessary to work with __LINE__
239 | #define PASTE(a,b) PASTE_HELPER(a,b)
240 | #define PASTE_HELPER(a,b) a ## b
241 | #define OBSERVE Observable::_Observable_protector PASTE(_scope_obs_protector_,__LINE__)(this)
242 | #define NOTIFY(notification) do{Observable::enque_notification_internal(this,notification);}while(0)
243 |
244 | #endif /* OBSERVER_HPP_ */